
Joo Ji Hoon in Talks for the Male Lead Antagonist Role in Remarried Empress with Shin Mina and Lee Jong Seok — 46 Comments

  1. As someone who loves the book (and Joo Ji Hoon), I don’t like the casting at all. None of it. At all. What are they thinking? Shin Mina and Lee Jong Seok in the main roles? How about some fresh faces? I don’t think I’ll be able to watch this kind of drama adaptation.

  2. Joo Jihoon was actually one of the actors brought up in the fan castings of a live action alongside Lee Jongseok, so yeah I was wondering if the casting team was scoping the Internet for inspiration 😂
    Another interesting fact is that Joo Jihoon was also in the book trailer of “Men of the Harem” which is by the same author of “Remarried Empress”. He says the lines of an ambitious nobleman who wants to capture the heart of the female emperor (I think he is the main love interest of the female emperor).
    Yet I don’t think he’d accept the role especially when his career is high sailing, unless he wants to play the role of an unforgivable asshat husband. Another actor that comes to mind is Lee Hyunwook who has been maling the audience angry with his performance as stingy Lee Bangwon/Taejong in “The Queen Who Crowns”. He constantly tries to subdue his wife Queen Wonkyung and her family in spite of her efforts to leep him in power.

  3. Haven’t read the book, won’t be reading it. I love the freedom that comes from it, it’s like Witcher, when some folks started lamenting that no one could play the Witcher like Cavil as if the author wrote the book with him in mind. Anyways, I was just thinking that if Yoon eun hye gets cast as the Rashta it would be tooo epic… I mean could you imagine, the most insane reunion ever. And I want to see her play a witch, whom I’d be rooting for😂. Fingers crossed.

    • It’s such a pity that she hasn’t had a chance in acting anymore. I really love her acting style, it’s heart felt rawness. Missing her a lot. Sadly, not the best drama picker.

    • @Jennilee, as a long time fan of Baby Vox and Yoon Eun Hye being my first crush Kactress ever, i didn’t think of it , sad that she isn’t in the producers, writers, directors papers because it would be epic . Why did you have to mention this reunion cast ? Now i just can cry my eyes out 😭😭😭😭. You have to take responsability for it ! i know another one who may think as me @HL
      @ HL, i guess that you watched the mv that Baby Vox made to thank their fans . They were like little ones messing around , their choregraphy wasn’t synchronized as the actual idols, but they conveyed emotion, each one has their unique beauty, charm , vocal signature ,they were sexy, elegant, and cool… i don’t get this kind of feelings in most of actual Kpop girls band . They look like the same , they dance , sing well but perhaps because they are trained too much they give me a more mechanical vibe . Like watching a movie with some flaws but that resonates in you and a blockbuster with stunning special effects but no feelings .

      • @cahill, So happy to watch them together…I feel so happy for Yoon Eun Hye…I think we may see more of her on small screen.. 🤗🤗

    • I still remember when the drama is in production because I really like the manhwa. But I knew it was goin to flop when ML was chosen. But at least this time around the actors are better tho I am bored with Shin Minah acting thesedays

      • I don’t think it was acting that sunk Habaek. The writing was entirely nonsensical. I’m not sure who the writer here is but that’s key.

      • I knew the drama was doom to flop waay before it’s out bcause of the casting. But hell, when it came out, the writing shocked me with how bad it was. Bad script + bad acting = very2 bad drama

      • Eh. No drama is ever doomed because of the cast. Writing is always key imo. A good PD can get great performances out of mediocre actors (see: Reply series or Dream High as examples). Habaek was so terribly written, Won Bin couldn’t have saved it.

  4. Is he getting married or what? Or saving for retirement? He’s working so hard. But still no news about kingdom season 3.

    He’s taking the villain role? Wah, good for him. While some actors keep doing the repetitive role, he has more acting range.

    Not a fan of the other actors but will give it a try once it’s airing.

  5. The characters in the webtoon are supposted to be in their 20s, so what are they doing by choosing actors in their late 30s? They don’t match agewise. Why not choose some young actors?

    • Is there any popular early to mid 20s actor/actress in kdrama thesedays because I only saw late 20s and early 30s that gained popularity?? I think kdrama fans are in rediscovery of experienced/older underrated actors phase for awhile now

  6. I feel like this sort of webnovel and webtoon needs a animated series not a live-action drama. Also not feeling the casting either, for all of them. They’re too old for the actual ages. There are enough young and promising actors out there who could fill those roles.

