
Kim Yoo Jung Radiates Healthy Youthful Energy in New Bottled Water CF Stills — 21 Comments

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  2. What a refreshing aura of Pretty Kim Yoo Jung! She really exudes bright and positive energy.
    Can’t wait to watch her in Hong Chun Gi (Red Sky). Stay healthy while filming Yoo Jung!

  3. This is such an effective CF, as she looks positively radiant. I’ve never watched any of her current works, just when she was the child actress in Rooftop Prince, and she was adorable and did well. I’m reaching for a bottle of water now. I may not have access to her brand, but any bottle of water will do. ?

  4. I super duper love her beauty.
    She really is an effective endorser!
    So much love for Yoo Jung.
    She always radiates a beautiful and kind aura. What a charming girl.

  5. she in her laneige cf (orange theme) really look like she’s choi soyoung snsd sister. the resemblance was really uncanny

  6. I love that Kim Yoo Jung is very healthy and youthful. She is one of my favorite beauties in Korea. I keep on staring at her pictures.
    I also super love her as an Actor.

  7. I don’t know why but it gives me the same vibes as Yoon Eun hye’s green tea cf 15 years ago . I’m not comparing their looks as they are different but only the aura of the cf ! I think that Kim Yoo Jung is not only beautiful but also very charismatic and that’s what i like the most about her .

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