
tvN Promotes Kim Soo Hyun, Jung Hae In, and Jang Nara as the Face of its 2020 K-drama Lineup — 45 Comments

  1. Since when is JN a bigger name than KTH? KSH and SYJ are being courted for the new drama and I think they’ll both say yes. Why is Stranger 2 not being promoted? It already has a confirmed cast and slot for July 2020.

    • Ah I reckon Seo Yea Ji is in talks for FL with KSH but missed the cut and was not mentioned in this article. Thank you @Dramafan for the mere mention of SYJ it means a helluva lot when some of us have been ‘patiently’ waiting for any drama news of her. Both were in a yoghurt ad a few years back. Anyway my drama casting prayer has been answered. ❤️

    • Jang Nara is popular, she works continuously and while her dramas may not suit everyones tastes, they are hits. It’s understandable that tvn promotes Jang Nara’s upcoming drama.

      • Jang Nara is an international idol/star. She isn’t as popular as before but she has been quite visible the last few years.

    • Because Kim Tae Hee is more popular/famous for her visuals while Jang Nara is famous for her acting skills. JN has also delivered back to back hits over a longer period of time. So, given how good content attracts more audience than visuals these days, it makes sense to promote JN over KTH as a acting heavyweight.

    • Considering how SBS has been using Jang Nara to front both 2018 and 2019 with her dramas are among the only 6 dramas which hits the 15% mark for the year and closing off 2019 with her as the host for Drama Awards, can you blame tvN for wanting to capitalising on her name for 2020 to attract advertisers? Aside from the fact her acting and name has been recognised in both Korea and overseas, I would consider the branding and image of JNR higher than KTH… Especially since Knetizens have been labelling her as the donation angel since news of her quietly donating and volunteering has been broke out by public and government acknowledged with an award… so it’s all about Appeal and imaging to advertisers and public.

  2. Does Jang Nara ever rest? She continously filming at least one drama every year since 2011… I don’t particularly find her acting good but then again she originally a singer so I guess it’s understandable.

  3. Kim soo hyun n lmh with big shows linedup. Next year is like 2013 again. New gen actors has yet to match their star power expect sjk or pbg maybe

      • Tiani lmh not be domestic popular on level of pbg but he makes huge money outside korea and he is s5ill A list in korea. Last tear he won govt poll of nost popupar korean actpr overseas beating gong yoo sjk etc. Pbg wasnt even mentioned. Yes behind some others jn korea but he makes it up with worldwide stardom. Thats why he get big offers n international cf deals. But he will get domestic market with with goblin dots writers show next year which is so far biggest show of jext year. So u r undeeestimating lmh too much. I folllw his article’s and he recently sugned 7.5 million dollars cf deal in 3 mnths after discharge. Pbg is not on his level outside korea and bof is bigger than any pbg show and started new hallyu wave. Dont ignore all things . Pbg beats him in korea but overall worldwide lnh is bigger star and he lost domestic polls. But defeated everyone in govt poll worldwide and it was posted on koalas last year too. You can check itm pbg isnt huge overseas compared to lmh ksh n sjk. Lmh get big offers bcoz pd covers up the budget from overseas sales

      • Plus pbg will go to army too. Things can change for him as well and also pls ignore the typos. I hope u got my point. Infact rumors were there that govt wanted lmh to be excluded from army service bcoz many international tourist visit korea for him. He lost gallup polls but make it up with govt polls for international popularity. He makes more money with his international deals than pbg who makes good koney in korea. Pbg is popular but lmh trumps him worlwide by long margin and u cant deny that.
        Plus i love them both but u r not giving lmh his due. Lmh show is biggest one next year and he will get his domestic popularity back again and he remains most popular one worldwide.

      • Of course LMH is a big hallyu star, dear. No one can take his place. PBG just a ‘nugu’ beside him ?
        But let’s make a clear about it, I don’t care about popularity, all that popularity make my bias turn lazy

      • K – Feel free to ignore trolls like Nonsense because PBG fans always get defensive unless you praise him to the heavens. His fans are an obsessive cult just like their bias they’ve been brainwashed. You’re right that PBG isn’t a hallyu star and none of his drama were popular outside of Korea no matter how loudly his fans scream to pretend it was but they weren’t. Encounter was a flop even in Korea and it only got international attention because of SHK. His endorsements are also drying up so his fans have started getting angsty since his popularity has reduced and people like PSJ and JHI have replaced him. In fact PSJ was the 1st ever Korean actor get a birthday ad on NY Times Square.

