
Ji Chang Wook Dips into Fall Fashion for Elle Singapore October 2020 Edition — 43 Comments

  1. He’s really good looking and can pull off any oufit.
    Im guilty. He’s my favorite but i could not bring myself to finish Backstreet Rookie. I tried but…. The story’s not to my liking and the FL’s not my cup of tea.
    that’s why im so Looking foward to his drama with Kim Ji Won. Perfect team up.

    • I am also one of his fans..But I can’t finish both of his recent dramas like back street rookie and melting me softly.
      I hope he will pick good dramas.
      I miss him in Warrior Baek Dong Soo and Empress Ki

  2. He is handsome?. Now if only he can be more picky with his script selection. The problem is not that he is a bad actor. He has onscreen charisma and can emote well. I would put him in the league of Park Seo Joon and Lee Jong Suk. He needs a break, I understand he doesnt like long breaks between projects and he is still young but actors image can also get “overconsumed” if they appear onscreen too often if they dont give the viewers enough time to miss them.

    I also think rom-com is not his forte. He did have good chemistry with Nam Ji Hyun and he is good in romance but I find his comeeic acting to be a little off(?). Like its not natural. He shines more in sageuk and action. I liked him in Warrior Baek Dong Soo and Empress Ki. I am one of the few that couldnt finish ep 1 of Healer so I dropped it but I heard he was good in there. Maybe he should try a gritty thriller on OCN.

    • Second your opinion. Comedy isn’t his forte. Most of the time it looks forced. His charisma shines best in more serious roles with a small amount of comic relief in between.

  3. say thank you to kim yoo jung for bringing back his career in korea after his scandal lol but tbh yoo jung is the reason why backstreet rookie’s ratings is high all knetz praise is her ONLY
    it even beat iontbo.

    • Here we go again with this delusional KYJ fan. Lol. BSR ratings were disappointing. Lowest rated SBS Fri-Sat drama ever. Hahaha.

      You must have a low standards for considering BSR’s ratings as high.

      Lastly, no one talks about BSR. IONTBO is the international hit drama of the year.

      • @Mary Kay,

        I know, right? Lmao. Imagine how shocked this fan must still be about BR’s failure that they have to delude themselves that it beat IOTNBO to be able to sleep at night.

        Hahaha… BR beat IOTNBO? My gosh, the blasphemy!

      • I also watched because of him. He did the best he could with what was offered.

    • You know damn well Kim Yoo Jung and Backstreet Rookie did nothing for his career in Korea. For one, Backstreet Rookie had low ratings compared to previous sbs dramas in the same slot this year. Its the second Friday-Sat lowest rated sbs drama after TKEM.It was also filled with controversies. Its a dent in his filmography just like Melting Me Softly. Even Kim Yoo Jung herself is in the same boat as him.A good actress stuck with bad scripts and subpar productions. Before this was clean with passion which was a dud.

      Second, Ji Chang Wook’s career is largely owed to his hallyu status meaning he has always been more popular outside Korea than inside Korea. A dip in popularity in Korea has very little effect on his job. If any actress fans have the right to claim their unnie helped boosting Ji Chang Wook’s career and presence in his country. Its Ha Ji Won’s fans for Empress Ki.

      As for the so called “scandal”. It was just 0.1% netizens making noise. I dont think it had any impact on his drama bookings, CFs or even magazine appearances. The man is busier than most “scandal free” actors.

      • I agree. People should know even the Brad Pitts, Denzel Washington have a time in their life where a movie didn’t work out. JCW will be fine. I am not a big fun of the lady lead but she did her best.

    • @Lily

      I don’t know what batshit rookies like you have been snorting to claim BR got higher ratings than IOTNBO. You made this same delusional comment on the last post about KYJ and you’re here doing it again.

      I suspect you’re either a troll who likes to incite fanwars for kicks or a KYJ anti setting her up to get hated on.

      But if you’re just a rookie who doesn’t know or understand the difference between cable and public channels in SK, I suggest you go learn and stop humiliating yourself.

  4. in the future, I wish that Ji Chang Wook would be offered good scripts. His last two dramas , MELTY and Backsteet was a waste of his acting talent, in my opinion.

    i wish him all the best.

  5. I am sorry to bust your bubble. As much as Kim Yoo Jung is the bigger name in Korea. “Controversy-ridden” and low – rated(its the second lowest rated drama after TKEM in that timeslot this year, all the other dramas had double digits and better reviews like Hyena, Hot Stove and now Alice) Backstreet Rookie nor her did nothing for Ji Chang Wook’s career. In fact, its another dent in his filmography like Melting Me Softly that he needs to remedy by starring in a better written and better produced drama. The so called “scandal” was just 0.1% netizens making noise. No impact whatsoever, even without Backstreet Rookie. His magazine appearances, drama bookings and CFs would not have been affected. Even without KYJ, Ji Chang Wook is more popular outside Korea than inside Korea. His career exists largely due to his hallyu status not his popularity in Korea.

