Suzy is the Girl Idol with Most Expensive Home in Seoul at $3.2 Million Followed by Krystal, IU, and Yoona

First off, I hope salty commenters will stop and just think of how incredible and commendable it is for these young women to earn their money from their own hard work whether by singing, acting, or doing CFs because of their popularity from singing and acting. This week K-ent variety ran a segment on the girl idol with the most expensive home and it’s all in the various Seoul nice neighborhoods. Top of the list is Suzy who lives in a US $3.2M condo in the Ahyeon suburb of Seoul. Second is Krystal who lives in a high rise in Heukseok-dong worth $2.9M, then IU residing in a Yongsan condo worth $2.6M, with Yoona rounding out the top 4 with a $2M residence in Samseong. So proud of these ladies, go live in your fancy abode that you earned with your success!

But many female celebs has more expensive house? i remember iu buying 9 million house? Also male list was weird bcoz gd recently bught 9 million house, a bts member bought 2 apartments, but they ranked suju’s member number one. And 90 of celebs dont report their investments.
anyways good for her. investing that cf money rightfully. Best way to use that face
Was it millions in won or dollars? hugh difference!
also, didn’t some idols bought properties for their parents/ relatives? And this article is about their homes. “Homes” means they live themselves in it, right?
Dollars. I m talking about tens of millions of dollars.
Yeah and i m talking about private homes
2 million won is roughly 2 thousand dollars. Of course they are talking about dollars here. Idiot
And now K-ent variety should also run a segment on MALE idols. I’m sure they earn more and can afford more expensive homes.
That’s what I always thing, when high earnings of females are published. Why not compare it to males. Put it into perspective. State the benchmarks of males and you’ll see that it doesn’t matter what you earn as a female: normally it’s less. So, yes, I celebrate females high earnings and wish more females around the world would earn high salaries and I hope that some day the pay gap will disappear! I know wishful thinking…
Real estate agenices quote these prices when a celeb buys property there. For free promo, they use celeb name and quote higher range to public. In reality celebs has got it in less much price range.
Celebs buying properties increase value
Male celebs properties are also revealed? What r u talking about lol?
Korean industry is mucn fair compared to other countries espeically when it comrs to endorsements. Jjh, shk are richer than most male actors. Suzy iu yoona r richer than most male counterparts.
Is there any true relationship between the price of home and how much one earns for a living? Any proof the girl is the one paying for the home? People can have zero earning and still live in multi-million dollars house. I am not salty. It is great to live in nice houses. But why link it to earnings? A better comparison may be to record the earnings of all the tenants within the same condo complex (since it is not a single detached house) and compare Suzy with her neighbors. Of course I know this is not possible due to privacy issues. This is a very irresponsible report (I don’t mean the blogger because she is only copying from other sources).
I’m speechless….
Properties are the first things linked to earnings (and status)! If it was a report about males, there wouldn’t be even the slightest questions, if they payed themselves for their homes!
Pointing out, that “people can have zero earnings and still have multi-million dollars house”, when these ladies in the article obviously earn their living themselves, is underhanded saying they have sponsors. Questing “the girl” paying for it, is so misogynist in itself, that the next sentence refereing in general to “people” can’t cover it. BTW these are all grown-up women, not girls!
And yes, there are people living in houses they didn’t pay for. However, these idols, singers, actresses do earn a lot of money and can afford to pay for their homes. Their reports they pay for their relatived homes, too.
I am not making a gender specific comment. You are assuming too much. If it is an article about male celebrities buying home, I will question for any proof the guy is the one paying for it. Men can have sponsors too you know. Male hosts make lots more in some Asian countries!
You said you are speechless, but yet you wrote three paragraphs after it, why? Stop assuming. I’d rather read an article on how much taxes a celebrity pays than what kind of home or car he/she owns.
First thing asians do is to buy property. Especially in korea where real estate is considered the best investment. If you buy a house in posh areas of seoul, you have made it. Thats why most celeb invest in real estates bcoz it is considered as most safe and profitable investment . Bouying house is considered first step for a person in korea and earn respect
Fair enough. But one may choose to spend 10% earning to buy a house, and another may choose to spend 50% earning. The price of home has nothing to do with how much one earns is my point.
I read comments from salty knetizens, they need to relax. Kudos to all the hard-working people, don’t forget to look out for your neighbors. Also take care of your life and mental health; your happy, mentally stable life is more precious than all the money in the world.
Well said @Laura the most important thing is not the price of your house but if you’re happy in. Having money is good but being healthy and having the best family and friends is more precious .
And i dare say that they work hard in a field that they like . Women all around the world work really hard too ( in factories, hospital, …) to barely be able to rise their children . Shouldn’t they have benefits of their hardworking too !!!
Definitely, when we become successful, don’t forget to bring others with you through the doors of success with you ? Life is short, physical treasure don’t last
so true @ Laura .
Krystal is surprising. Her group was never on par with top ggs nor her acting career. But she victoria and sulli all 3 made good careers. Victoria is huge in china and making big number there. Krystal she has quite amount of cf deals and constant work in drama. Hee sister was snsd member but she outlasted her
Btw hwasa who is huge in korea right noe depsite from small company, big variety star and tens of cf deals also bought a 2 .7 million usd house . So this list will never be accurate lol
Hwasa is queen. One of idols wih huge gp recognition.bp members must have bought some too considering their tour grossed 56 million usd , add merchsndise, cf drals esprcially jennie. It is only thosr whose houses info has been shared
Congrats, good for them. Sweet taste of their hard work & success as they are popular or well known.
It seems all newbies have to start from somewhere & had to go thru numerous auditions.
While waiting for a big hit where a movie ie drama propelled them to fame, they were once ordinary or poor.
Wonder if rumour is true that they sometimes had to bed Producers, Directors or SpNAonsors to get a role or be famous.
Suzy is the most popular and relevant idol, so of course she’s on top. Her CFs alone make her the richest, not to mention successful dramas.
Rofl iu has bought more expensive building so does yoona
Adyjunjihyun can you stop being pathetic and pitiful for once? This article clearly states million USD not million won. The desperate hater in you are forcing us all to fall on that trap when what you brag about is million won and if you aren’t dumb enough you’re supposed to know how far the diff is between that and USD. Why don’t you just suck it up for once and be happy for Suzy??? Accept the fact that you’ll never ever come close to what she’s achieved so far. Ciao~
I have more real estate than suzy. Lmao. I dont want to achieve anything bcoz i m already rich. Bye bye loser
Yes she has lot to be proud of..well done.?
Plastic monster won?
i see you everywhere regarding suzy. I see you greatly envy her enough to keep saying shit about her everywhere. get a life. And also everyone knows she didnt go under surgery!!!
She is olastic monster and i m more ricj. Nothing to envy
They deserve to live in an expensive place since they work hard for this kind of convenience.