
Wang Yibo and Li Qin’s 1920’s Era Patriotic Communist C-drama Golden Journey Tentatively Scheduled to Premiere in March 2024 — 62 Comments

  1. No, thank you. I’m not watching straight Chinese propaganda. It’s hard to digestion communistic propaganda as it is in C- dramas who are not aiming to glorify the CCP upfront.

    • As if Hollywood doesn’t do propaganda. The word propaganda was invented by an American. Western propaganda is the state of the art. All those Hollywood movies about American heroes winning wars and the villains are always the Russians or North Koreans . Every country does propaganda. This drama is for the Chinese to celebrate their heritage and they will watch it . I am not ideological.I am not pro or anti China. I just cannot stand the demonization and villianization of Russia or China in the mainstream media to manufacture consent for wars so the US arms industry can make billions.

      • Well, no. The word propaganda is Latin and was first used by the Catholic Church. Having said that, of course there is propaganda in American films too, as in shows/films of other countries. The difference being that in some of them, such as China or Russia, noone can challenge state propaganda and get out unscathed. And that is not demonizing them, it is seeing things as they are.

      • LOL. Here comes a communist crony blatantly supporting Russia’s war against Ukrainian people and China’s aggression against Taiwanese people. Your self claim of not pro or anti China sounds so ludicrously contradictory to the rest of your narratives. Just move to China and ppl might take your BS more seriously cos ppl living in China only has freedom to speak for the egregious Chinese government even the act itself is evil. LMAO

      • Agree with this lol, somehow russians and chinese are the worst when US has caused war in many countries in the name of democracy. It’s like pot calling kettle black. To be honest there’s nothign wrong with propaganda movie as long as it made well and accurate to the history. It’s not like china is doing worse after becoming communist

      • @Yuhyi, bogus! Evidence and examples? When did the US invade another country without being attacked by terrorists first? You commie lackeys are despicable!!!! Move to Russia or China and then you’d be more convincing as a mouthpiece for your beloved commies! LOL

      • @Guest, LOL so many brainwashed Chinese ignoramuses are spreading all sorts of crap and BS now! Dudes can’t you just talk about entertainment without showing your folly if knowing nothing or has NO expertise in other areas? Get some basic education in world’s microeconomics! The US has PLENTY of self-sufficient fossil energy reserves! As of today, the US is actually the largest energy exporter to the rest of the world. US doesn’t need Middle East or any foreign energy supplies to get the country moving and function normally, unlike China and EU. Get some education! I really can’t. hahahahhaha LOL 🤣😂😪😥. Sorry I can’t help cos of all your arrogant but fallible comments. What the US doesn’t have now and critically relies on is CHIP! Oh yeah! Go look through grocery shelves and see if you can find any clues from Lays or Munchos. LOL.

        Hey yo Jana, Yuhyi, and Guest the like! Can you stop publicly humiliating your own race by all these ill-informed, uneducated, and embarrassing comments?

        “Answer a fool according to his folly, or he will be wise in his own eyes.”

  2. It’s so obvious a lousy actor WYB the like who can’t act at all have been embarking on an ass-kissing career plan to survive the C-ent. All his recent works reek of CCP propaganda that speaks louder than his acting caliber. LMAO.

    • @ somebody
      Are personal attacks and name calling all you have to offer?
      My point was about every govt doing propaganda. ..some are just more sophisticated about it.

      • Did I name call anybody? I only speak of the facts. Your have been brainwashed by communists. Fine! Go live in Russia or China or Iran or North Korea, then nobody bothers. But I’m sure you’re not welcome anywhere else. LOL

    • ‘Lousy actor’ with China Movie Channel award in a main category, Zhejiang Phienix Award, nominated for Golden Rooster Awards and recently Asian Film Awards… But your ‘great actor’ fave can only dust his golden broom at home lol

      • *Phoenix Award

        By the way, Yibo’s acting was also praised by international critics, for example New York Times, while your fave got called whiny and unconvincing. If your fave is so great then I wonder why he failed to get any nomination for most important awards and only gets Weibo, Tencent etc awards.

      • @Somebody Look at this, your beloved US newspaper contradicting your words. Omg, its editor must be Chinese! LOL!

        @Mimi It doesn’t matter how many awards your fave bought. We, the audience, have eyes and anyone can tell that your fave WYB is bad at acting.

