
Discussion Forum: The HwanHye HSI Team Part II — 2,220 Comments

  1. I will go down with this ship
    And I won’t put my hands up and surrender
    There will be no white flag above my door
    I’m in love and always will be

    Not that I’m proud…I’m singing it form the top of my lungs 😉

    • It seems like yesterday, I swear I still have butterflys in my stomach when I see those two 😉
      I hope they are dating for my sanity.
      Thank you Koala, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you . . .

  2. Me too… I’m fully on board.
    Till now, haven’t had an OTP that SIZZLES as much to me.
    Waiting for their marriage announcement!

  3. I wasn’t part of the crazy, predates my introduction to kdrama. I’m actually not a lover or a hater. (or a little of both)

    I love, love, love all their cute datey scenes. And it possibly could be my favorite drama, except for the last episode… I just was not on board with her whole lost self mission.

    Their chemistry is pretty phenomenal though. Like…set you on fire amazing, and this is several time zones away and a year later.

    I totally rewatch lots of the episodes, because they are so great together. I’d happily watch them in something else. She deserves another really well written drama.

  4. I am still onboard ship LTM. I can only hope they’re dating in real life. I mean…if I can’t date him then it might as well be YEH, right? LOL! 🙂

  5. Oh chingu, are you a mind-reader? Yesterday I actually thought about LTM and how I should rewatch it cos I do miss our OTP. A lot!

    • I only read my chingu Sere’s mind. 😀

      I actually rewatched LTM this past weekend. I knew the anniversary was coming up, hence my rabid need for Ki Joon-Ah Jung cuteness was triggered. It was oh so satisfying~

      • *g* Keep it up, my friend. It’s a welcome…er, perk. 🙂

        You did? Awesome! I will do that as soon as I’m done catching up with the new dramas on my to-watch list. Speaking of which, I’m marathoning K2H and OMG! *flails* Yesterday I watched ep 6 and asldkjklfh akdshakdhklsdhfdlhgk♥♥♥♥♥ Must watch ep 7 now.

  6. Oh, Lie to Me! Has it really been a year? I wasn’t crazy about your plotline, but I adored the chemistry between your two leads. And all the yummy kissing. ^^ I sure hope they’re dating for real, then proceed to get married and make beautiful babies.

  7. Now, I feel like rewatching the drama on Netflix….. Good thing I have summer vacation starting like tomorrow, which is May 9 here, the US..

  8. Great, now I want to watch it again. Man I loved this show. Goes to show sometimes it can be something as simple as chemistry that makes for an enjoyable drama.

  9. Fellow shippers…… count me in!!! I just finished the whole episode last week…. And even though it’s been a year ago and rewatched it over and over again, I’m still insanely and head over heals in love in every scene of LTM….. And to Ms. Koala….. Thank you for the tale of the two bracelets…. it made my heart jump into great happiness!!! And I will join you fellow shippers to continuous shipping….. Ms. K….. you are the best!!!

  10. woahhh! I JUST watched a Lie to Me BTS due to my interest in Sung Joon. I highly recommend Shut Up: Flower Boy Band for those who haven’t watched it. It is all heart and he was beyond awesome in it!

    Sorry to go off on that little rant up there. IF YEH and KJW are dating…yay!! Good for them! She’s amazing irl as everyone knows….it was heartwarming to see that in the BTS vid she ACTUALLY took Joon’s used tissue and put it in her pocket since the boy didn’t know where to put it away. o_O I mean this guy’s a rookie and she is frickin’ YOON EUN HYE!! How refreshing!!

  11. Wow!!! It’s been a year because of LTM I started lurking on this site an became a fan. I live LTM I laughed cried etc… This drama tickle every emotions I have in my system. Sizzling hot OTP that I hope to see them again in a project because they are worth it. Such an amazing actors! I do hope they are dating!!! I re watched lie to me this weekend it brought me so much joy (my antidote for K2H) the aganony of waiting for the next episode of K2H. I’d probably re watched it again. Thank you Koala for remembering!!!! I watched most KDramas you recap and suggest. Keep it coming your doing a wonderful job.

  12. That walk underneath the cherry blossoms?My ideal and standard now for all K dramas.Thanks for the reminders and potential dating news . I know I am a rabid fan when I not only remember the scene from each screencap but what the conversation and probably which line it was from. Boy the antis were really nasty then. I enjoyed the drama very much and might go rewatch it again.Yes leah just in case your edit is late.I still have their ice cream song duet on my phone.Every time I listen to it, it brings a big fat happy smile to my face. And that ” Blue sky of Jejudo” by Sung Shi Kyung- classic. Those kissing scenes were good, heart attacking inducing but the ” yobo , I am here” Squeal!!!

    • Agree. The cherry blossom walk remains THE gold standard in K-dramas. And I loved how LTM re-used it later in great subsequent moments. Such as their post-movie walk and Ah Jung crying under the cherry blossom trees.

      I can’t believe it but I pretty much have memorized the OTP dialogue in this drama.

      • Agreed! The part where AJ runs to KJ and cries on that path is my favorite scene in the whole series. Sniff sniff!!

    • You tell yourself you really shouldn’t be giddy about one little ice cream song after a year of hearing it, but I still get that goofy ear-to-ear smile, too, and my kids sing it, which is so adorable … I’m sure they learned the song from the re-watching of the drama.

      But I’m a bad shipper — I have not loaned my LTM dvd set out to anyone, I refuse to let go my steely grip, and it could be death to my husband if he should accidentally hurt it. He shut it off one time by rolling over on the remote as I was handstitching a costume and I stabbed myself yelling at him to turn it back on! That said, he even has his own favorite quote from it: “Women who bear grudges can even make it snow in June.”

      My personal favorite line? “You really make people happy just by looking at you.” Because that is what shipping Yoon Eun Hye and Kang Ji Hwan makes me feel!

  13. Oh boy… i remember LTM… and I was super sweeped up in the love story. There has not been another coupling that I have loved as much as this one. 🙂 I just could not keep up with my own personal life and the shipping of the 2 in RL so I haven’t been able to keep up. I don’t think that anything is going on, but if they come out and prove me completely wrong, I will be sooo happy. 🙂 Please Hwan-Hye -> come out and prove me completely wrong!!!

    I should watch LTM again… the story did go to complete crap but the chemistry is unmatched!!! So sizzling!!

    Thanks Ms Koala for taking us back down memory lane. I had so much fun following this drama.

  14. Happy anniversary to LTM…it’s been a year!and can’t get enough of YEH and KJH…hope they are really dating!no confirmation yet…but i’ll keep on sailing with the ship!i miss them so much!

  15. Memories this just brought a huge grin to my face. I found this playground because of Lie to me. Meaning i’ve been lurking here for a year now. Thnx Koala for all the good memory / hard work.

    • It’s good to de-lurk here, too! 🙂

      But, I feel something is missing ……

      like Koala forgot some of the kissing camera angles, I’m not really sure she was thorough enough with the skinship/relationship montage! LOL, she’s going to kill me now!

  16. IWDWTS (I Went Down With This Ship)!! I already loved Yoon Eun Hye & Lie To Me made me a fan of Kang Ji Hwan, too. 🙂

  17. It’s already been a year, whu?! Ahh, the memories of a ship gone awry. I loved it and I’m not afraid to say it. ^^

  18. I Went Down With This Ship too!!

    I have been a regular here at the playground since Dramabeans ditched LTM and I discovered like minded shippers on this site. Thank you Koala for loving this drama.. although the storyline sometimes made me tear my hair out, but Ah Jung and Ki Joon moments kept me afloat and in the game, and finally unable to break free. It also made me a fan of KJH, and not even Hong Gil Dong succeeded in doing that for me.

    Looks like I’ll be joining you gals on that LTM marathon. Wanna walk under those cherry blossoms again!

  19. Omo…Busted hahaha…happy anniversary to LTM n HwanHye shippers..the zombie strain still spreading lol

  20. awww, happy anniversary =D those were some great memories of last year. i’ve been actually thinking about LTM lately and missing all the lovely moments between the OTP. i am glad that a lot of people feel the same way. it’s time to listen to the sound tracks again and rewatch LTM. =)

  21. Wow! How time flies!!! A year has passed. I remember having to search all over for updates and spoilers for this drama and the first thing that I check every morning when I woke up was Koala’s Playground as you always had all the latest updates and rambling about the drama. It was really fun and it kept us all going.

    KJW and YEH made it all so exciting for us during that short spell and even till today, we can still excited looking at the photos and re-watching the drama all over again. I have to say that I have watched the whole drama so many time and it still gives me goose bumps.

    One of the best drama for all of us fans who are still swooning 🙂

    Happy Anniversary 🙂

  22. squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel !!!!

    do you know how much i love you Captain Koala? 🙂 thank you sooooooooooo much for this beautiful walk down memory lane. it always give me the love chill whenever i see photos of hwanhye together. my grandmother and my aunty watched ltm with me just 2 weeks ago and they loved it. my grandma said how come no wedding scene? lol. my sisters gave me the best present ever, LTM DVD! 🙂 and a poster which my aunty took off me for souvenir! hehehe we are now watching Coffee Prince and grandma said i like ki-joon better for eun hye 🙂

    well looks like grandma may get her wish with the new shippy news of hwanhye! and i am sooooooooooooooooooooooooo overjoyed with it!!! hoot! hoot!

    keep dating hwanhye!!!!! praying it will lead to the altar!!! 😉

    fighting!!! 😉

  23. I Went Down Happily With This Ship too
    Maybe I’m late but I’m sure I’ll be the faithful shipper of Hwan-Hye.
    Quote; Miss K :”(for the record – I sincerely believe they are dating in RL, but I’m not asking anyone else to agree with me)” , you can ask me Miss K because I’m 100% agree with you 😉
    The Most Memorized Dialog :
    GAJ : “Do you know how tough it was for me today?”
    HKJ : “Do you know how much I missed you today?”
    Your Word Miss K : “Do you two know how much I love you both, and how tough it is when I can’t spend more time with you darn lovebirds?”

    Quotes from spirituallythinking
    “When people hurt you over and over, think of them as sandpaper. They scratch and hurt you, but in the end you are polished and they are all used up”

    They -all the antis- are all used up and Lie To Me are polished over 8 countries…YES

    So, Happy 1st Anniversary My Love of K-Drama Lie To Me <3 <3 <3

  24. I just can not believe that it has been. It seems yesterday lurking to find out next episode preview. I can not believe that I have been lurking this website an year since this drama. I love this couple. I hope that they are really dating in real life. that would be best news for us shippers. Happy one year everyone.

  25. It must be in the air because I have been thinking about this drama again. I rewatch episodes pretty frequently and it still has that effect on me. Just love these two together! I am loving Rooftop Prince, but every time I see the cherry blossoms in it, I think of these two and the park bench. It was a great ship to sail, even through dangerous waters…. but it was so worth it. Thanks for the memories!!

  26. Happy Anniversary!!!! Seems like by some strange intuition, HwanHye shippers have revisited LTM in and around the same time!!!
    As for me, whilst gnawing at my knuckles waiting for TK2H – I thought, besides re watching TK2H to death – how about re watching that OTP Juggernaut Lie To Me – and that’s what I’ve been doing this past week!!!!

  27. Really? It has a year already; OMG, time flies fast. I have been rewatching LTM gazillion time. I almost memorized all the dialogs for this drama and did not reallized that a yr has gone by. :o). I miss KJH so much. I wish he can make at least 2 dramas a year like Roy Qiu as I love Roy too. But it seems famous Korean actors produce fewer dramas than TW famous actors.

  28. And, Kang Ji Hwan update his tweets today
    화창한 수요일 아침!! 어젠 마트가서 장보는 평범한 청년! 오늘은 차형사 홍보땜에찍는 패션화보지 촬영! 하루만에 이렇게 극과극적인 생활ㅋ

    and On Line in KHS forum too 😉

    He must remember Lie To Me Anniversary today 😉

    • hehe…I guess we’re not the ONLY ones who have fond memories (he obviously “enjoyed” the drama & his co stars *wink*wink*

  29. Omo! Has it really been a year now? Thank you so much for the photos ockoala unnie, especially those new ones. Now, I’m back to those times, still feeling giddy about these two.

    Yes, I do feel (or wish, if that really has a difference to me) that they are dating in real life. By George, I am so ecstatic just looking at those photos with them wearing identical bracelets, aha ha, and these are latest photos!

    I am not so active with current kdramas lately, but I’m watching old ones (latest are Secret Garden, Dream High and Princess’ Man). I do read your K2H recaps though. I will watch that when the DVD comes out. From where I am, downloading from streaming sites costs so much more than buying the DVDs, it’s ridiculous.

    Anyway, thanks again ockoala unnie! I really miss this couple, my favourite in kdrama land! I really hope to hear wedding bells for YEH and KJH soon, and when that time comes I’m sure all of you, wherever you are, will hear me scream with joy aha ha ha ha!

  30. OMG!!!!! Weeeee’re back! Thank you my dear Captain! I don’t know which excited me more – the memories , the fun and the feelings your LTM post evoked or the possibility, gosh, the evidences pointing to a probable RL dating of our beloved OTP!!! *hyperventilates, flails arms, jumps, screams to let it out!

    I loved the show – LTM! But apart from that, I had a blast partying with like-hearted individuals. I do remember hanging out in this blog ’till the wee hours of the morning, met a lot of interesting people from all parts of the globe, chatting, sharing and then passing the baton when the sun rises in their time zone, and it’s time for us to catch some zzzzs.

    Eun Hye and Ji Hwan… dating??? I’m in heaven. I haven’t visited the HwayHye HSI Team forum for a loooong time. *red-faced guilty It’s high time I check it out again. To be honest, I had given up hope on our OTP. Until now, OMG, am so pumped!! *runs to the forum…*turns back…have to shout it out….
    YES, I went down with this ship!!!! And I’m proud of it!

  31. Happy anniversary LTM-YEH-KJH. I will always be your 4ever fan. Thanks Ms. Okoala for this. Miss them so much…

  32. Thanks for posting these pictures, Happy Anniversary! Truly watch this drama two times, both ACTORS were efficient in the delivery of their respective role and match as couples/lovers.
    The story was also magnificient hence it focus on RELATIONSHIP’s. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  33. I actually just re-watched LTM last week and I still get all giggly with all their cute scenes. LTM will always have a special place in my heart, my obsession with it led me to A Koala’s Playground 🙂 Has it really been a year? Time flies so fast, but these two beautiful people will forever be my favorite OTP. Now if those dating rumours are true then I would be one happy HwanHye shipper.

  34. i love LTM (eventhough towards the end the story disappoints a bit).
    i love YEH&KJH on-screen chemistry.
    ‘nuf said.

  35. I thought they were very cute together but I had a serious case of Second Lead Syndrome when I was watching this so I gave up halfway through for my own sanity. I have it around maybe i’ll pick it back up.

  36. Thank you Koala, I discovered this site because of Lie to Me. I’m so in love with this drama that i practically watched it almost everyday after it ended. I downloaded the whole episodes here in my computer so i could watch it anytime when i need a fix. I shouted so loud when i saw the pictures the two wearing identical bracelets. Do you people think they’ll do a “Creating Destiny” Remember Eugene and Ki Tae Young? Thanks again Koala, do take care……

  37. Wow! It’s been a year already? Ms. Koala, thanks for this walk down memory lane. I miss LTM, YEH and KJH sooooo much! I’ve got to re-watch it again since I don’t how many times I’ve re-watched my favorite scenes in this drama.

    I’m still a HwanHye shipper but I must confess I haven’t been visiting the HwanHye HSI thread for sometime. Due to the recent evidence you’ve mentioned, I think I need to go back there now and do some backreading. 😀 Oh so excited!

  38. and there goes the best and most passionate kiss of all………………………………………

    HwanHye COLA KISS!!!!!!!!

    thanks again Captain! 🙂

    • So happy Ms K ; just wanted to join in the “party”… I was so hooked last year and was reading your blog closely too. The best kissing scene yet .. they were trying look “apart” at the end of drama party .. But we shippers “caught” them .. hehe.. come out in the open please … WE’ll continue to support your acting – Don’t worry !

  39. Time went by so fast. I miss the Hwan-Hye couple. The Tale of two bracelets… Eagle eyed netizens bring me joy and warmth just dreaming about it. They just need to admit the truth to the public and let me celebrate for real. Champagne, anyone?

  40. I love love love love love this couple. Thanks Koala for sharing this news. Lie To Me is of my fave kdrama :). So far LTM kisses are my fave in kdrama’s kisses. Their kisses were so real filled with urgency, passion and desire. If they are now a couple, I love it cos I support this gorgeous couple. Both are my fave actor and actress.

  41. So its been one year already..and it seems like the HwanHye couple is celebrating our anniversary too with their couple bracelet! 😀 I guess they’re trying to tell us not to forget them and to hold on with the ship? I wish they can tell us how many anniversaries more before they go on public lol! To everyone I met here in your playground eversince last year (and to the rest who became close to me even after LTM aired) HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to all of us and to you Ms. K *cheers*

    • and talking about LTM memories ..when i watched Fashion King last night they have this ice cream kiss that makes me sing the “Lovin’ Ice Cream” instantly lol! ..Nowhere is right, the LTM is still ON! 🙂

  42. Auntie K
    What a beautiful wonderful mess butbsuch an enjoyable mess.
    I do not care what anyone says ” Yes I stepped foot on that ship and it went down like the Titantic, but oh what a ride, a glorious Coke Cola with whip cream on top ride.
    I don’t regret watch Lie To Me because it brought me to the playground and I made so many new playmates, while I don’t believe there will ever be quite a Kdrama that brought about such frustration and the unification of grievances from it’s viewers, I fully enjoyed it and the memories that came from it.

    Thank you LTM for being so awesomely bad that you were actually brilliant in your tragedy.

    Lie To Me 4EVA HWAITING!!!!

  43. It’s been a year? Time sure fly..
    It was because of my “blind” love (well, that’s what those haters said) for LTM that I became a lurker in this playground, I remember looking for a place where people share the same devotion as I did back then, and i really have to say thanks to someone at somewhere who’ve kindly gave me the right direction. Because of them I’m here.. 🙂
    Now, I need to re-watch LTM and get some Ah-Ki/Hwan-Hye fix..

  44. i watched LTM again just because i like it and will always like it.never been so in involve with anyone in a drama before.but it is such a joy to this day.

  45. OMG I loved this drama. It’s going to be shown on our local tv soon~~~I literally shrieked when I saw the cf. XD

  46. I remember watching episode 8 and waiting for episode 9! The week in between was unbearable. I think I visited this blog every 30 minutes looking for updates. I could not function properly at work; I had to be near my laptop every second! That pretty much set the tone of my entire viewing experience with LTM. My friends thought I’ve gone batty.

    As much as I enjoyed watching LTM…I really enjoyed reading and spazzing along with the shippers more (those affected with the LTM syndrome a.k.a. converts, the zombie strain gals a.k.a. lurkers and posters not minding time zones, the ship’s clue logbook and looking for endless symbols!); Michael’s LTM love story at Thundie’s…really moving; our very own Captain’s piece…inspiring!

    Thank you for bringing us together Captain K, thanks for the wonderful memories. Happy Anniversary Shippers!

    • very well said Doc…. 🙂 LTM introduced me to many friends and am proud some of us did continue the friendship… Happy Anniversary my dear bats…. Love u!!!

  47. I watched this drama by happenstance… didn’t know who Kang Ji Hwan was, didn’t even think he was cute from the posters and winded up loving him and watching his other dramas… all because of this little nonsense drama. The kisses were so hot, wish kisses on all the dramas were that hot. Boy, is it getting hot in here when I think of the kisses! Can’t say I loved it, can’t say I hated it. I guess, I loved hating it and hated loving it?

    I do have a question for anyone… why do Korean stars for the most part keep their romances so under wraps? Are the paparazzi even more insane in Korea than the US or UK?

  48. happy anniversary HH shippers and captain K!

    so its a year since we all met and had a blast watching LTM all together, enjoying the “most palpable adult romance” that mz k had us all at the edge of our seats anticipating her recaps and spazzing and squeeing together… and most of all the friendships we gained from like-hearted LTMers. cheers to the ‘bat cave girls’, the zombies, the lurkers, the sharp-eyed detectives scouring the net for proofs that our OTP may have something more going on in RL. ah the excitement of looking forward to YEH-KJH lovey-dovey scenes and hot kisses!

    i miss them all… and you fellow shippers! mwah-mwah!!

    • Hello lurkylab and drmjs on top. Remember me? us? others? Omo! memories are all coming back to me now. Those were happy, crazy
      times. Good to read from you ladies again.

      • @ wits… of course i remember u and many others here. actually, some of us have met already and communicate with each other once in a while. i hope you’re doing well, tho i sometimes read your posts elsewhere… i usually read some of the recaps of other kdramas, t-dramas, etc.

        some plans in the offing to visit s.korea within the year to see the iconic cherry blossom lane and many other sites that roweina (LTMer from Indonesia) has seen during her tour earlier this year. hope the plan ‘visit korea’ with LTMers pushes through. 🙂

      • I miss you wits! I’m so happy to hear from you! Hello lurkylab! Hehehe

  49. Thank you Ms Koala for making us all here in your playground so happy with the Lie to Me
    banner and the tale of the two bracelets as we celebrate with you the 1st anniv of Lie to me.
    I will not waiver and still hope for a real life love story of our OTP.

    Still keep on watching LTM for the nth time and I still enjoy it as much.
    Thank you thank you for a walk down memory lane with our lovely couple.BTW can some1 tell us what the tweet of KJH was about? Thanks again.

    • momsy jim, his twitter update not mention about LTM, just showing his activity on tuesday, take a photo shoot for promoting his recent movie ‘Detective Cha’;) .

      But, for someone who rarely update his twitter, I don’t know, maybe shippy brain who’s thinking, it’s very, very coincidental with LTM anniversary 😉

      This is the english transalation by Google translate
      “Sunny Wednesday morning! Yesterday, an ordinary young man treasure mart go! Car criminal case to promote a fashion shoot for me. I never shoot Tues! ㅋ day life so geukgwageuk”

  50. I love a Yoon Eun Hye and Kang Ji Hwan and iam very happy for celebrate the one year anniversary of LTM: The Best Drama of Corea for me …….

  51. Happy Anniversary to us HwanHye shippers!!!!!
    Will forever visit this and of course our Hwanhye’s forum, too. Bec.of LTM i came to know this very enjoyable site.
    Really, how time flies. A very good news for us (tale of 2 bracelets) just in time for our anniversary.
    Thanks a lot Ms.K for keeping the flames burning inside our hearts, for the love of our OTP….
    also to my fellow friends whom i already considered as sisters/brothers all around the globe although we differ in nationality,religion,timezone we bonded as one for the love of our couple.
    the memories, laughters,frustrations,threats,feelings,banters we shared will be forever etched in my heart. Thanks everyone for keeping our forum (Hwanhye)alive.
    Wwwhhhoooaaahhhh………..just this morning the comments are less than 20 and now (evening in my timezone) 71 comments…… no wonder LTM have lots of supporters.

  52. I like lie to me so much
    For me this drama is the best k drama ever and i love yoon eun hye and kang ji hwan 🙂

  53. Happy 1st yr. anniversary to all LTM avid viewers. I can no longer remember how many times I watched KJH & YEH in the romantic comedy-drama. All the time, viewing gives me a feeling of happily in love and doing amazing things for love. Wishing in RL, they are really sweethearts. I gave up that idea when I saw their wrap-up party. KJH & YEH were not sweet in that video. I was looking for traces of closeness, but there was none. Or are they really hiding it in public? The similar bracelets they are wearing seem to tell us that the lie has now become love and that sometimes in the lie there is truth hidden that is more passionate than reality. Hope they make their wedding announcement soon. They are not getting younger.

  54. if I had the chance to write a Korean story she’d be the my girl, I don’t know I can see an ordinary girl who can blossom overnight I think its the magic rabbit front teeth smile….ageless 😉

  55. is it that long already? wow time goes by pretty quick! love this couple and i’m with you koala, also think that they are dating in real life, with the explosive chemistry? been re watching LTM many times lol just can’t get enough of this beautiful couple!

  56. i thing yoon eun hye is gonna say that my love kang ji hwan don’t worry i only love you if i mad a drama or movie i will never gonna kiss anther man.

  57. I just had to say Ms Koala, this shipper is trashed. I’ve finished watching the whole drama since your article came out.

    See the toothpicks holding my eyelids open 🙂 Just kidding. Sorta. It still is magic and it is actually better marathoning and not doing the weekly wait. It’s not as bad as I recall the antis ranting about.

    The cherry blossom pathway… still sweet. But even more so, I still think ” yobo, na yeogisuh?” as daebak

  58. Regarding the tale of 2 bracelets………..since you fired up my shippy heart, did some back reading and happens to know that the thick black bracelet w/ metal studs worn by YEH in 6th Asian Film Awards party March 19, 2012 Hongkong while JiHwan wore it on his bday March 20,2012 Jeju.YEH went back to Korea the next day which is March 20, 2012.
    YEH’s photo above wearing the braided cross bracelet was taken last Feb.20,2012 when she attended Love Fiction’s VIP Premiere and Kang JiHwan just this May,2012 during his Detective Cha movie prescon.
    YEH will be in Taiwan on May 19-20, 2012 for her Artistry promo.
    I heard that his movie Detective Cha is for May 31, 2012. Will Yoon Hye attend the movie premiere ? Just like what she is doing for her friends and fellow actors/actress to show her support….. like when she attended his previous movie My GF is an Agent.
    Well, shippers lets all wait and see……

  59. It was so good while it lasted. Will there ever be a more sensual/fun/funny/romantic Drama? Do share any news on the 2!!

  60. Wow so thrilled with those common bracelets! They are my most fave actors/actresses who could manage to act like fools in those total funny scenes! I wish there will be a part 2 where Ah Jung ah would play the chaebol’s wife 🙂 Thanks koala unni! Looking forward to KJH-oppa’s Runway Cop, he’s hilarious in the trailers! ^^

  61. Thanks you..Thanks you….Thanks you….Ms.K. You’re really kind to celebrate the anniversary of the first year for lie-to-me-viewers had a chance to celebrate together and it’s the first year that I know this warmest playground. Happy 1st year to all playmate.

  62. Omo! Omo! i so love you, Koala, really I do, for posting this and letting us travel back memory lane with LTM. i am so excited. hugss and kisses to you…

    I so much love this drama, no matter what other people say about this. I watched this 4 times already and i keep on watching it whenever I feel down and low. It so de-stressing. luv it really. I hope something good comes out between KJW and YEH! and i hope they get to have another drama together.


  63. So fast a year! This drama is still one that I rewatch the most just because of the sheer chemistry between the leads. Wow, there was a lot of kissing in this series that I forgot. I wish other dramas had it. I really hope they are dating in real life just to see both of them happy like they were in the best moments of this drama. Thanks koala for all your hard work as always.

  64. whoaaaa been busy for days that I missed this important day…my bad!!! reading this and looking at the pictures of our beloved LTM and KJ/AJ made my heart flutter again…I couldn’t help feeling vulnerable and sensitive….It’s nice to go down memory lane…LTM will remain etched in my heart forever….

    Thank you madam K…you made me very happy today….and am proud to say that am still with this ship…I will only surrender when any one of them decides to marry other people…. that’s how stubborn this halmoni is!!! hahaha 🙂 🙂 🙂

  65. gosh already a year. it feels like yesterday to me.
    hmmm… maybe because i still watching lie to me right now for the X time.
    still hope some good news to come.

  66. awwwww love love this drama so much. It really solidified YEH as one of my faves since Goong bec no matter who she’s partnered with, I believe the love she delivers on screen.

    I thank u for the couple update 🙂

  67. i late for this??? I saw many familiar names here,the member of Hwan-Hye Investigation Team! Because you ms.K and LTM fans analize every single scene in drama…fiuuh,like when you notice YEH expression while KJH says “do you want break with oppa?” (sorry,if i’m wrong. Forgot the right words.) i still remember coz i’m thingking how ms.K do that???.
    Thank you ms.Koala and Happy Anniversary Lie To Me.

  68. OMG, I am late for this post! So glad Ms K you wrote this down for LTM and the HH ship!~ Fighting~!

    Love Lie to Me to the degree that I find other K dramas not as attractive for me to re-watch many times too.

    Note that there will be a pure the-making-of-Lie-to-Me-DVD expected to be released in 18 Jul 2012 and there is still no sign of whether we will get the director’s cut….sigh….

  69. I am an elder and I, up to this point in time, have liked YEH and the projects she has chosen. One thing this little ole lady knows for sure, is that ole KJH shouldn’t have gotten nervous and indicate that he was disappointed in the numbers. If your stars start to indicate that they are less than thrilled with the public’s reception of the drama, the fans, who see this, start to wonder too. Mums has got to be the word, from the actors who star in dramas. Just my opinion. I may be wrong about what I read KJH said, but I don’t believe I’m, because at the time, it surprised and dismayed me.

  70. SEASON 2 of lie to me PLEEEAAAASSSEEE! continuation of Ah Jeong & Gi Jun lovestory as husband and wife. i think its really exciting to watch. i hope that all the team that created the korean drama LIE TO ME would hear my request..hahaha..


  71. I love KJH and YEH…. great chemistry… you will not only see it, you can feel it! Part 2 please (I’m begging!)

    I’ve been watching Korean dramas but never been so addicted… until Lie To Me came. Judging from fans’ reactions, I believe that makers of Lie To Me achieved their goal of making it one of the most outstanding romcoms ever.

  72. sorry because my English is less regular, I just love drama korean lie to me in particular. I love this drama because of KJH and yhe do acting naturally, like people who have fallen in love. Meraka somehow seem to have a sense of each other, but it is difficult to open. I hope the future they could have a chance together again.
    Each starting job at the office, the first thing I do is open this site hoping I get info about KJH & yhe, but until now I have not gotten the info from them.

    Yesterday I felt sad because I read the info that yhe and ETHAN have a relationship. I just hope it does not happen.

  73. It is really so great to be back again here after a year Captain. Nice to see old familiar names here!I never get tired of watching this drama…hope to hear new news from our most love couple….take care everyone!happy one year ! c’,)

  74. i’m addicted watching Lie to Me, i watched the drama twice but still addicted to it, now its airing here in the Philippines..feels like it’s my first time to feel the story..still the best!!! I agree…SEASON 2 PLEASE !!! excited to see them as husband and wife, they really look good together!!!!

  75. A very nice teleseries….Hope there is a PART TWO LIE TO ME….A very perfect couple Yoon En Hye And KAng Ji Hwan…Thank you Koalas for udadating us and we really appreciated .

  76. Hi everyone, i’m new On this site but also an avid HwanHye fan after watching LTM, i became a fan. Wow! i really can’t forget every episode, keep on watching it till now… Ethan & Hye is not an item, i just read that ethan has a girlfriend, and she’s definitely not our Eun Hye. HAPPY?

  77. hi, congratz to LTM..’twas a big hit here in the Phils..wish for a sequel which tackles ’bout marriage & family values but still with romantic comedy on it which we all loved..HWANHYE are both such an amazing & brilliant actors oozing with charm & personality..hope something good (fate) might happen in the near future as you both deserve to be happy.. as i believe in match made in heaven..keep the faith ^^

  78. I am a new Hwan-Hye fan! I just finished watching LTM in netflix last month and I am so crazy about both of them. Ockoala, I really love your commentaries on everything about LTM. I am really hoping that they get together. KJH keeps saying on his interviews that he is looking for a girl to marry since he is 35 years old already while YEH is saying that she would want to marry, too. so, I hope that in the end they will really be married. I hope the bracelets are a sign that they are still in touch with each other and they are in a relationship. I am very thankful for the Hwan-Hye updates. Thank YOU!

  79. Watched Lie To Me on Netflix, fell in love with KJH, really makes me believe in his charecters, even when the plot is weak or uneven it is watchable because he does so great with whatever they give him. Love the rollercoaster of LTM, cried like a baby even after I was done watching for the day. I also love Hong Gil Dong, it’s a toss-up for me between the two. Don’t want to get my hopes up about there personal lives, it is risky and I don’t want there futures to be judged by my expectations, except for thier ability to entertain me through thier work. Capital Scandal is another KJH drama worth your time.

  80. Hi HwanHye Team, I can’t restore the last Discussion forum comments section so here’s a new one for you guys!

  81. OMG!!!!

    thank you! thank you! thank you Captain for this Part II! it’s simply gorgeous to look at!!! kumawo!!!!!

    sad we cannot restore the previous forum comments but I’m sure the HwanHye shippers all have copies of the comments in their heart! meaning the information that really gives us a clue as to what is the real score between our HwanHye 🙂

    fighting! fighting! fighting!

  82. thanks ms k for part II! now, how do we let the other hwanhye shippers know this new link? It’s a good thing i checked out your old posts for ltm! you are heaven’s sent! ♥♥♥

    • Thanks ms.k as well as amazed for giving the link on where to find hwanhye forum coz there’s some problem with the previous one..i really go crazy for the past few days coz can’t get in touch with u guys, its really a good thing that I checked too on the LTM forum where I saw the link u posted. Thank u very much, now im at ease hahaha..

  83. Thanks M. K for past ll it this new link?

    Hello my friend. I was shocked beacause i thought the message would not be lost ,another friend of mine and great message to HWANHYE OUR LOVE . Finally , i am very glad i found again. Iove you my friends.

    • …HELLO everyone!…i’ts been a while …BUT ..i’m here with all of you guys every day^___^…& i’m sooooo happy with the latest news….Dredz,nineteen,Eileen,rainqueen,amazed,chon..THANKS MISS K for effort& support!HWANHYE SHIPPERS FIGHTING!!…THE HAPPY END IS ALMOST HERE..^_^..^_^…^_^

  84. OMO! what happened to our forum??? its just so sad that this had happened to our playground after we’ve reached more than 16000 comments at this very important time for our OTP! But so happy to see you all, guys! its good to be back! lets once again, make history, HH shippers! HwanHye, fighting!!!!

    Mz. KOALA! thank you so much!!!^__^

  85. Hi, amazed! Just visited LTM thread and saw your post there so others would also know about this new forum. Would like to thank you, chingu, for all your efforts to keep this ship alive and sailing! it also saddened me that our playground had dissappeared just like that. But once a HwanHye shipper will always be a HH shipper forever until we reach the port and beyond!^___^ Thanks to all HH shippers aswell for always keeping this ship sailing come what may. Aja aja, OTP, fighting!!!!^_____^

    • dredz lornz1230 hellen chingus glad you found this link! i am going nuts for several days because i can’t open the playground! i keep checking soompi for info but i can’t find any! i finally decided to look for ltm discussion here in the playground and found the new link! haaay, we’re almost there and this happened! i think with 16,480 posts, the playground run out of memory! i have been getting the same message for several months already & it finally stop. Thanks to ms k for part ii. i don’t want to sign up for soompi (i’m just lurking there, he he) but i have to let hwanhye shippers know of the new link! i hope eileen, rainqueen, alpha storm, nineteen, evelyn, nancy, eppy, eryns, skype ( i hope i didn’t miss anybody!) will find their way here. hwanhye fighting! trying to keep this playgrond alive…

      • same here @amazed, i’m already going nuts, as it’s been days that i can’t lurk at our favorite playground, & at the same time i’m missing you all much chinggus, it’s good to be back,
        we made history chinggus, HH shippers, made one blogsite crashed down because of endless reasons/comments we have for our OTP, no other shippers has done what we have done, agree with me? 🙂
        our love for our OTP is really amazing 🙂

  86. i hope eileen will see this update from minjie (niece of kjh)…

    * IMPORTANT * Sorry I haven’t been updating for a while! Here’s the update on Kang Ji Hwan!: On the 28-29th of July (which is a few days from now), Kang Ji Hwan will be returning to LA (He’s in Las Vegas again Because of the Filming Schedule Constantly being changed) These will be the Last Two Days Filming Days and he will be returning to Korea on the 30th . BUT! On the 29th of July, Kang Ji Hwan wants fans to Come Meet HIM at the place he will be filming so that he can take pictures with fans and give out autographs! However, the place and time isn’t exactly decided yet, but it will most likely be at a beach in Korea Town. (LA) The time and place will be announced on the 28th. PLEASE “Like” or comment below if it’s possible for you to come! (I need an * ACCURATE * count of how many people can come by the 27th) THANK YOU!-AdminMinjie

    • Did you see that kjh is returning to korea on the 30th? i smell something fishy here! After minjie announced that kjh will be in chicago come august, this news, lol! i will believe this if i see a picture of kjh arriving in korea 1 or 2 days after this date!

      • really, she said that? i havent read about it yet. but if she said so, hmmm, amazed, i think i know what you are thinking! is this some kind of misleading info again??? lol aigoo, cant wait and see what’s going to be the next move of our OTP, again!! OTP fighting!^___^

    • kjh fb operators have released a statement that this is unofficial kjh news!
      but i believe minjie, lol! baidu believes minjie too!

  87. hahaha..HH shippers not only think alike but also react alike! hehe.. Am so glad too, amazed, actually, before i found out this new forum, i was about to post a request to Mz. K just in case she was not aware of our playground’s problem. But i saw Eppy’s post dated yesterday asking the same to Mz. K. And so happy to see her reply to eppy as posted by her above.

    Once again, Mz. K, thank you for creating a new forum for us.

    About your above post, am sure eileen would be able to read that and even would give her more chance to be up-close and personal with KJH-ssi!Eileen, so happy for you, chingu! fighting!^____^

  88. Thanks Ms. K! I thought I lost the HSI team coz I can’t see the messages anymore but it’s good that I tried this part II and here u all are my chinggus! Wheew! nice to see u all again 🙂

  89. I was very dismayed to find tht my favorite discussion forum was no more, but after searching, found it again, thank God! Pls keep this one going, because I am still a fan, and I will forever love KJH n YEH! When will we hear the good news?

    • Hi LTMfan , i think we all could feel it, the good news is coming soon? baiduers have the same feeling! hwaiting!

    • minjie lives in chicago so she doesn’t know much about los angeles. maybe it’s about a beach nearby so it could be sta monica beach or malibu beach or any beach close by where the shooting would be. hope they all get to see ji hwan ssi! good luck, guys, specially eileen! where are you girl? we missed you!

  90. If only my cousins living in LA were hwanhye fans I can easily ask them to go and see/meet KJH in his shooting set but unfortunately they’re not,they even yelled at me when I tell them about it saying i’m totally crazy lol..what can I do,i love them both..i’m so excited to see pics of KJH back in Korea again hopefully as well as some news on YEH coz she’s so quite and MIA after the Cartier event..

  91. hello HH shippers! thanks once again to each and everyone for the love and support you have shown in our playground for the love of wuri OTP! Hence, this ship would not sink no matter what happens! All the more this gives me the reason to be so proud to be one of the HH shippers! HwanHYe fighting!!!

    Lets start our new day with this LTM vid i got from you tube. enjoy, chingus!^____^

    Btw, lets also cheer with all the fans in the USA who would be joining the short fan meet to be held tomorrow at 3 pm at the LA airport! aja aja fighting!!!

    • thanks dredz! it has been more than 2 years after ltm but still this forum is still alive and crashing due to a lot of posts! hwaiting!

      shooting towards the sun, did you see the instagram posted by kjh’s leading lady? the embracing scene! oppa is kind of being extra careful in posting pictures on twitter, i think… well, who wouldn’t fall for oppa, he he he. is it just me, lol!

      • Hi amazed! i was not surprised anymore, chingu, even during IOM’s shoots, he had been already very careful on posting pictures because he knew someone was watching his every move..hehe..^___^

      • where did you read about the 3 pm short fan meet? i was turned of by their ‘unofficial’, ‘official’ rants! was vindicated later on because the unofficial news is true! is your info ‘official’?, he he he!

        we believe minjie, don’t we?

  92. down, amazed, lol. KJH USA has finally announced it on FB i think just an hour or two hours ago, in fact, they apologized for the sudden change due to abrupt changes of their shooting. but this is now official coming from Choeun via KJH USA.^____^ so let us cheer our chingu, eileen! she must be very excited about it!^___^

    • Has Eileen found already this new Discussion Forum? Hope she will have
      the chance to see KJH and tell him about this forum.
      If it is really true that he is going home to Korea at the end of the month, he must really be missing somebody

    • he he he, i saw the posts at kjh fb, dredz, they only mention 3 pm, how did you know that it would be at los angeles airport? are you one of the operators? it’s ok chingu, you don’t have to answer my questions! lol

      • lol, you made me smile, amazed, hmmm, let me guess, say, slip of the tongue! lol! how i wish i am one of them..hehe.. funny, after i’ve read your post, i immediately checked the announcement and was surprised to see that it was only the time has been mentioned. Frankly, when i read that, in my mind, i really saw the time and place, lol, maybe just like what you have said, this was unofficially announced already by his niece so, i guess at the back of my mind, those info were sticked to my mind and just assumed upon reading the time that the place was also mentioned..but thanks, chingu, i stand corrected, good thing, this is just between us here, otherwise, i must have added an additional burden to the nine operators..hehe..but glad to know, now finally, they have announced it already, so am also correct after all, lol. re-posted:

        KJH USA · 347 like this
        47 minutes ago ·
        Hi guys!! This is an update of the time and place for the surprise meet and greet!! We have asked for you to send a message, not because it is a private event, BUT to be able to know how many would be attending.

        Here is the Address:

        658 S. Bronson Ave
        Los Angeles CA 90005

        Time will be 3PM.

        If you could, please get there at least 15~30 minutes earlier as we don’t know how long we could have the meet and greet! KJH’s manager and staff from KJH USA will be helping out at the meeting.

        We would appreciate it if you could message KJH USA of your attending so we can estimate how many to expect! We will also be able to supply you with a contact number of the staff incase you get lost.

        I hope you enjoy the meeting our actor has created from his love for his fans!!

        Thank you.

  93. @ eppy i want eileen to find this new discussion forum before their fan meet with ji hwan. eileen, share your pictures with oppa! you must be sooooo excited now! that’s right, he must be really missing somebody and if not the miss must be with him! lol

    • amazed, i couldn’t sleep! i am too excited! i hope that there won’t be too many people so that i can do close ups but enough people to show KJH that he is appreciated. i am going to get ready now.

    • yes skyjuice, our part 1 discussion forum was so full of lively discussions because of that! it crashed later on, lol! glad that you could join us! post often, ok?

  94. I wrote a letter to KJH and I was going to put it with the white cap gift that i am giving him. here is the paragraph that i put down for our ship…

    Your hwanhye shippers from Koala’s Playground would like to send you their love. We are all from different countries but we have a common couple that we adore, YOU and Yoon Eun Hye. We hope that we will see you in another project soon or you guys will even get together in real life (wishful thinking). Dredz, Nineteen, Amazed, Rainqueen, Eppy, Eryns, lornz1230, Hellen Yoon, Nancy, LTMfan, Minchin-much, Chon, Dar and more (fans from Koala’s Playground) would like to send you their hugs and kisses, too! We used to meet at and we already had 16480 comments with loads of information about the both of you. It sucks because a virus shut our forum down. We are all now meeting at So, I hope you visit us once in a while.

    what do you guys think?

      • Go go go eileen..wish u all the luck! We’re all excited to hear ur goodnews on meeting our KJH..take care too!

      • eileen, so happy for you! by this time the fan meet must be over. i wish that you’ll be allowed to post fan meet photos! go go go girl. God bless!

      • Wish you all the luck, Eileen! Hope KJH will get and read your letter.
        Thank you for including all of us. We will be waiting for the good news from you.

    • Wow! Eileen . I am happy with you too. I am exciting to hear good news by you.
      And other photos of you.

  95. eileen, saw some pictures from your fan meet with ji hwan from kjh fb! where are you in the picture, chingu? lucky you! we are jealous!

  96. Waaaah! I had a great time at the fan meet! there were about 22 or more of us who came. i am sure there would have been more if the time was done in the evening. at 3pm. most people are still at work. I met new friends who loves KJH as much as we do. I want to share all the pictures here but I don’t know how to do it fast. so, I shared all of KJH’s pictures to Kang Ji Hwan Philippines and KJH USA in facebook. so, please check it out over there. I am going to share my own personal pictures here.

    here it is, chinggus…

    • i will write a detailed account of what happened tomorrow. i just need to rest right now. i didn’t get to sleep last night because of too much excitement.

    • omg! @eileen that was awesome, you’re so lucky, i’m so happy for you.. seeing the beautiful expression in your eyes, it feels like i’m with you there also (wishful thinking, wish i am too :-))
      can’t wait to hear stories from you, can’t wait, so excited 🙂
      i hope finally, he revealed the big secret at least to you ke ke ke…

      tnx chinggu for sharing 🙂

      • Hahaha..we know ur still tired at the moment but dear ur question is killing me lol..oh my,i’m imagining again!

      • Yes, Eileen. Is that the couple ring? It has been a long time not seeing him wear the couple ring.

      • yes we did, i was about to ask you about it! Did he wear it while shooting the movie? That’s the first thing I noticed in the pictures! What is it? A ring that people wear after they say ‘I do’?

    • OMG…. Eileen so happy for you and so envy of you too hahaha….. can’t wait to hear the details.
      Hwanhye Forever..

    • WOW!WOW!..Eileen i’m sooooooooooooooooo happy for you !..& for us..dont’we guys?..WE ARE VERY PROUD OF YOU !..MANY THANKS Eileen!..and on his finger definitely is a COUPLE RING..^______^ HWANHYE ALWAYS & FOREVER!FIGHTING!^_^… THANKS Eileen for share with us this joy!..thanks all of you my friends for posts & comments!

    • thanks guys for being happy for me! it was truly one of the greatest experience of my life! i love KJH more now than ever!

  97. I still can’t sleep! So, here is my story of what happened…

    First of all, driving an hour and a half is really out of my comfort zone. For KJH, I did it! I also had to bring my son and pay him to take pictures. Lol! I was there at the meeting place at 2:30 pm and I met some great people. The staff is so nice because they even provided drinks for us. We first waited in the yard. At around 3pm, they told us that it might be more comfortable on the second floor sunroom. So, when we were all gathered in the room, they told us that KJH is here. So, the once quiet room became kind of loud because we were all so excited.

    So, he comes in and he is so nice. He even apologized to us because of the venue. We thought the venue was just fine. One of the fans even told me that he can do the fan meet in the bathroom and we would still be fine. Lol! So, this is the part where I took the video…

    After that, we lined up to get his autograph. I was first in line. So, I went in and told him my name. Of course that means I have to shake his hand. Omo! His hand was so soft. I gave him the LTM DVD covers for him to sign. He smiled when he saw the pictures of him and YEH. Eeeks! He started signing them and then we took pictures. There is a story behind his hand being on my shoulders. My daughter hugged him right away when she saw him. He laughed and hugged her back. So I said, “Can I get a hug, too?” We all laughed. Then he put his hand around my shoulder while our picture was taken. Chinggus, I can’t believe I said that aloud! Omo, he smelled so fresh like soap after a shower. After our turn, we had to go to the other room to give the other fans a chance. I couldn’t ask him anything because I felt shy asking him questions. On top of that, I was still shaking when he came in.

    After almost everyone had their turn, I went back in to take pictures of one of my new friends in the group. He was so nice because he would even take the pictures himself with the fan’s cell phone. He did the same for me. Eeeeeks! By the way, there was one American fan that stood out. We were all Asians except for her. He was delighted to see that she enjoyed Korean dramas. She told him that she would read the subtitles to understand it but sometimes you don’t need the subtitles because Korean actors are very expressive. She loved him in LTM & IOM. I just thought I would mention her. After all the fans had their chance, he did a message for KJH USA operator using KJH USA operator’s sister’s cell phone. (I think it is for KJH USA operator.) I think I might just be in that video. Lol! My friend wanted to ask him to do the same but they said there is no more time. Then, I mentioned to him that the gift is from the Hwan Hye Shippers! His face lighted up and smiled when I said that. I really don’t know why I blanked out when I was there. I should have asked him about why he is following YEH on twitter. Aargh! I guess I was just in awe and I couldn’t believe that he was in front of me.

    So, we followed him downstairs and we took our group picture. I shook his hand again to say goodbye and say thank you. So, I held his hand twice, when we said hello and goodbye! Eeeeks! Maybe, I shouldn’t wash my hands again. Lol!

  98. OMG!!!! Eileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!!! could not be any happier for you!!! that must have been a dream come true!!!

    thank you so much for telling Oppa of his HwanHye Ship here in the playground. i am sooooooooooooo jealous of you and very proud! that’s the truth! 🙂

    all of us shippers appreciate all of your amazing effort! i can’t blame you when you blanked out, i would be too had i been in your place 🙂

    kumawo fellow shipper!!!

    hwahhye fighting!!!

  99. OMG!!!! Eileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!!! could not be any happier for you!!! that must have been a dream come true!!!

    thank you so much for telling Oppa of his HwanHye Ship here in the playground. i am sooooooooooooo jealous of you and very proud! that’s the truth! 🙂

    all of us shippers appreciate all of your amazing effort! i can’t blame you when you blanked out, i would be too had i been in your place 🙂

    kumawo fellow shipper!!!

    hwahhye fighting!!! 🙂

    • minchin-much, thank you! i should have done more but my nerves got the best of me. he was just too handsome! hehehe! i seriously hope that he reads the letter!

  100. Thanks eileen! you really can’t sleep, you’re posting at 3 in the morning! I’m glad you shared the video and pictures, it feels like we are there to! Thanks again! So, oppa is going back to Korea, no more vacation in Chicago, okay eppy you are right he must be missing somebody badly, ha ha ha!

    • he is missing luxury! joke! i am sure he is missing his love! i saw his pictures in Kang Ji Hwan Philippines FB. He is back in Korea.

  101. Ha..ha..ha.. Eileen, I understand your nervousness, but I am really happy for you! Were you able to give the white cap and the letter that you wanted to give. What do you think of the rings he was wearing. I saw that he was wearing a ring on his ring hand finger and another on his left hand finger which I think is the couple ring. Did anybody mention Yeh to him? I hope someone did ..

    • when i had him sign the LTM DVD covers, i told him that i love him and yoon eun hye. he looked at the covers and then, he gave me a big wide smile. i hope he understood me. omo, chinggu! i almost couldn’t speak. when he came in the room, all our mouths were open because we were all in awe. lol!

      • Eileen..just merely looking at his photos oh my dear he’s so damn gorgeous and sexy hahaha..u really is lucky to sit beside him!..I really hope to see them together in real life.

  102. Eileen, your pictures, videos and your post here at the playground made it to baidu!

    Yeah, eileen, i’m waiting for your answers to eppy’s questions above! we’re curious!

  103. aigoo, eileen, you are really so blessed that you were one of the few lucky fans that had been given this rare opportunity to meet our KJH, no less, in the flesh! we envy you, yes, but definitely very happy for you, chingu! wish we were in your shoes! Its okay, very understandable to be starstruck, i would have felt the same way if i were you and even be numbed the whole time while in front of him! Good thing, you didnt pee for being so nervous! lol! lol!^____^

    Seriously, you did an amazing job, eileen! the white cap is the best gift you could give him, so lets wait i think, he would always wear that cap in replace of the cap we often see him wearing. and the letter is DAEBAK!!! you did say exactly what we would have wanted to tell him about our forum. Thanks so much for acknowledging HH shippers as well! Did you tell in your letter we fondly call them “wuri OTP” lol. But i think, you have already conveyed to him our message that we are rooting for them to be together in real life. BTW, about the ring on his left finger? so you think by seeing it up close that it is really a wedding ring? omo!so it is the same ring we saw him wearing during his bday fanmeet?we always see YEH wears the same lately! Happy for you too that after the fan meet, you have met a lot of new chingus out there! KJH are you there? have you read all our posts?
    ^____^ OTP Fighting!

    • Eileen you’ve made’it!!!!..amazing effort..GOD BLESS YOU ..THANK YOU SO MUCH!…fan’s dream to meet his idol …i’m really ,really happy for you!^___^

    • thank you, dredz! <3 i do hope that he reads it! i guess i can nudge him a little bit and ask him on twitter if he read it. hehehe!

      regarding the ring on his left hand, i definitely think it is a wedding band! the ring on his right hand has crosses on them. so, i have a feeling it is given to him by YEH. actually, i was surprised that he wasn't wearing finger-splint during the fan meet. i should have asked him about it but my brain was in lala-land when i was there. lol! i saw him wearing one when he came back to Korea.

  104. I noticed the ring on the right hand finger has cross design and the bracelet I believed also came from Yeh. The ring on the left finger I already saw our OTP wearing on different occasions. What do you think, Guys?

    • @eppy..I noticed too about the right hand ring his wearing having a somewhat cross design might be from the miss?..i was hesitant to ask it coz im afraid my eyes were just fooling me lol and is it a trend now in korea to just wear a ring on ur ring finger as accessories hahaha..

  105. @ Capt. K

    Thanks so much for this new forum. Shippy me went crazy last night because I couldn’t access the comment board of the old forum. (:

    @ Amazed

    Kamsahanida, chinggu, for posting the link at the soompi LTM thread. Keke, you saved this shipper from going totally batty. ^_^

    @ Eileen

    Kyaaaaaa, chinggu, you’ve done it! And you’re still alive! ^__^ Sooooooo happy for you, chinggu! Dream came true and wish granted!

    Lol, I was panicking last night when I could’t access the old forum. I was like, how on earth would I see Eileen’s account of her encounter with wuri Ji Hwan? Yay! So glad I visited the LTM thread over at soompi and found the link. A very big THANK YOU, chinggu, for mentioning us and our little playground to wuri Eun Hye’s oppa. Hope he finds the time to visit us one of these days. Keke, too bad the old forum is gone, with all the evidences we’ve gathered. I wonder if I can repost some of them here. He certainly needs to see how daebak we are at cracking the Hwanhye secret code! ^_^

    Waaaaa, chinggu, you’re so lucky! But your daughter is luckier! Lol, you should have let her ask the question instead! ^___^

    @ Everyone

    Yay, chinggus, the port beckons! Keep those fingers crossed! Aja aja!

    • @rainqueen, waaaaah! dreams do come true! he is the best and nicest idol ever! i really hope he reads the letter so that he can visit us here in KP sometime. i sent him a twitter message to let him know how much we appreciate what he has done for us. he really didn’t have to give up that precious time but he did. he still had to do an all nighter shooting for the movie. i love him more now because he does spoil us (just like what Secret said)! eeeeeks! i still can’t get over it.

      • yes eileen. makes me loves him moreee… his a very kind celebrity and very humble.

    • You’re right Eileen, i didn’t notice it at first! That’s a blurred image of a lady’s hand! The photographer knows how to exclude the face of the person! korean fans are so protective of their idol’s secret, lol !

    • THANK YOU…THANK YOU…SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH Eileen for the pics !!!!!!!& his smile is more than obvious …^_^..i have a feeling that soon He will announce A BIG NEWS…what WE all want to hear ^____^ again ,WELL DONE!..

  106. Eileen, i have a blast reading all your posts! daebak is your new family picture! he he he ! chingu, your husband might be lurking here, careful!

