SBS Mon-Tues Drama Penthouse Hits New Ratings High of 16% in Episode 9

The makjang rich-versus-poor formula hits another jackpot and this time for one of the Big Three networks on prime time. SBS Mon-Tues drama Penthouse (Penthouse: War on Life) premiered with 6.7% ratings and this most recent episode 9 followed a steady episode increase to reach 16%. There hasn’t been much for the mainstream channels to smile about this year in 2020 so Penthouse will be a nice win for SBS, though I do worry about seeing more productions along this vein because it’s really not my cup of tea. Money, power, offspring educational success, it’s so amped up in this type of drama and not in an entertaining way to me. But still, a huge congrats to the big name ensemble cast of Kim So Yeon, Eugene, Lee Ji Ah, Shin Eun Kyung, Eom Ki Joon, Bong Tae Gu, and Kim Joon Hoon.

Its Makjang done right Koala, the characters are all ridiculously evil or stupid or both..its shut your brain down and enjoy kind of drama. I think given this pandemic, this is exactly what people need right now. Some escapist fun.
I’m not a big fan of this genre either, I hear they will now have three seasons for this drama. I’m joyful for those who like these type of works. I’m probably in the minority but I didn’t like sky castle or world of the married either.
The first 15 eps of Sky Castle was genuinely good though. WOTM was meh. This one is even more meh.
And most of the leading cast are veterans who play their roles to the max. Not some pretty boy or girl-wannabes.
And most of the leading cast are veterans who play their roles to the max. Not some pretty boy or girl-wannabes.
It is like Sky Castle but without the prestige. All OTT acting, story is just whatever hits the fan and the director must have told the actors, just let go and let out that loudest scream. It reminds me of an amped up olden day Taiwanese series written by Qiong Yao plus much much more. And yet I am oddly attracted to it. I want to see where it ends, how it ends when everything is just so OTT stratosphere dramatic without limits. And the same goes for the teenaged children. Such a weird series. It is stupid but oddly entertaining because I can shut my brain and just watch the chaos unfold. It is not even befitting any recognition. It is seriously a stupid badly written terribly acted horridly directed TV series which makes the already OTT Sky Castle mild and calming and a masterpiece.