
Jang Geun Seok Holds Annual Photo Exhibit for Fans and Continues to Donate All Proceeds to Needy Charities — 23 Comments

  1. Ele realiza essa exposição há 8 anos e sempre dia os lucros para instituições de caridade, juntamente com as fãs do crij,o fã clube do Japão. Uma linda atitude e um grande esforço das enguias japonesas!
    Parabéns JKS!!!

  2. Omo hes not just a prince he’s also an angel jang geun suk. Love ur fan here in the Philippines the Pearl of the east.

  3. A very,very Happy & a very,very Blessed Birthday,on 4 August 2020,to you,my dearest Jang Keun Suk!
    Please continue to be always loving,compassionate,humble,generous and always handsome !I love you very,very much!

  4. How great and kind uncle JANG Keun Suk was!!!may all grace and bless from God Be with you because you are so kind hearted human..

  5. Happy Birthday dear JKS. Wish you all the best . You’re not a wonderful singer and actor but also a beautiful soul that
    does so much good to society. Have a long long and healthy life . Zikzin!,????

  6. Thank goodness the rocker phase is over-it just was not a good look for him and seemingly derailed his acting career. He is one of the rate talent of singers that can also act well. Unsurprisingly being that he started out in acting. Good luck to him.

  7. What do you expect a 34 y/o guy to behave as? Of course he has all the right to do what he wants in his 20s. We all go down that road. Problem is, people expect too much and end up being disappointed because he didn’t live up to their expectations. And they could not accept that that is his real personality. He’s not a preserved type like everyone else you swoon over. He didn’t want to be like that and he wanted to be different.

  8. JGS, that’s the way to go! You’re on the right track, doing exceptional community work and keeping it up! For sure the Lord will reward you with the best comeback drama ever!

  9. Such an admirable person,sharing not only his talents but his whole self in the service of others,kudos to all the eels who never failed to help and support sukkie,whatever happens we will journey with you,so keep both loving each other,and making melody together,though miles afar,thank you our dear prince for making a day momentous to all ,God pless

  10. jks serves as an inspiration to eels who want to help make this world a better place to live in..we love him for this, and not just his acting and singing abilities…he has a good heart

  11. Wishing all the BEST for our AP!!! Just keep on doing what is right and thank you for continuing this works amidst pandemic. We’re all growing up, that’s part of our lives, Just go zikzin ??

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