
C-netizens Criticize Zhao Lu Si’s Team for the Recent Visual Comparisons to It K-pop Stars Jang Won Young — 79 Comments

  1. I see 2 very attractive young women but nothing similar… but one thing may be certain….Lusi makes more money between the 2. I suspect…

  2. Bruh her team is always so messy. Zhao Lusi is undisputably gorgeous LMAO, why was there the need to compare her to a pretty KPOP star? This isn’t as bad as the liking controversial Weibo posts thing but her team needs to chill out and stop looking for clout in weird ways. She’s literally doing fine as is.

    No offense to Koala, but can someone recommend me other blogs T_T I’m bored of the same faces and actors from the late 90s line showing up, and weird fangirls(and fangirl ‘haters’ apparently) arguing on this site over the bare minimum. Preferably ones with HK and Taiwanese news as well. The most fun I had on this site was the whole Tony Leung(THE LOML)x Cheng Xiao rumors thing. It was an utterly ridiculous scandal but hey, it involved an ACTUAL star!

    The closest to all around Asian Entertainment news I used to see was 38jiejie, 真遗憾, her site is pretty much dead. Or Marcus Here, but his comment section on YT is boring and just drama reccs, they don’t comment much on his C-ent segments

    • I read 38jiejie too in the past. is just dead. Koalas is different, it works on a different format. Koalas post what interest her daily and people can comment. It is different from other Asian entertainment news source. I like Koala’s format and I also enjoy readying from others too.

      • Yeah , 🙁 that’s why I said no offense to her…I’m just so BORED. And she’s doing nothing wrong I just want more varied stuff, with a joking personality attached to it. I can read some Chinese but not at a high level and some jokes and other stuff gets by me.
        Anyway, there were cool stories in the past months such as the Jackie Chan vs. C-Ent/Jackson Yi situation, the thong controversy with Guli Nazha, the pushback on Qin Lan’s weight, or the Hu Ge weibo post that seemed depresed/suicidal that shocked and worried fans…idk there’s so much more but it’s always the same people here.

      • @omonaijaJ, Please shrae the stories on Jackie Chan vs Jackson Yi!!! I adore Jackson Yi but hate Jackie Chan…I have not heard this melons as yet…

      • @4:19 (This was his clarification after the backlash anyway)

        I still found everything very funny, seeing as he went after Jackson Yi who is actually scandal free, has built up his acting over time, and does relatively well in his roles, rather than *COUGH* others like Wang Yibo who were thrust in through sudden popularity. Though he did great alongside Tony Leung in Hidden Blade, so either way J.Chan seemed to be targeting the wrong people.

        But I do think he makes some points in the lack of work ethic of some new actors, and the obsession with fan-power many investing companies have.

      • @omonahijaJ, Oh yes, I just remembered those comments. J.Chan then refute it was taken out of context. I did wonder why he brought up Jackson Yi as that boy is a grafter.. well known as one in the industry from being a singer, street dancer and actor. He will abandon his idol image to act a character well.
        But I dont remember if both artiste have actually worked in a project before??
        I have a strong dislike for Jackie Chan even thru I do agree with his statements on the liuliangs not working hard enough etc…
        But saying that, Jackie Chan best learn to be a father before he teaches others how to be a actor.

    • @omonaijaJ How ironic. Weren’t you fighting people in the Xu Kai article because of their fairly tame opinions on his acting? This site is filled with hypocrites LOL.

      • SIGH. I wasn’t “fighting” people. Actually, ironically, I just calmly mentioned my perception of him and how he was an average actor, but that some people (whose usernames I’ve seen numerous times on this site) try to make certain actor’s acting to be worse than it is because they saw one or two shows, or they have a certain fave. It’s…pretty obvious. I watched this site silently for a year before I even started commenting.

        Meanwhile, arguments erupted under my post and people went from calling me jobless, a jealous hater, etc. just because I briefly mentioned Xiao Zhan and how his fans act on THIS specific site. I didn’t bother to read them or respond. I just laughed…because you are the people that get invested. Not me. I have 3 part times and a pre-law track to handle. Meanwhile, I’m streaming Xiao Zhan’s music and watching his shows on official sites…more than you supposed blog-sword holding fans. He probably adores haters like me.

