Song Hye Kyo Joins Exclusive Group of Lead Actor/Actress Who Have Done More than One Kim Eun Sook Penned Project

I don’t think Kim Eun Sook is an award winning level of pure writer but her dramas are undoubtedly always worth a watch, whether to enjoy or kvetch or both. It’s no surprise that many of Korea’s top actors and actresses have chosen to star in her works, even Jeon Do Yeon who is considered the most legit true actress did a Kim Eun Sook drama. There are also a handful who have done more than one project with her and Song Hye Kyo is joining that crew with news of her signing on to Kim Eun Sook’s next drama. The ones in that small gang are: Kim Ha Neul (On Air, A Gentleman’s Dignity), Kim Jung Eun (Lovers, Lovers in Paris), Kim Go Eun (Goblin, The King: Eternal Monarch), Lee Min Ho (Heirs, The King: Eternal Monarch), and Hyun Bin (Secret Garden, A Millionaire’s First Love). I think it’s a smart collab for both and all eyes are on the male lead casting now. Honestly I think the lead will depend on the story and whether it needs to be similar age to Song Hye Kyo or notably younger. For example, both Goblin and Mr. Sunshine had intentional age disparity between the needs per the story concept. Taking out actors who are already doing other projects or have worked with Song Hye Kyo before, I’m going with Park Seo Joon as the right A-list lead who would be fun to see in a Kim Eun Sook drama.

Omg can we have Gong Yoo or Won Bin for Song Hye Kyo leading man. If not then Lee Min Ho or Kim Soo Hyun. So excited for this because Song Hye Kyo is back again.
Won bin no longer do dramas/movies though so might remove him on ur least. Soo hyun is already confirmed for a diff drama so another one out.
Oh suck for me then but still it never hurt to hope since Won Bin is my favorite actor. I’m just going with what koalas 4 Male lead choices shown above for KSH and LMH. For real I would rather pick someone else.
If Won Bin, WON BIN, takes on the male lead of a KES drama with SHK as the FL than I’ll fully expect the sun to rise in the west the next day. Please think over what y’all speculate on, even delusions have a limit.
Umm since I’m a big fan of both, I will wait to see them have a production one day. You here calling me delusional? It’s not that I haven’t heard Lee Na Young saying Won Bin only accept well written scripts? As a fan of both, one can still hope although the script is cliché. Sorry I’m not a delusional shippers FYI so there is no limit here. As if I’m going to spread fake rumors of them? The man is married so have some respect please.
LOLLL are y’all good?? For supposed fans of Won Bin, you have surprisingly little knowledge of him. He hasn’t done work in 10+ years, is known to be extremely selective of the roles he takes on (he especially avoids romantic roles) AND has rejected the role of YSJ in DOTS but y’all think he’s a likely candidate for this mess?? A KES makjang/PPL circus with an actress who doesn’t know how to make more than 3 expressions in total?? Calling me petty won’t make your delusions any less delusional. Either re-examine your “fan” status or do more research into your fav so you don’t embarrass yourself like this in the future.
He hasn’t done work in 10 year not because he is selectuve but because he is afraid of failing, being coward would say, there are tons of good script either movie or TV, he is just too afraid to come back…
Haven’t even read the script and already jump to conclusion it is a makjang, you are not petty, but shallow per se
Lol you’re the delusional one here so you can wait for your sun to rise in the west by yourself. I have no time for toxic people.
Gong Yoo would be amazing! I would love to be Jung Woo Sung, Park Hae Jin, Lee joon Ki, Lee Dong Wook or Seo Kang Joon for someone younger! I wish she would pair with an age appropriate lead this time.
Petty fans are everywhere. People should sent a straight PM to all their oppas agency to back away from anything with SHK name attached. She will date all of them and their reputation will be thrown in the trashed bin. It’s hard to comprehend that to have SHK and WB in a drama together is so risky. To the point where this person has to wait for the sun to rise in the west the next day. I now know why WB is scared to accept anything nowadays because to many delusional people are waiting to crucify one’s reputation. To any oppa out there, if you accept this drama with SHK, please secure your name first. ?
Lol ? I hope SHK sign a no dating contract with whoever she works with first. This will secure oppa fans heart.
@Indi Indeed! Will be nice if she can cooperates with them in the near future. With the veterans actor her ages will probably stop all these nonsense.
Didn’t people already discuss this in the latest SHK article? With some even getting heated about it? And now there’s a whole post on it again? Trying to trigger yet another fan-war, eh? Okay.
Why not, eh?
I mean, ppl are taking the bait. Some are enjoying it and others are losing their minds over it. Upto each person if they’d like to have fun or be idiots about it. How’s that anyone else’s fault? Lol
hahaha I thought the same, but that’s the job of your blog, finding popular posts and sitting back and watching the world burn.