      • @jj Flop? Lol. Encounter might not do as well as SHK and PBG’s previous dramas but there’s no way it was a flop. The ratings were even better than some weekend dramas on tvN. I’m a fan of SHK but I’d never completely disregard PBG’s domestic and international popularity. They both had contributed to the ratings.
        Tbh I don’t understand why some people look down on PBG just because he isn’t the biggest Hallyu star. FYI, it only takes one drama to be known as one. PBG is still young..there’s still plenty of time for him to do a lot of projects in the future. Enlisting for 2 years isn’t gonna make him lose everything. Some actors are doing even better post enlistments so you should probably stop ‘worrying’ about his popularity. Lol

      • @jj lol PSJ just make it to NY time square in 2018, he got nothing in 2019. Now he opened YT channel to promoted himself. JHI lost many of his cfs already, his Noona cant help him anymore.
        PBG already on Hiatus for 2 years before encounter, and he upgrade his popularity with 15000 fans in Japan without any drama. You’re such ignorant, how about you take care of your own bias.

    • SJK is not new gen. I don’t think PBG is the same level as LMH during 2013 tbh. More than happy to have all the big named stars back on screen. Too much new blood and I can’t even remember their names or faces. They all fade out after the initial hype.

      • Tiani and moony i meant new gen of actors and i mixed up sjk n pbg. Sjk in that sense bcoz his peak cane with dots, couple of years later than lmh and pbg. Not new but last one to hit international superstardom ( i feel pbg is more of domestic king compared to lmh sjk ksh )
        I think park seo joon has made impact but not on these 4 level

      • No one cant beating LMH’s popularity internationally, but honestly all the name you mentioned above beating him domestically. Like the Heirs is international’s hit but not as big as MLFAS, DOTS, and LITM. He aint a king in his own country. KSH bigger than LMH and now its PBG. Not sure about SJK, but big PD love to cast him in big projects, so I think popularity doesnt matter for him anymore. I’am agreed about PSJ btw.

      • I don’t know about that I would say LMH is huge in the domestic market. At the same level as KSH and they were both equally popular during 2013-14 from what I remember. On the other hand PBG and SJK are only popular in Korea but I don’t see any popularity for them outside of that and every year their popularity diminishes while LMH and KSH are unshakable even after 2 years in the military. If we talk about Hallyu kings both LMH and KSH rule the roost for the domestic and international markets and LJS would be next in line. Neither of them has been dethroned since their peak.

      • Heirs had 25% rating in SK and was a craze as big as My Love From Another Star and bigger than any of the other dramas you’ve mentioned.

      • @woody never heard PBG and SJK popularity outside of Korea? Sorry but where do you live? LMH never make his name in gallup or Forbes, thats the most accurate Poll in Korea. You just live in the cave and didnt want to get out from there. The only thing you need to do just watch K-drama, and you will now how big PBG’s name. SJK btw didnt need that popularity anymore, he already make a name in kdramaland, he Will follow Gongyoo and Hyunbin’s step that actually the best way for actors. Actors didnt need popularity. They just need a great projects, MDS can make it to Marvel because his name, while KSH get rejected. LMH? even after the Heirs still struggle to get notice.
        @jc its up after secret love end. There’s a reason why many big actors rejected KES’s offers after the Heirs.

      • @woody I am surprised to read you haven’t heard sjk and bgm popularity outside Korea. They both are last hallayu star before hallyu disappeared. Not sure about Pbg but I remember reading sjk met 60k of his fan in his soldout fan meeting tours in Asia. Lee minho, Song joong ki, lee jong suk, ji Chang wook, kim soo hyun, gong yoo are legit Hallyu star and thats a fact.

    • @adyjunjihyun Agree with everything you said. It’s interesting how PBG isn’t big in hallyu despite having some of the biggest dramas in Korea with Reply 88 and MDBC. I undertand that Reply 88 isn’t the type of drama that gets big internationally, but MDBC is definitely a “hallyu-type” of drama. Like I don’t even think he’s at the level of Park Seo Joon and Ji Chang Wook internationally, let alone LMH, KSH, LJS, SJK.

