
K-ent Discusses High Profile 2020 Anticipated Projects From Four Top Stars Lee Min Ho, Kim Soo Hyun, Song Joong Ki, and Park Bo Gum — 102 Comments

  1. LMH took quite a good move this time. His drama would probably be highest rated along with CLOY for this year.
    I don’t understand why they put PBG with these three. PBG is still green, his fame is only big in SK. Someone like LJS who is currently in military, have bigger fan base internationally.
    I think SJK lost his roots since his divorce.
    For KSH, we will wait and see.

    • I don’t know who LJS stands for but they could’ve just listed Gong Yoo as a hot topic for a high profile star since it’s actually his movie that Park Bo gum is co-starring in.

      • Jcw doesn’t deserved being in the top? Is evry1 dumb here…talking about his drama…he is versatile with it unlike other actor doing the same kind of acting…..his great works are K2,healer,empress ki….though his comback was not up to the mark it doesn’t mean he doesn’t deserved to b listed in the top…and about age Gap between Kim yoo Jung and him it’s not just he is the one with this case every1 do so….in clean with passion she does the drama with older oppa too his looks were older while jcw has baby face….haters gonna have…no offence

      • @Zhao li yin – with a 1% rating drama, JCW is really on the top but counted from the BOTTOM UP. hahaha. No offense but his track record is really embarrassing. Empress Ki is totally HJW, Healer is PMY effort, K2 is Yoona. JCW has nothing to be proud of.

      • Park bo gum one hit wonder bhahaha, song joong ki has rating hit drama after leave blossom entertainment.He get new cf btw and he always work with top writer and director in drama.

    • You wrong bhahaha the king eternal ppl was biggest flop drama in 2020.First kim eun sook flop in her career.

    • @trasee

      Excuse me…

      He isnt starring but he is the title of that movie. Excise me again. Seobok is his titular role. Excuse me again. Research first.

    • Talking about PBG’s Highest rating drama.
      Reply 1988 : 18%
      MDBC : 23%
      Encounter : 10%
      Yes PBG deserved that title more than LJS and JCW. Just deal with it

      • LJS maybe yes (his dramas get decent ratings or at least never flopped, and he has a track record with like 5-6 dramas since School 2013), JCW….only in the heads of the delusional. PBG’s dramas as lead so far have done well but that’s only 3 dramas till date.

      • This is 2020 dear, not 2014 anymore. Why the reporter want to make an article based on 2014 popularity? K-actors always in big competition. Just because he taking more drama it doesnt make him a king. 2 last drama of LJS not doing well, one was flop and one just got average rating. And both failed in hallyu. EC and hymn to death aired at the same week before, but PBG taking all the buzz. He won easily, thats why.

      • @Royal We LJS’s last drama with Lee Na Young flopped and the before that with Suzy performed with average ratings. With 3 hits consecutively, PBG is definitely bigger than him in Korea now. But I agree that LJS is bigger than PBG internationally.

      • Hymn of Death was a 3 episode SHORT DRAMA on Netflix. Does anyone really expect it to draw the same kind of attention as a full length drama like Encounter?

        I agree WYWS didn’t get the high ratings SBS expected but it came first in its time slot back then and seems to be spoken of as a ‘hit’ drama. It’s definitely not seen as a failure for LJS record anyway.

      • @royal we its doesnt matter. When a big star has comeback, they will always created a big buzz. LJS still created a big buzz but not as big as PBG. There’s reporter who made article about this btw.

        WYWS rating is super average, the lowest rating even reached 5%. They called it ‘hit’ because there’s no competition that time, and both actors are hallyu star. But I remember koala posted about popularity list in 2017, and PBG still above LJS even without drama.

    • Whatever it is they all deserve the title!! Jz support whoever u want to.. They are good actors though. Soo happy to see them back on kdrama or big screen and that matters most. Goodluck Oppas!! ??

    • PBG is not reigning Kdrama king. He is nowhere as popular as Kim Soo Hyun to be considered at his level, to be honest.

      But he is a CF star in his own right in SK, so there’s that to consider. His image hasn’t been tarnished by his relationship with cult or Song-Song divorce.

    • Yes Laura he is the 2nd generation Hallyu Drama King. He is the youngest here and without many dramas yet. So Deal with it.