        If Xu Kai dies or quits acting tomorrow, I won’t be crying or throwing up(If he was Wu Lei or Hou Minghao maybe). These youngsters are boring. I am mildly endeared by XK’s personality since Yanxi Palace and want him to grow if anything. There was even an era in his life where I denounced his behavior due to his ex-girlfriend’s situation. Anyone who goes back and reads my comments can see that I am pretty level-headed, if not slightly sarcastic at times. Meanwhile, there are people like you that throw “fighting” “hater” “touch grass” and “fangirl” everywhere to make yourself look… better on a BLOG SITE on THE INTERNET? Between that Lilith person and that other one fighting over weird CCP stuff, bringing up Xiao Zhan every two minutes, or going out of one’s way to label someone as crazy for an opinion idk what’s worse.

        Koala must read her comment sections everyday embarrassed, crying, screaming yearning to blog-unalive. HOW IRONIC. Darling, don’t bother searching for new comments under my user, because I’m done with you weirdos. But hey, you can entertain yourself by going back and reading my old ones, just so your claim looks stupid.


      • How were you calm? You were clearly losing your shit and throwing insults at some users there. Nice try convincing yourself. It’s fine. You’re not the only hypocrite here anyways, this site is filled with them. 🙂

      • @omonaijaJ Also, it’s quite amusing how you act like you’re unbothered but are writing multiple paragraphs in response to people you claim as “trolls.” Anyone can look back at your comments and see how you were insulting some users and throwing tantrums because all because your words: you were “annoyed.” When XZ fans retaliated for bringing him up unprovoked, you played the victim. Cosplaying as level-headed is not gonna cut it when there’s clear proof. 🙂

    • By far, Koala is the ONLY English blogger giving fans of all different celebrities room to say anything, negative or positive, compliments or criticism. For me, her site is way more interesting than other forums although she has her choices of topics to share and that’s totally fine with me. Allowing various ideas to flow through comment threads, not what she has posted, is what I appreciate.

      Jackie Chan? He’s perhaps one of the Asian celebrities I dislike the most. LOL.

    • @omonaijaJ – can you take Chinese lessons to enable you to read Asian News website like Baidu? Do not rely on bloggers for English translation because their range is very limited.
      @Somebody – Agree with you that Koala is the most diverse in entertainment news encompassing Chinese, Korean, Japanese dramas/movies. Koala is also very tolerant to comments. I do not believe other bloggers allow such nonsense as asking for recommendation to other blogs, No offense to the person who dares to ask.

      • We all have our own preference and judgment. Nonsense to us is perhaps a valuable opinion to others. LOL. The point is, I assume most visitors of this site are all grownups unlike Reddit Cdrama that by their own survey statistics has a very high percentage of minors and school kids (actually taking up the major demographics of the subreddit users LOL). Therefore, I assume everyone here is supposedly mature enough to make their own judgment. Ostracizing certain commenters by moderating comment threads and blocking comments not in favor of most visitors or the blogger isn’t the right way to manage a public forum in the West. Everyone should understand that. But obviously many Chinese users don’t get it since some of them constantly exposed themselves lacking online etiquette. Everyone has to learn to tolerate different opinions as long as it doesn’t involve bullying such as name calling. People receiving proper education in the West all know what words are big NO in public communication.

      • Yes, urine, hair, leg hair all came back negative. In the case of the leg hair test, they said it was inconclusive. Doesn’t matter, his career is wholly ruined by the apparent presumption of guilt.

    • I know Koala’s blog since a long time ago, back when Dramabeans still has Javabeans and Girlfriday. I read this blog back then just because Kdramas. But now Koala’s posts have shifted not mainly about Kdramas and actors/actresses but now mainly Cdramas and miscellaneous things that in my opinion barely important at all like this post for example. While I’m still a Kdrama person. That’s why I’m not really following this blog anymore and spend time in reddit kdrama instead.