    This is so cute. xury misses daddy so much! the mommy misses him much more!!! kyaaaaa! check this out!

    @ rainqueen glad you found your way here! i have to post the new link, it is not fun shipping our otp by myself! welcome back chingu!

    • Waaaa, chinggu, I was really flustered when I couldn’t access the old forum. I tried opening it using two laptops but the result was the same. I was like, did the Hwanhye shippers get too crazy that Capt. K locked the forum? ^_^ Good thing I checked the LTM thread at soompi. Thanks so much again for posting the link.

      @ Eppy

      Thanks, chinggu. Glad to be back here. (:

  107. Sorry, forgot to give credit to baidu for the welcome back home kiss from luxury!

    Baiduers are so good, didn’t notice that oppa’s necklace is an ‘H’. I have to download it for you guys, later!

    Cheers to all hwanhye shippers! so happy!

    • Yes, Amazed. The same necklace he wore in Thailand. Does it represent
      Hwan or Hye or both, h…eh…he..he.. He is becoming bolder and obvious nowadays. Good for both of them..

    • is this necklace part of the “Y”, “E”, and “H” acronym? Yes oppa is getting bolder, baiduers thinks the same way, they said oppa is not ‘shy’ anymore! he he he.


      Another korean celebrity couple announced their upcoming september wedding. Aaaaaaayyyyyyyy, OTP please be the next one, please!

  108. @ rainqueen @ nineteen @ dredz

    please repost some of our evidences, please please please! the rings please particularly. i was not able to copy them before.

    @ nineteen where are you girl? i hope you will find this new link soon!

  109. WOW!!! Eileen..Thanks, for your post and share you so lucky to meet kjh. He so cute and really spoilled his fans I love him. I’m so happy
    with you.

  110. Miss K thank you so much for making us “HH Shippers” happy once again. 😉

    To my fellow shippers, miss you all chingus. I went crazy when i found out that i could not access our playground. It’s good to be back:-D

    Amazed, thank you for sharing this link.

    Eileen, OMG! Indeed you made to meet oppa up close and personal. Im sooooo happy for you. Oppa is so darn gorgeous and handsome LOL. thanks for sharing your experience with him. ♥_♥

    Dredz n Nineteen thanks for accepting my friend request ♡

    Rainqueen, Hellen Yoon, Evelyn Ng, Eppy, Chon, Eryns, Lornz, Nancy and to everyone who love our OPT let’s continue to support them. Fighting!!

  111. @ rainqueen

    thanks chingu for the repost, i copied them already! do you have a copy of the cross and the star necklace that they switch wearing? That’s daebak evidence! thank you once again!

    @ alpha storm

    so happy that you found the link! so who else is not yet here? have not heard from nancy, nineteen & skype ???

    • Amazed

      Nineteen knew already the new link long before i shared it to her. She is very busy and she said regards to all fellow HH shippers.

  112. so many evidence.. and make us really happy is KJH follow YEH twitter, its very obvious,
    nineteen is busy lately..knowing fr FB…

  113. @ alpha storm @ secret

    it’s good that nineteen knows where to find us. thanks.

    pictures of glowing Eun Hye attending italian clothing ash aug 2, 2013! credit baidu.
    makes me wonder, what’s the connection between kjh leaving los angeles on july 30 after an all night shooting the night before to get to korea on july 31? is oppa also attending the event, he he he! or is somebody with him attending the event? kekeke

    • @ Amazed
      I read yesterday on Hye’s soompi that her fans were wondering where was Yeh and why was she so quiet these past days and now came our Oppa from U.S.and suddenly our Yeh emerged out with a glowing face. Love is intensified by absence he..he..he.

    • maybe she just came back also from the states, lol! baidu thinks so too. i remember minjie said oppa is going for a week vacation in chicago after the shooting, why the sudden change in schedule??? maybe because of the ASH event! these two are driving us nuts! no denying, yeh is IN LOVE! She has three rings on her right hand and one on her left hand!

      on kjh usa facebook, here’s the comment re: oppa’s ring on his left hand
      ‘ Anh Rohrbach KJH is so tan, good looking man….what is the ring on his left hand?
      2 · Wednesday at 2:15pm via mobile
      KJH USA he also has one on the right
      Yesterday at 2:14am

  114. Oh, I’m so happy to be back on this ship! Eileen, you’re one lucky lady! So happy for you n yr family! Thanks for sharing all yr photos. Makes us able to share your amazing experience to a degree. Wouldnt it have been lovely if all of us had been able to be there too? Sigh!

    • LTMfan, that would be have been loads of fun if we can all be there. it is always better to share the excitement with a fellow hwan hye fan. so, we can nudge each other to ask him the right quesitons. lol!

      next time any of us gets a chance to meet him, we should have a hwan hye banner, a collage of pictures, a one of a kind gift, etc. i had brain fog because of too much excitement that i didn’t think of doing these things. aaarggh! i think i needed someone to snap me out of it. lol!

  115. Eileen_certainly very happy and could not be spoken with words..can anyone notice Bracelet KJH used yesterday in meet N greet LA??there any sign of 84 over e or e+e???

    • thanks for posting, amazed! shippy me thinks also those black bracelets were specially made exclusively for her yobbo!^____^

      Yeah right, amazed, i also love his tanned skin! He actually defines already a “tall, dark and handsome” guy! which shippy me thinks that his “wifu” cant take her eyes of him right now!^______^

    • @Amazed,
      Thank you for your explanation about Twitter, so Oppa is interested in all the messages the our Yeh is sending.

  116. @ eppy

    maybe it’s a hint for us shippers that’s why he followed yeh on twitter! wild guess! We did not see any twits from yeh all the time that oppa was in the states, right? Also, yeh seldom twits nowadays why follow her? anyway, you could follow somebody else’s twit even if you are not following that person!

    Check again the post of eileen , a person petting luxury when kjh arrived in korea. look closely and you would see a lady’s hand only that the hand’s image is kind of blurred. the finger has nail polish so i assume it’s a lady. here it is, what do you think? Only a few would notice this…

    • amazed, they said that a fan took the pictures when he came back to korea. i would think that there will be more people there. doesn’t it seem like there was only luxury, him and her (the owner of hand) there? my hwan hye mind is going overdrive again. what do you think? i am thinking that YEH picked him up from the airport.

      • @ eileen since the fan who took the picture exclude the face of the one petting luxury, makes my mind go overdrive too! why exclude her face, lol! It could be that she picked him up since luxury is with them BUT if she picked him up why pet luxury? She misses luxury too??? That means she just arrived also? he he he .

        Ji Hwan ssi, the only thing missing is for you to make an announcement! After naming your agency ‘choeun’ and following yeh on twitter (the only one you are following at that) we got the real deal! You could have included several names to follow in your twitter account but you just put only one! Thanks for the clues! Are you checking if korean netizens will react? Now that they don’t, go ahead, make us happy and give us the real score, right chingus?

        Crazy for HwanHye!

        @ meine

        welcome to our crazy but happy playground! enjoy!

      • I second the motion, chingus! shippy me thinks also that hand though its blurred yet you could still see that lovely hand belongs to YEH, no less!

        About KJH followed YEH on twitter, why shippy brain and mind keep telling me that such a surprise move of KJH aside from the fact that it is absolutely “testing the water”, is actually an “official” announcement to the public already! It is just up to us to read between the lines! Gut-feel our ship has already docked! KJH’s brilliant idea is DAEBAK!!! OTP, forever!^_____^

      • @ eppy

        on twitter it doesn’t mean that you sent a message if you followed a person, it just mean that whenever there is a twit from that person you are following the message will automatically be displayed once you open your account. Before, since oppa is not following yeh, he wouldn’t know if yeh sent a twit/message, he has to enter yeh’s twitter id in the search bar and all of yeh’s twitter messages will be displayed and that’s the time oppa would know that she twitted.

        I hope i got it right!

      • @Eileen,
        I also think that Yeh picked him up from the airport because when he left
        the U.S. airport he was with his producer or I don’t know if she was with them that was why they were in a hurry to go home because Yeh has to attend the Ash event. Remember the fans of Yeh were wondering where was she most of the days last month.

    • @Amazed,

      I am sorry , I am not using Twitter that is why I don’t have knowledge about it. If he followed her, does it mean he sent a message?
      If Yeh is w/ JiHwan then who brought Luxury, the driver. It might be Oppa’s mother or any relatives but the way I looked at hand it seems like Yeh. (still guessing.

      • i am curious why is the hand image blurred while the rest of the images are not? Is it photoshopped? Intentionally, the hand image was made that way? Weird, isn’t it?

        Same guess here eppy, looks like yeh, lol !

    • @Amazed,

      I am just wondering why the fan who shot the photo did not include the woman whose hand is blurred in the picture.

      • @eppy, i would think that the fan would be in the picture, too. so, i wonder the same thing.

  117. Hi there, I’m new here… thanks to eileen who told me about this forum.. eileen, I envy you and other KJH fans who attended the fan meeting in LA… I to see KJH in the future…

  118. Eileen, i almost forgot to thank you for telling KJH that the cap you gave him was a gift from HH shippers, which is so generous of you to say that to him! and i love you for that, chingu! <3 right, chingus? And also for sharing with us some of your pictures and "family" picture as well! lol!<3^____^

    @Rainqueen, welcome back, chingu!

    @Alpha Storm, you are welcome, the pleasure is mine, Alpha Storm, thank you also^____^

    @Dar , your name sounds familiar!^___^ are you the same "Dar" I know? If yes, glad you have joined us here at our happy HH playground! Hope to regularly hear from you!

    Chingus, about those rings, i absolutely concur with you, guys! the LEFT ring is the same ring both OTP were wearing during KJH's bday fan meet and YEH in her magazine interview promoting IMY in Japan!

    Here's a closer look courtesy of Jinky's pic in LA:(Pls click to enlarge the pic)

    @RIGHT ring KJH was wearing is the same ring he was wearing at the "Beauty Expo" where @nineteen noticed such to be YEH's design and i agree with her as i saw a picture of YEH, just cant find it right now, and YEH wearing almost the same design like KJH's.

    And lastly, the ring on his necklace, kindly refer to my above picture, where we could see all the three rings, and lets find out together if its another couple ring! what do you think guys?^____^

      • Eppy, about your question as to why he was bare with rings upon arrival in Korea, hmmm, which you made me also think why? But let me make a wild guess. Firstly, shippy me thinks that because his fore finger has injury which requires free of any accessories. Secondly, i go with amazed’s thoughts that he prefers to wear those OTP’s accessories in fan meets to let everyone knows that he’s already taken! Lastly, maybe because the person he shares those rings with was either with him on the trip or as per @Eileen, she was one of those who fetched him at the airport! lol, sorry, my shippy mind couldnt stop making wild guesses! but i think the best who could answer our queries is none other than LUXURY! lol. Once and for all, Luxury, what’s the real score between our OTP???? LOL ^____^ ^_____^

  119. Hi everyone, am so happy that i stumbled upon our new HH playground. I am a silent lurker most of the time although my day is not complete without a visit to our playground. You know, i even went to thundie’s prattle to write, nay, beg Captain K to restore our playground. thank you so much, Captain K, for opening this new playground for us. We really appreciate it. And to all my fellow chinggus, great to hear, eeerr, read from you all. Btw, so envious of Eileen and co. who got to have an up close and personal meet and greet with KJH. So lucky.. Miss our OTP. Hope we get news soon about them being together for real.

    • hi mamachum happy that you found this new link. thanks for visiting the playground everyday! i think we need to regularly check this playground for the most important announcement! we all feel it is happening soon, yay!

      • Thank you, amazed. Yes, i found this link when i went to soompi which i also visit everyday. It is simply that i cannot have enough of KJH and YEH. Haay! I join you in all the fun and excitement in uncovering all the little clues left by KJH for us. HH shippers, fighting!

  120. dredz, eileen, eppy i was lurking at baidu and i have an aha moment! i need to look for the interview at soompi where kjh said something like ‘ if you found that someone, wouldn’t you be married ‘ !!! i was like is he indirectly saying he’s married already? hahaha . i have to find that interview! dredz this is in connection to what you said that our ship has finally landed! but this is what i think even last year! let’s investigate!
    we may be right or we may be RIGHT , hehehe.

    • @Amazed,

      I would wait until you find that interview at soompi. What I love about
      our Oppa, is that he was not only happy with wearing or showing 1 couple ring but instead couple rings on left and right hands, bracelet, and a necklace w/ a ring. He…he…he.. Results of being too much in love?

    • @Amazed, Dredz, Rainqueen Eileeen and HHShippers,
      Why do you think our Oppa usually wears couples rings, bracelets, necklaces and other evidences when he is with fans? Is that intentional, coz after the IOM I did not see him wear any of those couples rings only again on this LA fan meet.

  121. @ nineteen

    what a great fan art you did for kjh philippines! daebak! what a print on kjh’s shirt! great job, girl! we bow down to you! miss you here at the playground!

    • You’re right amazed, another masterpiece from nineteen. Good job chingu.. it is good to know that kjh phils used it as cover photo which you can see the wonderful sceneries of the phils. Even the shirt of kjh have the map on it. Im so proud of you nineteen and proud to be pinoy too 🙂

    • I don’t understand it either amazed. As of yesterday in my time zone, he still follows yeh.. why all of the sudden it turnout he’s no longer following her. Im confused the moment i found out 🙁

      I hope just like what you’ve said that he only wanted to protect yeh.

    • Amazed, thanks for posting this link!^____^

      At first i got shocked upon seeing your post but then as i analyze KJH’s sudden change not to follow YEH on twitter, i must say i totally agree with the baiduers on their conclusion. Its absolutely “testing the water!” for 23 days! Obviously, there were no “violent reactions” from the fans! In fact, i have even heard nice words from some of them and bestow our OTP best wishes! In my mind, i believe that the plan was indeed well-thought of by KJH and apparently he succeeded! He really never gives up on something until he achieved it! My hats off to you, KJH!

      So, If you would ask me, i would say i am not bothered at all, chingus! And it makes me even more eager and excited to witness the ULTIMATE MOVE of KJH and its getting nearer, that is – The “OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT!!!” Right, Kang Ji Hwan, ssi? and you know HH shippers would support YOU & YEH, all the way! Fighting!

      Shippy me could be wrong but has a strong feeling that i am on the right track backed up with our tangible evidences and wuri OTP’s undeniable actions!^____^

      Amazed, i wish to post the link

      • I absolutely agree with you and baiduers, kjh was testing his fans reaction and he succeeded.
        Hwanhye Forever!!!

      • i agree with you, dredz! KJH is testing the waters. i do hope that he got positive feedback from everyone. i was one of the people that cheered him on twitter for having a connection with YEH. we all know the real score with our OTP. they are together!

    • And the plot thickens… ^_^

      Here’s what I think – a certain miss asked her a certain oppa to unfollow her because people have been talking. Methinks that between the two of them, it’s her who’s a little anxious about “it” getting public (keke, it’s the oppa who’s been giving most of the hints).

      I don’t think this latest development is bad news, but rather another hint to their real relationship. Because if those two are just friends, what’s wrong with one following the other on Twitter? Unless, of course, there’s something more going on that needs to be kept hush-hush until the right time comes. ^_^

  122. @Amazed and alpha Storm
    What do you mean he no longer follow Yeh. but what’s is wrong with following on Twitter or is it with regards to JiHwan’s new project.

  123. Hello chingus! Shippy me knows this new post from baidu got some of us a little bit nervous and shock at the same time. Hence, i wish to lighten up our moods!

    I just found this link at baidu where they post here the vid of KJH singing “Cant Take My Eyes Off You” during Japan’s concert last Dec 2011. And i find him so cute and entertaining while singing the song!

    BUT here’s the CATCH, chingus! kindly scroll down the page and you would see a very familiar face in the audience! lol! Actually, am kinda confused on what the baiduers were saying but i just thought maybe they were saying that “a familar face had been spotted in the audience!” so lets all take a look, chingus, if i am right! ^______^


    • Happy thoughts again dredz. To tell you frankly it bothers me a lot. Thank you for posting the link. Im gonna watch that video again I might spot our missy in the crowd.

      Now, I can spend my short vacation feeling happy and worry free. 😉

      Eppy, don’t mind my post..pls. read what dredz just posted. Sorry if it made you confused.

      Fighting till the end chingus.

      • @Alpha Storm,

        Actually it didn’t bother me at all. Not being a follower of twitter would not affect their relationship. They don’t need it. If they want
        to say or stay connected with each other, all they have to do is call or text each other. he…he..he..It will be more romantic…

  124. dredz it was not 2011 fm, that video was taken in 2009 – can’t take my eyes off you! no wonder eun hye is in the audience because at that time nobody knows that they are an item, lol ! kjh keeps pointing his finger at somebody in the audience but maybe the camera man doesn’t know who he’s pointing at. i made a copy of the bottom mv, here it is!

    the unfollow twitter, well, i was kind of expecting that maybe after an hour or so oppa will unfollow the miss on twitter but it took 23 days. btw, where did you read the comments wishing our otp well after oppa following yeh on twitter?

    did you read further the baidu’s comment? they said that ‘they are together visiting relatives and friends… ? and further more the post said oppa will be attending ‘british sister’s wedding ?’. he he he, they got me confused? our otp overseas? maybe, i’m going to read again.

    • here’s what baidu wrote ‘ After adjusting the time difference and together they return visit to see friends and relatives ‘. well…. so it is the ASH event that changed their original vacation plan?

      • Amazed, you’re right, ’twas in 2009 concert and not 2011. thanks for the correction, chingu. Because of that, i have come to realize one thing about OTP. Wasnt it that same year, 2009 where KJH invited YEH to attend the premiere night of his movie?And then this concert where the baiduers were thinking that KJH was pointing at someone in the audience and voila! YEH was spotted in the audience! And both attended the wedding of their common friend! And lastly, havent we uncovered some clues as early as 2009 like the black gloves, black bracelets posted by nineteen and the recent black leather with gold design, to name a few?

        Chingus, its getting clearer to me now, based on those facts, In 2009, OTP had been very visible in the public eye without them worrying that no one would ever think that they were spending time together as they were not considered a “hot item” at that time. Obviously, ’twas only during and after LTM that they were very discreet on their actions up to now and of course we all know very well the reasons why.

        Chingus, here’s the link from baidu about their analysis, and those facts ive mentioned above you would find here in this link

    • Amazed, because of your info, i got curious so i checked again the last page of the said link and look what i’ve found, chingus! Baiduers posted the twitter of DK SOul! isnt that the singer whom KJH had met in LA and posted their pictures? Take a look of the two koreans he is following on his twitter! not sure though, if he just followed them only recently!Amazing, isnt it? Is that coincidental or what??? ^_____^

      • it’s raining hints, chingus! can you imagine, we are getting clues that they are attending events together in 2009! lol, maybe the love affair started late 2008, for all we know! the korean fans are like japanese fans, they just keep to themselves what they know! now, i know why a lot of korean stars know about them being a couple as posted in our old playground. dredz, you’re right before ltm they don’t hide their being together.

        Is the 2009 kjh fan meet held in japan? they are together in japan in 2009? hahaha, japan is an old hangout for these two! yay,

        the out of tune singing of ‘can’t get my eyes off you’ maybe is because yeh is around! aaahhh, oppa is so in love with his girl!!!

        oppa, we both wish you well! you can come out in the open, either korean netizens have grown up OR they only care about k pop idols! Fans won’t get mad! fight for your love! lol !

      • DKSoul i think is also part of the cast for ‘shoot towards the sun’. funny, he is following both our OTP! Another clue for us shippers!

  125. Chingus, ive been very curious with this link from baidu, once again, thanks, baiduers for all these interesting info about our OTP! Please check this out, am not sure though if i got it right, that KJH delivered to YEH those foods during their celebration they called in Korea “Mid-Autumn Festival” posted in this link

    • hi dredz, the way i understand this is those gifts where given to kjh and baiduers said the food would definitely go to yeh’s mouth because she love those rice cakes, hehehe!

  126. Welcome to all the newbies! And welcome back to all the oldies ^^ who’ve been MIA like me!

    Yay, chinggus! This ship will most likely dock soon! Aja aja! ^__^

  127. Hello everyone .. Thanks for your post about KJH ♥YEH. I am very happy.
    I hope to hear good news by them. I want to watch a new project by them again.

    HWANHYE FOREVER ♥♥ ^___^

    FIGHTING !!!

  128. welcome back rainqueen! you have been mia lately! busy with work? visit us once in a while, ok!

    you are right, kjh has been giving us all the clues! thanks oppa! His trip to thailand won’t be known to us had he not tweeted about it! if it’s up to the miss, we won’t have any clues, hahaha!

  129. is this true? the reason for the ‘unfollow in twitter’ is because yeh is going to do another work for a network? i thought the miss is on low profile this year!

  130. have you seen this? taken 20120716 kjh in shin-osaka station to hakata.
    this is a fan made video, warning : you’ll get dizzy watching this, lol!
    i just love how kjh face lights up like a bulb everytime he receives a text message! i was imagining who he is communicating with!!! i would say he is well known in japan!

  131. Do You Know YEH will playing new drama with Lee Dong Gun and Jung Yong Hwa(CNBlue)??about KJh vacation to Thailand,Did you know..when KJH comeback from Thailand to Korea??did You know that in the picture upload one fan YEH shows a Churh?YEH fans also wondered if the fact that carried YEH in Japan after the True Vision Magenta Night in Thailand??and until one can answer this questions..everything full of question marks.???????????????????????????????????????????????

    • dar, at least we don’t have to worry about lee dong gun being involved with YEH because he is in a relationship already. hehehe! i don’t know about jung yon hwa. i heard he isn’t a very good actor. is that true?

    • @ eileen

      i read from baidu that lee dong gun is the former boyfriend of yeh’s friend. i don’t know how true!

      i am praying that yeh won’t sign for this drama! kind of weird having a very young actor in a triangle story, oh please!

      • amazed, i am not sure about jung yong hwa, too! i thought he was supposed to do heirs with park shin hye. i wonder what happened.

  132. @ dar

    it was in the news, yeh might be doing another drama.

    your questions re: thailand trip have been answered in our old playground which crashed. here is baidu’s post which answers your questions:
    ” Jiang actor in the May 13, Thailand, Japan, May 16, May 20 back to Korea
    an actress May 15, Thailand, Japan, May 16, May 20 back to Korea
    as well as Japan and South Korea’s entry time too coincidental”

    here is the baidu link where i got this post:
    use google chrome when opening this link.

    based on that post, they both came back to korea, may 20, same time! our otp is together in japan!

    • i think choeun is the best evidence we have that they are together! it is a combination of their names. KJH is so obvious in his ageny name! love it!

    • @ dar

      you mean yeh’s picture in front of a church in japan? although, i have not seen the picture, we could only guess why yeh visited a church. maybe yeh attended a church service since she is a christian or maybe she went to visit a pastor friend or she’s getting the services of a pastor in the future? hehehe. i would go for the last option, lol !

      chingus, credit baidu, is it coincidence that yeh’s co actors in her coming drama, lee dong gun & jung yong hwa are both from fnc entertainment
      and ji hwan’s co star in shoot towards the sun is also from fnc? is there a connection? there must be a deal between choeun & fnc, lol! what do you think? it could be that the house company is also choeun? everything is linked, yay!

      i’m still in awe why this forum/playground is still alive! if kjh is not giving us clues every now and then maybe this forum is not as lively as it is today. thanks oppa for the obvious clues! the first clue ‘ice cream shop for the woman he loves’. second ‘i love this woman! post?’ third is the choeun agency, fourth ‘thailand tweet, thailand – japan trip’ , fifth ‘following yeh on twitter’ , rings, necklaces, bracelets, and the list goes on and on!

      if yeh is doing a drama this year then i’m disappointed because that means the announcement is not this year??? waaaaahhhhh! i’m getting impatient! i hope this would not take as long as the lby & js love affair! it took them 9 years?

      • amazed, i know what you mean about being impatient! seriously, i hoped it will happen this year. you might be right that the announcement might not happen this year. i am crossing my fingers that it will happen early next year. i will not be disheartened. i will fight on! hwan hye fighting! we are almost at the dock! 😉

  133. Amazed_Yeh was not in fron of a church but only a church and in fron of the church there were cars..but fans believed that YEH in the church about what she did in the church, fans are not knew..emmmm ya..ya Im agree with your guess..hee
    Oke, Im always waiting news in this forum because its very interesting Fighting!!!

    • @ eileen

      hahaha, after you and dar comments , i’m starting to believe what i originally meant as a joke! possible, really specially when you see the glow in the face of yeh when she came back from japan, hehehe.

    • Hi, dar! Welcome to the HH playground!

      If I remember it correctly, there were some info some months back that YEH went to Japan to attend a church-related activity. There were pics of her arriving at Incheon from Japan, but there were none from Thailand, so I’m assuming that she went straight from Bangkok to Fukuoka. What’s interesting is that her Thailand and Japan trip “coincided” with the Thailand and Japan trip of KJH. ^_^

    • Brigette, welcome to the hwan hye haven where we are all anticipating the nearing announcement of our OTP. i hope it will be very soon!

      • Hello Brigette! i welcome you too to our Happy playground! Please do visit us more often^____^

  134. @ brigitte

    are you new in this thread? if you are, welcome to our playground! if you are an old timer, welcome back! happy to hear from you!


    ji hwan ssi looks so young here! credit to choeun, kangstar, kjh fb
    this was taken last may in thailand. at first i thought it was an old picture! boy, was i wrong!!! the power of love?

    • amazed, he does look young here. so, this was taken last may? i guess love does make you feel and look young. i hope YEH took this picture. hehehe! she has an eye for beauty.

    • amazed, Eileen I agree with you. Kjh’s so young. Fan in thai to see kjh she said
      the real kjh’s looking so young. This picture is so young.

    • Thanks for posting, amazed!

      Our guy is really happy, isn’t he? So happy he’s ageing in reverse. ^_^ Methinks he (and maybe a certain miss ^_^) went back to Thailand for a vacation. Maybe one last down time together before they throw themselves back to work. (:

  135. Amazed_hahaha..ya..ya,why not??I’m agree with you..especially she was married to KJH ssi,is not that what we expect??right??hehe because curiosity so Iam here..waiting for the news and evidence about them in this thread..xixixixixi

    • amazed, i really miss both of them, too! i wish they would do something together again. 🙁 why is it that in the korean entertainment industry, they don’t encourage love teams nor real life shipping? at least, KJH is giving hints about them. he is quite a guy to be more open about his relationship. love him more now because of that!
      hwan hye shippers, fighting!

    • @ eileen

      me too, i love kjh more because i think he really wants to tell us already! that’s why i’m only lurking at kjh thread in soompi for our otp’s news! if you truly love someone, don’t you want to let people know? for korean celebrities it is a sin to fall in love, yay!!! career, career, career! career fades away!

  136. hello chingus, i share your sentiments too, eileen & amazed, and feel sorry for them at the same time as we all know very well how hard it is to suppress our emotions especially when it comes to love but left them no other choice but to keep it a secret to themselves and maybe among their families and close friends and patiently wait for the right time to go in public. Hayz, just really wishing our otp that they would fight for their love till end! Aja aja fighting!

    Like you, guys, i really miss our otp much! I’d like to share once again this “House warming” BTS (Full Rehearsal), its one of my faves where you could really see how comfortable YEH is with her yobbo! She just could not hide her feelings towards Ji Hwan-ssi! Such a perfect match, indeed! enjoy, chingus!^____^

    • thanks dredz , i was just watching it yesterday… no denying the feelings.

      i was lurking at baidu re ‘kjh following yeh on twitter’ and they said if it is in china it would be all over the news the next day! now, i don’t think korean netizens have any idea about our otp, you won’t notice that not unless you are a shipper just like us! lately with all the korean celebrities revealing their lovelife, nobody is being attacked so maybe it is now safe for our otp to make an announcement. one korean celeb getting married in september even has a drama just about to start!!! they are all humans after all. they all need to love and be loved, lol!

  137. a light just went up my head, hehehe , did you notice all the bracelets (e+e/braided) that kjh wear, fit his wrist arm perfectly??? tailor made for him, hahaha. i could just imagine that while the miss is making them she has oppa by her side … and also one of a kind , just for him, aawwww! ♥♥♥

    if you buy those bracelets from a department store it just can’t be that perfectly match! ♥♥♥

  138. @ eileen

    that picture in thailand where kjh is soooo young looking is part of a pricey dvd that kangstar is putting up for sale ‘special holiday in thai ‘.

    price ??? $75 including shipping and handling!
    credit soompi for info

    • amazed, that is expensive! how many dvd’s does it have? does it have english subtitles? i am going to check soompi about that. thanks for the info!

    • eileen, it doesn’t say how many dvd’s there are. this is intended for japanese markets ( reason for the price?). i would guess there is only one dvd!

  139. why do i have a feeling that these pictures were taken this month,august??
    our otp are so quiet after the ash event … they went back to thailand???
    see twitter’s translation : threw himself into the sea again! if these pictures were taken last may why tweet them this month??? new pictures , lol!

    Kang Ji Hwan’s latest tweet via his official twitter account @Kangjihwan_ 8/18/13
    translation credit: KJH USA OFFICIAL OPERATOR

    Vacation is over~~!! Are you getting through this hot, hot summer okay?? I had my fun dipping in the ocean once, so I’m back off to work! For next month’s Japan fan meeting, I’m off to do an authentic drama-play that will make you cry!! This time, instead of making you laugh, I’m coming to make you cry!!

    twitter’s translation
    the holidays are over! ! So so very hot summer everyone’s patience yet? Threw himself into the sea again before going to work.

    • ji hwan so happy in these pictures! having the time of his life! i hope and pray that your special one will be proud to let the world know that you are her boyfriend! wish! i want you to have a girl who would be willing to give up everything for you! i believe you deserve one! fighting! you are just one of a kind!

      • @ eppy you maybe right , the miss must be the photographer! ji hwan looks so happy and contented! as if he’s saying ‘ what more can i ask for? ‘. happy also for you oppa! stay that way always!

    • That is right Amazed.
      To all HwanHye shippers affected by floods and storm Maring, please avoid
      going out of your house if it is not really important. Take care!

  140. Welcome to all the newbies! And welcome back to the oldies (^_^) who’ve been MIA like me! (;

    I’d like to echo what amazed said in one of her posts – it’s amazing that this ship is still sailing! There maybe times that things get quiet and some of us go MIA (lol, I plead guilty as charged), but let’s keep sailing until we dock! Hwanhye, fighting! ^_^

    • I love to read your posts the most, rainqueen. Your analysis and train of thought just seems more realistic. So please, don’t be MIA anymore 🙂

      • Hey there, Verdance!

        Keke, so sorry for being MIA every now and then. RL is taking so much time from my shipping these past few months. But no worries, I’ll drop by every now and then. I’m sailing with this ship till it docks (hopefully, it will be soon)! ^_^

        Hwanhye, Fighting!

  141. welcome back rainqueen! agree with you, it is reverse ageing for oppa! he’s getting younger and younger in his latest pictures! a happy guy in love! verdance16 is right, we all missed your posts!

    ltm press con rewind —-

    come closer ji hwan ssi, why are you so far away! eun hye is so obvious here!

  142. i must be going nuts, i keep dreaming that our otp will have a tv drama soon!!! aaaawwwwww , i wish it will be real! remember, wishes do come true!

    • @ eppy

      that is a good question! i agree with rainqueen, maybe they went back to thailand! they maybe back by now unless they went somewhere else again, hehehe..

      eun hye just twitted a bible verse, isaiah 41:10-20. this version is from the new american bible catholic edition. after reading the bible verse i was asking myself ‘hhhmmmm, wonder why she quoted this verse?’… she’s defending a love one from some attackers??? … read on!!!

      Do not fear: I am with you;
      do not be anxious: I am your God.
      I will strengthen you, I will help you,
      I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.
      Yes, all shall be put to shame and disgrace
      who vent their anger against you;
      Those shall be as nothing and perish
      who offer resistance.
      You shall seek but not find
      those who strive against you;
      They shall be as nothing at all
      who do battle with you.
      For I am the LORD, your God,
      who grasp your right hand;
      It is I who say to you, Do not fear,
      I will help you.
      Do not fear, you worm Jacob,
      you maggot Israel;
      I will help you—oracle of the LORD;
      the Holy One of Israel is your redeemer.*
      I will make of you a threshing sledge,
      sharp, new, full of teeth,
      To thresh the mountains and crush them,
      to make the hills like chaff.
      When you winnow them, the wind shall carry them off,
      the storm shall scatter them.
      But you shall rejoice in the LORD;
      in the Holy One of Israel you shall glory.
      The afflicted and the needy seek water in vain,
      their tongues are parched with thirst.
      I, the LORD, will answer them;
      I, the God of Israel, will not forsake them.
      I will open up rivers on the bare heights,
      and fountains in the broad valleys;
      I will turn the wilderness into a marshland,
      and the dry ground into springs of water.
      In the wilderness I will plant the cedar,
      acacia, myrtle, and olive;
      In the wasteland I will set the cypress,
      together with the plane tree and the pine,
      That all may see and know,
      observe and understand,
      That the hand of the LORD has done this,
      the Holy One of Israel has created it.

      • eppy_maybe because she read a article where YEH gets a pretty heavy beating in terms of criticism against her acting performance, question about the validity of her status in the industry as an A-Lister and Hallyu Star and wild insinuations about her personal conduct and character……ect…bla..bla…sorry I can’t write all in this forum because I dont have many time..Im read it in “Yoon Eun Hye fans” hee

      • Hmm, makes me wonder why she chose to post those Bible quotes. They could just be random verses she chanced upon, but I’m more inclined to think that she’s trying to send a message to some people.

        I think dar got a point about YEH getting a pretty heavy beating from some rabid netizens. She’s one of those people who can be really polarizing – she’s either passionately loved or passionately loathed, and sometimes (or most of the time), the haters are really the noisy ones.

        I don’t think she needs to prove her worth as an actress and as a Hallyu star. She’s done that already. What she needs is to constantly challenge herself with roles/projects that don’t box her in as an actress. And as for her personal conduct, I don’t know of any scandal she’d been involved with that she had a direct hand, most of the rumors about her so-called personal affairs were made up by some lazy netizens who had too much time and too much hate in their system. She’s very private and from what I’ve read, she’s’s very far from the bad girl type her haters paint her to be.

  143. chingus, you will all love this article…..

    credit soompi/pechumori
    excerpts from latest post that Kang Ji Hwan has made on Kanghamsa 8/18/2013 at 3:35Am in Korea
    ( i only picked up those things that will interest you chingus, i know you are all busy)!

    About his latest movie:
    Right now the movie has about 3 more shoots to go and I had many things to organize as soon as I got back. I didn’t have any time to rest for a while and finally I had one week to rest; eat and sleep. There are many people that still don’t want me to be an actor… sigh…..

    About xuri, @ eppy this is the answer to your question, kekeke, who brought xuri to the airport when oppa came back!
    Ah.. Yes and Xuri is doing very well. The only thing is.. while I was in the US, he was with my parents and when I came back.. He looks more like a calf then a puppy.. — My father says that every time he tried to take Xuri out for exercise…. He would walk for a bout ten minutes and play dead, and so he really couldn’t take him any further… Ha

    Another news!!
    It’s been so long so as my punishment I will tell you something else..
    I think you will see me in a cooking program soon@@@#$%@^^&^#
    So random huh?? Keke

    I want to be of help to my dear friend Hyun-moo and my little chef friend that has stayed by my side during my hardships… You will see me in an apron soon ^^ They are really good friends of mine so please please watch it, and let’s cook lots of good eateries together~~ Oh my it’s three in
    the morning already.. Sweet dreams…….. and thank you…. always ^^

    PS// For the first time in my life, I will host a wedding tomorrow — So nervous

    end quote

    he hosted a wedding??? hehehe… wonder when is his turn to get married? or done already, lol!

    • @Amazed,
      You said that as if Yeh is defending a love one from attackers from the Bible quotes that she twitted and here came a post from JiHwan that ” there are many people who don’t want him to be an actor” as if implying
      to his detractors. Co incident?

      • @ eppy

        you and i are thinking about the same thing! must be the reason for the tweet! ji hwan , fighting!

      • “Do not fear, I am with you”

        Hmm, now my slow shippy head is thinking. There’s a likelihood that she’s publicly but indirectly encouraging her oppa with those Bible quotes. ^_^

        Aja aja, Ji Hwan-ssi!

  144. haha i have been posting too much, this is a continuation of the kanghamsa post:

    About the september japan fan meet

    Next month at the Japan’s Fanmeet, I am planning a play along with the Incarnation of Money promotion. It’s been a long time since I got to meet my Japanese fans and so I feel I can’t take this lightly. After much consideration, I decided to do a play instead of singing and dancing
    like other celebrities. People around me say it will be hard to do a written style play, but I will try my best; my way. One thing special about this play will be that it won’t be a fun, but very sad and touching. So from this coming Monday, I will go down to the basement rehearsal room and spend the rest of what is left of summer there. If I think about the time I practiced for the play “Cafe-in”, I really don’t want to do it… But such a long absence calls for my best efforts!! I will try… for you guys to be able to see this in Korea as well so please look
    forward to it.
    end quote

    I just thought of something, i keep re reading the above lines and i don’t know if this is just a translation problem but he said ‘ i will go down to the basement rehearsal room….’. the tour of his house last december ‘it is a 2 floor story condo unit , there is no basement there or rehearsal room, right? i think you know what i’m getting at ‘did he/they move in the new house already???? kekeke… just a thought! ignore me, lol…

    • Amazed, KJH has a basement rehearsal room? Wow! I bet his new house is huge! I hope it has a big back and front yard so that their kids can play happily. do you guys think KJH will let us see it, too? I have a feeling that he won’t because he wants his privacy with YEH. hehehe!

      • eileen, i don’t think he will let us see his new house, i think the basement rehearsal room thing is a slip of the tongue on his part! He didn’t realize that we will make something out of this! Basement is a give away word, hahaha!

    • @ eppy

      he must be living in another house already! no more mention of decorating the ji hwan park in his interviews… happy for you oppa! finally, you are done with the decoration, yay! Pretty sure, you’ve got some help!!!

      • @ rainqueen

        you are right hwan park is now occupied! i would guess when they came back from thailand-japan trip they are living in the new house already! we may be right, lol… good for them, they are all set and ready….

    • @Amazed. You are always welcome. We should do this in order for this ship to be alive as we are waiting for the big annoucement.

  145. @ eileen @ rainqueen @ eppy

    re : basement rehearsal room , even if the basement thing is mis translated, in his house tour last december, there is a gym on the 2nd floor BUT there is no rehearsal room as far as i remember! and you would not have a basement if you are in a condo unit!!! yay, i hope this is another clue from ji hwan who loves his fans so much and oppa i think is eager to let the fans know!!! keep all our fingers, toes crossed… P.S. after the incarnation of money oppa is in a hurry to decorate his house ‘he said he is doing the decorating day & night’ ……. in haste to move in, hahaha, why o why ???

  146. it’s confirmed, yeh has a new tv drama with lee dong gun. choeun (kjh and yeh in collaboration with fnc entertainment! lee dong gun and the other co actor are both from fnc. ji hwan’s co star in shoot towards the sun also from fnc , what is the deal, hahaha ????

    • yeh must have started shooting the tv drama already, i think i have the answer why ji hwan is posting messages at kanghamsa at 3 in the morning.

    • @Amazed, I was smiling as I saw these pictures of our OTP from Korean
      vogue. They looked like husband and wife who just came from Alaska he..he.he.. Love it.

  147. hi all chinggus long time no write here. but am still on the ship, just more silent now hahaha. i really want to hear gud news from our otp.
    hwanhye keep fighting.

  148. Thanks, amazed for shairing this video Kang Ji Hwan’s Special Holiday in Thai.
    He,s so cool and handsome. I love him very much.

  149. Did you know that when Kangjihwan a dramatic play. I miss the show so much.
    If possible,I want him to play with his beloved. ^__^


    • chon , with regards to our otp’s drama together, i think in korea if the celebrities are romantically involved they don’t put them together in projects!!! weirdest thing , lol ! probably, they know about our otp ! waaaaaaahhhh ! hope i’m wrong !!!

  150. Hello chingus! huge thanks to everyone most especially to our dear chingu, AMAZED, for keeping our ship sailing towards our final destination! worry not and have faith, this ship will surely dock!^___^

    Btw, have you ever wonder if our otp’s resemblance to each other would be noticeable even when they were both still cutie babies? hehe, i have come across their lovely baby pictures and lets all figure out if this is true, guys. As we always say, if two persons have a resemblance, most likely both would end up together!fingers crossed this would come true to our otp!^____^

    KJH’s baby picture –

    YEH’s –

    • hello dredz, glad to see you back! you are very much welcome, it is for the love of our otp ! there are times that i want to quit already but i just can’t do it ! i’m addicted to this playground, hahaha!

      nice baby pictures you’ve got there! where did you get yeh’s baby picture? i have seen kjh’s baby picture just recently! you’re right, with resemblance! hwanhye fighting!

      visit us, once in a while !

      p.s. kjh’s coming cooking show, i want to watch it when it airs, i just wonder how! any idea?

      • Hello amazed, thanks chingu and yeah we cant quit now, together lets keep our hwanhye playground alive for the love of our otp! Fighting!!!

        About Yeh’s pic, regret i didnt save the link where i got it, hehe, its just for me, i could really see the resemblance and find it amusing!^___^

        About the cooking show, i have read that he would do it for a friend who stood by his side when he was at his lowest point of his career. KJH is truly a great friend!

      • Hello eileen! i know right, hehe, thanks chingu! same here, looking forward too to see him in a cooking show! We all know he also loves to cook! I wonder if he also prepares special dish for her or vice versa! hehehe

      • Hello Eppy! hehehe, thanks chingu! just been busy lately but rest assured i will sail with you until we docked! OTP fighting!!!

  151. i want to post this photoshoot of ji hwan , i think for his latest movie! not for anything else but i saw a mannequin wearing a wedding gown, hahaha wonderful sign??? i checked the website below and i found out that this photoshoot venue is a wedding studio , am i right? that’s how i understand it !!! or am i going nuts ??? hehehe of all the places , why go to a wedding studio , or is this a photoshoot for something else ? yay….

    PHOTOS by RYU 8/29/13
    credit: and

    • thanks, eileen, eppy, dredz. i hope we will we see them together again in pictures just like that photoshopped picture! aja aja fighting!

  152. Kang Ji-hwan side “received the offer appearance of conditions” and “love drama, but refused to politely”
    MYDAILY |01 minutes 14:23 August 2013
    My Daily Photo = DB
    Actor Kang Ji-hwan has denied the appearance theory “Conditions of Love” drama (working title). I told the 22nd, officials of Kang Ji-hwan side in the telephone interview with My Daily “has received the appearance offer of male protagonist role of conditions” and “love Kang Ji-hwan, but refused to politely” he said. “Conditions of Love” is a new work of Lee Hyun-min director who dealt “I’m sorry, I love you”, “Let’s go Sang Doo, to school!” KBS 2TV drama and “The Snow Queen”. Actress Kim Jung Eun is to accept the appearance in the heroine, our goal is the broadcasting of the second half of this year by the end of the main casting, best supporting actor and male hero. Conditions “and” “Love should be a soap opera of orthodox add a picture beauty sophisticated story painful a special manner never seen before. Broadcasting official video and beauty of Lee Hyun-min supervision only I told that it “will stir up a sensation back in with a delicate rendition. After recording of “Shoot toward the sun” movie he was starring recently, Kang Ji-hwan is considering the next project while taking a rest.

    credits to:

    whew!! chinggu’s i’m having a hard time deciphering the content, what i only understand is that our favorite OPPA is considering another project after shooting his new movie…

    it’s raining projects for our OTP… that’s why we still have to wait a little more time for the announcement to come soon…

    HWANHYE!! waiting!!! & fighting!!! 🙂

    • Evelyn , that was a nose bleed, hahaha! thanks for posting! good to hear that oppa has another project in the works! well, they could make an announcement even if they are working on a project just like lby and js who will get married this september! wish….

      • couldn’t agree with you more chinggu…

        or maybe they have already done a LEE HYORI & LEE SANG SOON act who both have agreed to tie the knot in secret…

      • @Amazed. I agree with you, they can do the announcement even if they
        are both working on a projects after all they are mature enough to do that and I’m sure fans and no fans will understand 2 persons in love. They can also tie the knot in secret but it would be much better if they announced it.

    • hooray for our OTP! they are both really busy with projects! i can’t wait to see YEH’s new drama and also KJH’s new movie. i hope KJH’s new project will be something like IOM. he was so good in that!

      regarding out OTP tying the knot, i have a feeling that they are already married. i wish they would announce their marriage already. they are both making a lot of money for their future kids. hehehe!

      • amen to that eileen, i think it is true! otp please make an announcement already! i was reading baidu’s old posts and they think they are living together since 2011! maybe they are in the new house now!!! hwanhye forever!

  153. The latest tweet from KJH via his official twitter account @Kangjihwan_ 9/2/13 translation credit: KJH SINGAPORE OFFICIAL OPERATOR

    Isn’t the Autumn Sky so beautiful? Because of this, I’m sharing a picture with a beautiful sky! I’m currently practicing the play in the rehearsal room, trying my best; sweating! Never ending practice without an audience is very tiring, but I get my strength right back when I imagine your faces watching me act it out!!

    oppa, we didn’t see any recreation room in your december house tour, how come you have one now?

    chingus , oppa included also english & chinese translations for his tweet, he is making sure that there won’t be a mention of a basement , lol!

  154. hello amazed, eileen, eppy! sshh! isnt it that’s our secret here at our playground that they are already a couple? and what we’re just waiting from them is their confirmation!^____^ ^____^

    Btw, i’d like to share this latest vid posted by pechumori with written trans but since its too long to post here, i will just post the vid. This was in 2010. I just find KJH in this video soooo charming and good looking and i so love it!^____^

    • You are welcome, chon!^___^

      Here’s another newly posted video by KJH Club but have decided to post the written eng trans as well. I know some of us would be able to watch this vid on fb but i wish to share this here as well for our own playground’s copy^____^ And besides i find him also so charming and adorable on this video too! ^____^

      The “Coffee House” leading man is here, It’s Kang Ji Hwan! Cameraman: A shooting game? KJH: I think so. This is PSP it is a game to defeat the enemy while shooting gun.
      *KANG JI HWAN* When I look back in my past I never thought that would be able to play a game like this during my shooting break. But since I’ve been in this business for a long time now, I could spent this free time. I’m feeling nostalgic…filming inside the SBS Studio the last time I filmed for SBS I think…it was 5 to 6 years ago in drama ” SAVE THE LAST DANCE FOR ME” Where Actor Ji Sung ssi was the leading man. In those days I was hired in this studio as an extra, but this time I’m the leading man. I’ not saying..”IT’S A RETURN TO ONE’S HOMETOWN GLORY”, but I’m feeling like that right now. The studio is still the same as well. What a fullnest of heart I feel since i become a leading man who started as an extra. Now, I can play a game in my breaktime! It’s Great![And KJH put back his earphone to start playing again his PSP game.
      Director Pyo Min-So: You did a good performance KJH: Really? Director Pyo Min -So: The scene that I liked the most is when you were walking and you looked back. KJH: How about the scene when I was wearing eyeglasses did I look it good? Director Pyo Min-So: Oh..the scene when you rushed into the phone booth after you which turned around.. KJH: So you like it?
      Cameraman: It’s so hot isn’t it? KJH: The weather yesterday was 4degrees and today it’s 24degrees.It’s suddenly cold and yet it’s getting hot like summer. My plan today, after this..since it’s sunday the weather is good..filming is done early..I’m planning to go watch movie with the staff.

  155. hello 😉 i love hwanhye since last yr. When lie to me airs in the phil. Im so addicted,hehe i watch it every now and then, i found this forum last june, and im happy everytime im here,thanks for all the post 🙂 im with this ship always, hwanhye makes me so kilig whenever im watching them 🙂 im hoping that they will end up together, im waiting for them to reveal thier relationship, even if it takes time or years,(but the soonest the better)as long as its them together, thanks everyone;) HWANHYE FOREVER!<3

    • @ lj zapanta welcome to our crazy & happy playground! you learned about this playground earlier than i did! thanks for letting us know you are one of us! i know there are more silent lurkers out there! say hello once in a while! we are hwanhye always!

    • Hello lj! Finally, you have decided to break your silence! Thanks and welcome to our happy HwanHye playground! Please do share with us your thoughts about our otp! See you around, lj zapanta!^_~ OTP fighting!!!

      • dredz, looks like lj is also one of your recruits to the playground! hahaha. the more the merrier! we are increasing in number! amazing! i have looked at ltm’s bts videos and there are a lot of people of have just seen ltm and loved it! hwanhye forever!

      • lol, amazed, you made me laugh! lol, not that its intentional, it just so happened Dar and lj also love our otp! hence so very happy as well to know that we are indeed increasing in number! and i echo your invites to all our silent hwanhye lurkers out there to join us express your love for wuri otp, who knows if you do, our OTP would also be encouraged to come out in public due to insistent public demand! hehe..^_____^

        HwanHye fighting forever!!!

      • that’s right, dredz, paging all the silent lurkers out there, please let your voice be heard so that our otp will make the announcement soon! our otp just waiting for you! if not both our otp, i’m pretty sure, oppa will give in soon! hahaha

    • Hi amazed, thanks for posting! oppa is bolder/braver?, hmmm, absolutely! if not, he wouldnt dare to follow YEH on twitter! eeekk! ^____^ Chingu, do you have an upclose photo so we could see clearly those handful of rings? Agree, I also have a hunch those are their identicals too knowing our otp, both are shouting out in silence^____^

      • hi dredz , sorry there is no bigger picture! i’m kinda curious too if he has the same ring again on his left ring finger! maybe, we’ll see a bigger picture one of these days! i have a feeling that oppa will have another ‘move’ again soon! hwaiting!

  156. Hello chingus! i’d like to share YEH’s upcoming project, below is her new look with curly hair! omo, does she really look so lovely and adorable! and lets take a closer look of her accessories, do some of it look familiar?^____^


    he reading session for the new KBS 2TV series, “Choice of the Future” had a script reading session.Actors and actresses Yoon Eun-hye, Jeong Yong-hwa, Han Chae-ah, Choi Myeong-gil, Ko Doo-simand others gathered at the KBS 2TV Star Hall. The reading went on for four hours but no one complained about being tired.”Choice of the Future” is a new kind of time slip drama where the future ‘me’ returns to the past to aid and advise for self development. Also the life and work of people in the entertainment business will also be looked at in a new angle.Yoon Eun-hye takes on the role of Na Mi-rae. Bad tempered but having strong belief in himself is Kim Sin byLee Dong-geon. Jeong Yong-hwa takes on the role of an undercover boss named Park Se-joo.The first reading session was overwhelmed with the passion and reality of the characters. It was way more than expected and everyone was satisfied.To be aired on the 14th of October after “Good Doctor”. — ‘The Future Choice’ – 1st Script Reading

    • dredz, looks like she gained some weight, huh? good for her! she was so skinny! this time around, it is oppa who is so skinny based on his latest pictures!

      looks like eun hye is wearing that same chain bracelet again on her right arm! the same one she wore in madagascar. i think that bracelet is soooooo important. i have seen her wore that in several occasions! oppa have worn that too before so many times…..

      yeh’s style ‘wearing a lot of bracelets’ or a lot of rings so that it is not so obvious!!! i love oppa , there’s no deceiving his fans!!!

      • yeah i know right, hehe, you are right pretty sure will see more pictures posted soon. Agree much, YEH is really blooming and so flawlessly beautiful! Shippy me thinks she had rested well and do believe that’s what love can do for someone so much in love and inspired! wooot! lol Fighting!

        In the case of KJH, i think because he has lots of commitments these days to fulfill thus he has no time for enough rest. But you could see he’s very happy and inspired too! hmmm, i wonder who gives both an inpiration???lol ^_____^ otp fighting!!!

      • haha, amazed, i love what you said about YEH’s tactics so not to be too obvious that she’s wearing what we so-called “otp’s identicals”, perhaps she knows already how sharp HwanHye shippers’ shippy eyes are! lol! ^_~hmmm, i wonder if we could uncover another new identicals from those? fighting!

  157. ltm wrap up party rewind (from 100 proofs princesspiona) – missed them!

    68. In LTM wrap party all the unnatural interactions by KJH YEH: they were caught peeking in each other’s direction for countless times. KJH’s unnatural reactions’ statistics: bit knife 6 times, touched nose 5 times, lifted cap 3 times, touched collar 2 times, touched ear 1 time, looked at watch 1 time, rolled sleeve 1 time.

    69. At LTM wrap party KJH smiled when YEH cut the cake as her knife landed on KJH’s image on the cake

  158. Hallo..all..Im still in here..waits good news about our couple HwanHye..pray to God!??I hope YEH reveal and announce about wedding like Jadu(one of YEH’s bestFriends)xixixixi

      • i think the singer who likes to play with her guitar in LTM that’s JADU….

        really? she’s getting married? or get’s married already, i believe it’s the same wedding ceremony KJH’s is talking that he’s going to host sometime though…just a thought 🙂

        HWANHYE still waiting & fighting!!! 🙂

      • thanks evelyn! wow, maybe that’s her who got married! can we assume that our otp were both at the wedding?

      • Evelyn_yes, you’re true..she is singer who likes to play with her guitar in LTM,Jadu getting married this Nov 23rd..

    • really, wow, that’s really good news, seems like autumn is really a marrying month for koreans after all, hmmm, how ’bout the our beloved couple we’ve all been waiting for since 2011???keep the faith, hwanhye fighting!!!

      Thanks for sharing this very interesting news, dar!^____^

  159. thanks amazed and dredz for the warm welcome, thanks for the links 🙂 i love this forum, you are all great, thumbs up for all the info,evidences & pictures 🙂 the only thing is missing is thier public declaration! 🙂 ur right KJH is obviously love YEH very much!;) I remember i’ve read on kjh fb,that one of his friend said tha oppa is very lonely and wanted to get married, im hoping that he will never get tired of waiting YEH 🙂 because of this forum i began investigating them,lols! Like all of you guys, i looked thoroughly on their new pics on fb, hoping they have common stuffs, 🙂 im just crazy about them, only kjh & yeh.. Keep on sharing all the info guys,i really appreciate all of that 🙂 kjh<3yeh

    • Hello lj! you’re welcome, i knew you would because i felt how much you love our otp.^___^

      Guys, lets continuously support wuri OTP by keeping this ship sailing until we reach the port!Gut-feel the most awaited 30th bday of YEH would be our key to ensure that this ship is going to dock real soon!^_~

      Keep the faith, Hwaiting!!

  160. i guess it’s now official, let the world know about choeun company!
    credit: kjh fb

    Hi everyone! Choeun Company has released its new office address If you have any fan mail or gifts, you can now send the to the office! Here is the address:

    Postal Code 135-517
    5F, 96-1 Cheongdam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea
    Choeun Company
    Kang Ji Hwan Office

    • Yeah, obviously they would want to officially inform everyone about their business’ whereabouts, which made me wonder how far this is from YEH’s boutique shop? ^____^

      Thanks for posting, amazed!