  2. Dear Koala, you really like this kind of post, right? You never mentioned the original source of these kind of list. These posts will make fan wars and more attention to your page. You really did good job. A few days ago, you also did the list of HB, KSH, GY and SJK. Give us the actual source, then We will believe it.

    • Dont come to her site if you dont like her post. It is stated very clearly she tsalks what she wants. You can go elsewhere. She is not keeping you.

    • Im not looking for war but this is her blog. She can post whatever she likes. The most u can do is to stop visiting the page. Like literally stop visiting the page so u won’t have to deal with her post. Why stress urself?

    • Agree with @hohliu & @Anaa, Ms Koala can write anything in her blog, she can create an article without any source because this is her blog. I have not commented for a while because some readers like you are just too unreasonable. Do you not understand the nature of a blog is to attract attention and are you detesting the truth?

  3. the news is about Hallyu star who are coming back this year. Basically about anticipated projects so why mention those in army like LJS? ji chang wook never big in korea as well. hyunbin is back to popular these days but the show is still airing so he’s not included in the topic as these 4 are “coming back”. it’s not about who’s the king or who’s more popular in drama land internaionally. and if you check the source, most of comments are about PBG so you know he’s always popular in korea.

    • Well Gong Yoo is also hallyu star coming back this year in same movie as Park Bo Gum. Better to mention him since he has a Pan-Asian mega hit in Goblin. What drama of Park Bo Gum can be considered at the level of The Heirs, YWCFRS, DoTS, and Goblin both domestically and internationally?

      • so? yes gongyoo i love him too among the list he should be included but what to do if reporter include other actor too? PBG has R88 and moonlight which also popular and kr acknowledge that. ofc he’s not the same level as those 30s hallyu actor and he’s still young. but what can we do if reporter include him in the list? lol is that consider offend you or gongyoo? it’s so chlidish. Their list can’t be what you want all the time.

      • @chocolate I’m not offended. I just think it’s funny that they named him as one of the 4 biggest hallyu actors when he has no huge hit outside of Korea, that’s all lol.

      • @marie which part is funny? PBG’s single top Oricon, even without promotion. His popularity in japan is pretty big. Even CJ ent begged him to host their show in Japan, Its not weird seeing his name there. And yes PBG fans is the one who dominating the comment section, thats why the reporter put him as top star.

      • @Tiana Japan is not the only country out there lol. LMH, KSH, SJK and GY are popular and had hit dramas throughout Asia, not just Japan.

      • @maria if you have time to read the full article, reporter just mentioned Japan and China as hallyu market.

    • Park Bo Gum is never popular in China. I don’t know where you get the information that he’s popular. He is involved with the scandal about how his CF insults Chinese, and general Chinese netizens don’t find him attractive nor appealing because of it.

      So if you consider China as part of Hallyu, you might as well drop it.

  4. Park Bo Gum doesn’t belong with these three who had Pan-Asian megahits. Gong Yoo would have been a better choice since he is also in the same movie (Seo Bok).

    • What project of Park Bo Gum’s can be considered a megabit internationally? Reply 1988 was big in Korea but not at the level of The Heirs, MLFTS, DoTS, etc. Even Moonlight Drawn By Clouds was eclipsed by Korean flop Scarlet Heart Ryeo in the rest of Asia. Obviously he is huge in Korea, but since the article is about “the 4 highest profile hallyu actors,” they should have just put Gong Yoo instead.

      • @marie he is still better actor and bigger star than suzy everywhere. Suzy is on way to be has been

      • @Marie

        You should have become a reporter and make your own list so you can put the names of the actors that you wanted. Take it or leave it, nicely or sourly, PBG IS ONE ACCLAMIMED HALLYU STAR in KOREA and INTERNATIONALLY.

      • Sour Marie
        Reply 1988 has always been loved in and out of Korea. Take it or leave it.

  5. I would have prefered another actor than Lee Min Ho for The King. I’m not a big fan. In Heirs, he was overshadowed by Kim Woo Bin. In this one, Woo Do Hwan will be a strong contender…

  6. K-ent just recognizing cina and Japan as hallyu. Thats why PBG on the list. The guy is pretty big in japan. About GY, this is what I says before, I felt like k-ent not recognizing his hallyu popularity. But its ok for me, it wont give any impact to his career. He don’t need that.