      • Dang, never thought I’ll see someone mentioning Dramabeans here. I used to read Dramabeans often too, along with this blog, but I stopped going there in the recent few years as I watch less and less Kdramas.

      • International attention has shifted from Kdramas to Cdramas, as Cdramas have become much more prolific and readily available to the international audience for less cost, while Kdramas are becoming increasingly exclusive and expensive. So it makes sense for koala to feature more and more on C-ent because that is what the public consumes. Until the fall of Dramafever in 2018, I too, watched Kdramas exclusively and wouldn’t be caught dead watching Cdramas. Thankfully, I have overcome my prejudice and a whole new world of entertainment opened up to me. Koala’s blog merely reflects the changing tides. Nowadays, if you don’t have a Netflix or Disney plus or Kocowa subscription, you lose out on a lot of Kdramas. All of that including Viki plus, is a bit out of my price range. I am one of many in that category, not to talk of the fact that many recent Kdramas no longer appeal to me as a viewer.

      • I used to hang out at Dramabeans too, Kdramas I don’t get to watch, I READ, lol. I have been here since Koala did her LYF translations. The only time I remember so much ‘fighting’, was the infamous KYJ-KSH war. And I’m amused that recent KYJ has barely any comments. I don’t mind the casual chit chats here, but yeah, brain cells dies if you choose to engage the fight mode.

      • I read Dramabeans too!!! I was not aware it was related. I clearly just read content and not About Us… Me living in my own bubble.

      • @Forgotmyname, is Reddit Kdrama not biased like Cdrama? Reddit Cdrama appears in favor of specific actors only. I felt like wasting time reading humdrum posts and comments over there. LOL. I don’t have any Reddit account and only quietly read stuff there occasionally. I have no desire to open an account to get involved in Reddit Cdrama. I got an inkling Redditors are perhaps just like that. Perhaps, I should take a look at Kdrama subreddit.

      • @Somebody R/kdramas is pretty chill imho. It’s mainly to talk about dramas. Discussing ongoing dramas, dramas we’re watching, dramas we dropped.. The rules are pretty strict. You can’t hate comment there. Maybe you can adore/praise/love an actor/actress but you can’t hate comment there. Maybe you can adore/praise/love an actor/actress but you can’t hate comment. But it’s mainly dramas that we talk about. You should see there yourself to be exactly know what it looks like.

      • @Xoxo I don’t blame Koala for shifting towards cdramas, this is her blog and she can write anything she wants. I’m the one that not suitable to it anymore so I don’t open this blog as often as I used to.
        Sometimes I found her post not really important like this one. It seems an actress style intrigued her more than the follow ups about Lee Sung Kyung drug case, which his drug test came as negative. Not his fan but I don’t see any post about it..

      • @Forgotmyname, I did go check out Reddit Kdrama. OMG, the information overwhelmed me. LOL. There’re sooooo many dramas discussed that I literally have no idea where to begin with. I need recommendations. LOL.

        One advantage of Koala’s blog is that she selects K drama to talk about and that helps limiting my shopping choice. Woohoo! I’d taken a break from K drama for so long. There’re tons to catch up. I just wrapped up Crash Landing on You. It’s such a fun watch. Such an adorable drama and one of the best CPs!

      • @Coralie, lets be honest, there is no news in the world that can give 100% new accuracy… But Jaynestar is one of few that will have HK news along with Mainland and about of rest of Asia. Good enough for me.

  3. Lol this wasn’t recent, it’s been happening for quite some time. Actually both of the current two popular 95er actresses behave somewhat like kpop idols. From the way they post content on social media right down to the way they dress and do their makeup. It’s interesting how stanning liuliang actors/actresses became a replacement for stanning idols in China due to the lack of music stages for idols.

    • China C-pop industry is rather weak or it is more indie. Street dancing has more support due to the popular Street Dance of China program.
      I believe Tao Huang is keen to further develop C-Pop of China.

      • Taiwanese Pop used to be good, but it seems like there aren’t any new talents. I feel that Cpop has always been weak, their songs that became popular with the general public are mostly OSTs, which again relies on their acting industry.

