
Modern Romance Healing C-drama Angels Fall Sometimes with Li Lan Di and Lin Yi to Premiere March 9th on CCTV and Tencent Streaming — 19 Comments

  1. There is no cure for ALS…I cannot bear to watch the end. But I hope the best for this drama as it does raise awareness for this disease…And hope the awareness will help raise more funds to find a cure for this painful and heartbreaking disease.

    • I had the same sentiments. When I read ALS, I knew I couldn’t watch this drama since it definitely won’t be a happy ending. I’m not the type that enjoy heart wrenching dramas. Some people I hear like them because it gives them an “emotional cleanse”.

      • My first ALS symptom occurred in 2016, but was diagnosed in 2018. I had severe symptoms ranging from shortness of breath, balance problems, couldn’t walk without a walker or a power chair, i had difficulty swallowing and fatigue. I was given medications which helped but only for a short burst of time, then I decided to try alternative measures and began on ALS Formula treatment from Aknni herbs centre, It has made a tremendous difference for me (Visit ww w. aknniherbscentre.c om). I had improved walking balance, increased appetite, muscle strength, improved eyesight and others.

    • That’s what I was reminded too, it was my first jdrama and it still feels hurt when I remember the story. Especially after haruma passing… I Br eel like crying every second

  2. Just lost a good friend to ALS so due to knowing how it would end, l cannot watch it.
    Best of luck to the actor portraying this deadly Disease

  3. Good for LY and LLD on picking a project that’s not typical idol-sweet romance drama. ALS is a devastating disease, suddenly taking evythg from a seemingly healthy individual overnight. The drama wont be for the fainthearted. I have a feeling LY and LLD will be up for the challenge.

  4. Oh? These type of dramas aren’t usually my cup of tea but I think I may give it a try as I rarely encounter this kind of plot in C-dramas.

    I find Lin Yi kind of fascinating because C-actors/actresses usually have more domestic fans than international fans, yet he seems to be much more popular among international C-drama fans than domestically.

    • Shen Yue is another one.
      I think its because international fans (esp the younger ones) like modern romance and shipping. These two exclusively star in modern romance, and even have an upcoming project together.

      • Yep, I remember the first time I saw Lin Yi was in Put Your Head on My Shoulder and I really enjoyed that drama.

  5. ALS is a cruel disease. My mum is 83 and had great difficulty speaking and swallowing much of anything. Food was getting trapped in her throat and blocking her air way was happening more often. she battled for each breath. The riluzole did very little to help her. The medical team did even less. Her decline was rapid and devastating. The psychological support from the medical centre was non-existent and if it were not for the sensitive care and attention of our primary physician, there she would have died. There has been little if any progress in finding a cure or reliable treatment. Acupuncture eased her anxiety a bit. this year our primary physician started her on Natural Herbs Centre ALS/MND Ayurvedic treatment, 6 months into treatment she improved dramatically. It has been a complete turnaround with her speech, she no longer needs the feeding tube to feed, the treatment is a miracle. She recovered significantly! Visit Naturalherbscentre

  6. I am all for Lin Yi. I’ve been anticipating this drama since last year though I knew that it was sad but we’ve got to give our support and also understanding more about other victims of this ALS disease through this drama. Support please… Lin Yi.

  7. I am so much excited ☺️ for New cdrama. Iknow it’s amazing.because I like linyi as a actor . My name is ramita byee.

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