
K-actress Kang Sora Reveals She’s Expecting Baby Number 2 in Lovely Maternity Pictures — 7 Comments

  1. I’m not sure why people would be bothered by the idea of women consciously choosing motherhood.

    Actors/actresses get way too much prominence in society for how useless their ‘jobs’ actually are. And yes, I recognize the irony of saying this on an entertainment blog.

  2. She’s only 33 which is young when it comes to kcelebrity moms so she’s got time on her side she wants to focus on acting after her 2nd child. Lee Boyoung had her 2nd baby at 40 and has done 3 dramas since. There will always be work for pretty and talented actresses in k-ent. It’s really down to personal choice if they want to go back to work right after birth or take an extended break.

  3. She is an actress with great charisma . Only a few actresses achieved to get both children and interesting lead roles . Lee Bo Young is one of them . I don’t agree with ” there will always be work for pretty and talented actresses in Kent ” There are a lot of young and pretty girls who are ready to take a vacant place . Even very beautiful and talented actresses as Lee Elijah or Jang Hee Jin never got the chance to lead dramas . So for an actress , to have a child is not an easy choice . Hwang Jung Eun didn’t rekinkle with the same popularity after getting married and giving birth .

    • To be fair to Hwang Jung-eum, at least she’s now able to try something new with that Kim Sun-ok drama after years of doing mostly rom-coms.

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