      • @Lilith, I grew up listening to TW-pop and HK-pop..I like their indie music too. It is no longer like it was in the 80s, 90s or early 20000s. I do hope to see a increase in C-pop.

    • @Lilith, Completely something separate, have you recently watched Persona: Sulli? Her interview/documentary before she took her life, It is so sad to watch insights to the industry. I really feel for the Kpop artiste. Their practise is harsh and inhumane. I really hope the industry practise improve…not just the big companies, even the small agencies.

      It is on Netflix but YT has clips.

      • Nope I haven’t watch that, heard about it though. Yeah Kpop is really harsh. Suffering through exhausting schedules, lack of sleep, and potential harassment from sleazy men, while being paid peanuts.

  4. Lol when it come to c ent, there always the blur lines of who is at fault n who is not, haters and non haters,the two sides r always blurred, this is not news, c neitzen have to find something about their stars to either like about or hate,especially the popular ones. Next news please

  5. Is this even news? I’m totally indifferent. That’s her business if her agency hopes to tap any mere relevance to Kpop popularity. That wouldn’t change how fans review her works, mainly drama. How she looks is completely irrelevant to her acting. LOL.

  6. She just cut her hair shorter, so there you go, no more comparison….
    Actually, she looks like XiaoZhan

  7. Doesn’t it seem like her team is doing too much to try and elevate her status looks-wise? Her acting is so good and her dramas are popular. She isn’t a “goddess” type beauty and never will be. She has a girl next door type of charm and I think that actually adds to her appeal. Between this and the excessive photoshop, they are trying to push this goddess type image onto us and it actually makes her less appealing…

    • Not a fan of Lusi, but I do think she’s charismatic on screen. She’s got a very unique acting style that easily tells her apart from other actresses. Fans can empathize with the characters she played in her dramas. That’s the most important element for an actor to be liked and popular, IMO.

    • I don’t think anyone is trying to sell a goddess type image about her, because the idol they comparing her to does not even have goddess type of beauty to even begin with lol, beauty is the most subjective thing on could talk about since we all see things differently, as u said she has her own appeal. I honestly dont see why these issue has to make her less appealing imo, in the entertainment industry where image is one of the important factors for actors their looks r always going to be compared one way or the other, she is not the first and she will not be the last either

      • @Mercy I mean, yes, looks are subjective, but objectively, let’s be honest, Wonyoung is absolutely considered a goddess type of beauty. You or anyone not finding her pretty doesn’t affect that. Literally every time she’s mentioned, the focus or topic of discussion is about her beauty. Go to Youtube or Tiktok, and everyone and their mother is copying her makeup style in an attempt to look like her. She’s considered one of the top 4th gen KPop visuals alongside NMIXX Sullyoon and New Jeans’ Minji. I personally don’t find her beauty that appealing, but that’s just my personal preference, it doesn’t change the fact that the public consider her a top visual 🤷‍♀️

      • @Cornelia

        The public does not consider Zhao Lusi a top visual no matter how much her fans try to make it appear so.

  8. I am not sure about Jang Wong Yong as an IT girl in Korea coz, I just got back from Korea. The 2 girls who were always on a huge billboard, I mean really huge billboard at Gangnam City are Rose and Jennie from Blackpink. Other celebrities were pale in comparison. They were displaying different brands, not one on every single billboard I have seen. I also saw Jang Wong Yong but only when I visited a cosmetic shop like Olive, with the rest of the teenage idols.

    • Isn’t it boring to have Black Pink’s faces plastered everywhere? LOL
      I’m not the one for their music style or visuals. I thought only Lisa used to be pretty before she dramatically changed her style.

    • I felt like I saw the NewJeans girls everywhere and on tv/train ads more so than her as well. Maybe not on billboards as big as BP though.

      • I had seen ads on the subway and inside the train some teenage idol groups, I’m not familiar with Newjeans, not sure.

  9. She is pretty in a girl next door type of way but her team is hell bent to make her seem like some celestial beauty. Which is why they photoshop her pics to absolute extreme. This is just a part of that.

