
Queen Cheorin Rises in Ratings to 11.337 in Episode 5 as the Queen Gets More Wiser to Palace Life — 22 Comments

  1. You are the first site to be “you like but not love” this drama as of yet, so it’s reassuring for me. People are hyping up this drama so much around me but I’m still afraid it will disappoint me. This genre is 50-50, and also many comedy dramas flip and become very serious and dramatic and confusing and dragging in the second half, so I always get confuse especially by tonal changes for example: do do sol sol la la sol. So I’m going to wait until it almost finishes before I start. I did it with cloy and waited but I end up loving it so much ❤️ I love reading on this drama and I’m glad for its success.

    • I feel you, Laura. Smart choice to wait awhile before diving in. With the way things are going, this show could be really daebak or a royal eff up, high ratings be damned. I feel the need to add ‘so far’ to shows I’m enjoying these days to protect myself from (inevitable?) future disappointments.

      Let’s talk TB instead. Are you still watching? Oh my word, wtf was that noble idiocy storyline with Suho shutting out Ju-gyeong? Then he doesn’t apologize or clear things up and is trying to get back into her good graces? I keep waiting for the actor to burst out of the cardboard box and do more with the role but sadly, it’s clear it’s not going to happen.

      I loved how Ju-gyeong stood up for Go woon but I wish she didn’t crumble before her own bullies. Hwang In-yeop as Seojun is the bee’s knees (so far). That boxers dancing scene? Hehehehehe. The show is an absolute cringe-fest but I’m still enjoying it (so far).

      • IKR. Aurora, personally in 2020, I only liked four dramas from almost beginning to end and I watched or checked out so many dramas this year :/ There were so many strong starts but they turned out to be mirages. I didn’t like any of the highly publicized dramas with the exception of cloy haha

        I’m still watching True Beauty, it’s entertaining enough to pass time. I’m so tired of them altering the personalities/characteristics of the characters and did they have to add a I knew you in childhood trope? I didn’t like how they made both male leads so aggressive. I’m not surprise with the noble idiocy since there’s not much story to tell, so they want to create some lame, fabricated tensions to separate the couple for a bit or create some drama so they can include the 2ml into the story somehow and make us ache even more with SLS.

        I agree! That was also what was frustrating in the webtoon, she is always able to help numerous of people with their problems especially with the power of her make-up skills, but consistently neglects to help herself. It’s like girl wake-up! You will be able to help more people effectively if you’re able to heal yourself first. It’s contradictory to tell people to do something but you don’t do it yourself haha

        I love the boxer dancing scene as well and how the girls spot him and then he tries to play it cool but once he returns to his bedroom, it seems like he wished a hole could open up and swallow him haha the actor brings his character to life in a way that I didn’t see in the webtoon but I immensely love in the drama 🙂

      • Oh. My. Gawd. I rolled my eyes so hard at that childhood trope they nearly got stuck! It’s like they’re determined to force in every K-drama cliche. Smh.

        I dropped soooooo many dramas this year too. Hopefully 2021 will bring us dramas that stay great from beginning to middle to end. Are you watching anything else apart from TB?

      • @aurora
        I just can’t with the cringe scenes but it’s still entertaining, I alway wish for more FL & 2ml scenes, they’re always priceless haha

        I’m also watching Pinocchio, I heard it was good so I’m checking it out now. I’m enjoying it so far! I recently finished Sunset, I told about you. It’s a thai drama that features boy love. It’s a slice of life drama and it showcases such a beautiful story. The scenery of the Phuket province in Thailand is gorgeous! I highly recommend that, it’s only 5 episodes. I cried.

        I was contemplating to watch the uncanny encounter but I heard they are going to have season 2, so I was like not today. I dislike waiting unless a favorite actor or actress is in it…

        Nothing else is catching my eye at the moment haha how about yourself?

      • Pinocchio is cool. PSH and LJS have good chemistry. Uncanny Counter is hardly original but it’s got heart. I think they’re trying to capitalize on the high ratings with another season.

        Aside from TB, UC & Mr. Queen, ongoing shows I’m watching are Awaken (for Lee Chungah really), Secret Royal Inspector (light and easy), Cheat If You Can (I like how quirky it is), Run On (oh wait, I dropped this. It was boring for me.) I’ll watch that makjang-fest Penthouse when it’s done airing.

        Recently finished Hyena (love love love). Based on good reviews, I’ll be trying out 18 Again, Into The Ring, My Unfamiliar Family and Save Me along with others on my watch-list. I keep trying Kairos (EP1) after all the hype but I just can’t get into it. It’s hard to get captivated by K-dramas these days. Maybe I should take a break.

      • I love stories with heart, I don’t like cliffhangers and waiting for a long time. I rather just have all the episodes and watch it at my own pace haha

        Wow, you have a mountain-load of dramas you are watching. Maybe I’ll check out secret royal inspector, I do want something light.

