Xianxia Romance Drama Till the End of Moon with Bai Lu and Luo Yun Xi Gets Airdropped in for April 6th Airing

Those C-drama fans on a high budget xianxia drama drought can get excited now, Youku has scheduled long finished Till the End of the Moon (Chang Yue Jin Ming) with Bai Lu and Luo Yun Xi for April 6th, the end of this week. This is the drama I associate with Luo Yun Xi dressed like xianxia Sith Lord and Bai Lu in all sorts of more colorful and elaborate costumes but the two always looking like the world is about to end in terms of stakes. Luo Yun Xi plays a Demon Lord in the drama and Bai Lu is the powerful cultivator sent back in time to kill him before he rises to power, but then love gets in the way of saving the world haha. Teasing aside, I hope this drama is good and I can get back on a C-drama long watch wagon.

Well the wait was certainly long…I need this to be good sooo bad😅😋 Love the cast, can’t really imagine someone other than LYX portraying this character.
I can’t take him seriously ever since I saw his real, unedited photos and the various ways they try so hard to make him appear taller and stronger. I could power lift three of him without breaking a sweat.
@ah well LMAO! I feel the same, tbh. He is just way too lean to have a convincing commanding stature. BUT! In the novel he’s supposed to be a hostage prince who was treated poorly, so his starving frame fits the criteria perfectly.
I have high hopes, but I know the adaptation will lack certain elements of the novel. Still crossing my fingers that his costumes will make him look good, at least.
I know the ML is supposed to be thin and starving but I think you hit the nail on the head when you said he doesn’t have a convincing stature to pass as ML. That feeling of presence and power isn’t there. It really is a problem for me. I look at him next to BL and her head is twice his size.
I don’t know what happened because it wasn’t this bad a few years ago. But it really destroys the fan filter for roles of this type or like the rescue show he did previously. Who would believe he could rescue a cat, never mind something serious. I don’t know.
I watched many bts scenes of this in which he does his own stunts and some difficult wirework smoothly and elegantly ( I know some actors who look stronger than him but don’t do this stuff, it requires good balance and a strong core ) it appears so that he actually is stronger than he looks, besides he is just a really good actor.
Nah, this is classic fan excuse talk. He has muscles, he this, that. I have heard it all throughout the last few years. The man has a problem and you are all waving it away.
If it makes you feel better, he can play businessmen and those types that aren’t physical in an obvious way but it is glaring in roles like this. Or as I mentioned, in raw photos or videos that are not edited. There it is genuinely concerning.
I’m actually a fan of Bai Lu, so I’ve only watched him in love is sweet before,and they did a wonderful job in that one; but good for you, dissing everyone who disagrees with you with a fan label, just to emphasize on your point which is basically insisting on how a thirty something grown up man has a problem he and those who know him don’t understand, but you do and can’t take him seriously for that even though it’s not preventing him from doing his job.If proving a point like that makes you feel better, fine…you own this argument.
Agreed. I generally avoid dramas of which LYX is the ML. I admit that I’m a looks freak as a drama viewer and LYX isn’t up to my standards. I can’t really take actors seriously when in the novel the roles they play are described as extremely beautiful/handsome while these actors aren’t in real life.
Ugly people always want to set standards hahaha. I care about good acting, that is the main job of an actor. Looking extremely handsome like in novels is unlikely in real life because novels use literary figures for descriptions. In the Western it’s the same, but definitely less noise is made for shallow reasons.
No role Leo has played is described as extremely handsome, so your point is invalid. If his looks aren’t your cup of tea, say so without the need to search for pseudo-arguments to convince yourself that the problem is with him. Don’t act as if all actors should submit to your personal preferences, especially when it comes to physical appearance (none of us can choose it, unless we go under the knife). If you don’t like him, what are you doing reading his news? You clearly give him importance because you have an anti-fan complex.
People continue to support bad actors with scandals, so why can’t people support or take seriously a GOOD ACTOR who pretends he is taller and stronger than he really is? It’s just excuses to promote disdain for him because oddly enough his weight and height is the only narrative to attack him that exists.
Agree! He has no scandals and is a good actor. Perfect for me.
He can definitely carry Bai Lu, in TTEOTM’s BTS it is clearly seen. But you guys always give your opinion without knowing. Narrow minded trait.
Besides, he is taller than her. So your point is destroyed.
This drama looks gorgeous!!! And the leads are from love is sweet,they were perfect there,gonna be fun to watch them in a different genre and setting. From what I’ve seen of the bts clips, they both have worked really hard for this, hope it pays off
Aaaaah finallyyyyy🤩i hope its true
Everything about this drama looks good i didnt really like the novel that much but somehow the drama got me excited ever since it was first announced because i like the actors and was curious about how some of the arcs are going to be adapted in drama
Eagerly waiting for april 6th!
