
tvN Mon-Tues Drama Lovely Runner with Kim Hye Yoon and Byun Woo Seok Gains Runaway Buzz Higher than its Ratings Around 3% After Two Weeks Airing — 38 Comments

  1. Kim Hye Yoon is a reliable actress so it wasnt a surprise for me to see her pulling off the chops needed to express her 17 year old self and then the 30 year old in her teenage body. But the real surprise is BWS, who has amazing eye acting in this drama showing truly he has the skills to be a true leading man above his incredible good looks. The future is beyond rosy for him … i am really liking this drama.

  2. Its so popular in Korea too, not just int! If not for Tears it would be the most popular airing drama. The leads are so cute together and the story hasnt been done before. I think every fangirl can connect to this drama in some level. BWS is the one I love despite connecting more with KHYs character. His earnestness is endearing. This is also a lot better drama than Wedding Impossible. That was popular but I didnt understand the hype for it.

    • its time will come now that qot will be wrapping up in two weeks. if the quality remains consistent, i can see this being a cult classic. it just has so much potential!

    • I watched wedding impossible and i continuously felt like something’s missing like the acting felt so bland the actors weren’t putting any effort but watching lovely runner feels so good u can really feel the energy and feelings of leads.

  3. I have nothing to complain after 4 episodes. Well written story, beyond solid cast with exceptional acting skills, chemistry, soundtrack, cinematography….like this drama is 5/5 for me. I was waiting to see Kim Hye Yoon back on screen, she doesn’t do many projects like her counterparts. She did one film in 2022 end abd then nothing. I knew she would nail it and she did. Byeon Woo Seok is a pleasant surprise here.

  4. Pingback:tvN Mon-Tues Drama Pretty Runner with Kim Hye Yoon and Byun Woo Seok Good points Runaway Buzz Greater than its Rankings Round 3% After Two Weeks Airing -

  5. Im watching it. It’s a breezy watch and somehow the male lead is really growing on me. He reminds me of a young Kim Bum or Kim Soo hyun? Acting range is pretty good as the episodes go by too! Fresh air this drama – it’s my lunch break go to

      • @Jiao – I posted as a rhetorical question! Do not reply if you don’t know what it means. I know how to search 🔍

    • He was a model and went on many acting auditions failed a lot. He mentioned on a recent interview that he was told by someone that he wouldn’t make it in 4-5 years then comments “things started working out after 5 years so i think that person was insightful” so looks like pleasant personality to match his good looks

      • @hearttaek – Thanks. 32 years old seem to be a late start (for Korean actors). I hope he will get more ML roles from now on. Always nice to see new talents!

  6. This wasn’t on my radar until after it literally started, whats with the rave (and maybe controversy) reviews i’ve been seeing on my tl. And being a kpop fan myself, I can relate to Hye Yoon’s character. But dang, the story is so engaging and fun. Hopefully, it continues to be so! I’m so glad I have another drama to look forward for the next few weeks after QoT. It’s long overdue but if done right, this will definitely establish BWS as main lead.

  7. LR is being very good until now.
    It’s always good to remind and make people know that TVN is a paid tv cable channel.
    Nobody here is popular enough to gather people to watch it solely based on their popularity.
    Any success they’re having is due to be a really good work so far.
    Everybody is doing a great job so far.

    I wish and hope the drama do not get messed up badly due to awful screenwriters.
    Nothing scares me more than screenwriters literally ruining a work which was going well.

    Byeon Woo Seok is doing a marvellous job here with his acting.
    He is a very good singer and he definetely can pass as the main vocalist of a KPOP’s group. Heck, he can even be the main vocalist of a Korean Rock band with a little bit more training.
    BTW, he trained to become as good as a competitive swimmer and it shows on his body and techniques.

  8. I’m loving it so far and I’m glad glad the drama and actors are getting such good feedback from korean audiences. It hits me in the gut for the emotional beats and tickles my funny bone with the humor. I don’t expect ratings to go much higher since it’s a youth romance, but I wish it would since I want lots more people to see it.

  9. The strength of the drama is because its an all-rounder. The story gains traction, the leads put in great performance, the chemistry is convincing. The plot twist and male POV elevated the whole watching experience.