      • dredz, our minds are in sync, that is exactly my question, the boutique is in gangnam also, yay!

        the house company’s address last 2011 is:

        TheHouseCompany ‏@TheHouseCompany 2 Oct 11
        The House Company
        #108-2 Shinsung-Misocity
        96-3 Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea

  161. dredz, are they getting ready for something? the new office of choeun company, the expanded/bigger boutique of yeh, the new house (ji hwan park). i don’t know but suddenly i am so excited, i hope this is not false alarm!

    • Calm down, amazed, i know right? lol! Seriously, thanks for posting YEH’s address hence here’s the link where we could see YEH’s office^____^So do you think both their addresses are located in Gangnam?? omo, am speechless if that is true! Agree, both are really preparing for something bound to happen in the near future!^____^ HwanHye Fighting!

    • I have been thinking since we saw the three words “THE” in KJH’s house where he took pictures of all the gifts he received on his birthday. Looks like those three letters have something to do with the “TH e + e” House company of YEH or could be those are actually referring to the boutique shop per se. just a wild guess, though, fingers crossed its true^____^

  162. I was back reading baidu’s posts right after ltm, this is for the year 2011.
    I have not seen these before might as well post for newbies & also our old playground is gone in the wind!

    yeh’s tweet on her birthday oct 3, 2011 (as translated) — my comments

    ah .. I was happy people child. sincerely thank the people give birthday wishes, although not anything special day birthday yesterday, has been a smile never left. born in this world, to get so much love .. doing like to do things, feel alive again is a happy thing, how thankful thing!
    — so much love indeed

    there is another tweet to jadu but looks like it is for someone else, lol!

    Grace: heart symbol RT @ jadu0504: rich and deep, with a similar fall readily transparent woman! Well, oh! We really born captain too well! Today, because of you and become a good day, because of you and become a beautiful day! Congratulations too, I love you!

    — baidu thinks the tweet is meant for you know who!

    • thanks amazed:) about jadu’s wedding, im hoping we could get to see who attended in her wedding, kjh might be there too, hehe, with yeh ofcourse, afterall jadu is in lie to me, she should invite kjh too.. just wishful thinking 😉

      • lj, dar said that jadu’s wedding is on nov 23! hahaha , so it was not her wedding that ji hwan is the emcee! let’s find out who of ji hwan’s friend got married!

    • Thanks amazed! So now i fully understand who jadu is on YEH’s twitter! thanks evelyn for giving out that info! and amazed for this post which helped me learn about it.

      So agree with you, amazed and lj, there is a big possibility that both of them and guess even their other co-stars in LTM would also be there at jadu’s wedding on nov 23. So we have something to look forward to if otp would be there! hmmm, i just really wish and pray that come nov 23rd, our ship had already landed!omo! fighting!!!

  163. bear with me, hehehe

    this is the 2011-10-08 posts from baidu, the fireworks video by yeh…

    Girl so hard today, because tomorrow is certainly a birthday party and excited about it. . .
    Maybe what dark secret dating it, ha ha ha ha

    and we want to watch it very hard to beat the ~ did not see all of you together and see ~ Article II: In Yeouido very lucky to see the beautiful fireworks ~ like a small Open the windows like a child watching carefully, unconsciously smile ~ “Woah, so beautiful,” so yelling, revealing a smile not seen in a long time. Little touches so obtained, the feeling of happiness, it is too thanked.

    — baidu’s comments on the video
    *Looked at how the scene inside like LTM, ah, president a man drove to the river that. . .
    *Wow yeah yeah, not calm bird, happy feeling, this is thanks to who else, we know everything
    *Wow. . Huan G to force too much. . . This video is certainly treasure or Huan shot himself, and is designed for Umbro amp, or who will be all right for others fireworks shoot video, ah, is not never seen before. .
    *Gorgeous fireworks, starry sky quiet beauty. Lan like video streaming,
    Uh-oh. . I did not see the girl at the translation of it. . Turned out to
    be occasional fireworks ah.
    However, in Yeouido? Dating baa? Why in this place ah. .
    Excited, excited, Huan brother too clever, in time for the birthday girl
    in front of some action. . .
    Avoid eyes and ears wow everyone. . . Haha. . .
    Us to benefit persons = wisdom, how smart we are, Huan brother can avoid
    the paparazzi and Korea rice eyes and ears, but can not escape our eyes,
    ha ha ha ha
    *Amount, that is, ah, Han River that you, ha ha happy Hahn treasure always
    said, appears to be really happy, ah, oh
    *Umbro home you can see the fireworks that way?

    — i love baidu’s comments, they were right it was the hahn river and
    they believed oppa took her there for a date, lol , after a year
    the video of the house tour of oppa they realized that the fireworks
    video was taken inside oppa’s place !!! the view from the window of ji
    hwan’s house tour is the same as the view in the fireworks video!!!

    — i just love this fireworks video, i thought i could hear eun hye’s
    voice in the background…

    • Hi amazed, i remember that video on the fireworks. I could hear YEH’s voice while she was filming it. Great find! How i wish that they will announce their relationship.

      • Yup, remember that vividly, amazed, thanks for re-posting! its even just in time to recall it as time really flies now its YEH’s bday once again.

    • Omo, i wish to congratulate everyone for reaching 500 comments despite being so very hard to achieve this goal still we did it!^____^Keep on sailing! fighting!

  164. Love is patient; love is kind. Love is not jealous, it does not put on airs, it is not snobbish. Love is never rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not prone to anger; neither does it brood over injuries. Love does not rejoice in what is wrong but rejoices with the truth. There’s no limit to love’s forbearance, to its trust, its hope, its power to endure.
    1 Corinthians 13:4-7

    Reminds you of someone you know?

    • Absolutely, amazed! She’s very fond of posting the same on her twitter account! did i guess it right, chingu??? Keep it coming until the end, amazed! Aja aja! ^_____^

      • hahaha dredz, i was thinking it applies to oppa because he is patiently waiting, kind and not rude! kyaaaaa!

  165. what do you see?

    on the bottom right corner of the picture, a finger is partly blocking the lens. Look at the reflection just below ji hwan’s left knee! must be an illusion or are my eyes playing a trick on me! Could you see whose taking his picture? Is this in japan???

  166. Missing our otp much, would like to post again this video, where kjh was at the recording studio rehearsing “lovin Ice Cream” which i find him so very good looking! So cute of him when he couldnt get the right tune of the song!At the last part showed otp rehearsing it, i really love watching them together as they look perfectly good together!


    Another answered prayer! Yes indeed, you can not put a good man down!Hooraay for Kang Ji Hwan-ssi!!! KJH, fighting!!!^____^

    *Good News for KJH fans*
    Constraints on the Entertainment Activities of Kang Ji Hwan to be Lifted Soon
    translation credit: KJH USA OFFICIAL OPERATOR 9/14/13

    Actor Kang Ji Hwan’s dispute with his ex-agency that has affected his entertainment activities will be cleared up soon.

    According to a statement from the Korea Entertainment Management Agency’s Sanction Committee, issued yesterday, Sept. 13, 2013, they have come to a decision to release the hold on Kang Ji hwan. They have been pressuring the filming agency and broadcasting companies about not allowing any other celebrities in their association from being casted in anything KJH is casted to do. They are discussing the release of this constraint and will come to a decision by the end of the month. This will be great news for Kang Ji Hwan and many new opportunities from now on.

    Kang Ji Hwan and his former agency, SPlus, had a contract dispute which started last October 2012 and have fought over issues surrounding the conflict.

    Previously, Kang Ji Hwan was involved in another contract-related dispute with his former agency, Jambo Entertainment in December 2008. At that time, Kang Ji Hwan had eight months remaining in his contract with Jambo Entertainment and yet decided to prematurely end the contract by notifying the company with the certification of contents for cancellation of the contract. Before the dispute was over, he signed another exclusive contract with S-Plus Entertainment.

    credit: starnews

    Note: According to an article from dcinside, at the time that KJH had a conflict with his former agency, Jambo Entertainment, the courts decided that Jambo was guilty and the verdict was for Jambo to compensate 500 million won to KJH.

    • so, the ban is the reason why kjh said that a lot of people doesn’t want him to be an actor! how could they ever ban anybody like that! so vindictive! haaaaayyyyy! but it is a good thing that kjh was able to do incarnation of money and shooting towards the sun! well, it’s clearer why eun hye’s co actors are from the same agency as ji hwan’s leading lady in the movie! kind of deal maybe between choeun and that other agency! thanks for posting dredz! i still could not believe that they would do something like that! just keep cool, ji hwan, we are all behind you! fighting!

  168. Hence all the more we should await what’s gonna happen next to our otp! Clearly, otp couldnt stop the inevitable! lets all believe that next breaking news will be hearing is their confirmation! Hwaiting!!!

  169. Sorry guys, senti mode^_____^

    If I may say this, would love to grant amazed’s request the least i could do to re-post some of what we have lost and missed from our old forum! Frankly, up to this moment, shippy me still saddens by what had happened to our old ship! As if all the treasures we’ve stashed in there were all blown away just like that!:( and what’s even worse we might not be able to surmount the number of posts we’ve made there. But nonetheless, the only consolation i get is my shippy gut-feel that someday soon this new found ship will find its way to dock!Aja aja, fighting!!!

    Having said that, for all the newbies and oldies alike here if i remember it right was the first ever “identical rings and e+e red bracelets” the baiduers had uncovered and i think it was rainqueen who first posted it in here! I believe this alone would already give us the CUE that our hwanhye couple is into a relationship otherwise, they would not be seen together wearing exactly the same/similar accessories, would they??? and of course, more evidences had been unveiled thereafter!^____^

    • thanks dredz, thankful that you still remember the request that i made! i know, our old playground is like a treasure that we all have lost! i’ll try to repost what i have one at a time! by the way, the older posts from baidu are a gold mine. they have reasons to believe that our otp were together in hawaii right after ltm (2011), the madagascar secret trip of ji hwan (2012) and when the miss returned from her new york trip. i’ll repost all the comments from baidu one at a time!

      • I will try to post as many as i can, amazed, and yeah lets bring this ship to the shore, chingus! aja aja, fighting!!!^___^

  170. ji hwan’s latest tweet 09/13/2013

    credit kjhamerica
    Thanks to Kanghamsa, practice was canceled today! Take responsibility please.. It’s raining.. Healing is the best!

    PS: Kanghamsa sent a 추석(Chuseok) gift to our Star, and they were Korean beef set and rice cakes.

    sept 19 is korean thanksgiving day, the reason for the gifts. look at the 7 empty bottles of soju! did he drink all of that? i read from previous posts that he will be drank after 2 bottles of soju and the miss can drink 5 bottles, hehehe, 2 + 5 = 7 ? since the lady started shooting, oppa is going out drinking with friends. missing her already, oppa?

    are your eyes open? did you see the coke zero bottle? coke??? kyaaaaaaa…

  171. thanks a lot dredz and amazed for being thoughtfull to all newbie like me 🙂 i did’nt finished browsing the old forum, thats why im always excited to all of ur post, take you’re time guys i patiently waiting to all the evidences that all of you posted before and also our lovely couple to announce their love for each other! hehehe hwanhye fighting <3 by the way, is the baiduers still ship our couple until now?

    • Hello lj! you are always welcome, chingu!^__^ and thanks for hanging out with us too, shippy me hopes that will be sticking together for our one main goal that is to await the big announcement of our OTP!Till then, lets keep on sailing this ship, chingus! Hwaiting!!!

  172. baiduers visited the office address of choeun company.

    these are my take on the posts:
    –the place is very hard to find
    –they see guards & variety of sports cars (maybe because opposite the road
    is the ferrari store location)
    –park outside the building is the van in the car wash that kjh tweeted
    –there was a mention of a guitar in the video of the open house
    –baiduers left a gift & said that they are university students from china

    translation credit: KJH USA OFFICIAL OPERATOR
    It’s a beautiful afternoon! All my managers are busy, so I hopped on my scooter to run some errands. T_T It’s really hot today. Soon I have to get back to my basement practice room!! Playing around is meaning less.. I should work like a cow!! Fighting!!

    i wonder who is with him! isn’t that a woman’s hand taking his picture using a cellphone (iphone????) ?
    (see the image reflected on his sunglasses!).

  174. Hello everyone! It’s been a while since i last visited our playground. Miss you all chingus.

    So sorry that you felt left alone and you almost gve up… thank you so much for keeping our ship afloat.
    By the way, i think that photo of oppa was taken by himself. Selfie mode only, oppa is so darn gorgeous.

    Thank you also chingu for sharing again the precious treasures of our otp.

    To all newbies,
    Welcome to our KP… It’s been more than 2yrs but let’s continue to support our otp.

    HwanHye figthing ♥

    • hi alphastorm, glad that you drop by! you’re right, that is a selfie, i forgot that oppa has womanlike hands! thanks.

      yes, it’s been 2 years since ltm so maybe only a few left to ship our otp. they must have grown tired! when is the announcement, oppa??? anyway, ltm soompi thread always has more than 100 shippers logon everytime! the magic of ltm!

    • welcome back, alpha storm!!!definitely you are missed in here, chingu!^___^ you are welcome, its the least i can do for this ship to sail on!^__~ lets spread our love and support to our one and only OTP!!! Hwaiting!!

    • hi alpha storm! i have been mia at our playground, too! i miss this place so much. life is just getting in the way. lol!

      Amazed & Dredz, thank you very much for keeping our ship afloat!

  175. oppa’s rehearsal room (in the basement?)
    the furniture looks new to me, there’s a box left from construction, hehehe!
    if you check the twitter of the empty bottles of soju (few lines up), it looks like his old place (compare it with his house tour – the trophies and door and table is the same!)…

    where do you think is this rehearsal room? maybe we are thinking the same!

    credit cjoeun facebook kjh philippines facebook

  176. 84 over e was not only updates about new products but also updates about Mid-Autumn Festival..what do you think??or am I think too much??hee

    • Hello dar!^___^ no you are not, chingu!^__^ Why shippy me also so familiar with Mid-Autumn Festival! arent you, chingus???^_~ OTP fighting!!!

      • waaahhhh chingu, i did not get that mid autumn festival! kindly sxplain!
        i was absent when it was discussed, hehehe.

  177. Hello chingus! sure bet we all missed nineteen! hence would like to share once again, my fave video created by her “Keep On Movin’! Enjoy!^_~

    Speaking of nineteen, its her birthday today, September 19th, lets all greet her a very happy happy birthday, our dear nineteen!!!! have a blast, chingu!!!

    For Kang Ji Hwan ssi and Yoon Eun Hye ssi and all our Korean friends,
    “Happy Chuseok Day!”^___^

    • dredz, thanks for posting! great job, nineteen!

      Happy birthday nineteen, wishing you get all what you desire in life! Enjoy your special day, chingu. Drop by at the playground and say hello once in a while. We all misses you!

      Happy chuseok day to our otp! Wish that you are together celebrating this thanksgiving day! We miss both of you so much!
      It would be a treat to all of us hwanhye shippers if you could post even just one picture of you together here at the playground! please, please, please….

    • Thanks dredz, for your post video created by nineteen. So cute and cool.

      # Happy birthday nineteen, I hope that is what the heart wants.

      ♥♥♥ ” Happy Chuseuk Day ”

      FOR HWANHYE ^___^

  178. Hello! I’m new here,but I’ve been to this site every once in awhile waiting for good news. I’m just curious, was the stuff toy(white with pink ears) YEH used in LTM very common? Because it looks the same with the stuff toy of KJH when he was touring the interviewer to his own room at his new house.

    • @ darna , in the house tour, that house would soon be kjh’s old house! i believe the ‘ji hwan park’ is now ready for occupancy or he moved in there already maybe today, hahaha!

    • hello darna! welcome to our Hwanhye playground! nice to know there are still lots of silent lurkers out there ever ready to support our ship! please do visit us more often!^___^

    • Darna, it is the same stuffed toy. Both KJH & YEH got the same doll as gifts from their fans. It is just really cute because he sleeps with that stuffed toy. So cute!

      Btw, welcome Darna to our hwan hye haven!

  179. hi darna! nice name! welcome and thanks for joining us! as far as we know that stuff toy is the same one that YEH used in LTM! One of oppa’s clues for us!

  180. hi darna! nice name! welcome and thanks for joining us! as far as we know that stuff toy is the same one that YEH used in LTM! One of oppa’s clues for us! it was discussed in our old playground, baidu made a good posts on that house tour. i’ll post the link once i find it! too many clues in that hose tour! aja aja!

    • i love that stuff toy i wish i have one, haha but i think its exclusive for hwanhye, 😉 i noticed it to when i saw the screencap vid of oppa’s house tour, i thougth im only mistaken that its the stuff toy that ah jung and ki jun hug 🙂 thanks darna for inquiring about that, now i know, thanks chingus 🙂

  181. I am so overwhelmed, Eileen , chingu, you are back! We missed you so much!
    Thanks for posting some of our evidences! This time I’m gonna make sure that I copy all of them! Good thing you have all these clues! Welcome back!

  182. English translation of the song ‘Thanks’ by Kim Dong Ryul which is the theme song for the drama of KJH on Sept 23 in Tokyo. Look @ these lyrics ‘Now i think i might know the reason i was born that i meet you and love you till I die….. I don’t wish for anything else anymore that we love each other just like now is the happiness given to me’. Aaaaaaaawwwwwww! Even in song he’s giving us shippers a clue! Are you wishing it was meant for you???

    Again today, as I’m showered in the blinding sunlight
    For being alive, I thank you
    That my lacking heart can become the strength to someone
    Just for that, I thank you

    Showing to anyone that you’re mine
    So that it won’t embarrass you, I will love myself
    Even for one moment, that you’re mine
    So that you won’t regret it, I will love you

    Now I think I might know the reason I was born
    That I meet you and love you till I die
    Is the happiness given to me

    That you’re mine no matter where
    So that you can’t forget it, I will always be with you
    Even for one moment, that you’re mine
    So that you won’t be hurt, I will love you

    Now I think I might know the reason I was born
    That I meet you and love you till I die
    If it’s the reason given to my life

    I don’t wish for anything else anymore
    That we love each other just like now
    Is the happiness given to me

    Hangeul lyrics @ gasazip
    Romanized + translated by littleariel13감사-thanks-kim-dong-ryul-김동률-han-rom-eng/

      • Amazed, Eileen, am singing along with you, too! lol! just like from all his previous FMs where all his chosen songs where pretty obvious to whom it was dedicated to! Thus this song could also be one of those special songs apparently meant to someone very close to oppa’s heart!!! I also love the lyrics! thanks for posting, amazed!

    • @Amazed, If it is only Oppa he has no qualms admitting about their relationship. Remember during the LTM days and they were being chided for
      being late and together, it was just okay with Oppa only our Yeh is so privy about her affair. Maybe she has her reasons. but a least they have
      their evidences to prove.

      • @ eppy i remember that bts! oppa even arranged yeh’s collar! makes me wonder if they were in a hurry to get to the set! hehehe . yeh acted as if she’s mad! why appear together??? one could go ahead and the other to follow after 10 minutes, right? making us think! lol!

  183. oppa is sooooo good looking!!! if i am his special someone , i will tell the world about it and not hide it!!! only once in your lifetime do you meet somebody like him and who loves his special someone sooooo much! some people are born lucky ! i hope that somebody knows how lucky she is!!!

    only that the heart has a mind of each own, unteachable, lol!

    • @ evelyn i have read that oppa’s partner for the fan meet drama is married! haha , making sure that there won’t be an issue between him and you know who!

      according to the storyline for the drama for the fan meet, the characters in the play registered their marriage before they even get married! well, i didn’t know that you can do that in korea! is it the opposite in real life??? they got married already but have not registered their marriage yet? oh my! oh my! Raining clues?

      • haha really, his wife in their fm drama is married? that’s good to hear, amazed, so its safe to say, their being so sweet in their pictures were merely promotional. hehe just wanna make sure of it^___^

      • Hmmm, i’ve been wondering about KJH’s chosen drama he had presented in his fm in Japan? Was this another way of “testing the water”???? Come to think of it, it seemed to me that he was trying to make his fans getting used of him as a married man! and to my surprise, i think he’s somehow getting the response he would want to know! hehe just a wild guess but i could be right^___^Have faith, hwaiting!!!

      • these rings are daebak! it is an uncommon ring and nobody could say it is just a coincidence! life is wonderful!

        dredz remember the photo of ji hwan sitting on a chair with rings on his fingers and we were looking for a bigger picture? i have a closer picture of one of the rings and it is the identical rings of our OTP that you posted a few lines up! I will try to post it, i hope it would not take me one whole day. One post takes a long time, hehehe. OTP please please please make the announcement already, we have been crashing down website forums, waaaaaahhhhhh.

  184. look at the picture posted by choeun facebook before kjh fan meet:

    curly hair for oppa? i know somebody who just started shooting for her drama with curly hair also! i cannot take this anymore!!! lol ! even in hairdo ‘in sync’. ayyyyyyyyy have mercy…

    • hehe do you think they bought those bags in pair too or its a HIS/HERS bags???^___^Great find, amazed! good to see once again another latest OTP collection! Keep it coming, amazed! aja aja fighting!^___^

    • Amazed am afraid this forum is starting once again to experience word error just like we had in our old forum! aigoo, how could we prevent it from shutting down? i cant post also my comment. I hope this comment will post, let me also try

      • dredz – i was thinking, how about if we do our shipping in the ltm thread at soompi? yes, it is scary, i don’t want this forum to shut down again. it’s not even 1,000 mark and we cannot post anymore. same symptoms as the old one before crashing!

  185. this is a selfie tweeted by kjh right after the fan meet! got this from baidu. the right image is the boots designed by the miss for ugg australia!
    could you guess who designed/made oppa’s red hat??? hahaha…. according to baidu, same rivets for both! kekeke i’m so excited & i just can’t hide it! clues clues everywhere, awwwwww!

  186. dredz the his and her bag, they are definitely a pair! this is not the first time that oppa used that bag! was it in china before? i got curious because it looks to me like a ladies bag except it is a backpack! well women can use backpacks too, hahaha. evidence of them living together?

  187. I’m back again, after I finished busyness.
    @ Dredz,, wawwww photos you post the same ring and there is no difference.
    Can I know, pics taken at?

    • Welcome back Wiwin!!!! We missed you chingu!!! Been awhile but great to see you back! Which rings were you referring, the slim gold rings? Actually, those were baiduers’ one of the first rings we had noticed on them, together with the red e+e string bracelets! Hope you could recall it by now. And if i remember it right, those pictures were taken after LTM

  188. dredz, looks like i could post! here’s a close up picture of oppa’s left index finger . this is from his photo shoot for hallyu pia magazine japan! the ring on his left ring finger is hidden, hehehe, i want to see that too!

    same ring as the identical rings you posted before! soooooo, oppa is still using that ring! why do they have so many rings that look like the rings when people say ‘I DO !!!???. why o why?

    • Amazed, thanks for posting that picture! But i hope am seeing it correctly but i think the ring on his left index finger is a black ring. And ive been seeing that ring before too.^___^

  189. KJH held an autograph signing event for 300 lucky buyers of his “Special in Thai” DVD at Tower Records yesterday and addressed his fans in a brief statement and discussed his future plans. Thanks to our friends at Kang Ji Hwan Club for sharing this video with us.
    translation credit: KJH USA OFFICIAL OPERATOR

    Was it hard waiting for me?

    I was thinking how there won’t be another time to meet you guys upclose soon.

    From now on, my plans are..

    The movie I filmed in the US has not been finished, so I will be returning to film the last parts in October.

    Do you guys know what part I will be filming?

    Bed scenes!! Hehe

    This is my first bed scene so I’m very nervous. Although it won’t be very explicit. But there is a scene where the two leads will love each other.

    I think the movie will be opening sometime next year.

    Towards the end of the year, I think I’ll be doing another movie and not a tv-drama.

    You guys all know right? I had problems with my management office, but now it’s all been cleared up!

    (Happy Happy) Now I’m a President! (CEO) President!!

    It’s so hard, so hard!!

    And also a few days ago, the new office of Choeun opened.

    From now on, I will be able to select my own pieces that I want to do, so I will be able to do many good pieces to show you.

    I will be doing many pieces from now on, and I will come visit again when I can. I will also practice again to show you something even better.

    It’s getting cold, so please take care of yourselves.

    Anyway, thank you for coming today. Thank you

    credit: got it from soompi thread (tnx pechumori for posting 🙂

    have you read it? he still has some unfinished scenes on his movie that was shot in Las Vegas, & he says that it will be a bed scene, OMG! i have already inclination that he will do that because of his leading lady in that film, i happen to watch a movie with that same leading lady with explicit sex scenes from a different movie.. so i must say that the leading lady is not a newbie when it comes to that kind of movie, i was just hoping that our YEH wouldn’t get jealous as it is just a movie right? 🙂

  190. Thanks Evelyn! hahaha bed scenes??? oh my oh my! but he said it is not explicit! but oppa has a bed scene in ltm, right? only that it was blacked out! we are still waiting for the bts of that bed scene! here, it is oppa who is shouting! wonder what yeh did to him, hahaha….

    • Bed scenes??? i could only say a thing, waaahh! definitely cant watch that particular scene!!! YEH just close your shippy eyes and ears!Aigoo…LOL!^__^

    • I think the bed scene in the film is much more intense in character. I fell jealous of the star women. Not only was he exciteded. I was excited as well.

  191. The only reason I’m still shipping them is because of the twitter “following” incident. Any other so called evidence can merely be identified as speculation. But the twitter incident, that’s a clear intention.

    • Hi dicky, thanks for sharing with us your thoughts about the twitter “following” incident. Hence all the more it gives HH shippers a strong belief that we are all one and the same in thoughts about our dear OTP! Please do drop by more often^___^

      Yes indeed, i absolutely agree with you that’s a clear intention on his part most probably to test the water. And because of this clever move of KJH not only had he finally ended all speculations among HwanHye fanatics more so to everyone who are not shipping our dear OTP!^___^ But most importantly, he also had confirmed most uncovered evidences if not all were on it. And I strongly believe sooner or later this ship is going to dock or has it already?^___^ ‘Til then lets all patiently await OTP’s public announcement! HWAITING!!!^___^

  192. Hello fellow HwanHye shippers! How’s everyone doing? I miss you all!
    I’m sorry for not posting for a very long time after our previous forum crashed.

    Thank you for your birthday greetings! Especially to Dredz who informed you that it’s my bday. ❤

    Welcome to all new hwanhye shippers!

    Although we don’t have new discoveries lately, I still believe that our OTP are together. And I agree with all of you that another big evidence that we have was when KJH followed YEH on twitter, that was a revelation for me.

    it’s so sad that our previous forum was gone, we have so many things in there, but I’ll share to you again my account in imgur so that I won’t have to post it one by one

    • thank you nineteen for sharing, i love all of it! Especially the bts pics it shows how KJH really cares for YEH, i really wish/hope that they are together now and forever! 🙂

  193. Nineteeen!!!! you are back!!! missed you much in here chingu!^___^And how generous of you to share once again your imgur account for everyone to see! thanks nineteen! And you’re always welcome, you know that!^___^ Hope you wont be MIA again!^_~

  194. Hello Nineteen, nice to hear from you again. It’s been a while chingu. So sweet of you for sharing your account. I know it’s for the love our otp. Thank you so much. 😉

    I’ve seen all your fan arts on fb for kjh…great job…keep them coming chingu.

  195. hi nineteen! thanks for sharing your imgur account! i know you are busy with kjh fb, great fan arts you’ve got there! thanks for visiting us! dredz and i are worried , this hwanhye forum is showing the same symptoms as the old one!

    i agree with you, our otp is so together! feel it!

    • Thanks for that post about the black ring, amazed, but i didnt post any black ring. If you were referring to my earlier post, what i’ve posted are the slim gold rings. Todate, we havent seen any yet identical black rings of them, sorry hehe..^___^

      • hahaha dredz i thought you said that the other ring of kjh in the hallyu pia magazine photo shoot looks like a black ring! the picture that i posted only shows the ring on his left index finger. anyway, so many rings! our otp is rich!

  196. Missing our otp…^___^

    Guys remember the BTS where otp were in the duck boat, and oppa put an ice bag on yeh’s thigh? you could see how surprise yeh was, she just looked at her oppa! He was even holding it for her while reading his script!

    For me, that’s definitely a very sweet gesture of kjh for her! He really showed so much care for her which I didnt see in any of oppa’s BTS from his previous dramas to his co-stars that am aware of! Anyway, here’s the picture am talking about. Please see the middle picture.^___^

  197. I would like to thank you all for keeping this ship alive,
    especially to AMAZED who is always there, I hope you won’t get tired amazed, thank you so much for all your effort, btw, you know how to contact me, just message me at FB anytime.

    I think I haven’t posted this yet, do you think KJH’s jacket is from YEH’s store?

  198. i got this from kangjihwan fb , re: kjh recent fan meet… i just have to post this! good job oppa, standing ovation!!! we are all proud of you!!!

    The venue was filled up with excitement and joy, and the fans stayed on their seats, clapping their hands for over 10 minutes. An official who was at the event said, “I participated in fan meetings of a great number of celebrities, but I’ve never seen such a long standing ovation.”

    Kang Ji Hwan prepared a play for the fans, and deeply impressed the fans by acting a beautiful story.

    Most of the Korean stars just fill up their fan meetings with talks, songs, and games, but Kang Ji Hwan clearly proved why he is getting called as one of the best actors of Korea.

    Meanwhile, Kang Ji Hwan will be returning to Korea after finishing promotion of drama ‘Incarnation of Money’.

    /Reporting by Kim Dong-Joo

  199. Amazed_ right!! but I believe YEH very love this man..maybe YEH has principle that thing feels in heart will feels long time..not need many people know..but I believe too we are all in here and what doing in here because we are love this couple..So lets Cheer YEH that married is not bad news but good news..if true fans would not leave you because true fans receive you with all condition, right??hee

      • let me help oppa endorse these e+e bracelets, hehehe!

        each of these bracelets are handmade and uniquely made. no two bracelets are the same, so order one now!

        dredz, i wonder if e+e get orders from customers that say ‘they want the bracelet/s that is the same as oppa’s bracelets! lol!

  200. here’s an excerpt from the sharing of kjh malaysia operator re: jihwan’s fan meet in tokyo! i find this interesting.

    “MC: What are your three targets/ goals? What do you want?
    KJH: 1. bidet. He wants to fix bidets for his home toilets. ”

    ??? for the new house, i think! otherwise if it is for the condo unit with the han river view, the toilets might have bidets already!!!

    • dredz, i am thinking of watching it once all the episodes are already done. i really hate the waiting. it looks like the monster-in-law story. it really seems very funny!

    • Yes indeed very obvious both were comfortable being so closely together! Apparently a manifestation of two lovers who would always wanted to be near to each other! so nice to see that picture again, amazed, thanks for posting!^___^

  201. look at this picture, don’t you think their blazers have the same texture and the same style? they came to busan not together but with same black outfit with matching boots. coincidence? nahhhh! oct 5 oppa has to go back home because the miss is sick. the miss is alone in the house so he has to be there! after this, there was a rift between oppa and splus!

  202. Hello chingus! I’ve always thought the first ever KJH-ssi laid eyes on YEH-ssi and started to notice her was during the 44th Baeksang Awards Night! and who wouldnt be fallen for her that night! She was so stunningly beautiful! And what’s really amazed me on this video, was seeing both seated on the same raw and just a few chairs apart! Apparently, that very moment, their fate had already begun and true enough from then on, every detailed talks about them had started to spread out and eventually we had already unveiled various tangibles and intangibles evidences from our beautiful couple showing proofs that there’s truth to it! But even though no confirmation yet my belief still remains the same, wuri OTP is indeed so much together!!! Have faith, Hwaiting!!!♥

    Here’s the video of 44th Baeksang Awards

    45th Baeksang Awards as presentors

  203. In addition to that, if you would notice the guy next to YEH seated between her and KJH were their “common friend”! Ive been thinking also maybe after the awards night both were introduced by their common friend! hehe just a thought and i might be also right.^___^

    • i agree dredz, it could be 2008 that they get together! Baidu has so many pictures of that 44th baeksang ( year is 2008, 3 years before ltm), & kjh is always looking at yeh’s direction!

      love the 45th baeksang where they are presentors! the first time i saw that video after watching lie to me and have not seen or heard anything , aaaaahhh i was beside myself! at first i thought it was 2011, their looks and hairdo the same as in ltm, thanks for posting. there’s no denying they have something even back then!

      • Hahaha, yes indeed, remember the vid of kjh singing “Cant take my eyes off you” lol as if he was mesmerized by her charm! Hmmm, I wonder maybe why it was one of the songs he sang in his concert! hehe..Speaking of which, would like to post it, here’s the link you were referring to, amazed^___^


        Amazing isnt it, amazed! lol i myself was also surprised to see that they were just a few seats apart at the 44th Baeksang! And how would you explain such if not indeed their FATE brings them together!^___^ Shippy me now thinking unless the organizers of Baeksang were responsible for assigning their seats, i would like to think maybe KJH requested to be seated next to YEH ssi or wasnt it their destiny after all to meet at the right time at the right place! Eileen, where are you??? care to join me chingu? eeeeeekkkks! lol!^___^

        Amazed, only means both didnt age at all! guess that’s the magic of being in love! Fighting!^____^

      • Thanks, for your shairing this link. I feel excited. He looked at her all the time . He must like her . I just saw these pictures.

        ♥♥♥^___^ HWANHYE FOREVER

      • wo wo wohhhh, thanks dredz for posting that link from baidu! question for you, would you know what year kjh was ban by his first agency? is it 2009 maybe or 2008? hahaha could it be that his first agency wants him to forget about his love??? awwwww! maybe the first agency knows that oppa was seriously in love that time! sorry guys, your wish is not his command! yay!

    • dredz, the baidu link really confirms that KJH already had his eye on YEH. HE IS ALWAYS LOOKING AT HER! eeeeeks! this is the first time I have seen this. I love how Baidu uses the arrows to show where KJH is looking. hehehe! thank you!

      • I love the baidu people!
        Do you all see at the end of the picture most of actors are leaving from the stage .WAIT! All except ONE! Our boy KJH does not know what to do.I love how he goes back and forth.He can not decide if he should follow the rest OR stay there and try to find a way to get our girl’s attention YHE.!!!
        Thank you girls for posting it!
        You made my day again.

  204. Happy birthday..Yoon Eun Hye..its beautiful day..God bless U..according to U whats special gift in life?I think the best gift is love from the God,family and someone who beside a long time until The end..right????

    • Hello dar! nice to hear from you again! Chon, dar, have you ever wonder what would be KJH’s gift to her “love of his life!”^____^ Your guess is as good as mine, chingus! The reason why YEH ssi looks so blooming and adorable! Hwanhye couple forever!!!♥^____^

      • Ekkks, cant help to wonder, chingus, have you also thought how would our OTP would celebrate this very special day of YEH??? could it be another fireworks to blast??? lol! OTP would you care to share with us how would you celebrate YEH’s bday? or KJH we know you are cooking up something especially for YEH as a surprise bash!!! LOL! LOL!fighting!^___^

      • dredz, knowing kjh, he’s such a sweet guy. i believe it would be another unforgettable birthday for yeh! hwaiting forever and ever!

    • hi dar! is that the birthday wish of yeh! i think she got it already about 5 years ago, hehehe! eun hye, i bet your birthday would be doubly happy if we hwanhye fans share the joy of knowing your special one, agree? we are grateful for oppa for giving us some clues every now and then!

  205. Hi Chon! yeah, its YEH’s birthday today, Oct 3rd! Would like to post the fan art Pechumori has created for her! thanks pechumori for sharing!^___^

    HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, YOON EUN HYE SSI!!!! More birthdays and blessings to come! HwanHye shippers would always be here ever ready to support you most especially you and KJH ssi! Hwaiting!!!♥♥♥

    • I also would like to share the caption of Pechumori’s beautiful Fan art!

      So true!^___^

      “They say a kiss on the forehead means care and affection.”

    • hi dredz, that fan art of pechumori already got 1,200 plus likes when i first look at it! just wonder why the korean tv stations and movie producers don’t think of putting them on another project! sometimes, i think they don’t want to earn moneyyyyyy! they don’t want to put real couple on screen, kind of weird! is being in love a sin?

      • haha amazed, nope, being in love is not a sin but once the netizens learned about the secret of our OTP, that would definitely be a sin that would create a extreme violent reactions! lol! seriously, yeah kinda weird but if that would save otp’s relationship then by all mean! Fighting!^___^

  206. new tweet from KJH “Transformers fall of man!thank you so much for sending a gift too” what means??it is means YEH’s fans also sending gift to KJH in YEH’s Birtday today..wowww..what do you think???

    • the problem is we don’t know if the translation is correct. if i was going to analyze this message, i would have to say that it can be a gift for someone else like YEH. the “too” kind of makes me wonder. hehehe!

  207. Hi dar,

    Have you noticed the new profile picture of oppa on twitter?

    What do you think of it chingus?
    Im sooo loving it. Is jkh giving us some clue chingus? I do hope so.
    ♥hwanhye fighting♥

    • clues??? yeh is supposed to be wearing a wedding dress in that picture & of course ji hwan is the groom! now that i think about it, you’re right, must be a clue for us, kyaaaaaa…..

      How come incarnation of money movie is not included in the profile picture? just asking….

  208. @alpha
    of course..I know the new picture profile account of KJH on twitter because Im follow his twitter..Im loving too especially Lie To Me picture..

  209. kjh could have twitted and changed his twitter profile yesterday or the other day but he chose 10/03/2013, hehehe, wanna guess why? baidu said it is to remind us of yeh’s birthday today! don’t forget your gifts to her! i just know it, kjh would put something on twitter! i was expecting him to put a big pink heart picture, lol!

    • @alpha storm, dar & amazed, i am surprised that he put a picture of YEH on the collage pix. i remember he was very careful in not putting any pictures of YEH on the tour of his house. he is sooo sly! hehehe!

  210. just like to post some comments i have encountered in dramafever about our favorite OTP… (just read what other comments outside of our HWANHYE shipping ground… funny & interesting)

    elide 1 month, 1 week ago
    They are such great kissers! And I really really loved it judging by the fact I wouldn’t sleep just to continue watching only complaint is that they could have made the ending a lot more better

    Micheal_Nevers 1 month ago
    As I’ve been told elsewhere the writer got sick during the show and was replaced near the end so the last few episodes aren’t as good. Not sure if it’s true, but based on the last 4 or 5 episodes I believe it. They aren’t bad episodes, they’re just not as good. Still, this is an awesome show. I come back to watch it again once every 2 or 3 months.

    iwolfv18 2 weeks, 3 days ago
    Why didn’t I discover this drama sooner? Kang Ji Hwan did an amazing part as Ki Joon and let’s say he was one of the many boy I would consider in a boyfriend of at least look for. Once they looked pasted the fake marriage and started anew, he was one of the sweetest boyfriend out there. I wan’t a boyfriend like him! So jealous here :D, and great drama! I’ve enjoyed every minute of it!

    ajohns1389 1 month ago
    I love this show. I have never seen two Korean actors with better chemistry. And as usual yoon eun hye acting was superb.

    Dushka 1 month, 1 week ago
    I think these actors are the best kissers of all the dramas. Finally some human emotion and passion when people love each other . was very nice to watch .

    XxPigRabbitxX 2 months, 1 week ago
    Amazing drama! Loved it from beginning to end. And this is one of those kdramas where the female lead ACTUALLY KISSES BACK! 😀

    radianti 2 months, 3 weeks ago
    I think this is one of the best drama of Yoon Eun Hye. The chemistry of the main character was loveable. The story line was delightful, and the soundtrack was excellent, very entertaining!!! I’m looking foward for their collaboration. AWESOME

    number2 1 month, 3 weeks ago
    I think so too. Lovely couple. Can’t get over the awesomeness of this drama.

    ScarletHeart 2 months, 3 weeks ago
    I love their acting, they both are very excellent actors!! The show just hit me with different kinds of emotions. I like going back to it.

    number2 1 month, 3 weeks ago
    Their acting is believable. It feels like it is really true, that it happens in their real life the way they portrayed it.

    enjoy reading 🙂 HWANHYE shippers 🙂

    • thanks for posting evelyn! still a lot of people liking ltm and our otp. i think this is truly right ‘he is one of the sweetest boyfriend out there!’. for me ltm is the sweetest and the most romantic drama (tv & movie) that i have seen! you can feel the love to the bones! i never fully watch any korean drama except this one! hwanhye always!

  211. kjh twitted a new picture (riding a motorcycle), 10/05/2013, a lot of nineteen photo collages are included in his twitter picture gallery! Check it out! comments anyone?

    • Amazed,

      Can’t find nineteen’s photos, maybe they were removed from kjh’s galery…can’t give you insight with regards to the curious right now…OMG! too late to check it out.
      Thus the collage has got to do with our otp amazed?

      • oh no, i tried it today but you are right i cannot view the twitter photo gallery anymore! i will post once i figure how to view it again! the last time, i just put kangjihwan_ at the search bar and it gives me an option to view the photo gallery! maybe twitter photo gallery is created by collecting all the photos tweeted by all your followers! it contains a lot of photos from incarnation of money and it was kind of weird because in between those incarnation pictures a photo of our otp from lie to me is inserted, hehehe! i have to search how to create a twitter photo gallery! so many photos of him in all his movies! i have a blast looking at them!

      • @alpha storm , here’s how to view the photo gallery of ji hwan on twitter:
        type kangjihwan_ on the search bar, you will find ‘ people view all’ and directly below it ‘photos view all’. happy viewing!

  212. hello all..Do you see other picture from KJH today (10052013)?? who is in the car??is a woman??right??see in mirror a door car..bottom left corner of the picture..

  213. hello everyone!^^ it’s been a while…since i’ve been here …but i’m always with you my friends..Dredz,amazed,chon..& others..let’s be strong ..HWANHYE ALWAYS & FOREVER..TILL THE END…THE MOST HAPPY END..can’t wait^^..FIGHTING!!….

    • Ya..this picture..I saw a woman wearing black glasses, curly hair(like character Mirae in Marry Him If you dare)and wear a mask, what I saw wrong?

    • @amazed
      look at mirror door which a half open..bottom left..zoom in the picture,please?!so you can see a woman sat in the car who look like taking the picture of KJH.. sorry she was not wear a mask,maybe the white colour because reflection of light the sun or this woman had white(face)skin.

    • what is wrong with these people? why are they making issue with KJH all the time. i hope this will blowover just like the others. it is just ridiculous why they are doing this. whatever it is, KJH! we are all behind you! Evelyn Ng, thanks for the post. I agree with you! HWANHYE FIGHTING!

  214. hello chingus! Choeun just posted their new beautiful office and they have loaded it with lots of KJH’s photos as well as all his pasts dramas and movies. But guys, i have noticed something! Please take a closer look of one shelf with a brown hat on top of it, could you see clearly the two LTM pictures back-to-back! Why shippy me thinking of all his dramas, why only LTM picture was put there?! ^___^

    HwanHye forever!!!♥

    • dredz you have sharp eyes! you are really good! i’m trying to figure out why you say it’s back to back picture and you are very right, both pictures are from ltm! oppa, love you for these clues!

  215. Hello everyone,

    Have you seen the pictures of Choeun company? Here’s the catch…how many pictures from LTM did they display particularly i think it’s KJH’s office? 😉

    Same here amazed, i hope it would be over…fighting!

    • Company CEO sitting on chair…left side.. look at two pictures with YEH in LTM… and two doses of cola placed on the shelf ….^__^…LOVE THIS..FIGHTING!..

      • Hello Hellen! glad hearing from you again, chingu!^___^Yeah, guess his purpose of putting those LTM pictures for him to inspire whenever he would be working in the office! or its actually her who suggested to put it there in purpose to remind him of HER?^___^

  216. @ alpha storm @hellen
    is it this picture? i was kind of feeling frustrated due to absence of noteworthy news from our otp and then came the fb update of choeun! really made my day! credit baidu – they circle the pictures for us & also the bottle of coke & take note as per baidu these pictures are directly in front of oppa when he is sitting on his chair! kyaaaaa…… another clue, yehey! i was about to give up, lol!

  217. also from baidu – choeun fb update, they are talking about the slippers, from ltm? did yeh use the slippers in the drama? hehehe i have to watch ltm again! if it is from ltm, why are the slippers in choeun’s office? who is using the slippers? let me find out!

    • @ amazed
      yeh used those slippers in episode 1…the scene where yeh n yoo so ran were in the playground…yeh wearing adidas blue jacket n jogging pants…that scene is only a flash back…

      Don’t think of giving up chingu 😉
      Fighting till the end ♥

  218. @ alpha storm
    Thanks, I did not notice that, have to watch ltm again! Yeh has an office in choeun? not that I’m surprised!

  219. Chingu. If you are a Face book friend of choeun company , a baidu shipper notice that in the FB there is something that caught their attention which when translated means ‘my man’ in English. Hehehe , my personal opinion is that somebody is maintaining choeun FB not oppa!

      • @ alpha storm, this is what you are going to see the korean characters
        ‘내 남자’ translated ‘my man’. i’m not following choeun on fb, please check for me! thanks… the last word is ‘namja’ in korean, i now could read a little bit of korean character!

  220. I am curious, beside the ltm picture is another picture of oppa with a lady, what is that picture? I enlarged it by still cannot figure it out!

    • I’m not sure if we are looking on the same picture chingu..i think that one is the “coffee house”pic. What im describing is on the blue shelf. Have you noticed the poster above the flat screen tv? What do you think chingu?

      • @amazed
        What i mean to say with regards to the poster above the tv was it’s the same picture on the blue shelf. It’s oppa’s tv series Coffee house… remember after coffee house his next project was LTM.

      • yes, i’m talking about the picture on the blue shelf on the left side of our otp’s picture! i have not seen coffee house, you may be right, the same picture above the flat screen tv.

    • Amazed, if am not mistaken, i think that picture was a confrontation scene of OTP in LTM, where ah-jeung shouted out “yeobo” at world hotel and everyone at the party heard it!^___^

      just like you, chingus, am also overwhelmed upon seeing choeun office!by the look of it, you would immediately notice how LTM pictures and few memorabilia like cola, slippers (though i still have to check it out)you could see in choeun office! Maybe KJH’s request to make it more visible to the eyes of anyone most especially of someone special who would drop by their office!^___^

      Lastly, have you also noticed the “guitar”! how come there is one, does kjh play a guitar? but i know of someone who knows yeh??^___^

      At least, with the recent slow update about them, with this, it gives us a little hope after the “follow/unfollow on twitter”!…still hwaiting!!!♥

  221. OMG! baiduers! hats off for your shippy super sharp eyes! it’s actually the exact slippers at the choeun office! pls do check it out LTM ep1 part 2 at the scene where ah-jeung and so-ran were conversing while sitting on the swing.YEH was wearing the overall blue jacket with hood and exactly the same slippers featured at choeun office!eeeeks!^____^

    • @ dredz why are the slippers in the choeun office? the slippers are under the red table so i have this idea that yeh is using the red table when she is in the office! the red table is also beside the guitar & who plays the guitar? why are those pictures posted on fb? i wish we could read oppa’s mind! kjh could opt to post only the reception area but thanks he posted all his office pictures. oppa, you made ALL hwanhye shippers HAPPY.

      • Amazed, alpha storm, you are absolutely correct, when i watched it again, it was actually the whole scene from the swing till their confrontation where so ran and sunbae told ah-jeung of their relationship.

        Amazed, good question! to think LTM was 3 years ago already and yet why is it still in his possession! the thing is, its not even his but hers! so how come those supposedly slippers who belong to YEH is in choeun office! Is it safe to say, who owns it, must have been very busy working in choeun office as well! So there you go, amazed, all your questions or should we make it already “statements” are absolutely correct!eeeekk!^___^

        And why “cola”? hehe, would like also to believe their “cola kiss” is still on top of his list as being the best and most unforgettable “kiss” ever for KJH ssi or even to YEH ssi!lol! Hwaiting!^^

      • I watched that episode with the slippers & I was surprised that you all remember every ltm detail haha. That was just a passing scene!

  222. So happy with the new developments. I can’t contain my joy seeing those evidences. Chinggus, I am just here silently wishing and praying that they are really a couple. Eeeekkkk!

    • Hi Tinggay!thanks for dropping by! Happy to hear your same wish like all of us! Its definitely a brand new day to all HH shippers!OTP fighting!^____^

  223. Would like to mention all your names, HH SHIPPERS, but i might be able to miss anyone, thus you know who you are, chingus! I believe we have something to celebrate!

    Thanks very much KJH ssi, for always trying to giveaway tiny bits of clues for us! Guys together lets all do the happy dance now!^___^ ^___^

    With all my heart, i believe this ship is getting nearer to the port!Fighting!^___^

  224. Hi Mz.K, so you too, would like to join us in celebrating!^___^ thanks a lot for the LTM BANNER! love it always when you do..keep it coming, pls!thanks Mz.K!♥

  225. It looks to me that the red table with slippers under it is a separate room from one with the blue shelf, how many rooms are there? Tables of their staff are not shown!

    • Now that you asked about the rooms, i also got curious hehe..actually, i couldnt figure it out also the actual layout of their office. lol Or maybe just enough for his staff to move around.^___^

    • can i just say, to those who believe no explanation is needed; to those who don’t believe no amount of explanation is possible!

      kjh is so smart in naming his company, choeun. for one thing, this name could mean a lot of thing! this name won’t be obvious to korean netizens since in korea for married women you keep your maiden name, you don’t use your husband’s last name. i don’t think they would connect this name to the miss, smart choice, oppa! just like the comments in the above link, they keep denying what i think is obvious only to us hwanhye shippers, lol…

    • lj, amazed, hats off to both of you! How did you both find out this new forum? lj, thanks for your effort to share our HH playground to others, indeed, you are a HH shipper by heart!♥^___^

      Thanks by the way Mz.K for creating this new forum exclusively for KJH ssi!
      And also for sharing once again your thoughts about HwanHye, particularly on twitter incident, which made you believe that they are dating, certainly uplifts HH shippers’ spirit. Agree with you, whether they end up together or not, yet remains to be seen, but in our hearts too, they are the best couple ever we love much and wish them both only the best. Fighting!^___^

      • dredz i thought everyone knows about the akp thread of kjh! hahaha i check it every now and then. the last one that ms k posted is about kjh’s movie, shoot the sun and his establishing his own company choeun and ms k said cho for kjh’s last name and ‘eun’ for gratitude! i did not post it because i don’t like the interpretation of ‘eun’ hahaha! one of the comments on that forun is ‘ i thought eun is for yoon eun hye’ ! hwanhye shippers have our own interpretation! kyaaaaa…

  226. Hi to all! Sorry to just jump in.But my dream came true.Where I was living ?Under a rock?I was reading some posts in various you tube clips about My Fave Kang Ji Hwan-respect him so much for his talent and personality- and my cute,talented ,sweet Yoon HE but never paid any attention .It was so wonderful to believe it.And Today …BOOM I read this article from koala about his twitter and I thought I would have a mini heart attack.You can imagine now .The last 6 hours I am reading and searching and re-watching their videos paying attention in details .Sorry again but I was so thrilled with my discovery(after many years).Back to lurking now.

    • hi marthoula, welcome to the playground. Thank you for jumping in! Yehey, another shipper added to the hwanhye playground. Please delurk once every now and then.

      in our old playground which crashed, we have several discussions on the twitter following of kjh. I’m assuming you never been to our old playground. You must have gotten here thru lj post! Thanks lj. the more the merrier!
      We have so much evidences in our old playground, too bad if you missed that!

      • Eillen
        You are so lucky !!!!!
        You saw him!! and you spoke to him!.
        Next time he has to come to East coast.Yup,NY is waiting for him.

      • Marthoula, I hope that you will have the right state of mind to finally ask him if he is with YEH. i really wished I asked him that. i was starstruck and couldn’t ask him anything when i was there. thank you! i hope you get to see him, too! he is really nice, very handsome and smells good! <3

  227. why is it that i think the reason why oppa followed yeh on twitter is to give us hwanhye shippers some clues and some hope, maybe? lol! there’s no reason/need for him to do that! for one thing, yeh seldom tweets and even if she does, kjh would be able to see it even without following her! He is always thinking and on the look out for his fans. Remember the thailand/japan trip? As rainqueen said, kjh doesn’t have to tweet that he is in thailand! only us hwanhye shippers will make something out of it because we know somebody will be in thailand too! for the newbies, if you can’t follow this & have not read/know about what i’m saying, let us know, we will fill you in!

  228. @ Amazed
    Thank you for your welcome post.I got the Kdrama addiction 2 years ago.I loved YHE from the beginning but for KJH I am ready to leave my hubby LOL.Koala’s yesterday post with the twitter incident sent me to heaven.And from yesterday starts my Marathon finding old posts,clips,videos,e.t.c you get the idea.I slept 4 in the morning-good thing tomorrow is Columbus day and kids do not have school-.I read all your comments.I saw Eillen’s pics,I saw all the evidences and right now I am typing and I am trembling from excitement.
    Ladies most of us are adults and I have to say one thing :Yes ,we need proofs but tell me as adults we know very well the body language and that language never lies.When you see the bts clips we know those two are too comfortable to be just friends or just co-stars.I was watching YHE’s body even when she is away from him her body leans towards him,when they are discussing the ice-cream song on the living room and KJH tries to learn the tune or somthng like this they do not even need to look at each other.their minds work as one -I do that w/h my hubby-.I remember now when a first saw the wrap up party I found their reaction unusual and YHE looked as the sweet good wife next to her husband.I could not see there my gorgeous actress with the confidence in her eyes.Do not take wrong what I say.I want to emphasize the love in her eyes.As most of us do when we are with our significant one we step a little back but next to him.
    When I learned for her new drama with LDGun I was so happy and hopping for smtg more because Lee dong Gun looks as a good guy but now that My Kang Ji Hwan is in the picture is a big NO-No for me.I wish for LDG the best though.A big Question .According to your posts and what I see in clips they are one item from before.Any suggestion when is that before?
    Sorry again for the big response.Haha,I try to recover the time I lost wandering here and there.Also,ladies thank you you’re very welcome with us the newbies.It is a good thing that you repost the evidences and your thoughts.That way the new ones can catch with all of you.

    • Welcome to our HH playground, marthoula! you certainly surprised me with how much you well-known our OTP and very much updated! Indeed, you are one of us! you should have posted a long time ago^___^

      No need to apologize, after reading your post, you even made me remember when i was just a newbie like you a year ago and how time flies..And i couldnt agree with you more, yes indeed, most especially at the WUP, their actions were manifestation of two individuals attracted to each other hence, shyness and awkwardness were very obvious!But do you believe, at this time, they have finally tie the knot?? fighting^___^

      Amazing then and now, everyone had exactly the same HwanHye Fever, i myself did back reading before i finally decided to voice out my admiration for them thus its no surprised anymore if you also have the same craze about our OTP! Do hope you would let your presence be felt more often, marthloula^___^

  229. i have already posted this to the old forum, but for the sake of the newbies am going to post it again, i happen to encounter a true blue fan of KJH who happens to be a korean student living in the big APPLE so she generously interpreted the LTM Wrap Up Party… hope you would all enjoy this.. they say ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS!! true indeed for our favorite OTP..

