Liu Xue Yi and Wu Jing Yan Strike Various Poses in Official Stills for Period C-drama Kill Me Love Me

I feel like The Blood of Youth was just a precursor to C-ent trying to make all three male actors happen, from Li Hong Yi to Liu Xue Yi to Ao Rui Peng and I just don’t feel like for any of them. But they are happening in 2024 as male leads and for Liu Xue Yi he is currently filming this drama Kill Me Love Me with Wu Jing Yan but he also has the on ice drama Love Never Fails with Yuan Bing Yan that is getting re-filmed with a new female lead and also on deck is the drama A Moment But Forever with Tang Yan. I don’t know which one will hit the small screen first but his female lead in Kill Me Love Me definitely needs a hit to kick start her stalled career. I’m not sure a drama where the male lead looks like a period royal with consumption and/or is openly an alcoholic wasting away and the female lead just stares at him a lot while posing herself is screaming “must watch” upon first impression.

Man is so underrated, it hurts…he’s a really good actor and is handsome to boot but he’s unfortunately typecast in villain roles or stuck in low-budget productions. He deserves better!
I disagree with Koala in something
China is a gigantic country so I think its fair to see many more actors become popular stars
Actors Who are really good at acting and were formally trained and have being working for many years are very deserving of popularity
I agree he is handsome and a good actor. But he kinda emits an intimidating aura… like up there
I really liked him/his character in Blood of Youth, the most interesting of the three in my opinion. I know there was criticism that he was a little old for the age of the character, but I tried to just ignore that when they talked about that lol.
Agreed. I’ve seen him in a few dramas as a second lead. He’s handsome and a good actor. Not absolutely outstanding but I definitely think he’s a better actor than some other popular main lead actors out there.
I totally agree! He totally stole every scene in ancient love poetry. Why isn’t he more famous? Maybe this will be his year
I think he’s handsome, but I haven’t been amazed by him yet to like him as a ML. He does match the villiany look though.
Liu Xue Yi is gorgeous and he’s funny IRL to boot. Acting-wise, I haven’t been wowed so far by any of his roles, but he def has the aura of a ML.
Same for Ao Rui Peng.
Li Yi Hong just looks moody all the time, similar to Wang Yibo, so I don’t really know what he has to offer…
Nothing against Ao Ruipeng, he’s got nice funny role in The Blood of Youth. But before comparing him to Li Hongyi, maybe its better if you’d seen at least one of their dramas they lead. Im Sorry to say, cant past 3 episodes with ARP in lead. Maybe you should compare ARP with Dylan Wang, since they are look alike, and same comedian. About Wang Yibo, no comment coz I dont watch BL dramas, he also doesnt star in romance. But Li Hongyi is charming Asian guy and has good sex appeal to stare at on drama screen, he creates good chemistry with his FL.
I’ve seen Li Hongyi in like 4 dramas already. I know what he’s capable of and it’s nothing outstanding. Watchable, yes, but his dramas are often idol-ish and he always play a moody character (apparently moody men are the bees’ knees.)
At least with Liu Xue Yi, there’s variation in roles. He’s adaptable.
Ao Rui Peng, yes, I’ve finished 2 of his dramas and his roles were dynamic. Going from hot ML in “love between the stars” to silly bumpkin in “blood of youth” (I don’t remember the titles of the series)…he’s promising.
Cora, really you’ve seen Master Devil do not Kiss Me, Legendary Life of Queen Lao and Wulin Heroes of LHY?? Ive tried watching ARP’s Wanru and Wrong Carriage Right Groom. For me ARP lacks sex appeal, he is definitely handsome and tall guy, but he appears as normal good friend or nice buddy in a romantic scene, cant create chemistry with his FL. You should trust Zhao Lusi’s Romantic drama Queen own pick herself, she starred in at least 2 Romance dramas with Li Hongyi during early years of her career, like Love Better than Immortality.
@Sakura I’ve watched The Blood of Youth, Queen Lau (couldn’t finish), Love Better than Immortality, Wulin Heroes (couldn’t finish.)
Notice how in every drama he’s moody? I can’t say I’ve watched all his stuff, but from what I have seen, he’s watchable, just not the great actor people claim him to be.
Also, yes Ao Rui Peng was horrible in Wrong Carriage, Right Groom. They did his styling dirty there and his acting was overly exaggerated and “greasy.” But, seeing him in these dramas, “love between the stars” (forget series’ name) and “blood of youth” indicates that he CAN act, just need to be refined and polished.
With the right role, Wu Jing Yan can pull off but she is really not a very relaxing actress to watch.
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He’s the most charismatic and widest range of the three guys. I think he looks better in movement and while acting. He always looks a little flat in stills. Loved him in Qing Luo where he gets to play the ML and a nice guy.
He doesn’t have the ML vibe. Good actor though.
Why does the international title make it sound like a Kill Me, Heal Me remake?
Only know him as the as SL in Destined. He was pretty bland until the final few scenes.
But I do like his classic good looks, which suits period dramas heroes.
His drama In Blossom will probably air this month. Imo I’m glad he’s finally being promoted to a male lead. I loved his performance in The Blood of Youth.