Categories: K-dramas

Episode 13 of Vincenzo Stays at 10.815% Ratings as the Consigliere Puts on a Virtuoso Performance in How to Fight Back in Style

tvN drama Vincenzo continues to surprise me and episode 13 was no different. When I thought President Cho had betrayed Vincenzo (noooooo!) it turns out to be more complicated and more genuine the connection between the two. Both have secrets upon secrets and yet need each other. I’m glad he’s a more layered character now than just Vincenzo’s right hand man looking for a payout. The Guillotine File is now front and center and even Babel gets in on the race to find it. While the Geumga Plaza residents annoy me still when they get in the way (i.e. the turnaround from their trip to interrupt Vincenzo), I know it’s needed for the narrative to twist and turn and ultimately I know they will serve better purpose in the long run and I’m patient to see it play out. For now Manger Nam and Agent An are still my faves and their duo undercover role at the end of the episode was the bromance I need more of. Vincenzo really took a gold bar to the proverbial foot at the beginning of the episode but he’s still focused on taking down Babel which played out like a text book mafia shakedown and surprise with a Korean flavor twist. I know some folks want more romantic development with him and Cha Young but I just love their characters and the friendship means more to me because he doesn’t have any in Korea and she’s re-discovering her purpose alongside him. Joon Woo took a giant step backward in this episode and the ending moment borrowed a page out of Carrie but sadly I couldn’t enjoy it as much because I’m worried about the payback he’ll on our protagonists who I love so much.


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  • After seeing the premier ratings and feedback , everytime I predict a drama will make a new record for TVN , i kind of jinx it unknowingly?..Now Vincenzo is stuck in 10-11 pc range..??.. Nevermind it is still doing well...The highest it can achieve is i guess ~ 14-15 pc.
    I suppose we will have to wait until a few more months to get another 20pc+ cable drama.

  • The Carrie-esque twist at the end had me literally gaping because holy shit I did not expect that! I just thought that Vincenzo brought up the pig blood loyalty thing as a random Italy memory but nope, Chayoung wanted to see shit get red and he made it happen. And boy was that a lot of blood. If it was real, I’d be legitimately worried that Taecyeon might choke on it. Can’t wait for Ep 14 either way omg this show is really running on greased wheels now and I am so ready for all the future hijinks to come.

    I love the sprinkling of humor throughout the show. This episode had loads of humor and had me in stitches. The transition from suspense to humor to scheming plan of attack and back was just so seamlessly well done. Love, love, love! Never mind the great acting from SJK & FL, they’ve always brought it, bravo to all the supporting actors/actresses. Intelligence inspector & rookie...haha. And that last scene had me fist pumping so hard, I’m excited for the remaining episodes to come!

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