  7. I was initially bored when I read this webtoon. I feel like there are better ones out there, but just my opinion. My concern is besides the casting who looks obviously older, is this set in the modern or traditional world?

    Maybe they should have turned this into an animation series and then I’ll put it on watchlist to check out LOL.

  8. Not a fan of any leads here. My exposure to JJH’s acting is only limited to the ML in Goong which was one of the dramas introducing me to K drama. But my eyes were mostly on Yun Eun Hye. He wasn’t that impressive to me. I already read some positive comments about his acting range. Perhaps I should check his dramas? He’s not that appealing to me visually though.

      • Happy to give you the honor…🤗 I was wondering why she had months of silence on her Youtube…am so glad there were such good reasons.

        She is hosting a Music show too. To be honest, I think she will ill advised in her acting and variety show decisions in her younger days.

      • @cahill & HL, talking about YEH, since I’m watching the Heirs, I have this unrealistic delusion if she could have replaced Park Shin Hye as the FL for such a classic K school drama + hallyu romance LOL. This thought occurred to me several times when I didn’t feel PSH’s performance gratifying. I just don’t get PSH’s acting with half-pouting half-open mouth all the time LOL. YEH definitely could have done a much better job as a damsel attracting and driving two arrogant scions crazy. Of course YEH was a bit older than those kids in the Heirs. But I’m talking about her visuals and acting at a similar age that would have delivered right aura to fit the kind of FL in the Heirs. PSH was ok in some crying scenes but her acting back then was one-dimensional, unlike YEH who made her characters so rich. Watching the Heirs made me particularly miss YEH in her early days

        I may pick up Goong again LOL cuz not many interesting dramas to follow right now. I’m still enjoying When the Stars Gossip which is very non-conventionally K dramatic. Love Scout is serviceable but that genre has never been up my street.

    • Btw, @Somebody, did you watched the 30mins interview of Xiao Zhan and Tsui Hark new movie on CCTV News? I saw on Youtube… He spoke very well.

      • I did. I always admire XZ’s mannerism before cameras. Nonetheless, I’m disturbed by Tsui Hark’s message and comment about HK/UK/China. The British government brought HK to prosperity through 150-year governance under capitalism and free market while the Chinese government has done nothing good to HK and the people there. But Tsui Hark tried to use this adaptation of Jing Yong to make an improper analogy from Song Dynasty and Mongolia that people in HK should still be loyal to the CCP that has done egregious damage to HK cuz our Condor hero Guo Jing had set an example LMAO. What CCP had done in HK in 2019 just made me want to puke! I work in financial sector and know a few CEO’s having business in Asia including China and HK. They all told me HK is going downhills doing pretty bad right now. There’s no hope for HK to get back where it was all thanks to the idiocy of Winnie the Poop💩! I’m just disgusted by what Tsui Hark said about Hong Kong.

      • I forward all his part and only heard Xiao Zhan’s reply. I will go back to watch it. But to be honest, it does seem odd to bring HK/UK/China into the interview. So strange and unnecessary.

      • I’m really disgusted by Tsui Hark’s remark about HK and implication of pledge allegiance to a corrupt regime only because the people share the same blood (such idiocy LOL). XZ as a Chinese citizen to be loyal to his country is legit and justified, but he’s never gone that far to cross the red line of basic human right and violate our appeal for sympathy and compassion for people who suffer under that atrocious regime. XZ forwarded CCTV announcements of national celebration all the time to support national pride, just like all other C-ent celebs. Nonetheless other than that, he’s never gone extra miles as some obnoxious C celebs did to undermine the basic dignity entitled by every human being, only because he wanted to lick CCP’s boots. He is wise in a way to advertise for China and Chinese culture if that’s CCP is looking for LOL.

        If XZ did the same things as ass kissers like Tsui Hark or Ling Gengxin, I absolutely refuse to be his fan, nor will I watch any of his works.

      • Lee jun Ki always aces his roles . One of my faves too, I have a soft spot for JJH because of Goong but Lee Jun Ki is Lee Jun Ji .Flower of evil, Moon Lovers, …even in the old drama My girl he was the best . And the drama with Jung Kyung ho and Nam Sang mi . I do like him . I also like Chun jung myung but i didn’t see him since his drama with Yoon Eun hye , sad because he is a good actor too .