    (Part A) At 2:12, the MC wants the guy standing next to YEH to say something. Then at 2:13, KJH turns to him and says “ma-ru-ri-ka-hae”, which means “say something with a nice, sweet ending”. The the MC says at 2:14, “say something short”. Then at 2:15, the girl standing next to KHJ says to the guy standing next to YEH, “Oh-pa, ma-ru-ri-ka-hae”, which means, “big brother, say something with a nice, sweet ending.” Then at 2:17, the guy with the glasses says, “I’m just going to say one thing
    (Part B)… everyone…” and then you see YEH and KJH looking down at the cake at the same time. Then at 2:19, a man’s voice from the audience shouts out, “Bom-jo-ta. Bom-jo-ta”, which means “Spring is great. Spring is great”. Then YEH looks over at KJH and KJH looks up. Then at 2:22, the guy next to YEH puts his hand over his mouth and says to the audience “Everyone knows what he’s talking about, right? Then you hear from the audience at 2:24, “we don’t know”. But the way they said…
    (Part C) ….we don’t know is the audience making a joke that they don’t know but they REALLY do know what’s going on. Spring is about blooming flowers and everything grows again so they’re saying Spring is beautiful and love is beautiful and YEH and KJH really like each other. Anyway, at 2:25 KJH says something to the guy next to YEH that makes YEH laugh and she turns toward KJH. I can’t quite figure out what the front part of what KJH said because the audience was too loud. KJH says … something in the front part of his message and then the last part, he says, “why didn’t you do that?”. He says, “XXX ha-shi-gi” as he’s pointing towards the audience with his knife. Then YEH laughs at that. Then at 2:25, the guy next to YEH says to KJH, “Sha-jin chi-gul-cha-na”, which means, “the picture was taken.” I just can’t figure out what KHJ says for him to say the picture was taken.
    (Part D) Also, there’s a misconception about KHJ cutting the cake at the end. Some of the post here said he didn’t put his knife into the cake to cut it because KJH had put his knife in his mouth and he didn’t want to get his germs in the cake. That’s wrong. Someone said in the beginning, NOT to cut into the cake. Just pretend to cut it. KJH remembered that and he didn’t cut the cake. I’ll have to find that part later when I have more time.

    • another part of the interpretation, whichever you prefer, but for me i really like reading all of them, so i hope to share a little bit of it.. i hope true blue HWANHYE shippers, would really enjoy all of these… 🙂

      (Part 1) Koreans are naturally shy in public. It’s considered poor taste and having taught bad manners by your parents if you display outwardly romantic affection in public. YEH is also very shy, but she seems extremely nervous at the wrap party. It’s clear that she likes KJH. If you look at the Coffee Prince wrap party video posted on YouTube, she is much more relaxed and having fun. Here she’s so nervous. KJH has also gotten shyer as he got older.
      (Part 2) KJH has said in one of the Lie To Me interview that when he used to be younger, he would tell women that he liked them. He used to be more proactive. Now that he’s gotten older, he doesn’t tell women that he likes them. He says he just suffers in silence. It seems to me that at this wrap party, he is going out of his way to be shy and cautious. If you look at the Lie To Me BTS (behind the scene), he is joking around and being very comfortable around YEH.
      (Part 3) At this wrap party, he is different around her. It seems to me that they haven’t gotten together yet at this wrap party. If you read YEH’s twitter, she said they stopped filming the very last scene at 7am in the morning. The last scene was the one where KJH brought ice cream for everyone to celebrate YEH getting her job back and it’s her first day back at work. That’s the last scene they filmed, not the kissing by the ocean scene
      (Part 4) So, when they had this wrap party, they still haven’t gotten together, but they totally liked each other and other people saw it, especially the guy standing next to YEH and the girl standing next to KJH. Remember all four of those people went to Jejudo Island for 4 days, 3 nights to shoot the island scenes. So I suspect the guy next to YEH and the girl next to KJH knows more than others what has happened with YEH and KJH.

      • You act fast, evelyn,^___^we were just discussing about WUP, and you re=posted the eng trans. thanks!

  230. Evelyn ng thank you for your insightful post.Now I will watch again this wrap up video.I would thing the same that they get closer during LtM filming,but the 2009 Baeksang Award ceremony shows a heavy flirtation between them.Also,I saw a clip in this forum where YHE is in the audience in one of KJH fan meeting in Japan before LTM in 2011 ,I try to put all in a time order and try guessing when everything start,bc they look very comfortable with each other in bts from LTM.I have a lot to do to deipher moves from our fave couple.

    • I think LTM became their playground, a safe playground where they could be themselves & no one’s going to think that they have something because others might think that it’s just a series they’re playing. But they could not escape HWANHYE shipper’s thorough instincts & insights…
      I have seen another series outside of LTM of course but I kept coming back & seeing it all over again. Just like the series MASTER SUN, I must say I like the story but I cannot find the chemistry between the actors, it’s a good thing that the storyline is good. No one’s going to match the chemistry I’ve seen with our OTP.
      Tonight, I’m watching it again. I can’t help but gasp & silently told myself, that they really look good together, especially when they walk while holding hands at the episode 16.

  231. @ marthoula

    our otp’s relationship might have started maybe in 2008 after the 2008 baeksang, read dredz posts a few page down but for sure we have evidences they have something going on in 2009 evidence is the 2009 baeksang and both of them attending a wedding of a common friend in may 2009 and yeh is motioning with her finger for somebody to come and join the picture taking . And who is she calling??? kjh, who is late for the photo session! I think you could hear them calling kjh name! Oh, i hope you read our posts regarding this in our old playground! newbies, do you know about this?

  232. Hi all,
    I did not see the wedding clip.I will find it now .Thank you for mention it.Did you have a timeline too in the old post?Ladies ,you ‘re really good.

  233. Dredz,
    Thank you for your welcome.Before I read so fast Amazed’s post and I was in a rush to find the wedding video,I almost overpass your very warm welcome.To be honest I am so happy with our OTP and my discovery is so fresh -only this weekend I found it out-That my mind can not think straight and go even further.In our ship ,shippers believe our OTP heard already the wedding bells? WHERE I ‘ve been all this time?

  234. Hi marthoula the wedding video was posted by Eileen before maybe dredz can post it, dredz please! You are a true blooded hwanhye shipper, how come you don’t know these things, hahaha! Just kidding, we will be happy to fill you in!

  235. Ive been checking YEH’s twitter and found out that even after LTM she still watched their LTM BTS on youtube. Please see below dated July 17/11, but when i checked it, the video was already blocked.(If you would like to check it yourself, pls copy/paste the URL^__^)

    Maybe if she misses her “obba”, she would attempt to re-watch it! I remember before she was also caught to watch their “cola kiss” video but only for a few seconds!

    YoonEunHye♥윤은혜 ‏@1003GraceENG 17 Jul 11 🙂

    Here’s her tweet when LTM was sold to 8 countries!

    YoonEunHye♥윤은혜 ‏@1003GraceENG 28 Jun 11
    ”Lie to Me” Drama was sold to 8 countries! Ji Hwan & I are really speechless, thank you to all! 🙂 <3

    Guys, what do you think of this tweet of YEH!

    YoonEunHye♥윤은혜 ‏@1003GraceENG 28 Jun 11
    Can you feel the Heartbeat?! <3

    She had been checking LTM FB!

    YoonEunHye♥윤은혜 ‏@1003GraceENG 30 Apr 11!/pages/-Lie-to-Me-K-Drama/117161481699576?sk=info

    Obviously she was looking forward to shoot LTM!^___^

    YoonEunHye♥윤은혜 ‏@1003GraceENG 9 Apr 11
    I'm gonna start to shoot a new KDrama with Kang Ji Hwan, named ,, Lie to Me! ''
    😉 🙂

  236. Hi ladies,
    I have to leave my work on the side to study all the evidences.(I love this task-give me more-).
    About the video from the friend’s wedding-I am so bad with names- how are we sure YHE and MIN KI mentioned to Kang Ji Hwan? I checked the video so many times,with and with out my contact lenses and I did not see him anywhere.I even checked in you tube all videos and pics from this guy’s wedding to find KJH somewhere but again I did not find any.Maybe I missed smthg.
    Also,I see YHE in IMY and now in MHIYD wears a small ring in her thump .Does not seem an expensive ring but it seems as a ring with sentimental value to her-she always has it on-.I try to check all KJH ‘s old photos to see if he used to wear it.I know maybe I am crazy,but both of them look so humble and nice people minus their talent that it would be a match made in heaven,like a fairytale.

    • Marthoula kjh was not in the picture/s at all. Yeh was motioning for him to come over but he did not join them. There was a separate video of him getting off his car to attend the wedding ceremony. I bet you are having fun with all the evidences just like me last year when I discovered the playground.

      Dredz thanks for reposting.

      • Amazed, that really got me curious too, would appreciate if you could post that video you were referring to as i have not seen it yet either.^___^

      • Which video dredz, the one where he was getting off the car to attend their common friend’s wedding? Have to look for it, I don’t think I copied the link!

      • Eileen, it’s only kjh who is not in the group during the picture taking and also I think yeh and lee min ki is calling out to him, I read somebody said that you could hear kjh’s name being called! Also, yeh is calling him out with her one finger, I don’t think you would gesture like that if that person is not that closed to you!

  237. Amazed
    this video with him I was looking to find.Looking Min Ki ‘s reaction I see that our OTP is the” best kept secret” in the industry.
    Yup I have fun and all that Thanks to all of you girls.

    • marthoula, my pleasure, glad to know you’re having a blast! will try to post more if i can.

      Haha, i know right, lol. Yes maybe, its kinda weird being crazy gaga over them but cant deny also that this absolutely gives us an ultimate joy! Agree with you, marthoula, theirs is indeed “a match made in heaven!” hehe, in fact i even made a fan art for them exactly the same message^___^

      Certainly, if i must say this, all the “identical rings” were one of the most substantial proofs if not the most we had uncovered so far, why? am sure you would agree when i say, there’s no such thing as two individuals would wear “wedding bonds” if not for the reason of “matrimonial sanctity” or a “commitment” for that matter.^___^

      Its possible also that if they are only friends, we might had seen them with the same accessories which they call it a “friendship bond” but with those silver, gold, just to name a few, identical rings we’ve seen them wearing, if those were not “wedding bonds”, what do we call it then???

      Guys, as we all know in sokor, its their practice even if a couple already got married, its not necessary for them to “REGISTER THEIR MARRIAGE” right after, which for me its kinda unusual..hehe..Having said that, i was thinking then what if HwanHye got married already hence we’ve seen them wearing such but not YET registered! haha just a wild guess but its also possible, right?^___^

      HwanHye fighting!!!

      • Dredz, exactly my thoughts! we shippers think exactly the same way! By the way, that other twitter account of yeh, @1003graceeng, I have a feeling that it is not yeh’s account since the English on that twitter is very good! When I discovered it first then, I was in high heavens but later I don’t think yeh would tweet that way! Only oppa would give clues like that! I hope I am wrong!

      • Amazed, i know right, lol, seriously, i think you’ve got it right about the twitter acct of YEH where i copied my above post, the acct includes ENG in her twitter, guess it means its written in english. But i thought i just opened it through google translate that’s why it was translated in english. But to think, its well translated so it might also be possible. Because when i checked her other acct aka house company acct, its korean, and where almost all of her tweets where in this acct, which brought me back to think again maybe why of the two accts, it was this e+e twitter acct did KJH follow.^___^

    • Marthoula, best kept secret indeed! I don’t think other people have any idea about them, they are so discreet! Only hwanhye shippers know! Our otp’s fans who shipped them with others just can’t take our evidences & are on denial!


    Grateful! Kang Ji Hwan ssi has been finally vindicated! must have been a big relief on his part to hear such great news! thumbs up!^___^


    translated by: KJH PHILIPPINE OPERATOR 2013-10-15

    The conflict between actor, Kang Ji Hwan and his former agency has been resolved amicably.

    An official of Kang Ji Hwan’s agency told My Daily today, Oct. 15, 2013 that the sanction imposed by the ethics committee of the Korea Entertainment Management Association (KEMA) has been lifted. This was the result of the dispute resolution between Kang Ji Hwan and his former agency, SPlus.

    The official said that the lifting of the ban would lead to Kang Ji Hwan having more activities from now on. “I’m looking forward to it”, he said.

    In October of last year, Kang Ji Hwan, had a conflict with his former agency, Splus regarding his contract and other issues surrounding the conflict. Splus filed an injunction to stop Kang Ji Hwan’s activities.


  239. Rewind, you know that twitter of kjh riding his motorcycle & somebody in a car taking his pictures? I suddenly have this thought that oppa picked up yeh from her tv drama shooting, he in motorcycle and she in the car! Maybe just maybe with the way oppa is looking at the person in the car! The hand of the person taking the picture is big and my first thought is it couldn’t be a woman’s hand and it dawns on me that images are magnified by rear view mirrors! Possible?

  240. @marthoula

    about you mentioned “the perfect kiss scene”, yes indeed! very well said, marthoula! Still grateful with those kind of comments about wuri OTP, shippy me thinks this ship still afloat and would certainly reach its port! aja, fighting! Hwaiting!♥^___^

  241. Have you seen this baidu link, guys? kindly click the video featured where KJH on three or four different BTS scenes in LTM, did he call her, “Hye-ah”, which as we have learned for koreans, it means a more intimate way of calling a special someone! eeeekk! lol, aww, miss you, eileen!♥

    • i think he called her hye-ah (camera phone bts) and eun-ah (balcony scene) on two different bts. i will re-watch it again to find out if i am correct.

    • he said, “eun hye-ah” on 00:29 and also on 02:15. eeeeks! adding an “ah” to their name is a true sign of endearment for them. eeeeks!

      • Indeed, eileen! the last scene in jeju was a bit surprised for me when i first saw that BTS, and have you not noticed how KJH called out YEH’s endearing names, very sweet, isnt it? OTP!lol ^___^

        Btw, so you heard both “eun hye-ah!” haha, i think i too must watch it again hehe..thanks, chingu!^__^

  242. Dredz,
    Amazed ,
    and all ladies-sorry if i did not mention your name-,
    It is a “blast”-you ‘re right-what i experience since last week because all of you.
    I can not post because I am very busy with my job right now,but be sure I read all your posts every time I find a free minute.
    Please, continue to give us feedback.
    Happy for KJH.IMO he is one of the best actors in Korea.I can not understand why we dont see him more often.Even before his disagreement w/h his previous agency his appearances in dramas or movies were not so often .

    • marthoula, its okay, just drop by whenever you can^___^

      Btw, chingus, dunno if you have seen this link from baidu, as always, hats off to them! since recently we’ve been talking about OTP’s love affair, i just saw this and made me smile. Though i got confused with their eng trans, they mentioned here that YEH won a best actress award for LTM (what year was this?) we havent heard of any news about YEH’s winning for LTM. And how come we didnt able to watch this significant event for HwanHye!

      Anyway, here’s the excerpt, which am sure you cant wait to know! I wonder if the hosts and k-stars in the audience knew anything about OTP:^___^

      (Best Actress nomination: MBC “Best Love” Kong Hyo Jin,
      SBS “try to lie to me,” Yoon Eun Hye,
      MBC “My Princess” Kim Tae Hee,
      KBS “Princess Man” Wen Cai Yuan)
      Ryu Seung repair: The following announced the final answer!
      Hong Xiuxian: the winner is ……
      Liu & Hung: “try to lie to me.” Ny. Congratulations, Ya Ting! Congratulations Ny!
      (Announced results Verge, to Huan conceal their excitement, reflex-like grace of up to applaud, cheer. Favors to hand hide his face, and cried, simply tidied dress, rushed to the front of the stage, took the Ryu Seung repair and Hong Xiuxian awarded trophies and bouquets)
      Ny: Thank you Betty, thank you seniors! You no recent quarrel, flies okay?
      (Audience burst into laughter. Grace smiled too, facing the audience bowed low)
      Ny: The show got a lot of overseas fans favorite, I think this is the key to winning today, through this this platform to express my gratitude! In the “lying” during filming, production center has been the director and the whole crew of great assistance given by the proprietor, made ​​me feel very warm, but also gain a lot, thank you! In the future, I will continue to work hard, sophisticated acting, to show to you a more excellent Ny!
      Ryu Seung repair: Wait a minute! So? No other people to thank for it?
      (Grace looked at him, puzzled, and then look to Hong Xiuxian help)
      Hong Xiuxian: for example, what partner ah!
      (Grace heart began rattling deer)
      Ny: Oh ~ ~ ~ warm and fresh Mr. Jiang Zhihuan, thank you “try to lie to me,” this drama to be my partner, because of your acting skills , will make this drama so out of color, and won everyone’s favorite. You are the best actor in my mind, thank you very much!
      (Then, favors already flushed with shame, even with everyone finally bowed are too busy to leave hastily, while the audience to Huan already wreathed in smiles, and the side of Lee Sun were whispering) (Midfielder, 2PM , BigBang, Lee Hyori, T-ara help speech as guests, stage performances)

      But wait, there’s more!!

      At the bottom page, baiduers posted pictures of them from 2008 till LTM days, as if the summary of OTP’s love affair! PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF THE “DATES”: If you could also read and understand their post, i believe its also interesting!^___^

      @Amazed, one of the pictures was when they attended the wedding of their common friend, and so we just have to find the video of KJH with that picture as our guide!^___^

      • Dredz, I thought that YEH won the best actress award at the 44th Baeksang Awards for Coffee Prince. The translation is too hard to understand. Thanks for sharing!

      • Welcome back eileen!!! missed you here chingu!♥ yeah you missed a lot and thanks for all your reply!^___^

        @Amazed, eileen

        About the awards night, yeah i know, i myself was also surprised to see this link for the first time more so for YEH’s winning for LTM as best actress, if ever, it must be last year. As far as i can remember, we havent heard of any award that YEH had won for LTM. After i read it, i immediately searched on youtube but to no avail. But I will still continue to search for it, I really wanna see the video and hear it myself the conversation as mentioned above!^___^

        Eileen, i know its really hard to understand hehe but what caught my attention was when the hosts told YEH if she forgot to thank someone, and who else could that be but her oppa and she said, “Blah..blah.. You are the best actor in my mind, thank you very much!

        Afterwhich, as i understand it, everyone including KJH had reacted positively to her comment(pls re-read open/close parenthesis above^___^

  243. Sorry guys, been busy lurking..hehe..I found another link from baidu! Was surprised to know that there were few scenes which the directors decided not to air, shippy me wonders what could it be their reasons of not airing it, for me it seemed those were interesting scenes!

    Please watch the second video, the BTS “declaration of love”^__^

  244. more evidence in this video…
    1:46 the director whispered to YEH and then looked at the direction of KJH. as if, he is telling her that her love is here. eeeks

    1:57 girl whispered something to YEH and she reacted like a school girl meetin her crush. eeeks!

    2:10 their hug in this one is very unusual in korean culture. when they hug they usually hug without the lower hips touching. here, you can see their bodies are really close together.

    4:18 he was about to hold her hand but the director moved in at 4:20 and seemed to warn him that they were being filmed.

    4:40 he looked at the one who is filming.

    seriously, i think they are so close in this video already that he will automatically hold her hand after they see each other. eeeks! i think i missed some of the details but this video is very telling. enjoy!

    • Aawww, one of my favorite videos! There is another longer version where you can see kjh arriving @ the scene to me it means he is not part of the shoot! If you notice the clock it says 5:46 , early in the morning! If you know the translation as per baidu this would be one of your favorites too! Most likely yeh doesn’t know that kjh would be coming to see her. Yeh has a 7 am flight and kjh keeps reminding her not to be late for the flight! Yeh is supposed to be gone but she showed up again outside the airport pretending to be a fan and asking kjh for his autograph! They are about to hold hands but the director came and cut them off. This is the director’s attempt to hide from the camera that they are holding hands. The director and staff are protecting our otp from prying eyes although they all know the real score. I don’t know why kjh is in there maybe just to see yeh before her flight and take note he has to get up early just to catch her! That’s my man! I posted this in the old playground but let us all be thrilled once again!

    • Eileen, thanks so much for re-posting those videos! Missed them again after watching it!^___^

      Haha, eileen, absolutely, “JiHye couple”, those staff members, directors and their personal assistants had witnessed everything they had to know about OTP but kept their silence!If not, why would they have thought of such name for OTP if they have not known something was going on between HwanHye during the shoots!eeeekk!^___^

  245. Guys, I saw this on kjh FB, kjh was awarded 5 million won against splus , the assaulting incident. Good for oppa. He is richer by 5 million!
    I was about to say that he could use this money for his house decoration, but now no more mention of his ji hwan park! He oops they must be living on the new house already since he mentioned about installing a bidet for his house. Oppa fighting!

    • I can not see the video.It stops every other second.Grrr my luck!
      But Thank you Evelyn for your post.They have the perfect timing in their movements.It like they done it 1 million times before…;-)

  246. this is another one for the newbies. i really thought that this video is really cute. from 07:01 to 07:50, YEH was looking for a tie and she would kid around with KJH about him being too handsome. Then, KJH says, “You always say that.” KJH is constantly fanning her with a manual fan and a small electric fan. I think that is so cute of him because he is taking care of his woman. eeeeks!

    • i forgot to add that KJH is kidding around with YEH on 09:05 because he chuckled a little bit. I really love it when the tease each other. It is a sign of how comfortabel they are with each other. eeeeks!

      • Eileen, one of our fave vids! i wouldnt get tired of watching these two love birds always having a marvelous time being together! How i wish they would squeal their top secret already here in our playground! fighting!

      • Guys, so cute right? more so those two holding the cutie puppies!lol
        I just wanted to twist the head of YEH’s puppy for us to see. lol
        Seriously, i believe so too, though am not so familiar with puppies too!

        Am not so sure also when those pictures were taken as both seemed young looking, you’re right.

  247. I have to admit my knowledge of puppies and dogs and cats are zero,so please feel free to laugh with what I am about to write but we see here two different little puppies or might is the same in different age?
    YHE looks like baby .How old is she there? As for KJH what can I say.Mr.Hoootness on screen.Where were hiding all these hot guys when I was single and young?:)

  248. ji hwan has a new movie which will start filming this december. I posted the news from kjh fb but it is awaiting moderation for so long! I will repost without the 2 email addresses referenced as sources:


    translated by: KJH PHILIPPINE OPERATOR Oct.31, 2013

    Kang Ji Hwan will return to the big screen.

    Today, Oct. 31. 2013. according to the filmmakers, Kino Pictures, Kang Ji Hwan was cast in the role of the main character Jin-woo for the movie “Romancing Game” which will be directed by Han Deok Jeon.

    Kang Ji Hwan will play the role of Jin Woo, the “leave no trace thief”.

    “Romancing Game” is the story of a thief who also knows how to steal a woman’s heart. The movie will be a blend of romance and thrilling action.

    Kang Ji Hwan was the lead for the movies, “Rough Cut”, “My Girlfriend is an Agent” and last year’s “Runway Cop”.

    He is currently filming the movie, “Shoot the Sun”.

    The “Romancing Game” will start shooting this coming December and will be released next year.

    • Happy for you Ji Hwan, it is raining projects for you! You are a good actor that’s why offers are pouring in! After the storm, the sun will surely shine! Fighting! I know you are happy i mean very happy in your life! Whoever is the reason for that happiness, we all stand behind you! A caring boyfriend, a good actor and a nice person, what more can your woman ask for? A house? You have it and more than a house, as you say ‘ji hwan park’. You are a good catch that every woman dreams of! Right, shippers?

    • Obviously, you have been reaping what you saw! Congratulations, Ji Hwan Ssi! break a leg for this new project! well-deserved, indeed! fighting!^___^

  249. Hi to all.
    Every morning I go to Korean gossip sites with one secret hope to see ONE title.BREAKING News KJH and YHE are dating for the last 4-5 years .
    But instead I learn for almost every one else except those two.
    Today’s happy couple is that cute boy from BOF and that girl MGY that I never liked for none reason.
    Let’s pray the next one will be our dreamy couple.
    Happy for KJH’s new project.He deserves to have new projects bcuz Mr. Hooootness knows how to act.

      • Is everyone watching running man? Why jae suk always teasing kim jong kook about yoon eun hye.. And there is episode which the guest star is park shin hye.. And she said yeh is his girlfriend. But they always making joke about jong kook and eun hye.. I just curious are they dating back in the past, because they get close because of X-man variety show… But i believe they only close friend.. But people surrounding them always making joke about them being a couple…
        But jong kook start getting angry about that.. Maybe because of yeh already become someone else lover…
        If you watching running man.. They always joking him about yoon eun hye.. Its really funny

      • They joke because he had an obvious huge crush on YEH and he makes embarrassed and pained faces every time they bring it up.

      • hello secret & js, thanks for refreshing our minds about that news, as i recall, i believe js is correct and YEH had already clarified this issue. In fact, Running man staff was requesting YEH to make a re-visit to the show but YEH declined the invitation.

      • dredz, so yeh declined! she should! i read an article related to that not sure if it is early this year or late last year, the news said yeh is coming back to running man & boy, how i hate it! that only confirms she has a relationship to protect! also, yeh early this year has so much free time, if she wants to return to the show she could have done it! your news made me so happy! i don’t think oppa would like her going back! never heard about that show before!

      • @ Dredz
        Right away ,I knew triple Amen’s destination.
        KJH seems very responsible and I believe when he feels that he can provide the best for his woman with out interrupting with her career then we will hear the sweet sounds of the bells that we are waiting for.
        That’s why I like to come here.I know people here will feel me.This place is the shippers paradise for our favorite couple.

      • dredz hahaha same comments as marthoula, i know right away the comments destination! for us, no need to explain, we are all in sync! hwanhye always.

        mathoula i would start visualizing that i’m hearing that wedding bells everytime that i wake up!

  250. Allow me to quote ms k regarding Ji Hwan’s upcoming movie

    Kang Ji Hwan is one of those male leads who has actually repeated with his
    famous leading ladies often, which is pretty rare in K-ent. He did 90 days in Love with Kim Ha Neul, then 7th Level civil Servant. Similarly he did Hong Gil dong with Sung Yuri and later Runway Cop together. Han Ji Min would be his third repeat leading lady and all that’s left to satisfy is if he does a movie with Yoon Eun Hye soon. That would be like winning the lottery for me.
    End Quote

    Ms. K you made my day! Exactly the shippers wish too, we want him to do a movie with Eun Hye. I hope & pray that the leading lady would be changed!
    Please Lord! Shippers, please pray that too! The more the more chances of this coming true!

    • triple amen! As HH shippers, we only think of one reason about that news, if i may say this on behalf, simply because after LTM, they have become from “reel” to “real” couple hence its not quite possible for them to do another movie together, apparently, to avoid intrigues. Proof of the matter, both have not been talking about each other after LTM, except during KJH’s promotion of LTM in Japan and YEH’s japan FM right after LTM. Not only that, very obvious not even once have you heard both of them mentioned their names as their fave actor/actress,which is quite ironic and very opposite while they were shooting LTM where both full of praises for each other!

      But of course, as amazed said, we all wish to see our OTP once again in another project! or better yet, in real drama of their lives! hwaiting!^____^


    The latest tweet of Kang Ji Hwan via his official twitter @Kangjihwan_ 10/31/13
    translated by Kang Ji Hwan’s Choeun Company:

    “Shoot the Sun” Last day of shooting! We finished shooting at 6 am yesterday and most likely today as well. First “bed scene” again today…it is not easy…
    doesn’t seem to fit me so much! Please wait for my next movie. Be careful of catching a cold in this winter season! .”

    Methinks that he is reporting to somebody that he doesn’t like to do the scene! hahaha. Also he is telling that somebody to take care and be careful of catching the cold! Why? Look at the 3 hearts at the end of the tweet!!! lol . I made up a story, huh! If there are 3 hearts at the end of the tweet it is for his special someone! Now, we know how to read Ji Hwan’s mind!

  252. Hi guys! have you read already latest tweet of KJH? Sounds good to me!hehe, why? It seems for me, he really emphasized the “bed scene” not fit for him to do it, most probably to let someone knows that it’s all for the sake of the movie per se! But here’s the catch, guys! notice the 3 hearts after his message? hmmm, pretty obvious he’s sending a huge love message as an assurance to someone we know very well who! So dont get jealous you know who you are as he’s not even comfortable in doing “it” more so with somebody else! Shippy me thinks what if he was even thinking of you while making the scene! lol, Aww, such a lucky gal, indeed! fighting!

    The latest tweet of Kang Ji Hwan via his official twitter @Kangjihwan_ 10/31/13
    translated by Choeun Company

    “Shoot the Sun” Last day of shooting! We finished shooting at 6 am yesterday and most likely today as well. First “bed scene” again today…it is not easy…doesn’t seem to fit me so much! Please wait for my next movie. Be careful of catching a cold in this winter season!♥♥♥

    • Dredz and Amazed
      you are so right.He wants to send a message to someone.KJH as an experience,professional actor knows that you dont say “does not fit me so much”. You can use different words like was not easy ,e.t.c.
      Definitely he sent a message.

      • i was thinking the twitter message could not be meant for his fans since he added ‘be careful of catching a cold’ and ending it with three hearts! Yahoo! thanks oppa for the clues! Maybe oppa thinks that we don’t read his tweets! Fighting always! Their tweet exchanges after ltm has three hearts always! Ji Hwan maybe is about to let us know soon, what with all his clues! Please oppa if you want you can reveal it only to us hwanhye shippers and no one else would know, promise , we will keep our mouth shut even yeh would not know that you told us, hehehe….

  253. hahahaha..of course, I hope so same with you all in here they can together again in another drama or movie..but I think happier if we all hear news about their marriage,right???hee

      • thanks for reposting dredz! baidu is saying that in yeh’s previous fan meet she was asked also when is she going to get married and yeh said ‘CAN I GET MARRIED’! Same answer as KJH! When Ji Hwan was asked when he is getting married he said ‘CAN I GET MARRIED’! These two are so in sync even in their answers, eeeeeekkkkks! In Incarnation of Money interview Ji Hwan said he will get married before he is 40! In 2014 Ji Hwan would be 38 (in Korea’s age count), well this is still within the range ‘before he is 40’ , hahaha. Well well well there are a few days more left for 2013, they could tie the knot this year also if they want! Only that i think this was done already! They could do a renewal of marriage vows, yay!

      • Really, did YEH say exactly the same? Amazed, i didnt know that, thanks for that vital info! haha, really, how in sync, indeed! And let us not discount also that by 2014, YEH would be turning 30, which she also said from her previous interviews that her ideal age for her to get married is 30, so again dont you think our OTP had made a compromise that these would be their statements once asked in public? If we would analyze everything had been said, it all boils down to them to settle down in a year or two at most!

        At the same time, as we always previously conclude, there’s always a possibility too that both had already tied the knot but had not yet registered their marriage to make it official! lol as we always say, we might also be wrong but we could definitely be on the right track backed up with our evidences! OTP Fighting!^____^

        Thanks, amazed, certainly made my day too!^____^

        Btw, you’re welcome, thanks glad you love the MVs too!I almost melted while watching the vids!♥^____^

      • Dredz
        Ya about that I knew..but..someday.. I want when I connect to internet I read the news from one of site which have headline news on the top for example “KJH and YEH will marry in March 2014” hee

  254. i was reading the comments at kjh fb and most of them want somebody else as partner for kjh in his romancing game movie! i feel the same, there are other actresses in korea, oh please, it’s the third time for kjh and han ji min! i really could not understand korean producers! maybe i should not even try! most fans are clamoring for yeh and they would not listen! have mercy!

    i just learned today that every time we should only think about the positive things that we want to happen, so guys, every time we wake up we should always believe that what we wish for will happen that day. i will be practicing that and everytime i will imaganine that when i open the discussion forum it would be the announcement that we want to hear! tomorrow, i will visualize that the leading lady for ji hwan’s new movie is ……. yeh! lol…

    Lord, let us feel like we won the lottery! Advance thanks for that! We need positive vibes.

  255. this is my last post before our old playground went aground! hope it doesn’t happen again, hehehe

    is he telling her that he would be away for awhile??? that simple gesture will be a stress reliever for me, lol …. clearly shows what kind of relationship they have!

      • Yes I read an article that yeh declined the offer in running man. Because she doesn’t want become the central issue in the show.
        I think kjh not allowing her.. haha…
        @amazed so many skinship in ltm.
        I already watching so many k drama and never experiencing like a fall in love again or remembering our love story with our spouse… and ltm making me remembering the moments…
        Theres bunch of k drama but never feel so real like I watch ltm..
        Like full house, kim sam soon, tye winter the wind blows, master of sun.. and many more…
        the chemistry between the actor its very good and many become a shippers of a drama..
        But me also one of the shippers of full house.. but after I watch ltm.. I feel the other drama couple is nothing compare to ltm… and also the chemistry, story line

      • @ secret nothing compares with our otp and ltm! yo will never get tired of watching ltm! other korean dramas, you watch it once and that’s it., you don’t have the drive to watch it again….

    • Thanks for re-posting, amazed! Indeed, actions do speak louder than words! If i may re-post these also which are just few of the many actions we’ve seen from them! remember, KJH fanning YEH while waiting for their cue! For me, that was really very sweet of KJH to do it for her, funny, his PA was the one fanning him instead! ^____^ let’s re-post that again if you have a copy of it. thanks!

  256. Our guy has been working very hard to be on top of his career from where he started off as a back-up dancer in theater while battling off all kinds of struggles then and now. And finally, he is now being recognized as one of the most popular korean actors worldwide for his versatility and yet so well-grounded!♥ Way to go, Ji Hwan Ssi! fighting!

    Thanks for the post, evelyn, agree, she must be very proud and feels so blessed and lucky to be loved by someone like her oppa♥ hwaiting!

  257. Sorry i forgot to tell you, just wait for the image to disappear until the count down ends at the top right of your screen..thanks!

    @Kangjihwan_ 11/5/13
    translation credit: CHOEUN COMPANY

    I cut my hair after successfully shooting my movie.I will start another movie next week after resting this week. Be careful of catching a cold

    Would you agree that it is reverse aging for oppa? What is the secret?
    hahaha he is so worried of someone catching a cold!

    • Thanks for the post, amazed! secret? as they always say, when you’re in love, it shows in your looks!^____^

      I agree, now i realize why he keeps reminding someone to take precautions not to catch a cold, remember YEH was so sickly while shooting IMY, so KJH doesnt want the same thing happen to her again while in the shoot! And for him not to worry about her so much again! makes sense right? hehe

    • If I may say, our otp is so wrapped up in their own little world, to think that there are so many people with them. When they are together they seem to forget that they have a secret to hide! Yay!

      • Precisely, amazed! these two lovers were exchanging secret codes!lol

        Thanks for re-posting!

  259. @ nineteen i want to repost one of your created mv – the way you look at me, i think this was posted in our old playground, for those who have not seen this one, this gives you an idea of what kind of relationship our otp has! i have just re watched it, one commenter said it gives her the goosebumps! kyaaa!

    • Very much indeed! Thanks once again, amazed, KJH could not hide his feelings for her!

      haha, i just have this thought, maybe the reason why during the shoot of foursome date in jeju, KJH could not hold on any longer of his feelings, and surprisingly he kissed YEH on the cheek! And she seemed really shy and didnt expect such sweet gesture of KJH! lol

      Lets once again take a look of this very sweet scene, chingus!

    • Talking about “goosebumps”.Is exactly what I am experience just by looking in their photo.
      Btw, we can see only their eyes and hands,can you imagine what is going on under the table with their feet? ;).

  260. @dar, haha, and you are not alone on that wish but i believe every single hh shipper is already impatiently waiting to hear such huge news from our OTP! Omo, and when this happens, i could just imagine how this ship would celebrate! Sure bet a grand canyon is already all set to blast while an orchestra is playing! and everyone’s making a toast! eeeeeekkkk!♥HWAITING!!!^____^

    @Amazed, is that so, if this calendar koreans should follow, then maybe the waiting is almost finally over! double eeeeeekkkkk!^____^

    Lets just all wish and pray that all these would not end up just a wishful thinking but instead turns into reality…OTP why not announce it now, the more you prolong it, all the more we are convinced…

    • Dredz
      do we know from where is that pic.of KJH?Obviously is from an airport but when has been taken?
      I have to find it out .I will search the internet with all his airport pics.Then it will much easier to clarify who is the owner of the handbag that I see next to him.

    • they look so cute together in that picture! i think this is behind the scene. marthoula, no one knows where that airport picture was taken! it says ‘minta’ on the photo! How i wish ‘minta’ is also a shipper in this playground! Please minta if you are, give us some clues and we would be forever grateful to you!

      Baidu posted that picture together with a picture of kjh arriving in korea from japan and kjh is wearing the same tshirt but different cap! Intriguing post, really! I read posts from baidu that insinuate that they travel together, in hawaii , new york and my favorite in madagascar! I wish we would know at what airport that was taken. Oppa if you are reading this post, how about some clues? You don’t have to do that in this playground, you can tweet just the name of the airport and we would know it’s your answer, hahaha , wish!!!

    • they are very discreet when they travel together like when they were both in thailand and japan, still so fresh, may this year. my guess is that they don’t leave from the same airport but they meet in another airport before going to their destination! i bet they love doing this, lol ! What is your guess? How do you think they manage to fly together?

      • Amazed
        I love your suggestions regarding Oppa’s tweet!
        It will be so good if he writes today ex.”Incheon was very beautiful that day” or “Haneda airport looked so playful”.
        My only Q is if Paparazzis exist in Korea and in the rest of the world or they sent them all to US and London.
        I can not give any other explanation.

      • amazed, marthoula

        Agree with amazed, up to this time, this picture is still unresolved as far as this ship is concerned, hehe.. Frankly, i am still researching on this, haha.. I really would like to know if that was really YEH beside him. So you’re right, marthoula, we have to dig more and look for the dress and bag which i have been doing ever since i saw this picture..hehe.. But have you noticed the guy in front wearing a shorts with backpack, i have a strong feeling that guy was YEH’s manager. In fact, even the body build looks like him too, dont you think so? During LTM shoots, ive noticed her manager was always in shorts too, hehe, again another wild guess..

  261. @ Dresz me back again. hehe
    Sorry, is it true that at the time of filming in Jeju,,, kjh kiss on the cheek YEH? No direction director.

  262. Hello Wiwin! Missed you, chingu! Its been awhile since we heard from you. Hope will hear more from you again.^___^

    About your query, i read it from baidu and as for me, yeah, i think so too. If you would notice how YEH reacted to it, no doubt, she surely was unaware that KJH would kiss him on the cheek! Besides, knowing KJH being the adlib king!

    Speaking of being known for adlibs, i have read in one of his interviews, he mentioned that he had no inputs on the script, he just followed what was on the script. But in some BTS, i have noticed he was always giving inputs on every scene just like in their cola kiss scene and others as well. When the writer had been replaced, KJH was one of the directors then and that was also confirmed by his niece on her FB. Baiduers even thought that the scene at the cliff and the message at the last part, were all partly an idea came from KJH. Hehe, i just thought, maybe that was the sole reason why OTP had been so real in their acting as if it was actually their OWN love story being told..hehe..just a wild thought!^____^

  263. @ eileen this is another copy of the video of kjh at shin-osaka station to
    hakata . The other video that i posted is from youku. Try this one from
    baidu, maybe this will work for you! He is communicating with someone
    on the phone and look how happy he is. taken july 16, 2012. Somebody
    must be waiting for him in hakata (the one he is texting???).

  264. We ask for prayers for the victims of typhoon yolanda/haiyan in the Philippines especially for those left behind by their loved ones! May the good Lord give them hope, strength and faith in these the hardest and trying times.

  265. amazed
    you are right .In times like this our thoughts are to the people in Philippines.
    thank you for the baidu link.I think baidu is the E! online site for Asia!

  266. Hi guys! Something to lighten up our moods..As we have always wish to hear someday soon on the news is to see our HwanHye couple to be one of the top five most romantic celeb couples in Korea! Fingers crossed it would be real soon! Hwaiting!^___^

    Top Five Most Romantic Celebrity Couples Republic of Korea Ultimate Star Couples..

  267. I just cant get enough..hehe.. guys, it’s always been a big question to us why K-couples prefer to cover up their real relationships in public. Luckily, i have stumbled upon this news so we could give us even a slight idea why it is so in K-ent to resort to this kind of arrangement and definitely our OTP is a no exception to this kind of trend.

    Nowadays, star of HOW CELEBRITIES HANDLE RELATIONSHIP RUMORS Remedy Relationship rumor!

    • They keep it a secret because I read that it would be a disgrace for the girl specially if they don’t end up together! But there are so many Korean couples who didn’t end up together. Many have been disgraced already! I think for our otp it is because the miss has and have been favorite target of netizens so it is better to keep quiet!

    • Dredz, I’m imagining our otp in that slides/mv! What better way to make it private than to invite only your parents and siblings! Keep our fingers crossed for it to be soon.

  268. hello everyone!!!I’m a newbie here.I’m a silent lurker for past 5 months.I never had a chance to read your post in your old playground.I just want to share something I think I read it from kjh fb he said to an interview that hwang Jung eum was the prettiest actress that he ever worked heart is aching for yeh when I read that.and I just want to ask if the necklace with a star pendant they were wearing was identical?cause kjh wearing is gray and then yeh was black..and then kjh wore that way back 2009 and then yeh wore that too early this year or last year..I hope you will post again here the evidences of their growing relationship.I’m a certified hwanhye shipper..hope I wont snob.thanks in advance!!

    • Hi zyrylle! Glad to have u join us here! Never read that interview! They have interviews that were promotional materials only. We hwanhye shippers hold on to oppa’s agency name, choeun. If his heart is for someone else then it would not be named choeun. The star necklaces they wore were posted here before I think by rainqueen and the exciting thing is they switched wearing those necklaces! Anybody who has that pictures, pls post them here for zyrylle! Welcome to our playground, zyrylle.

      • Zyrille,
        Hi and welcome.I am newbie too and we are very lucky that we discovered this forum. We are in goods hands in this playground.All are so helpful.
        I have no clue about the interview you say but I am thinking and I think I know why our Oppa said that.He was playing with HJE in “Incarnation of Money”.If you saw the drama-an amazing drama and great job by KJHwan- you see that HJE’s character in the beginning is an overweight cute girl.KJH is always an angel and very generous with his words when he has to speak his co-workers esp.his ladies-workers.I believe he answered in that way just to play a little bit with HJE ‘s role,and to show how devoted actress she is that she has no problem to change her image in that point. 🙂

      • Zyrylle, wait, yeh also has an interview i think after lie to me where she says that kjh is not her type or not her ideal man (dredz, correct me if i am wrong, not sure how she said it! So, don’t think too much about what they say, i believe it is an effort to avoid being find out. Also, i read in baidu that during ltm and when there are reports that our otp are dating, yeh’s side said that they are not even good friends so how can they date! hahaha , all the bts speaks of something else! We could assume that they have something going on already before ltm, why would they released statements like that! I think it works, since they are not being find out! keep the faith!

  269. oppa’s tweet nov 17, 2013. kjh & luxury both with closed eyes in the first picture! i thought oppa would start shooting his new movie this week! it looks to me like the park near han river where he lives ( or used to live?)! I have this idea that he ooops they moved to the new house already! Just my gut feel! Is somebody taking their pictures? It doesn’t look like a selfie since we could see his right arm.

  270. for the newbies, here is baidu’s comparison of the view from the fireworks video tweeted by eun hye oct 8, 2011 and the view from the house tour of ji hwan last december of 2012! it is the same view. also, they talked about some things that they saw in the house tour that were worth mentioning like 2 toothbrushes, pink socks, guitar, the teddy bear from ltm, pink bedsheets and the leg thing usually used by a girl after wearing high heeled shoes which no man would ever used, hehehe. Please form your own opinion, i already did last year! Notice the one year gap in the posting, yeh is 2011 and kjh 2012. Why do i think that they are hiding something?

  271. Good day my ladies,
    Mrs.Koala makes my day when I open her site and first banner on top has to do with our OTP.Like today’s banner : Koala’s playground , a home for the HwanHye couple(not sure if the last word was exactly this one).

  272. rainqueen we missed your posts! found a copy of one of your posts in the old playground re: the book ‘if someone proposed to you’. i think your prediction is right! keeping my fingers and toes crossed that it would be soon! for the newbies, here you go:

    rainqueen on November 15, 2012 at 7:56 AM said:
    How soon is SOON? Next year? Next month? Next week? Tomorrow? Waaaah, chinggu, I’m spazzing like crazy now! ^_^ Let’s not forget, wuri Eun Hye tweeted this not so long ago –
    So who knows, it might be really soon! ^_^

    The last line of script in the finale, Episode 16, “Love is just like a lie which came towards me. Thus, this lie turned into love. Then we learnt that there are times, the truth – which is more fervent than fact, is often concealed within a lie.”
    signs/hints that will confirm that they are indeed a “couple” or should i say, engaged to be married! hehe..
    im pretty sure will be hearing wedding bells late next year or by 2014!
    LOL! ^_~
    What matters now is that we do know that they are truly a “hot couple” which makes our shippy hearts giggly like crazy!!!
    ..hehe..reminds me of the 2 staffs of World Hotel when they saw Ki-joon & ah jung in the elevator, they were shocked to see them holding hands & giggly like crazy! HwanHye Forever!!! <3<3<3

  273. marthoula dredz

    look what i found, proof that ji hwan was in the wedding of lee sun kyun
    in may 2009! there is also a video of his arrival. i guess the top picture
    is yeh’s arrival to the party! could it be that they rode to the party
    together? hehehe It looks to me that ji hwan came in late!

      • Good thing you saw the video! It is so quiet today, I have to search my vault (hehehe) for something to post! Have you seen the frog and the chicken posted in the old playground before? I will post it if you have not seen it! I am expecting oppa to come up with something or announce something for us shippers! Dream on, wishes do come true!

    • Thanks for sharing, amazed, actually, you might have overlooked it but i already posted it somewhere there above..hehe..but thanks that you have found it again. Actually, am still trying to look for that video on youtube, i really wanted to watch it myself. Btw, marthoula, did you mention that you’ve seen that vid already, right? could you please post it here, chingu, thanks much!^__^

    • dar, i got the news from kjh fab, here you go!

      Hello. This is Joeun Company.

      Our actor Kang Jihwan will appear on the (the celebrity magazine) January edition. Shooting will start on 11/28 (2013) from 1 pm.

      The concept of this shoot is to show Kang Jihwan resting and relaxing before shooting his movie. It will also be a European style traveler concept theme.

      Please be excited for actor Kang Jihwan’s future activities!

      Thank you.

      • Amazed_yes that news..why you dont have fb,hee?sorry..i dont have many time in here because my job..hiks hiks..

      • Our guy is indeed working double time! Shippy me wonders why? Hmm, could it be he’s really saving up big time in preparation for something grand event might happen in the near future?? Seeing the other k-couples who just got married, i believe KJH would have also wanted to give her bride to be an extravagant wedding!

        Speaking of which, isnt that Jadu’s wedding was Nov 23rd? And we have thought that OTP might be one of the guests on said occasion.

      • jadu’s wedding, i just realized that koreans are not nosy people! they don’t babble personal involvements of their tv/movie idols! Too bad, i don’t think we will see pictures from jadu’s wedding! But who knows, somebody will post something, pleaseee, specially if both our otp attended the wedding! wish!

      • dar, i keep my fb for personal postings only and i don’t use fb often so i just keep it on the side! thanks for letting me know of the news! keep posting.

      • I thought the same…sigh….But still excited for new pictures of KJH.
        Amazed, I did not see the frog and chicken.Please ,if you find it post it for us.
        And before I forget……Happy Thanksgiving to all for tomorrow…

  274. hi marthoula, happy thanksgiving day to you!

    the chicken and frog tweets by ji hwan & eun hye! ji hwan tweeted a picture of himself wearing a ski mask (chicken) and here are the posts from our old playground!


    Sharon says: The Baiduers found that YEH has updated her twitter on Dec 18 and said she had a strange thought that she wanted to be a frog that day. Did she respond to her Oppa or just a coincidence! LOL!

    lol,,thanks for translation. i’m searching in google, is there connection between frog (YEH twitter) and chicken (KJH’s mask), and i found facebook with the title Frog & Chicken,
    it is children’s book based on the love story of soul mates Pawel & Amanda,
    “Once upon a time there was a froggy all alone in the swamp. He searched for love but never could find it. not until……he found his soul mate, a chicken! Together, they rode a star into eternal bliss. This is a story of true love”,,just link this story with our OTP…lol (ok,,i think i’m going crazy because of our OTP) if, it just coincidence,,they must have good inner connection between

    @ kenny
    an awesome discovery in there. you are not alone going crazy ‘coz last night i was thinking, too what’s the connection between the chicken and frog ? since i was already sleepy i said that i’ll just search for it tom. and look what i’ve got your awesome answer to my question. ha, ha, ha, ha

    really a lot of inner connection as you call it. a lot of coincidences or are they giving us some hints that we just have to dig deeper for us to discover whats really underneath?
    aaaaaayyyyyyyy …………..really this couple making us crazy on a mere children’s fable love story.
    ke, ke, ke ………………………


    i just love these posts, i was beside myself when i read these. If i am not mistaken this is dec 2011, months after ltm airing! How sweeet!

  275. @Zyrylle

    Hello Zyrylle! welcome to our humble HwanHye playground!^__^ Thank you for making your presence felt after 5 months of being a silent lurker. Apparently, our ship needs more push to continue to afloat. And would like to convey my BIG THANKS to our dear chingus, marthoula, chon, dar & louie, and most especially to amazed, hope i didnt miss anybody..hehe..for keeping this ship sailing! Frankly, am afraid i might not see your posts again after more than a week of absence and happy this ship is still alive.^___^
    OTP fighting!♥


    Hi marthoula! Thank you for your kind words about our ship! Glad to know we are able to let you feel at home here in our humble cave. I had the same experience too with our oldies..hehe..This is what our ship really wants to convey to all HH shippers, active or silent lurkers. Just like our OTP, we wish to be generous and kind-hearted to everyone because we all believe and have faith to our beloved OTP that sooner or later, this ship would certainly dock! HWAITING!!!♥

  276. @Zyrylle

    About your query on star pendants, what i have with me were pictures of KJH wearing a black star pendant and YEH, a gray star pendant. I just dont know if those you were referring to are another set of star pendants and also am not certain when these pictures were taken. Obviously, OTP had several star pendants and CROSS pendants as well which if i recall, we had been planning to confirm this yet if these were also identical stuff.

    Zyrylle, would appreciate if you could post also those star pendants you have seen so we could compare. Thanks!^__^

    Please check this out..thanks..

    • dredz your last image does not exist anymore! my imgur images are never deleted! How do you do it? Maybe, i could post here my step by step in imgur posting, if you want me to.

      • Really, but when i click it, its still there, am already using the direct link so how come you cant see it. Anyway, please do post your procedure maybe yours is more effective. thanks in advance, amazed^__^

      • hello amazed! how are you?^__^ thanks, i think i know now the problem, amazed, your link is incorrect, without letter j, pls click mine again, thanks

      • i clicked your link and it says image removed! hehe somebody must be playing tricks on me! since i cannot copy the link i just typed it and missed the j! Anyway, i saw that before when you first posted it so don’t worry!

  277. Zyrylle, amazed, marthoula

    About that interview with YEH, i think amazed you are correct, i was trying to look for that link from baidu but to no avail, but as i remember it right, she said that KJH was not her ideal man and her reason for him not to be her type was because KJH is so handsome that she’s afraid other girls might flirt with him or the other way around. Well not her exact words but from what i understood in her interview. True enough, KJH at that time loves to flirt with his co-actresses and staff and we thought, its YEH’s tactics to send off her message to KJH and obviously, KJH did get her message loud and clear, dont you agree, chingus?^__^ I’ll try to locate the link and post it later.

    As far as i could recall what we had thought about this, whatever talks our OTP had made from the past were merely a way to divert issues regarding them to be talked about in public. And isnt it that after both held FMs in Japan after LTM in 2011, both had not mentioned each other in all their interviews which is contrary to KJH’s Japanese magazine interview while still at that time, shooting LTM, where he said that the most unforgettable experience for him was the “Cola Kiss”.

    We had uncovered proofs to back up with from identical accessories and fashion not to mention their interactions from 2008 to LTM BTS, which of course only the HH shippers would be able to know by heart because we believe they are a “hot couple”, indeed! Fighting!♥

    • Here’s the baidu link of his Japanese magazine interview.


      Currently, the show is also scheduled to kiss Ep16 side story Cola to getting my unforgettable experience. (Laughs)

      Q8: The end of the work, will first want to make Shane?
      A: First, there are several days leisurely rest. Whether TV or a movie, once absorbed into the shooting is no time for other things. After work come to an end, it will take a leisurely break for some time. Nothing will be, and what will not want to, go to the market to buy things in the morning, the evening will call contact friends meet to drink a glass of cold beer while chatting latest idol or a combination of variety shows and other interesting topics, which is the most want to make things. Q9: TV interview mentioned previously ideal object is to beautiful hands and feet, as well as other conditions do? A: This is really an incredible thing. The onset of puberty, hands and feet pretty fair complexion girl always attracted me. Total with such a woman as the ideal type of object. Age is not a key consideration. Perhaps this ideal type standards will not bring much change. (Laughs)

      Q17: 10 years after coming over how imagine? A: Be a good husband, a good father is not it? We do not know can not be reached. (Laughs) can always imagine building a castle for his family like a warm home. As an actor, performing a variety of roles through to become a diverse and varied acting mature actor, for these goals, always trying. Also multi-trainee, so more people are able to have when I played the role of emotions moved together in the theater to get moved, I feel very happy.

      • guys, what can you say about his last answer?? consistent in his answer right? KJH, a good catch, indeed! bride to be very lucky gal, indeed!^__^

      • I would say somebody is crazy if she would let him go! A good catch indeed! I don’t think she would find someone like him! A lot of girls are waiting for him! If I was her, i would hold on to him real tight! Even give up everything for him, lol!

    • hi dredz, welcome back! Where have you been? uh oh, double posting, sorry for that! we are still here! last month, i was gone for 17 days and i bet you didn’t notice it because i have been posting every now and then, hehehe. i was a silent lurker then too but i keep on waiting for somebody to post the madagascar trip of ji hwan ( i hope everybody knows that he followed eun hye to madagascar, let me know if you have not read about that, hehehe) and nobody bothers to post it! From that time on, i was hooked! Now, you can’t stop me!!! I have just one request for all of you silent lurkers, please let us know that we are not all alone here, right dredz?

