Melt Me Softly Turning Into Lowest Rated tvN Sat-Sun Drama in 9 PM Time Slot

I don’t know what went wrong with tvN drama Melt Me Softly but it comes across as a sticky melting ice pop that a viewer can’t find enjoyment with. I loved the premise, two people get cryogentically frozen for 20 years and return to regain their lives and also conveniently fall in love. But I don’t connect with Ji Chang Wook‘s male lead and I don’t like Won Jin Ah‘s female lead, and all the comedic supporting characters in family and work friends are way too much of a caricature to take anything seriously. Six episodes in the rating is in the mid 2% range and turning out to be tvN’s lowest rated 9 pm Sat-Sun drama since Stranger (Secret Forest) launched that time slot. It’s so disappointing, perhaps a different female lead could make her less of a harridan and stronger OTP chemistry could sell this purely on the romance element while everything else falls aside as the garbled filler that it is. Continue reading