      • So? She is still photoshopped within an inch of her life to the point of being almost unrecognisable with these long, thin legs…which are anything but in person.

    • This! The photoshop is pretty extreme. Doesn’t mean she’s not pretty IRL but some of her pics are veering towards looking like an “internet celebrity”

  10. @XoXO I disagree. International attention hasn’t shifted from C-dramas to K-dramas as you claim. Where are the stats that prove this? Unless you’re using this blog as a source. Otherwise, social media engagement for Kdramas far outshines that of Cdramas. This includes Twitter, Instagram, and Tiktok. Most young people are not flocking to blogs. So it is understandable that blogs like Dramabeans have declined in overall activity. Kdramas actors and actresses are also much more popular than Cdrama stars in general, and you can see this in the social media following and engagements.

    • The shift is starting, people who have watched Kdramas for a long time are now dipping their toes into Cdramas. Have you heard of the 5 adopter categories? The Late Majority are just getting into Kdramas now while the Innovators and probably Early Adopters as well are now into Cdramas.

      • Not familiar with the 5 adopter categories. Please enlighten me.

        What I’ve noticed is that some long-time Kdrama fans are switching over to C-dramas because of the lackluster 1-2 years with darker genres becoming prevalent, but the majority are still watching both. I do think many older viewers will retrun next year with the amount of romcoms and huge hallyu stars making their comeback to the small screen. There’s also an influx of young fans beginning to watch kdramas, partly due to the growth of kpop. You can see this through the much higher engagements in social media for kdramas and k-actors in general.

      • The 5 adopter categories basically divides consumers into the following groups depending on their readiness to try new stuff.

        Innovator: The first group to try new stuff, open to risks and exploration.
        Early Adopters: Enthusiastic about new ideas and willing to champion them.
        Early Majority: More deliberate in adoption, influenced by feedback from early groups.
        Late Majority: Skeptical about new stuff, adopting only after the majority have tried them.
        Laggards: Last to adopt, typically resistant to change.

        I think we are on the same page, just that @Xoxo’s wrong choice of words caused misunderstanding, if he/she did mean otherwise then I’ll take my words back. International attention hasn’t completely shifted to Cdramas, but it is in the early stage where long-time international Kdrama fans who belong to the Innovators and Early Adopters categories got bored of Kdramas and decided to start watching Cdramas.

      • Thank you for the explanation.

        Yes, I agree that it’s a misunderstanding. C-dramas are definitely gaining popularity and it’s evident in their growth in social media exposure and engagement in blogs or forums such as this and mydramalist. My understanding from XoXo’s comment was that Kdramas are no longer the primary focus of international attention in the Asian region in comparison to Cdramas, which is very much an exaggeration. Unless kdrama quality declines rapidly (which I don’t see happening considering the amount of huge projects releasing next year lead by writers and stars who contributed greatly to the Hallyu wave) I don’t see K-content being eclipsed any time soon. However, it’s good to C-dramas being more and more appreciated. I enjoy their historical pieces much more than sageuks to be honest, and I’m sure many share that opinion.

    • @Kaye, I agree with you. I thought C drama was taking over the Asian drama market share and K drama is losing viewers as many C drama fans loudly claimed all over. But after exploring C dramas the whole year in 2022 to great disappointment and picked up K dramas again in 2023, I found those claims hyping C drama are mostly hyperbole. Financial data from the global entertainment sector just prove the opposite. More and more big entertainment corps double down on the production of K dramas. Just ask why? Those investors want to bank wherever they can get big cash flows. LOL. All the data from international rating sites such as IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes and SM like Reddit, Instagram, and Facebook etc. reveal way more K drama fans than C drama fans outside China. Yes, C drama may be gaining viewership. But it is still not on par with the global popularity of K drama. How C drama fans feel is one thing but the reality is another story. Claims without hard evidence to support are spurious.

    • @Kaye – I agree with you and @Lilith, I used the wrong verb. I meant to say “International attention ‘is shifting’ from Kdramas to Cdramas”. I agree with Lilith’s take on the situation, as she put things more succinctly than I ever could.

