Filming on KBS Sageuk Drama Affection with Park Eun Bin and Ro Woon Halted Due to COVID-19 Outbreak on Set

Welp, it’s definitely the 4th (5th? 6th) wave of COVID-19 in South Korea and this one is hitting hard as evidenced by the entertainment industry. Perhaps it’s good that so many shows are preempted these two weeks due to Olympics coverage and that will also lessen the gathering opportunities. Following the halt of filming on the Netflix drama The Sound of Magic after male lead Ji Chang Wook tested positive, and with follow up news that his costars are all tested negative, filming has also stopped on the set of KBS sageuk Affection (Yeonmo) starring Park Eun Bin and Ro Woon. There is apparently an outbreak with production members, no names given, so out of pre-caution all filming has ceased for the time being. Be safe everyone, get your vaccines (if available) and keep masking up!

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Koala, did you hear that those who accused Jo Byeong Gyu, Park Hye Soo and Ji—soo of bullying have now retracted their accusations and claim they’re false?
It’s not the kind of news I want from this drama but more pictures, teasers, etc.
What is the vaccine situation in Sk? They had things well under control but there has been a spike recently. I hope people are still being vigilant with social distancing and masking.
They started later than the other countries and now Moderna is late with the delivry…