
Lego Lee Brings All the Girls to Kiehl’s in Taichung As Manager for the Day — 11 Comments

  1. New post! I’m glad that Lego Lee is getting popular! I remember I saw him in “Because of You” and I really like him! But stop watching halfway because he was acting in an unlikeable way. -__- Me no like him in that drama but he’s cute! I hope he doesn’t become super deceited after getting popular. Going to wait until it’s complete to do a marathon!

  2. He’s been around for years but I am glad he got his biggest main lead role in In A Good Way! Thank goodness I got to see those killer eyes of his! Good actor and doesn’t overeact or have to act cute..His eyes and facial expressions are to die for!

  3. Lego Lee and Captain Koala. The perfect way to start my day. Laughed and laughed at this post. Fav line? “For this man, I’d buy anything he sells using every penny on me, and then I’ll thro my credit cards at him if I don’t have enough.” I literally started laughing because I could picture myself just blindly chucking money at a counter; I wouldn’t even know what I was buying. I wouldn’t even care. I’d be digging in the bottom of my purse for change. I’d start bartering other items from my bag . . . We have all been Chuanned.

  4. What a morning treat for me…thanks Koala! This IAGW stuff in between Fri is what tides me over the 1 week wait. I’m glad I was able to join the IAGW bandwagon while it’s being shown (not after) as I can enjoy seeing the cast grow and feel like I’m part of their journey. It’s been a while that I get this feeling of excitement every week for a drama.

    So happy for Lego’s immense popularity these days! He totally deserve it. He can easily belong to TW top leading men as he’s got the acting chops, great looks and charisma. I hope it’ll continue even after the drama ends (aw, just saying that already makes me sad…I don’t want it to end). And as what trotwood would say, I too have been Chuanned!

  5. I like that it took him about a decade to shoot to fame. I think that makes him appreciate it more.

    K have you ever been to anything like this? Are the fans well beHaved?

  6. Waiting for the big break for sure makes him more humble and appreciative..It was really cute when i was watching a BTS and mentioned that it was his first solo mag cover..that made me go awwww..Wishing for more projects..Hopefully as good as IAGW because he is a good actor and his looks is a well added bonus!

  7. What a man Leggo Li is – all I remembered is he is Liu Chuan in IAGW. The most popular student, the most outstanding and genius persons with the top top IQ. Even the canteen lady loves him to reserve the chicken thigh for him. Hope there are more continuation of the series you cannot stop just like that – what happen to the fat he. Leggo you are outstanding – you have indeed potray a good natural easy actor with with your chemistry of your own. You will go far but of course with Jia Ern as your co-star on your next dramas to come both of you will draw crowds f support like yo have drawn to me even the show has ended and yet yearning for more. Keep up the good acting Liu Chuan and Kristen and hope more more to come.

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