      • That’s because SHR out hallyued MDBC and LJK ended up as a major hallyu star instead. Nobody cared about PBG because people were obsessed with SHR and still are. MDBC was only popular in Korea which is why PBG never amounted to much as a hallyu stat and they kept tagging him with SJK for the sake of bromance even though the two aren’t very close. DOTS and SHR were the last hallyu dramas.

      • @K how could you know MDBC is a ‘hallyu type’? For what I remember int fans prefer heavy Saeguk drama like Jang geum or Dong yi. I actually one of people who skip MDBC btw, not understand the hyped, eventho PBG is my bias.

      • @Sunshine It’s not that important, but since people were discussing it here, I thought I’d comment on it, that’s all.

        @Bini I see. That makes a lot of sense. I forgot that SHR and MDBC were competitors at the time with the former being big throughout Asia and the latter in Korea.

        @Tiana I’m pretty sure heavy sageuks like Dong Yi and Jang Geum aren’t “hallyu-type.” LMH had BOF and The Heirs, KSH had MLFTS, SJK had DOTS, etc. I wouldn’t call those heavy lol.

      • @Tiani Sorry, I just realized you were only referring to sageuks. But even then, lighter sageuks like Sungkyunkwan Scandal (this one especially since it also had the female disguised as a male) and METS were big internationally despite not being “heavy” like Dong Yi/Jae Gum.

      • @K Did you mean Dae Jang Geum? It was extremely popular though. One of the dramas that started the Hallyu Wave along with WS, AIMH and FH.

      • @Sunshine I’m not sure what Tiani is referring to. I’ve only watched Dong Yi and was not here for the 1st wave of hallyu. But my point is just that “light” dramas/sageuks can be popular internationally as well.

      • @K I’m not sure what the exact formula for a Hallyu drama but something works and others don’t. It could also just be timing. For example even though LOBTS and WFKBJ came out at the same time with LOBTS having the big name actors it was actually WFKBJ that became a hallyu hit. This year we have HDL, EY and TTON can be classified as hallyu dramas despite WTCB and OSN being the more popular dramas in Korea.

      • @k what make you think he is not a big hallyu star? Because he is not in some kind of polls? Park bogum did fanmeeting with 15000 people in japan, PSJ just 3000 poeple, but you called him hallyu star but not PBG? His cina fans bought NYC time square’s billboard with totall 11 screens to celebrate his debut anniversary, His malaysia and PH fans did the same thing in their own countries, what sjk fans did to him in his debut anniversary? I even lost counted how many times PBG’s int fans sent him food trucks and buffet lunch to his filming location, even Gongyoo fans felt bad to gongyoo because he dont get as many as PBG. (Apologized for all actors I mentioned)
        I know he is super popular in korea, but he make his name outside korea too. But I think you just have a weird standar for hallyu star.

      • Bogum is a has been and his popularity only lasted a year or so. His upcoming military enlistment will wipe out whatever little he has left. People have lost all interest in him and he only has weird controversies like his rectum checkup that made news for being suspicious.

      • @Jo You want to drop that PBG check up here? Yet it was a baseless lie that some twitter user posted back in August who actually acknowledged that it was just that…a big fat lie. Tutt tutt try again.

      • @jo pfft the latest news I heard about him, its CJ ent begged him to host their show. Try harder next time ok

      • PBG doesn’t know how to pick projects and he has no acting talent. LMH knows how to pick projects even if he isn’t a good actor. That is the big difference between them. LMH will always be the representative face of Kdrama.

    • Oh gosh thank you @kimster. No confirmation as yet but thank goodness Soompi commentators are favourable with this tentative pairing of KSH and SYJ.

      • Ironically, I’m more excited about KSH’s project after I learned that SYJ would be the lead actress. I was so impressed by her perforamnce in Save Me, she has the capacity to bring intensity to her characters and I see her as a good match for KSH – she will not be overshadowed by him. Now, I can’t wait for the drama to air! LOL.

    • Agree. SYJ is great and will definitely match KSH. I never like those noona romance/melo dramas unless it’s cute like in Search WWW (they don’t even look like noonas since both ISJ and LDH are convincingly fresh & young looking).

  4. It’s perfect my two Korean actor idol and Fan of actress it is most beautiful….It’s a wonder that Two wonder and talented actors are jung hae in from a piece of your mind and Kim Soo yun It’s okay not to be okay Are you leading the project? I’ll look forward to it

  5. Please ?
    I hope I can watch them in the korean novel with idol jung hae in and my second idol jang nara are great couple i see plz

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