Really looking forward to this perfect series🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❣️❣️❣️
LYX is the best actor thanks to him I started watching Chinese series
Very professional casting ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
great actors❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Perfect team❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Can’t wait to see them again soon 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❣️❣️❣️
Really looking forward to this perfect series🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❣️❣️❣️
LYX is the best actor thanks to him I started watching Chinese series
All very professional, great actors,
Perfect team❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
LYX is the best ❣️
Can’t wait to see them again soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I read 1/3 part of the novel and drop it because the plot just to dog blood, ML & FL are unlikeable, the ML pure evil (scum) and FL is hypocrite. I HATE IT SO MUCH.
Curious how this kind of material got drama adaptation 😂 well, maybe i just not their market since it isnt the first time c-drama have dogblood plot like this.
ML is evil because he can’t help it. But his devotion and love for the FL is real, at least. The FL – she was trying too hard on her crusade against evil, when she knows what she’s doing isn’t honorable either – just in the name of “greater good.” She does sort of acknowledge this which is why she sacrificed herself for him.
I wouldn’t call this novel perfect by any means, but the angst development was well defined. I still find it hard to believe she would love him, despite his crazy ways. But he does go through a lot to be with her, so I guess any girl can be swayed by that
Nah it still make me doesnt like them, since so many tragedy happen (direct or indirect) because of this couple 😂
But i know it the author favorite plot, her other 3 novel also have similiar premise like this. But her second and third have good execution.
Can not wait for this…..need me some lyx in costume:)
Pleeeez be goooood!
It’s hard to take leading man seriously when he appears more delicate/tinnier, and has more makeup than the FL.
Short and skinny male leads are a huge no for me as well.
Me too.. i tried to watch some dramas of him (the last one was with Janice Wu) but i couldn’t stand him. He doesn’t need to be hugeeeee, but at least, not skinnier than the fl. No offense tho.
But is he the skinny type or he just likes it. I mean, some people obsessed with skinny body. It’s okay as long as you’re healthy. Im just curious.
The main job of an actor is to be reasonably good at acting, but you guys clearly get carried away for shallow reasons and then complain that movies and TV are full of models reading scripts lol.
That’s actually how he is supposed to be in the novel
The ml is described as lean and fragile many times in the novel basically because he has endured illness and all kinds of tortures in his life and has barely survived.
The costume designs for this drama are fresh, they are said to be inspired by Dunhuang/Dunhuang Murals style. For that I will give this a couple of episodes.
The trailer looked pretty stunning😯😯😯 it felt epic, magical and tragic at the same time! Bai lu and all the girls sooo beautiful…and then leo luo’s various characters and expressions🔥 I think I finally found a fantasy love story to watch after eternal love
Well,the male lead in the novel is thin,fragile and delicate looking,due to long term starvation and abuse also short,only taller compared to fl.so luo yunxi figure is spot on.
OMG… this comments section is full of body shaming and name calling :/
I don’t know much about the drama or the actors, I was just intrigued by the poster and then I saw the comments…as far as I know, an actor or actress is supposed to be reasonably good at acting and that’s it. The rest is the same toxic idea that has brought Kent to its current situation where almost everyone look the same to be able to ‘pass as ML or FL’
Anyways…this looks interesting will probably check it out once some episodes are in
For those who call out the ML as thin & fragile, please look into the mirror… Tell us how you look FOR REAL! Lol… He is a good actor and he always acts his part well. I look forward to this drama. I like the FL too.
Funny enough, he’s probably a lot stronger than he appears and probably stronger than many of his peers given his background in ballet.
Funny enough, even though he looks frail, with his dance background he’s probably strong and might even be stronger than many of his peers. He was professionally trained in ballet since he was 3.
I can’t believe all the talk on this guy’s physique is still ongoing 😶like since ashes of love in 2018, for crying out loud😅…I remember his weight was an actual real reason to be dismissed back then in the fan wars, but I could understand it then because fan and ship wars can always get that low and stupid. it’s just sad and disappointing that this is still happening in 2023. If anything, this just earns my respect for him, not getting affected by this long direct argument against just his weight and still doing his job as well as he can. I watched him in AOL and love is sweet, he was great in both, and this one is also looking great.
I hope he gets tons of success with this, and become an example for everyone who is told constantly *u won’t be able to make it* due to some shallow reasons so that they just try their best and get their own success.
