
Upcoming K-drama Now, We Are Breaking Up to Pre-record the Drama Press Conference This Month and Male Lead Jang Ki Yong Will Enlist in the Military After Promos — 18 Comments

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  2. hahaha it’s a cute habit and it’s nice that he’s gonna prerecord his interview…I might not like him as an actor yet but he seems super nice so I hope this work can change my mind

  3. Hull he just model trying hard to be actor. He can’t full emotion only one dimentional character,zero presence on screen just like song kang and nam jo hyuk. He just lucky in big agency give him flop drama back to back. Even his fans happy My roomate got 5% rating and that drama going to 3% rating.

    • i recommend you watched his other drama, kill it, born again and my m8ster. and you would say otherwise after that. he portrays totally different characters.

      just saying.

  4. Just luck his death eyes fish,how come mediocre model-actor C-lister getting cast in public chanel and A-lister all jump to cable chanel.

  5. They seriously got the entertainment writers to agree to keep quiet and put their articles on embargo for next few months?

  6. I love him in Come and Hug Me and Kill It. But he’s good too in romance department. I always prefer an anti hero character and i hope he’ll play one later. He’s really good in dark dramas.

  7. I love him. He was great with Jang Na Ra in Go Back couple and Jin Ki Joo in Come and Hug me. His chemistry with Hye Ri sucked but he was so hot in Gumiho. So he is better with older co-star. I think this drama could catapult his career to its highest.

  8. I first noticed him in 《confession couple》 as he is tall and has a nice clean look . Then i went on to watch 《come and hug me》 that’s when i became his fan! His acting is subdue and subtle! And occasionally some very cute expressions like raising his eyebrows lol. I am looking forward to watch all his dramas now!! Making this pandemic more bearable. ?

  9. I’ve been in Jang Ki Yong’s drama marathon since last month. My Roommate is A Gumiho, Search: www, Go Back Couple, and I also rewatched Come & Hug Me and still loved it!

  10. He is so good at MRIAG and I recently finished My Mister and Kill It for him and I found he is good in both, I currently watch Search WWW and find his chemistry with Im Soo Jung quite lacking though. Hopefully he is good in this drama since concept wise this is more like Search WWW than the rest of the drama I mentioned.

      • LOL, seriously one man’s meat is another poison.

        Compared to Gumiho – I actually LIKED and noticed him in Search WWW. His seduction scenes there, and their kisses: start of living together -> including the hanky-panky seduction one in the staff room was brimming with chemistry for me.

  11. He is ok in supporting role in come back couple but not as lead in www search n i drop it, ran away not clicking any drama he is on anymore.

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