      • indeed!^__^

        hello amazed, really you were gone that long? but kamsamnida because you still managed to keep yourself available for the love of OTP! hats off to your loyalty to our couple!^__^ And how i’ve been? i just went half crazy for more than a week for not being able to visit our cave due to technical problem of our net so am happy to be back!^__^

  278. Happy Thanksgiving ladies and gentlemen!
    Before I am going back to my kitchen, I have to tell you that this is a soooooo cute story and I will try to find it so I can read it to my kids.
    What other evidences we need? Everything is so obvious.Our OTP is so sweet with each other that my heart melts when I read those little sweet gestures.
    Thank you Amazed for reposting it.
    It ‘s so good to see your posts .
    I will be here forever ,nothing can stop me…
    Like I said every day I check the gossip stories just to see the long awaited news …but also a tiny part of me praying not to see anything unpleasant…instead of the names I wish to read …Hmmm,I do not like these kind of surprises….

    • marthoula, the chicken and frog tweets are more than enough evidence of the level of their personal involvement, right? we don’t need anymore evidence but if you want some more how about ji hwan’s naming of his agency, choeun! As rainqueen said, when he named his agency choeun, all her doubts about our otp vanished! Also, ji hwan’s following of yeh on twitter! I loved also their recent trips to thailand and japan, only hwanhye shippers would know that they were together!

    • nice message oppa:

      ‘Keep your face toward the sunshine & shadows will fall behind you!’.

      Inspirational also, wanna use it too! I am pretty sure she heard you…
      He is always so concerned with that someone!

  279. Guys, though more often than not we have a strong feeling that KJH’s accessories were from e+e store yet we still wanted to see it with our own shippy big eyes, right? Well, just recently, I found this out, chingus, please take a look if you concur the KJH’s black bracelet which we had already uncovered is actually one of the displays from e+e store! And may i remind you this picture was only taken last Feb for his Star Mag pictorial after IOM, right? So if you’re thinking what am thinking, its sending us a very clear message, chingus! eeeeek!!! HWAITING!!!♥

  280. marthoula, the madagascar story? actually, nobody notice that ji hwan was in madagascar except of course, baidu!

    kjh was promoting his movie from june 14, 2012 to july of 2012. The funny thing is from june 18 to june 22, 2012 (for 5 days) he was not around when his co stars were doing stage greeting (promotion) for their movie! On june 23, 2012 lo and behold he joined his co stars in the stage greeting wearing a…… madagascar straw hat and shirt and looked so tanned! He must have so much fun in the sun at that time that he was gone! Eun Hye left for Madagascar not sure if it is june 15, 2012. Where has he been looking so tanned and maybe enjoyed frolicking in the sun with someone?

    you will find a lot in this post from baidu including a picture of ji hwan in straw hat and so sun burned! Here in this post baidu discussed also yeh’s tweet ‘if someone proposed to you ‘ book. Enjoy you guys the way i enjoyed this post! I digged my vault for this! Please use google chrome when browsing baidu and do a translate to english! Translation is not so great but you will have an idea of what they are talking about!!/pidbd68d01349540923b2ddbefc9258d109b1de49d1/pn1

    • haha, okay, what seems to be the problem then, i wonder? hehe, anyway, thanks for re-posting this madagascar story! Yes indeed one of the most talked about topics!^__^ Hence baiduers strongly believe that OTP had already tied the knot where else but in madagascar!

    • i saw that post too dredz and why is it that i have a strange thought that kjh has a great need for those pictures to be collected? hahaha i’ll just keep my thoughts to myself!

  281. Amazed,dredz
    Thank you for reposting old posts and giving us new links.
    is the first time I see that photo from madagaskar.I am so happy for them.
    It says the image is not longer available.Why?Someone take it down?
    Have you see them?
    Yeah! The not existing anymore images is the biggest proof for me!!!!!

  282. Look what baidu have found, from the wrap up party of marry him if you dare, pictures of eun hye.

    This is the bracelet from 2009 cartier advetisement where our otp appeared in one frame ( they are the only couple appearing in one frame. cartier’s p.r. executive as i have read before is eun hye’s friend, so can we say the executive knows something about them as early as 2009?) So, the miss is still wearing it huh! Dance for joy!

    It looks to me that yeh has been crying???

    • oh my, here’s the original 2009 cartier advertisement and something caught my attention!

      did you see it! yeh is wearing the bracelet that kjh has! i didn’t know that her bracelet has different design!!!!! eileen, where are you? scream with me chingu!

    • let me breathe from this one! I just can’t take over this hahaha. This confirms a lot for me. The obvious one, they share the same accessories. Another one is my same conclusion from kjh’s house tour last december 2012. You know what I mean!

  283. has anybody watch marry him if you dare, could you please confirm for me if it’s true that in this drama, YEH doesn’t have a kissing scene with his leading men? coz i happen to found an interesting quotes from other drama shippers that they couldn’t believe that it is YEH’s drama for simple reason that it has no kissing scene,
    “If anyone from “Marry Him If You Dare” is here in this thread – we’re DOUBLY desperate for some romance. (I can not believe I saw a YEH drama with no kisses.”

    if it’s true then i can not be so real happy, I guess someone is getting jealous of all the kissing scenes for his girl, so he finally tells her don’t don a kissing scene, whew i’m having a blast….


    • i saw a picture from baidu, yeh and one of the leading men kissing! maybe it was not shown! I am so afraid of seeing a kissing scene that is why i dare not watch it hehehe! I am the jealous type, i hope kjh is not otherwise they would not last that long….

      • hi to everyone..i did watch marry him if u dare but still waiting for the last two episodes and as far as i remember there’s no kissing scenes so far unlike her past dramas,dunno why..well good for us KJH-YEH shippers hahaha and if u check on koalas recap for ep15 and 16 still no intimate scene of YEH to both her leading men just a simple sweet moments.

      • hello lornz1, welcome back, and thanks for confirming this to us, as i havent watched it yet. Definitely that news really makes HH shippers dance for joy!

        Amazed you are not alone, shippers do feel exactly alike! maybe because for our shippy sharp eyes, love and affection should be exclusively for OTP!

        Evelyn, thanks for sharing!

  284. Regarding the kissing scenes I have to say that all the great kisses YEH gave them in dramas prior to her drama with KJH -LTM_.I do not know about MHIYD because I dropped the series on epis.6 -sorry YHE and LDG- but even in I Miss you “the kiss that YHE gave to Mickey is nothing compare to 1st shop Coffee prince drama.”princess hours ” and of course the Cola kiss.
    the cartier bracelet sent me high to the sky 8 )

    • Marthoula, I was about to cry, yay, at least somebody is as excited as me on the cartier bracelet! I thought i was all alone coz nobody did say a word, hahaha. It could be that there is only 5 of us in this ship and everybody else has jumped shipped already! Anyway, at least some of us is left!

      It would be hurting for someone to hear that his girlfriend is a great kisser, it is about time that she stayed away from those kissing scenes. It is obvious, at least to us shippers that their relationship is not just a passing fancy thing. Hwaiting!

      • Amazed, i know right, haha, you easily give up, hehe, indeed! yes so i heard OTP has common friend who works in cartier, so no wonder they have also other collections of the brand, like the watch with black leather and this one i will re-post now.

      • amazed,
        we are a lot more.just only few of us take the decision to post.You will see how many we are when the Big day comes and baidu will post the real marriage photos. 🙂

  285. Things to ponder this weekend hahaha

    This was posted by baidu on 2011-09-08, retweets from eun hye, i have
    provided the google translate to make it easier for you, do you also
    wonder what is that intriguing decision??? hehehe something happened in 2011!!!
    1003GraceRT @ ChungMinCho: people are most familiar with the road is intact admit, the easiest way is to misunderstand their own standards in judgment, errors are always spinning in the wrong framework

    1003GraceRT @ ChungMinCho: reason not to do There are hundreds of reasons to do the only one, that’s what I decided to do. No matter how small the decision. . Because the world will begin a different decision.

    there are hundreds of reasons to do the only one, that’s what eun hye decided to do…..

  286. Have you seen the pictures of Eun Hye in China? Wondering why in all three separate events that she was in, she is wearing an all white outfit? hahaha is she getting ready for something? Fingers and toes crossed! She looks pretty in white!

    • Simply elegant and very pretty, indeed! But i wonder if she really cut her hair short or its just a wig? Her long hair looks real to me otherwise my hint someone did strictly prohibit her from cutting her hair short thus she just used a wig for her drama series..hehe

      • Dredz, her airport pictures show a short hair. She must be wearing maybe hair extensions for the hair to be that long!

        The airport pictures also show her to be holding on her phone, a blue colored phone! At one of the pictures, she is using the phone and talking to someone we know? She’s always holding on her phone when she’s not travelling with him, hehehe! Just remember the Thailand and Japan trip last May, when she came back from Japan she’s not holding to her phone. Obvious she came home with him. She is seen holding on and using her phone when she reached Thailand airport ( the one she’s calling picked her up at the airport, I guess!).

  287. Have the best birthday ever, Eileen, may all your wishes come true most specially our wish for our OTP! Enjoy every minute of it!!!

    • this one contains the pictures from china airport (look at the cellphone she’s holding, i thought she likes pink & oppa likes blue but her phone is blue, kyaaaaaa!) and pictures when she got back to korea. She’s always hiding her face when at the airport! From this you would know which of our OTP wants to keep everything under wraps, hehehe…….

  288. Amazed ,
    Thank you and
    I loooooove her boots.
    White suits her very well.Same w/h our oppa.
    I want to copy and paste KJh picture with a white tuxedo and put it next to her photo from the last event.They make the perfect couple in my eyes.
    I am So happy for her. Oppa is very proud for his woman.

    • awesome, i made someone happy!

      I wish there is another big item like that soon! Oppa need your help!

      You have to bear with me, i came in this HwanHye ship late (Sept 2012) and only recently came across this article of ms k when in 2011 it was confirmed that Ji Hwan and Eun Hye would be headlining Lie To Me! If you are like me who have not read this, here you go!

    The latest tweet of KJH via his official twitter account @Kangjihwan_ 12/11/13

    잘들지내구있죠? 날씨추우니까 감기조심하시고, 간만에 강함사 정모 기대하고 있어요♡♡♡

    How are you? Be careful not to catch a cold ♡♡♡. We had a fun gathering with Kanghamsa after a long time.

    Translation by kjhfb philippines

    Ji Hwan is so wrapped up here in this twitter picture and while it is also so cold in China, Eun Hye was dressed up like it is summer, hehehe. Is this the reason for the twitter message , ‘be careful not to catch a cold’!
    Take note of the 3 hearts at the end of the tweet! KJH added about the gathering with Kanghamsa for the intended recipient not to be obvious! yay!

    • hello brigittee! welcome aboard and thanks for dropping by, am happy to know you are always visiting this ship! Hope to see more posts from you!^__^

    • Hi dar and hi all
      just read the tweets and the whole thing with YHE catching the bouquet on Jadu’s wedding.Do you think she wants to prepare us for something?
      I can not wait….I want to see oppa KJH as a groom and her as his lovely ,beautiful bride.

    • I just read about it at baidu and gosh why am i so excited, eeeeekkkks!
      I have read before that if somebody is getting married, it is pre determined who will catch the bouquet! In Korea they usually give the bouquet to somebody who will get married soon! Hahaha, the fans and her friends are all congratulating her already, yay! What is this?

      • OMG!!! eeeeeksss!!! what a great way to start my day!!! chingus, am so excited as you are with this good news!!! amazed, marthoula, dar, dunno if i got it right too, as am also having a hard time to interpret baidu hehe nonetheless am also very happy with this new development for our OTP! Finally could we already hear wedding bells soon!!! yehey!!! lol^___^

        Guys the more i think about it, the more cant hide my excitement with the turn of events that transpired during this weekend! The wedding happened dec 14th and KJH’s interview where he talked about marriage for the nth time..hehe..could this mean a strong signal that we are now expecting a grand event of the century might be happening in 2014???? eeeekkk! shippy me now jumping for joy!!! so excited and i just cant hide it!!! hahaha, sorry guys, just cant keep it to myself any longer..Shippy me sees this ship getting ready to do the happy dance!^___^

        Thanks chingus for this good news, absolutely made my day!♥

        HwanHye, all the way!!!♥

    • Just the other day, I was thinking for the reason why oppa would create his own facebook account. Is he going to share loads of pictures later on facebook? Go ahead guys do a friend requests for kjh own facebook account! The reason could be related to the catching of bouquet, am i just getting silly? lol!

  290. Got this picture from baidu as i understand it this is from kanghamsa gathering recently! Look at this and decide if this is related to yeh’s tweet!

    It is still 2013 and why does it say happy2014? I am going nuts! It would be 2014 in 2 weeks time.

    • I was reading baidu and they were talking about an interview ( i guess just recently) where kjh said marriage is a once in a lifetime event…
      Oppa was also asked the latest drama that he watched and answered ‘kbs’ and stop after that! Future options was aired by kbs? Let me know if i am not reading it correctly from baidu!

      Can oppa please speak up! whoaaaaa…

      • Amazed,
        Marry him if you dare was aired in KBS2!!!!!.hahaha .time for a happy dance..
        I am thinking to join Facebook…and request KJH ‘s friendship.

      • Amazed, marthoula, I am with you on this, guys! shippy me thinks also why KJH had to stop! haha, i just can imagine the reaction of his fans should KJH had told them he was watching marry him! lol Come on KJH, just say it out loud!!!lol No matter how you both keep it a secret, shippy me assures you HH shippers would definitely find out! lol Hwaiting!!!♥

    • Hi marymary,
      I read it on the same site too and I am wondering why not even a person did not mentioned KJH name.I was so ready to register there and write a comment..

      • hello marthoula! really, its okay, we cant really expect all netizens to have the same interpretation like we do here in our ship. What matters we still receive a lot of good wishes for our OTP from other ship just like MaryMary here, right? Its already more than enough for this ship to keep it sailing!^___^ Fighting!!!

    • Aww hello MaryMary! definitely we welcome and appreciate your nice post! thanks for dropping by! hope to hear more from you too!^___^

    • welcome marymary! Marthoula, our otp is really very secretive! Only people who are truly following them will know what is happening. Outside hwanhye ship and jihye ship at baidu, nobody else will have a clue!

      Even kjh naming of his agency, choeun has a different meaning for them! They say it means something else, like gratitude! Only us know about that relationship. If you are just following yeh or just following kjh, you would not know that they are together for the thailand-japan trip! That secret is between us and our otp only, right guys?

  291. continue
    some people do not have anything to do in their free time and spread evil better if we did not recycle all these and leave it as is until it will stop.
    we know our girl is one gem. 8 )

    • hello dar! i absolutely agree with marthoula, so dont worry much, dar, those people are just envious of YEH. We all know very well how kind-hearted YEH is. So just ignore them whoever spreading those nasty rumors. But thanks for sharing this news to us. Though i havent read it yet, it also saddens me to be hearing such not only for YEH but for KJH as well. But as HH shippers, we would definitely defend OTP from these nasty netizens! Aja aja fighting!!!

  292. dar marthoula dredz marymary i share the same observation with baidu, this year yeh was so low key she was so quiet this year and she seldom tweet like once in a blue moon. But, look at her recent tweets, there are 3 of them in a row, she could have opted to remain silent on her catching the bouquet but i guess she was just too happy to share the good news to everyone! Two of korean actresses who got married recently catched a bouquet in a wedding and then they both get married! It is a sign, a good sign if i may say!!! Hwaiting always!

  293. Learned a little more about Jadu from Baidu. YEH and Jadu used to live together before and she is an artist of YEH’s agency. I read before from Ms. K (?) post that KJH was not the original partner of YEH in LTM but the actor was banned at that time so YEH recommended KJH to be her partner. KJH was supposed to be doing something else but it didn’t push through, it is fate for them to be together, after all! So, we could say that Jadu was recommended also by YEH to be in LTM since Jadu is one of their artists. For sure we know the reason why KJH was recommended by YEH!

    Jadu married a pastor so it was a church wedding! YEH doesn’t need to look for a pastor for her wedding, lol!

  294. Hi all,
    amazed ,I did not know that detail about how KJH got his role in LTM.
    One more evidence that YEH /KJH knew each other long time before LTM.

    • marthoula i just remembered that eun hye was supposed to be doing another drama ‘love song’ but her partner for that drama died i think he committed suicide! Correct me if i am wrong!

      Our otp are destined to be partners in lie to me!!!

  295. Marthoula i am pretty sure I got that info from this playground that is why I stick to this forum, ms. k knows a lot of hidden info for our otp! Here is one more, eun hye’s show my fair lady, ji hwan disclosed that Yoon Sang Hyun is his friend, and guess what…. YEH recommended him to be her partner in my fair lady (2009)! And to think that a lot of people are hinting a romantic angle to their pairing! If only they knew!

    Just a bit of interesting info for the newbies! Enjoy!

    I am praying for some big news soon! I remember in the old playground, when it was announced that Ji Hwan will have his own agency, there are a lot of speculation for the agency’s name like ‘our house’ ‘our coffee house’ and wishes for a name that is more revealing of their relationship and what do we get ‘choeun’. Wishes do come true really!

  296. Thanks baidu! Look at what i copied! Now it is confirmed that in korea you give the bouquet to a friend who is getting married also! Look at this, she is the only one in front and is so ready to catch the bouquet!

    I am secret wishing that kjh is in that group picture! hehehe

  297. I just read what is written in allkpop re bouquet catching and now that i read the english translation of yeh’s tweet, i was kind of sad! I am the one who feels offended!

    The comments on that posts, I hope they don’t hate yeh that much to wish her to be marrying their guy, what can I say but …. oh please!

  298. YAy am back!!!i know how you feel,don”t be sad just cheer up ,lets dance to make you feel btter,(hwanhye dance ^_^)thank you guys to keep our little boat sailing ,form the bttm of my heart thank you !!

  299. skype welcome back! Thanks for cheering me up! How have you been? Are you back for good! I hope you are not just dropping by, hehehe!

    I can’t get over it, looks like also a deliberate effort to mislead her fans.

  300. Amazed,
    haha ,i m looking at the photo and i can not stop smiling to myself.YHE and Jadu I am pretty sure they practice this particular angle throwing the bouquet maaaany times to make sure that the receiver would catch the bouquet.LOL.
    Amazed ,let ‘s dance all together as SKYPE said and enjoy YHE’s happiness.Pay no attention to evil rumors.
    In this life the higher you go the more enemies you have.
    In my country we have one saying :”I see who is my real friend in my happy times”.

  301. …Yay… that”s the spirit of a hwanhye shppers,MARTHOULA is right the higher you go the more enemies you have,,,whatever they say as long as we both know the truth,right!!

  302. I was misunderstood! It is not about the rumors but YEH’s tweet itself! She is saying that she doesn’t have a boyfriend and will have a problem finding a man like jadu’s husband! Poor boyfriend, no match to jadu’s husband, whoever he is!

    I wish for KJH to have someoneone who will be proud of him and not be ashamed of being seen with him! More or less someone who will prioritize him over her career! Must be hard to find that woman too!

    I just hope he is not as sensitive as I am!

  303. Skype,
    i read some your posts from before and I want to thank you because you were here long time before me and kept this forum alive along with amazed,dredz,and other posters -i m sorry that I do not mention all the names- giving to newbies like me insightful thoughts and info.
    is the translation right?
    with me every time I go to google to translate baidu I get so confused with the translated results that I forget what I was looking for. But I am sure KJH/YEH already agreed and follow a strategy towards the media so they are both aware not to pay attention in this kind of answers,tweets,e.t.c.

  304. marthoula the translation was from allkpop not google translation. When i read google translation i didn’t react because i don’t understand the tweet. I would let it pass had I not read that she attended Gong Yoo’s movie premier a few days after! I hope it was not a premeditated act, ‘to tweet her catching of the bouquet & people would wonder who the groom is’. My dear my dear the netizens would not get off your back if it was planned that way! Will the real groom please stand up?

    For you to read baidu easier, please download google chrome! This is google’s web browser tool. Whenever you open baidu please use this browser. Go to settings, for me my setting is ‘translate to english’. Everytime now that you open any site with this browser it would automatically be translated for you!

    Here’s one for your practice. Hehehe , princessfiona (one of Baiduers) recently got a copy of the magazine ‘all about me’ through a friend who bought it for her at incheon airport. Pechumori at kjh philippines facebook has a post on this also.

    Something caught my attention when I read it again! During this interview kjh said after his drama incarnation of money he would go on a trip unlike before that he hangs out with friends! That means the Thailand-Japan trip is his idea! Of course this time he would be hanging out with someone!

    Do let me know if you need help with google chrome. Enjoy!

  305. Hello guys, this week has been kinda mixed emotion at least for us here as we all have thought that YEH’s catching of the bouquet is indeed a good news but we were all shocked at the same time and did not expect for YEH to utter those uncalled for statement that she is at present not committed to anyone so much so to be seen later on attending the premiere night of Goong Yoo aka her Coffee Prince male lead star.

    Frankly, i would be hyprocrite if I’ll tell you am not affected because I am however i would not want to jump into conclusion yet but rather would like to give our OTP the benefit of the doubt considering their K-artists’ strategy when it comes to their uncanny romantic relationship not to be disclosed in public.

    Another point, just maybe she already anticipated what the fans and others might have thought if she catches the bouquet hence she opted to make such statement to protect her personal/romantic relationship though we might also think being a christian she would not probably say such a lie but again, giving her the benefit of the doubt, she might have thought it also its the best if not the best thing to do for the time being and if this would save up her relationship from nasty netizens thus she had to.

    So cheer up guys, amazed, we could still opt to think positive and as long as both have not presented their real soulmates yet, shippy me wishes to stay aboard this ship until we reach its final destination! Aja aja fighting!!! <3 ^____^

    • As a fan I only feel like I was cheated! Aigo, double pain for me! Denying she has a boyfriend and her idea that there is nobody like jadu’s husband! You would never be happy comparing yourself and anybody with someone. For the past, I keep ignoring the fact that she is always wearing so many rings like confuse them all and I never did venture to her Facebook because once I read that she has pictures of other guys there! Also, her teasing in the tweeter like posting pictures of her with somebody else? Sorry dredz I was just expressing my sentiments. Let’s move on, too much have been said!

      • Dont be amazed, i share the same sentiments with you and you are right, let’s all move on, tomorrow is another awesome day, who knows! ^____^Kamsahamnida, chingu!!!♥

  306. Girls,
    I agree until the day that I will see their names officially linked with somebody else ,I will remain in my ship.
    Good thing she went to Goong’s premiere.That means that she likes to keep in touch with her co-stars.And anway for a young person like her is good to go out and enjoy her time.
    I use Firefox and I am really happy w/h it.My hubby told me is the same with Chrome.but thank you for your information.Maybe in the future i will use it.

    • no news yet marthoula but i think it would be next year! I thought Ji Hwan is going to start filming his next movie, it looks to me that they have not started filming. Maybe i am wrong!

  307. Hi seems malicious rumors about YEH serious..its lates tweet from Hallyu Yoon Eun Hye@ Hallyu YEH ” The stress and pain that she & her loved ones had to go through was just unbearable. It tore our hearts as`well. Those antis will pay.” Iam just to want share..

    • We appreciate it, dar, thanks for sharing^___^ YEH is a strong woman whatever malicious rumors she is facing right now, she’ll be able to pull it off^___^

  308. Amazed, marthoula

    Am right behind you and thanks guys for staying in our ship!♥

    Shippy me is forever grateful for HwanHye regardless where this ship would dock! Because of them, I was given the great opportunity to have met a lot of wonderful friends and shippers like you!♥

    Its been an awesome experience and a great journey sailing with you all (oldies, miss you guys! and newbies as well) You guys are all awesome!♥


    But still looking forward to be hearing great news!

    aja aja fighting!!!

    • Girls,
      I tried to post my answer 2 days ago but did not go through.
      Here in the HwanHye ship our moto is :”Hope is the last thing that will die .Until any official comes out we Believe”
      as you said is not only the destination that counts but in every journey the most important things are the people,the memories,the feelings we gather.
      Saying that I wish you a very Happy holiday time with your loved ones.
      See you in few days.

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  310. I am on lurk mode but this is important! Don’t be mislead! From kjh fb


    A foundation called KJH Saving Lives Foundation is currently soliciting funds for the Philippines using the name of Kang Ji Hwan. Please be advised that Kang Ji Hwan and his agency, Choeun Company has not given any one any authority to collect money, especially at this time that there are fund raising events being done in connection with the recent typhoon that hit the Philippines. Please be forewarned and do not be misled by these scammers!

    A certain person using the account Kang Ji Hwan Jo has been pretending to be Kang Ji Hwan himself telling the fans who are members of the Kang Ji Hwan International Fans Club to donate money for the Philippines at Ten Dollars per day until Christmas. This is a case of misrepresentation and fraud. Please help and report these accounts as fraud to Facebook. Thank you.

  311. chon, thanks for your posts and for keeping this ship afloat! Have s wonderful and blessed new year to you and all the hwanhye shippers!

  312. i was kind of intrigued by this interview of another actor: just wondering why oppa is not included in the list of korean actors still on the market, do they know something we don’t, hehehe? oppa is already 37 like so ji sub!

    When asked during his interview for @star1, “Shouldn’t you start thinking about marriage now?” Gong Yoo (34) shared, “I recently heard that I was one of the four [actors] still on the market. Including me, the solo male actors are Kang Dong Won, So Ji Sub, and Hyun Bin.

  313. The year is about to come to a close and just want to thank kjh for making me a happy 2013 shipper!

    First, in february of 2013 he announced that he is creating his own agency and didn’t expect in my wildest dream that he is naming his company ‘choeun’.

    Second, in may of 2013 he tweeted a picture of him in his motorbike along the streets of gangnam. Ordinary tweet but he is wearing a cap he wore in lie to me! It did not end there, it turned out that somebody is on that same area, dongdaemun, is it a coincidence? Read post from baidu! Our posts in the old playground also made it in baidu!

    Third, in may 2013, he also tweeted that he is in thailand! He was there a few days earlier than the miss but then he could have chosen to keep that info to himself so shippers would not make any connection! Aaaaah, he really loves his fans so much! Thanks for the clue, oppa!

    Fourth, his tweeting a picture of luxury with what looks like a female hand holding luxury! We discussed this in the old playground. I will post the baidu link separately!

    Thank you Ji Hwan for making the shippers really happy!
    We wish you more projects next year and a happy and blessed 2014. Wishing for you to have a partner in life who will love you unconditionally! Read from baidu about your recent Kanghamsa fan meet and it looks like in the interview you said something about being eager to get married, not sure if i get the translation right, hoping the kanghamsa fan meet will be translated in english! Happy new year! Fighting!

  314. I just can’t keep quiet, i tried but i have to write this! Just read that YEH’s agency issued a statement that her catching of the bouquet is pure luck and she’s not getting married anytime soon! Too bad, baidu got a copy of this picture from the wedding and i want to repost it again!

    There’s nobody in front and she’s all set to catch it! Pure luck that she is all by herself in front! I must be blind! What will the statement be after they saw this picture?

    I know i said move on but i can’t, hehehe. Want to write something else but on second thought…

  315. Hi amazed,
    does not look as luck to me but I am thinking after all the evil comments from some pathetic people that the good news that we are expecting will be postponed.YEH’s agency respond shows to me that YEH takes very-very seriously any stupid reaction from anyone and she is not ready yet for a brave decision.On the contrary, after that expect a new delay.
    I can imagine how she feels but I can feel and how her significant one feels with the whole situation and the never-ending game of hide and seek they are in.
    Wish you and all others
    a Happy New Year.

    • Marthoula, A happy and blessed New Year to you and your family. Here’s hoping that 2014 will be a really happy one for us shippers!

      Read that in Korea if you catch a bouquet you should be married within six months or else you have to wait three long years! Must be their superstitious belief! So everybody tries to make it in 6 months? hehehe

  316. Hello hwanhye shippers happy new year to all!Hope this year 2014 will be the most awaited year for them.I really miss them so much!hope they are happy and full of love spending the yuletide seasons and and the new year celebration….Just keep on prayng for their good health and soon we will hear the good news for them…Thank you hwanhye shippers for jeep on fighting for our hwanhye coupke.God bless.

  317. My fellow shippers,
    Happy Healthy New Year.
    By now mot of us read the news about Seung Gi and Yoona .My best wishes to them and let’s pray all together the next couple to confirm their relation would be our HwanHye.

    • Thanks chon for the bts, thanks also to hallyu yoon eun hye for posting another unseen bts. Is there more to come? Saving the best one, the bed scene for last? I am pretty sure when that happens rainqueen would come back. She is waiting for that bts for sooooo long! Aren’t we all?

  318. Soooooo, he wants a homebody for a wife, interesting! Look at these excerpts from:

    “The CELEBRITY” Kang Ji Hwan Interview
    translated by the KJH Philippine Operator January 3, 2014

    You are at an age that must be considering marriage. Do you want to become a husband of any celebrity and also would they want that mate?

    I’m stuck at appearances at the moment. We all are. But when I think of a wife, I want a homebody. My dream is a rich family, to be a handsome and good dad.

    • I know of someone who was a homebody last year! It would make sense that he wants a homebody, just imagine coming home from working for several days & hours and coming home to an empty house! I remember one of his interviews where his idea of marriage is ‘to be together!’.

      I want the Kanghamsa meeting to be translated also! Baidu is discussing that video interview but i don’t know if I am getting the google translation right! Looks like he was talking about marriage in that video. No more talk about decorating ‘ji hwan park’. Everything is ready, the house, the agency, and the soon to be wife???

  319. Amazed,
    another couple was confirmed today-SY /JKH-I can not wait for the HwanHye couple…I know,i know…have to do some breathing exercises and relax but I got excited with all the SNSD girls and their confirming relations and I want our couple to come out.

    PS.hahaha are we done with the SNSD girls?They are about 7/8 right?R they planning to get all the best males in the K-industry?

    Kang Ji Hwan please,please dont surprise me.We know and you know and she knows where you belong.Lol

    • Marthoula, we will keep our fingers and toes crossed! Three is a charm so maybe the third couple to come out is the one we are waiting for!!!

  320. Hello guys!!! How’s everyone? Hope you all had a marvelous yuletide season!^__^ And may this new year 2014 be the best year ever to each and everyone of us including our still unbeatable number one K-couple, our HwanHye couple, no less!!! <3

    Shippy me has thought of something that would keep our ship from sinking, hehe..Seriously, I know how much we truly love and miss them thus I have decided to push through of this plan for the love of our OTP, I have made a very special fan art for them and at the same time serves as a "campaign letter" as well to shout out how much all their fans around the world are dying to see them once again in LIE TO ME PART 2!!! Hence, shippy me wishes to ask for your full support on this special request from them. For those who have facebook, please do check this out. KASAMHAMNIDA CHINGUS!!! <3


      • Hi amazed and all HH shippers. I’ve been a lurker here since mid-year 2012.

        I tried to use Google translate for the baidu link above. I think it says that KJH will be going to Changzhou (not sure if it’s a place in China) by the end of the month (not sure of this). And based on my understanding, he’ll be going there to meet a certain photographer or company which specializes in wedding photography or wedding occassions.

        SOme comments say that ‘they’ (not sure if the ‘they’ refers to our beloved KJH and YEH,but the site is only filled with the two sweethearts’ fan-made photos) are already ‘secretly filming their wedding’ or more likely they are already ‘secretly doing their wedding preparations’.

        And also, i saw a post from user ‘princesspiona’, isn’t she one of the pioneers in making fanmade bts. I really swooned over the Cola Kiss that she made before. I think she knows a lot about our couple. I hope someone could scoop out more things about our couple from her. She seemed saying ‘something of substance’ in her posts in baidu, but i just can’t clearly understand them.

        I’m sorry but i maybe wrong or i may have become biased with undertsanding the translation, but i really hope and pray that they’ll announce and get married soon. i’ve been seriously fantasizing and dying to see these two be together again for real for almost 2 years.

        Sorry for the long post. I just got excited by the google translations. Thanks and God bless.



  321. Hi dred. Yup lets all joined in prayer wishing to have LIE TO mE PART 2 please ….Hope the good director and amazing cazt will hear us specially our HWANHYE Couple….God bless us all!

  322. Facebook update from CHOEUN:

    CHOEUN company developing the new year pushes harder.
    And we’ll let the actors work like a cow ^ ^

    I read a post that say ‘Ji Hwan is working hard for milk money!’. Can you guess why milk money???

  323. Hi lurker! Thanks for visiting the site that I posted! Changzhou is indeed a place in china and that is where the facility of aizhuti is located. Aizhuti has great wedding facilities! Once you are in aizhuti website (aizhuti dot net) click weibo. Funny but the translation that I got is that oppa will be there for a wedding photoshoot! I don’t know if this is for a movie or this is the real thing! Although, I got confused because there is a mention of another actor!

    Well, what do we know, there is now a post at kjhfb from weibo:

    ‘I will go to Changzhou, China on 13 at the invitation of an acquaintance. ‘

    Why does the place match with what is posted in that baidu article???

    Lurker, check out aizhuti website! Are we having fun yet?

  324. Also from baidu i think from news article from naver ‘ KJH might be doing a kbs drama called the ‘golden cross’. Looks like a revenge drama . This is not sure yet! This could be the reason why choeun facebook posted that their actors would be working like a cow! This is slated for airing in April. Our guy has to do romancing game and after that the kbs drama! Happy for you oppa! This is your year indeed. Lucky year for you so you might as well get married this year hehehe. You are not getting any younger although you really look young! It would be a shame for you to have kids when you are 50 lol! People might think your baby is your granchild! hehehe.

  325. Oops, i reread the posts from dcinside and the press release is ‘Am going to Shanghai from Incheon International Airport on the 13th!’.

    oh no, no mention of changzhou! maybe changzhou is in shanghai, hehehe, i better check china’s map!

    Otherwise, sorry oppa, the place where you are going is revealed! oops…

  326. I am having fun, baidu posted that changzhou thing on the 5th of January and today is the 9th. Baidu, you are one of a kind, how did you know about that? Thanks. Remember guys it is shanghai, chsngzhou is our secret!!!

  327. Sorry, just read this from kjh fb:

    KJH’s weibo translation

    I will go to Changzhou, China on 13 at the invitation of an acquaintance.
    I will go to a Changzhou in the via from Shanghai Airport.
    Because it is the first time, there is a very interested.
    Schedule is short, but I want to go to eat to the delicious food.
    Chinese fan everyone, Please can you tell me what food you have to eat always?


    I have read that he is going to Changzhou with the photographer friend who was with him in China last May!

    But this is strange, he said that somebody invited him! Whoever invited him there is not Chinese since they don’t know where to eat delicious food…

    According to the website there would be 4 major events in aizhuti for this year, one is the wedding photo shoot of oppa and there is a mention of June 14! It is hard to figure out from the google translation! Whatever it is, good luck , oppa. Wish you find a good location!

  328. just in case you have not seen it, ji hwan tweeted another picture of him inside a car and wearing shorts! In what warm country is he in???
    On vacation?

  329. hi chon, thanks for posting the tweeted picture!

    KJH posted a tweet earlier via his official twitter @Kangjihwan_

    I did needlework after an interval of more than 20 years, a hobby that suddenly occurred to me which is so interesting. Though I can’t describe what a childish and countryside thing it is, it was a complete remodeling of clothes that are no longer used. It is better than to spend a lot of money. Will it be my airport fashion of tomorrow?

    – – – – –

    Sewing? hehehe . Did you get help from somebody? Did he make the whole bag?

    Oppa was so quiet during the holidays. No wonder, he was on vacation! He waited for someone to finish her work before going to a warm country??? Oppa, enjoy your trip to China!

  330. GUYS PLEASE DO CHECK THIS OUT! Shippy me thinks this is really great news to us shippers!^__^

    Retweeted Jade Choi (@petit20120921):

    [Info]Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 “Lie to me내게 거짓말을 해봐” uncut subtitled version appeared in the first full-length TBS channel 1!

  331. Check out kjh airport fashion from kjh fb! He is in China and looks like a fashionista! Just like someone we know! Somebody was also in China last month, hhhmmm! Coincidence? Must be a package deal, hehehe.

    • According to Baidu, Yeh’s picture is leaving China and KJH picture is going to China, yay! Thanks Baidu, your vision is perfect!

    • I’m not sure but why do i feel that they have the same coats. KJH is just wearing a jacket layered on top of his coat. But if you would check on the details of KJH’s coat underneath his dark green jacket, it seemed to me that they’re the same. The colors of the coats’ fury lining are the only difference. Maybe it’s some sort of couple coat. I don’t know…

      Can any kind heart here check the whereabouts/activities of YEH last month when she went to China. Honestly, i didn’t know that she went there until now. Thanks.

      • Unfortunately, i maybe wrong with my theory that they’re wearing the same coat based on the pictures posted in Baidu Twitter. But hopefully, I’m right.

        BTW, Ji Hwan really looks fresh, youthful, very handsome, and extremely gorgeous in the latest photos posted in Baidu Twitter where he’s wearing black sweater. He really seems to be very in love and inspired. I think it’s the most gorgeous candid photo of him. Heheh. 🙂 😉

      • Lurker, YEH was in China last December for the Amway event. See posts at the top of this page! She was in China right after the Marry Him if you Dare wrapped up.

        I see what you mean, KJH has another coat on top of the couple’s coat! Definitely it is a couple’s coat!

  332. I’m so excited and I just can’t hide it! Look what I found at dcinside!!! Looks like KJH is leaving Shanghai ( he said it was a short visit ), two pictures were posted but i am posting just this one!

    This is the posts under that photo!

    Hwanttaem airport yesterday’s grace has been a bright cloudy whitish face today’s airport.??? Understand exactly what China is sending andoejiman River actor’s fans to feel regret duty …

    Do you see what I see? I think what the post is saying is that this is the reason why KJH cannot see the fans and has to take the elevators!!! hahaha … what do you think! Me, I am happy!

    • OMG!!! Amazed, your sleuthing skill is DAEBAK!!! VERY CLEARLY I’ve seen it as I had to zoom in the picture you posted and yesserriee, the lady beside him is no less but YEH ssi!!! hoooray!!! Amazed, shippy me cant wait for the others but LURKER, CHON, do the happy dance with me!!! Shippy me also couldnt believe it, amazed! So could we now presume what baiduers have said about the wedding photography session is absolutely TRUE!!! OTP is indeed having their wedding photo shoots!!! Well, what else could be the reason being them flew all the way to China other than that! OMG, is this for REAL??? chingus pls pinch me if am just hallucinating lol but on second thought, let me be in this state even just this once! lol Hmmm, which reminds me of YEH’s catching of the bouquet, so could we really hear wedding bells come spring??? exactly six months after she caught the bouquet and what a coincidence, is it Spring also around summer time??? and which brings me back again to memory lane, did ki-joon and ah-jeung said that they would tie the knot in Spring??? Chingus, pinch me please before i could blow my shippy head and heart of wild thoughts about our OTP! lol

      Omo, could not wait for this ship to finally see OTP’s dreamland and rejoice along our beloved OTP!!! <3

      is it really HWAITNG almost finally over!!! <3


      Kamsahamnida, you absolutely did hit the bulls eye, chingu! You indeed made this ship found its way to the shore! love you for that!^_____^


      Hello Lurker! welcome and you are just in time for the grand celebration shippy me believes gonna happen in six months!^___^

      Btw, I also think theirs are couple jackets, I could also see the similarities of the style not exactly the same though but the green shawl, I have been thinking if I saw YEH wearing the same only the color is beige but i have to check it again. Well, does it matter now, hehe, we've seen enough today! ^_____^


      Chingu, thanks for your posts! it keeps our ship steady sailing! bring it on!^___^

  333. Dredz, Amazed ,all HwanHye shippers hi all

    I need to zoom it but I believe your words and i started my happy dance .i do not want to be left on this..!!!!!

    • hello marthoula! you’re very timely as well chingu for the happy dance! lol^___^

      I just cant contain also my excitement for this latest development about our OTP hence i should re-post this picture at the airport where HwanHye were spotted! Shippy me believes 101% its really them! do see for yourselves guys! our best HwanHye couple, kamsahamnida for not letting this ship sink!!! ♥♥♥ ^____^

  334. To tell you frankly I was afraid of opening the playground today! I am afraid that you are going to tell me that the picture was photo shopped! Hehehe.

    Dredz, ji hwan attended an event in China Baidu even have pictures of him in the event. But how come he brought the miss with him and several other friends as shown in the picture? It is only for a day! Why bring her along? Unless they would be in another place or country after China! Also, I selected weibo website from aizhuti and I cannot find the article about ji hwan! So many questions, why would weibo’s link to aizhuti contains that wedding photo shoot info? Can we assume they really stayed in aizhuti??? OTP is making me nuts hehehe.

  335. Another topic, KJH said on Twitter that he is still studying the script for his next work! I know he is choosy on what projects to take! I know how to make him say yes to the project! Make YEH the female lead and no question about the script. Lol . Baidu said that Ltm is an exception because YEH is also in the drama. How true!

  336. hi..all..did you watch the video from Gersia lee in can see very clear about the pictures because the pictures from this video.

  337. Guys lets dig some more sleuthing here, hehe, this is really so cool!^___^

    Do check out this vid taken by a fan where amazed’s picture recently posted was cropped from this vid. Likewise, notice the pink luggage bag which i believe also belongs to her. And lastly take a closer look of the short and color of her hair and also the gray coat jacket she’s wearing and compare it to these pictures i will post below.

  338. Amazed,
    I am so busy these days but as Drezd said is always time to join a happy dance.thousands of thanks for all the info you give us.

    thank you for the links and posts.

    I was waiting for that happy dance from the 1 scene of LTM.Every shippers dream is coming true.

      • Lastly, hehe, have you noticed the guy protecting KJH from the fans, he really seemed trying to ask them to stay away. Love to see them just a few meters away from each other while both were texting (each other) and when he saw her from afar, he immediately walked straight to her! Another thing, look when she positioned herself while KJH preferred to sit as if both really trying to do some tactics move and be discreet of their movements! But the fans were really that sharp not to notice them of course! haha sorry guys am just enjoying when am saying it out loud while watching our lovey dovey acting awkwardly! Come to think of it, this is actually the first ever we have seen them together in public after LTM! So loving it! ^___^

        I really would like to give credit to whoever took this video! You just dont have any idea how you have helped this ship afloat! Kasamhamnida!♥

      • dredz thanks. so this is the video where the pictures are taken! i am confused! if it is really her, how come the camera is not focused on her? she moved forward but the camera didn’t follow her! but there is only their group in the check in counter and she even talked to one of the guys before going to the counter! it is so much of a coincidence if she only looks like the miss! can somebody provide some more info, please!!! we need enlightenment from the person who took the video, please whoever you are!

  339. Amazed, possible that the person taking the vid had no slightest idea who the lady KJH was approaching and since we couldnt understand their conversation, am presuming they were also taken aback or most probably they didnt immediately recognize her from afar. The bottom line here is we still need to dig some more for us to be convinced that she is actually her hence been trying to do some more sleuthing and based from her photos posted compared to that lady, safe to say, both pretty much alike, about the hair, YEH loves to wear bangs too hehe

    • Right, woman in the video is wearing bangs, that’s why it looks to me as if it is someone else. Agree with you, bags and sneakers and color of hair are the same! On second thought, KJH is with 3 other guys why would he bring a woman with the men if it is not her woman, hehehe. Hoping someone would bring light on this! I am 85% sure! Good luck to us! Haaaaay, oppa, please make an announcement already!

    • Also, the woman in the video, walk and stop and looks like talk to KJH! Look at the chair where Ji Hwan is sitting, for the elderly and the handicapped! Oppa, lol !

  340. A light just went up my head! Let’s focus on the pink luggage in the video. At the beginning of the video you could tell that the object of the shoot is kjh and still the pink luggage is not seen. My theory is that kjh came first at the airport and she later that is why you could see ji hwan texting/using his phone to know where she is, it make sense? I am also surprised why he is using his cellphone when he is travelling with her, right? The pink luggage now appears in the video but kjh is still busy on the phone only later did he saw her and walked to where she is! He was texting her, alright. What an escapade!!! Only our OTP can do this!

  341. Hi guys,

    I’m just trying to be objective in my observations. My observations on the video below:

    I think the girl and the pink suitcase are already in the video frame(though a bit blurred).

    Girl seems to have a plump/round face.

    Girl is not really short haired, she’s actually long-haired. She has a pony tail/some sort of hair extensions on her back.

    Sorry guys to burst your bubble…I think it’s not YEH (I’m just trying to be subjective here…. Please don’t kill me!). She might be her manager or assistant or tour guide or coordinator or whatever.

    But i noticed one more thing, even if she’s near the girl, KJH kept on texting (2:55 onwards)as if he was still communicating with someone from a far (maybe YEH who is somewhere else). KJH was also not that reactive when he glanced on the girl at around 1:21.

    What do you think guys (please don’t kill me or ban me out of this playground!) Hehehe 😉

  342. Hi..lurker after Iam watched the video Iam not sure too about that woman in the video was YEH hee,sorry all..please..watched the video when KJH arrivals at airport because that woman there was or look the pictures when KJH arrivals at airport.thank you..once again sorry..because Iam trying to be honest about this,Iam always waiting them with patient until the day comes..happy together..forever..♥♥

  343. Oh uh, Lurker looks like you hit it on the nail! When she walked to the counter it is not her! She is not slim as the miss! Sorry to everybody for posting the picture. No wonder the other forums are not discussing that picture/video. Better luck to us next time hehehe.

  344. Lurker, we are not banning you from the playground, you can stay hehehe! I am glad because of that picture/video you are not a lurker anymore! Yehey! It is hard not to be involved, right??? Should I say, fighting??? Until the next false alarm?

  345. lurker
    I saw the round face and the ponytail too.Does not look like YHE.Oppa’a lady is taller and thinner.
    that’s alright. Our OTP gave us too many other signs.HwanHye shippers are famous for their patience.We can wait .

  346. Oh no, a mistaken identity??? hehehe oh well better luck next time to us! At least I know already how I would react once we see them in public holding hands! lol! Seriously, as long as both have not yet announced to the public their real status there’s still hope. We might be wrong today but who knows, we will be rewarded soon because we are willing to wait just like marthoula said. I know for a fact though we are just few active shippers in here, but out there, more LTM & HwanHye fanatics are just silently awaiting the big announcement^___^

    Amazed, Marthoula, Dar, Chon, Lurker, thank you for the love of OTP we opted to remain loyal to our ship. And even all the other shippers have stopped for awhile, I believe they are patiently waiting too. To be honest with you, am asking myself why am I still here? And I cant give you any reason but maybe deep in my heart, there’s still an inch of hope that someday soon we will be rewarded^____^ HOWEVER IF FATE LEADS THEM TO END UP TO SOMEONE ELSE, am still thankful and I only have my best wishes for both of them because both deserve to be happy^____^

    FIGHTING!!! ♥♥♥

  347. Perhaps we might be missing them so badly hence we abruptly got so excited hehehe

    So shippy me thinks we all deserve something to loosen up thus am re-posting one of my personal fave OTP/LTM video created by our dearest chingu, Nineteen♥

    Sit back, relax and be IN LOVE ONCE AGAIN TO OUR BELOVED OTP!♥

    lets all re-watch and enjoy this video “The Way You Look At Me”^_____^

  348. GUYS DO CHECK THIS OUT FROM BAIDU. Am not sure who gave those gifts and if for OTP from their fans??? I havent read it all yet i just scanned the page and i saw some gifts like couple necklace or couple ring, a picture of HwanHye. Can you please tell us here what does it mean about this, i dont want to jump into conclusion again hehehe Thanks guys!^___^

  349. Dredz
    whoever it is(fans or …who knows?)along with a thick wallet he/she has a nice taste too.
    I want to know what is behind the mosaic.And why they do not want us to see it?Is it a pair of shoes or snickers that we know the owner ?

  350. Dredz, Marthoula – the beef and the couple necklace were New Year’s gift of Baidu to our OTP. Very nice! They made contributions and bought those gifts! They are now preparing for the wedding gift, hehehe! They said they will contribute again for the next gift!

  351. Our congratulations to the Asia Star Awardee, oppa KJH! Well deserved award from 9th Asia Model Awards! Finally, recognition for your work in Incarnation of Money! Go go go! No denying, this is a good year for you! Good year also to get married???

    • I thought it was two bracelets but there is only one, the backing of the bracelet is red! Nice rings, nice bracelet and on his left hand is it a watch??? Nice watch too!

      Whoever is showering you with all those gifts, we wonder???

  352. Congrats KJH.Well deserved.
    I remember how much I cried in “IOM” in the episode where his mom died.
    He was excellent all through the drama but there he was Daebaeck.-sorry not sure how to spell the word correctly. 🙂

  353. Great video.
    Ιt’s not only their kisses is their whole body.Upper body,lower body,hips ,everything is perfectly glued together!.

    • haha, i love how you said it marthoula, everything is perfectly glued together! that you almost got carried away! hehe, sooo agree!^__^

      • Dredz,
        The truth must be told :).
        Also,maybe for Hwood and European movies it is ok but I watched the last few years a lot of dramas from Korea and the truth is usually Korean actors are very careful not to touch their hips if their relation is strictly professional.

  354. I am looking for something to re post and have found this!

    from soompi kjh thread before lie to me airing – in finally finding the one!
    March 2011 bday fanmeet
    Earrings on both sides lol. And then he seems to be wearing a bunch of rings and bracelets. Plus there are some highlights in his hair. It reminds me of the Jin Soo look after he came back from his 2-year stint in Coffee House. And then Kang Ji Hwan’s comment about “dyeing hair and getting earrings together” when he finds his wifey. LOL. Maybe he’s finally found her.

    • Hi amazed, thanks for posting! everything about OTP is so in sync that we could not help not to notice it. Hopeful even in the Asia award night as you have also noticed KJH’s accessories are identical with the same someone^__^

  355. Happy and relieved to see your posts^__^ thanks guys! ♥ likewise, wish to congratulate KJH for the well deserved award for IOM! Btw, have you heard YEH is in Berlin right now? Whether for leisure or business, after she went through, she needed sometime to unwind. Am sure as i speak, she’s having a great time with her friends or rather should we wish with someone^__^

    Guys have you been visiting Baidu lately? Sadly, you cant see the succeeding pages as you need to log in first.

    I do wish to address this to our fellow shippers at Baidu, If you still visit us in here, may we request you to allow us to lurk freely in your Baidu page same like before. We will appreciate if you would still allow us to visit your site. As you may also be aware of, Baidu link is one of our favorite sites to get firsthand info about our beloved OTP. Thank you dear baiduers for your utmost support to them and altogether lets continue supporting OTP until we hear their final announcement! Look forward to be lurking once again in your Baidu site! Kamsahamnida! fighting!♥

  356. Lastly, hehe, I wish to share this HwanHye Fan art I just made, actually, one of my personal fave pictures of OTP are their Photo session interview and pictorial event in LTM, I do love all their pictures during their pictorial and of course during that interview also where YEH referred to KJH as “oppa” hehe.. Anyway, here’s one picture of them

  357. Aigoo, prior to this floral design getup, i posted another pictures, anyway, i wish to post it again.

    If I recall correctly, we’ve always been comparing OTP’s fashion sense is also in sync as we have already seen lots of it from the past as one of our OTP’s collection. Take a look maybe we could also add this in our collection though YEH’s has darker color, its very noticeable how their design is so similar, what do you think guys?

    If am not mistaken, YEH’s picture here was taken from one of her past dramas

    KJH’s recent photoshoot

  358. Hooray, thanks dredz for posting! Thanks for the floral prints comparison of our otp’s outfit! Sometimes I think only one is doing the wardrobe selection for our otp!

    Don’t you worry after the login page in baidu, good news, i was able to find a way around it! If you are on the first page, to go to the next page just add ?pn=2 if you want to see the second page! To go back to the first page change 2 to 1! I was going nuts over that two weeks ago! Like this one their new years’s gift ‘ the link is

    after the 2819192520 type ?pn=2 to get to the next page, i will be awaiting moderation if i retype the whole thing! Just read my next post below.

  359. So, for the second page your link would look like this!

    I was able to browse the next page in my ipad mini but i can’t get my english translation so i just check for the link and just put the ?pn= whatever page you want to go in my laptop! If there is a will there’s a way, hehehe

    happy browsing! hope i was of help!

  360. yes, i read that yeh was in berlin with her assistant/friends??? she is always going abroad after doing a drama, did you notice that? after the awards night, oppa was so quiet, ever wonder what is he doing??? i just hope he is with her. It doesn’t look like he is starting the drama or the movie. In his acceptance speech for the drama he said he is doing a production soon??? is it just the translation or is it something else???

  361. Dredz, in the Asia Star Award, those rings are familiar accessories of kjh! Would you be kind enough to do a collage so we could see if they are the same as someone else’s rings? Thanks in advance! To me, it feels like he frequently used those rings!

  362. Marthoula, nice observation in korean dramas! I only watched a few dramas so it is nice for you to post your observation! Is it telling us something else? lol

    • Omo how time flies, I just could not believe it, his bday fan meet again! This is actually my third to be seeing his FM hehe and its okay really even if how many times we celebrate his bday but just do hope this time around, no more marriage and ideal type issues will be hearing but rather what we would been aching to hear from him for such a long time now..Ji Hwan ssi could you please put an end on this and give yourself already the most precious gift you ever dream of to have in your life!

  363. Wow, you really amazed me! that is actually so cool, how’d you figure it out those codes to be used^__^ yes indeed it did help, thanks amazed^__^

    you’re welcome, actually been trying to ignore it but every time I see those pictures it keeps telling me something and the other pictures i earlier posted too, do believe also they are of similar design.

    Speaking of which, it made me smile again upon seeing these outfits of them

    “Sorry to avoid awaiting moderation, need to post the other separately”

    Surprisingly one thing i’ve noticed when it comes to OTP, words like “coincidence” or “common” are so evident that you seem not to be able to ignore it hehehe

    Case in point those accessories but am afraid amazed i cant grant your request as shippy me here is also a no-technie shipper, sorry hehe but i would find a way so we could figure it out if those accessories kjh was wearing during the awards night are identical with the same someone hehe

    About YEH travelling after doing a project, guess she does it as her gift to herself for every project done. Haha isnt it that’s what KJH does too??? Or could also be their scapegoat to spend quality time with someone hehe

  364. Girls,
    Thank you for keeping this thread alive.Is the only place where I can read about the HwanHye couple.
    Please keep doing what you are doing because you know how to do it.

  365. I posted this before but look and see again, I believe that this is the same lady at the shanghai airport! She could be oppa’s make up artist/hair stylist??? The weirdest thing is that she uses the same bag, sports the same hairdo (same hair color too), likes pink (luggage) also!!! Maybe the miss is giving her those things??? Still there is a link! Waaahhhhh…..

  366. Dredz, that wonderful news that we are so eagerly awaiting, i don’t want to hope again this year! This is the 3rd year! It’s either they have no plans or they tied the knot already! I don’t want to be disappointed again this year! Or maybe when oppa is 40 hehehe!

    That catching the bouquet thing gave me hope but distressed me later on … yay!