      • @Lilith, NYT my beloved US newspaper MY A$$!!!!! I don’t bother what crap leftard media wrote. NYT my beloved US newspaper in your unhinged imagination. LOL

      • @Somebody It’s still AMERICAN~ Created by your beloved white masters to brainwash third-class citizens like you~

    • Please be a decent person, no personal attack. WYB is a highly respected actor, dancer, singer, rapper, and professional motorcycle racer.

      • Nope! WYB is not worth my respect. He’s not only a crappy actor but his agency is also sneaky, not to mention his notorious fandom.

      • He is a highly respected actor only in toilet dreams.

        In reality, guy is approaching close to a year that he hasn’t done anything and still his only potential pending project is that Mermaid nonsense. If he were so respected, he would have found something to do.

        When reality really hits, don’t complain then.

  3. This is likely his last attempt to salvage whatever is left of his career and reputation. His agency’s publicly traded company has gone down the drain, along with his acting (it didn’t left there, it just gone deeper), the ever damaging DI saga and tag that he never really attempted to clean up and improve, and his fans whose vileness compare to no other in the c-ent. Dylan Wang,Leo Wu and other newer actors have taken over his previous position in the c-ent. I don’t know if he can recover. Talent needs to be maintained afterall.

    • He has talent, but not in acting. Nor is he gracious. There are some actors who can skate by with their lack of talent by being gracious to others, engaging and charming. Wang Yibo doesn’t even bother to pretend. I don’t know whether or not it is a good thing that he does that. He’s quite talented in dancing so I wonder why he doesn’t just stick to that and leave the acting field alone. But it might be that acting gigs pay more. I don’t dislike him though, I liked him well enough in The Untamed, it’s just that none of his other dramas ever measured up to that.

    • Don’t worry about Wang Yibo, he’s doing better than your fave ever could, but unlike your fave, he’s being low-key about it and doing his work peacefully. In your shoes I’d worry more about your fave’s promised movie for CNY that is nowhere to be seen now…

  4. The drama is doomed outside China. The Chinese is just ignorant of how the world is viewing the CCP regime now. The current policies of China also greatly sabotage the collective image of the Chinese across the board throughout the world. Anyone related to China could be a victim of this hatred towards the CCP regime. I’ve been told many Chinese expats outside China have been pretending to be from Taiwan to shun hostility towards the Chinese. LOL. It’s so foolish of those who continue to speak in line with CCP’s propaganda or behave like wolf warriors on any occasions to defend the regime when they are physically located outside China and has freedom to speak of the truth instead of lying with the CCP. Jana in the thread above is one such example of sheer folly. Xi ruined all the promising prospects for Chinese people and the country that had so much potential and could have been a great people and a valuable member in the global community. China is embarking on an irrevocable train wreck on all directions possible. The economy is gloomy with very high unemployment rate, specifically among young people. There are plenty of economic and financial indices to show all the fallout as a result of Xi regime. I can’t unseen and lie about those hard numbers as a pro expert working in the financial sector. China is doing pretty baaaaaaad! Now, CCP has no plan to rescue the country from slump but instead relies on propaganda exploiting celebrities and showbiz to deceive its own citizens. Fortunately the lies are so dimwittedly blatant that the rest of the world except for dunces won’t believe them.

    This drama won’t have any market outside China. I wonder why Koala even posted it cos this information is irrelevant to the interest of international viewers in C drama.

    All the WYB’s films are box office failures outside China. Enough has been said. So dumb! LOL

    • To be honest, we know these drama is not for overseas is to please GOV and for his people only. They need to serve the GOV to get support for the idol dramas.

      • That’s why I said there’s no need or any point to post the information here. All the ppl except for CCP mouthpieces like Jana, Lmao, and Lilith the like would even care any bit of the drama.

      • @Somebody Here comes the brainwashed American third-class citizen again, I see you’re not practising what you’ve preached.

        “I’ve been told many Chinese expats outside China have been pretending to be from Taiwan”
        See? Perfect example showing the propaganda that you’ve been lapping up. It’s sad how much you live in that bubble created by your white masters. Really reminds me of Messiah from From the New World.

        And Koala posted this article because she knew you will get triggered by the word “Communist”.

      • I think it is good to know such dramas exist. People think cdramas = idol dramas, not realizing there is a breadth of cdramas and a bunch international viewers never even heard of, like propaganda pieces that can comfortably make money off the domestic audience. Wonder why you haven’t seen an actor you liked? Don’t worry, he not out of work. Just filming something you wouldn’t want to watch but will gain him more domestic fans. Propaganda or not, actors can still hone their skills from such work. I won’t be watching but good for him to get some practice in.