  10. Lovely runner is all over my Twitter too! Hearing so many excellent reactions and it has a ton of positive buzz in Korea. Mid-3% is good for Mon-Tues youth drama but I do hope the ratings will go up even more!😁

    I have a soft spot for Kim Hye Yoon so I’m really happy she finally has a hot drama after Sidus fumbled the bag on managing her career the last five years. She is so pretty, hardworking personality and is a great actress. She had the one-two punch of hits with Sky Castle and Extraordinary you in 2019-2020 but since then only one lead role in a mediocre drama and one supporting role in a terrible drama and some random drama cameos. Luckily, she had a great response for her indie film role in “Girl in a Bulldozer” and that helped her regain some momentum in her career. Even better she finally announced this week she left Sidus and signed to Lee Jung Jae and Jung Woo Sung’s agency Artist Company. I am hoping they look after her and her career much better!

    Byeon Woo Seok has been a pleasant surprise. I first saw him in Record of Youth and, even though I wasn’t that impressed by his acting and he was obviously outshone talentwise by Park Bo Gum, I remember thinking he had potential and, confusingly, he had far better chemistry with Park So Dam than Park Bo Gum IMO even though PSD and PBG’s characters were supposed to be the main couple. He has been smart and focused on supporting roles and gaining experience and his acting has improved exponentially. He is so good in Lovely Runner that I am genuinely shocked. It looks like he will be one of the actors like Ahn Bo hyun who are able to make a successful transition from villain and supporting/second lead roles to male lead roles.

    • Interesting how you mention ABH because I like him and BWS too. I feel like I just have to check their dramas just because they’re starring in it.

  11. I missed Kim Hye Yoon’s Dan-O character from Extraordinary so much! And now she gives a similar vibe in Lovely Runner. Makes me happy. I know, I know she annoys people with her loud talking voice and bossing around a bunch of handsome guys. But seriously, only Kim Hye Yoon can hold her own and shine even more (and she is not that pretty) while surrounded by so many hot guys in this drama. Just like in Extraordinary You. Very charismatic and strong actress.

  12. I think the actor is fabulous, but I think Kim Hye Yoon carries this as she did Extraordinary You. She can do it all! I watched her show with Tacyeon just for her as well, and I hope to see much much more from her – I always found it unjust that three of the MLs got so much more lift from Extraordinary You than she did. I hope the pattern doesn’t repeat and they both do great off this.

    • @Maya: I agree it’s unfair the three guys benefited the most when KHY did most of the hard carrying but it’s always easier for guys to develop a fandom. They just need to look good and and do the bare minimum. I also think that a lot of blame should be placed on her old agency, Sidus. I mentioned it another post but they handled her career so badly after ‘Extraordinary You’

      • @Maya @Sunny

        This kind of thing annoys me so much.
        I don’t know why fans of actress can’t be better than the fans of male actors. One have to always put down the other.
        You’re kind deminishing KHY’s hard work by putting the guys on much higher ground than her just because they’re men.
        You are definitely deminishing the hard work of KWS just because he is a guy.
        I think he is the best male lead she got to work in the last few years.
        He is a good actor who finally got a chance to shine after years of trying to get it right.
        So are you saying the guys are bad actors who got roles based on beauty and because KHY did not get what you want her to get from working with them so you don’t like them? Are you saying that guys only need to look good and do the bare minimum to develop a fandom just because they’re men?

      • @Jisao I think you misread their comments. No one is diminishing anyone. The commenter didn’t diminish KHY’s hard work and she didn’t say that the guys are superior because they’re men, but it’s how society and the entertainment industry view the genders unfortunately, men > women. Look at how Yoon Eun Hye and other female actors with scandals have been forever cancelled by koreans but literal sexual predator male actors are forgiven and Park Shi Hoo even had a hit drama in My Golden Life. It’s because everyone, the industry and fans, are more forgiving of male actors and see them as superior, The commenters are talking about society’s and entertainment industry’s views, not their own.

        If you also read Sunny’s comment carefully instead of jumping to defend males immediately, you’d understand that she’s talking GENERALLY and not saying that BWS is not talented. I mean, let’s be honest here, it’s really much easier for male actors to gain fandoms because women are the primary audience for KDramas and they’re attracted to handsome male actors. Just look at Cha Eun Woo, Song Kang, Minhyun, and Rowoon, you’re going to tell me they gained insanely huge female fandoms because of their great acting? If you’re going to say yes, then you’re just purely delusional.