Okay to be fair, it’s also bad to find someone who is incongruent to what a character is supposed to look like. Like you can’t tell me Leo would look good as a sumo wrestler lol, that’s completely incompatible. Similarly, a frail looking man won’t be convincing if he was to portray a strong, powerful man.
This drama, though, is precisely about a sick, frail, beautiful man…so Leo actually fits the characteristics pretty well.
It’s not just about the acting sometimes. You need to meet physical criteria too.
I don’t tell that to anyone,nor can I convince anyone to like him when they don’t.I’m not even being specific about him. This is not what I’m saying, everyone is entitled to their opinion and if he doesn’t appeal to someone it’s perfectly alright. I just don’t understand the constant need to voice out the specific reason behind an opinion of disliking someone due to their visual appeareance, calling them names and labeling them in the process. Simply using the word ‘miscast’ would do it to address such a problem.
Personally, as for what a character is supposed to look like, I’ve seen tons of surprises from all over the world through the years.However, if I still don’t like how some of them look despite being good at what they do , I can always skip and ignore without lebeling or mocking them.
@irene-Best comment so far! Since people come in all shapes and sizes, I don’t understand why ALL actors need to be tall, strong-looking, and large. I’ve just watched Jet Li movie, and he is shorter than her FL, and I don’t even care. They just need to have a good actor and emote well and if performers are able to carry the story, then that’s okay to me. My husband is taller than most of the Chinese actors I’ve watched, but I didn’t complain about it. Although I’m not a fan of this actor and he may not fit the stereotypical “tall and strong” image but if he can embody a character and bring their unique perspective and talents to a role, it can create a more relatable and dynamic performances. I also wish he has a ton of success in the future.
Late to the replies, but @Irene, sometimes providing comment like “it’s a miscast” doesn’t fully explain the rationale behind that thought. If the commenter wants to be understood, they have to provide the reason why. A simple and broad “it’s a miscast” actually does more harm than good.
Like someone mentioned, drama is a form of entertainment art. And you know, the first thing artists need to learn is how to accept everyone’s critique and feedback without losing sense of themselves and their work.
People making comments about his skinniness (which he is very skinny) doesn’t mean it’s not true. He has good reason to be skinny, and his character here actually calls for it. But in other dramas where he should look buff and strong, and his physique doesn’t match – that incongruence hurts his image.
And not just him, but other actors and actresses too. Like Zhou Dong Yu mentioned she never plays roles for pretty woman because she doesn’t think she’s one herself. I find that refreshing. Being honest about yourself and what roles fit you is a good practice and saves you from haters down the road
Your comment is sensible, but specifically the problem is not whether Luo Yunxi’s physical appearance fits the characters or not because even when we explain that he has good reasons to look like that, for example in Till The End Of The Moon, he is attacked with comments full of degradations.
If Yunxi’s appearance is not their type, why waste energy to keep watching him and then complain that he doesn’t fit their preferences?
But Zhou Dong Yu played Chen Nian in Better Days. Chen Nian is described as pretty in the book and that was no impediment for her to deliver a flawless performance. The same goes for Mark Chao in Eternal Love.
After watching 28 episodes of this drama, I can say all the hate comments about Leo Luo is so dumb and not worth reading. Wasted my time so you don’t have to waste yours. I admit he is so skinny, some people are born with good metabolism and it can be a problem while others who are fatter see they have a problem too. Everyone has problems okay, no one is perfect. And that is okay. After watching this drama and love is sweet. I’m a total fan of him and I ship this couple. I didn’t think I would like someone like him to be a fan, but as you get to know him from the interviews and such, he is a calm, peaceful, kind and very smart and strong gentelman. He is a hard worker. For all who don’t know, I think the cause for why he is so skinnier now is thanks to the guy who beat him up for real in the light chaser drama causing him to go to the hospital and be in a wheelchair for a while. And then having to keep working of course. He was actually more “fatter” in ashes of love and who knows what health issues he is facing. Only he knows. But that other actor who beat him up for real out of jealousy, needs to be locked up yo. But it seems Leo is too nice to do that, he doesn’t even see the point of cursing in a game..like dang, thats pure and well mannered. Also, when people cast actors and actress, they obviously would make sure they match the character of the novel or what the directors and production team want, not just looks wise duh, but most importantly acting skills and how he can make the character be alive. He is main male lead material to me. He is different in a good way. 🙂
LYX is the best for this role. He was professionally trained at a male ballerina for 11 yrs and the standard body of ballerina are thin and lean but also very strong core strength, able to lift 50 to 60 kg easily. His acting is superb. His devil lord portrayal is more domineering than Dylang Wang and cheng yi. Just stop body shaming and focus on talents, people!!.