Korea Shocked by Footage of Middle School Girls Brutally Attacking Even Younger Victim

Entertainment shows like dramas and movies are there for enjoyment and sometimes education when it attempts to hew close to reality and highlight relevant issues. The School series has in recent years dealt with bullying in South Korea, and also the drama Angry Mom addressed the problem head on. Knowing it exists and is a really big problem can’t prepare for actually seeing visual evidence of it in real life as the current news coverage is inundated by shocking graphic pictures and video of a violent bullying attack by school girls in Busan.

It’s not even high school students that takes this to a new level of dismay, the attackers were two 15 year old 3rd year middle school students (9th grade in the US), and the victim was a 14 year old 2nd year middle school student. The attackers cornered her in an abandoned factory and attacked her for 30 minutes with steel pipes, bricks and soju bottle shards. The victim was left begging on her hands and knees and left completed bloodied. A trigger warning if you want to click beyond and see the heartbreaking pictures, thankfully the victim survived and was treated at the hospital, and the police are now investigating the two attackers and also a third girl who stood by and watched. Continue reading