Lol. Didn’t say anything is anyone’s fault. She criticizes the woman’s writing (which is understandable) but then goes on to make it sound like starring in her dramas is this huge Nobel Prize-level honor. Then puts up pics of massively popular Hallyu actors with massively crazy fans. C’mon, you can’t say she she’s not stirring the pot. Lol. The SHK article I mentioned earlier has around 80 comments with some getting wild as they discuss this same topic. Then boom, this one goes up. It’s smart.
“you can’t say she she’s not stirring the pot”
LOL where did I say that? I practically said she was lol. And I say, why not. I mean, look, I think KES is an absolutely trash writer lol. Most of her dramas have driven a lot of people a little nuts (and I’m not talking about fandom). But excluding TKEM, all the others have a certain something that just seems to have get everyone really into it. I find the speculations lots of fun. If people wanna go beserk and fight like rabid animals, well, it’s on them. I usually enjoy all award posts too. Someone always has something hilariously absurd to say. It’s amusing af.
The you in “you can’t say she’s not stirring the pot” is a general one. Not you specifically. And as predicted, I see the claws and fangs coming out in the comment section. Yeah, it IS amusing af.
I think it’s Lee Jung Sok as there’s a rumour before he finished his military that his comeback drama will be with Song Hye Kyo.
the romoured for shk and ljs were from hong sister drama shining inheritance now from kes.but song agency dindnt cnfirm any news about the offer,if shk already accept kes offer mean she will not be joining hong sister drama with ljs.even ljs agency dindnt confirm any of the romours yet.
Hmm, amongst the photo shown (most likely by K-media?), Kim Soo Hyun and Lee Min Ho are both occupied unless either of them does double duty. JCW isn’t an A-lister so he’s out. So yea, I’m also betting on Park Seo Joon. He has no drama attached to him, and he’s a bonafide A-lister to be sure. He’s the only real big name with certified string of hits in this age range unless Yoo Yeon Seok is being considered.
I don’t even like Kim Eun Sook lmao. But I am getting interested in the guess-the-lead game. When it’s announced, it’ll be boring again lol.
PSJ seems the likely pick. Only thing is he’s going to film a movie Concrete Utopia soon in March I believe. So dunno about schedule conflicts on that issue going forward.
I think it’s Lee Jong Suk as I saw in some news before he finished his military duties that his comeback drama is with Song Hye Kyo but that was for Hong Sisters drama now that she accepted the drama that will be pen by KES they might offer it to LJS.
Nah. As someone above already mentioned to you, that drama was purely rumour from a different writer altogether. Neither actors confirmed even getting the script for it. I mean, it’s possibly true and in which case, they for sure won’t be in the same drama because one is with KES and the other with Hong sisters.
Ehm, when this news came the first name that came to mind was So Ji Sub.
On second thought Park Seo Joon is also a great option, but I stick with SJS.
It’s hard to say a name without knowing the story and the characters… I guess she won’t do a noona romance after Encounter.
So we need an actor around her age. I hope to be surprised!
It all depends on the storyline. The ML will change again if the setting is like The Last Princess (SYJ) or Assassination (JJH). If it is set in the past like Mr. Sunshine, I can possibly see Jang Hyuk or Kim Jae Wook. KES may not necessarily cast an A-lister for his ML since SHK has all the star power. Hyun Bin was not a mega star when he was cast in SG. As of now, I’m betting Park Seo Joon as I mentioned earlier.
I loved The Last Princess and The Assassination but that was purely due to the incredible performances by SYJ and JJH. Personally, I don’t think SHK has the range to pull off a one woman show, especially if there’s a historical aspect to it. She was barely passable in DOTS and that was mainly because SJK and the supporting cast were hard carrying the drama so :/ I really don’t see PSJ accepting the role either since he’s enough of a drama A-lister that he doesn’t need to ride on anyone’s star power. If anyone’s going to take it, it’s probably going to be an actor in the 40s-50s range, like you mentioned. Someone seasoned I guess?
@Vee, my reply came out at the bottom in a separate post, lol.
I agree with this. SHK don’t really have the power to carry such a thick plot. What a shame because she is so popular but there are a lot of better actress than her
Regardless of who they cast, the general public are not going to let them be regarding the whole “SHK dates all her male costars” angle ? That’s probably going to be one of the biggest hinderances of anyone signing alongside her lol
Who knows? Maybe this drama will be of a different genre requiring no male romantic interest- (police/legal/medical) or they might just cast a married established actor like Cha Seung Won or Han Suk Kyu opposite her and tell a matured love story. I am sure the reasons you mentioned above are also factors that her agency would have taken into consideration. So for her to accept – something must be different about it. I sure hope its different too. Kim Eun Sook should just lay off writing romance for a while, her cringe dialogues are the reason why I can never successfully finish any of her dramas. I literally liked zero of her past works which start off an ok watch for me and always fizzle out in the middle or abandoned due to the cheesy dialogues. Song Hye Gyo is such a beautiful actress and really does light up the scenes shes in. Part of me wishes she will just turn this down in time and try out something else for change. Work with different writers and production teams, different type of actors (not pretty Alist actors), different genres and up her versatility game a bit.
