
Police Investigate Doctor A for Supplying Drugs to Lee Seon Kyun and G-Dragon Among Others — 27 Comments

  1. Financially, LSK is toast. Fair or not, GD even if he gets blacklisted still has his royalties to fall back. I also don’t think he needs to pay any compensation, so his up-to-date earnings are fine. LSK is in a different financial arena, where not only his earning potentials are blocked, but his earnings over the past 2 decades are in jeopardy due to the compensation fee.

  2. Supplied by a doctor? Sounds so similar to many cases of substance abuse such as Opioid and Claritin D, initially actually prescribed by medical providers as pain killers or over-counter allergy relief. That being said, here in the US those prescriptions are mostly legal. The K-ent cases, however, sound more like a drug ring and the doctor is a dealer.

  3. Pingback:Police Investigation Doctor A for Supplying Drugs to Lee Seon Kyun and G-Dragon Among Others – Fairyonline

  4. Taking a conservative stance on drugs is not a bad thing. The West always likes to portray being conservative as some backward mentality while advocating themselves as being liberal and “advanced”.

      • been reading that lilith’s comments, and they sound kinda.. unhinged, honestly. like she wants the whole world to be authoritarian like china lol, thankfully the rest of the world likes their freedom haha

      • @Somebody Lol who’s stalking who now? Can’t take the truth about the West? You’re screwed up if you think the West is above other countries.

        @holographic What’s up with people like you who have never posted here before but suddenly pops up whenever @Somebody replied to me?

      • @holographic, Nah, the unhinged one is that Somebody. You should have seen her long rants about CCP in almost every blog post about C-ent here. I’m Taiwanese and dislike CCP to the max, but this Somebody kept ranting about them like a lunatic and labeled anyone who disagreed with her as CCP supporter, including myself.

      • @Anon, you dislike CCP? LMAO. You raved CCP culture to the moon and rebuked quite a few other people for their comments on related topics when they defended Taiwan. You don’t even consider Taiwanese culture legit.
        LOL. You along with Lilith always position yourselves as C-ent buffs, spreading hate against the West and fans having unfavorable opinions about China. You and Lilith went bizarrely delirious when people criticized the pathetic Chinese fan culture influenced and promoted by the CCP regime. You guys ALWAYS made comments trying to manipulate people to consider Chinese dictatorship superior to the western democracy. You bananas are CCP lackeys. LOL

      • @Lilith, I do thin the west democracy and humanity promoted by the religious spirit are by far superior to other systems including communism.

        Do you live inside China? They you’re breaking the CCP law by using VPN to get around the firewall. LOL. If not, they you’re obviously a hypocrite. I’ve seen a lot of hypocritic oversea Chinese like you who are absolutely reluctant to live in China while passionately and pathetically urging the rest of the world to conform to authoritative CCP ideology. Brazen but shameless!

      • @Somebody You really love to link everything to China, we are talking about Korea here. And you have a really narrow view of the world, I pity your inability to look at things from different viewpoints. Democracy and communism, they are both idealism to me. It is the people behind them that determines how “superior” these systems are, and right now all of them are just power-hungry trash. I’ve told you tons of times that I’m not Chinese but you seem intent on changing my ethnicity.

      • @Somebody, What are you talking about? I only started posting in the comments in the previous two or three blog posts because I couldn’t stand your long essays about CCP in almost every blog post about C-ent here. I’ve repeated told you I’m a different person from whichever other anon user you are referring to.

      • @Somebody You really love to link everything to China, we are talking about Korea here. And you have a really narrow view of the world, I pity your inability to look at things from different viewpoints. Democracy and communism, they are both idealism to me. It is the people behind them that determines how “superior” these systems are, and right now all of them are just power-hungry junk. I’ve told you tons of times that I’m not Chinese but you seem intent on changing my ethnicity.

    • @Lilith, LOL. Do you have dementia? Trace back to your fist comment! Who first started to infer negativity about the West? You were inviting exchanges since as usual, you’re trying to imply the Wester system has bad values again.

      • @Somebody Is the West God? Is the West some perfect being that has no flaws? You always talk about freedom of speech here yet here you are, suppressing free speech. Double standards.

      • @Somebody Is the West God? Is the West some perfect being that has no flaws? You always talk about freedom of speech here yet here you are, suppressing free speech. Double standards!

  5. @Lilith, I do thin the west democracy and humanity promoted by the religious spirit are by far superior to other systems including communism.

    Do you live inside China? They you’re breaking the CCP law by using VPN to get around the firewall. LOL. If not, they you’re obviously a hypocrite. I’ve seen a lot of hypocritic oversea Chinese like you who are absolutely reluctant to live in China while passionately and pathetically urging the rest of the world to conform to authoritative CCP ideology. Brazen but shameless!

  6. typo – I do think the west democracy..

    Also @Lilith, I have no interest to respond to your opinions about showbiz except when you started being delirious with all kinds of bullshit against the west and democracy again. You’ve been stalking me whenever my fave Xiao Zhan was mentioned to discredit me. In those cases, I certainly will be eye for eye to expose your crap!

    • See? This is the exact behaviour of Xiao Zhan’s antis, eager to shout his name everywhere and pretends to be his fan, drawing negative attention to him. Then constantly ramble about CCP and label people as CCP supporters.

      • LOL. I don’t have to reiterate my fave is Xiao Zhan. There’re my comments proving that and sane people can tell your mental state is unstable. As someone wondered, you’ve been unhinged all the time. I don’t randomly identify normal people to be CCP lackeys. You don’t even dare to use the words “lackey” and “stooge” etc. LOL. You’re obviously associated with CCP.

      • @Somebody Lol at “don’t have to reiterate”, then what is that comment at 11:46 AM?

        You’re a lunatic through and through, now you’re even dictating which words I should use? LOL. Why must I use them and stoop to your level?

      • Ah! CCP lackey likes to parroting CCP narratives. That’s my points. No need to elaborate again. LOL

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