
Son Seok Kyu Turns Down Hong Sisters Romance Drama Can This Love Be Translated — 17 Comments

  1. Pingback:Son Seok-kyu turned down the Hong Sisters romance drama. Can this love be translated? | KWriter

      • Count me in. Cillian Murphy did act in one, but it was called an “anti-romance” movie with Lucy Liu — Watching the Detectives. My favorite not-romance movie lol.

      • Oh yeah, forgot about that one lol. But I’d love to see him in a romcom again, esepcially as he got even better with age 😋

  2. He seems like he picks interesting projects for himself. Although I wouldn’t complain to see him a a rom-com, tbh.

  3. A romcom drama is great for those starting out in leading man roles. Son Seokku just had a breakout year last year in both movies and drama, and this isn’t the kind of project that could get his name further into the A-list ranks.

  4. Even Kim Eun Sook cant get him. He was her first choice for Mr. Sunshine I think and he also passed on it. V picky actor. Maybe they can go for Seo Kang Joon. Hes available now.

  5. Count me in. Cillian Murphy did act in one, but it was called an “anti-romance” movie with Lucy Liu — Watching the Detectives. My favorite not-romance movie lol.

  6. Eh, we don’t get to see him in this? 🙁

    Missing the dude since My Liberation Notes … entire cast’s acting = soooo good.

  7. Romcoms are usually just for actors/actresses starting out and is a very “basic” genre and is not taken very seriously. Most romcom writers rarely explore things outside of the usual romance tropes. Comedy is rarely funny as well. Most of them who want to be taken seriously will head over to other action-oriented/darker/thriller/slice of life fare that challenges their acting chops more. Good that he passed on this, he always picks good stuff, will probably be a waste of his time filming it.

  8. The Hong sisters did manage to land Cha Seung-won and use the contrast to his tough guy image with great effect. But, that was a decade ago, when the quality of their dramas was a bit more consistent.

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