A KES drama with no romance or domineering male lead? Pigs will fly before that happens.
She’s definitely taking a risk casting SHK in her first post-divorce gig, especially after the train wreck that was TKEM. The male lead is going to be crucial here since they’ll have to pull off a believable romance with SHK despite all the knetz speculations. Might have to resort to bringing in a married man to keep knetz at bay, who knows. I’m personally weary of the project as I am with all KES dramas; the woman may have once written crack watching but it’s far past the time to retire her trademark style at this point ?♀️
“A KES drama with no romance or domineering male lead? Pigs will fly before that happens.”
Here, here!
The drama is most likely gonna be centered around SHK’s character so I think they’ll cast a popular actor but not really someone on the same level as hers.
Well I guess you could cross out Hyun bin for sure. Plus I have always felt that DOS was for his post army return after SG but he stepped away, so, period.
I’m not a fan of KES, the best of her dramas have problematic characters, the worst of her dramas have terrible terrible PPL and eye rolling plot holes. I get their popularity but I do feel that that that era has passed.
Lastly, let’s cross out Lee Min Ho too, the last thing he needs right now is another KES drama. Do something that challenges you LMH, come on – whatever happened to the fire in the eyes. Fight me but Eternal monarch bored me to death, my first ever LMH drama that I couldn’t finish. I put trust in his next project, please!
No. DOTS was always written with Jo In Sung in mind. But when the production inked SHG, I think he did not want to repeat the Winter The Wind Blows pairing and the overseas filming schedule. Recommended Song Joong Ki, his good friend instead. This is the back story.
People like to make up false rumors when it’s Song Hye Kyo. Lol Hyun Bin was never a choice on the list of DOTS male leads but people like to make up stories. Maybe to boost him up or something. LMAO…everytime I came upon Song Hye Kyo article, some crazy fans will bring up his name all the time. For what reason? From my understanding is to make seem as if without him, she won’t succeed. Bruh she’s way ahead of him and she doesn’t need his name to make headlines.
I don’t know about people on this site but some CLOY shippers were spreading rumors that HB was offered the role of YSJ but had rejected it when he knew the FL was gonna be SHK. ??♀️
Woah. Jo In Sung turning down DOTS, and giving it to SJK. Shows he’s a generous guy. I like him a lot too. He doesn’t work as much, but he’s doing a new drama soon. JIS would’ve amazing in DOTS. That’s the thing, even though it launched SJK’s career. It’s a role that a lot of actors could’ve aced tbh.
I just wish KES will drop her old method of casting and storytelling. If she has any sense left in her please hire a new team of talented assistant writers. I don’t think KES can write any decent drama on her own. Have to say SHK is playing safe and never venture out of her comfort zone. Sigh. Hope it doesn’t end up an expensive flop. I think TKEM may just be the start of the KES flop drama curse. Expensive, pretty, hyped to death but discombobulated and hollow at the same time.
How do you know SHK is playing safe? There’s been zero information about this project so far except for the FL, writer and PD. They didn’t even release the genre, let alone its plot or her character. Judge her choices when when everything’s released.
This is a KES drama, enough said.
@Aquarius So even if SHK’s character in this drama will be different from her previous roles, you’re still gonna say she’s playing safe?
I think you’re missing the point; it’s a KES drama. Every female lead of hers are cut from the same material. Every male lead as well.
Lol, by choosing a KES, it is playing safe because the character type (and genre = romance) is already a shoe in LOL. Not that I blame her or anything. I’m just saying this ain’t gonna be a “challenging role” if that’s what you’re hoping… but maybe pigs will fly as someone in this thread said.
@Butterfly, your comment is gold. Thanks for your mature reply.
What I’m saying here is wait for the details of the drama to be released first before judging her choice.
Once you watched 3 or more dramas from her, it is easy to guess what kind of casting and storyline she will use in this case.
Plotline came out in soompi article. The Glory is a sad revenge story. High school student bullied so bad until dropped out. As adult, became teacher of bully’s kid. Plans revenge against kid’s bully parent. Pre-produced with multiple seasons like Love Struck In The City. 8 episodes in first season. I personally don’t like this multiple season thingy and is a first time for a KES drama. Getting worried. Sounds like makjang Penthouse or WOTM.
PD is not exactly inspiring. MOA gave me chills, only HB saved it with his acting & ROY was just PBG farewell drama.
Lol you seem to be soo bothered. Flop or not, it’s none of your business. Her choice of what she want to play. All the recent popular dramas are cliche as hell and still hit big.
Why do i have a feeling that the actor will not be someone famous.. but hopefully is someone 30 plus not like a young actor like pbg..
