C-ent Abuzz with Gossiper Melon that Top Actress Yang Zi Secretly Has a Long Term Boyfriend

Well this is a juicy midweek adrenaline rush in terms of hot gossip. A well known entertainment tabloid scooper in C-ent this week dropped the melon that top young actress Yang Zi was in fact not single. He claimed that Yang Zi was in a relationship with a long term boyfriend that lived in the same neighborhood as her hence how the dating has been kept under wraps. When pressed he would not give further details saying he is saving the gradual detail release for his future gossip columns. Her fans are in an outrage claiming he is full of shit and she’s single and always has been and is super career focused with no time for dating. Her agency has not responded but this gossiper is not a nobody and this melon is making the entertainment pages so take it for what it’s worth.

Shouldn’t her fans be happy for her?? Lol yeah don’t call yourselves fans if you can’t accept she has a life outside of work. Any celebrity really. They are regular people who are always looking for their special someone.
Because her fans have been dragging Dilraba for her dating rumours with Huang Jingyu and bragging about how career-focused Yang Zi is, so they probably feel it’s a loss of face if their own idol turns out to be dating too.
What can’t a woman have a good career and still be dating?? Some of These fans are just toxic.
Why shouldn’t her fans be happy for her? They will of course be happy for her if she gets into a relationship and confirms it!
Her fans sound delusional. As if it’s so outrageous and unbelievable that an attractive, successful woman in her 30s has a boyfriend. Do they think all she wants to do is work and read scripts?
There is nothing wrong with a single girl in her 30s having a long term boyfriend. Why would her fans make such a big deal.
LOL @ C fans’ reactions.
Lol c fans they r absolutely ridiculous, she is 30 years for crying out loud, they should be happy she is dating to begin with, c stars have it the worse i tell u,i think is high time the stars stop giving a shit about what this fans want or think. This is exhausting
I want to add lol do they think these actors n actresses r virgin,lmao, c fans enjoy shows when kissing, romance n sexual scenes r being displayed on the screen but find it hard to believe they r actually living it in reality 🤣, they need to wake up, it not even funny anymore.
Apparently, it’s also in the same video he exposed that Bai Lu and Zhang Ling He are actually dating still, have never broken up. Again, fans of both parties are at war. Honestly, as a fan, can’t they be mature about this? It is the artists personally lives…the fans are super childish and very toxic!!!
Another strange C-Ent Netizens thing that I can’t wrap my head around–they won’t allow their idol, male or female, to date or love someone. So. So. Weird.
Geez! What’s the big deal? She’s of the age to date. She’s not committing a crime or cheating on anyone. What’s their business anyway? It’s her private life. High time celebrities start suing gossip rags for invading their privacy. I wonder why the almighty censorship board does nothing against gossip rags? they’ve censored everything else!
I sincerely hope she is in a long term relationship as she looks happy and settled. I hope she gets married and have cute kids like herself too.
Regardless, she is dating or not, I will support her happiness.
I don’t really understand the whole “you shouldn’t be dating, you need to focus on your career” rhetoric. Some people can balance both, so why not let them? If she has a long term bf, she obviously has been balancing both just fine. She might not always deliver hits (and it’s stupid to expect people to always deliver hits), but she does have quite a few very popular dramas. Yang Zi is 31 years old, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with her dating. I think fans who cross the line into trying to dictate the celebrities personal lives are ludicrous.
Yang Zi fans have been destroying Dilraba for months now for that same thing. The absolutely horrible things they have been putting out, I don’t even want to repeat or think about it.
Now they backed themselves into a corner. YZ dating is not a problem. She is an adult. The problem is that she sure didn’t mind when her fans dragged others for it.
there are many toxic fans…every idols have them. Dont judge based on actions of their toxic fans. As you just fall into the traps of be judgemental.
I have watched Raba and YangZi telling their fans to be positive and have healthy mindset… you just choose to spread toxic. Such are actions of trolls.
No idols need such negativity… These artiste are also human like everyone.
I agree with you. I don’t know why people think celebrities have such big influence on their fandom. When they’re super popular, the fans are so big, they take a life of their own. You can’t control millions of people just by saying a few words.
As someone who joined a fan group to help do data for one of my trainees in a survival show, I have seen the leaders of the fan group tell everyone to be rational, don’t get involved in arguments with other fandoms even if they say something mean about our trainee, and focus on writing positive things to wash away the bad commentary. But there are always bad eggs that do it anyway either because they can’t control their temper or just like to stir up trouble. Every other day there was some drama and a bunch of screenshots pointing fingers at each other about who started the drama. It was mentally exhausting. I was one and done. No more of that nonsense.
@Soph, I cannot imagine how stressful it is to manage so many fans. Especially when they are fans and they can operate online without identity revealed. They are even those that claims to be fans that is out to spread unhappiness. Some idols have millions of fans… they have minds of their own.
For crying out loud, stop blaming the stars for what their fans do,n every fantom has bad eggs in it, they r the ones that makes the loudest noise, n the funny thing is even if yang zi says anything, would it make a difference, maybe a little but we will be back to square one in no time. And it not has if Reba fans r quite either so it goes both ways.
I said the same…but my post is not loaded up as yet.
She absolutely knows what her fans are doing. Fans in China are guided by fan clubs and big fans that are connected to the artist themselves.
