
C-ent Abuzz After Industry Insider Claims Hu Ge and Zhao Li Ying are in Discussions for a Project Together — 14 Comments

  1. Pingback:C-ent Abuzz After Industry Insider Claims Hu Ge and Zhao Li Ying are in Discussions for a Project Together | Parlour News Korea

  2. Whether it happens or not, itโ€™s always nice to read news about HG and lay eyes on his perfectly symmetrical chiseled face. I would prefer to watch him in a period drama.

  3. Keeping my fingers crossed… A fan of Zhao Liying. I like HuGe’s last work – All Ears. WuLei, in that same film – not so much. He’s more like an eye candy on that film.

  4. anything is better than reading news related to wang xing yue, and then comments from his a$$-lickers named @somebody, @drea, @&c, @yui, @jana

  5. anything is better than reading news related to wang xing yue and then comments from his a$$ lickers named @somebody, @drea, @&c, @yui, @jana

  6. Manโ€ฆI came in this article expecting the ZLY troll being unhinged but I guess we have a whole new one now ๐Ÿ˜… anti really shows thereโ€™s such a thin line between hate and love like why are you spending so much time thinking/ writing about someone you hate? I donโ€™t even have enough time to devote to fangirling my fav and ppl out here just spending their time hating ๐Ÿ˜ญ

    • I don’t believe the hate for the actor is real, this troll is just picking a random name to peddle their racism and sexism. It’s quite disturbing.

      • @Yui, what did you do to trigger her? I just can’t recall anything you said to piss her off. LOL

        @Drea, I believe you made her nuts cos you did rave about the Double too. She just behaved like a crazy ex dumped by WXY. LMAO.

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