        CCP probably did look like a great idea in the 1920s. Drama will end before things go south.

      • @Lilith, Hey you’re the most fervent mouthpiece of commies! LOL. We absolutely have nothing in common to communicate with! Am a proud and dignified citizen of the superpower US, unlike you spying for CCP outside China with despicable agenda on showbiz SM all the time. LOL. My country the US has been treating me pretty well so that I can live in a wealthy county working as a respectable professional. And you? Fleeing China and taking advantage of all the benefits living outside China while persistently bitching about other countries! 口嫌體正直!LOL.

      • @Lilith, LOL. I’m pretty sure CCP China’s current mess in quagmires embarrasses you. Your nonsensical and aggressive defense of CCP China coupling with offensive attacks on the US is a sign of hurting ego and a serious mental problem cos you’re fantasizing the exact opposite to the facts. I don’t mind reminding you of seeking help from counseling pro. I’m not joking!

      • @Somebody LOL I don’t care about whatever quagmires. I’m mainly interested in entertainment news unless it’s some issues that directly affects me, not everyone is so hung up over China like you. I stopped bothering to correct you whenever you call me Chinese because it’s obvious you are mentally sick and you simply label anyone who don’t praise America or contradict your opinions as Chinese. The only reason you are into Chinese entertainment even though you claimed to not be ethnically Chinese is because you enjoy degrading Chinese people for whatever they do. You think being an American third-class citizen makes you superior to people from other countries, when in fact people just see you as a clown.

      • @Lilith, stop embarrassing yourself by humiliating ppl with unfounded allegations. Clown? The real and most obvious clown is YOU, a CCP stooge with plenty of track records of your comments! Now trying to digress by defaming the US, alienating, and dividing ppl in the rest of the world? You fail cos the majority know CCP and its clout are liars constantly spewing lies about China, the US, and the West nonstop. COVID-19 is a turning point. Don’t assume the same gimmicks you CCP cronies had used plenty before would work wonder again. It’s not easy to brainwash ppl with the CCP narratives anymore.

      • @Somebody Yeah yeah, go hug your beloved AMERICAN newspaper which apparently is now trying to brainwash people into thinking that WYB is a good actor, just like the rest of the propaganda shit that your America master has brainwashed you with.

    • @ somebody
      You still haven’t addressed the substance of my argument. Just spewing more ad hominem attacks.
      And no, I am not watching this drama because I watch only Chinese period costume dramas. I also agree with you that WYB is a mediocre actor and is probably backed by Chinese capitalist billionaire sugar daddies.
      I don’t think the makers of this drama are too worried about not having an audience. This drama is targeted for the home audience and there’s 1.3 billion of them. Chinese middle class is now bigger than Europe’s.

      • Hey yo! Can’t you read plain English? I did respond to your question. Just scroll up to read. Your support for Russia and China is mind boggling; no justification other than you’re part of the communist lackeys/cronies. LOL. Nobody vilifies Russian & China. These two axis of evil have been making more trouble than contribution to the world peace. Media doesn’t do anything to shame these two evil regimes but they bring it to themselves. LOL

      • BTW, nobody cares about how propaganda has been doing in China. That’s Chinese business. But here in a blog mostly visited by international drama fans, it’s out of blue to post such boring and irrelevant information.

    • The only box office failure in and outside of China is your fave’s 2019 flop Jade Dynasty. It didn’t get any attention internationally despite fantasy genre that should attract the audience easily. But it was so crappy that no one cared to watch it, 14% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes and no critics reviews at all. On imdb 3 or so critics reviews and the only one that mentions acting called your fave whiny and unconvincing. Your fandom is getting away with many lies just because others aren’t as loud and jobless to clarify all of your attacks.

      • LOL. I happened to agree with you about Jade Dynasty’s quality. The film isn’t good although still a commercial success in China that saved the production team and the investor were extremely happy about that. I know you’re bitter since your idle (pun intended LOL) just doesn’t have any acting DNA in his genes, even his powerful backing has got him a lot of resources he doesn’t deserve at all for years. Swallow the fact that WYB shouldn’t be seen in the acting department and be humble! By far, everyone in the C-ent knows your fave has been miles away trailing XZ. Sorry not sorry!