It might be Lee Jung Seok. He is finished with his military and there’s a rumour before he finished that he will pair to Song Hye Kyo for his comeback drama
You’ve posted this like FOUR freaking times and people have debunked it. Yet you keep saying it over and over like a broken record. Enough already!
@GentlemansIndignity LMAO!
Lol this is my first comment and i realized there is someone w the same name above
Just here to squee over Louie-Bok Shil appearing at top of article as KP banner. Miss my two cutie puppies! Oh what the heck, since I’m here I’ll throw Guksie into the ML list. Ciao.
There’s a rumour before that Lee Jong Suk and Song Hye Kyo will be having a drama after LJS’s military is over. But that is for Hong Sisters drama. Now that SHK’s new drama will be pen by Kim Eun Sook again maybe KES will offer the male lead to Lee Jong Suk? As I saw that Hong sisters drama will be about witches and sorcery they might cast younger and cheerful actors for that. If it’s Lee Jong Suk then hope the drama is good he might break the curse about the actors comeback drama being not a hit after their military.
Please no more rumours on that Hong Sisters drama. Never was there a casting offer. The female protagonist for that drama is a woman in her mid 20s.
@Vee, I do think seasoned actors will also be extremely wary at this point to act in a KES drama. It’ll be like a career suicide since TKEM flopped. Unless a miracle happens to KES, I don’t see many of them will accept the ML. KES’ capable assistant writers have left her to start their own writing careers. She has lost her mojo. Brave is the one who takes on this ML role. The script has to be phenomenal for the actor to accept as SHK has limited acting range beautiful as she is. This will be the most intriguing train wreck in the making or a surprise comeback for KES.
I’m sorry but I found comments like “SHK has limited acting range beautiful as she is..” unnecessary. If you wanna comment on her acting, why do you have to mention her beauty as well? Does it make you look like less of an anti when you praise her visuals? It almost sounds like a backhanded compliment to me.
I read you comment in the other article. I don’t know since when SHK’s become one of your’s good if she is your fav now but weren’t you the one shading and comparing SHK to HJW before? But if it wasn’t you, my apology then.
@Nad, relax, don’t jump to conclusions. I wasn’t comparing SHK to HJW. I was talking to someone else about the dangers of the showbiz industry with many success stories and equally many failures of ML and FL in HJW’s case. Referencing Ji Chang Wook as the regressing one and Kim Seon Ho as the rising IT star. I was talking to Pam about the ML list. As for SHK, I never said she’s my fave in my previous comments in that ML post. I was commenting on the possible male leads. I stand by my comment regarding SHK’s acting ability and beauty. Both aspects are part and parcel of the acting industry therefore there’s no rules to say I can’t mention her beauty. It wasn’t meant to be derogatory or demeaning. If that is how you interpret it then I have nothing else to say. Ta.
The comparison between SHK/JJH and HJW was made in 2017 or 2018 I can’ really remember but definitely not recent.
Not your fav? This is what you said in the other article :
“All my faves are coming back this year – SIG, PHS, D.O, NJH, JJH, PBY, JSM and now SHK.”
@Nad, I don’t even remember what I ate for dinner last week at my age, lol. I’m sorry if I made SHK-HJW unfair comparisons way back in 2017 or 2018 that offended you. Apologies for that. I have moved on from 2017-18 and I sincerely hope you will too. As for my faves comment, thank you for telling me which article it is. I’m also sorry for bringing up her beauty at the same line as her acting abilities. I’m still fond of SHK coz I saw her in 1999/2000 in Autumn In My Heart.
@Nad, kudos to your comment, there are so many people here playing double standards and carrying two faces…. jeezzz.. the level of flakiness and snowflakes gives me goosebumps…
People here criticize her for being beauty alone, and when a drama success, they downplay her role as the drama success is merely their oppasss, ??.
Happens everytime SHK makes her comeback so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised anymore.
Thanks, Ta. 🙂
In her very first comment on this particular post, she wrote “As of now, I’m betting Park Seo Joon as I mentioned earlier.” I assume by “earlier” she was referring to the other SHK post. If she can remember that, how can she not recall claiming in her very first comment on THAT post that SHK is one of her faves? Interesting, isn’t it?
Also, I don’t know wth SIG is but I already can’t stand that person thanks to the annoying way this KA is always bringing them up and hyping them even in unrelated articles. Might as well just change her username to SIG Ajumma.
@FanofNobody On the other post, she referred to SHK as ‘our queen’..but here, she said she’s not her fav. ?♀️
@FanofNobody SIG is probably Seo In Guk.
Hi @Kimchi Ajumma! Totally got what you meant in regards to JCW, as someone who like KSH ‘s position is now in. Someone who had the potential to be a top/A Lister, but his project picks were awful thus doing nothing for his career.