    It will be fun if LMH and KSH comeback in the same time in drama land and PBG and SJK in movie land. Just want to see who will create more buzz.

    • No please i dont want any one of them to cancel out each other. ksh needs a good comeback and facing each other will be disaster. Both sbs and tvn knows it well. Anyways train to busan is huge till to this day and goblin was massive so gong yoo dont need any support like this!

  7. Park bogum hasnt been in the same status with this 3, but who knows, one HIT show this year, everyone will talk about him more. He has no drama last year, right? Encounter was last year or 2018?? Whatever, he still has cfs under his belt.

    The other 3 obviously made me curious. Any news about SJK’s Arthdal? I wonder since JDG just got a scandal.

    My baby kim soo hyun is the one im rooting for. He’s been a cameo in many dramas since last year so i hope he’ll be back with something good. Pretty pretty please.

    While for LMH, i do like most of KES’ works. So, her drama is a must watch for me. I don’t really care who the actors are. Lols.

    Btw how about the queens??? Shk? Jjh?

    • same, i wish they’d talk about anticipated hallyu actresses as well. it’s not all about oppas. but yes definitely jun ji hyun, song hye kyo, and park shin hye are top 3.

      • Nothing much to talk about when JJH and SHK take such long hiatuses lol. Only PSH has confirmed projects.

      • JJH had a second baby not that long ago, I think maternity leave is a valid reason for hiatus. I look forward to her return though!

    • Arthdal was anyway screwed since they filmed only half the story and released that as a full drama. I blame Netflix for this btw, it was their demand to split the show into ‘seasons’ and not complete the story arc. Now that JDG is in a scandal, I don’t think we’ll ever see another season of Arthdal.

      Park Bo Gum just needs one more hit to be really solidified as a top leading man (he’s the It boy of the 20s actors right now) and at least the casting for his drama looks promising.

      • Erika is also in a scandal even though she has a small part. AC should stop further productions. It has poor ratings to begin with.

      • @Jenny – wait the girl playing Shabara in AC is the one who’s in the cheating scandal with Masahiro??! I wondered why her name sounded familiar, and now I know! Yeah, it feels like scandals everywhere in that cast, the Song Joongki divorce news now seems really tame compared to what came out about JDG. Though Erika’s case might not matter so much for a kdrama since she had only a small role and the Korean public won’t know her that well.

        Honestly the ratings for AC aren’t bad for a cable drama, if they hadn’t wasted so much money on this and that foreign shoots it would have been considered ok. But now this drama really is dead in the water.

  8. Don’t be so hurt if your faves aren’t in the list.

    It’s just marketing ploy. Look at Kim Nam Gil, he is not in any lists but dang his dramas are rating high. On top of that, he is getting awards left and right.

  9. i think because there some many anticipated kdrama for this years. Like hyena, no body know, tell me what you saw, the crused, stranger 2, the kingdom 2 and many more. if they not choose right drama, I am not sure.

  10. So funny to see kyj fans trying to hype up jcw as a hallyu star just to justify the creepy casting of her drama. As if she was ever at the level of a real hallyu star. Except for healer jcw doesn’t have a single good drama and he is not popular and has never been popular with the general public. He survives media play just like kyj. Both are fake hype with zero capabilities to carry a drama.

    • What media play are you talking about? His agency is a very small agency. If they had power to make a media play, I’m sure he would get better offers.

    • Kim Yoo Jung, the product of fake media play? What are you smoking and please can I have some ? it must be strong stuff to make you forget her being an acclaimed actress since childhood with a 20 percent ratings drama under her belt by the age of 17.

      JCW is definitely too old to be playing her leading man though, casting feels a bit creepy.

      • Creepy due to age difference between JCW and KYJ. Are you serious for asking that? They are actors only playing characters of the drama. They won’t be playing themselves. Besides their visuals don’t look like there’s much age gap.

        An example; in the case of Lee Byung Hyun and Kim Tae Ri of Mr Sunshine, having legit major difference and very obvious in their visuals, I don’t think it’s necessary to judge them before the drama. However, there’s valid reason to react about their characters in the drama as Lee Byung Hyun shown the character like his real age and Kim Tae Ri shown the character way too younger than her actual age that made the age gap even bigger.