  11. I don’t understand the vitriol towards C-dramas. If you don’t like it, don’t watch. No need to fan the flames about how much they suck and then wag your tail about how much better Kdramas are. By the same standard, Western Hollywood shows are so much better, why the heck you want to watch Kdramas? Loki, for example, is top notch storyline.

    There are so many great dramas from every country and if something’s not your cup of tea, move on. A lot of us can switch from one country to the next in dramas or watch both simultaneously and it’s not an issue.

    • I always wondered why I watch C-drama, it is so flawed and disappointing half the time. But I still watch them…lol. I am away K-drama is better produced these days but I rather watch C-drama or C-variety shows.

      I think having lived in the west most of my life, I really miss my culture. And even thru I have never ever been to China, there are many history, culture, food etc that interest me about this Country of my ancestors. I can relate to some of those stories, history, cultural practise …or it helps me understand the beginnings of my ancestors. And lastly, I miss listening to Chinese language been spoken.

      My Chinese teachers from Primary school will laugh if they read my comment. I have always been so bad at my Chinese language and was always called a Banana growing up. Lol.

      I dont compare dramas from different Country as I know why I still watch C-dramas. I enjoy period dramas to modern ones…unless it is food related.

      • I know. I’ve been watching C-dramas and HK dramas and Jdramas and Kdramas and western dramas for a really long time. I support all good dramas, regardless of the country. And there was a point in time when I didn’t like C-dramas and thought they sucked lol. But I always hoped that they’d improve and never felt the need to denigrate a country’s drama and compare it to another country’s. If I wasn’t interested, I simply skim the news and move on.

        Honestly there are cdramas even now that are super bad (like the recent one with Peter Ho), but i would explain why and never need to insert some comment about how Kdramas do better or ill just go and watch x country’s drama now – it’s just unnecessary.

      • @HL I guess the difference between us and a lot of other commenters here is that we’re seasoned viewers/readers lol. We already went thru our fair share of silly debates and don’t need to add oil to the fire.

    • No vitriol towards C dramas. We just disagree about the claims many C drama fans spread all over that C drama is taking over K drama. That’s not true given all the financial data and viewership outside China. Why getting annoyed by simple facts? If you like C drama, just enjoy all your way. Why feeling offended bcos others prefer K drama to C drama?

      You can rave C dramas to the moon. I will insist K drama is better than C drama in quality. I just agree to disagree. I don’t see any issues here.

      • @Somebody For one thing, I don’t go into Kdrama news and exclaim in the news how Loki beats these Kdrama records. It’s absurd to say Western drama is so much better – look at these stats, Kdramas will never compare! You are all wrong. By every metric, western dramas are the best. The numbers don’t lie!

        You see how obnoxious that is? I barely follow Kdrama news and barely watch them right now. So if I see Kdrama news, I just skip over them. Unless I see a fav actor or actress, then I’ll skim the news and say I’ll support. There is no need to go into Cdrama news and say something ridiculous like all these dramas suck, Kdrama rocks!

      • @Coralie, wait a minute! I’m totally lost in your comment. When did I say Kdrama was better than the western drama? Don’t put your own words of misinterpretation in my mouth. LOL. I only recall that I said Moving was more interesting to watch than all the MCU movies I had watched so far. Data also showed that Moving was a hit drama produced by Disney+ among all the foreign dramas. Someone corrected me that it was only in the Asian Pacific region. Then I admitted and corrected what I said. Is that a problem? LOL. In fact, my favorite films were still those produced by the West, e.g., The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, and many very old classics such as The Best Intentions and Cinema Paradiso that I watched per my father’s recommendation.

        You basically are telling me you are butthurt bcos someone dislikes your favorite genres. As I stressed all the time, this is a public forum and ppl are entitled to their own opinions as long as there’s no name calling involved. Why can’t you accept this basic rule respecting rights of free speech of different opinions? Is that rational if you like orange but gets happy since you constantly hear ppl saying they prefer apple to orange and they think apple looks and tastes better? LOL.