Whereas for KSH, he’s at a place where the direction he goes depending on his picks rn and 2-3 years from now will change the course of his career forever. Regarding KSH, this guy has the IT factor. When he’s on-screen, you can’t take your eyes off of him. The only reason why many stuck with Start Up was b/c of him. I hope he and SALT choose well. If he picks well this yr, in the next 2-3 yrs, he can could def. land a big Hallyu project/Hallyu FL!
@Nad – You gotta chill, lol. The first thing that pretty much anyone mentions about SHK is either how pretty she is or how bad she is at acting so KA didn’t say anything out of the regular from the general public. The fact that she pretty much always chooses roles that emphasize her beauty instead of character roles pretty much speaks to that fact as well.
@Kimchi Ajumma – You nailed it, I think. I think the industry is realizing alongside the general public that KES has lost the magic, so to say. To be quite honest, by casting SHK, an A-listed she’s already worked with, I don’t think she’s showing that she wants to change up her style. She’s probably going to dial back the overblown story lines but keep the ridiculous makjang and romance aspects. And that’s probably what any male lead posited for the role is going to face if they take on a KES show with SHK as the lead. Disaster in the making, potentially.
Read Kimchi Ajumma’s comment again. I don’t mind her criticizing SHK’s limited acting range but why couldn’t she just focus on that? And why would she pretend to be SHK’s fan when the truth is she’s not. Was that her way of justifying her comments? You should read her old post, if you can find it of course. She decided to shade SHK and JJH in order to praise her fav, HJW. But when other commenters replied to her with facts, she sang a different tune. Sorry but I don’t respect this type of person. If you disagree with something or dislike someone, just say it. No need to do the sugarcoating.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen KA bash anyone, subtly or blatantly, on this blog before. If you remember something she said back in 2017-2018 that she herself doesn’t recall than kudos to you, I guess. Fact of the matter is, you can think of someone fondly due to nostalgia and simultaneously criticize them as well. SHK’s one-expression, just-a-pretty-face, aegyo-filled acting might have worked at one point but it’s plain annoying to witness it now. It is what it is.
I hope you can also leave this disaster in the making to her fans. It really is not non-fans’ business if this drama flops. I’m not sure why you’re here coz it seems like you don’t really favor KES and SHK but if you’re here because one of your oppas is mentioned as the potential male lead, then I suggest you not to worry. The actors are listed by reporters. Not KES herself.
Btw, you said SJK and the others were hard-carrying DotS but as far as I know, the one who walked away with a daesang was SHK. And the only one who still retains her popularity after the drama is SHK.
My previous comment wasn’t posted so here’s another one.
I have a pretty good memory so I can still remember her old comment. Her inconsistency is my prob here. In the previous article of SHK, she said she’s excited coz her ‘favorite’ is coming back. When I asked her if SHK is now her fav, she denied it. See the ‘proof’ I posted above.
Btw, you don’t seem to favor KES and SHK so perhaps you can let her fans deal with this disaster in the making. It really is not non-fans’ business if this drama flops or not. If you’re worried your oppa might get cast as the ML, I suggest you not to think too much about it. This list came from a reporter after all. Not KES herself.
In your comment before, you mentioned that SJK and the others were hard-carrying DotS but the one who walked away with a daesang is SHK and the only one who retains her popularity up until today is also SHK. 🙂
@Vee, acting is a very subjective opinions. I can tell you tones of actresses who are praised for good acting but still a mediocrez. I don’t want to name anyone particular here, cause I don’t want to stir the fan war.
KA doesn’t bash someone but her tones are not consistent and one post she said this, the other she flipped her table.
Be true to yourself..
at least to you, SHK is nothing but a pretty face and the success to other dramas kudos to her ML only based on your previous comment. Lolzzz
Clearly you lot have rocks for brains except when it comes to anyone even remotely criticizing your favs so I’m not going beyond this last comment.
SHK won one daesang for DOTS and that was with SJK, who won another one at APAN without her. Considering that and the fact that he was nominated for more awards than her for the drama, it’s clear who people thought hard-drove the drama’s success. Not surprised you supposed “fans” don’t even know this basic info but want to start trolling on the Internet regardless. Lol.
SHK’s pathetic acting won’t change just because you defend her honour on random blogs and neither will her tendency to attract scandal like ants to honey. Maybe lay down your pitchforks and let your fave demonstrate all she has instead.
no, you not criticizing her, you clearly downplay her role and discount her credit for the success of drama…
If we have brain of rocks, then you have comprehension issues.
If we trolling then what about you?? From beginning to now, nobody mentions about any of your oppas or your favorite, you come here and Gugugaga in her article,,,,
She is pathetic in acting but most of her drama tops the chart and bring buzz, everywhere she goes, or even with this ridiculous articles is a delicious prey for all the trolls including you.
I guess your oppas must have been craving for that pathetic..
@Vee The fact remains that she won a daesang at KBS Drama Awards (she wasn’t in SK for Apan) and also the PD praised her acting as one of the ‘highlights’ of DotS. Between professionals and some Internet user whose qualifications I’ve no idea about, I’m sure you’ll know which one I choose to believe in.