        However, the real life visuals of JCW look like he’s 25 and KYJ look like 23-24.

        I was not even aware of the age gap until it was mentioned. If you can’t objectively watch a drama just the characters and usually get attached with the real actors persona, just don’t watch the drama and move on rather than wasting energy unnecessarily.

      • Lol! Don’t act like she carried that 20% rating drama. As far as I know, it was regarded as the male lead’s drama.

        Nevertheless, this 20% drama did not do good on her career. She’s like a struggling actress now, with most of her drama offers are from small networks like Lifetime and JTBC.

    • @Nomad You can’t be serious KYJ fans trying to hype up JCW here? Hardly you’re the first and only one to even drop KYJ name in the thread. Umm I’m content with the 4 actors listed in the post as I like all of them so I have no reservations whatsoever.

      ‘Fake hype and zero capabilities to carry a drama’ @Royal We asked you what you’re smoking she wants some and me too please. Are you new because KYJ doesn’t do fake my dear and her capabilities as an actor is phenomenal since she started in K ent when she was 5 and is well respected and revered. Being 20 years old she has older actors call her ‘sunbaenim’.

      • …..that’s like claiming it’s Baek Jin Hee’s drama. He wasn’t the main lead, that was Joo Jin Mo.

  11. Here we go again…. Unnecessary comparison of actors and actresses not mentioned in this post. You have a favourite? Hell yh, it’s accepted but damn it stick to your favourite, you don’t have to bash others to make yours look good, it’s a free world for everyone. *sighs*

  12. As for me, I don’t who the actors are, I just want the dramas to be good. A lot tend to judge dramas based on who ever is in it but no…. Not me!!

    • I think its his cooling down period, after the storm, sort out his priorities and next steps to improve his career. Hope his movies hit it big and he continues to pursue wider varieties of character to challenge himself.

  13. Whatever it is they all deserve the title!! Jz support whoever u want to.. They are good actors though. Soo happy to see them back on kdrama or big screen and that matters most. Goodluck Oppas!! ??

  14. Jcw doesn’t deserved being in the top? Is evry1 dumb here…talking about his drama…he is versatile with it unlike other actor doing the same kind of acting…..his great works are K2,healer,empress ki….though his comback was not up to the mark it doesn’t mean he doesn’t deserved to b listed in the top…and about age Gap between Kim yoo Jung and him it’s not just he is the one with this case every1 do so….in clean with passion she does the drama with older oppa too his looks were older while jcw has baby face….haters gonna have…no offence

  15. I am very happy for KSH he is my most favourite actor he is also doing good in his drama and movie. SJK also favourite he is a very good actor but they can add LJS is more popular then PBG that think they can add him but he is in military service that ok

  16. Lmh has signed another endorsement deal which already have park seo joon and one actress. U know why they signed him? Because they wanted him as international face to promote it despite having psj who is currently ruling domestic cf scene. And when ur cf promote overseas u earn double the money. He is banking money even without show being aired.
    And looks like he will have biggest drama on public channel this year. His longevity is insane. He was first to hit big hallyu star from his gen and never lost his popularity despite facing huge competition. During military break he topped the list of most popular actors overseas in 90% of counteies beating all of them and it was south korean government poll. Such a big draw he is
    Starting 2020s decade with this show, looks like he is going to be on roll for other decade. Seriously the title of drama suits him. He knows how to pick a script. Great writer plus a top actor like him, win win situation for both. Presses girls on this blog will keep crying over it. But he is not losing his positio

  17. Parkbo gum was never on level of lmh ksh sjk gy, eveb hyunbin whose popularity overseas is revived by cloy . He was always a domestic it boy like suzy . One meet in japan dont make him on level of the 4 guys. He is male version of suzy though he has acting skills and he is still popular.

    • isn’t suzy #4 popularity overseas after jun ji hyun, song hye kyo, and park shin hye? of course not on same level as those 3, but still top 5, unlike bo gum who is not even top 5.