She has been sitting pretty while her fans have been doing this for years and always to other women. Dilraba isn’t the only one who has been on the recieving end. Cake girl here is far from an innocent flower.
Wait, so you’re saying after all the crap the fans do and celebs know about it, they can still appear on stage together and put on a smile? Lol I’m surprised they aren’t pulling each others dresses and giving us a fight on stage! They sure have fake appearances! Truly professional!
Some can, some avoid each other as much as possible.
Take Wallace Huo, would anyone blame him for avoiding Yang Zi after what she did? Nope.
She did something to WH? Really? lol He hardly attends shows anyway so how do you know this? he’s too good to be standing on stage with any actor or actress really.
I bet Wallace Huo tried stopping his wife Ruby from working with YZ recently on variety right??? because he was so wronged by YZ. lol
@neen, The new variety with Yang Zi and Ruby is really heartwarming to watch. And I see no issue with this two at all. And Wallace has no issue with Yang Zi.
As for @nope, Dont have to like someone but no need to spread t0xic..
There were a lot of rumors when they filmed Battle of Changsha that they were involved (they weren’t but she was into him) and she used them to make herself a victim while her fans seriously harassed Wallace and made his life miserable. Two years later, Wallace didn’t invite her to his wedding though many cent names were so she went back to the place where BoC was filmed and posted some messy post that had everyone gaping. Of course it made things difficult for Wallace and Ruby.
@Nope, you dont know Wallace well do you? What is Wallace like before he decided to settle down… I dont want to speak ill of him but to say Yang Zi got her very little fans (in those years she had hardly any job), her fans attack Wallace really makes me laugh.
Wallace admit he is not a good boyfriend before in his younger days, what he is like is not unknown in Taiwan. But guys like him are common, as long as they are not married, who they date and what they do are all acceptable in TW. But since he finally settled in a marriage and have a beautiful family. He seem to have left his past behide.
I really dont know what is the story between him and Yang zi, but all parties have moved on…Ruby and YangZi gets on very well now. No point still harping on old unproven news. JUst moved on…Gosh it has been over 10yrs ago since they filmed together. Yang Zi was not even 20yrs old.
Your princess is never at fault for anything, now is she? She wasn’t at fault for the soup either which absolutely ruined that man ah?
Yeah, yeah, she is an innocent angel that never does anything wrong and everyone else is at fault. Too bad lots of people have their eyes open in cent about who she is.
No way, you’re way too detailed in knowing exactly what happened between WH and YZ. Were you hiding somewhere eavesdropping while all their fights happened? Lol serious question. Or did you hear it from someone who also heard it from someone who also heard it from someone?? Did WH invite EVERY costar to his wedding? I doubt it.
@Nope Lol, whatever…
there’s a reason why she’s probably the most polarising figure in c-ent. Her fans love her but fans of others all dislike her, especially fans of her co-stars. I think she’s an expert at selling pity and is happy to throw anyone under the bus to do so.
There are always t0xic fans everywhere. These idols cannot control everyone. I have seen/read/watch Yang Zi, Raba advising their fans to stay positive, adapt healthy lifestyle.
There is no need to spread t0xic messages from those t0xic fans. Dont judge all idols based on their fans. These idols are regular people like you and I, they also deserve basic respect.
I never understood why anyone is willing to be used a instrument for such t0xic behaviour… tr0lls do that, human dont.
@HL, I skipped this thread until now. Here we go again! The mentality of fans like Meh is everywhere on Chinese social media. Now, it’s here on a western forum. It’s so pathetic and tiring. How the heck is one individual supposed to be responsible for others’ behavior? Is she their mom or legal guardian? LOL. I’m so sick of people blaming celebrities for fans’ lunacy. That’s very oppressive! On the one hand, my fave XZ has been suffering a lot from accusations about his fans. WTF! He’s totally irrelevant to all the chaos created by rabid busybodies and antis. On the other hand, XZ and YZ are obviously on very good terms in public while many XZ’s fans blast YZ for always tagging XZ’s name along. They need to have a real life!
Pathetic. I would expect this type of reaction in the music scene, particular young fans of kpop idols or groups of the past like One Direction. But in the acting industry? And to an actress in her 30s who’s been active for decades? The constant fanwars in C entertainment really cheapen the image of their stars in all sectors of the industry.
Yep, all of them, people, they make all their stars look bad
Yes , I hope that Yang Zi is more settled with a nice man that really cares for her and love her . Not just a flings but serious relationship then get married and have beautiful children 👍🏾❤️
Me too….
So what if she has a boyfriend? The fans need to give their idol space! I know she is secretly dating someone tall and handsome!
why do netizens call some chinese actors and actresses “idols?” no wonder the fandom culture there is insane. where i’m from, fans this toxic and possessive are only seen among young pop stars.
C-ent is very much centered on acting. Although they do still have a few pop idols (idols who only sing, perform on stages and go on variety shows like in K-ent), these idols do not have as much reach and exposure as actors and actresses because there simply isn’t enough music stages or other entertainment infrastructure to support idols unlike K-ent. So many idols from previous idol survival shows who didn’t go into acting have faded into obscurity now.
The lack of pop idols with enough exposure resulted in people turning to stan young actors and actresses as their idols instead, creating liuliang/traffic actors and actresses.
i see. i wonder why china doesn’t invest in its music industry. i’m sure there is a demand for it.