Ro Woon and Jo Boa Navigate a Curse and Fated Love in jTBC Drama Destined with You also Streaming on Netflix

New jTBC drama Destined with You premiered last week and if the supernatural romance drama starring Ro Woon and Jo Boa sounded interesting to you then it’s time to dive in. It’s also streaming on Netflix and has entered the global top 10 so clearly the drama looks intriguing to viewers. Whether it’s actually good the jury is still out, I checked it out and found myself FFing through the female lead scenes a lot, a combination of Jo Boa’s acting and also it all feels like story plot filler to lay the foundation. Ro Woon is much better in both his character and performance, but since this is a fated romance the two need to have strong chemistry and in this early phase it’s just mid.

Seriously don’t remember Jo Boa having chemistry with any of her costar. Like ever. That has got to be some sort of achievement in itself lol
She has a maturity to her and would do well opposite capable older male leads.
Not sure about her other dramas but as for me I remember having a SLS, something I rarely get unlike others, in Surplus Princess because she had better chemistry with Song Jae Rim.
Jo Boa had pretty good chemistry with Ahn Bo Hyun in Military Prosecutor Doberman.
@madqueen, agree with you, both made a good pair, there wasn’t much romance but both were good in this drama . I love their Kick ass style . I think that she is an actress who works well with her co stars but she didn’t have until now an explosive chemistry .
Seems like jo boa is more suitable for not romance focused story
I’m only watching this for Jo Boah at the moment, and yes I agree hopefully the chemistry will get better/ stronger. I find it odd that Ro Woon is 5 years younger than Boah but in the drama they made him the one that’s cool and mature and Boah being childish and silly. it’s just… incongruent
It has a good interesting plot, but it seems like writer was also trying to figure out what to do to move the story along.
It’s actually interesting how different the takes on the two leads are, depending where you look.
While Koala enjoyed Rowoon more I read some enjoyed Jo Boa more. I guess it’s all a matter of taste. Personally I didn’t find both overall compelling but Jo Boa tried less to be perfect looking while I usually can look past Rowoon’s not as developed acting skills (Extraordinary You is still one of my fav dramas with him) I’m always looking at him because he is looking too good. But I can’t pinpoint if it’s his doing or if the director or costume/makeup department is responsible.
It’s distracting me from the otherwise interesting plot or curse surrounding him.
Overall I can say I enjoyed the first 2 episodes more than I expected. I just hope it won’t go downhill from here.
Personally I like both actors.
Jo Boa was very fun to watch between the scene she’s trying to open the box or bickering with Rowoon.
Rowoon was looking so good in suit! Tall guys in suit are the best :p
The plot is interesting with the creepy curse (I didn’t think it would be so creepy), I thought the curse would be a subplot, so it makes me very curious about the past, the spells (I’m pretty sure she messed up and the love spell will act on Rowoon).
For the chemistry or romance, I like their bickering. Now, both characters are interested in someone else.
But I don’t agree that Jo Boa never has chemistry with her costars. She had with Yoo Seung-Ho.