Top C-actress Zhang Zi Yi Confirms Bombshell Divorce from Rocker Husband Wang Feng After 8 Years of Marriage
C-ent has been hotly buzzing last few days with tabloid gossip that top actress Zhang Zi Yi and her rocker husband Wang Feng are divorced. Not even divorcing, but divorced already and reportedly for quite some time. After a day or so the couple issued official statements confirmed they are indeed divorced, but are still co-parenting their two daughter together. The statement thanks the 8 year long marriage for the happy moments and their commitment to still care for each other but in a different way than as a married couple. This marriage has been pooh-pooh’d by all of C-ent since it started as Wang Feng was already thrice divorced and had two daughter by two different woman, one with his second ex-wife and another out of wedlock. So now he has four kids with three different women and is back on the market, so run away ladies lol! Reportedly the demise was primarily money, he made around $4M USD a year but she out-earned him 5x with $20M USD a year and that unbalance took its toll, plus as he toured on concerts as women threw themselves at him, though there has been no verified allegations of cheating during their marriage and industry insiders say he didn’t cheat during the marriage and changed a lot on that front from his previous ways.
Saw them on variety shows, one of the married couples that didn’t pretend their partner doesn’t exist and they were a cute family. It’s a shame but glad it seems like the kids will have both parents around.
Don’t they have a daughter and a son together?
I dont understand why they have to split the kids up… really sad as the kids suffer the most.
This guy sounds like he was a walking red flag before they got married. I hope she protected her assets. Was there a pre-nup? ZZY is the bigger earner so will she have to pay child or spousal support or alimony?
So if he made $20 million USD and she made $5 million USD, then it’s OK? No money issue?
Earnings imbalance being their main problem is, I’m sure, a gross oversimplification. Her making 20mil while he’s only making 5mil (btw, come on! it’s 5mil not 50k or even 500k!!!) doesn’t become a problem unless the lower earner has serious low self-esteem or envy that the bigger earner themselves might knowingly or unknowingly exacerbate by rubbing it in that the lower earner is useless or that their priorities take second place because they earn less or the likes. I’m just giving an example as I want to point out that a housewife would become just as resentful if her husband would be castigating her all the time that she’s useless and not contributing anything while he’s breaking his back making money to keep their family.
So no, earnings imbalance isn’t a problem, no matter if she earns more or he earns more–as long as the people involved love each other and have the EQ to keep the relationship healthy. Bad character or bad behavior, of one or both of the spouses, will ruin any marriage eventually, just that it might be described as incompatible financials or incompatible personalities or incompatible worldviews etc.
Not saying that’s the case here; I have no clue. They might have just become bored with each other or whatever.
You do have a point, however, that nobody would even look askance or consider it a good excuse for divorce if the man were the one earning more. But that is simply related to the traditional biology-driven roles of male/husband as hunter/warrior/earner and female/wife as taking care of home and children–which has continued over millennia of known history and is deeply inscribed in the collective subconscious. The changes to that framework are still too recent and limited (mostly to Western civilization), to overcome that instinctive thought. Moreover, they’re not even American but Chinese (Asian society is still pretty traditional regarding male/female roles).
I read from two other websites and someone said from Spencer’s talk show that Wang Feng is being investigated for bribery. They afraid their assets will be confiscated that was why they divorced. It also said it seemed like they didn’t have issues for the past eight years.
Also another website said together they have a daughter who is seven years old and the son is three – not two daughters like this article said.
Aw man
I meant to say he is being investigated for bribery in “Sing! China”.
@XFF, Na Ying’s sister is one of the management team…I expect Na Ying is investigated too.
But all this happen only recently. So the timing does not match… this couple seem to have separated over a year already. there is evidence online that shows that.
But I may be wrong… just wait and watch and see. But being divorce is wise if the investigation will implicate their finances.
Btw, who is Spencer?
I don’t know who is Spencer, but the commenter in Jayne Star mentioned that he/she heard that from him. Yes. I heard about Na Ying also. Yesterday randomly I saw a YouTube video said that they are divorced because of his gambling problem also. The guy also had cheating issue in the past & her family didn’t want her to marry him before. He had many red flags before. Google The Star and there is an article said that his ex said that Zhang Ziyi finally opened her eyes. I’m unable to copy and paste it here. Thanks
@XZF, No problems…I read saw the article on his gambling habit rumours. Thanks you replying to my comment.
You are welcome. I’m feeling sorry for the kids.
@XZF, they decided to split the kids… It is very sad.
Divorced to avoid the whole assets from being stripped of? Not unheard of though! It could be plausible specifically when the couple said they still cared about each other. It’s been a popular tactic used among the Chinese wealthy. Well, sounds like the couple have been targeted by CCP because the government’s treasury is going through raining days. They are extorting money from the rich and profitable companies through all kinds of measures, among which tax violation and controversial business transactions are the most common excuses. This is just a theory. No way to verify. But it’s not impossible. And I believe the couple already have moved a lot of assets overseas years ago.
One daughter, is from his previous marriage.
Hence TWO daughters
I find it mind-boggling that Jayne Star mentioned they have half a billion USD joint asset. I can’t imagine how anyone can accumulate that much just through acting or music. She is not that active in acting anyway, while I have no idea how popular the husband is.
Mostly endorsement, that generated the most money. Kris Wu is filthy rich due to his endorsement too.
And the investments they make. Mostly properties, soft shares and others. It is about Money roll Money. The smart ones will make sound and wise investments… this ex-couple is smart.
Wang Feng is music industry top player… he makes money from music companies he invest in.