Lin Geng Xin as Replacement Male Lead in The Golden Hairpin Falls Apart with New Choice in Peng Guan Yin to Reshoot Wu Yi Fan Scenes

The reshoot in order to air period drama The Golden Hairpin will happen, it’s a matter of when and who not if. As an S+ budget drama there is just too much money sunk in to let it never air so earlier this year it was reported that Lin Geng Xin would be the replacement male lead for Wu Yi Fan opposite female lead Yang Zi and spend about a month re-shooting scenes. The re-shoot was supposed to be this fall which came and went with nary a word and now we know why, Lin Geng Xin’s involvement fell apart at the last minute and now the production has approached Peng Guan Ying to do the re-shoot. The need is for a very tall male lead to at least pass for Wu Yi Fan shot scenes from either a distance or cropped in order to minimize the re-shoot. Peng Guan Ying is a known strong actor with the idol baggage so this is a good pick.
Why would he say yes to this? Only if he is crazy. Run dude run.
Totally! He is a respected actor with good resources and skills. He doesn’t need to be a replacement.
The production should find a novice actor, not an established one.
They have so many other dramas awaiting airing which I’m sure they spend lots of money on, what is up with this one that NEEDS to air? I’d run too, its too tainted.
I feel a younger and less established actor is better as I presume the role is of an umarried Prince role.
I don’t think that era would allow for a Prince to remain unmarried at above 30 years old.
Is the C-ent deprived of actors that they need older looking actors to play younger roles?
This project is just so awful… who really wants to have their face plastic on someone else’s body???? That is a huge mental issue to deal with.
I suspect the producer likely promised Lin Geng Xin more then he can actually deliver. He sweet talk Lin Geng Xin to sign the contract…but with limited budget, I bet the scene Lin Geng Xin like to re-shoot is much much less then he was told he could. And his face is just photoshop into Kris’s body.
I am personally keen to know what was actually promised to Lin Geng Xin to get him to even sign this contract.
Good riddance of LGX! He’s absolute a 100% turn-off ! He was so banal in Princess Agents that the 2nd ML Shawn Dou completely outshone him.
I am not a fan of Lin Geng Xin too but I dont know much about him off screen. Just dont warm to him much. I do agree Shawn Dou did well in Princess Agents.
He blasted a Taiwanese girl with Kpop Twice for waving the Taiwan national flag on a SK TV show. WTF! Taiwan is a country! What’s wrong with showing the national flag of her own country when asked to do so by the host of an entertainment program?
Say this to any Chinese person from China…they would disagree with you. Many people have been blasted for stating Taiwan is a country. Even celebs in the west.
Oh sure! I’m saying this to everyone including aliens: Taiwan is a country! Taiwanese people don’t pay taxes to CCP. Taiwanese citizens have a different passport from PRC passport. Taiwanese citizens can travel visa-free to 109 countries in the world. What about a Chinese citizen? LGX’s obliviousness is extraordinary! LOL
I am from the West and grew up thinking Taiwan is their own country as well. lol Its too late to change our view on Taiwan since its not written in our history books so yeah, no one really should get so worked up about it.
Ppl should just leave Taiwan alone and respect the ways of their lives over there. But CCP has been brainwashing Chinese people to disregard the will of Taiwanese citizens, just as they did to the people in HK. It’s understandable Chinese citizens can’t say or do anything against their government. But LGX is overbearing and so pathetic by going extra miles to call out a teen Kpop idol and denouncing her for a very simple and innocent act per the request from the TV show host. I have refused to watch any of his shows since. He’s boring nor handsome after all. So there’s nothing to lose for me. LOL
I don’t like that guy, he looks old, they should follow netizen advice and replace him with Deng Wei!! He has the height and right now the YaoJing CP is one of the hottest! I don’t know who Lin Gang Xin is, I see pics of him, but he doesn’t suit this role, he looks old too, glad he wasn’t chosen. We don’t want to see old-looking actors! Let the new and younger actors have opportunities, why all let the old ones over and over again?
I did mention earlier that the role should go to a younger person … not sure why they keep using older actors to play teenage or young roles as if there are no younger actors around. Morever why would established actors wanna be replacements?
Deng Wei does not need to take any replacement roles with his current position in the market. Plus the guy and his team are smart and overly cautious, they knew right from the start his core fanbase isn’t CP driven and hasn’t done anything to indulge CP fans – there is no need for further entanglements with a former co-star.
I hope the melons are right and he’ll work on the movie next.
Right! He can do so much better!
I’ve only seen this actor in the doctor series I have a crush on you. I think he’s a decent actor.
I really wouldn’t mind this drama coming to light next year. And taking over as ML opposite Yang Zi is a plus!
I don’t think this guy’s vibe fits the project. He has ‘too mature’ for a youth drama. Why don’t they settle for an up and coming wannabe with good acting skills to take over this project? I’ve watched him in two dramas, although his acting is decent, I’m not particularly drawn to him. Don’t know why a guy who is a respected actor would settle for an idol project, and not even as a main character, his face would be grafted onto Kris Wu’s body. Weird.