
First Official Stills of Suzy and Kim Woo Bin in Netflix K-drama Everything Will Come True by Writer Kim Eun Sook — 13 Comments

  1. The first still of KWB looks interesting!

    I just finished the Heirs. KWB did a fantastic job portraying a character reek of trauma and conflicts. His 2nd ML character was the most toxic one I hated most in the first few eps. But he is such a talent to turn a despicable figure into someone who easily earned your sympathy midway through the series. He left a very impressive performance on me with this first and the only drama of his (I’ve watched so far). I don’t appreciate his styling in the Heirs though, which somehow reminded me of my son’s toy T-Rex LMAO. Perhaps that’s the purpose for viewers to visualize his combative personality in the drama. LOL.

    I was equally impressed by Suzy in Anna. Such a profound work!

    This drama update is exciting. Thanks for sharing the information. I read some criticism of KES’ works. They might be cheesy, yeah sure, but I found them extremely addicting. Call me shallow. LOL. Also, those who were cast as her MLs and FLs all have unique charisma in their own ways, very recognizable on screen. I’m so ready for this awesome combo of Netflix drama.

    • I feel the same about KES’s work too. I also really like how she often has a secondary couple to root for, and I hope she has a secondary couple here too. Screw the love triangle! Give me double the love!

      I enjoy fantasy, but non-human + human couples always make me anxious for their future.

      • Am a huge fan of fantasy genre. Kdrama used to be really good in this class. But I found it a bit banal recently. Except for a handful of dramas like Moving and Alchemy of Souls, nothing much interesting produced in this genre besides gored thrillers.

    • WATCH KIM WOO BIN IN THE MASTER MOVIE! His styling and nuanced character really jumps out there. Unlike others of his fans, I was an anti but was drawn in by his performance in that movie in 2015. I liked Heirs for other reasons and honestly I sped through Uncontrollably Fond. Of course his battle against cancer also made me apologetic. As for Suzy i always had a soft spot for her but stayed silent because I could not really defend her acting. It’s nice to know she’s finally changing the narrative around her

  2. Now THIS is the drama I’m so excited about. And it has nothing to do with KES, and everything to do with this pairing. I loved them *so much* in Uncontrollably Fond. It’s so exciting to see them pair up again. Some chemistry is character based (love them together as characters, but when I step back, I can acknowledge it’s the acting/writing that made it work and not necessarily something that would work in a different setting). In this case, it’s the opposite so I’m expecting tons of chemistry even if the writing is meh. KES has been questionable in rom-coms for a while now with the only exception being Globlin.

    Anyway, lol they really went for the Aladdin feel including the dessert set up. I love it! It’s been a while since both actors did a mainstream drama. Along with Melo Movie, this is my most awaited on Netflix. Also, just genuinely happy to see KWB back in a rom com. He’s amazing.

  3. BTW, I have to refresh the homepage every time when I visit the site. Otherwise, I wouldn’t get the most recent updates. I know some users complained about the same issue before. This has never happened to me know until today.

    Koala, are you still working on configuring the webpages? What has the new tech support done to your contents? The tech shouldn’t get paid! LOL.

  4. I never was fond of Uncontrollably Fond and it wasn’t a pairing I wanted back…

    Fantasy often is a risky genre. I hope the story will make sense and we won’t get a tragic end.

  5. This drama releasing second quarter of the year where squid game season 3 releasing and many drama his releasing can it survive the storm because this year schedule of 2025 drama his quite different from 2024 as space will be little to shine

  6. KES’s last fantasy drama was dreadfully boring and nonsensical so I’m a little skeptical. But at least the leads here have proven chemistry and KWB can act. That’s already 2 large steps forward from her last one.

    And Suzy!

    I’ve been waiting for this for 3 years it better not flop. Even if it does I will pledge to be the only watcher LOL

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