It’s very clear to me that you are just one of those haters based on your choice of words. You’re being irrational and unreasonable. I will no longer reply to you coz it’s evident that you’re incapable of thinking objectively and discussing maturely. Would you go away and watch dramas of other actresses (the ‘talented’ ones) and let SHK’s fans enjoy her comeback and acting in peace? It really doesn’t cost you money to ignore her, does it?
TKEM flopped- are you for real – try telling that to Netflix and look at Netflix’s own results which clearly show how incredibly well TKEM
did. So people in SK watched it on a Wavve or Netflix and not SBS – so what.
SHK fan war is on. Koala hit jackpot topic!
Koala should post more SHK articles if she want more commenters because so many people love SHK. Fans or not, people can’t resist to take a peek in when seeing her names. Lol it’s always those who want to make a comparison with their unnies or praise about their oppass A-lister status.
Toxic fans are scary as. OMG. So entertaining though. Maybe more dramatic than the drama itself. Lol.
Am I the only one, give SHK a B list actor and if the drama can be successful and popular, then I will trust KES and SHK. Why depend on an A list if they are that successful themselves?
What I want to say is, drama is about team work. Is not about your bias only.
Whether you give someone A list or B list actor, doesn’t matter. It will flop if the writing sucks.
I really want Kim Seon Ho for this, too bad he’s already attached to the Shin Min Ah drama ?
My other choices are Yoo Yeon Seok and Kim Jae Wook.
But if they really want an A-Lister, then So Ji Sub or Park Seo Joon
Oh, and Joo Won would be a great choice too, I think
Doubt it will be Joo Won. He fails to create any buzz with his dramas.
Kim Seon Ho would be an amazing and fresh choice. But he prob is a bit fresh in K-drama land. Maybe in 3 yrs? Realistically, is he even a potential name for KES? As for the Shin Min Ah drama, ah, I take it your not a fan of her’s lol? He’s not confirmed yet, just mentioned name wise.
@bbc Joo Won’s career is strange. Despite winning a Daesang for Yongpal, his choices since 2015 have faltered. His fanbase is crickets too, it seems? This is why the industry is so aimless and fickle. You can have hits/win big awards, but once newer talents come in, you get left behind.
@Pam, Joo Won just doesn’t have the IT factor like some of his contemporaries. Unless it’s Baeksang, awards from network award shows don’t hold much merit, and that was more than 5 years ago.
@bbc IA. Joo Won projects from 2010-2015, solid/good. But it says a lot right, when an actor like him had a period where his work was great, to not really going up?! And you got it! He lacks the IT factor, that draws viewers in, and makes someone yearn/wait for him. Talented guy, but he lacks that IT factor as you said, which means he might go down the route of being given work that other big names passed on. He seems B List, career wise?
Lol @june the way you talk about seonho is soooooooo delulu I cant. You act like seonho is too good for KES and SHK but nah, its other way around. Your oppas arent even match KES and SHK level. New lee seung gi? Lol. Idk if you really naive but he isnt even close to LSG in korea
@Haeki I don’t even Seon-ho wants to be a new Lee Seung Gi. He did 2d1n for a variety of reasons. Hmm, now with all these differing comments on here about Seon-ho. I really wonder if many of us are drinking the hype and cool aid when it comes to him rn? It seems majority of his Insta followers were from foreign/international fans. So he could be seen as a potential new Hallyu star?
On your LSG comment, “He isn’t even close to LSG in Korea.” What do you mean by that? I do agree that he’s not the new Lee Seung Gi. Tbh, who is? No one could do what he can do in all medias. It’s not something even I would wish on Kim Seon Ho.
Dear God, please keep Seonho out of this mess. My man’s just now getting his due and I don’t want it all ruined because he signed onto this mess. He’s only a year younger than SJK so I can only imagine the knetz vitriol *shudders* Stay with your gut and do dramas with actresses that suit your excellence my baby!
Hmm, if Seon-ho gets offered this, his career is set? In the way, that KES dramas for the most part do well. As for Seon-ho, he has to choose wisely. I root for him, but I also worry if he will go down the path and fizzle. Eventually, Seon-ho will get rumors and such, as he gets more famous. It’s something he will have to get used to sadly. As for actresses, him working with SHK and the likes is big for his career tbh. I rather him work with top stars/same age or older actresses, than Idol stars and young females.
Yeah, no, his career will not be set just because this is a KES drama, especially since SHK is a part of it. His newfound fame from Start Up wasn’t because of the relevance of the drama (if he wasn’t in it, it probably would’ve been just another random drama) or his chemistry with Suzy (doesn’t matter if he was the second lead) – it was because it was the right role at the right time. His talent was undeniable, his charm irresistible, his image squeaky clean and the push from his variety show a perfect boost to his profile. He’s basically the new Lee Seunggi of this generation. If he takes a predictable macho man role in a KES drama with an actress who’s more known for her face, ex husband and tax evader scandal rather than her acting prowess, it’ll shift the focus from his talent to the drama behind the drama, so to say. He needs to take roles that focus on his strengths and potential rather than an expensive makjang mess with an incompatible, less talented actress, popular or not.