      • @MiMi

        I think you are being so unfair to Xiao Zhan about Jade Dynasty. The movie is old and he was kind of a newbie when they made that movie. Are all WYB’s movies or dramas scored high every time? I don’t think so. Xiao Zhan’s new movie didn’t come out for CNY – why are you blaming on him also? Why don’t you blame it on the production company instead? He is the main actor, but he is ONLY an actor. He can’t control everything with the movie.

    • @Lilith, I’m responding to a folly since it’s so comical your big ego with low self esteem can’t tolerate any criticism of bad influence of CCP Chinese culture and parasites outside China like you. You’ve got plenty of track records on this site showing you’ve been persistently promoting CCP’s narratives but obviously you’re ashamed and trying to get away from what’s out of your own mouth when you run out of stupid excuses and lame defense. LOL. Go see a counselor and perhaps take some medicine as I’ve been suggesting all the time! Seriously.

      You’d better get away from English SM and touch some grass. Your insult of the US and American citizens won’t change the fact that it’s still the one and only superpower in the world that protects its citizens including me pretty decently, unlike Chinese leeks (韭菜) under CCP regime even without ownership of any real properties, you and your family in China included. LOL. That’s how foolish you are even volunteer (or perhaps that’s your job) to repeat the narratives from CCP. Just admit that you have connection with CCP. Don’t lie!

  5. Wang Yibo and Li Qin… both I never warm to. I dont know why I dont warm to Li Qin who is very popular.

    I can see Wang Yibo doing better with these genre…no need to smile, no have strong romance story and he just need to look cool in his suit. His fans will be very happy.

    • Same. Can’t warm up to Li Qin. I don’t feel like her acting is convincing at all. I can still see the same LiQin and not the characters she’s supposed to portray

      • It took me a long time to find out why I was allergic to Li Qin. I would start her dramas but always ended up dropping it mid-way. I finally concluded that although she goes through the motions she can’t really act – in the sense that you have to get the audience emotionally invested in your performance so they are willing to watch you to the end. Unfortunately, she’s unable to accomplish that with me. So I end up dropping her dramas. There are other Chinese female leads who fall into that category as far as I’m concerned, she’s not the only one. I’d rank her with Victoria Song, Guli Nazha, Shen Yue and to some extent Li Yitong – although she’s beginning to grow on me.

      • Li Qin had chemistry with Xiao Zhan. I enjoyed her scenes with XZ in The Youth Memories. I also think she has stronger chemistry with XZ than with the ML, Wang Dalu, in The Wolf. It appeared that XZ was comfortable acting with her. But I agree her acting isn’t that impressive after watching her drama with Shawn Dou. Other than her works with XZ, I’m not interested in checking her out at all, let alone this one dumb piece of propaganda staring a dancer who absolutely can’t act.

      • @Xoxo, love your allergic tp Li Qin comment…I am unsure if I reached that stage but I tried watching 1st eps of her drama and then I have to switch to another drama. She is just too awkward for me…

        @somebody, as I am not keen on the storyline for The Youth Memories and Li Qin… I did not watch it. But Li Qin and Xiao Zhan are good friends and Xiao Zhan is relaxed with afew actresses. Li Qin is one of them. Not surprised they both have chemistry in the drama.

  6. It took me a long time to find out why I was allergic to Li Qin. I would start her dramas but always ended up dropping it mid-way. I finally concluded that although she goes through the motions she can’t really act – in the sense that you have to get the audience emotionally invested in your performance so they are willing to watch you to the end. Unfortunately, she’s unable to accomplish that with me. So I end up dropping her dramas. There are other Chinese female leads who fall into that category as far as I’m concerned, she’s not the only one. I’d rank her with Victoria Song, Guli Nazha, Shen Yue and to some extent Li Yitong – although she’s beginning to grow on me.

    • Apart from Li Yitong, I agree with all in your list. I really cannot warm to those actresses either. I dont dislike them…just dont jump to watch any of their dramas.
      Li Yitong have a couple of projects I enjoyed.

    • Your description of Li Qin is on point. I didn’t know why I didn’t care for her for a long time despite how pretty she is. I got slack from people on here for saying that her acting wasn’t convincing. Glad I’m not the only one seeing the lack of talent

  7. @somebody
    Looks like you care since you sound so angry.
    You still haven’t refuted my point that there is propaganda in all countries. Some do it better. I was answering to the first post but you jumped in and flew off the handle with personal insults. It shows your low IQ ( I have decided to insult you back since that seems to be only kind of language you understand. It’s very easy to resort to personal insults and name calling. I don’t like doing it.