        Again, read her comment carefully. She said it’s easier for male actors to gain fandoms for looking good. She’s speaking generally, not talking about BWS lmao. If you still didn’t understand, NO ONE said BWS isn’t talented, he is! But in general, a male actor can just stand there and look good and he’ll still gain huge female fandoms. Sunny is also saying that KHY is just as talented as BWS but look at how BWS is the one getting more hype. And in Extraordinary You, she’s undoubtedly better actor than Rowoon but Rowoon was the one who blew up among female fans. Why? Because he’s a male and he’s good-looking, simple as that

      • @Eilish: Exactly this! Thanks for explaining to @Jisao. The discussion was specifically in reference to ‘Extraordinary You’ but can be applied generally across the entertainment world and society as a whole – particularly a look obsessed, patriarchal society like Korea. All you have to do is compare all the roles and opportunities Rowoon received post drama when he was basically the equivalent of a good-looking block of wood in Extraordinary You. Even Kim Young Dae who is a mediocre actor and was third lead received way more of a career boost than the female lead who hard carried the drama. I also specifically said a lot of the blame lay with KHY’s old agency because they did not manage her career well but Jisao skipped that part.

        I didn’t mention Byun Woo Seok at all in my comment AND I have another comment further up in this post where I compliment BWS for taking time to gain experience since ‘Record of Youth’, said his acting has improved so much and his performance in Lovely Runner is very impressive so I don’t understand why Jisao even thinks I was criticising BWS.

    • so proud of my darling KHY! As usual, such good acting!

      Agree that BWS finally gets the chance to showcase his experience here.

  13. Interesting and cute drama, a breeze of fresh air . Kim Hye Yoon is good as always she reminds me of Park Eun Bin . I really like her and if she was a rookie i’ll have choose her for Goong the remake, now she is already known so it’s too late . The big surprise is BWS , i watched him in Record of youth or Flower marriage crew and aside the fact he was handsome his acting wasn’t all that , but in this one he shines next to KHY, both seem to enjoy acting together and the camera captures it .

  14. Give it a try yeorobun. Everything about this drama is lovely as its title. Agree with everyone, Kim Hye Yoon is such a great actress. She can act as a protagonist and antagonist.

    And Byun Woo Seok, dude can act. And i do enjoy watching the 2nd male lead too.

  15. Please please writer-nim, please let it be good until the end. The drama has so much potential. KHY shines and wait… BWS, too!!!!! I’ve only ever seen in Records of Youth with Park Bo Gum and Park So Dam. He was not great at all in the drama, even though someone mentioned above he did have chemistry with Park So Dam more than Park Bo Gum. But here, in Lovely Runner, he’s so good! Perfect 4 episodes, please don’t let us down! 😭

  16. KHY is an actress who with her energy and passion in acting, elevates the efforts put in by the actors she work with. Even experienced actors and actresses e.g. in Sky Castle commented that they were motivated to up their game when they saw how well she acted and the efforts she put into it. I hope she will receive more good roles in TV or films in her career.

  17. Woo!it so hot. The lead actor is superb, very handsome and the role perfectly suits him. A very interesting story line ,I feel the female actress is over doing it but it can be overlooked. Overall the best thing one of the best drama so far.

  18. I binged 4 eps straight after a very busy workday. It’s surprisingly good and a doddle to watch. Both leads emoted pretty well with strong chemistry. Good to see new faces doing great jobs. The plot progressed tightly and smoothly without any drag so far. Nice script and directing from the get-go. Although this is a classic time travel based upon some old concepts, there are new ideas taking viewers by surprise. Some comedic moments cracked me up. I’m enjoying this cute drama so far. I’m usually not a fan of school dramas or youth dramas. But the story isn’t focused on frivolous and underage activities in classrooms. Therefore, that’s fine. This is one mellow story that I can enjoy with a breeze when I’m in no mood to watch more somber and darker genres like Beyond Evil.

  19. @eilish don’t disrespect rowoon like that, he’s better actor than songkanf,cew, Kyd even that byun wooseok guy🙄 you’re the one who’s delusional, and probably never watch his works like tomorrow, destined with you & the King’s affection.

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