
It’s Okay to Not be Okay Visualizes the Bluebeard Fairy Tale with a Collection of Trophy Wives — 19 Comments

  1. cant wait for Eps 7 and 8. I hope that these would be as good as episode 6.
    Im also excited to watch Graceful friends, but i do not know where to watch it, as Graceful friends is not on netflix in my country.

  2. Can anyone tell me? Whose head is that perched on the spot with name plate Allie? Which character is that in the drama? Thanks in advance

  3. How come Koala isnt writing about Backstreet Rookie? for sure, that will generate more comments than Its ok blah blah. since more are watching BSR than this boring drama.

  4. so funny how different it is on sang tae’s perspective.. sometimes i wanna live in his world as well?.. i just love this show

  5. One of the things I like about the drama is how they creatively show the different way people understand and look into one and the same thing/situation, like this scene n ep 6, which s more of Sang Tae’s perspective. It is just like how someone’s boring is someother’s great. Another thing I not just like but love, and that I assume one of the, if not the main reason why Kim Soo Hyun chose this drama, is the lesson it intends to convey which is, Acceptance of these differences and nuances. If indeed it is true that he got a lot of offers and he opted for this, I salute him. He could have chosen a sure in commercial blockbuster, but he opted for a drama that even how whimsically creative it will be presented, would force you to reflect on how imperfect we are as humans. Ep.3/4 may distract you with its excellent editing (CGI and all),but would slap any parent who subconsciously put pressure to their kids, pass on a heavy responsibilty, and/or make one feel less loved. Another episode reminds us of how full of hatred our hearts at times are, and yet we act like it is not, the hypocrites we all can be, how badly we forced others to live in isolation because they are different with their blue beard,
    of how quick we are to accuse a lady with ASPD bec. we thought she is just being a bad ass girl tripping to sexually harass somebody. This drama is definitely not for everyone, and, personally, I think it is best to leave it at that, afterall, It’s Okay To Not Be Okay. . . .

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