        If you can’t take all kinds of comments well, then I suggest you just go to those forums fully dedicated to Cdrama only. Don’t visit here. It’s your choice to still come here and then you should understand that you’re definitely gonna read something not to your liking. You can rant like this. But it’s not gonna help you feel better since we’re gonna give up our opinions just to cater for your feelings. Sorry not sorry!

      • @Coralie, I’ll post one more time since the prior comment did not show up somehow.

        I’m so lost in your comment here. Don’t put your own words of misinterpretation in my mouth! When did I say that Kdrama is better than western drama? FYI, my all time favorite films are still those western classics such as The Lord of the Rings, War Stars series, The Best Intentions, and Cinema Paradiso etc. recommended by my dad. I only recall that I said Moving was the best foreign drama produced by Disney+. Someone corrected me that Moving was a hit only in the Asian Pacific region and I admitted I mistook it for a global hit. I only mentioned specific facts supported by data for a MCU movie and me, who had watched MCU for many years with juniors in the theaters, are indifferent to MCU movies but love Moving. Is that a problem with you? Excuse me!

        I’m not the first visitor mentioning Kdrama in the thread! How amusing it is many ppl commenting here seemed to ignore time stamps on all the comments for you to track the sequence of a conversation. Since other people were debating Kdrama vs Cdrama, I just gave my two cents. Is that a problem again? LOL. There’s no law or rules to ban ppl from mentioning Kdrama in a thread related to Cdrama topics and vice versa. As I emphasized again and over again, people talking on a western public forum like Koala’s blogging site should learn to tolerate and respect all kinds of comments regardless of whether you like them or not. If you found it annoying by reading comments not to your liking, then I suggest you may as well just stop visiting this site rather than ranting like this. You can just go to other forums fully dedicated to Cdrama such as Reddit Cdrama. I’m sure the moderators in that subreddit would ban unfavorable opinions and comments if ppl protest.

        If you think it’s obnoxious for ppl to say Kdrama rocks and Cdrama sucks, what about the other way around that Cdrama fans have been making it loud everywhere claiming Cdrama is taking over Kdrama in the Asian drama market and Kdrama is losing popularity, which is absolutely false according to all credible entertainment news and viewership data? LOL. You’re ranting just bcos what you like don’t get appreciated by a lot of ppl and I along some other visitors of this site are among them. You sound butthurt rather than making points. No offense!

    • @Coralie, Lol, I remember the days I get into heated debated and till now, I still laugh about it. Now I just enjoy small chats with those I feel there is a connection or someone who have interesting opinions. But you and I know there are people who are just there to annoy and cannot even hold a normal conversations. I do enjoy discussing difference in opinions, as that helps me understand and see things in a different prospective . But have no time with those with no 2 cents .

      • @HL, LOL. You surely can close rank with those who have a similar taste. Don’t regard yourself too significant in a blogging site like this to have any say on how others should comment. Everyone is a complete stranger to each other in the virtual world. We don’t have any bearing in others’ social circles in the real world. LOL

        Again that won’t deter me from making my voice out loud! I don’t care if you read it or not but I’m sure some others will. There’re already a few visitors expressing the same opinions as I regarding Kdrama vs Cdrama. Some of they did not come visit Koala’s blogs as often as before thanks to her current blogs appearing to gravitate towards C-ent trivial gossips than real beef to discuss Kdrama. Without voices like mine to debunk the fallacy spread all over by C drama fans, gullible drama fans might falsely believe C drama were doing better and K drama were declining. LOL. Chinese-speaking communities have a fetish to be convinced that anything Chinese including C drama is taking the rest of the world by storms. So comical! I’ll continue to correct all this disinformation as long as I have access to any free drama forums.

        I won’t interact with ppl like you Chinese any longer. It’s a huge waste of time doing that. I did that out of courtesy but there’s no need of doing so.

      • @Somebody, you misunderstood. I didd not mean yourself. You have all right to express your opinion. I am only referring to those that just wants to antagonise and troll others just for the sake of it.

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