  367. well, i hate to post this but for everybody’s info, baidu has a new post and video from YEH’s appearance on a tv show and it looks like from the translation that i read she said she is of marrying age. She was asked for her type and she i think mentioned several guys and at the end, the post from baidu said ‘it was gong yoo after all’! So, it must be him, waaaahhh, she even attended his premier! After her catching of the bouquet and this one maybe I have to stop wishing! Too much for me!

    • @faradie @ClarisC

      Hi and welcome to HwanHye playground. Its nice to know that some shippers are also visiting our ship as we welcome everyone who would like to ship with us. We do appreciate taking your time to post in here^__^

  368. Amazed,girls,
    I just read the article where she chooses Gong Yoo as her ideal type.
    The truth is she mentioned his name so many times the last months like she wants to prepare fans for the big announcement.
    If I do not see anything official I will be on The HwanHye ship forever.
    KJh is my favorite ,but to tell the truth Gong Yoo is a very good actor and good looking guy.
    i do not know but when actors inform the fans about their likings most of the time the try to cover the real people that they are involved-(Jung KyongH/Sooyoung, we all read the false info he gave in the begin.).I wish and hope the same for Kang Ji Hwan/Yoon Eun Hye.

    • Amazed,
      i will continue my thoughts on this bc i can feel how are you feeling right now. Think about the whole situation and have in your mind YEH character. She said Gong yoo only because 1.she really likes and respects him as a person and actor-so nobody can say that she lies.
      2.She probably has a very friendly relation with him -so she can tell his name with out Gong yoo taking in a wrong way what she says.
      3.If the person who takes the interview wants to ask further questions about her answers ,she will be 100% comfortable to say how much admires Gong Yoo because simply she has not anything else except a clear friendship with him.But if she has to answer for a person that she is romantically involved then-believe me Amazed-she would turn red as a poppy flower and everyone would know the truth.
      Again fighting and i ”ll be back when i am done with my busy schedule.

  369. Hmm,now that I found some time to watch the video where she says about Gong Yoo I have to admit her body language when she says his name is Very suspicious…..

  370. Marthoula, yeh is trying very hard to tell everybody that she is getting married! I think she is really getting married. It was all planned out, she is going to tweet about her catching of the bouquet, her agency to say that she is not getting married, the attending of the premier and now this interview! She wants to be linked to Gong Yoo, it is obvious! The funny thing is her getting married and the supposed to be groom is not making it in the news! I wonder why? Nobody is biting the bait? Maybe, koreans know something else? We will soon see!

    On second thought, what about the recent cartier bracelet she wore in the wrap up party for mhiyd, the company name choeun, i am pretty sure she is with kjh in the japan/thailand trip and a lot of other things!

    At any rate, i’m wishing the guy good luck, hehehe! I don’t think GY would allow himself to be used like this if he is not the one! Poor him, if not!

    You definitely could tell a person’s character from their interviews/actions. Some love their fans so much and would do everything for the fans as you could tell by their interviews. Some love their parents and it shows also. Some are trying hard to fool their fans, lol!

    • How about the twitter incident where KJH only followed one single person for almost a month? I think that one was a very glaring evidence for me. Testing the waters as what they say…

  371. Baidu made a post about the way her leading men are treating yeh on the set. Kjh always ready to help her up when she falls while other men just let her get up by herself!

    This is how GY treated her when she falls i think during the bts for coffee prince! To add to that GY went on vacation with another actress right after coffee prince! Here’s the gif!

  372. Some shippers from baidu are not liking this interview too! When Baidu call it quits we will also!

    I really want to keep this ship afloat but somebody is trying her best to let me say goodbye, waaaaahhhhh!

  373. Guys, can someone help me out in recalling about an interview of Gong Yoo from the first thread. If my memory serves me right, the interview is about when is he getting married and someone posted that the traslation of his interview goes something like this:

    “I would get married after YEH and KJH tie the knot.”

    These are not the exact words/translation but this was the thought of the translation which I can remember.

    Is it possible that they’re just using GY’s name (with his consent or maybe because he’s a very close friend to them) so that the fan’s/media’s attention will get diverted from the “real thing”.

    I don’t know but I think YEH dropped his name ‘coz it won’t drag too much negative attention since their tandem is very likeable by the general public due to Coffee Prince. She has always been very conscious of the feedback of the public that’s why she’s always been cautious in interviews.

  374. Hello. This Curiousyeh, a fan of YEH since 2007 and I like Lie to Me and Hwanhye on-screen chemistry.

    lurker, I think you are referring the YEH Tokyo Fan Meeting in 2010. Lie to Me was filmed in 2011, right?

    CDbloom translated the video message aired during the fanmeet. The trans was posted in

    If you are interested, you can visit KJH was never mentioned.

    I will post only the part related to that.

    GY (via video message) asked YEH when you are going to get married and be honest.

    YEH answered I will get married if Mr. GY, who is older than me, gets married.

    Have a blessed day.

    • I’m not sure but I think we’re referring to two different sets of interviews. I’m quite certain that the interview I’m talking about is not a fanmeet/video message or any interviews which include YEH in the scenario.

      It was just some sort of single interview made by Gong Yoo. It’s kind of like an ambush/candid/informal interview wherein he was asked when he’s getting married. I think he was asked with that question because some matured Korean actor got married during those times and his reaction was asked since he’s still single… Again, I’m not sure about this. I’m just working on what I can objectively remember.
      And he answered something that somewhat translated to this: “I would get married after YEH and KJH tie the knot” as claimed by the one who posted it before on the first playground.

      I just want to emphasize that I didn’t see the alleged video of GY’s candid interview and if I did (if there’s any), I wouldn’t understand it anyways ‘coz I don’t understand Korean. My thoughts were all purely based from what I can remember from the posts in the first thread. Again, I maybe wrong with my points here. Though, I’m about 95% sure of my statement on the first paragraph of this post.
      😉 😉 😉

      • And also, in the interview which you are referring, YEH answered the question. However, in the interview which I’m referring, GY answered the question (and YEH is not in the scene/picture of the interview). Which leads me to conclude that we’re not talking of the same interview. Don’t get me wrong as well my dear. I just also want to set the record straight. 😉 😉 😉

  375. BTW, I never ship YEH with any celebrity. So please don’t get me wrong for posting here and I just want to set the record straight.

  376. Hi girls,
    regarding the latest signs I have to say I am not so happy.Wish all the involving parts the best with their choices and what they do in personal lives is not my business.But my fangirling heart is crying.
    the saying is :”No smoke with out fire” and we have to accept it.
    maybe Gong Yoo -who as you said allows her to use his name- does not make any move right now because they know that many fans support the HwanHye ship and some the Ju Ji Hoon so the believe by having YoonHE clearing the water slowly and steadily will not upset any fan part. Do not forget that YHE was in the past a victim of an outrageous fan’s action-incident with her eye-.I can see why she is so careful.
    We will see more of them in the next months.(Inside me i want to see another Gorgeous man next to her !).
    Also,most of us remember that back in the ’11 in an interview Gong Yoo said his ideal type is YHE.
    Please girls keep posting any new or old info you have.

  377. Amazed, marthoula, lurker

    Very understandable to feel sad and a bit dissappointed upon hearing YEH’s kiss and tell. But I TOTALLY agree with marthoula and lurker’s initial observation about YEH’s reaction during the interview.

    Speaking on ladies point of view, its really very hard to be on the spot and asked who your ideal type is and at the same time being cautious of everyone’s reaction if she would choose a guy not favorable to all mostly to netizens. Hence what better way for YEH to be safe is to pick the best guy closest to her heart which would least react if chosen by her. As far as I am concerned, what YEH did was she just played safe that’s why she chose GY as her ideal type. Because she knew GY would totally understand her. For me, it only proves one thing, GY and YEH have friendly relationship and the guy she dropped off first is actually WHOM HER HEART GOES WITH.

    If i remember it correctly, neither both had mentioned each as their ideal type nor name dropped each other in any of their interviews. And of course as HwanHye shippers, we all do know why it is so as discussed in here so very often. If you would notice, its so easy for her to drop KJH without even giving a second thought unlike GY where she made it as if she had a hard time to choose GY of which pretty sure she’s just doing that to make it believable. In fact, did she say in the interview too as translated in Baidu that she predicted GY would text to tell her, he didnt know her feelings about him. Well, that’s what i deciphered the eng trans not sure though if the trans got it correctly or i did. But if that is really true that YEH really expects GY to text her back about it, am sure only for the reason that GY would tease her because GY knew very well the truth.

    Having said that, LURKER, I do recall what you are referring to, and you are absolutely correct that GY was asked in an interview and clearly he said that “HE WOULD MARRY IF YEH AND KJH WOULD TIE THE KNOT FIRST”. I would try to search that and re-post it here for everyone to see.

    Also YEH’s attendance in the premiere of GY’s movie is for me another proof that both are indeed very good friends since Coffee Prince days. Hence if you would analyze it, among the guys YEH had to choose from, obviously it must be GY mainly because she has known him for a very long time.

    Lastly, if i would to compare the BTS’ of CP, MY and LTM whom I strongly think YEH had affectionately involved with..well, pretty sure we would only have a certain guy in our shippy minds..and as lurker has mentioned, I also agree, to follow YEH on twitter is the strongest and undeniable proof we could hold on to for this ship to still manage smooth sailing. Still Hwaiting!^___^

    • @dredz Gong Yoo never said such a thing on any of his interviews so if you read that somewhere then it’s just delusional shippers who twisted his words. I really hate it when shippers try to twist the truth so that it would work on their advantage.

      As a fan of Gong Yoo for many years now, I can assure you he said no such thing. I also dont make it an effort to post on some shippers thread, but I was informed by someone, that this forum, is twisting Gong Yoo’s words, so I just wanna set the record straight and I have every right to do so as his fan.

      Another thing, if shippers used their common sense, then they’d know that a good friend of YEH like Gong Yoo would never blow his friend’s cover and relationship with anyone (if there is even any) espescially in an interview like that and if they used their common sense, then they’d know that if Gong Yoo ever said anything like that about Yoon Eun Hye and Kang Ji Hwan, it would have made it a big issue.

      Shipping is ok, but when it crosses that line and the members start making up things just to save a ship, then it becomes ridiculous.

      • @baluga
        That’s why we always try to put disclaimers on our post ‘coz there’s really no certainty in the posts that we interpret. Again, as I said, I’m only posting from what I can recall and I think i recalled it right that someone posted such thing from our first thread as confirmed by dredz. And also, I mentioned before that I, myself, am not sure if the alleged interview is even true or existing.

        We’re not trying to save this ship because I know that whatever happens, this ship will stay afloat and we’ll all be very very happy with our dear couple whoever they end up with. I think you’re the one trying to save your ship. 😉 😉 😉

        I’ll also try my best to look up that post.

      • Huh? I am trying to save my ship? What ship? I dont ship Gong Yoo with anyone, cause I know exactly how chaotic shipping would be. I dont need that kind of headache in my life.

        But please do refrain from making up words that Gong you has never said.

        Even if you manage to find that supposed interview, make sure to provide the original news link in korean and not just some random made up translation that anyone can type over the internet that doesn’t even have a source. I would like to read the original korean news link of that supposed interview since I understand korean very well. Have lived in Seoul for 6 years.

  378. @Baluga
    First of all I want to say a hello to you.And I think you were lucky to have the opportunity to live in Seoul some years.Actually ,everyone who has the chance to experience a different culture other than his/her own country I believe is fortunate.
    I do not consider myself as an oldie in this thread bc I am here the last few months but what made me to start posting here is how polite and respectful are the posters in here not only with the regulars but with random poster too.
    Dredz particular is one of the people that welcomes everybody and if she post anything that later she finds is wrong she will comment and inform us.So,I do believe when indirectly you called her ridiculous you are wrong.Of course you can post any info you have and we all here appreciate that but please,do not characterize-even indirectly- individuals.
    As a regular in this forum and knowing everyone ‘s writing what I understood from Dredz’s post is that she will try to find that interview and post it. As a non native speakers of a language -like everyone around the world- we have to depend in translations.We try to find valid translations each time .It is good that you came in our thread bc you can help us when that interview is found and tell us how valid it is.

  379. @Baluga

    Now I get it why you’re reacting that way towards the delusions of this ship. You stayed in Korea for 6 years which gives me a hint that you have somewhat…pardon my word…acquired/imbibed the ”possessive or obsessed” character of Korean fans. I think everyone knows that fans from mainland Korea are very sensitive with their Hallyu stars/idols. They tend to have these nasty attitudes towards their stars/idols that’s why these actors/actresses/idols are very calculated/cautious/conservative of their actions and words. They’re very much afraid of the negative reactions from the public that’s why they always try to act in front of the camera the way the outrageous fans want them to.

    You said that you’re not into shipping and don’t need such headache but here you are strolling on our little slum and poor playground. I don’t think our mini delusions here would make a stir in somebody else’s life. And also, I’m quite sure that people here never try to burst the bubble or delusions of other ships even if the so called “make up stories” make us feel very bad because none of us got concrete evidence that the couple we’re shipping are really an item.

    Honestly, I don’t think all ships are chaotic. There’s this one type of ship wherein shippers are NOT open-minded to the idea that the couple they’re shipping may not end up together. And there’s this one which is open to the fact that each couple being shipped may end up with somebody else. And I’m very glad that our ship is the latter.

    I’m not trying to argue with you, I’m just trying to express what I felt with your post. But if you feel like retaliating or replying on this post, I’m fine with it because this is an open playground. I would even be very thankful if you’ll keep posting your rants here. At least you have become part/instrumental in increasing the number of posts here in our playground so that we could proceed with our next page. Actually, we don’t have that much people posting here since everybody’s busy that’s why we’ll be needing your help to keep this thread going.

    @Fellow shippers

    Sorry for this stupid comment of mine, I just needed to pen this one out so that I could take this out my system. Please don’t ban me ‘coz I may end up lurking again. 😉 😉 ;-). I promise that this will be my last post about this Gong Yoo thing until we have come up with more solid proofs. I rest my case. God bless us all and sorry again.:-) 🙂 🙂

  380. Yes I am strolling in ur little slum playground because a friend alerted me to the lies that you are spreading about Gong Yoo. And you are copping a nasty attitude to me about it because you got called out.

    The only thing I am asking is to stop spreading lies. Is that so hard to do? I am asking this as a fan. How would you like it if you saw posts saying that Kang Ji Hwan supposedly said something which you know 100% that he didn’t? Wouldn’t that rub you off the wrong way too espescially if you know that it’s being done for shipping purposes?

    Once again I dare you and those who claimed to have seen such an interview and like I said, original news link please.

    And thanks for saying that I’m posessive and classifying me that way. Now can I classify you as a blind, delusional shipper who would insist on something that doesn’t exist?

    You say that not all shippers are chaotic? sorry but I disagree. Shippers always start nice and reasonable at the beginning saying that if the ship ever sinks someday they will respect the artists and wish them happiness…but as years go by that sensibility that was there in the beginning goes away…then some shipper starts making up evidence, like they saw the artist together at some place but they can never provide photographic evidence, and just because the artist are wearing the same sponsored items it automatically means that they are dating.
    Then what makes matters worst is that when one of the artist says something that doesn’t benefit the ship, they start blaming the artist, or like the poster @amazed, starts attacking the artists character pretty much implying that she is a user or that her character is not good.

    There is no such thing as some shippers are better than other shippers, because at the end of it all, the longer the ship sails the more obsessed and blinded people get.

    So I dont blame why the artists fanclubs have a no shipping policy because just like they said, if shippers dont get what they want at the end, 30% of them become antis. I’ve seen this happen during the Coffee Prince mania as well. Almost the whole nation wanted Gong Yoo and YEH to date and when they didn’t get what they wanted, many of them turned into antis. So that’s my view on shipping.

    But it’s really non of my business whether you ship or not, that’s not what I came her for. I just dont want people in here to keep on insisting that Gong Yoo said something that he didn’t say unless they can back it up with real evidence right now, which I am 100% sure they can’t because he never said that.

  381. @ lurker
    None of your posts are stupid, on the contrary you can tell that the person behind them is an intelligent person.
    You and all of us express our opinions and how we perceive different events.Freedom of speech is one of the fundamental human rights.
    On this particular case you were not sure for something ,you asked if someone could help you bc you were not CERTAIN where and what exactly you read and that ‘s all.Nothing more,nothing less.
    🙂 Do not go back in to a lurking mode!!

  382. @lurker/marthoula

    Hi chingus, first would like to apologize i was not around for a while and did not know we have another guest in our humble playground. Thanks guys, indeed this ship has decent and respectful shippers and am also very proud to be one.


    I would like to start by apologizing if we have hurt others because of our post in particular GY ssi. And as a fan like you, i absolutely understand how you feel if ever you think your idol has been attacked by anyone and you are right, i would definitely do the same should i learned that OTP would be disgraced by others.

    But this does not give you the right to post in here and make such harsh comments. As far as we are concerned, everything discussed here are confidential and never talked about outside this ship for the reason that something like this might have happened and am afraid it happened again due to some unexpected guests we previously had. In fact, should not someone had told you about it, you would not be able to know about it. We are neither making up stories nor twisting words just for our own advantage but we are simply shippers awaiting good news to arrive but not to the extend to do such stupid things just to fool ourselves.

    I wont argue about anything mainly because we had nothing to defend about. Whatever discussions we have here definitely have a basis otherwise this would not be an issue here in the first place. As you have said you do not ship so how would you know that GY has not said anything in any of his interviews. And should we get any wrong information about our OTP or other issues for that matter, as marthoula said, we would definitely acknowledge it.

    Lastly, i certainly believe those people who sneak around other than their own ships are far more ridiculous and disrespectful of others’ privacy and definitely have no common sense at all because if you do, you would not be sneaking around in the first place and butt-in just like that.

    This would be my first and last to be talking about it. Once again, thank you so much lurker and marthoula, really appreciate you guys came to the rescue to protect our ship. This only shows how steadfast our ship is. Fighting!!!

  383. ” But this does not give you the right to post in here and make such harsh comments. As far as we are concerned, everything discussed here are confidential and never talked about outside this ship for the reason that something like this might have happened and am afraid it happened again due to some unexpected guests we previously had. In fact, should not someone had told you about it, you would not be able to know about it.”

    I apologize if my comment sounded harsh, that, I sincerely apologize for. However, everything that’s discussed here is not confidential, this is a public forum that anyone can access, so if you want for things to be treated as confidential, be careful and maybe not post it on a public forum. Public forum=public consumption.

    “more ridiculous and disrespectful of others’ privacy and definitely have no common sense at all because if you do, you would not be sneaking around in the first place and butt-in just like that.”

    common sense also tells you that if you want something to be private and not everyone to know, then you discuss it privately not publicly.
    as for the butting in part, this is a public forum, if you are bold enough to write something like that in a public forum, then be prepared for others to say something, if they see that the info being spread about their idol is not correct.

    ” As you have said you do not ship so how would you know that GY has not said anything in any of his interviews. And should we get any wrong information about our OTP or other issues for that matter, as marthoula said, we would definitely acknowledge it.”

    Dont try to insist that I am a shipper, to veer away from the REAL topic which is, your friend saying that Gong Yoo said during an interview that he will only get married after KJH and YEH get married, simply because you can’t provide a korean news link proving that he said what you all claim he said. Infact, I know 100% that Gong Yoo hasn’t said that, because I dont ship him with any of the women he has ever acted with, so my focus is on him alone. I read all his interviews, watch all his videos, buy his merchandise just like any fan supporting their idol, so please don’t try to shift away from the real issue that I came here for which was me asking for evidence of that supposed interview and nothing more.

    You know it’s really simple, if your ship can’t provide that specific evidence that I know you will never be able to provide, because it doesn’t exist, then be mature about it,take responsibility like an adult and own up that you made a mistake or may have misunderstood what he said because of the language barrier…. instead of further insisting that he said something that he didn’t and putting words in his mouth which in my opinion is pretty shady thing to do.

  384. Hi fellow shippers and non-fellow shippers,

    Keep your posts coming. We’ll be hitting our 1,500th post soon. Congratulations to all of us.

  385. I have decided not to visit this playground for a week but I only lasted for about 2 days, I just can’t help it and boy was I surprised at the number of posts! Hooray, other shippers are interested in our playground!

    Our old playground was well publicized and there are a lot of shippers and non shippers alike on that link. When the old playground crashed, it took me several days before I find the new link! I was so worried that the true shippers will not find its way in the new playground. I posted the new link at soompi the lie to me thread to be sure that only hwanhye shippers will find it! I think there are some shippers who are still lost! The only other time that the link to this playground was posted was when ms k posted about kjh following yeh on twitter and lj provided the link to this playground! Marthoula, I know you have been to this link because of that, right? Followers of kjh would be led to that link since it is about kjh. To find the link to this new playground you really must exert some effort if you are a shipper, just like what I did, I was going nuts back then! Really surprised that we are being followed by non shippers as well! Me, I don’t go to other shippers site, what I don’t know wouldn’t hurt me!

    No need to apologize lurker, marthoula is right, you are not sure about your post and you even asks if anybody knows about it! Let us put behind that interview!

  386. I have a lot of things to post! Recently, I have been reading the dc kjh link and I remember 3 days before the asia model star awards dc kjh have been mentioning in their posts about the asia model star awards and I was wondering what it is all about! I know kjh have been modeling but I don’t think it would be to the extent that he would be receiving an award for that! what am I getting at? They know something before anything happens? wild guess! KJH was in that award show to receive the asia star award!

    Look at this image posted at dc kjh link. Several separate posts were made in reference to this and to follow are the comments!

    *** *** ***
    February’m waiting for a good thing!

    Ohhhh my brother ~ ~ ★

    *** *** ***
    But one dadada ..
    Nimha fifty-five thousand five hundred fifty-five brother ~ ~ happy!!

    *** *** ***
    Perhaps …
    Would they want to spill the news!
    ㄱreon expected to be ~ ~ ~

    My comments will be in separate post….

    • They say oppa is happy so I am happy too, hehehe!
      I wonder what they are expecting in February and what news they want to spill!

      I know the image was fan made but I am intrigued by their posts. It could be nothing but I still want to let you know! Accept my apology for posting that interview thing! It is just an interview!

      Ooops, before I forget, did you notice the blue and pink colors?

  387. @Dredz @amazed
    Welcome back girls,
    you were away only a couple of days but you were missed.
    Amazed,you are right.I found our playground after koala ‘s post for the twitter suspicious incident.And I saw under a yt clip for our OTP, someone to refer to koala’s playground.I came here and the rest is history.
    I believe that Koala had put YHE and GY’s interviews for a reason.That Does not necessarily mean they are involved romantically.If they are ,they are grown-ups and they can enjoy each others company in any way they want.
    In BTS clips from LTM I saw an undeniable chemistry between YEH and KJH .
    They act more freely around each other compared to other actors- from the same culture- who have similar scenes in other Kdramas. 🙂
    Waiting patiently till time will tell.
    Regardless the results first of all ,all of us here want the best for those actors because they are talented people with mature personalities.

    • Marthoula, I believe ji hwan is happy based on his latest pictures and seeing those 2 rings that look like wedding rings on his fingers last Asia model star awards, I believe he has found the one and already made his choice for a lifetime partner! It would be easy to decipher oppa and seeing him happy is enough for me! Whoever is his choice, I will be happy for him! Don’t you agree?

  388. Latest tweet from KJH via his official twitter account @Kangjihwan_
    오랫만이네요! 설 잘보내셨죠? 늦잠자구 인났는데 얼굴이팅팅부었네요. 근데 어려진 느낌ㅋㅋ 연휴내내 신삼국지란 드라마만 보구있어요! 제갈공명짱인듯!! 날씨 추운데 감기조심 하시고 다들 일상생활 화이팅♡
    TRANSLATION: (this is what i get from the translator)
    For a long time, but it’s funny! good Lunar New Year? Let’s face it, I met late Tingting,. But a hard feeling throughout the holidays either because a three-drama, but you see! The Zhuge Liang’s school! Cold weather and cold, and all of them in their daily lives and lighting condition

    i am wondering what a three-drama means from what he’s saying…
    help chinggus… maybe we can decipher, what that really means..

  389. Evelyn, here’s the translation from kjh fb.

    Latest tweet from KJH via his official twitter account @Kangjihwan_
    translated by the KJH Singapore Operator

    Its been a long time since I posted a message. Hope everyone had a great Lunar New Year…I woke up very late today & ended up having a swollen face but I feel very energetic & much younger. Kekekkeke. During the whole holiday season, I have been watching the “New 3 Kingdoms”. It was a great show & the strategist Kong Min is the best character! Jang!!! The weather is very cold. So please do remember to keep warm. Fighting!!!

  390. Here’s the post from dcinside re: ji hwan’s latest tweet! New 3 kingdoms is a korean drama during the holidays?

    Let’s face shone tingting part of oversleeping combed. ㅋ ㅋ but feel eoryeojin
    Three Kingdoms is a new drama throughout the holiday season, but I’m lookin! Jegalgongmyeong apparently her!
    Watch your cold weather chuunde life fighting everyone ♡

  391. Guys, I sensed something in ji hwan’s latest tweet ,
    ‘but I feel very energetic & much younger. Kekekkeke.’.

    So he is very much contented in life and his choice of a lifetime partner is making him energetic and much younger, hehehe!

    This cheers me up! Whoaaaa….

      • Hi dredz,
        I got the impression maybe I am wrong but reading some posts from other threads I see that some of them strongly believe that KjH /YeH HAD something in the past .Do you know how old are the photos that you posted it?The ones with the necklaces and the letter E on his finger?

    • Lurker, you posted the pictures at 1 am maybe that is the reason why it takes a loooooong time! Just repost them maybe 1 or 2 pictures in each post.

    • @marthoula

      Hi chingu! I havent said thank you, I truly appreciate chingu mwuah!^___^ <3

      Yes indeed! lets continue to sail on till we've reached there! fighting!!! ^___^

  392. Hi chingus! Kamsahamnida for hanging around. That’s right, lets keep our spirit high as its not yet the end of the road at least for our ship. We could still have the chance to see land. ^___^


    Hi chingu, welcome back! though i know you havent left us, thanks much! <3 Thanks for sharing the latest tweet of KJH ssi and @amazed, thanks for posting a better translation^___^

    Ji Hwan ssi hehe he really seems bragging about his glowing skin and we wonder what's really your secret? or should I say who's your secret for keeping yourself youthful looking as you age hehe not pretty obvious you are really up and inspired right?! ^___^

    Btw while awaiting his bday to come, wish to refresh us once again of his last year's interview during his bday FM. Do you think, this year is really the year we have all been waiting for? hehe just a hunch^___^

    I just want to quote a part of YEH's recent interview where she said she decided to stop drinking to get married

    @Amazed about KJH's accessories in the Asia Awards, what i have noticed is the first red bracelet he's wearing on the red carpet but I
    will post it separately…

    • I like Baidu’s interpretation of ji hwan’s interview, get married at 38 and then have a baby after 2 years of marriage (someone’s interview)! Hehehe…

  393. here it is chingus,

    guys dont you recognize the red bracelet? take a look again, the above picture of Mz. Koala, can you now see what i see??? I have noticed it after I zoomed in the picture and was shocked to see its so familiar. How am I sure, notice the metal stud, its exactly the same, right? Which leads me to this question, if there’s nothing between them at this time, how come he still wears the supposedly one of the identical bracelets we’ve seen on them, pls pls enlighten me guys on this as i dont want again to conclude anything yet. But of course, cant deny am wishing the same hehe is this a hunch its still fighting for us after all chingus??? ^___^

    • Try to save the image, right click your mouse and click save image as..once saved, click the saved image and right click your mouse again and click “zoom in” ^___^ pls cant wait for your confirmation guys thanks in advance!^__^

      • Likewise amazed, gut-feel those two rings have its own story to tell us too hehe, been checking it hence i noticed the red bracelet ^___^

    • dredz, the metal stud looks the same but to me the metal stud is longer than the red colored part. Maybe, I am not seeing it correctly. Sorry, chingu!

  394. I don’t know what dcinside-kjh is waiting for. Here are the posts.

    Feb 4 – Tomorrow will be another great day

    Feb 5 – Already 5 days
    Aaaaaaaah coming
    Today or tomorrow

    Not wait for anything,
    Relax ….

    Just waiting for relaxing
    Future happiness everyday ~

    Oh brother’s too, but do not look … I know it would be somewhere in preparation yeolssimi

    In preparation???

  395. marthoula i almost missed your posts re kjh necklaces and the year, The H necklace is from october 2012 attending the busan awards show, the Y necklace is from kjh house tour, december 2012, and i would make a guess for the ‘e’ on his hand, maybe 2011 or earlier! dredz might have missed your post that is why i decided to write here at the bottom! I am pretty sure about the Y and the H! Anybody knows the year for the e on kjh hand?

    • it could be that the e was from 2012 also, november 2012? That completes it, october, november and december! It just crossed my mind, he had it in order, y in october, e in november? and h in december, hahaha!

      Oppa, you are such a sweet guy! who would not love you more???

      • Oops sorry, he wore it in reverse order, h then e then y so it would not be obvious! Sorry oppa we found it out! Great thinking, though! Isn’t this a great evidence?

  396. and i also want to add this information: feb 2013 is when kjh announced the name of his agency ‘choeun’. kjh following yeh on twitter is june? of 2013! So these special events are just recent!!!

  397. side remarks: recently kjh has been busy tweeting so I assume he is not working. He said that he will be working like a cow but the recent tweet that he overslept makes me think!!! he was not tweeting also when you know who is in germany, lol, you know who I mean! Ever wonder?

    He said he is getting ready for a production ( ??) during his acceptance speech at the awards night! here’s his acceptance speech, rewind!!!

    Edited by the KJH Philippine Operator
    video credit: Gersia Lee

    “Hello everyone…. I m Kang Ji Hwan..

    This is the first time that I am attending this award ceremony.
    I’m very honored to be presented with this award. I would also like to congratulate all the others who
    have come from afar and have also been awarded. A big thank you to Zai Ying Shi Zhang who has sponsored
    my lovely outfit. I will be a better actor in the future to show my gratitude to all.

    Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!”

    Then the host starts to speak to KJH. “Kang Ji Hwan ssi… you are the last you still
    remember me? We used to act together…So what have you been up to lately?”

    KJH looked at her, smiled and said.. “Oh yeah.. we used to be in the same casting agency.. I’m well.
    As my new production will start soon, so I’m busy enjoying myself first before I focus on my work.”

    The host said.. “Ok.. looking forward to your upcoming great production.. and KJH said, “Yes.. ok..”

    The end..


    That production must be something and great!!!

      • Amazed
        thank you.It is very easy to miss my post and I was ready to repost it.
        I am trying not to do wild guesses but we have to many coincidences here.And Y and E and H and the name of his company also a coincidence?
        The incident with the twitter is also a coincidence?
        All the photos in his office with him and YEH are a coincidence too?
        If I am not wrong when you broke up with your girl/boyfriend you do not keep so many photos of this person in a open view for anyone to see.Something still exists and it goes stronger as days go by.

  398. Marthoula, those are glaring evidences!

    Can you handle more about the 2012 busan film festival where kjh is wearing the ‘h’ necklace?

    KJH arrived in Busan Oct 4, 2012, if i remember it right. The day after somebody’s birthday! The following day, oct. 5, 2012, kjh was scheduled to grace what they say was the blue carpet, the film festival is a week long celebration, he was nowhere to be found, fans are waiting for him and he is a no show! You know where he went? hehehe, he went back to seoul and we conclude because the miss is sick! Several days or weeks later(?) his agency, splus issued a statement that he was still in busan at that time but he has colds/sick and is afraid of infecting his fans that is why he is a no show! We were like asking ourselves, how can two people be sick at the same time if they are not together and have the same sickness??? lol… Oct 7, YEH arrived in Busan and she said she has a swollen face because she was sick!!! Wait, there is more! Look at our OTP’s outfit when they were in Busan although 3 days apart!

    Coincidence including the sickness?

    And to top it up, months after, december(?) splus filed a case against ji hwan banning him from working and demanding that his contract with them be extended for another year because the agency could not reach him for months!!! Before this lawsuit, Ji hwan was with two other actors working with the same agency in a tv interview and ji hwan mentioned that they should not have a girlfriend or otherwise they would be out of the agency! Based on this, I would say his conflict with splus is because of a certain woman/girlfriend! Any guess? I read that in some korean agency contracts it is specified that girlfriends are a no no… His first agency conflict might be because of a girlfriend too, hehehe, 2009 is the year. He has been in that first agency for too long and suddenly this conflict! ??? Because they heard that he got a girlfriend already???

    I missed rainqueen who loves this topic! Ji Hwan might have told splus on oct 5 that he has to go back to seoul but the agency did not let him go! He went after his heart and went back to Seoul! Well, the miss easily recovered because of somebody’s tender, loving care?

    This photo is a repost…

    • Although not seen they are both wearing boots when they were in busan! Boots similar to her design for ugg australia??? Looks like the miss is dressing him up. Airport fashion??? I was new at this playground at that time lurking and I was so thrilled! Maybe you read about this already but for newbies, hope you like it!

  399. If you have not read about this news, kjh confirmed that he would not be the lead for golden cross as previously announced. He said he is considering another project. He is so picky with his projects but there is always one exception! guess?

  400. Amazed ,
    thank you for posting all the info for people like me who are not so comfortable with technology.It’s too much for me.
    I was hoping to see him in drama”Golden cross”.It s one year after “Incarnation of money” and i miss him. He knows better what he wants for his career.Maybe he wants to do something different and not a revenge drama again.

  401. Let us wait and see what his next project will be! After his tweet that he overslept I don’t think he is working on anything, maybe he has some personal projects to work on! That tweet is more of like telling us fans that he has somebody that is making him youthful and energetic, kyaaaa! On another note, I don’t think romancing game pushed through also. On one of his tweets, he said the shooting stopped (?) that is what I’m getting from the translation/s.

    I will keep you posted!

  402. Just in! Kang Ji Hwan confirmed for KBS ‘Big Man’ drama starting April 14, Mon-Tue slot as what I read from dcinside! There is also a facebook announcement from Choeun! FYI.

    • got this info re ‘big man’.

      on, Tue 22:00
      A man living a third-rated life gets involved in plan to save a rich family’s only son who needs a heart transplant. He gets a new life as the eldest son of the rich family but realizes later that it was all a plan and faces the irregularity of the world.

      Looks good! A different kind of story! Fighting, oppa!

      • Many were caught by surprised, judging by the posts that I have read! I know it is a good project for you! I hope media will make an article about this! It is sad, that your winning the asia model star awards was mentioned only by a few. God bless you!

  403. Hi wine, welcome back! Thanks for posting! Our playground was gone for only 2 days I think! This is the 3rd year for our playground and we have been called by a lot of different names, little slum playground and sinking playground! Is there any other shipper’s forum that lasted for 3 years???

    I believe there are a lot of silent lurkers out there! Sometimes though it feels like you are all alone! Stay on and please do post once in a while! Thanks!

    • chon, thanks! He is so young looking in that video! Getting younger and younger! He must be inspired!

      marthoula, let me check if there is an english translation for that!

      Happy Valentine’s day to all hwanhye shippers and most especially to our otp.

    • @amazed,

      you can see who has an equally amazing influence in his life… when it comes in tackling their respective roles, they don’t mind looking ridicule as long as it is for the love of the art 🙂

      now need i say more?


  404. Girls ,
    do you know who will be KangJHwan’s rival in the upcoming drama “BIG MAN”?
    I read it in allkpop and PLEASE help me, I will have a major problem what team I would be. Kang or Daniel? I adore them both equally.
    That is a dream to come true for me .Kang and Daniel together …….
    At the end I will ship the bromance LOL…

    • Hi guys! So I heard too, pretty sure this is yet another promising new k-drama for our Ji Hwan ssi, cant wait for this upcoming project of him. Break a leg, Oppa! hehe history repeats itself, another new “not so good” hairdo for him to offer but sure bet behind this new hairstyle is a drama to look out for! Another winning moment for our k-finest actor!

      Which keeps me thinking why this drama, oppa??? did she not concur with the two previous projects or probably the story line per se already gives her the pressure not to approve it due to some forbidden scenes, hehe, just a hunch.. truly someone is kinda jealous type well who would not be, if I were in her shoes, I would feel the same hehe

  405. @ evelyn

    baidu and I concur with your observation! who influenced him? i have a blast reading the netizens comment on the yellow hair! i hope after 2 weeks of shooting he is going to dye it back to black! eun hye please dye your hair black too! asians don’t have blonde hair!!!

    credit: baidu

  406. @ dredz

    thanks for the video that you posted! after 3 years, shippers are still creating mv for lie to me? i wonder why?

    you may be right, somebody must have told kjh not to take the other projects. what happened to romancing game? i thought it is a go!

    but you could see clearly that kbs really wants him on their station! after turning down golden cross, they gave him another script! the slot for big man and supposed to be golden cross is the same timeslot, same monday and tuesday airing! they put aside golden cross for big man! obvious they really want ji hwan! fighting, kjh!

    • @marthoula, do I have to say it out loud chingu but of course Ji Hwan ssi still hehe

      @amazed, about the new MV, hmm, your guess is as good as mine hehe

      Here’s another new creation of Eleina Laira, I enjoyed it as well and love the song summer nights too ^__^

      @marthoula, amazed

      Btw, About the necklaces with YEH’s initials, now that I’ve seen the original picture of KJH where the letter E was written as seen on the photo, correct me if am wrong on this guys, the way I see it, I’d like to think its just photo shopped, because the original photo has no letter E written on his pinky finger. Sorry guys, I just do hope we could still use our sharp sleuthing skills with regard to this, but still hoping, we could really find one. Thus if you concur therefore there was actually no letter E yet to complete YEH’s initials. Maybe KJH has been planning to get one yet real soon^__^ I’ll try to locate the said photo and post it here as our proof aigoo..quite dissappointing, right?

  407. @ dredz

    yes please post the original picture! i thought it was all settled in the old playground that it was not photo shopped! hehehe hwaiting for the ‘e’ still oppa! there must be another necklace with the ‘e’. The y and h are for sure not photo shopped at all! Let us open our eyes to find the ‘e’. hwanhye still!

  408. can i put in here some korean words that i have learned? i know it is a yes, here you go. ‘ssi’ means mister! so it is right to say ji hwan ssi, hehehe. there is no plural for nouns in korean so it is always a ‘chingu’! Correct me if i am wrong!

  409. What is the problem with you baluga? Nothing wrong has been said about GY. I like him too. This is a discussion forum everybody has freedom to comment. i think you are overreacting. Just reading from their posts I really cant see where that anger is coming from. Chill out gurl if you are a girl.

  410. Dredz I searched the internet for kjh picture with the ‘e’ on his finger but I can’t find any! Where is it from? From baidu, maybe. Or could it be a tweeted picture? Your guess is as good as mine!

  411. These are stills of Kang Ji Hwan for the March issue of “Singles” magazine which will be released on February 20, 2014.latest photo posted by KJH’s agency, Choeun Company

    look at the magazine name! singles magazine! why this photoshoot? is it because he won’t be single soon? just thinking loud!

    look at the hair also, not so yellow anymore!

  412. ladies, does anybody know the name of kjh’s manager? The manager must be someone special, hehehe. Lately, oppa went to a warm country during the holidays and as per kjh tweet he is with his manager! Lucky manager, would you say? He went on vacation with his manager to get to a warm country? Next, kjh said he is reviewing the scripts of his future dram. Again, the manager is reviewing scripts with him! Powerful manager! Also, the dec 2012 house tour, kjh said his manager or is it his broker who stays with him when it is already late at night! Is the manager using the extra set of toothbrush in his bathroom? If you are just a guest in a house and you just stay there once in a blue moon, why would you leave your toothbrush unless you are a permanent resident.

    wondering, me!!! lol….

  413. ladies, do you know who is kjh’s manager? Lately, kjh went on vacation to a warm country with his manager as per his tweet! Imagine, on vacation with his manager, so special! Before deciding on his next project, kjh said he is reading/reviewing the scripts with his manager! The manager has the final say? Kjh house tour last december 2012, he said his broker or is it his manager who sleeps in his house when it is already late! Is the manager the one using the extra set of toothbrush? If you are not permanently residing in a house why would you leave a toothbrush! Just carry it in your bag! Powerful, manager!

    • Amazed, from what i have gathered KJH’s manager is a he besides is it not that a manager’s task so no need for us to worry unless of course we have something else in our shippy minds eeekk but of course that should not be the case knowing how good a kisser he is hehe ^_~

  414. @amazed

    About the photo am referring to, regret i could not search it anymore but am pretty much sure I did see it somewhere else anyway here’s the pictorial where they got it from including the photo with E. If we would think about it, if the E was a permanent tattoo, it should be on his pinky finger until now. This is only my personal opinion thus i might be wrong hence were trying to prove it otherwise. Nonetheless this would not even lessen my faith on them considering the Y & H necklaces and other evidences we’ve already gathered, should we need for more???

    And may I add this, even she keeps denying it which I completely understand of doing it, in the case like this, there’s more than meets the eye but rather you have to learn to read between the lines as we always say it “actions speak louder than words”

    Unless otherwise, I am fully convinced that our instinct about them were absurd then that’s the only time i would say “quit” but until then still Hwaiting!!!

  415. @wine

    Hi! welcome back, glad you have found our humble cave and thanks for still believing in our OTP! Hope to hear from you again ^___^

    • oh wait a minute, when i looked at the pictures again, they must be similar! yeh appears longer maybe because it is far away from the camera lens!!! kjh ring is closer so it looks narrower, what do you say?

    • there could only be one ring! maybe it is too big for her ring finger that is why she wore the ring on her middle finger. hahaha!
      kjh has it on his ring finger!

  416. Hi girls!i just want to share my thoughts about kang ji hwan Y and H necklace.what if Y means sung Yuri?and H means Han ji min,kim Haneul or kang ji Hwan?and my thoughts about eun hye posing sexy in photoshoot please girl stop doing that,i dont want everyone sees youre body.only one person have the right to see that or he already sees that and it should be KANG JI HWAN.i thank you..just drop by..

  417. hi girls and kornflakes,
    so happy to see new people here or if you are an old one welcome back and I am sorry if I did not know.
    I never thought that Y or H could mean someone else’s name.It’s a possibility but i never saw -IMO- that great chemistry and that hugs -i m talking about the clip after they make the last scene in an airport and after they start their goodbyes with the rest of crew – with any of his other co-stars.
    I am waiting and see what time will bring us.

  418. hi marthoula, i’m still here… i was looking for the latest video of kjh where he looks so happy, i will post it once i find the youtube version. Wondering what’s keeping him soooo happy and alive!

    kornflakes i think that was too far fetched. Ji Hwan only followed one miss on twitter and it was not the names that you mentioned. SY gave KJH a puppy as birthday gift during their Hong Gil Dong days. During the promo for Runway cop SY learned that KJH has a new doggy (luxury) and she asked KJH what happened to the other dog and KJH said he gave the dog to his parents! I could only guess that luxury is a gift from a special person otherwise why would he get/buy another dog! And also he loves luxury so much.

    Also, KJH did not name his agency after them! He is very clever in naming his agency, koreans won’t associate it with a person when koreans get married the bride retains her name and does not use the groom’s family name! The Y and H is enough clue for me!

  419. here is kjh latest video message
    credit to kjh fb

    Kang Ji Hwan’s latest Kangstar video message
    translated by Joy Kiyota 2/17/14
    edited by the KJH Philippine Operator

    “Annyeong Haseyo!

    I am Kang Ji Hwan. I think it’s too late, but first, I would like to greet you a Happy New Year! (applauds) It’s been a long time that I have not greeted in front of the camera. Year 2014 has started and again I also gained another year. Just like everyone else…you’re getting old too,right? (flashes a smile) During the Incarnation of Money last year, I was not able to show you my appearance so much. I think this year, starting with the drama series, Big Man, I can show you my various looks. Thank you for waiting!

    And in addition…before that…on March 16, my birthday party will be held again. I hope many of you will come to celebrate my birthday! Please wish me luck that the Big Man will turn out well.
    It’s a place where I can meet you for a longer time, so I hope many of you can come and also give
    a lot of support to Big Man. To all of you…please come and let us meet at the event hall on March
    16. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! (waving bye bye!)”

  420. credit : kjh fb

    i noticed it too, kjh is not getting old! One post from kjh fb ‘are you a vampire?’ – you are not getting old! The middle picture is his latest shot! That is also the same orange jacket he wore when he came back from shooting a movie in california!

    • what is your secret oppa??? I could only guess! When you hang out with somebody who is much younger, you get a lot younger too, hehehe.

  421. Im a HH Shipper too,but i know kjh has a huge crush to sy in hong gil dong days i dont know if he felt the same until now.Why you even connected luxury to yeh?.And why all kjh action’s,twit’s etc. was connected with YEH i think that’s too much..sidenote,im must be really happy when they end up together,but im happy too if they long as my oppa was happy im happy too..

  422. Amazed
    good to hear from you.I wanted to post one of this wonderful fanmade clips but -do not laugh -I wasn t sure how can I do it.Is good to have you back and learn new things.
    that is what we all want.Everyone to be happy with his/her choice in generally.

    • marthoula, maybe i could teach you how to post it. do you know the links to the fan made clip?

      marthoula some more things that i have read re hong gil dong during bts and interviews sy is always seen sitting closed to the second lead guy, jgs. In one interviews she was asked why she always sit next to jgs ( i’m not sure about his full name) i don’t remember what was her answer.

      kornflakes of course i connect yeh with kjh tweet because kjh followed yeh on twitter! this is the first time that i read that kjh has a huge crush on sy! if kjh has a huge crush on sy, why give away the dog that she gave him!

      i am also happy because i know that kjh has already made a choice of his lifetime partner, whoever she is! happy for kjh, it took him 38 (soon) years to find one! He gave this partner a lot of thought because according to him, marriage is a one time thing!

  423. Amazed
    you use copy and paste when you want to do post something ? Lol, I can do that.It’s good in the quieter days to watch them again.
    Second lead in Hong Gil Dong was Jang Keun Suk aka Sukki. if you see his interviews he has a sense of humor that I like and he can act.
    It’s true ,soon Kang JH’s bday are coming and I want to see if he plans an Extra surprise for his fans.A very happy announcement maybe? I am just hoping.

    • If you are going to post a picture, do a copy and paste then login to , if this is your first time, create your own user id, once you are signed in, select upload images from computer and select the path to the file that you have copied earlier. Once it has been uploaded, on the right side of the screen under direct link (email & IM), copy that link and that is the link that you are going to post!

      Last year’s kjh fan meet he sang the song ‘last love’ I think. I better check on the songs he sang every bday fan meet, hope I still have my notes on that! I think he is ready to get married, before he keeps mentioning that ji hwan park must first be finished and last year he said he is doing the decoration night and day! Now, I don’t hear him mention his house. It must be finished so everything is all set. Yes, you are right maybe this time there would be a happy announcement! But sometimes I feel that we will know when everything is all over and done with. Keep our fingers and toes crossed!

  424. @marthoula

    likewise am very much around marthoula just been quite busy^__^kamsahamnida for keeping us intact chingu! ♥ Btw me cant wait to see your first ever work of art, marth!^___^


    That is great now that you have learned it as am still naive here when it comes to this kind of stuff hehe..Thanks for making the collage, amazed! definitely it gives us a much better view and by looking at those silver rings, i must say its more like a His/Hers couple rings, to me, am I correct???^__^

    Count me in too guys, hope so that his upcoming project would be finalized soon, shippy me wonders why took so long for them to look for the female lead star? If my hunch is correct with high hopes that they will award it to her, aigoo, hope this time my wish would come true please please hear thee^_____^

  425. @kornflakes

    Guys am starting to get used to it to anticipate more guests to come in our humble cave. While we acknowledge your post and telling us that you are one of us am afraid you’ve got the wrong ship because I have a feeling you do have a heart for SY/KJH which is alright because we all have our own personal preferences which couple we would want to ship.

    Having said that I just hope with amazed’s reply, we were able to satisfy your doubts about our OTP. May I reiterate that it was KJH himself who followed YEH on twitter and netizens just learned about it likewise it was also him who named his company and as their loyal shippers that’s how we decipher such smart move of him. Whether we are correct or not with our hunches still it would never be too much for anyone who wishes to see our OTP walks down the aisle. Lucky us if our hunch is the perfect one.

    Too much about the necklaces but i just wanted to add up that Han Ji Min as Ive read it in the news that she already got married last March 2013 and Kim Haneul as both had already cleared this out too that they are just good friends and if my recollection is correct, Ive read it also in the news that Kim already bore a child. With SY, it was during their promotional tour of their Detective movie that we’ve seen KJH wearing those slim gold rings and red bracelets as posted above by Mz. K to mention a few why these wild thoughts of ours that KJH is certainly at that time with someone else and most probably with Y initial. Yes H could also mean Hwan but remember Kang JiHwan is just his screen name and not his real name thus he should have chosen a necklace bearing his real initials. Too many to mention but these are just few we have thought that could keep this ship sailing and still counting.

    And as a KJH fan also, let us just all have a joyride while sailing our own ship for our best actor’s future to be blissful with whoever he chooses to be with for the rest of his life.^____^ HwanHye all the way, fighting!!!

  426. dredz

    i share your thoughts, i just wonder why so many non shippers are attracted to our ship??? what is exactly the magnetic force that is keeping them here?

    i am with you, i hope we would know soon who the leading lady is! i am keeping my fingers crossed!

  427. Amazed
    thank you for your help.Soon ,I will try it.:)
    so good to hear from you again.
    I watched the clip from 44 baeksang venue where KJH walks with SY but I did not see them to have any special closeness.Maybe I am wrong of course.

  428. I want YHE to be the leading female role and act again with KJH not only because I ship those two but because they can act together very very well.But YHE wrapped on Dec ’13 her last drama so I find it impossible to see them together in Big Man.8(

  429. it would be script reading for ‘big man’ this week, why are they keeping us in suspense for who the female lead would be? the cast must be complete already for them to have script reading!

  430. Lee da hee is being offered the female lead role in ‘big man’. There goes my hope, hehehe. Can she please turn it down! She was in secret love drama kbs according to what I read and the drama ended only last November. Don’t confuse her with lee da hae, she is a different actress, I just thought you wanna know guys! I posted this because non shippers might complain it is so quiet in here! Lol.


    Thanks to nineteen for the march calendar! Miss you here at the playground, girl! Visit us once in a while!

    Advance happy birthday, oppa! May this year be the year that you are settling down! We are tired of waiting! Advance best wishes! Could you please let us know the lucky girl in advance! I am praying for abundant blessings and graces for you! I know you are such a good son and a loving boyfriend to that lucky someone! All the best always and thanks for giving us clues one in a while! Once in a blue moon, hehehe! When will the next blue moon be? I hope soon!!! Fighting!

  432. haha amazed,I will try to overlook her.I want to know who thought that KJH /DLH will look good together.I trust KJH’s acting talent and i am sure he will try his best as always to sell it to me.
    @ nineteen
    What a wonderful calendar.

  433. Oh amazed!
    I finished reading all the comments and koala’s article from the link you gave and chingu I had a blast!

  434. Hello everyone 🙂 how are you guys? ^_^ remember me? Its been a long time, but i am visiting here whenever i can, sorry i did’nt post or comment, but from the bottom of my heart am still wishing for hwanhye to be a real life couple, you all know the reason why, i believe we felt the same way, thats why until now we are rooting for them, eventhough this ship encounter a storm ^_^ i admire all of you, for moving on so fast and for continuing to sail, inspite of negativity on YEH.. I just wish them the best in thier career, i love them as a couple, and as individual as well. It would be really great if they end up together, if not, its really a heartache, but i’ll still try to be happy for them, whoever thier fate would be 😉 atleast i found dear friends because of hwanhye.. Im just here, silently wishing that this ship will get to dock someday ^_^ fighting! Sorry i did’nt mention all your names here.. Thank you very much, take care <3

    • Hello lj so nice to hear from you again! Just posting once in a while is good enough for us. We know you are just silently lurking. You made us happy by posting! We are still fighting!


    what do you think of the bracelets? Yeh’s picture is just a few days ago. Kjh picture is on his way to the airport, was it last year or 2012? I have to find a closer image of yeh’s bracelet but the first time i saw it i immediately thought that i saw it before! Good thing dc-kjh posted that picture of kjh. Maybe, they saw the similarity too?

  436. It was hard for me to take my eyes from KJH’s biceps but I managed to do the comparison.
    Unfortunately ,they do not look the same.Similar yes but different.KJH ‘s has many little stones with different colors ,YHE’s is solid gold.

  437. Hello all.
    What is news? Been a long time I have not been on this forum …
    Hello Dresz, I really miss you on the fact kjh & YEH…

    • @Wiwin

      Hello chingu! we missed you too! Hope to hear from you more often and the rest this way we could keep our ship on sailing smoothly.

      You heard it right, its all over the k-news where YEH was asked in her recent interview who among her male lead actors would she choose to be her ideal type and she chose GY. But at the end of the day, its YEH who would still decide who really is the lucky guy! It only means the ball is still rolling as of this time^___^ And we could only hope that the ball would be bounced back into our ship hehe fighting! ^___^

  438. Hello guys! ahh cant believe our ship still manages to turn its page to the next inspite of our struggle to keep it sailing hehe..kudos to you guys! clap! clap!^___^

    @amazed, hats off for your efforts to provide us any related good news about OTP! thanks for sharing, I also enjoyed reading their comments I felt like I was hearing myself to think those were posts 3 years ago. Bring it on chingu!^__^

    @lj, haha at first I really thought you are one of the oldies lj only afterwards that I realized you are the new lj ♥ hehe omg whats happening to my shippy brain lol needs to take a brain booster hehe^__^

    Hello lj, welcome back! glad to hear from you again, just do so anytime chingu^___^

    omg what a mess have I done this time around wahh! About my last post so its Han Ji HYE haha aigoo honestly am really confused of their names and looks because of their similarities hence the only name I do know by heart is HwanHye because its easier to pronounce and memorize hehe and this is my first ever to make mention of others then this is what am afraid to happen hehe sorry guys but really the bride and her name I saw in the news was indeed Han Ji Min thus am confident enough to post it here, i was even surprised when I saw that news and I had the same reaction when I read about Kim giving birth huhu ^__^ Unluckily I havent bookmarked it thus am having trouble to defend my case lol where on earth did I read those news anyway if incorrect or maybe I was too sleepy back then hehehe

    Seriously, thanks @Amazed, you are my saving grace for clarifying it for me hehe good thing I havent got any violent reactions hehe so does it mean no sneaking around this time around??? @_@@_@

  439. dredz hahaha good thing no sneaking around this time! i know there are a lot of non shippers here in the playground because this is by far the longest staying ship alive! Everybody is curious just like us! glad you liked my otp rewind! luckily, i have a lot of those, lol… you know what still amazed me even after 5 years??? the 45th baeksang awards and these posts are from outside our ship! now that i think about the 45th baeksang awards, there are a lot of actors and actresses on that awards night and it seems to me that everybody is focusing on kjh and yeh! A lot of pictures of them in that awards are posted in youtube! All the other actors/actresses from that awards show doesn’t have a chance of being mentioned because of the oozing chemistry between our otp! Mind you, they are not even acting just presenting the awards and they got the audience attention! yeah yeah yeah

    • for the newbies, the 45th baeksang awards was in 2009, two years before lie to me!

      look also at their mannerisms, same same same!

      sorry for doing all these rewinds but i joined this ship late like in october 2012. the first time i saw these photos from that awards show, i was speechless! how can both of them act like these if it is their first time together? If it is their first time to be introduced to one another well,,, all the more their chemistry is tooooo magical!