        ***** I recommend into the ring! I personally love it!
        I also plan to check out “18 again” due to the critical acclaim and fanfare it received haha

        I know what you mean, disappointing dramas are trying my patience. Sometimes a break is needed. And fast-forward button is our friend 🙂

    • This will most likely get overwhelmed by melo and palace politics eventually especially since it’s 20 EPISODES. Honestly this is the one time I’d recommend just watching to enjoy the comedy and entertainment the drama is showing now especially if it gets bogged down by melo and politics later. It’s only my personal recommendation this because I think we all need a good laugh and smile right now wherever we can get it but that’s just me.

      • @deb
        UGH I expect that to happen too, so I’m just going to wait on the sidelines and drink my boba waiting for feedback haha

        I’ll consider just watching the comedy scenes alone haha

  2. Will watch the whole show once finished but I’ve been watching many clips….

    I really like Shin Hye Sun but I feel more pull towards her acting in really serious roles and moments.. I think she suits dramatic roles better than comedic ones.. doesn’t mean she isn’t good here… if I like her in her comedic roles, I just love her in dramatic roles is what I mean.

    Anywayzzz, haven’t really been into kdramas lately as much as Cdramas and I’m still looking for that kdrama to take my heart like it used to…

  3. Hmm, I’ve yet to watch this episode so I have no comments. But Bong Hwan’s been really annoying me with some of his less-than-smart antics since EP2. I appreciate that the King isn’t one-dimensional but he’s still lifeless.

    Koala, did you watch Run On yet? You were looking forward to the drama airing but you haven’t posted about it since the premiere. I’m curious to read your thoughts on it.

  4. It’s nice to learn more about the real queen. Shin Hye Sun is doing a great job between the 2 roles. I like her scenes, the rest doesn’t interest me so much…

  5. I have watched some clips and it was awsome waiting eagerly for drama to end so i can bingewatch it

    Both actors doing a great job
    Hope the drama cross 20 rating it deserves it
    Good luck team of ‘mr queen’

  6. Except for Hospital Playlist and Stove League, I dropped or did not watch any other Kdramas in 2020. I’ve been so frustrated by the cliche stories, poor people being abused or bullied, etc. I can’t stand it anymore. I want fresh stories, realistic cinematography and less product placements. But Mr Queen has given me some hope, I’m liking it so far so yah.

  7. I’m liking the drama – shin hye sun is rocking it. She’s so darn hilarious especially when she’s snarky and I just love the king’s super “what the $&@$$” reaction whenever she acts up. If they follow the original storyline guys we are in for a crazy ride. The Chinese drama was so cray crazy it was a cult hit because it was so so bad it was good. Don’t be mistaken it was really bad, currently the Korean remake is a little more less Low brow and better quality. But I hope they go there with the OTP – challenging gender identity to the end!

    • GPG was so good bc it tooking nothing serious not even itself. It started a bit slow at the beginning but after it was rolling it was unstoppable. It was a one-woman show since the others acting was mediocre at best. Without her they could have trashed it. But I also liked the seriousness underneath like the king who was desperate to earn the “heroine”‘s love but almost gambled it away. I also had the impression that the heroine still stayed more male to the end than Mr. Queen in the first 4 episodes.

  8. I dropped the Drama after 4 episodes since there is no fusion between sageuk and comedy at all – for me. Two parallel types of story. All except queen’s court lady actress don’t show good facial acting for humor what is a good example that you can kill the humor when you try too much. It is rather overacted slapstick.

    After talking with someone I decided to watch the next 2 epsides and give the Drama another chance. What I totally dislike is the Cooking part since it feels like they picked up not only Go Princess Go but Cinderella Chef also.

  9. LOVE LOVE LOVE this drama (so far)! I am 1000% entertained!! SHS is just killing this role – I think it allowed her to showcase her comedic timing. I know she can act, but I can’t remember if she has been this entertaining in her previous dramas. I hope this drama remains solid until the ending.

  10. I’m on the fence with this one. I enjoy it and find it quite hilarious while I watch it, but I’m not sold on it and I certainly don’t love it, and may drop it if and when palace politics gets so dark and tedious. I do think Shin Hye Sun has some mad chemistry with Kim Jung Hyun and they are both bringing their A game to their roles. However, I find the fact that there’s a dude in the Queen’s body quite off putting. I can’t wait for Mr. Cook to go back to the 21st century and for the story to delve fully on the Queen and her past. Dramas I’m currently crazy about and watching are Run On (crazy, sparkly chemistry between Shin Se Kyung and Im Siwan – who would have guessed? I never would have paired them together in a million years – but it’s a pairing that surprisingly works, plot is good and very interesting. I’m sold), The Uncanny Counter (waiting for the next episode is torture) and True Beauty, which is surprisingly addictive and charming. I wonder where I can watch Hush – Yoona’s latest drama?

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