
Yoo Ah In’s Movie The Hell by Director of Train to Busan to Become 6-episode Netflix Drama with Big Name Cast — 12 Comments

  1. Oh I’m in for this drama because Yoo Ah In is in it. He is the best Korean actor who can actually act without being cringe. I’ll watch anything he’s in.

  2. Yessss. Netflix series. Production budget will be good as well. And more international exposure as train to busan is one of most known korean movies ever

    • Also about time for YAI to venture into hallyu pathway. He’s already big in Korea, but he also deserves to be known globally.

      • He is more focused into movie land and is a movie star which limits his overseas fame. And his dramas are not that massive compared to his peers because of his choices. So yes i agree. Korean movies get international name time to time like my sassy girl, oldboy, the classic, train to busan and biggest ever parasite but dramas get more overseas transaction. so this can be good for his overseas fame!

  3. Competition is feirce on Netflix international with lots of K Drama.More k dramas are also being dubbed in English now in my country Australia which it easier than reading subtitles.

  4. Pingback:Yoo Ah In’s Movie The Hell by Director of Train to Busan to Become 6-episode Netflix Drama with Big Name Cast - kpopnchill

  5. Excelente noticia para los fans de kdrama. Sigo tods los proyectos de nuestro querido Yoo Ah-In. Exitos.
    Excellent news for Kdrama fans. I follow all the projects of our dear Yoo Ah-In. Successes

  6. she better be good this time. Won Jin Ah helped ruined MMS. She was so annonying in the drama no chemistry with the Male lead. No comedic timing. No screen Presence. I am wondering why they are still casting her. there are other good actresses in South Korea. shes one of the reasons why this rating’s bombed.

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