      • toooo magical indeed! actually, 45th baeksang photos and vids and the pictorial interview session were one of my fave photos of them, I really love all those beautiful captured moments photos of HwanHye! thanks again amazed this is my first to have seen this Hwaiting!!! Indeed, hearts never lies…otp all the way!

    • hahaha your wish is my command amazed!lol here i just bumped into this video a minute ago hehe Thanks for the owner of this video for the perfect song she had chosen, am also missing them much so am checking out some new ltm vids from youtube hehe..Hope you would like the song as well “Hearts never lie” should i elaborate more???hehe

      Thanks for sharing your bookmark with us amazed hehe, I will save them first and i’ll read them all later^___^

  440. dredz

    hearts that never lie hahaha! this could be the answer to wiwin’s question! good one dredz! you made me smile!

    has anybody posted that episode 16 bed scene yet??? lol


    i found this at dc kjh. i don’t want to be the only one guessing, girls join me in figuring this out! dc kjh have a calendar for march like the one that i posted here. that i could understand because march is oppa’s birth month but why post a calendar for june 2014? any guess?

  442. @ Wiwin,
    chingu,think only if you were YHE what answer you would give in this kind of question”what is your ideal type”.You would give an answer that would make you feel comfortable without putting you on the spot.GY is a good friend of hers and I will stop here regarding him b/c some of his fans who lurk in our threat- and I can not find the reason to -seem ready to take our words in a wrong way.I respect the actor for his work and I will not mention again his name.
    As for YHE the truth is I would be happier if the name that came out of her lips was the name of KJH.We are shippers but at the end we are people with common sense and want for all of them to be happy with their lives.
    @ all shippers
    i went in a thread for shippers for a particular couple that I admire too and I saw how many pages they have for the couple they ship about 1200 pages in few months with out even having all the evidences that we have for our couple and I am thinking if they sail their ship why not us?
    Just the Twitter incident last summer is enough to make you a HwanHye shipper.Forget about all the bts clips-especially the LTM wrap up party-forget their Sizzling chemistry and think only that twitter thing and the too many photos of LTM in KJH ‘s office.
    if you need links for all those I will ask Amazed and Dredz to give us.They are the experts there and they know much more than me.

  443. Thank you for your response.
    I’m just shocked to read the article.
    Anyway, I recently read an article which says 90% of industry players in K-Drama (Actris & Actros) sometimes they become a real couple after K-Drama.
    Sorry, I may be too obsessed with the pair (kjh & YEH), last night I re-assured myself and repeat back one by one to see the pics / proof that indeed they are a real couple.
    1.I open ring white pics (pics were already posted here), Why can the same??? This is evidence of an accurate …
    2. Goods are identical, why you can use the same item if you do not have anything. I myself wear the same stuff with my boyfriend.

    I kept asking and asking, why they can use the same item if nothing happened …

    Can any of you re-post the pics that they use the same?? Please

    • Wiwin
      I think Amazed is the one with the links for the identical items.I do not know about you chingu but myself after too many years with my husband I try NOT to have anything identical with him.LOL it is enough that I spend my life with him.

    • Wiwin
      I remember in some of our previous posts they had the same problem and a poster I am not sure who gave some advices.I have to go to work now and i do not have time to search for this post but later on the weekend I will try to find it.The post should be 50-60 comments back if you want to find it.

    • Wiwin, searched for my post last January 25, 2014. Dredz has the same problem. The login screen appears only if you go to the next page or previous page. if link is What you do is add ?pn=2 if you want to go to page 2. Read my previous post.

  444. marthoula

    i noticed that whenever there is an undeniable truth or proof that is posted here, antis would appear! check out the previous posts before all those antis comments and you will see what i mean!

    let us avoid mentioning other names besides our otp. it is my fault that i posted about that interview. i don’t want to comment on it anymore but on a positive note i read a version of that interview ( i think at baidu or is it posted here?) and yeh said that after that interview the actor would text him. if you read between the lines, she said text not even call! if they are a couple it would not even be calling her because they see each other always and they always talks. i hope you get what i mean! End of that interview!

  445. wiwin

    your wish is my command, here is the cartier watch , worn after ltm??? this is from baidu and i also included in the collage the sample of a cartier couple watch!

    i will post the items one at a time otherwise my post would await moderation.

  446. marthoula

    i just read from your previous post that you saw thread for shippers of one of your otp that has 1200 comments in a few months! our old playground has 16,480 posts before it died down! just for the record!

  447. Amazed
    I m so glad you are back.
    You were missed here.As I said ,mostly you and Dredz have all the links and you know much more than me.
    Regarding the other OTP they have about 6-7 every page so make the math 7 times the 1200 but I wish them to have their ship sailing after so many years like ours.
    I will try to avoid to name other actors names b/c people maybe will take it the wrong way.

  448. wiwin

    i don’t have a problem opening baidu, please let me know step by step how you do it. if you follow the steps i suggested you won’t have a problem at all. how do you open baidu?

  449. marthoula

    i am always here just sometimes waiting for somebody to comment on my post!

    here is the script reading picture for ‘big man’.

    3 of the stars in big man has march birthdays, march 15, march 16 and oppa march 20! the other guy has a february birthday, i mean daniel choi. coincidence! they were put together in one show!

    kjh looks so satisfied in the story, all the best oppa!

  450. here is the armani bracelet ( based on the armani bracelet sample, we could surely say it is an armani bracelet). personally, i think this is different than the previous one that i posted!

    credit : baidu

    our otp has so many jewelries, they can put up their own jewelry store!

  451. another bracelet (whew, too many bracelets), i posted this lately. ji hwan has the bracelets for the 2009 cartier advertisement, if you can see, oppa has 2 maybe the other one went to ‘you know who’ because she has it on for the wrap up party for marry him if you dare!

  452. another bracelet! yeh wore this last 2013 – japan/thailand trip

    a couple bracelet maybe. ji hwan’s bracelet is similar to the e+e bracelet displayed at yeh’s boutique, for me ji hwan’s bracelet is not pure black there is a grayish bead inserted in the chain!


    nineteen and rainqueen have a lot more similar accessories’ pictures of our otp. there is another one the black gloves and they are really a match but i don’t have a copy of it. i just love that, anybody who has a copy of it, please share!

  453. oh well, although i don’t care much anymore about her tweets ( i keep remembering her other one ), just would want to let you know. got this from baidu:

    the tweet is from song of solomon 2:16

    ‘my beloved is mine and i am his, he browses among the lilies…’

  454. also from baidu, i did a double take if i am going to post this or not, hehehe – since i posted the other one here you go, from baidu also:

    according to baidu as i understand it the miss has bridal pictures in artistry, but the picture that i saw was the same dress/gown she wore at artistry show in china. there is a side comment from baidu that oppa is also talking about marriage lately? what is your take on this???

  455. Amazed
    I’m sorry I bothered you. I opened the pics but sometimes appears login.
    Could I ask how you open baidu??
    Can I ask for a link Baidu?

  456. Amazed
    keep writing ,I love all your posts.
    Regarding the same couple items I belong in a generation- not so old but i am a mommy-that we do not really used to pay attention on that.I think is a new trend? Correct me if I am wrong.But I find it very sweet and I try to compare them.
    By the end of the year we will know what ‘s going on.YHE make it clear that marriage is in her mind.(catching bouquet in the wedding).
    Later I will read the script .
    So happy for him and Daniel Choi and the sweet girl from Playful Kiss to be together.

  457. marthoula

    as per the article i read before , couples in korea give gifts to their loved ones every 100 days of their anniversary! so don’t be surprised if they have so many couple items. that article was posted here before, i will repost it once i found it in my vault!

    • this article was so timely, kjh birthday is coming up! advance happy birthday oppa! wish you a wonderful and a happy married life! hehehe

      this mv was also mentioned in the article and somebody is wondering when it was filmed! this was filmed for his open house last december 2012! yeah, that is right, he sleeps with the teddy bear that yeh has in her room in lie to me! hehehe why am i not surprised??? maybe the owner of the teddy bear is also in that house!

      • oh just in case you forgot or choose to forget, that teddy bear is also one evidence, yay! One more evidence for your collection, wiwin!

  458. Thank you Amazed. I really love you.
    Where do you live?
    I possessed a question, kjh same bracelet used by YEH (Some of the pics above) with Artis & other Korean Actor is also photographed. Pics that diambil when?? Is it open bracelet includes one ad or include personal accessories kjh?
    Please give me a little understanding.

  459. Ladies
    Let’s celebrate out 1500 plus posts .Yeah!!!!
    Amazed ,
    I read the article for the similar items.It ‘s cute.If I was in my early 20 again I would follow the couple things.

  460. wiwin

    i am afraid that i don’t understand your question especially this one ‘pics that diambil when’. what do you mean by diambil? most of the accessories are their personal items! with the 2009 cartier bracelet advertisement, i am not sure if the items that they used for advertisement were given to the stars as their gifts! it could be given to them by cartier since yeh is still wearing one of the bracelets that ji hwan has!

  461. marthoula wiwin

    kjh in an interview said that his mother is buddhist and i know he is not even a christian, so i am wondering why he is wearing accessories with crosses in them, any idea? i know yeh is christian and she is fond of wearing bracelets and necklaces with crosses. look at this picture collage! my conclusion, is that kjh has been influenced and/or have found a christian woman!

  462. our otp’s couple items are also posted at the very top of this playground by ms k! Check it out if you have not seen it yet. i hope you will notice too the black bracelet which is exactly the same!

  463. marthoula

    i wanna share with you a post from dc kjh! what could it mean? This is the second time that something like this was posted…

    Sooner or later,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, waiting for the good news ~!

  464. Amazed
    where can i read the whole post ?
    Do you have any link? I have to go to work when I come back I will see it.I did not know that for his mom .I saw him all the time to wear crosses I thought he is christian.On the other hand now YEH likes to tweet with part of psalms .Am I right ?

  465. maybe he refers to a project in his career ?when was the first he wrote something similar?
    But again I am thinking that lately YHE tries to send the message that her time to settle down is very close.Combine YHE actions and KJH ‘s tweet something REALLY good is going to happen.
    Amazed,HwanHye shippers were waiting for these news so long,let ‘s wait a little bit more before we start screaming from happiness.
    You put me in a delulu phase now. 🙂

  466. How are you guys! Dunno if this info has bearing to our ship but I have learned that there’s this Cartier gold bracelet known as love bracelet. Obviously the name itself already signifies its meaning to couples. Here’s the article where I got the info below



    It is the bestselling item in Cartier’s collection.

    It has been used in place of engagement rings for society couples.

    It remains same for 37 years now and represents class, taste, grandeur, and most importantly “symbolizes eternal love.”

    It is a unique part of Cartier indeed. Each bracelet is fastened on the wearer’s wrist and can only be taken apart using a tiny screwdriver.

    It is easy to carry and can be worn with anything and at every occasion. It is the best gift for your spouse, or 18th birthday, or any festivity!

  467. Lastly here’s the link where i got the second picture of yeh. On separate occasions notice yeh used the love bracelet on her left wrist.

    I emphasize the dates which to my conclusion someone might had given her the bracelet as a gift last april 2012 unless i havent seen pictures earlier than those dates i have mentioned above. nonetheless its very clear to me that someone gave her a love bracelet as to what purpose i dont know. Or do you believe that she bought that love bracelet herself or someone from her family or friends maybe. Here’s another occasion where she was wearing again the love bracelet

    • Sorry guys i needed to post it separately to avoid awaiting

      the last picture i posted was during the artistry event in thailand

      and below is the latest artistry event she attended only last december and notice again she’s wearing it on her left wrist which means up to this time she still wears it as a single accessory. What does it mean???

  468. Dresz thank you for your post.
    Have you ever seen before kjh using this Cartier bracelet? If so, please post photo kjh.
    Sorry I just wanted to know, did you get the pics they use Cartier bracelet (the same)?

  469. Dredz,
    first,good to hear from you.
    As for the bracelet and the special meaning that it has,i would wear it in too many occasions only if it was a gift from a significant person of my life.I can not think that any of my relatives to buy me a love bracelet or that i would buy it by myself.That is a gift between two people in a relation.
    what pic of kjh & YHE did you see in baidu?

  470. @ Marthoula
    I am confused by their language (Baidu) so I can not translate.
    Please help to see pics dibaidu.
    I agree with you @ marthoula the bracelet used YEH, I think the bracelet was a gift from a (particularly men) hehehe.

  471. Dredz

    What a fantastic sleuthing skills you have! How did you find that out, the love bracelet! Whoever gave it to her would be the groom in her upcoming wedding!


    As per pictures posted by dredz, i could only see girls wearing the love bracelet!

    It was also 2012 that yeh tweeted the book ‘if someone proposed to you’!
    As per baidu it was posted after the Madagascar event and rainqueen said that the wedding proposal could be done in Madagascar! The Madagascar pictures of yeh are still fresh in my mind! Her face is glowing like the sun! Yeah! Best wishes to the guy whoever he is!

  472. marthoula

    this is the baidu link that wiwin is talking about. I saw it when it was first posted! Choeun posted a picture of kjh and don’t know if it is the same day that yeh tweeted her picture in europe! I don’t think the picture of kjh was taken in europe, i guess that kjh photo was taken in thailand!

    I think everybody is desperate for confirmation that they are hinting that were on vacation together!

    I don’t want to post this article, somebody might say ‘sorry but i don’t want to burst your bubble’! hehehe … that was the phrase often used in our old playground!

  473. dredz

    i hate this but i have to burst it out from system, the second link where you said you got your picture of yeh, is it just me, please take a second look! The guy leaning so close to yeh (who is he? i only know kjh) it looks to me that he has the same bracelet as yeh! that is the first thing i noticed, hehehe.

    • Amazed do you think her oppa would tolerate such hehe seriously if am not mistaken the guy with yeh also a k-actor is one of the brand endorsers of the accessories they were wearing am not sure though if those are cartier items too besides if ever he’s special do you think they would show up in public aka PDA??? dont think so too hehe

      I just happened to come across the elite bracelet’s article afterwhich I remember I saw yeh wearing it and before thought its just an ordinary accessory without knowing its significance to every couple and its kinda pricey too hehe having said that whoever gave it to her must had been considered yeh as most precious someone in his life and yeah i also think its only the female should wear it as it says in lieu of an engagement ring and symbolizes eternal love woooh, does it ring a bell???

  474. marthoula

    i cannot post the link from dc kjh – i am getting a malware warning!

    i will type it manually, hope i don’t miss a letter!
    look for the post ‘this day’.

    by the time you go to this link it might be page 5 already, do the necessary changes in the page number!

  475. Kang Ji Hwan’s message to Kanghamsa 3/11/14
    translated by the KJH Singapore Operator
    edited by the KJH Philippine Operator
    photo and text credit: Kang Ji Hwan Club and Kanghamsa K.I.S.S TG STORY

    K.I.S.S message to Kanghamsa
    posted at 2:02 am

    Hi Kanghamsa members! How are you? This is Kang Ji Hwan. Hope that you are fine.

    The last time I wrote a message was in Aug. 2013. Since smart-phone and SNS have been developed, my visit to Kanghamsa has not been that often. You know, however, I did not neglect Kanghamsa.

    At last, tomorrow is my first shooting of “Big Man”. It has been a year since my last drama “Incarnation of Money” and seven years since I did “Hong Gil Dong” with KBS. I feel that time flies…I went to bed early because the first scene is early tomorrow morning but I could not fall asleep. So, I just woke up after 3-4 hours struggling. My cough is getting serious and the first sentence for the first scene has been lingering…Kkkkkkk. You know what? There are many cases where a new actor practices several days and nights even for short sentences, but could not remember the lines once the shooting started, making NGs (No good cuts or bloopers) and struggle to make it.

    Now, the case is mine. I’m still confused with my first sentence and very nervous as to how it will go. It is a scene at a funeral. There are not too many sentences to say, but, I keep checking the script after eating, in the middle of my sleep, cause I could not remember it.

    Just now, I went to the hospital due to my cough and again, I could not remember it. So, I asked my manager to send the scene by capturing on the phone ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    It has been more than 10 years since I acted in many dramas, but I could not control my nervous feeling.

    Whenever I act, I would like to grasp both quality and popularity. Sometimes, I blame myself if anything went wrong…so, I keep struggling with the script…I feel like smacking down the script.

    My character’s name in the drama is Kang Ji Hyuk and I feel something special about this. The drama made me think as an actor for the first time, because it had a good main slogan which encouraged me to choose it. Its slogan is “The family I really missed had wanted only my heart.” This slogan stole my mind.

    Whenever I act, I was thinking of looking very nice, but this time, I focused on acting as my real self. When we say heart…it is all about my life…and the drama will be developed based on that heart.

    I set my mind on looking stylish, cool. It’s just a luxurious feeling, but, I could not sleep before the first shooting. I want to go beyond my existing acting style, but i feel it’s difficult…just feeling pressure.

    For the first time in my life, I gained weight for the drama, but, I regret it a bit.

    It has 16 episodes. After some time, it seems a bit short. I gained weight to show the difference of the internal and external changes…Now, I feel that I am crazy. Just now, seeing myself in the mirror, very strange swollen Oppa. ㅠ ㅠ

    I will work out to lose the weight. ~~~

    Anyway, I feel more comfortable after muttering. Oh, you know that we will see each other this week, don’t you? Maybe I would have lost my mind in adapting myself to the drama, and would be busy, but encourage me, “do good, good job, act well. Please cheer me. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ”

    Ok, I am going to bed again to sleep even only for two hours !!

    ps. first line for the first scene “When my father died, the first thing you should have done is to tell me!” Then the brother said “We cannot reach you” and
    “Ah, Sorry, was slightly busy! By the way, is that person your father? He doesn’t resemble you!! Will you do even a genetic test?”

    Also, confusing … @ @

    Anyway, once again, to become an actor who is remembered as the character. Fighting!!! — with 조은회사 and Kang Jihwan.

  476. yes indeed, break a leg oppa, hehe you should know your supposed to be your mother in big man is also the mother of yeh in I Miss you drama so does it mean she’s your mom in-law??? hehehe

    thanks guys for all your inputs really appreciate it! still HH fighting!

  477. I never watch imy, really, the mother is the same for both their dramas?Hehehe everything in sync! Thanks for the info dredz.

  478. Dredz

    For $13,000 a piece for that love bracelet, I would wear it all the time even when I am sleeping! That is a lot of money even if you are an actor in Korea! Oh oh, love will cost you a lot! She must be soooo special to the giver!

  479. uh oh, my post made it to the next page, please scroll back to the previous page, i have another fan meet picture! don’t missed it. he is wearing a cap from europe! yehey!

  480. oppa is wearing three bracelets! too many bracelets! who maybe the giver? aaaahhh somebody with a boutique??? i am just guessing!

    • oppa gave his female co stars gifts for their birthdays and it looks like the girls are so thrilled they even posted the gift in their facebook accounts. the girls like him a lot! oppa, somebody doesn’t want you to be nice to women!

      kjh is so sweet, he is so generous! maybe the real girlfriend gets much more expensive gifts like the pricey, cartier love bracelet?

    • Hi Ida welcome to our playground! Wow, good observation, thank you! I did not connect it with that. You are right, I can tell right away you are a shipper by heart!

      I noticed that kjh is not wearing any rings unlike in his previous fan meets! It could be because yeh has been so vocal that she is getting married and kjh doesn’t want Koreans to make the connection! Just my one cent thought, lol!

  481. Count me in marthoula, i wish Kang Ji Hwan ssi a very happy birthday!!! more blissful years ahead and good luck to all your upcoming projects! fighting!!!^___^

    Amazed, wiwin about the ring of yeh, I will try to use all my powers to find the other ring^___^

  482. H@Ppy birthday Cho Tha Gyu..have you happy life because many love from your family, lover, friends and fans who always beside you , always pray.. and always..always..♡♡♡♡

  483. happy birthday ji hwan ssi! wishing you happiness, love and blessings always! more power to you. may you get all of your heart’s desire because i know you are such a kind and caring person! good luck to ‘big man’, may it go beyond the 20% mark! i am not going to wish that you find your partner in life, i know you found her already, i just hope that you find it in your heart to reveal her to us!!! Is it too much asking??? enjoy your birthday!

  484. Chingus,
    Let’s all sing a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our Oppa.
    I wish him first Healthiness and after whatever he wants to have it in his arms.
    More beautiful projects for him so he will have the opportunity to show us his amazing talent.

  485. dredz

    thanks for helping us find it! i know it was only last year that oppa wore it! Is it in one of his magazine pictorials after incarnation of money?

  486. these pictures were tweeted on two different dates by our otp! can you tell the similarity? just can’t imagine why would they have the same pout! oppa according to his tweeter is in a hot country, tweeted last january, the miss picture is europe(?) tweeted just lately! are they taking each other’s picture? just asking…

  487. it’s just a thought really, but can’t help but thinking, their stars must have really aligned with each other, YEH’s previous drama was with KBS, & KJH’s newest drama is also with KBS….

    are they really coincidence or what??? 🙂


  488. Hi all.
    if any of you who have BTS Jeju (Complete), where kjh set collar YEH?
    Last night I tried to ask the opinion of my work friends (who loved life K – Korea) and she said the man (kjh) very intimate with YEH.
    I ask again, what is the reason you say so?
    sHe said, during the 7 years she likes Korean Actor’s life – only this time she said a man (kjh) set collar women (YEH) would look odd if the male (kjh) does not have a special relationship. if it does not, why he can easily adjust collar women (YEH). And she asked me, if you do not feel weird if a man who does not have a special relationship with you, and no doubt set your collars, even if it’s just a casual friend., sHe said that the analysis KJH & YEH couple real.

  489. Evelyn

    Nice to see you here chingu! Yes true, yeh’s last drama is with kbs and now kjh is doing a drama with kbs! Maybe it is a package deal. Isn’t it sbs for yeh’s I’m missing you and sbs also for incarnation of money? Also, kjh leading lady in his movie shoot the sun is from the same agency of yeh’s leading men in her recent drama, marry him if you dare? What is happening here?

  490. Girls
    we all have to support oppa on his new project.If I was living in Korea when his dramas would be airing at that time I would have all my tv s open on the channel where his drama is airing.Maybe this way I would raised more the drama ratings.LoL.

    • Marthoula

      We support him! Too bad we are not in Korea!

      He was so worried about the ratings of the drama that were in the same time slot! The current drama, full sun is continuing to drop in viewership to a very low 2.6 %. Marry him if you dare was also in that time slot and also very low in ratings. Kjh needs all the prayers from all of us!

    • is it obvious? i am trying to crop lee da hee from the picture! lol , not completely successful! i am jealous of her! so close to my oppa! somebody must not like this too! pretty sure i am not alone!

    • ldh, sorry, oppa is already taken only that the gorlfriend doesn’t want to admit it! if i am the one, i will right away, announce it to the world! only that she keeps announcing a different thing! wake up before it is too late!!!

  491. amazed,
    hahaha ,you and me and I hope one particular one dont want to see LDH next to Oppa.
    Regarding now his drama I have my concerns too.I know his acting will be excellent as always but ratings do not always go along with the quality of the drama.

    • There was a video posted @ kjh FB of some bts from big man filming & I was kind of relieve when I saw kjh eating all by himself in a table after his surprise party on the set! It is a good thing that in some photos although kjh is seating next to his leading lady there is a kind of space between them otherwise I would really be jealous and you are right one more person will not like it!

      Don’t know if you girls feel the same way but during kjh shooting for incarnation of money, he tried his best not to be seen with his female co stars in between takes!

  492. Amazed,
    what you said explains why despite the generally very good drama “incarnation of money” had a zero chemistry between the OTP.
    Personally ,I want him to enjoy his life.He is not in his 20 .He is over 35 years old and most of us at this age we know how to put limits between various relations without isolating ourselves.He can be part of the group and enjoy his days with the cast.

  493. chingus,
    I am thinking what the Korean tradition with the wedding bouquet throwing says.They say that the person who catches the bouquet gets married next.I will wait until her birthday to see an announcement.otherwise ,I do not know…I have to rethink the situation…Are you thinking the same?

  494. Hi amazed .I saw a photo frame yeh and kjh lie to me picture on the cabinet at his office .I saw it in fb of kjh photo .I notice why he didn’t put his others co star photo to.he also put all his movie or drama poster on the wall but the picture I told you just now that he put it like a small cabinet with five shelf.

    • Hi Ida, yes kjh put that lie to me picture in his office and that is the only picture that is on the small shelf and also displayed I think on the big shelf! Kjh maybe is giving us some clues! Now we know why his agency is named choeun!

      If you scroll a few pages back you would find that we have some discussion about that!

  495. Marthoula

    Yes I am thinking the same! But for me I would wait until June because according to Korean tradition, you have to get married within 6 months after catching the bouquet otherwise you will get married after several long years.

    I don’t know with yeh she is kind of hard to comprehend sometimes I just want to ignore her statements because she is driving me nuts! But, but kjh when accepting the award from Asia star model awards said that he is getting ready for a big production! I don’t know but it looks to me that the statement has some meaning. Let us wait and see!

  496. Hi all, been browsing this forum since I just came across and watched the LTM DVD (behind the times, I know). Enjoyed it so much that really want to see the OTP together but I’m getting already a little impatient. Please don’t kill me but I’m just thinking if they’re really together, why have they hid it for so long? Are they even still together (if they did get together)? Or is it Korean culture to not disclose it until they’re about to get married?

    Sorry for this but I’m playing Devil’s Advocate. Could it also be that because we’re shippers that we want them together so much we sometimes misinterpret the situations? (Please don’t take me as an anti. I’m probably too eager for this to pan out.)

    Please, someone, just tell me I’m all wrong here and that all the evidence points to them coming together.

  497. Amazed and Sweet Apples-welcome chingu-.
    I will wait until YHe ‘s bday in October.Both have reached the perfect age to announce their wedding.If nothing happens this year then, I have to thank Koala for giving us this place to dream and thank you all chingus for being with me to that wonderful trip to shipper’s paradise.

  498. I just press the like button to the clip you post,amazed.
    When I watch this kind of clips I feel bad for the impatient part of me.

  499. with your indulgence, i am reposting the 100 proofs , i think this is from baidu. this was previously posted in our old playground. i am missing items 30 to 40 though! i have to post this in several parts.
    credit: princesspiona(?)

    1 KJH and YEH were whispering to each other on stage at the 45th Baeksang Awards in Feb 2009. YEH unconsciously fiddled with her hair while chatting intimately with KJH offstage.

    2 KJH and YEH were so deep into their conversation that they only started clapping when they suddenly realized the burst of applause to the other awardees.

    3 KJH left his bouquet at the end of Baeksang and YEH helped passed it to KJH’s manager.

    4 KJH invited YEH to his movie “My Girlfriend is an Agent” VIP premiere in Apr 2009.

    5 KJH and YEH both attended Lee Sun Kyun’s wedding in May 2009. LSK is KJH’s good friend in the industry, who also become YEH’s close friend after “The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince”.

    6 After shooting “Fireworks”, KJH claimed Yoon Sang Hyun to be his good friend. YEH recommended YSH to be male lead in “My Fair Lady”.

    7 In a recorded letter to her future husband in the show “Come to Play” aired in March 2011, YEH said “Its okay if you don’t have a job at the moment”. KJH was jobless at that time due to his dispute with management company.

    8 In Lie to Me Ep 1 BTS, YEH sat on the floor in front of the bar and patted KJH’s shoulder, KJH knowingly massaged YEH’s neck.

    9 In LTM Ep 1 BTS, YEH did several takes for the scene where she fell on the ground in front of the bar and KJH was seen caringly lifting YEH up after every take.

    10 KJH volunteered to lay cushions and demonstrate for YEH to film the scene in LTM Ep 1 where she fell on the ground
    splashing tomato juice.


    11 During LTM Ep 1 the scene where Ki Joon will carry Ah Jung, KJH was seen to rest his hand on YEH’s waist and YEH’s
    hand lay on KJH’s shoulder while the camera was not filming

    12 In LTM Ep 2 BTS, KJH gave YEH his heat pack on the duck boat prior to YEH dived into the water

    13 YEH claimed the scene in LTM Ep 5 under the cherry blossom tree felt like dating with her boyfriend

    14 During 1st NG in LTM Ep 5 where Ah Jung nearly got hit by a car, YEH was overwhelmed for real and was trembling in KJH’s arms

    15 In LTM Ep 5 BTS, YEH personally helped KJH to put on the fake vomit (yoghurt)

    16 In LTM Ep 5 BTS, KJH meaningfully added “wuli Eun Hye” in his interview

    17 YEH could not help but grabbed KJH’s shirt tightly when filmed LTM Ep 6 kiss scene

    18 In LTM Ep 6 BTS, KJH didn’t kiss the right place at first, YEH adjusted to match up with him

    19 While KJH and YEH singing Lovin Ice-cream in LTM Ep 6, YEH held KJH’s arm but KJH shyly stepped away

    20 YEH blew a kiss at KJH while filming Lovin Ice-cream

    21 Although it was supposed to be KJH and YEH’s first kiss in LTM Ep 6, but their kiss was deep and bold

    22 In LTM Ep 6 BTS interview, KJH and YEH were mocking with each other at ease. YEH commented “any neck tie colour will look good on KJH as he has light skin tone” but she quickly added “this is embarrassing, feels like a confession”

    23 KJH replied to YEH’s comment of him by saying YEH always compliment him for that (i.e. YEH always compliment KJH)

    24 In LTM Ep 6 BTS, KJH mentioned he went to Karaoke with YEH before.

    25 In LTM Ep 6 BTS, KJH claimed that he and YEH is the best dream couple

    26 In LTM Ep 6 BTS, YEH claimed that they (i.e. with KJH) complement each other.

    27 At the start filming of cola kiss, KJH’s hand was not on YEH’s head but during the kissing KJH’s hand naturally went up to hold Yeh’s head. (This is Lover’s kiss)

    28 KJH and YEH French kissed by analyzing magnified screen caps of 1280p HD LTM Ep 8

    29 YEH was watching KJH filming shaking the bottle of coke with concentration from behind in LTM Ep 8.

    30 KJH fed YEH with coke during LTM Ep 8 cola kiss (even real life couple could not have done that)

  500. 100 proofs – part 2

    41 LTM Ep 13, YEH grabbed KJH’s neck after he smudged ice-cream on her face was YEH’s adlib, so intimate

    42 YEH and KJH adlibbed so much (touching, fingers-locking, giggling, bright smiles) in the airport parting scene
    in LTM Ep 13 that made us all squealed

    43 The most suspicious adlib from KJH in LTM Ep 13 before they went to sauna “I want to spend the night with you”

    44 KJH adlibbed the public love declaration in LTM Ep 13 “I love this woman, I swear in front of you I love Gong
    Ah Jung, I, Hyun Ki Joon love Gong Ah Jung with all my heart, I will go crazy if I don’t see her for a day”

    45 KJH adlibbed “oppa” in LTM ep 14 second visit to future father-in-law. (YEH called KJH oppa in real life, so KJH are you expressing your real feelings to YEH?)

    46 YEH adlibbed “cute” and touched KJH’s face in LTM Ep 14 dating in the car

    47 KJH adlibbed the hiking scene in LTM Ep 14 where he passed the water to YEH and finished it off himself (they
    both drank water from the same spot on the bowl)

    48 LTM Ep 14 after finished filming the public love declaration, KJH was seen to still hold onto YEH’s hand in various times and also caringly fanned her

    49 From the pics taken by fans re public love declaration, the way KJH helped YEH to get off the steps was obviously different than the way he helped E Ji Ah at “The Relation of Face, Mind and Love” premiere.

    50 YEH leaned over to KJH’s shoulder in the car after KJH helped her with her shoes in LTM Ep 15

    51 In LTM Ep 15 where Ki Joon Aj Jung wrote their ideal type, the paper Ah Jung read in her room (Ki Joon wrote in café)
    had one more line “P.S. woman with very pretty hands and feet” than the one Ah Jung read in the bus (re-wrote by staff).
    This extra line is exactly what he shared as his ideal type in Power Interview

    52 In LTM Ep 16 double date near the sea, KJH’s adlib kiss on YEH’s cheek was per Jae Bum’s request (even Jae Bum stirred up sth)

    53 In the same double date scene when KJH and YEH hugged each other, he accidently touched certain body part of YEH, both reacted naturally [I re-watched it but couldn’t see the part mentioned by baiduer?]

    54 KJH was involved with script writing in LTM Ep 16, which lines / scenes were written by KJH, “the lie is like burning truth coming towards us or we are getting married in Autumn?

    55 The love / dating fantasy scenes in LTM mostly speak for YEH’s feelings, so its acting or for real?

    56 In LTM production press conference, there were many staring and whispering at each other between KJH and YEH

    57 YEH said she sat with KJH at an award ceremony before, she felt at that time that they would work together
    in a project. KJH is a an actor that has character and talent, although she felt the pressure but she always hope that she could work with him (Yep, so YEH always complimented KJH)

    58 KJH said in the same press conference that he felt that he would work with YEH in a romantic project, and he was pleased with this opportunity, its like he could fortune tell

    59 In the same press conference Jae Bum said its like fate that KJH-YEH worked together in this drama

    60 From the pics of the press conference, one could discover KJH YEH flirted with each other with uneasy body language

    61 In another subsequent press conference, YEH used both her hands to hold KJH’s hand

    62 KJH mentioned in the press conference an event he wanted to do was to give 31 flavours ice-cream to his girlfriend. Everyone knows the fav food of YEH is ice-cream.

    63 In the Power Interview on 9 June 2011, KJH mentioned his ideal girl to have light pale skin, pretty limbs,feminine, and he has the urge to protect girl younger than him (the part younger than him was added after LTM)

    64 The well known tender look that KJH gave YEH in Power Interview’s trailer

    65 KJH mentioned in Power Interview that the cola kiss is sweet just like what YEH said before

    66 In all interviews while filming LTM, both KJH and YEH repeatedly mention they wanted to do a project together after Baeksang

    67 In the pics from LTM wrap up, KJH and YEH were seen to be sitting very close to each other

    68 In LTM wrap party all the unnatural interactions by KJH YEH: they were caught peeking in each other’s direction for countless times. KJH’s unnatural reactions’ statistics: bit knife 6 times,
    touched nose 5 times, lifted cap 3 times, touched collar 2 times, touched ear 1 time, looked at watch 1 time, rolled sleeve 1 time.

    69 At LTM wrap party KJH smiled when YEH cut the cake as her knife landed on KJH’s image on the cake

    70 In YEH’s previous wrap party, she exerted an air of queen like disposition, but in LTM wrap party, she acted so differently, become a wife like little woman beside KJH

  501. whew, that was hard editing the proofs!
    100 proofs – part 3 (some items are repeated)

    71 The day LTM completed filming, YEH tweeted: “Upon every wrap-up of work, it has always felt the same at the end, but the amazing thing is performing with different people will produce new feelings.”

    72 At the LTM wrap-up party, KJH said something which caused YEH to turn around, hide behind him and smile bashfully.

    73 when kjh attended a fan meeting post LTM, there was a very high degree of suspicion that the pair of glasses he wore was the same one as YEH’s

    81 After completing the filming of LTM, the PD uploaded onto DC Lie a rather profound video, the most profound line (spoken by KJH in Ep 14) being: “Be my woman

    82 KJH: Coffee house’s kiss was not at ease and wanting it to quickly finish. LTM’s kiss was non-stop heart beating with memories still lingering.

    83 KJH was very serious during filming in his previous dramas/movies and concerned over ratings but he seems ndisturbed for LTM low ratings.

    84 August 2011, KJH in Japan’s FM preview video was noted to be NOT wearing a ring on his pinky (little finger).

    85 In Japan’s TOP September interview, KJH chose the Cola kiss as LTM’s most satisfying scene. Moreover, this is the most classic scene for him personally, from since he started
    acting till now.

    86 In Japan’s TOP September interview, KJH stated age is not an issue but during the midnight tv interview ( Star power interview at jeju) he stated age must be younger than him. Why a change over a month’s time.

    87 In Japan’s TOP September interview, KJH stated the character “HKJ” he played in LTM was totally not him but in a subsequent interview he stated that “HKJ” in LTM was his real personality.

    88 During the Taiwan GTV’s initial broadcast interview, KJH mentioned that his deepest impression was the Cola kiss.

    In LTM wrap party all the unnatural interactions by KJH YEH: they
    89 after LTM, YEH likes to pose using her fist to cover her lips, this is KJH’s ‘trademark’ pose.
    Could it be that they now look like ‘husband-and-wife’ after being together for so long? (People say that a couple who are together resemble each other more and more – in looks,
    behaviour and mannerism.)

    90 In Japan’s FM drama trailer, the way KJH used both hands in greeting was identical to that of YEH when she was filming LTM

    91 YEH went to New York to film CF on 1 Sep 2011 wearing the same hat that KJH one has.

    92 YEH seems shy towards KJH and in certain scenes she couldn’t look at him directly during filming.

    93 YEH addressed KJH as oppa directly but she address other older male name+oppa

    94 YEH stated that she does not like to receive flowers in proposal and prefers to write letters, LTM Ep 16 GAJ wrote a letter to HKJ was shown.

    96 YEH twitter profile picture on 17 jul 2011 with a finger on her lip is similar to LTM posing pic with KJH.

    97 YEH wore a cola t-shirt at a VIP premiere on 23 Aug.

    99 In Ep. 16, KJH said to YEH, “Don’t you trust OBBO?” This is oppa’s adlib (improvisation),because in Korea, the term ‘OBBO’ is even more intimate than the term ‘OPPA’.

    100 The last line of script in the finale, Episode 16, “Love is just like a lie which came towards me. Thus, this lie turned into love. Then we learnt that there are times, the truth –
    which is more fervent than fact, is often concealed within a lie.”

  502. When I looked at yeh & kjh photo album in their fb I found that kjh had a picture with 2 white girl in sexy post .in yeh picture also with 2 white guys .both of them in magazines I it this call considience( sorry mybe spelling ).choeun office when I looked at it a lot of coca cola item especially the bottle and the poster.

  503. The 100 proofs are good! Thanks. The 30s are missing so I’m adding them here. So I went through some of those that I could find. However, among those from the DVD, I couldn’t find number 40. Anyone else saw that mentioned part?

    30. KJH fed YEH with coke during LTM Ep 8 cola kiss (even real life couple could not have done that)

    31. Ki Joon’s line “your lips taste like cola” was adlibbed by KJH in LTM Ep 8 BTS

    32. In LTM Ep 11, the original scrip only wrote that KJH wiped YEH’s clothes until she picked up the phone. The continuous wiping and hand-holding were KJH and YEH’s adlibs.

    33. In LTM Ep 11 where YEH laid next to KJH on the grass was her adlib

    34. After shooting LTM Ep 11 Jeju Island romantic scenes, KJH went to his Japanese’s friend live show and YEH tweeted a video, her expression sweet, with background music “you are my love”

    35. In LTM Ep 12 KJH and YEH was discussing what time to meet, they were supposed to end at 7:30pm but KJH pushed forward to 7:20pm and YEH smilingly agreed were adlibs, just like a real life couple

    36. In LTM Ep 12, YEH picked the dust off KJH, touched his arm, KJH offered his hand to YEH and YEH took his hand before they went into the limousine were all suspicious adlibs by them.

    37. In LTM Ep 12 where KJH met future father-in-law and got drunk, the script only mentioned YEH to help KJH onto the bed and take his neck tie off. The Ah-jung-ah, holding arm, kissing cheek and eye-lash touching were all adlibs.

    38. In LTM Ep 12 KJH and YEH went to meet Sang Hee and sat down at the café, as there were some distance between them, YEH pulled over her chair towards KJH

    39. In LTM Ep 12 the original scrip only wrote YEH to pass a piece of cake to KJH, but YEH adlibbed where she had a bite first, then directly pass to KJH and she finished off with cake

    40. In LTM Ep 12 café screen cap for Sang Hee, KJH’s hand was spotted resting on YEH’s shoulder and even pulled her closer to him

  504. thanks for posting proofs no 30-40.

    for proof no. 34, here is the actual copy of yeh’s tweet. i was wondering why she tweeted this mv, now i know the reason.

    YoonEunHye ♥ Yoon Eun Hye 1003Grace june 13, 2011 ltm
    You are My Love / Kim Yeon Woo-year mine MV mine by OST Kim Yeon Woo You are my love good kyaah ~ ~ づ ♥ Д ♥) つ

  505. last year, i went through yeh’s old tweets and found that she tweeted something on march 20, 2011 (is this somebody else’s birthday?). sorry but i can’t seem to find the exact tweet ( i posted it in the old playground & i don’t have a copy!). it was a birthday message and wishing that God bless that someone! I still can’t believe it that during those times she was so unpretentious in her tweets (right guys?). look at the year it was 2011 and i don’t know if ltm started shooting april of 2011 or is it may 2011? it could be that nobody else knows about them at that time so she is free to say whatever she wants. anyway, happy about those tweets! i will post another yeh’s tweet, april of 2011.

  506. another one of yeh’s tweets for april 2011. i think this is right before ltm filming. can you guess who she is referring to? She must be talking of his conflict and subsequent banning with his agency! Beautiful one ‘let’s get started, shall we?’ ♥ ♥ ♥

    YoonEunHye ♥ Yoon Eun Hye 1003Grace apr 17, 2011
    Pleasures of the mind is the face cheerful, but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken – Proverbs 15:13 yesterday you’ve been, but today a happy day Let’s get started, shall we? So full of good things throughout the day hoping to ♥ I Go

  507. sorry guys but i want these tweets posted here!

    another tweet, hehehe (are you bored?). She is so happy for her oppa working again, kyaaaaa!

    YoonEunHye ♥ Yoon Eun Hye 1003Grace apr 18, 2011
    Oh. . . I’m tired, tired of the end? . . Anyway. . After the storm comes the calm and looking for the best thing I have been working hard and bright light began to show, I am happy. . Just happy, the answer is

  508. sorry, here is another one! i think it means heatpack? could be for the boat scene and she is talking about cherry (cherry tree, maybe?). So full of heart sign! She was in high spirits while doing ltm!

    YoonEunHye ♥ Yoon Eun Hye 1003Grace apr 24, 2011
    Thinner jineunde weather clothes, I noticed there’s * – Ugg boots had it put in a box and padding * finished shooting the movie have been loaded again pulled the body off the stove, puts on hatpaek again snatching attend. Burdock cold cold! Still cherry melt * mine * ♥ http:// jupn

  509. this tweet is when the ltm official banner was released???

    YoonEunHye ♥ Yoon Eun Hye 1003Grace apr 25, 2011 ltm official banner
    Wow ~! Suddenly dogeun dogeun ♥ ” @ TheHouseCompany : ‘You lie to me, talk to’ official website dilated http:// “

  510. I was reading through the 100 proofs and I noticed that I am missing 74-80! If anybody has them, please post a copy! Thanks a lot!

  511. @ Amazed, I had a small heart that YEH and kjh start fancied before LTM …
    It is seen from their conversation at Baeksang 2009, may be (my small mood) in 2009 Baeksang they feel comfortable because I understand the convenience can cause a feeling of love. Hehehe
    And I began to suspect about them, when he (kjh) movie premiere with Sung Yuri. Why did she (YEH) did not attend? or even she would not give rise to gossip?? different when she attended a movie premiere together kjh & KHN ..

  512. Honestly, I’m starting to believe they have a crush on when BTS Jeju …
    1. YEH collar governed by kjh
    2. eyes KJH see YEH in BTS Jeju
    3. addlib they did together (Regardless of whether they had discussed with PD,)
    4. Eye contact and their awkwardness in the Wrap.
    5. Accecories are almost the same, 95% is shared after the LTM. Why?? Are not I had never seen it. (Ring & bracelet exactly the same).
    6. And the last one is the most real to me (my opinion) … kjh follow the twitter YEH, and a few weeks he stopped following.

    At point 6, I just asked if he was (kjh) just friends why he should stop following yeh?? Is it wrong, if a mutual friend to follow in social media??

  513. Amazed, these are 74-80.

    74 Post LTM, when KJH participated in a meet-the-fans session, there was a very high degree of suspicion that the pair of glasses he wore was the same one as YEH’s.

    75 After LTM concluded, at a meet-the-fans session, KJH mentioned 2PM as the current in-thing which was taking over (reaching overwhelming popularity). And YEH has collaborated with 2PM in a promotional album. She has also confessed to be a 2PM fan. It looks like HwanHye’s common interests know no bounds.

    76 After LTM concluded, at a meet-the-fans session, KJH expressed his desire to become younger than 2PM (Is it the 7 years in age difference with YEH which leads such a thought?)

    77 Post LTM, at a meet-the-fans session, KJH especially stressed that he was wearing pink clothes “Today, I’m in pink”. YEH’s favourite colour is pink.

    78 After the filming of LTM ended, KJH left a message at the top of a building (pyramid?) saying this time was different from previously, won’t drink alcohol for a whole month. In addition, he mentioned about going to the beauty salon. (Oppa wanting to stay younger for someone’s sake???)  

    79 KJH in a Japanese magazine interview mentioned it was because of YEH that he accepted the role in LTM.

    80 After LTM concluded, KJH when accepting all kinds of interviews, each time asked about the actresses he has collaborated with, completely omitted mentioning YEH.

    Saw them from these links but I think the original was from Baidu.

  514. I may not have been up to date but does anyone have recent news/incidents about the OTP? Really hoping that they’re still going strong and that any announcements will be that they’re saying vows to each other. 🙂

  515. sweet apples

    thanks for posting those missing proofs. this is the first time for me to read those. do you also have a copy of the dvd of ltm’s bts? i read in one of your posts that you mentioned about a dvd!

    about the news for our otp, i don’t think there would be one since kjh is doing a drama. i believe that if there would be a wedding, we would hear about it after it is all over! at first i don’t understand it why they would hide such a relationship but simply put it would be for their peace of mind and less intrigues in their life. Some People when they learned that celebrities are a couple they would do everything to break up the relationship and once they broke up they would try to bring them back on! So let them be and also it must be a korean custom that we don’t understand but it is their norm so let us all respect it. Funny, that in korea if they learned that celebrities are a couple they don’t put them together in a drama or movies!!! Well, that is how they are and we can’t do anything about it!

    Would you also have a bts of an episode in ltm where yeh feeds kjh during his first visit to yeh’s home and after the take yeh keeps putting food on kjh plate! I just love that bts! How can she know what kjh wants to eat and how much he wants to eat since there is no stopping yeh on putting food on his bowl! Thanks in advance! I can’t seem to find it!

  516. wiwin

    based on the 100 proofs, we could safely assume that our otp’s relationship started in 2009 or maybe in 2008! it started long before ltm proven by the fact that it was yeh who recommended kjh to be her leading man in ltm!

  517. here is a very good review for first teaser for ‘big man’. i copied the translated version

    KBS2 ‘big men’, suspenseful opening ‘gaze overwhelmed’

    New KBS2 Drama ‘big men’ of the teaser video caught the eye of the viewer. past month 31 days KBS2 ‘sun filled’ sequel after 13th broadcast ‘big man’ (a play choejinwon, director Ji Young-soo) has unveiled a teaser video. Teaser video, the ‘big man’ characters ‘meeting in early pole to achieve the main axis’ heart ‘and appeared in the center of each of the characters are quickly formed jjonjjonhan tension, sparked viewers’ expectations.

    Approximately 30 seconds, the impending opening of a short teaser video and sound, the characters’ relationship to guess that was unusual. Republic of Korea 1% of the movie tycoon’s only son overt gangdongseok (Choi Daniel Boone), a broken wine glass and fall on the floor and look at the clock showing the time notice was imminent. This “My heart was running out of time” is clearly revealed through the eerie subtitles. again to fall over the
    road trucks and passenger cars with a thrilling half-wave in the hospital thinking gangdongseok, and look at him, a small mummy (yidahui minutes) grief Another accident on the face and locked in the hospital gimjihyeok (gangjihwan minutes) make this fast-paced 1500s the appearance of three questions on the relationship between men and women were amplified. Gimjihyeok end of the explosive roar like a man made ​​of gamjeongseon seem to notice. ‘big man’ viewers have seen the first teaser video of the message boards and social networking services (SNS) that “gangjihwan and Choi Daniel, it is! to visual concealment, get your’m going “” gangjihwan sobbing of smoke, watching the drama created Ine believes, “” subject only tension hundredfold! archer ought first broadcast from the unconditional bonbang “” I teaser from high quality. expected to “respond to a variety of showing. ‘big men’ side since the official teaser of the hot reaction of the audience, “” heart “toward the two men begin to tense confrontation will lead to a story,” said “acting on the basis of strong actors, Ho – Yeon dick in Cong I hope a lot of expectations, “he showed a strong confidence in the work. ‘big man’ lived life to the bottom of the Goa-born tycoon’s eldest son, a man called to welcome the turning point in the story going and coming on the 14th to take off the veil. gimhajin team issue

    Reporter / hajin1008 @ – Copyrights ⓒ Xinhuanet News Herald &, all rights reserved –

  518. Amazed, I don’t think I know which bts you meant. The scene at GAJ’s house the first time was only of KJH and her dad drinking. Don’t know about feeding. Unless you meant this? The unaired scene of them in a café? Though you would probably have seen this already. Sorry not much help here. But please post it if you ever see it again.

    I guess I’m just hoping to hear of them wearing the same clothes or accessories or something that hints of them being sweet together to get me excited again. 😛 But I’ll just silently hope for them together from here. 🙂

  519. hi sweet apples. thanks for posting the video. i am looking for something else, thanks anyway!

    are you looking for recent clues? lucky for us, baidu posted videos from kjh birthday fan meet and lo and behold, the first video is all about kjh movies! Can you guess what movie is the first scene? Usually, it would be his latest movie of course the incarnation of money but hold your breath, it was lie to me!!! and of all the movies, ltm scenes were repeated several times! Also, only one of his leading ladies was shown up close and personal, hehehe! you have to see the videos to see who it is!

    The second video shown in the birthday fan meet is the shooting for big man.

    The third video is about the lyrics of a song and as i understand it from the comments on baidu, he specifically told the audience not the sing the chorus at the end of the song but the audience sang it anyway! Which song? The song confession (a song about confessing the love that the singer has for someone)! He sang this in his 2012 birthday fan meet and i think rainqueen posted the english version of the song. I can’t believe that he sang it again! KJH is in love!

    And at the end, there were 2 cans of wine and KJH proposed a toss! Don’t you do the toss in a wedding? Baidu is thinking that this is his way of telling the fans maybe what we want to see and happen soon!

    I am posting the baidu link:

    The videos are not on youtube, not sure if everybody can watch it!

    These are good enough clues for me! choeun fighting!!!

  520. Amazed, thanks for this. It made my day! Though there was a scene before the “official” first scene in the first video was of him facing a long-haired redhead? The time is about 0.03. Did you see it?

    But there were enough hints in there for me until the next ones. 🙂

    While some of the videos in this website could be found on Youtube but I’ve enjoyed them so including it here. Enjoy again.

  521. Chingus,amazed
    please tell me you have the same problem with me?
    for more than one week Ican not access koala’s playground from my laptop .when i press koala
    s link i see a white screen with one small word on the top side :pageok
    so i thought the site was down .But today i start thinking maybe something with my laptop is wrong and i went to my kid’s computer and I see you all happy I am my friends..I really miss you.did I miss anything new? I m going to watch now Big man
    s trailer.
    Any explanation with the problem i have to access the site? Am i the only one?

  522. Chingus
    just saw the video.Oppa is soooooo good looking.I really missed him since last year when Incarnation of money ended. do we know if any major fan site will show it? It will be Daebaek, no doubts about that and i do not care about ratings.KJh plays only in good dramas.

  523. I’ve read Tifanny & Nickhun dating??
    Waiting kjh & YEH next.
    Although to date there has been no major announcements (kjh & YEH) but I have faith that they are dating.
    Too much evidence is found, either in the Koala, Baidu & soompi…
    Can you help me, why I can not open the Baidu???
    The initial view can be open, but after I press the command must provide a password ..

  524. Sweet apples , I think that was for ‘big man’ shooting. The red head is LDH. The light causes her hair to turn red!

  525. There are so many revelations to me of that videos posted by baidu for the kjh birthday fan meet! First, someone we know must be involved in that fan meet, someone who likes pink and lavender and as pointed by Ida the design of the balloons resemble that of kjh pins used in ltm! The main person for that event must be a very artistic person! Also, the way, ltm is included in that video, that someone must have special attachment to ltm drama! No wonder that somebody is so quiet these days she must be very busy in that fan meet preparation!

    Second, I have been visiting kjh Korean fan site, dc kjh and the only video they posted on that site was for the big man shooting the second video! So Koreans don’t ship their idols? It is a good thing that some baidu fans are in that fan meet so we learned about the first video.

    So Koreans just keep quiet on the private lives of their idols! That explains it, that is the reason why we don’t hear anything about our otp!

  526. Wiwin

    Just read again all my posts for opening baidu and you will find the solution to your problem! Just scroll some few pages back! Good luck!

  527. Amazed,
    I have to change my browser every time I want to go to koala’s site.
    Why they moved the day of airing?
    I like the poster.
    I have a question .All this time we read from Knetizen many guesses for various couples real or not but I never read anything for our OTP.Could it be that they special fond of these two and they do not want drag their names?Maybe they do the same like the KJH fan site that you say in your post ?

    • My guess is, our otp goes to places that are owned by friends like restaurants, like one posted early on in the old playground about a sighting of our otp in a restaurant owned by a drummer of yeh’s girl group, I think it is dakeya ( not sure about the name). People recognized them but when they try to approach them they were prevented by doing so! Somebody tried to snap a picture of them but was accosted by somebody also. Between our otp, I read that it is kjh who is so over protective of his loved ones to be exposed in public. I know one time a picture of kjh parents were posted but the faces are hidden. I think kjh wants his private life hidden from the public, I don’t know if this is true but looks like it. Also, I think they don’t go to public places, safe that way! I may be wrong but before they used to tweet each other and my guess is at that time they seldom see each other but starting, late 2012 they stopped doing that and I could only assume that they see each other everyday if you know what I mean! Just a guess though! This is evident in last year’s kjh fan meet. In the opening of kjh gifts somebody else is in his house holding scissors and as tweeted kjh said the picture was taken early in the morning. Also, in the car wash picture that kjh tweeted after that, there is a reflection of a woman in the van’s window!

  528. @ Amazed I also never read their old playground (kjh & YEH) seen in the restaurant but I was not sure it was true because I do not know where the source is coming from.
    Amazed,, do you know where the rumors come from??

