Aaron Yan Crashes His Sexual Assault Victim’s Press Conference Claiming to Apologize in Person Leading Yao Le to Have a Breakdown

So the victim accusing singer-actor Aaron Yan of sexual assault when he was just 16/17 has outed himself as popular TW Tik Tok influencer Yao Le who goes by handle Raku. The accusations are that Aaron dated him when he was just 16/17 years old and during that time Aaron secretly made sex videos when Yao Le specifically told Aaron he did not consent to be recorded and also further accused Aaron of forcing sex on him in the early morning when he was still asleep and could not consent. He also said Aaron was a serial cheater and was dating multiple guys when dating Yao Le. After the leak of the sex tape in 2018, Yao Le had to drop out of high school and he still has trauma to this day.
Yesterday Yao Le called a press conference and was mere minutes into his opening statement when Aaron Yan walked in and right up to Yao Le before bowing low and saying he was here to apologize in person. He said he would do whatever was needed to make it up to Yao Le. He told Yao Le to continue the press conference and say what he wanted to say and left but Yao Le broke down and had to step aside for ten plus minutes before coming back to continue. Yao Le said he did not accept Aaron’s apology as it came only after he went public and demanded Aaron confirm Aaron did not leak the sex tape by releasing any investigation done. After Aaron left the press conference he cried to the media that he was sorry for hurting Yao Le but insisted the videos were recorded consensually by two dating people and that he did not leak it. I legit don’t know what Aaron Yan was thinking by showing up but so far he’s managed to make himself look even WORSE.

Dang! What a drama!
This is beyond infuriating and disgusting.
Clearly for Aaron all this sh*t is a performance. There was no consideration of the victim, no remorse whatsoever. And he went bare faced and mask less to show his tears. This is another stage for him.
Additionally no one in that room cared for this guy, no one stopped Aaron ambushing him in presscon or removed him from experiencing additional trauma. This makes my blood boil.
Shame on the media, and all those who allowed the sleazy a-hole to do as he please. It’s as if, whatever we don’t care about the person holding the press conference as long as we have a juicy story to write about.
He did this as self-promotion, especially as he just dropped a song. Scum.
IKYFL!!! SOOOOOO WILD!!! I wish everyone in this situation true healing.
Him making a show of himself apologizing just shows he’s not interested in apologizing and doesn’t feel sorry at all, he just wants people to feel sorry for him. Didn’t even think of how his victim would feel showing up like that in front of him and making him relive his trauma 🙄
F*ck that guy and I hope the victim gets justice
Holy sh–, this is out of a freakin’ drama! He really has no shame. When I thought it couldn’t get any worse. If I was Aaron’s agent, would drop his a– real quick. As if Yao Le isn’t traumatized enough, jeez. Police should have been called.
he’a crazy and should get a restraining order from the victim
Aaron Yan is a complete loser and scumbag. Hoping he gets what’s coming to him, 1000 times over.
Personally I don’t even think Aaron Yan was trying to apologize or gain sympathy. I think he was making a power play or something. He already threatened that young dude once and I think this was his way of showingthe guy hey no matter what you say or what you do I’m still Aaron Yan and I can do whatever I want and who’s gonna stop me.
I so agree with you on this. This guy sleazy a-hole needs to be cancelled!
I don’t follow this dude, but he’s raised enough scandals and lies over the wit his various bfs.
Why is he even still in Existence?
There’s zero sincerity. His appearance was there to intimidate, and cause further distress.
I am totally thinking this too, as the victim has said = if Aaron had actually wanted to apologize or feel remorseful – why NOW?
Can they criminally charge Aaron Yan? Since he admitted to having sex and illicit filming, file as many relevant cases on him. Then, get all his assets for damages. That is the only way he’ll stop to think before he does these infuriating stunts- take his money and freedkn.
Depends if the country has a statute of limitations after which you cannot prosecute. For example some countries have a SOL of 3 years for, for example, sexual assault and some don’t even have SOL for it. I don’t know what the law is there though.
I hope that the police and the prosecutor’s prosecute him for having sex with a minor, filming and distributing it. A huge lawsuit for mental damage, dropping out of school and everything he did to him and Aron will end up in prison