    • LOL. My IQ isn’t decided by you. My exclusive pro certification isn’t something a dimwit able to get. I’m not sure about your IQ. But surely you’ve got very low EQ. LOL. What’s wrong if I’m pissed off at evil axes China and Russia? LOL. It’s you with degrading moral standards to defend ferocious aggressors and invaders like Russians and CCP. I don’t initiate name calling but definitely will be eye for eye. And you deserve the insult as a result of what you sowed in your first comment. SMH. Really, just move to Russia or China or N. Korea or Iran to vow your loyalty to the axes of evil. You fit there better with internet firewalls. LMAO.

      I despised those who are mouthpieces of commies while living in a free world. These scums are parasites in a free world. There’re obviously quite a few such scums constantly spreading fallacies and trash on this site. And you know whom I’m referring to. Just look at yourself in the mirror. LOL

  8. Communism aside, I have struggled to finish dramas from this era. They are all dark, gloomy and serious. Winter Begonia and Arsenal Military Academy were the only ones I managed to enjoy; though these two lean heavily toward the idol side.

    • I’m on the same boat. It’s not so much the propaganda piece that bothers me. I also find the dramas from this time period tend to be tragic and full of struggles, which aren’t my cup of tea. I often turn to dramas to watch something more cheerful to take a break from the daily grind.

    • Same. I struggle even through the first episodes for dramas from this era. Not just for Chinese dramas, but kdramas and American content. Even though we’re a century out, I feel like the wounds from this era are still tender.

      I love the costuming from this era, and it looks really flattering on pretty much everyone. But I’ll have to miss out.

    • For me it is the same. I have not watched Winter Begonia but Arsenal Military Academy was enjoyable.

      It is not just c-drama, even in western movies,dramas. I find such genre too heavy hearted for myself. I dont like crying when I watch a drama.

  9. Anyways I wouldn’t be so sure that CCTV will be picking this up yet as none of the drama’s posters have the CCTV logo. This rumour could have been released by WYB’s side to attract investors.

    • Oh…that is interesting. Frankly, I am just surprised how the super popular Wang Yibo just fall out of flavour without really doing anything really wrong. I am still very surprise.
      I am not his fan but he is a good dancer. And I enjoy street dancing.

      • I have no interest in discussing with that CCP stooge in this thread, but to chime in regarding WYB’s popularity. It’s interesting that WYB doesn’t appear to be as popular as other new and rising liuliang like Dylan Wang and Tan Jianzi etc on Douyin. But his posts still frequently appeared in Weibo hot search. Is he still popular as before? I’m not sure. It doesn’t matter. He just can’t act. His agency, like many listed Chinese companies in HK, is in deep financial trouble. Disclosure by HK stock exchange proves that.

      • @Somebody, Frankly, I do not know if he is still popular in China. I am interested to see if this Year of Dragon is good for him or not.

        He has a quiet few months. He is no longer in the Top variety shows he was in before, not in dramas but he did venture into movie land. I think this year will be a better judge on his popularity.

      • @HL It wasn’t that he didn’t do anything really wrong, it just that his scandals have been kept under control or covered by his agency. Remember those news about him calling Lenovo tablet as iPad and claiming that the question asking on his thoughts about his movie character is meaningless? These were small stuff that came out after his agency started having financial issues and couldn’t afford to contain the news anymore.

        His popularity has never reached anywhere near his The Untamed co-star previously either but people got illusioned because his agency bought enough data for him when he was second place. For example, the actual popularity data is 1st-100pts 2nd-40pts 3rd-30pts 4th-28pts 5th-25pts, but the 2nd used money to increase his data to 70pts.

        His team had constantly marketed him to advertisers as sharing fans with his co-star. Since his co-star generated great sales revenue, advertisers were tricked into thinking he will generate similar amounts too but the truth is the bulk of his co-star’s fans are not cp fans, unlike him. That’s how his agency works, always tricking people to invest money into them, so over time people learnt their lesson and stop associating with him.

      • @Lilith, to invest so much to prop him so high whilst his own foundation is so weak, very unwise. no wonder the ground he is stands on is so unstable.
        I understand the game playing and underhanded means of levitating their artistes but if the artiste cannot deliver…then the cracks will show.
        I am still keen to watch how Yibo fairs this year… this will be a good judge where he stands in the industry.
        One thing is certain. he is miles away from Xiao Zhan…

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