      • Suzy isnot number 4 . Who told u.? Only yoona has some overseas popularity bcoz of snsd and iu has some but not on level on yoona.these days kim so hyun actress is in top 5 with yoona . Suzy was known as lmh’s ex overseas when they were dating lol. Pbg is more.popular. sure not like big 4 but still popular. Suzy was always a koreas it girl

      • i feel like for males it is #1 lee min ho, #2 kim soo hyun, #3 song joong ki, #4 gong yoo, #5 hyun bin if based on balance between domestic and overseas popularity CURRENTLY. What about for females? #1 jun hi hyun, #2, song hye kyo, #3 park shin hye, #4 suzy, #5 i don’t know. just curious on your thoughts.

      • by the way, i’m not arguing with you, just curious on your opinion since you seem knowledgeable on overseas statistics.

      • Therw was g9bt poll lsst year in sk with biggest overseas star for men lmh topped it followed by sjk gong yoo. Ksh is also big. For actresses lee young ae was once most topmost popular but her long break affected thay. Jjh hit it b8g with my sassy girl and never looked back. Same with song hye gyo with aimh. Suzy was never popular overseas. So no she is not number 4. Park shin hye at one point was very popular. Currently i have no idea. Yoona has chinese drama before china ban so has lost lot of overseas popularity but she is still big from 90s gen. Iu was always a domestic queen like sizy but talented one
        Kim soonhyun after love aleam is getting lot of popularity overseas. Son ye jin was bug in japan and after crash landing she is again recovering international fame. So i dont have definite number or ranking but suzy dont belong with them

      • thanks. i forgot about yoona, and i agree with her since she has chinese fans and snsd name. however, i still think suzy is among top 5 over kim so hyun. she has more cfs and more sns followers. but i guess in the end it’s debatable between these two since unlike jjh, shk, psh, and yoona, both have not done fan meetings overseas, so we don’t know how big of an audience they can draw.

      • KSH is still very young and building a fan base through persistent hard work while Suzy is much older, has had long running and very successful idol career and is now raking in big budget dramas. They aren’t even in the same points in their career so comparing them actually makes no sense.

    • @adyjunjihyun LOL not this user again denying Suzy’s popularity. You always dragging her into unrelated topics. She is most popular idol actress currently overseas. Yoona is losing popularity and IU not on her level. Kim So Hyun not more popular than her haha she doesn’t have the CF power Suzy has and even SNS is less too. Love Alarm not even Top 5 most-watched on Netflix despite being Netflix original series.
      Suzy is rumored to have asia fan meeting tour end of this year or early next year, so wait and you will see her popularity then.

      • @marie u r one delusional woozie fan. Wooxie drama fkopped with sewul being cancelled . Failure to make kobaco list and less cf deals than orevious yeats.
        Whereas yoona has 9 million ticket selling movie ( equal footing not useless rple in lee byung hun movie ) and iu sigbing extreme job director next movie. And they have cojntless cfs. How woozie is ahead? And woozie is zero popular overseas. She can mediaplay all she wants but she is nothing outside korea and she is fading in korea too
        Ksh has great future and love alarm is still way bigger than bagaflop witj new sequel coming. Dont worry about her. She is good actress and she will be doing well 20 years down the line whereas woozie will be has been when she hit 30s.

      • I think Kim So Hyun and Suzy are almost equal in terms of overseas popularity because a lot of my friends are more familiar with KSH than BS because of Missing You, WAYS2015, LFG, Goblin and LA dramas. And even if Love Alarm is not in top 5, it still one of the most-watched Netflix in 2019 at ranked no. 8 – which is a huge success over Suzy’s Vagabond.

      • @adyjunjihyun sorry, but KSH’s Love Alarm ranked no.8 and Suzy’s Vagabond ranked no. 10 in Netflix’s 2019 rankings – which means that KSH got more viewership draw over Suzy. Further, we cannot also deny that Love Alarm created a bigger buzz over Vagabond like for instance that LA’s got more Youtube views over Vagabond’s. So, to think that Suzy is way above than KSH on overseas popularity, well, better got a second thought about it BIATCH!

      • Giana r u blind? I supported ksh ovee suzy. It is marie who thibks suzy is big lol.