@June He doesn’t belong to SHK’s league, June. Don’t worry.
@June, I like KSH from start up, but hehehe, sorry he is not up to level of SHK yet, he needs to work really hardddd, so don’t worry about him. He has a long way to go…
As much as Seon-ho is talented, he is the new IT guy. Meanwhile, SHK has been around for decades, and is still on top. He’s not the new Lee Seung Gi lol, he can try, but I doubt KSH will be him. Dude said that fame/being famous is something he doesn’t care about. Plus, he’s more sensitive and not as whip smart to juggle multiple careers like LSG, and that’s fine.
This is Korea, even if Seon-ho has it *all. He can easily get replaced by someone better, newer, and more talented. I like KSH, and he like many other IT guys could’ve the potential to turn it into something long term. But meow, SHK whether you like it or not is a big name. If anything, I bet he would feel honored/lucky to work w/ someone like that. He said Autumn in my Heart was his fav drama.
Pppa PSJ need not ride on someone’s coat-tail. She can carry the drama alone.
Blame the reporters for naming all these actors. They were actually the ones who got excited. SHK didn’t even wait to know who her co-star would be before agreeing.
Lol all the fan wars come from these kind of fan and those above. The article could have been an easy pass if there’s not so many crazy oppass and unnie fans. Now throwing the she could carry a drama on her own things. Dam Song Hye Kyo so unlucky.
No worries, she doesn’t even care who her co-star will be because she accepted the drama even before knowing who will be her ML.
Her name is so popular that just two articles back to back brought so much traffic to this website. Koala can write more about SHK and I guess that will bring more $$ for her.
Nah in encounter presscon, SHK said she picked it because of Park bogum and the pd
“At first, I really liked the script. I thought with this script, PD PSW will work together, we’ll make the drama which is beyond our imagination. In addition, PBG will appear together. I chose this project with the expectation that this drama will be amazing.” This is exactly what she said during Encounter press con.
I don’t know how this is related to what Ta said above but it doesn’t change the fact that SHK already agreed to accept KES drama and so far, still no news regarding the ML yet.
Will be a riot if someone like Kwak Shi Yang or choi Jin Hyuk ia the male lead.
He fits KES type, male masculine and they deserve a big chance
Kim Seon Ho is not yet an IT guy. To get that status you need to gain public favor. All IT guys of the past had not only strong fanbase, but public actively were interested in them.
As for who will be SHK’s partner, I rather hope for good chemistry and acting chops from him. But with KES, I bet she will get someone, who is good actor in the first place and has strong name recognition.
I don’t think she is bad writer, she an easy target, so people hate on her. But a lot of SK writers has same flaws as her. Cheesy dialogues and cheesy plot, over simplified love stories, and bunch of plot holes. Even the thriller ones guilty of all it. I don’t think she is best writer out there, but I don’t hate her works with guts either. People put a lot of expectation on her too, which is not healthy))) I’m interested in what she will write about this time. Mr.Sunhine was good, but The King is bad. So who knows what we will get this time around.
Right? Kim seon ho is so overrated already, his fans hyping him too much, I mean I get suddenly get some recognition because of start up, but start up isnt even hype in korea (5% rating), to say he is IT guy is seriously delusional. I doubt KES would cast him, because she likes to cast big name for ML ( Lee min ho, Hyun bin, Lee byung hun, Gong yoo etc), Kim seon ho doesnt even have a chance
@Haeki Thanks!
It adds more perspective and un-biased look. I thought KSH was an IT Guy in Korea rn. But it’s def. not the case. Sometimes, its hard to tell which is real, and which is the truth. IA, that I-fans hyping him up can seem like his popularity is more than what it is. When it’s only 3-4 really loud I-fans online backing him.
As for saying, he’s too good to be in a KES/SHK drama lol. I say don’t bite the hand that feeds you. If his fans say this, that he’s too good for stuff/or saying SMA is too old to be his next co-star. That’s really bad image for him to get. I hope his new fans can back up a bit.
As for KSH and face match in Korea. He has a friendly neighborhood guy vibe. But he’s not known for his looks or being handsome. It’s his natural charisma that makes him more attractive.
I personally don’t see the new LSG comments, lol. I mean, I don’t think KSH even wants to be the new LSG. He just wants to act, and be an actor people want to work with again. He doesn’t seem lofty in his goals to be bigger, which could deter him from becoming bigger
Is he not an IT guy? I mean what is an IT guy anyways? Even though Start Up’s ratings were average. In Korea, his articles (Maybe his agency?), and he made more appearances too. Seems the public likes him for him to get these offers? He also got more leading offers, from Start Up’s fame. Perhaps rising star is better for him?
