
Park Bo Gum, Park So Dam, and Byun Woo Seok Confirmed for Modeling and Acting K-drama Record of Youth — 26 Comments

  1. Park so dam stays winning with international hit parasite amd new big drama. Finally good to see talented real actresses getting their due

    • So Dam deserves everything because she is genuinely talented and beautiful. And I’m honestly worried for her now that she takes this project. I don’t think this drama will be good for her resume.

      Super pissed that there aren’t any female focus OCN dramas. So Dam would’ve been great in playing serial killer or assassin or detective. But no, tvN has to do the damn romance/youth thingie.

  2. The PD maybe good but the writer is not. Temperature of Love faltered midway and made me dislike the female lead and second male lead. Doctors was an unexpected hit but I didn’t like it. This would test Bo Gum’s popularity in Korea. So Dam has not been successful in dramas.

    • Agree. TOL was so promising at the start then snooze fest. Dropped the drama midway. Doctors also suffered the same fate after episode 7/8. Dropped that one too. Proof that having a star casting won’t lift it from the bottom.

      • but these days people really do care about scripts even with a stellar cast (esp. one with such popular leads) if the story doesn’t hold up people tune out quick. im shocked that psd and pbg would pick a project with this writer who tends to have no real direction or substance in her stories. doctors was a medical drama so to some extent i can understand its success but a dram about actors and modelling……idk. i mean even pbg’s previous drama was with shg and thats as powerhouse as it gets in terms of popularity and it didn’t end up as major a hit as they expected

      • No offense to PBG and you, but PBG doesn’t need to worry about having shit dramas. I mean, look at Encounter. Song Song divorce scandal happens during Encounter broadcasting, and it’s not like Encounter was a masterpiece of writing.

    • No offense, PBG still has his boy-next-door image that Blossom Ent saves up, so he has nothing to worry. Song-Song divorce scandal didn’t impact his career, and it’s not like Encounter was brilliant masterpiece of writing either.

  3. So will this be a romance drama where the two model-actors (male leads) will compete for the love and affection of the make-up artist (park so dam)?

    Err this sounds rather superficial but we’ll see

    • Tiani,

      I implied that So Dam’s resume is already tainted by BM and C4K already, so your reply is completely redundant.

      No offense to PBG, he’s half-assed hallyu celebrity who has made fair share of money in ads. So he doesn’t have to worry about having shit dramas.

      So Dam is an actress with huge talents and skills. She has some of the Oscar buzz already, so for her, it’s damaging because she has bright future.

    • @Tiani

      Your reply to me is completely redundant since I already implied that BM and C4K are stains on her drama resume.

      So Dam is an actress with talents and getting some Hollywood buzz. So, yeah, I think I know that already.

      • You kept boasting PSD this PSD that, and talking shit about PBG. kim taeri still dominating movie land is a fact. PSD not carried Parasite, while PBG carried his drama. If this drama flop, people will more busy blaming PBG not PSD. You must be happy PSD has PBG as her male lead, the guy can created a big buzz for your bias. Are you hoping PSD get oscar worthy project or what? You admit that PSD is pretty weak in drama land, its mean PBG will carried this drama alone. But I didnt hear any complain from PBG fans right now. All of them welcoming this projects and happy having PSD as his female lead. Do you know how rude other actor fans? Like how LMH fans called KGE ugly and how KSH fans treated his female lead like parasite? It will be so much better if you stop complaining and give your full support.

    • @Tiani I don’t need to brag about So Dam when it is the truth. If you cannot stand the truth that So Dam is being namedropped by The Hollywood Reporter and the fact that she actually gets attention for her role in Hollywood, then move on.

      No need to be pressed and jealous. Green ain’t good on you, hon.

      • @Tiani btw, Parasite just won SAG award and actually makes history by being first FOREIGN film winning it. Guess what, So Dam gets her SAG award. Like I said, it’s a truth.

        Everyone in the world (including Hollywood) can see So Dam’s talent. Now, about PBG, you are mentioning…

    • Now that PSD gets international stardom, PBG will be the one riding on her popularity. It is crystal clear on who gets recognition in North America. PBG fans are bitter. I understand your pain.

    • From what I read here its PSD’s fans acting all high and mighty because she is a movie star and looking down on PBG. If she is really that great, then why not stay in movie land?

  4. Lol, I know that Lulu, she is the biggest fan of PSD and bragging PSD in YR soompi thread and telling everyone what PSD has accomplished wc made everyone in the thread even the moderators to be annoyed with her. I like PSD and I believe in her talents and her humility. But with the kind of this fan, acclaiming PSD in a bragging way and trampling down Bogummy’s decision why he had to accept this and giving reason for the acceptance of PSD bc she knows the PD and is grateful with him is totally hilarious and confusing. FYI, PSD is the first one accepted this, so b4 this drama offered to Bogum, it was already turned down by JKY, Sodam is already casted here so why does this fan need to question PBGs decision. Respect begets respect. Humility begets humility. When you go to sns, majority of Bogum’s fans are welcoming with open arms this drama and PSD as the lead actress and so other PSD fan accounts. This fan only (lulu) that’s very doubtful of PSD in the drama world. Although PSD has her share of success in the films, in the drama, no one can know the future, it can be successful or can be failed. So meaning, as fans of Bogummy and Sodammie, let’s give the drama our prayers and wishes to have a good future.

    • Ohhh, I agree on you…

      That Sodam fan is a taint to PSD’s humility. Not a good fan for Sodam. She looked down in Bogum. Sodam fan, behave, good thing she is acknowledged in movieland. If you look at sns, especially Twitter, all giving the congratulatulatory messages are from Bogummy’s fans. PBG’s fans are always welcoming because we believe in the decision of our actor unlike that @Lulu doubting 101% the ability of her actress but irony bragging her and there. You poison sodam fan, you are not a true fan.

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