      • @HL, Tsui Hark was neutral and professional in the joint interview with Xiao Zhan. His twisted interpretation dragging HK along was in another interview:
        Hope I get to see the link above. I wasn’t able to copy-paste online links in the past. Guo Jing defended Xianyang for Song people because he had great compassion and mercy. Besides, Xianyang is the side under attack, not the side initiating offense first. However in HK’s situation, CCP is the one regime attacking and violating the peace of the citizens in HK. What Mongolians (intruders) were to Xiangyang in the book, the CCP is (also intruders) to HK. LOL. See how many HKers have fled the place since 1997. But Tsui Hark got a 180 degree twist to make an exactly opposite claim that people in HK should be loyal to China. Did Jing Yong set Guo Jing as an example to imply the Chinese should side with the CCP government? I’ve never read that implication between the lines of his book LOL. Tsui Hark created it LOL.

      • @cahil, LJK should be my ultimate bias of K actors if I have one from Kdrama. I don’t since I can only afford to be invested in just one fave (Chinese actor Xiao Zhan) outside drama mostly thanks to the familiar language. I simply love LJK even he reprises similar roles in the same genres LOL. I don’t get tired of watching him kicking and pounding without uttering a single line. LOL. I turned into his fan right after watching Iljimae and have never changed by now. It’s not the same case for other K actors though. I liked other actors at some points for their acting in some dramas but my passion for them faded later on with less impressive performances. There isn’t another one like LJK whom I have always rooted for and whose dramas I always highly anticipate.

    • Goong was his first role and he was a little stiff, but he did mamy dramas that weren’t my cup of tea but i’m about to watch his new drama The trauma code , i watched Mask a makyang drama of 2015 i think, with Soo Ae, and Hyena because of Kim Hye Soo . He did a lot of movies too, i quite like him but i’m not impressed by his acting skills I prefer Lee Jun Ki who is from the same generation and i think that they did the MS about the same time . Both worked with Shin Mina !

  9. Why would Joo Ji-hoon play second fiddle to Lee Jong-seok at this stage in his career? (Or is it the other way around? I have not really read it.)

    • Maybe he wants to take on the challenge of being a villain? It could be like Last Empress where SSR stole the show type thing. I could see JJH doing that.

      • A lot of established actors have or would like to play a villain character , it’ an opportunity to expand their repertoire and get more various roles . Nam Goong Min ( Remember, the war of a son) stole the show when Yoo Seung Ho was the lead. Lee Yi hyung did the same in Marry my husband, Yoo Seung Ho in I miss you did one of his best perf ,….I think that JJH can ace it .

      • @cahill

        I think the major difference is that once an actor is established as a lead, it’s not quite so common. NGM had not been a regular lead when he did Remember, I Miss You was before YSH enlisted and Lee Yi Kyung – no matter how amazing of an actor – is not really someone who does a lot of lead roles. None of these actors are JJH level when they agreed to being an antagonist. But I do agree with you that he might just feel like taking a challenge if he goes on to say yes. I just would say it’s an unusual step in general.

        I’m not a JJH fan, but if I were, I’d prefer he does this one over the lead which sounds like a milquetoast character he’s done multiple times over.

      • @ Butterfly, i agree with you . Leads actors /actresses tend to only play kind of “positive characters” perhaps because they fear to tarnish their image ” so it’s a bold choice but in my point of view it’s a win win challenge for him . If he aces it , it will be a new card as an actor ,if not, he will learn more about his acting’s limits and try to improve .

    • LJS would be playing the typical male lead. JJH is up for the antagonist but it’s not really second fiddle to LJS in the traditional sense. LJS will likely be overshadowed. @butterfly gives a good example in TLE. I have not seen it but I was surprised to find out CJH was the original ML.

  10. I really love the idea of a JJH and SMA pairing but he is not the guy who gets the girl. I did not like the webtoon too much and it felts quite makjang-y to me but maybe it will translate better on screen. I just can’t imagine they will keep the set up. If they move to modern day, it will be like any other drama.

    Does anyone know what the budget and production company are?

  11. JJH doesn’t stop! He works like crazy.

    I know this character is the villain but from an acting perspective it sounds like the more fun and juicy role to play.

  12. I actually like this potential cast. I think they will all do justice to their character. I hope they also pick a top actress for Trashta. Maybe someone who usually plays a good character. It could be a scene stealing role, cause everyone hates her. Haha

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