
J-stars Tsuchiya Tao and Katayose Ryota Announce Marriage and Expecting a Baby to Kick Off 2023 — 7 Comments

  1. Very rare in Jp for popular young stars being allowed to date and marry before 30… I am very happy for them. I loved their movie, I still watch it every now and then.

  2. Congratulations to Ryota and Tao! I really liked them in Anikoma (drama and movie). They were cute together both on- and offscreen. It’s impressive how they could keep their relationship a secret for so long. It is indeed also rare for Asian artists to get married and have a child in their 20s. They both have expressed that we would like to get married early though so I’m glad that their wish came true.

  3. An end to her acting career just because she’s getting married and having a baby? Oh come on, we don’t live in the medieval times. She’ll be back for sure, she’s still young and her career can still go places, regardless of her marital status. Congrats to the couple!

    • Even in this day and age it’s not uncommon for a Japanese actress to get married and then disappear from acting for years if not permanently. I hope that’s not the case for her.

    • You’d be surprised, Japan’s entertainment industry does follow this trend. Many famous actresses retire when they marry or cut back on appearances.

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