    Kim Yoo Jung herself is in the same shoes as him. Good actress struggling to select stript and production that showcase her skills. Clean with Passion, Backstreet Rookie wasnt it. She has better dramas in her filmography. I like her but these kind of comments only bring hate to her and her fandom.

    Also IONTBO >>>>>> Backstreet Rookie. One was on cable, the other was on public channel. In hype, IONTBO was an international hit compared to Backstreet which was just so so.

  6. I think he had courage to take the role in Backstreet Rookie, because the ML was an ordinary man. But he was really good in it. BR showed beautiful relationship the ML and FL, but one of the best was the ML’s family, they were so touching. A lot of persons focused on the webtoon artist, when he didn’t have a big place in the story, and missed the real story.

  7. He’s really hard working and naturally pulls out everything well. He shined in backstreet rookie too. It’s ok if some people didn’t like it, not everything is liked by everyone. There are couples with huge age difference and they are happy too together. The show side of people where they assume about someone depending on situation.
    In Elle cover, he’s the one who can pull off even working clothes, with suit and sweater he’s doing wonder.
    Much love and keep smiling ji chang wook…

  8. He is my favorite actor! I prefer him on action movies or Empress Ki! He is so handsome! That past scandal does not prove anything! That madam whatever has taken picture with many celebrities,it doesn’t mean the celebrity knows what she was doing! There are many secret organizations in private and public places, they try very hard to hide anything from anyone! He worked so hard to have everything he has! I guess Korean actors are smarter enough to avoid drugs, alcohol and prostitution!
    Love your work Ji Chang Wook, fighting!!!

  9. Hello JCW.. Always wore that goddess smile of yours.. don’t mind those people who only says bad things about you.. There is no such thing like perfect..but for me you are perfect.. I love you as you always are.. Everything about you are God’s given gift for for me.. You are always good and oustanding in every dramas you made.. Keep up shining.. I will never get tired on you and to your dramas..

  10. Hi Ji chang wook..the first time i saw you in K2..i want more to see i follow watching healer..then im searching your movies made and i prefer you as an action star.i like your moves.and facial not interested with some kdrama series but the first time i saw you im the one now who watch yout movies.and k drama keep it up i will be your greatest fan now..hope to see you in person..

  11. To be honest, I do enjoy the whole Convenience Store concept. It may be a first for JCW to act in an uncool, non-action genre. I felt him truly giving his best in BR. Same goes for Yoo Jung. Yoo Jung is a real dynamite in BR, an ethereal beauty. It may be a rom-com, but I have also shed tears in the last few episodes. JCW’s motto in BR – Honesty is the best policy & I truly learnt a valuable lesson that violence is not the answer to every situation.

    I felt his acting in SP was really flat compared to BR. He’s cool but that’s it. I had no choice but to stop at EP 9 in SP.

  12. To be honest, I’m so sad with his drama choices post MS, especially his last project, backstreet rookie. BSR had no solid plot, I had to stop at episode 6.

    Im very optimistic with his new project with Kim Ji Won, shes very beautiful and talented. They are very compatible age wise and visually. They look perfect. PERFECT COUPLE!!!!

  13. he’s already losing his popularity in S. Korea? i think he will only be popular in the next two years or so…after that he’s DONE

    He should act hos age too. He is 33 or 34 but he acts as if he is in 20s. ewwwww.

    • Ha!Ha! As if. I doubt he will go down. Every actor and actress gets a chance to do a bad movie. Gerard Butler has done some, Brad Pitt, Denzel Washington none of them have gone down hill. I am pretty sure you are not God.

  14. If he wants longevity he should choose his projects wisely. His last drama was the worst. I liked melting me softly better than backstreet rookie. The Most controversial drama of Ji Chang Wook….even that director of the Fiery priest coud not even save the drama. It was Plotless…. He looked horrrible in his crying scenes…he was overacting
    .Had to drop because if his annoying ang and inconsistent acting Worst drama of Ji Chang wook is Backstreet rookie.

    • I think it’s because the people who watch the dramas just want the guys to look sexual/sexy yet in real life most of the viewers never see any sexy boys like JCW. He portrayed real life as compared to Healer, K2.

    • I only watched BSR because of the FL and not because of him There is something about him that is (??????)?.

      I came across his You tube channel and my gosh, he was acting cutesy all the time. Yuck. He is an old man acting like a child? for fans? Fan service?

      is he is doing webtoon drama because he is no longer relevant in s. korea? he is only popular outside korea?

  15. My favorite drama of Chang wook are HEALER and suspicious partner…. Not a fan of his last two dramas. I wish he did not do them. what an Embarassment to his filmography.

    • How can it be an embrassment, you learnt something and he too probably learnt something. There is nothing to be embarrassed about. He must earned the Kaching/money. And guess what, we are here talking about him.

  16. I absolutely LOVE Ji Chang Wook! I became a fan watching k2! Heck watching K2 made me search and watch his other dramas and movies! It is also BECAUSE OF HIM I have become a Kdrama fan! I’m addicted now.

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