  18. Royal we ,tiani whinjng will be delicious when this drama airs. They will keep whining about lmh drama ,acting but drama will become biggest hit and king will start another decade at top with biggest drama of 2020s. Cant wait for it to air! After topping sk govt poll of koreas most popular actor in 2019, lmh is already in strong position. Sjk needs a hit so does ksh. Gong yoo is in gud position despite long break . So jun ji hyun needs to make comeback too. And my year will be great
    Anyways sorry to sjk gy ksh fans for bashing in previous post but their fans were dragging lmh n his success. I watch them all so it was just ti get bsck at lee min ho’s haters. Anyways there is place for eveyone. All of these degine their generation of actors. 90s actors lack it big time
    Anyways i m not like the 2 So i wish kim soo hyun all d best for his comeback .i hope it works for him! Same with sjk n gy. These 4 have the star quality to draw audience despite arthdal sjk can still bounce back. I wish he gets his cf offers back which he lost after divorce. He didjt deserve that

    • Says the defensive one acting like some kpop idol stan.

      Great for you if his drama does well (which it will, I have been pointing out all over previous comments it’s a KES drama) but don’t take your defensiveness over oppar’s career out on others in this comment section. We really don’t care that much, no matter how much you froth at the mouth about it. Sorry!

      • says the one who worte essays to discredit his success and has already next excuse prepared when drama becomes bb that it is bcoz of kes when kes also need star faces to sell. Her drama wont see same rating if it has some non star face lmao and lmh sells his drama at high rate like legend of blue sea set record overseas u know! That is king
        I m defensive bcoz ur hater who tried to discredit him. well keep doing that bcoz bigger the success, bigger the hate! He will start new decade on bounce. . U do care hater!

      • so ksh needed mlfts writer n kes for hits, good
        hyunbin finally got hit drama in 10 years with mlfts writer good
        gobin had kes n train to busan had great director so gong yoo also need them
        sjk last hit was with kes
        so we should apply it to all!

      • Also royalwe now hyunbin drama wont be counted in 2020 success bcoz u said it is 2019 show despite double digit ratings coming in 2020 and its affect on cf deals n future work this decade. But like u said in previous post we will count it from previous decade!

    • First, I dont care about LmH, second You better learn to respect other, not everyone love your oppa. No one will attacking your bias if you’re not downgrading other actors.
      I even not really care about this hallyu popularity.

      • I wasnt downgrading others in that post till u guys startding degrading my fave. I have always RESPECTED u n royal we . But i saw u guys dragging him for no reason

      • I absolutely dragging him for a reason. You downgrading my fav in there, Maybe you need to read your comments again.

      • That old post of 4 top actors u guys dragged lmh n underplay his success. Thats why i am dragging ur fave. Anyways i have nothing against pbg sjk ksh hb gy as i watch them all. Unless suzy works with them. That i wont watch. Suzy fan is draggging pbg more than me here lol

  19. No offense if u see the pics posted park bo gum’s visuals really look meh compared to other 3 or maybe bad photos? his front teeth side might be the reason whereas other 3 look so effortless. especially kim soo hyun

  20. Karma is real . Sk givt poll of cultural arts official
    1. President
    2. Bts like it wasnt expected
    3. Lee min ho lmaooooooo. Haters can hateeeeee
    4. Song hye gyo
    8. Song joon ki
    19. Park shin hye
    20. Lee byung hjn

    Lmaooo that suzy fan where is your woozie iverseas popularity … or u deny govt offical poll

    And those who bashed lmh and said lmh was popular only after bof. He is here for 11 years at top and gokng to tule again. Hateeeersss can hateeee. Whereas local pbg where is he? Or super mega world stars hb or gy?? Lmaoo
    Ksh not making it sad bcoz he was l8teralky second buggest hallyu superstar. Sjk took his place

    • I m laughing at that suzy fan who think she is something outside korea. I hope koalas post it too despite her faves failing to make it!

      • Unlike you, whatever you say about Suzy doesn’t affect me. She’s the it girl PERIOD and no one can tell me otherwise. I’m here to post my thoughts and I don’t care if people disagree or find me delusional.

        You, on the other hand, are so easily triggered. You say you own up to your faults but still continue to drag other actors in this post haha. I admit to being messy, but this is my first time seeing a k-drama fan like this lol.

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