
Jinyoung Arrives in Episode 8 of Yumi’s Cells as the New Love Interest to Shake Things Up Between Kim Go Eun and Ahn Bo Hyun — 3 Comments

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  2. We learn from the cells in the Yumi archives (where she’s currently 72 y/o) that she did get married, but we don’t know to who. Yu Babi has a girlfriend so it will be interesting to see how this progresses. Sae Yi is on everyone’s sh_t list, but she has been by Woong’s side far longer than Yumi and feels entitled to some “loving”. I die of laughter every time the cells are on the screen. They are adorable and so entertaining. Will we get a third set of cells for Yu Babi? I hope so! I’m loving this new kdrama format and am hoping it is unique and not copied ’cause the formula is addictive to watch. Sometimes I prefer the cells to the actors, hahaha! They are too cute!!!

  3. I’ve heard, they prepared for season 2, really? Tvn is so dedicated to this drama despite only got 2%.

    Yoo Babi.. lol. Babi in my language means pig. But this Babi is handsome lol.

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