
New Weekend Dramas Twenty Five, Twenty One and Forecasting Love and Weather Increase in Ratings for Second Episode as Validation for Positive Reviews — 12 Comments

  1. Twenty Five Twenty One deserves it. It’s really coming together nicely.

    I have a lot of issues with Forecasting Love and Weather, but I’m glad jtbc finally has something going ratings wise. I just wish I liked it and thought the leads had chemistry.

    • Per il momento ho guardato la prima puntata di twenty five twenty one e mi piace da impazzire a parte che io amo Nam joo lo adoro pure come recita poi ragazze 190cm di bonaggine vado per il secondo episodio e poi vedrò Kang

  2. I am so happy i got my drama fix. I am in love with both the drama. I cried bucket while watching 2nd episode Twenty Five Twenty One.

  3. It’s only just episode 2 tho.. why all the premature conclusions. Still a long way to go for both and anything can happen. Kdramas always fall apart in the middle or end.

  4. I liked watching the 2 episodes of 2125 , even if they made the 18 character of KTR overacted . Hope that it will continue well and that it will not fall apart after a few episodes . Now i’m going to give a try to PMY’s drama .?

  5. Kim tae ri proving why she is number one actress from 90s gen by mile. A self made stage actress not from some big ifol company buying her roles

  6. kim taeri is overacting in all the clips I’ve seen. I think she’s trying to overcompensate for being too old for her role but it’s giving steve buscemi how you doing kids vibes instead

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