
tvN Drama Eve with Seo Ye Ji and Park Byung Eun Cancels Press Conference Prior to Next Week’s Premiere — 33 Comments

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  2. It’s not premiering next week, it’s been shifted to June 1st. I think it’s going to be a really addictive watch and I’m rooting for the success
    Why they canceled the press con is because of tight schedules

  3. Strategically, makes sense to not have press conference, as the article headings with Seo Yeji and her agency, GM, will just likely overshadow the drama and the other actors.

  4. OMG, its like a Ko Moon Young 2.0. After Moon Gang Tae left her and she turned into an even crazier character. LOL Her clothing style looks so similar to her last drama, I can’t shake off Ko Moon Young feelings just watching that trailer.

  5. Man.. trouble sure follows her whereabouts like a shadow. They asked for it. Lol. “Scheduling conflicts” for a show that the cast is committed to promote and the core of promotions centers on the press con. Its now becoming a recurring joke isnt it. Smh

    • Look Dramabeans are going to recap Eve so just go on their site and slag off until your heart’s content. Oh no but it means you’ll have to watch the drama. Geez the dilemma.

      • Kissasian exists.
        Guys watch it there so u can see her act out her real life personality and laugh at her here and on drama beans. Win win.

      • @Kimm – Really? Hater alert should be on every SYJ article KP posts; that way all her anti’s can have their hate nit picking frenzy in one go. Yeah you’re definitely winning- all day every day!Oh the turmoil.

  6. Yeah I guess Viu and Viki are happy with an increase in their subscriptions since Eve will be shown on there. Premiere dates have changed from April to May 18th, May 25th to now June 1st. TvN Eve teasers are going off the charts!Oh no just hate watching Eve then slagging it off here is gonna keep a lot of haters happy.

    • Glad they hired you at golden medallist to work this hard on their international PR. Yea Im sure Viki and Viu depended on this production for their lives to save their channels and surely people are just dying to watch her sooo bad that like what you said there will be an exploding subscription. Can’t wait to see the news dropping all over. “SEO YE JI RESCUES OTT PLATFORMS VIU AND VIKI WITH EXPLOSIVE SUBSCRIPTIONS RATES WITH LAUNCH OF HER COMEBACK DRAMA”

      • Glad you keep changing your user name to fuel your anguish and spitefulness and because you’re so quick to manipulate my post you failed on the opening ‘I guess’ which is an opinion -mine. Stop getting triggered at SYJ she is just one cast member that is part of a drama.

      • Her fans sure love acting like she’s some A-List global superstar LOL
        She’s literally only big in stan twitter, and everyone knows twitter stans gas up any actress who played a “bad b*tch girlboss” blah blah kinda role that appeal to their shallow type of feminism LOL

      • Ah you don’t get mentioned countless times in western news media for a break out role in IOTNBO and not be touted as a Hallyu star. Plus you brought the ‘feminism card’ up Marsha. Anyway you must be super obsessed if you’re on Twitter following her stans. 🙄

    • It will be absolutely Hilarious when she flops hard hhhhhh
      Her stans will be foaming at the mouth just like mumma bear right here 🤭

      • @Nev-Don’t care about the flop -you’re doing perfectly well already. Plus try being kind for once you might actually like it.

      • @Nev Anyways can’t you spend your energy on posting positivity? Oh that’s right you’re too green with envy.

  7. The timing sure is sus. There is still a lot of ill will towards Yeji and GM. The Kim Sae Ron hit and run DUI case made things worse. GM once again proves they’re a shady agency with 2 of their talents making headlines for all the wrong reasons and them not even coming off as remotely sincere in being sorry.

    • Says who? The loss of CF endorsements, contracts etc.. time to sit out and reflect, the remorse and parental disappointment along with family and friends too. Constant badgering and toxic messages posted on sites like here oh they are sorry and want to retire outright but GM being even more protective of their own will continue to keep them on. Don’t forget every time you slag off GM you are slagging of Kim Soo Hyun because it is HIS agency and he is the one that picks his talent. SIA knew of SYJ but she still signed up so go figure.

      • Please fact check. KSH never said he owned GM, so how does he choose his own talents? GM manages his work, that’s all.

  8. Well, yeji being the girlfriend of the owner of GM might have something to do with her still being with GM. Girl sure knows which side of her bread is buttered. hahaha

    • @Bern Throw a fact or two at least please. Unfounded allegations and rumors- is that all you got.

      @Scandulous No remember one fan hello me on the blog. Others can’t be bothered they busy hanging out for Eve.

  9. Sunshine used to be known as Mumma Bear. Even her writing style of defence is exactly the same. Yet shes calling out everyone else and lumping them as one user. Hilarious. I am reading this and laughing at her one fierce stan who tries really hard. She will for sure use her original handle to reply me. Shd knows I cannot stand that witch. Haha.

    • @Jenna Ouch Yep that I am -Mumma bear it is. Guess I touched a raw nerve with the SYJ anti’s. Try hard? At least you got that right. A witch? Ummhh looking in the mirror must do you wonders oh yep KP the blog where ‘hate for SYJ’ is mandatory. Good day to you too Jenna 😉

    • @Jenna Must really turn n trigger you knowing how much you hate and seethe over YJ not being cancelled outright. I guess it must be annoying knowing I’m the only one defending YJ on this blog. Gosh KP articles on YJ are the only outlet you have for your bitterness. Get over it please; you’re gonna get a hernia.

    • @Renee – No Jan didn’t say it but TvN said ‘tight schedules’ however anti’s will always read it as something else related to SYJ. Just loving your 3rd intuition.

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