Zhao Lu Si is a Stunning Spring Goddess at Guerlain Event in China

In two months it will be the one year anniversary of period C-drama Love Like the Galaxy and it feels like a full rewatch is coming! I had been sporadically returning to C-dramas before LLTG arrived by fast-forward curiosity watching Who Rules the World and The Blue Whisper but it was LLTG that fully got me back on the C-drama train with its restrained and intelligently plotted politics and romance. I’m super excited to see where Zhao Lu Si takes her career after the breakout year that was 2022 with 2 hit dramas but she’s definitely red hot on the CF and endorsement work. This week she attended a Guerlain event in Shanghai and rocked two different light colored dresses that looked Ahhhhhmazing on her. She’s glowing and gorgeous and at just 24-years of age it feels like the world is her oyster.

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This girl must have one of the loveliest smiles I have ever seen. I could watch a drama (almost) just to see her smile.
Loved her in LLTG and I’m a fan of ZLS as well. Pics like these astound me because they look like she’s not wearing any makeup at all, but I’m sure she is. It’s so imperceptible (or good PS) – it takes “natural” beauty to another level.
That is soooo edited. Not even close to what she looks like in raws.
Her smile is beautiful in any version though.
Lol. It is not surprising that the artists’ pictures are edited in events, photo shoots, etc. It happens all over entertainment, regardless of the continent.
Although there are people who have a tendency to try to invalidate the beauty of East Asians, but they accept without issues photoshopped pics from Western artists. It is amusing to see such double standards that even descend into internal racism. In this blog there are users like that lol.
For real tho. Pointing out that pictures of celebs have been photoshopped is literally just pointless at this point. Like, you’re not saying something new, it’s given already that their photoshoot pictures and sometimes even red carpet pictures will go through photoshop, no one releases unedited photoshoot pics of celebs lol. It’s kind of like commenting on pictures of the Kardashians and Jenners that “they’ve had so much plastic surgery though”. People know already lmao, stop acting like you’re saying new information 😂
At this point, comments like Shrug’s comment is just meant to be catty and discredit other people’s beauty, as you said. And yes, I totally agree about the double standards when it comes to East Asian celebs. Lots of Hollywood celebs have so much plastic surgery done too, but no one bats an eye unless the celeb is botched. But when an East Asian celeb is praised for her beauty, all the negative nancys come out of the woodwork to comment, “BuT sHe’S sO fAkE tHo 🥴”
Totally agree with you. I’m rolling my eyes here 🙄
Plus I can recognize Zhao Lusi just fine, so I don’t get the dramatic comments saying she’s unrecognizable 🤷♀️
That is just it though she doesn’t really look massive different in raws like u make it sound since she mostly go for the light make up looks most of the time,if u ask me, she is beautiful naturally n has an infectious smile/laugh.The make-up enhances her beauty so does everyone.
I have seen her raws and she looks gorgeous!
She was so good in LLTG. Absolutely loved that drama.
These days i am watching Back from the brink. I am not even a xianxia fan but this drama has got me hooked. The lead actors chemistry is so natural and cute that one can’t help but adore. No toxicity or misunderstanding between them so far. Infact the 2nd lead acts as a shipper of the two.
The pacing is amazing as well.
I thought Leo was the backbone behind LLTG, but his recent drama is so bad that I am rethinking his star ability. He is def handsome and talented, but something is missing, maybe because he is too young. Zhao Lusi on the other hand, serves chemistry and loveliness everytime.
Leo has very questionable chemistry with his costars. He was lucky with ZLS who manages to create chemistry with all those she costars with. With him and her, their chemistry was fiyah.
I don’t think so at all?? Have you watched him with Zhang Zi feng in upcoming summer and Zhou Yu Tong in Nothing But You, not to mention dai luwa in cross fire..Extremely good chemistry with all of them, LLTG was not his best work by far..
LLTG was very pointedly geared towards a popular-rich -guy- falls -for- clever -girl- next door -but -with -traditional- costumes type audience..it had many scenes focusing on the CP and focused heavily on how in love the male lead was with the FL , sometimes at the expense of a background storyline
but the production was good and the chemistry and storyline worked, that’s why it was so popular
I think a huge part of LLTG strength is the central couple romance. The success of the drama cannot be put on either of them alone, they both contribute that’s for sure.
i think leo should get a younger costar, or maybe can be older but doesn’t look older than him. He looked cute with tan songyun or lin yun, I hope the drama with zhao jinmai turns good.
It was her for sure. Lol. She’s chemistry queen. Even leading guys I think are just okay become elevated with her because she immerses herself into her own characters. Leo Wu is a super strong actor himself, but his productions actually become good when he stands next to a strong leading lady with matching ability. So far, I think LLTG is his best work. Lol.
LLTG worked because of the production value. Story wise, it also drew the audience in. Can’t say its only because of the chemistry between WL and ZLS because not only were they good, the whole cast was great together. Any future drama with WL and ZLS will determine their value as costars.
I am fan since Romance of tiger and rose, dating in the kitchen, Oh my emperor 1 and 2, long ballad, but I can’t watch her other modern drama. Anyway looking forward for her upcoming xianxia
She looks so gorgeous! LLGX was the only C drama I’d never skipped one scene since Nirvana in Fire and the Untamed. For the others, I either fast forwarded some arcs or quit watching entirely. Great production and acting. She’s got another modern drama coming. I’ll check it out although I don’t know much about the ML.
Zhao Lusi is beautiful and sexy. But somewhere, someplace in China anti-fans are working overtime calling her fat. lol I hope she ignores the haters and keeps winning.
when will her next drama come out ? now Im watching K drama. they have more interesting drama in stock now compare to c drama. my last c drama was lltg which was a year ago
She has a drama out right now called Gen Z. it’s on youku. It’s not a romance drama. It’s about Chinese medicine. Her next drama secret love has no airing date yet.
And check out “Starry Love” with Chen Xingxu and see how you like it.It’s funny and a good drama and excellent actors. And there is a drama on Iqiyi called “Oh no here comes trouble!” it’s a supernatural, friendship drama. No romance. It’s from Taiwan and also has execellent actors. it’s also very good.