I do @Haeki that he’s just not at the level career/fame wise to be cast in a big drama like this for now. And yes, I say this myself but too much overhype on an actor can turn people off. Only time will tell if he’ll live up to his potential or fizzle out like so many risings stars.
He is not. An IT guy has string of hit dramas, movies or massive TV show following from public, big number of public friendly CF deals and winning/getting in top 10 public likability related well-known surveys. All others “trendy” or “rising” stars. He is “fan-favorite” at the moment. Start up was “fan-favorite” drama. 4-5% on tvN is not an average anymore. 6-8% is. And that been said general public didn’t care about whatever was happening in that drama. They were into Penthouse makjang. He is 2nd lead material for KES for now. And yet to grow to IT guy status. Maybe in the future.
@Hobo Thanks for clarifying. I would say he’s def. a hot rising star rn with the potential to grow. I guess its a bit hard to tell b/c people who watched Start Up, ended up rooting for him/KSH at the end.
Maybe Stans have been overblowing the love and fame KSH got in Korea too much? He did win an award for Celeb most want to meet on X-Mas in Korea. I do agree that he would be cast as 2nd ML for KES for now.
Does anyone else have more thoughts on this?
@Pam it’s all about fan staying power and ability to sustain your hype with good drama/movie/show performance. And that Christmas survey was done by bunch of sites and everytime new celebrity was a winner, that’s not the level of survey I’m talking about. Aim for something like Gallup or CF likability at the year end. IT guy will appear in one of them for sure. If he has all 3 things in his pocket, then you can give him an IT guy title.
@Hobo Omg, thanks! This is very helpful btw!
If you care too, I want to ask someone whose coming from an un-biased perspective. But do you think Kim Seon-ho has what it takes to the next IT Guy? Granted, he is also older as he began later than most. But in your view, does he have what it takes to be one? If he takes the right project, do you think he can be able too? Or just a trendy actor for now?
@pam, @hoho already tell you about IT guy, tbh the best example I can give you is Park Bo Gum during reply / moonlight, he got high rating dramas, public recognition, CF, and his image is really good (close to yoo jae suk). You can see everywhere he go, people treat him like he is a top star. Ifans might not hyping him but korean public =/ ifans
KSH is long way to go since start up wasnt doing well in korea, he is only 2nd lead and he doesnt have strong image in public yet. Only some ifans hyping him soo much and really think he is IT guy korea already and even too good to be in KES and SHK drama (lol)
Idk about how to be IT guy in korea, since they have specific taste compared to ifans, IMO first he needs to be in a high rating drama (PBG had 2 at that moment, reply and moonlight), and ofc you need to have charm, whataver it is (idk if KSH face match with korean taste) and super good image like PBG or yoo jae suk.
Knowing KES style in past dramas, i think the main actor will be someone big to save her poor writing.. her dramas always have poor storyline but managed to do well either locally or internationally bcs of the top actors she chose.. cant wait to find out who it will be and also hoping shk will play diff roles and show more range of emotions
The toxic commentaries are laughable. All the A-lister range and if oppas work with Song Hye Kyo will tarnished his beautiful clean reputation is very entertaining. As if these people knows everything about these stranger they see on the screen personaly. She’s a tax evaders, a divorced woman, only have her beautiful face and no talent never get old. Oh I forgot about the buying fan service and sponsorship thing! Geeze…honest facts here if it weren’t for Song Hye Kyo who introduced korean entertainment to the world from her hit series AIMH. All these oppas will never be heard off. This is why Korean entertainment are the worst showbiz because there’s nothing special about it but only fantasy written story to entertain lousy female. Such a shame… The wiser man always says if they hating on you, you must have something they don’t… Hwaiting Song Hye Kyo.
So now this is a matter of who “deserves” to costar with SHK? A respetable production should search for someone who fits the role with his acting and aura, it could be a rookie, rising star or A-list…If they are confident in the script this is the way to go.
Now everyone is throwing names but I’ve not read someone telling why that actor fits the male lead character other than “he’s an A-list”?
Haha…I don’t care about IT guy or A lister or B lister after these are just so called standards set by fans of their favourite against other stars.
Latest news, the drama is called Glory and it’s about revenge. Don’t really like revenge story as it gets sad and heavy. But, i will give it a try for 2 episodes for SHK and whoever the ML and the rest of the casts (not keen on director n writer)
Yeah, I read that news too. I also read that the first season will be 8 episodes. So that means there’ll be multiple seasons? Oh well, we’ll wait and see how it goes.
Writer is pretty smart releasing news like teaser fuelling many commentators to write toxic bullying comments providing her opportunity to sell for better price to whichever stations that will screen her drama.
No no,dont get the A list actor,they are all too typical the same going character as a heartrobe woman soon and bored!
Please cast someone new,i figured there are so many talented reborn as an adult for a guy,well,goodluck