
Kim Sun Ho Makes Cameo Appearance Opposite Shin Se Kyung in jTBC Drama Run On — 8 Comments

  1. Pingback:Kim Sun Ho Makes Cameo Appearance Opposite Shin Se Kyung in jTBC Drama Run On - Kpopnchill - All About K-pop News

  2. I started it but I’ve never been too keen on SSK. I think her acting has gotten better but I usually pass on her dramas. I watched half of episode 1 but stopped and didn’t return. Maybe I’ll watch it later if nothing else peaks my interest. What episode is KSH’s cameo? I’ll watch that! ?

  3. I love Run On and have been following it avidly, but I must confess to be somewhat underwhelmed by its penultimate episode and don’t hold out much hope that the final episode will be any different. It’s a sweet, slice of life romcom where nothing much really happens, the stakes have no real impact and the writers are quite in love with the cleverness of the dialogue; somewhat at the expense of the plot. It’s a good way to pass the time. Both couples have some sweet chemistry. As much as I love it, I will say it’s a somewhat forgettable drama; I’m not going to remember much about it, say, in a year from now.

  4. Run On is the only k-drama I am watching at the moment. I haven’t been a fan of SSK or her dramas but she’s pretty good in this slow burn contemplative piece. I really love her character. And she has so much chemistry with ISW!

  5. The first 2 episodes were weird. The 3rd episode got me sitting up watching. My interest started waning by the 10th or 12th episode. I didn’t like the second lead’s love story at all. I only powered thru to the end because teenage daughter was into it and insisted we finish together. Not gonna lie, Kim Sun Ho was the incentive to finishing it. Not gonna lie, I was a bit disappointed in his cameo. It was..bland. I was hoping he would be the “Ryan” they kept mentioning thru out the episodes.

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