  529. Hi amazed I saw yeh picture in fb that she attend givenchy boutique korea .she wear a white blazer and lace pant.why lately, now she wear white colour although its not a it this year she gonna get married ?I think she give us the hint she will get married soon hopefully this year on her birthday.

  530. Hello everyone, it’s the same question I have. Why is/are the Korean media and Netizens so quiet about the OTP if they were dating or sighted? There were other dating scandals (not that I wish that upon the OTP) so it’s not like the Korean media is so “kind” as to not report on such things. That’s puzzling.

    I would love to read the comment about them sighted in a café and see the photos (scissors, car wash)! They sound like gem! 🙂

  531. Amazed,
    I love re-reading and re-watching anything with our OTP in there
    A welcome shout-out to newbies.
    It is so good to see new faces in koala’s discussion forum.

    • I re read baidu’s posts. Hahaha, the borders for the picture collage from choeun FB and from yeh’s tweet is the same black and white border. Must be the same person making all those fan arts for both! Kyaaaa!

  532. Wow kjh wear white colour sweater to in guerrilla date its hwanhye white colour couple and notice he wear his ring on his left finger .

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  534. Waaawwww,,, I see in soompi. Kjh using the ring on her finger.
    I see the ring which he used, with the exact same ring YEH use when she filmed IMY.
    Someone had previously posted kjh ring use (Exactly the same as the ring YEH)

  535. Hi Amazed,, do you have a picture of the ring that kjh use?? white, that no post.
    I’ve seen YEH using the exact same ring with kjh, when she read the scripts I Miss you. And somebody also also never post a picture of it.

  536. i found the ring that i was looking for, 2 pages back i posted yeh wearing a ring from her pictorial and now i found the couple ring that she shares with her oppa. Not perfect match, hers is silver color in the middle while kjh is brown??? Comments please!

  537. someone posted this in one of koala’s june 2011 post. this must be the reason why we still guessing who the girlfriend is!!!

    ” I second the motion! Im just waiting for these adorable two to come out in the open!
    OMG! i suddenly remember KJH mentioned in his interviews that if ever he will have a GF the public will not know it, i guess he will keep it secret to protect the girl…. *sign* oh well, then i guess i just need accept that these two will just follow rule of what you see is what you get when it comes to their status! “

  538. dredz where are you? remember yeh’s love bracelet that you posted before? if you are still here, i will post what looks like a love bracelet worn by kjh!

  539. Amazed, thank you for your post. I mean the ring is a ring that you post.
    Does it look strange if two people use the same accecories (no relation). Let us analyze usage of our hearts. hehehe
    two people use the same accecories, I believe and am sure all of us here appropriate analysis.

  540. Amazed my girl ,
    do not feel lonely.We are always here.Maybe not active but we are here.
    Looking carefully the photos of our OTP it seems to me that they have different rings but same theme.Maybe the design is different for you wrote brown outside silver inside and the opposite.Looks like couple ring.

  541. let us all pray for the success of ‘big man’! it is not even shown and some people are predicting it is not going to rate!

    we wish you all the best ji hwan ssi! best of luck!

  542. here is an excerpt from ‘big man’ press conference ( i think )
    credit kjh fb

    He also shared, “I bought old-fashioned clothes at the market square and even when Mira (Lee Da Hee) buys me suits to wear in the drama, I untied the necktie and made my hair messy on purpose. I want to show the perfect appearance once I become a true leader in the drama.”

    She buys him clothes??????????????

    Am I the only one jealous?

  543. part of kjh interview apr 19, 2014!

    he says he doesn’t have a girlfriend! look at my post above ‘ he would not let the media know if he has a girlfriend!’.

    come on kjh ‘lie to me!’.


    Why do you like TV program “Half”?

    I think it’s more entertaining than the average mini series. It’s fun because it’s real. I think it’s a different perspective from “We Got Married”. I talked with the staff earlier about the participants in the last episode. I won’t do this program, but I told my manager to go when they make a “manager special” episode. I said I’d send the application for him (laugh).

    Do you have another “half” right now?

    I don’t. That’s why I plan to kill myself with soju today (laugh). Isn’t today February 14th? A day like this should be banned (laugh).

  544. it is getting harder to post here! it keeps saying that they determined that i am a spammer!

    part of kjh interview last apr 19, 2014. he says he doesn’t have a girlfriend! i was about to react but i remembered what i posted above ‘ he would not let the media know if he has a girlfriend!’!

    come on kjh ‘lie to me!’

    Why do you like TV program “Half”?

    I think it’s more entertaining than the average mini series. It’s fun because it’s real. I think it’s a different perspective from “We Got Married”. I talked with the staff earlier about the participants in the last episode. I won’t do this program, but I told my manager to go when they make a “manager special” episode. I said I’d send the application for him (laugh).

    Do you have another “half” right now?

    I don’t. That’s why I plan to kill myself with soju today (laugh). Isn’t today February 14th? A day like this should be banned (laugh).

  545. Hi amazed why the korean celebrities always keep their secret about the relationship .IS it want to protect each other?I ‘ll hope they will announce about their relationship so when they have a new drama no need a couple shipping for a new drama with their co star

  546. Amazed
    I get the spammer message too.
    When I come back from my job I really need to read the “no half part “.
    🙁 :(.

    • marthoula

      i am always getting the spammer message. i didn’t know that my post went through so i decided to post it again only to find out that the first one got posted!

      i think you are allowed to post only once and then get out and open the playground again and post the second one!

      i always post more than once so i will have to get used to the spammer message lol!

  547. Hi Ida, i know, i am also getting tired of our otp’s charade! i remember one of kjh interviews where he said that a lot of people are matching him up with someone and that people are always arranging a blind date for him! This shows that the girlfriend thing is really a secret!!!

    Sometimes, I want to believe that he really doesn’t a girlfriend but …… how come he shares so many couple things with someone??? I will post another one!

    We get frustrated a lot of times because we want them to follow what we want hehehe. Of course we cannot dictate on them! There must be some really big reason for hiding the relationship like the thing that happened to one celebrity ( not sure about his name) that lost all his endorsements after getting married and a lot of fans reacted strongly against him! Maybe our otp’s reason is to avoid the same thing! I think korean fans are different now than 5 years before since a lot of korean celebrities are making their relationship known!

    I think it is better with yeh because she keeps saying that she wants to get married so we could assume that she has a boyfriend! Last december when kjh met with his fans (kanghamsa), i recall a post from dc kjh that the fans were asking him about something and kjh answer is about marriage! I keep looking for an english translation of that interview but the audience is kjh korean fans so i don’t think they would provide an english translation!

    I think nineteen posted this collage and see if you would say that kjh has no girlfriend!

    • I wanted to post the same thing but I got the spam message again.That is so tiring!!
      Back to our OTP now.After 4 years I start loosing my faith to my OTP.2014 is a tough year.My love to them as individuals will be always there.

  548. Amazed I saw in fb (can’t remember wether ldh or kjh fb) that ldh received a birthday present from kjh because her birthday also same month with kjh. she kiss the doll because kjh gave her a doll and like a skincare product too( wrap in the basket)that’s why she bought a suits for him.I’ll hope its kind a exchange of present to present for both of them and not more than that.

    • hi ida, that was from ldh facebook, i don’t think kjh will post anything like that. for the past, kjh is really very careful of avoiding posting anything like that specially if it involves a girl! Soembody might react maybe!

      A few days ago i read a post made june of 2011 and this is regarding interviews of korean celebrities. The message is to ignore interviews, don’t believe them since they are only for promoting the show or to attract viewers and make you believe that there is something going on! Now, i believe this so i won’t be posting or reading any interviews!

      It is funny but ldh name in big man is so mi ra, and yeh’s name in marry him if you dare is na mi rae! Could it be that the mira that kjh mentioned is not ldh but the other one who i think is buying his clothes? I guess there are only a few of us here so we won’t get any reaction….. maybe?

    • Hi all.. long time not post in this playground. But i regularly visit this forum 🙂
      Ldh already have a boyfriend. She dates her ceo agency.. so maybe its just friendship or parnership present.. 🙂

  549. I had been a regular visitor of our playground ever since i discovered this after i cannot have enough of LTM and our couple. It has been my regular daily routine to visit our playground – before i start work and before i go to sleep. I understand that the lack of any new developments would somehow frustrate some of us. Deep in my heart, i believe that they are a couple and i will continue to dream and cherish this unless they announce to the world that they are not. But, any new development, no matter how small, would be welcome by our hearts starved for any news on our couple. In the meantime, let us wait and enjoy their projects. Fighting!

    • mamachun
      you are right chingu.
      As of BIG MAN I did not expect anything less from oppa.He is an amazing actor.

      • Btw, i am waiting for any new articles on Big Man. I hope that Captain K would recap Big Man – for our sake..

  550. Hi amazed I found that in bigman lee da hee wear yoon eun hye design bag (grace from samantha)what a considence.

  551. From yesterday i knew they will reveal a new couple and my heart went to our ship.Mostly i was afraid for the news.I feel so relieved now, but I honestly can feel the others shippers with the ship not sailing anm.

  552. Marthoula

    I am lost! What are we talking about here!

    Mama hum

    Welcome back! I guess we both feel the same thing!

  553. Ida

    You are right, LDH is using Samantha Thavasa bag and those bags are limited edition bags designed by YEH! I guess it is not coincidence anymore! Samantha T is one of the sponsors for big man??? I didn’t expect another evidence coming out so soon after the silver ring! Kyaaaaaaa!

    According to baidu, those limited edition bags are sold out!

    YEH even without acting will earn money through designing!

  554. Is it today( lie to me) anniversary for 3 yrs.why our couple don’t want a give us some news or bcoz they already forgot about today’s date .

  555. I watched episodes 3 & 4 of big man and noticed that kjh is wearing pink tie? I think I forgot, who is it that likes pink?

    Ida, I now have the answer to the buying of suits. In one of the episodes of big man, mi ra is buying suits for kjh, I think in the interview this is what oppa is talking about!

  556. Ida, I have to watch again episode 4 ( I think episode 4) of big man to see if the coffee that kjh is drinking has ‘jacob’s ladder’! Lol!

  557. I am greatly disappointed, big man is turning out to be a love story after all, hu hu hu! I just want somebody else to be his love interest in the movie! But, it is a good drama!

  558. Amazed its true that mira(lee da hee)buy a suits for kjh but that in bigman scene .its only reel not real.i noticed when yeh give tweet with her ex baby vox friend in her cafe and make a funny face kjh also tweet after that and also give a funny faces too. ( in yeh cafe I saw a written on the glass window its handwriting and its say (,”love is passion , love is kind” )

  559. Hi Ida, you are right it is only for reel not real! The more reason that we should not take seriously their interviews! I am staying away from interviews nowadays! I don’t think we will get anything from them.

    The phrase ‘love is patient, love is kind’ is from the bible! I think it aptly describes the love of her life who is so patient and so kind!

    Jacob’s Ladder is also from the bible!

  560. Secret

    Welcome back to the playground! I think it is lee da hae who’s boyfriend is the ceo of her agency. Lee Da Hee is the one in big man. I know, it is confusing, at first i thought only the spelling is different but it points to only one actress but i was wrong. They are two different individuals!

    Not too worry because now we know that the buying of suits is in the drama only!

  561. For the 3rd anniversary of lie to me, let me post this one. There is another longer version where you could see kjh arriving but i can’t find it!

    Only YEH was supposed to be filming. If you check the time on the airport walls it is well before 6 am in the morning. KJH arrive just before YEH finishes her scene!

    This is one of my favorite BTS. Soooooo cute! The hugging and the embracing is really something!

    When YEH and KJH were talking, KJH keeps reminding YEH of her flight, he ask her what time she is supposed to leave. She has a 7 am flight! No wonder KJH went to see her at the airport because she is leaving.

    Towards the end, KJH and YEH said their goodbyes already but YEH suddenly appeared in front of KJH! Do you know what see said??? She is pretending to be a fan and asking KJH for his autograph! Also, KJH is about to hold YEH’s hand but the director (?) came by! Some write ups said that the director is trying to protect our otp. People in the airport might see them holding hands and will start talking about them. It could be true!

    In times like this, our OTP seems to forget that they have something to hide!!!

    • typos : not what see said BUT what she said!

      Also please read the youtube posts. It has been a while since i last checked on this video! Some posts are just recently!

      Can you feel the L O V E between our otp!

      This one says it all for me!!!

  562. Typos, sorry! not what see said BUT what she said!

    Also, see the posts on youtube! There are still posts made just recently. It has been quite a while since i last checked on this youtube bts!

    Can you feel the L O V E ???

  563. I got the ‘ system has determined you may be a spammer’. huhuhu

    I typed a long message only to be told that i am a spammer! What is going on?

  564. here is one comment on youtube regarding the airport goodbye scene that i just posted!

    I wonder two things:- 1) what did that girl @ 01:03 say to YEH & then YEH like punched her lightly on the shoulder ?? 2) I read in an interview for YEH for the HIGH CUT magazine in regards to her opinion of KJH, that (he has a pretty man style and is kind, but you know how women don’t like men who are kind to every woman) .. I can’t figure out from where did she notice that .. he is well known for his shyness & from the BTS of most of his dramas, he doesn’t interact with women a lot, Strange


    LOL! YEH , what is the basis of your statement ??? You have to explain hehehe

  565. Amazed
    my last post did not go thru.
    I was talking about the latest couple that were revealed.
    We all knew that YEH was shipped from many with the really good actor that just confirm his relation with someone else.
    Where is drezd?

  566. Marthoula

    That was what I thought that you were talking about! That ship can never be sailing based on the 45th baeksang awards! The three of them ( our otp plus that guy ) were all together in one table and it is obvious that Yeh’s attention is with our oppa! I just read something also that in 2012 YEH attended that guy’s movie premier! So, she attends movie premiers of her friends! I know you know what I am getting at! Just recently she attended a movie premier!

    After 2011, she can only be attending movie premiers of her friends otherwise people might start suspecting!

  567. Marthoula

    I think dredz is busy with work! I know one day she will show up again! Right, Dredz?

    I missed all those people who were active in this playground before! Please at least say hi each one of you if you still visit the playground!

  568. Just a few days ago, one of my dreams for our otp happened! For a long time I was imagining them to be opening a coffee shop! The power of dreams! I am expecting all my other dreams for our otp to come true, soon!

    • haha,
      I love those little dreams.Many little dreams will give us the ONE that we all are dreaming.
      ps.I hear you with the movies premiers. 😉

  569. Hello everyone ^_^ very happy about Yeh’s cafe! Let’s imagine on how they will meet up there <3 <3 <3 belated Happy 3rd anniversay to all LTM lovers ^_^ HWANHYE FIGHTING!!

  570. Another Korean celebrity couple have broken up! Last year there are strings of revelations, yay!

    I think this is the reason why celebrities won’t admit they are dating! Kind of a disgrace for the ladies specially! Better for the public not to know it so they could break up quietly!

  571. look at oppa’s choice of color for his polo shirt!

    tie is pink. polo shirt is lavender. balloon decor at birthday fan meet, pink and lavender!

    Somebody must be in charge of buying his clothes and of decorating the birthday fan meet hall! My guess is ….. somebody who likes pink and lavender???

    • I am so busy the last 2 months so I missed -it seems-some very important things here.
      What is that gif?and from where?
      With out knowing what ‘s going on -I said it that I missed many posts- I see a very playful KJH and ….I find LDH ‘s reaction let’s say awkward .
      Actually both look suspicious.
      I do not want to jump in conclusions because I am not well informed but can some kind heart explain it to me please?

  572. Marthoula,

    That scene was part of episode 6 of big man only that it was cut out. I originally thought it was a bts. It was just a show! I watched episode 6 after I posted that scene. Sorry about that!

  573. i cannot post anything! It says that my i.p address is banned from discussion forum! we are not welcome here anymore?

  574. Long time chinggus!!! 🙂 Have you already watched KJH’s BIG MAN, just wanted to put some insights on what I have seen lately, I hope you could all help me here, chinggus.. in one scene in episode 6 of BIG MAN, wherein Jin-Ah (played by Jung Su-min), she checks on the data of her supposed older brother Ji Hyuk (played of course by our favorite OPPA :-)) in her celphone, I don’t understand Korean characters but as I have seen it (it seems that listed on there was supposed to be his birthday) & guess what is his birthday in that episode? 10/29/1984, isn’t it too coincidental? Whose birthday falls on an October? (and to add,if i remember it right , there was some instance that sometime before YEH posted a picture of calendar on her twitter highlighting 10/29 or maybe i’m wrong) Was just wondering who placed that day for his birthday on that episode? Well, for me it just keep the fire burnin’ & hopes are still on, for our ship to finally dock sooner.

  575. Thanks Evelyn! I better check on that! You gave us some hope! Have to watch episode 6 again! I know oppa’s bday in big man is 1984 but surprised to see it is October! I will check dc kjh!

  576. Hi Amazed!

    It’s been a while, actually never left this forum.. I’ve been a silent lurker only… Can I ask a favor from you? Do you have the office address of our oppa? I will be in SoKor this last week of May… Hoping I might got a chance of meeting our OTP, most especially KJH.. I just hope and pray that I might see him while his filming BM somewhere along the streets.

    And to all newbies and oldies, hello everyone! Thank you for keeping this ship alive.

  577. I think this year kjh and yeh will anounce about their married maybe in autumm or if not this year it will be next year.

  578. I think this year kjh and yeh will anounce about their married maybe in autumm or if not this year it will be next year.i ll know why the birthdate is 29.10.1984.because follow yeh birthdate she still 29 and its october 1984 thats why they give us a hint until upcoming october this year only she will be 30 .am I wright?

  579. welcome back alpha storm and lurker!

    alpha storm

    i have also included the house company’s address! i wish to be in sokor also. hope you get to see our otp!


    post code 135-517
    5F, 96-1, Cheondam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea

    TheHouseCompany ‏@TheHouseCompany 2 Oct 11
    The House Company
    #108-2 Shinsung-Misocity
    96-3 Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea

    • Amazed

      Thank you so much… Hopefully I could meet them in person… I know my chances are very slim… will try my very best to locate their offices and YEH’s coffee shop also… 🙂

  580. Ida

    Koreans count their age very different from how we do it! The moment you are born you are a year old already so by this standard YEH is 30 years old and she would be 31 this coming october!

    KJH is 38 years old, you just add one year and that would be your korean age! Weird but that is how they do it!

    So, can we say before october this year is the big day?

  581. Amazed he cried like yeh in lie to me.when yeh saw ki joon and her ex at the apartment .she lay down on the street and cry like a baby exactly the same .

  582. I have seen episode 7 & 8 of big man! It was daebak! Good job, oppa kjh! Now I know why jung so min choose that role! I was wondering before why she chose what looks like a second lead role in the beginning!

  583. Finally there’s no place like home!^__^

    Hi guys! good to see familiar names (oldies) and welcome aboard to our newbies! wheww needed to double time to catch up with you guys hehe anyhow huge thanks to everyone mostly to you amazed as always for keeping our humble ship afloat!^__^ And since i know for sure we have been all missing hwanhye couple so much and wishing them to see on new project, allow me please to do some reminiscing, omigosh! isnt it LTM has celebrated its 3rd anniv this month?! If i remember it correctly i have posted this MV here before but am posting it again for such purposes^__^

    credit to the owner

    I will post something else later but for now got to rush hehe see you later guys! ^___^

    • hey, look who’s back! Hope you will stay this time! Last week i saw you liked one picture at kjh fb!

      You are welcome! I keep this playground for the love of our otp! Maybe the reason why I do it is another dream of mine that those loyal followers of our otp will be invited to the big day! lol! Knowing oppa who loves his fans so much, who knows! You better stay this time! My dreams are coming true, mind you!

  584. i just can’t believe this! In last night’s episode of big man credit baidu, this scene was included and look who’s promoting that samantha thavasa bag! They intentionally shoot the scene in front of the model’s picture! do you recognize the model?

    This gives me hope and made me happy!

    • Is this just a coincidence? There is a lot of korean dramas out there that samantha thavasa could sponsor, right? Why big man? hehehe . Maybe, a package deal! lol!

  585. KJH latest tweet! Taking a scooter on the way to the hospital! Was he sick? He looks like a wanted man! Not ‘big man’. I am just kidding. Don’t take me seriously!

    Here is the reason according to Baidu!

    Mr. Zhao was hurt, right thumb fracture, plaster bandage fixed.

    • That is right, oppa! LIVE TODAY!

      why is it that you always hurt your fingers? Last movie shoot in Las Vegas, you hurt a finger too! Careful! We don’t want you to lose all your fingers!

  586. Amazed can you check for me in yoon eun hye fb account that I saw a guy wear cotton blouse like he wear in bigman .that guy in jacob ladder cafe.yeh fb photo show that only her lips.but the photo taken too far but I just relized that mans hair like him too.

  587. Ida

    I can’t seem to find the fb account photo. Can you give me the link to that facebook account. There are so many fb accounts under yeh’s name! I want to see the picture!

  588. I don’ t know how to post it.however you find in fb that yeh wear white lace dress that she wear in artistry event in china.yoon eun hye the house

  589. Hi everyone. I just have a feeling that YEH and KJH are giving us very subtle hints:) Let me name just a few:

    1. YEH and KJH were in Thailand at about the same time. No news on when and how KJH arrived back (altho we learned that YEH went to Japan after her Thailand trip.
    2. He followed her and only her on twitter.
    3. Couple shirts for YEH (IMY) and KJH (IOM). Remember the printed polo shirts with flowers and hearts for them?
    4. Samantha Thavasa bags modelled featuring YEH in BM.
    5. Cola bottle with YEH’s name (remember cola kiss?)

    What more can we ask? What do you think?

  590. Ida, mamachum,

    From baidu there is a picture of yeh with friend/s ? It says Canada and New York? She usually goes abroad after finishing up a project! But she didn’t have a project lately! I know one who just finished shooting a drama, I assume he is done shooting because the last 2 episodes will be shown soon! And the one who just finished a drama loves to go abroad too after the work is done! Shippy me thinks that he will follow her! Just like the Madagascar trip! Also, wondering why yeh would schedule a trip abroad at this time! She could have done it last May or early June! Aaahh, she waited for someone? The personal assistant in the picture is just to divert our attention??

    Mamachum you are right, so many subtle hints!

  591. Amazed, mamachum did you guys notice that when yeh post that she did shopping in new york and then why kjh post he wear a cap sign a ( AFNY) I do not know what is the meaning.when I look at the picture the shirt he wear with the staff totally different than he wear a AFNY cap.

    • Ida

      That AFNY cap must have been a present from YEH’s previous New York trip. I think in 2012. KJH is so fond of wearing that cap. It must be from someone close to him.

      Can you do me a favor? When you open that yeh’s FB that you are talking about, please copy the link found at the very top of the page. It starts with http … Thanks.

      I appreciate your posting what you see in yeh’s FB. So many people created a yoon eun hye FB so not sure which one to open.

  592. From choeun, drinking with choeun staff, wearing pink ( ???) shirt holding luxury. Oppa and luxury misses the mommy!!! I wonder when oppa is leaving for vacation. His destination might not be Canada or New York, hehehe, oppa, I salute you! You are very clever in planning a rendezvous! You are not getting caught!

    I think they would meet someplace else, minus yeh’s assistant! Now I know why YEH posted that Canada pictures.

    • Oppa, enjoy your vacation wherever you are going! Be extra cautious because I am praying that you be caught this time! Bwaaaa ha ha ha!

  593. Oppa’s outfit for the wrap up party!

    1) H cap! Is there a Y or an E cap?

    2) oppa is wearing a chain bracelet! It looks different , maybe it is a new one.

    3) he is wearing a ring on his ring finger! At least oppa is consistent on wearing it on the ring finger where is should be worn! Don’t have a close up of the ring so I am not sure of the design!

    Congrats oppa, big man made it to the top!

    Have a nice vacation with the love of your life!

  594. girls
    he lost a lot of weight .
    Yesterday ,another couple was confirmed.I hope soon will be our turn for the good news.
    Have a great vacation everyone.
    KJH please dont confirm anything until I come back from my vacation.I want to spazz together with my chingus here.
    Wait till August comes.

    • Have a nice vacation Marthoula! Don’t worry, if oppa makes the announcement, you can re read all our previous posts, hahaha!

      Enjoy every minute of your vacation!

  595. Hello everyone !

    Greetings and Sarangh from India 🙂 Newest JiHwan fan and a big time addict. I have already watched Lie to Me back to back thrice this week. HwanHye forever!!!!! Fighting !!! Sarangheyo oppa <3

    • Welcome Shway to the playground! It has been 3 years and lie to me is still attracting fans! Fighting!

      Stay with us and please post often!

  596. Ida,

    Where did you read the Paul Smith shirt? I don’t know what it means. I have to search the net for Paul Smith to get an idea!

  597. Ida

    I think the o shirt is connected to the h cap! I can only say from kjh outfit at wrap up party that he has someone special in his life and obviously he is taken. There is a ring on his ring finger, a bracelet, a star necklace and he is wearing earrings ! He once said before that if he found ‘the one’ he would dye his hair and wear earrings! If I am right he did this first time in 2009 and repeated it again in 2014!!! Could it be that 2014 is the year???
    The o shirt could mean something good that only he knows!

  598. They say that if you are looking for a husband see first how he treats his mom! The way he treats his mom is the same way he will treat you as a wife! This is only his mom in the drama ( by the way also same mom of yeh in her drama) and look at how he takes care of her! Also, oppa in the wrap up party is far away from his leading ladies, I wonder why!

    Oppa is a good husband material, don’t you think so? Whoever he gets as a wife is some lucky lady!

  599. Hi guys! How’s everyone? I just thought I could bring in some good news after being silent for quite sometime almost losing hope until this.. fresh from the oven as in i just sleuthed it hours ago where accidentally I spotted these two pictures of hwanhye, gut-feel these black with red printed design big hankies wrapped around their necks are similar and the same. Although i can see YEH’s is bigger than KJH’s still.. do you agree?

  600. Dredz

    Welcome back my hwanhye friend! You made my day! So glad to see you back!

    Your sleuthing skills are back! I made a collage of the pictures to see them better. Not totally the same design but you could see that it is intended for a couple. Good job! Hope you stay this time!

    • What is that stuff toy in kjh basket? For xury? Have you seen the latest pictures of xury? The doggie is so fat! Who is feeding the dog?

  601. Just wanted to know, why is there an off-screen quietude on the relationship front (not necessarily by hwan-hye). Is it very detrimental to their careers? Will a committed relationship be frowned upon ? How does the general public react to link ups or engagement rumours or even a actor/actress’s marriage ?

    • Totally agreed with you. Even when YEH mentioned in Come to Play back in 2012 that she made pickles cucumber for her BF’s parents, watching TV with him at home etc etc. The host never asked her who he is and there wasn’t news about it on the net – maybe there was but I missed it.
      Any idea?

  602. shway yehyeh

    i keep myself asking that same questions too. it could be because korea has this privacy law or just maybe they are not nosy as the other people in the world are lol!

    or i think it is a sin for a korean celebrity to fall in love! a lot of them are in their 30’s and no mention of getting married! it is a different world out there! Their culture is so different we can’t do anything about it and that is how they are! But it is frustrating a lot of times.


    thanks for that cucumber pickles for her bf story! first time i read about it! the host didn’t even make a follow up question? do you have a video of that said tv show?

    • YEH mentioned that she made cucumber pickles to her BF’s parents during Come to Play in 2012. I watched the Chinese Sub version and she mentioned it around 32 mins into the program. She also mentioned that when they were watching a drama or movie together, her BF always mentioned that so and so actress in the drama or movie are not pretty because YEH is the prettiest to him. I will get the link and post it here later, trying to edit just YEH’s section.

      I have been a YEH’s fan since her Baby Vox and Xman days.

  603. is anybody here reading baidu? please help me out! i want to understand what they are talking about.

    here are the tiny bits that i could understand from their posts. they are talking about ji hwan’s interview ( i believe it is recently? ) and oppa is talking about marriage??? somebody asked ‘are you married?’ which i think is a question for oppa! also ji hwan mentioned that his idea of a honeymoon is 5 days 4 nights ( hehehe – don’t kill me, this is how i understand it and i am curious). he also talks about the interior of a house ( the house that he is going to built!) But last year after incarnation of money he said he is doing the interior of that house day and night ( so the house was finished last year!)
    He is also talking about his relationship with in laws. i can’t seem to get the translation of some of their posts.

    What are they talking about???

  604. i also read someplace else that in ji hwan’s interview ( not sure if this is a different interview) he said he is tired of fishing!

    Does it mean he is tired of being single and thinking about settling down?

  605. hello everyone.this is momche please bear with me shortly.i have a news that i want to share with you.
    LYWEELYN MIJARES also known as MIZWENG one of the 12 original HWAN/YEH shipper from KOALA’s Playground passed away yesterday after a long battle with ovarian cancer.although we stopped shipping them almost two years now MIZWENG remained a KJH fan until the end.
    i am sure we still have a few friends here that will remember MIZWENG with fondness.thank you and GOD bless you all.

  606. Finally, i got from kjh fb the english translation of kjh latest interview. thanks pechumori! I have been waiting for this! This one is what baidu is discussing!

    Here is an excerpt of that interview!

    “I want to get married soon. Originally, I wanted to marry when I was 35 years old, but marriage is not only about having a partner, or visiting my parents house. There are various aspects that need to be considered like how to raise kids, which seem to be more difficult,” he confessed candidly.


    How soon is soon? Autumn?

    I know somebody who is getting married also! hehehe the one who catch a bouquet? maybe just a coincidence? he getting married and she getting married too???

    Oh no, mizweng will not see her kjh walk down the aisle! But, i am pretty sure mizweng knows who he is getting married too and also the date for the big day!

    Oppa, congratulations in advance! Wish you a happy married life! You are such a good catch! How lucky that girl is!!!


    He wanted to get married when he was 35 years old? He is now 38 so 3 years ago , 2011??? 2011 sounds like a remarkable year to me! Happy for you oppa!

    • hello alpha storm!

      i know i read about that! First, he said he wants to marry soon! Then, he wants to buy a piece of land! I am confused! Last year interview he said he was lucky to buy a good piece of land and after incarnation of money he said he is doing the interior of the house day and night, remember that? I want to believe he is lying about buying a piece of land so his fans won’t think that his marriage plans is just around the corner!!! Maybe just maybe he made a mistake of blurting out that he wants to marry soon and wants his fans not to think that way!

      So this time, i don’t want to read about our otp’s interviews anymore otherwise i will go crazy lol!!!

      Ji Hwan oppa, please don’t lie to us!!! Not that way!

  607. give aways for the recent kjh fan meet! How come there are teddy bears? Am i just seeing things? Look at the teddy bears at the bottom left hand of the screen, it looks like one bear has bridal veil on its head? And how come there is a big red heart on the other bear? Why did kjh suddenly have a fan meet? Do you also wonder? This fan meet is for his japanese fans. Knowing his japanese fans we won’t get to know what they talk about! I am curious, why the sudden fan meet? Was it plan a long time ago?

  608. Kjh is doing a photoshoot in the Philippines. I hope it is a wedding photoshoot hehehe! Or was the wedding photoshoot done last year in Japan maybe???

  609. I thought there is nothing to post today! He would be going on vacation after the photoshoot! There is some part of his interviews that is true his going on vacation. But he also said that he will be vacationing alone! It sounds like a lie to me!

  610. Oh hi everyone! Im newly in this forum from the Philippines but im an avid fan of HwanHye couple after i watched their series LIE TO ME last year only ( well im late to be a korean fan only last year after i saw thier chemistry in this series…but iv’e been following some links, sites and watching a fanmade MV of them and still cant get over of my number one korean drama LIE TO ME…since then im also watching some korean drama till now but still LIE TO ME still number one in my heart and mind…. im also praying for them to be together in real life which is turn to be Mr & Mrs sooooon ( hoping our wish will become tru)… but just wanna ask if its true theat Kang Ji Hwan is here in our country? Philippines… i wish to see them in person if ever their coming here.

    • Welcome to the playground janneth! I am glad you decided to join us here at akp! Keep posting!

      Yes, ji hwan is in the Philippines, he is staying at mactan shangrila. They are trying to have a fan meet in Manila but still waiting for a reply from Choeun, his agency!

  611. Amazed kjh post his picture with one lady in his fb.but I don’t know who is that lady ..can you check it for me is it his girlfriend?

    • The one from kjh FB? She is the editor of sure magazine that will do the photoshoot! It is not kjh who posted the picture. There are administrators for kjh FB. The Facebook account that kjh is personally using is choeun.

  612. aw,,,,, I’ve seen that photo how irresponsible that woman is seriously crazy,poor oppa suddenly got into a trouble sad to know it happen here in our country,MY GOD DO YOU HAVE A BRAIN THINK FIRST BFORE YOU CLICK
    you are seriously stupid idiot,go to hell, sorry guys i can”t keep my emotion am reallllly,reallly mad at that girl -/-

    • Skype,

      I’m so fissed off with that woman too… And to think that incident happens here. As what I read and understood that KJH left the country quietly. Now I realized why there are no so much publication for KJH. I felt bad on this incident. The nerve of that woman! 🙁

      • Oppps… pissed off 🙂
        I hope and pray that KJH will surpass this another crisis.
        what a mess that woman brought to our KJH.
        I still believe in you oppa, so keep on fighting!

  613. what happened? so sorry got so lost with what happen with our KJH here in our country, please do enlighten me…many thanks

  614. My god !!!!!!!!! I was so shocked that I could not eat properly. What the hell happened ???!!!!! He’s fully clothed, though. I can’t seem to find many articles about this issue. Can anyone update ? I feel so bad and sorry for him. I am so bloody angry and irritated!!!!!! Does anyone think it’ll harm his future and image ? I can’t bear to see this. Why him of all people. Remember, Park Shi Hoo could not return to the South Korean television again. I am so worried for Oppa. Sorry for the long message. I am in tears.

  615. I want to share what i read! KJH sure magazine photoshoot was hosted by dot central visayas of the philippines. KJH was given free accommodation at mactan shangrila in cebu. I am not sure how long has kjh been there, must be on his 2nd or 3rd day of stay somebody posted in fb a selfie of kjh in bed with a woman, the woman taking the selfie and as shway said kjh is fully clothed and so sound sleep. The caption is that she slept with a korean actor and put his name as ji hwan kang( she is so proud, where is her sanity and wants the world to know that she is sleeping with everybody!!!) Later the woman apologized and said that it was a photo shopped picture and not sure if she said ‘ she did not think it would hurt him!’. KJH representative early on explained that she was the wife of kjh tour guide and that they made a joke by taking that picture! It became viral and quickly spread in korea! The next day it was headlined in taiwan.

    I was so worried for several days because I heard stories like these before. Seeing KJH so sound asleep and so unconscious of what was happening, I am afraid that they put drugs or sleeping pills in his drink! I hope he was not robbed!

    The girl must be a professional in this job and maybe there are some other victims beside kjh! The woman said she is a fan but i don’t think so! By putting kjh name as ji hwan kang is a give away! If you are truly a fan you would write kang ji hwan! I also wonder how come she knows a korean actor is coming! Must be an inside job or she is always in the hotel! Paging the hotel management please ban her from your hotel and make sure she goes to jail! This put the country in a bad light! At dc kjh they have a warning to all koreans to be very careful anywhere in the philippines.

    I keep waiting for statement from choeun but seems like they are not releasing any official statement. I hope they do, please!

  616. Amazed I heard kjh said that woman is his tour guide wife .they are making joke, actually it make and effect his career.

  617. Amazed I heard kjh said that woman is his tour guide wife .they are making joke, actually it make and effect his courrier

    • This is so so bad publicity for the Philippines. It is so irresponsible especially as this news will hurt not only KJH but also YEH. I hope both of them will weather this misunderstanding.

  618. How is the public reaction to this ? Are fans and public in general in support and favour of Oppa ? Reaction on the internet ? I saw some nasty comments on FB and netizen.comwas really disheartened. A person had written: “What a childish explanation”. Some wrote “he bought prostitutes and now trying to save his face”. I was in tears when I read such comments.

  619. Shway

    I didn’t know about the seungri incident so i googled it! This is about a big bang member with a japanese woman in bed photo. And the woman also snaps the photo! But the actor is nude and under the sheet!

    Things happen for a reason. Sometimes they are to teach us a lesson! This is the time that kjh will know who his real fans are. I know he is in a relationship and if his special one sticks with him then he needs to not let her go because she truly loves him otherwise it was not meant to be! If he was drinking at that time, it is a call for him to stop drinking!

    You are always in my prayers! I know how hard you tried to avoid being near your leading ladies in your previous dramas which i think is because of a love one! I believe you when you say you want to be faithful when you get married!

    Atta Ji Hwan ssi, fighting!

  620. We are always wondering why kjh is hiding his relationship. This is one of those times that not letting people know about it will benefit the other party! She won’t be drag in the scandal.

    Good thing the public does not know!

  621. Hi Guys, it’s nice to be back here, but I used a different name before.
    Talking about the irresponsible post on FB of wuri Ji Hwan ssi, I commented on that post. I called her names( sorry for that, I was angry)I even called her TANGA(dumb) for not thinking before posting it. She should be responsible enough knowing that Kang Ji Hwan is a guest from other country. She brings all Filipinos down for doing such thing. She said sorry, yes but the damage was done she can not take it back. Besides, I see that Ji Hwan ssi is loyal to his true love, and now that happens. Well I hope the lady will not make it a big deal between the two of them. I wish them happiness & peace on their relationship… Btw, he wore a hat on the wrap up party of BM, it has an H, w/c may means Hye, & a T-shirt with an O, w/c means to me as ONLY. So if you read it from the hat to the shirt it says ” Hye Only”… HwanHye, Fighting!

  622. Oh hi again and wanna thanks for Amazed for welcoming here the first time i wrote a message in this forum the other days….well im sad about whats happening for our beloved oppa when he is here in our country ( philippines ) and that so called scandal or whatever from a woman we didnt know her and just putting a bad impressions for us as a Filipino but im hoping that ur not hatting me or some of us Pinoys who love Kang Ji Hwan and Yoon Eun Hye because of that scenario or scandal that u may call it from a woman who never think what will be the result of what shes done… i hope im still welcome here even im from Phlippines… im still fighting for our HWANHYE couple!

    • While i am saddened and disappointed by what happened to KJH here in the Philippines (that makes me a Pinay), i suggest that we move on from this nightmare. the more we discuss here, the worse it would be for our couple and the people around them who love and support them (including us). Let this be a lesson for KJH and his team (who are supposed to protect and shield him from any possible danger) and a challenge to the couple ( to learn to trust and stand behind each other) in these times of crisis. I think he will be stronger and wiser from this experience. I also pray that their relationship will be stronger and more mature after this.

      • Amen Mamachum! Let us all move on! I think he is doing a movie soon!


        I was reading dc kjh and they mentioned October 2, 2014! I don’t know what is that date but it is so close to October 3 2014!

  623. Hi all,

    I just read about the alleged scandal of KJH. All I can say is “P****G **A ng Babaeng yun, ‘pag nakita ko siya, ma******y ko siya”

    -end of rant-

    Anyways, i’ll just pray that this will not affect Ji Hwan that much.

    Moving on…

    Amazed, Mamachun,

    Would like to hear from you about our couple. Why do I feel that based on your posts/statements, you imply that they are already an item and that they’re just concealing their relationship from the ‘public’? Would like to hear your honest to goodness answer.


  624. Hi lurker, do i give off that vibe that they are an item? I do not have any proof but deep in my heart, i believe that they are a couple. It is like religion, you just have to have faith. But this belief is also based on several hints that i have read in previous posts. Just to name a few:
    1. KJH followed YEH on twitter (she’s the only one he followed)
    2. Couple things that are quite evident especially in the last 2 dramas
    3. Hints of YEH in Big Man drama (why do i get the vibes that she was very evident there?)
    4. Both were in Thailand at the same time

    I just hope and pray that they would really, really be a couple and that this ugly incident would only make their relationship stronger.

  625. Lurker

    I like what Mamachum posted!

    There is a woman presence in the birthday fan meet of kjh, what with the pink & lavender balloon decoration! Subway is also a sponsor for big man just like in marry him if you dare! The Samantha Thavasa bags are in big man and we all know who designed and model those bags.

    The ultimate hint for me is yeh wearing a bracelet worn by kjh in 2009 Cartier advertisement in the wrap up party for her latest drama! There are two of those bracelets so one for her and one for him? That was 2009! Also, kjh following yeh on twitter and the name of his agency, choeun!

    Nice to see oppa active again in twitter. He just changed his twitter profile! Fighting! Storm is over!

  626. @Amazed, Mamachun: Sorry ! I just checked that you had replied to my posts. I use my phone. Sometimes, it does not refresh properly. So, jesumnida 🙁
    (Was that the correct usage?)
    Thanks for the support and kind words. Praying and sending positive affirmations to our Oppa and his love. By the way, saw the movie ‘Rough Cut’ today and finished ‘Guem Soon’ twice 🙂

    Lurker, check out Big Man ep 9. Samantha Thavasa product placement and YEH photograph straight in the frame. Is blatant product placement common in Kdramas ?

    I hope it is not 😉 coz you know what it means then ;)….Even Jung So Min reminds me of YEH. Dialogue Delivery ?

    Anyway, hoping for more couple hints and couple jewellery spotting in the days to come. HwanHye fighting !!!

  627. Shway

    Thanks for posting the video. This is the first time I saw it. Sorry, can’t help with the translation. If I find a translation somewhere I will post it here!

  628. Hi shway!

    There is nothing on the news about them so it is hard to post anything! No, not scary, you are still here and some shippers post every once in a while! I am trying to keep the ship afloat, please help me!

    Just read an old post from ms k. She said paparazzis are illegal in Korea and even if they have evidence about a couple they still need to ask permission if they could write about them! It is really hard shipping a Korean celebrity couple!

    YEH was in Shanghai for the artistry event! Looks like she is wearing a ring on her left finger but it is hard to tell, the shot is so far away!

    Fighting shway!

    • Thank you shway! The ring on her left ring finger confirms for me that her wedding plans are still underway! I have a big hunch that the big day is before the end of this year! Hwaiting!

  629. Kjh new tweet!

    Even luxury’s blanket is pink! I don’t think oppa bought that for luxury! The mommy probably did! There is somebody else living in oppa’s house besides luxury!

    Kjh is looking for a nice Chinese design! I wonder why! Also he said that luxury lost a few grams!

  630. Amazed, is there any way of sending him a message saying that we would like to see him smile in the pictures.. He has a killer smile .. He never smiles. Happy that Oppa has been fighting the storm and stayed dignified. Very glad to see him post a selfie!!!!!! Sending positive affirmations to him and his love.

  631. What chinese design does he need ? Is he also in China ? Coz YEH is in Shanghai… Is he mentioning ‘Chinese’ purposely ?

    • Just read that Yeh is in Shanghai not for any event but for a private visit! Baidu thinks that both of them are into something, Chinese design? Hehehe. Busy both of them. Shway, now that I think about it, maybe both of them are vacationing somewhere not Shanghai! Just remember ji hwan mentioning he is going on vacation after big man!

      That twitter picture was taken in Korea! He wants us to think that he is in Korea? Pictures taken before he left for vacation? They have it planned so discreetly huh?

      Shway, send kjh a message at his twitter account, bigman @kangjihwan_

  632. I dont have the luxury of looking for stuff to share with fellow shippers, but I have been with you all this while n definitely remain a fan of our OTP. Thx to all who have contributed. I for one appreciate you!

  633. Amazed, I hope baidu’s bang on !!!! I just checked that the link I posted previously was written by Koala Eonni and I am sure must have been shared earlier. Sorry! I am new here. Saw LTM ‘phone camera Ah Jung ah’ episode bts last night. Ji Hwan calls out ‘Eun Hye ah’. And, the confrontation scene Bts. She says something something.. ‘Wuri Oppa’..

    Anything else Baidu’s written ?

    LtmFan: Hi there 🙂 Glad to see all of us join our hearts in sending positive affirmations and faith to wuri couple.

  634. Ltmfan

    Thank you for letting us know that you are still with us! I know you are all busy, just say hi once in a while is good enough for us! Hopefully, our waiting will be rewarded soon! Keep our fingers & toes crossed!

  635. Shway

    That article must have been posted in the old playground ( I still miss it till now, it has loads of interesting info about our otp)! Thanks for that article. I will read it again!

    If I understood it well, per dc kjh, oppa watched a play yesterday! I thought he is a homebody!!! He must be home alone so there is a reason to stay out of the house!

  636. Amazed: Just out of curiousity, how does Baidu get to know so much about him? Intricate details that are not posted by him. Are they in touch with him unofficially ? Maybe, they know something but are way too loyal, eh ? 😉

    • Shway

      Not sure if you mean kjh watching a play! I got that info from dc kjh a site maintained by his korean fans! The fan happened to watch the same play and saw him!

      Some of our otp fans from baidu are studying in Korea and they even visit choeun agency! They also understand the Korean language so maybe they could ask around for information! Maybe they have some inside information also!

  637. Good Day to all!

    Nice to post here once in a while during my free time coz of busy sched in my work. I just want to say that every month im still watching LTM during weekend so that i can finished watching it for 2 days only. I hope any Korean tv station will remake the Taiwanese novela Autumn Concerto that will lead our couple HwanHye coz this is also a beautiful story that will fit for them and i really love the last episode of this story coz of having a good love story and beautiful ending most of all the story have a smart kid that added to the love story of the couple. I know we will love them again if they remake this series from tawainese drama like what other korean tv station doing remake like Fated to love you,a Witch Romance (same story in My Queen ) and others…. Like all of us here still waiting for the big news about our couple im still keep waiting. HwanHye Fighting!

    • Hi Janneth! Yes, we hope that they will be together in another drama! Thanks for posting and keeping the ship alive!

  638. Hi friends,
    I do not post like before,but I am always here with you.
    I am glad for KJH.It seems that the storm has passed.

    • Amazed
      I had a very relaxing time .Thank you for asking.
      I will be on this ship until an officially confirmation comes.

  639. Chon

    Thanks for the video clip! There is nothing to post . Thank you for breaking the silence in the playground! By the way, YEH in that clip was really frightened and thought the car will run over her! Oppa was ready to kick the car!

  640. You’re welcome amazed.

    They looks very bright.I like Al of their video. They look so cute. I miss them so much. Fighting HWANHYE FIGHTING. ♡♡♡♡

    Everyone Fighting!!!

  641. Hello Again!
    Thanks Amazed and don’t worry ill stay here until we confirm whose really their real partners in life and were fighting that both are destined to each other. I will still posting messages here in my free time that’s a promised! Well i’m not missing them co’z everyday i can see them in my wall paper at my office computer hehehe but missing them in big screen or tv hoping to watch them again soon! Dear god grant our wish to out beloved couple.Have a nice day to all and godbless as well.

  642. Hello everybody! I am looking for articles to post! Hope that after this long silence we will be rewarded by a very good news soon! Keep our fingers crossed! I am still here!

  643. I am here and lurking and waiting for the great news….I am dreaming for that day to come and I can see all us shippers of our OTP re unite and celebrate those long anticipated news.

  644. Hello Again!

    Oh get well soon Shway …. you know guys even if i’m new here posting some of my messages or comments but i’m a regular readers of your comments for our beloved OTP and i like reading your messages: Amazed, Shway, Mathoula, Chon, Alpha Storm, Mamachun, Lurker, Evelyn Ng, Ida Azmi and Dar ( am i correct with his name? )so hoping to read always your name here everytime i check it out…. always take care guys and godbless too. Till then….

    • tnx janneth, welcome to our hwanhye shipping world…

      me, too have been quiet for sometime…
      but not necessary out of our shipping world…
      just lurking silently, though..

      waiting for the big announcement too….

      HWANHYE fighting!!!

  645. Marthoula

    Me too, I am waiting for that good news! I have been reading kjh FB fan page and his fans are also awaiting some announcement! I have this feeling that it would be coming !

    Thanks guys for sticking here in the playground! You are all wonderful! Hwaiting!!! Hi dredz, I know you are still lurking!


    Just read that the recent pictures of kjh were taken in a cruise ship!

  646. amazed
    we have the best captain for our ship.You always are here to encourage us in bad and good times.
    stick around and spazz around with the rest of the is worth it.

  647. Pictures must have been from his China trip! His outfit is from that boat ride!

    I wonder who is usually getting a cold ! There is that tweet again to be careful not to catch a cold! So thoughtful.

  648. Hi Chon! We posted the same photo! Mine is found in the previous page! I am wondering why he included the bottle of coke in his collage! Is he giving us a clue???

  649. Hi amazed longtime no post here.did you notice on the above kjh photo on the top right there is a fair lady looks like yeh with her sunglasses.

    • Hi Ida, the lady must be working for the tour company. She is wearing an i.d necklace. Also YEH is skinny so I don’t think it is her. Wish we could see a new picture of them together.

      Kjh changed his twitter profile picture again , this time luxury is wearing a cap! Picture was taken inside a very clean car. Must be oppa’s car. His hobby is cleaning hehehe!

  650. I want to make a wish that the next time kjh changed his twitter profile picture, it would be a picture of them together! Keep my fingers crossed!

  651. I signed on to my twitter account yesterday (which I seldom do) and was checking kjh twitter account. I saw him following 2 accounts, Korean twitter something and one other account. I checked again sometime later and he was following 22 accounts I guess twitter accounts of his avid fans. One was pechumori and dc kjh gallery! I checked again today because I want to do a snapshot and post it here BUT he is back to following 2 accounts hehehe! I was thinking, ‘ is he getting ready to make an announcement’! Or maybe I was dreaming?

    What do you think? Has anybody else noticed this?

  652. Baidu is excited about kjh message to kamhamsa(???). The message is that at the beginning of this week he decided to move! I guess to his new house??? Happy news indeed, the house is finally ready?

    Dc kjh is also excited (very) about something and I can’t figure it out! What is going on guys? Please share!

    • Yes marthoula, same here, waiting! Kjh said in his latest interview that he wants to get married and will look for a lot/land first. As if we don’t know that he has built the house already! If he is moving to the house then maybe this is it! I remember lie to me’s ending, ” we are getting married in autumn”. Coincidence, it is autumn months in Korea now!

  653. amazed,
    you always put a smile on my face with your post.I know about the house and that makes me happy that something good will happen soon.
    he always looks so young and handsome!

  654. Kjh latest tweet! What is the good news! Kjh such a tease! DC KJH has been talking about the good news even before big man! They said d day is 100 days Christmas Eve! I don’t understand! The post today ‘ today is d day!… How long is the wait? I am getting impatient! Waaah , is it about his new work?

  655. Getting tired of waiting for the good news! Maybe the good news is about his movie showing in December!

    Dc kjh has one post that is hmmmm , makes me think ‘ what do they mean?’.

  656. I am looking for kjh news and saw that he attended the wedding of lee yoon ji on the 27th. I was looking for movies that they were together but found none. But lee yoon ji was in princess hours drama! What is the connection? Maybe oppa is friend with the groom or oppa is friend with the lead female star of princess hours hehe. Anybody knows?

  657. Wow. Can’t believe this forum to be still alive, especially after KJH’s visit to a prostitute. I doubt that if he were in a relationship with YEH, she would forgive him, especially since he got caught in plain sight. Unless she lets it go, like lots of k-celebs’ gf/wives.

  658. Shoot the sun lead actress is from FNC entertainment. Right after the movie shoot, YEH was casted in marry him if you dare. The two lead actors are from FNC also. Just read that the head of FNC entertainment is a Christian and members of a male singing group are going to a Christian church where their boss attend services. One of the members of that male group sings in church choir with yeh! What am I getting at? I just learned the missing link between FNC and yeh but what is oppa’s connection with FNC??? Just a coincidence?

  659. Is KJH a Christian now? I had got feeling that they are already married. If not Why did he say he doesn’t have a girl friend, & YEH said she also has no boyfriend? Could it be a husband or a wife that they got? And there was a previous report that YEH got married but not in Korea. After she had catch a bouquet of wedding flower… Hmm is it only me who thinks this way?

    • Hi Pinky! He said he doesn’t have a religion. His mom is Buddhist . But kjh has crosses in his bracelets, necklace and in the fan meet in l.a. He was wearing a ring with cross design!

      You have such an interesting news! Can you post a link to that news! Thanks for sharing and posting.

  660. Always remember guys, when there’s smoke, there’s fire! And that said wedding was post on FB, but it says it’s just rumor.

  661. I mean gut feeling,, not got. Sorry for that… Oh, Amazed that was posted on the 1st quarter of this year if I remember it right, cause there’s a fan made FB of YEH she adds me, err, I have requested her to add me. There I read it, after that event when she had catch a wedding bouquet. A few months after that, I read that some people saw her at the church being wed to someone but not in Korea. You know how paparazzi works, they are everywhere. So, that’s it. Nothing to worry about, they are just too private of their relationship. Let’s respect that.

    • Did they mention the groom’s name?

      A benefit of a doubt for that. Well, last year she visited a church in Japan because of a pastor friend!

  662. Amazed my friend
    we are always here lurking.You are never alone.
    What pinky said is very interesting, but I m thinking that after some time even if they had a secret wedding they will reveal it .
    They will make us so happy if that happens!!

  663. Nope Amazed, they did not mention the name. I hope they did just to make us all happy. Anyway, that time will surely come, they’re not getting any younger, right? Besides, KJH always mention about getting married, so maybe he’s thinking about it already. But the miss is not yet ready to reveal the truth. Maybe after all her plans are done, then she’ll be ready. Haisst, what a long wait for us. Just keep on fighting! AJA, AJA!

  664. Two korean celebrities are getting married as announced today! Oh, how I wish they are the ones I’m rooting for! Better luck next news!

    • Amazed,I’m always here and never left our ship…just a silent lurker here.. Will continue to support our ship until the end… Fighting! 😉

      • Thanks alpha storm! A post in this forum always lifts up my spirit! Thank you for staying!
        When o when?

  665. Good day to all! Nice to read all your post once again especially for some good news for our beloved couple HWANHYE! Amazed i’m dying to read what you said here about a celebrity couple whose getting married and we are all wishing that they are the one on that news…

    By the way may i ask you Pinky Ramos if your a pinay also? Well sounds pinay that’s why im asking…anyway even im seldom posting here im always a silent looking at this forum…godbless to all!

    • Janneth

      A member of a Kpop idol group is the one getting married. How I wish it was somebody we know!

      Thanks for posting! Now I know you are all still here in the playground!

    • Yes Janneth Iam pinay. Sorry it took me so long to answer you, a bit busy. How’s the gang? still alive & kicking? We are afloat don’t worry guys, these two birds are just very very careful not to be known lovers, or better, husband & wife. Yay, my gut feeling is telling me again. Stay alive chingu!

  666. KJH twitted a picture with the famous rubber duck. Picture was taken around 4 in the morning! Somebody attended the cartier event that night so he went out too! Is he reminded of the rubber duck boat ride?

  667. I am starting out a photo series titled ” A Tale of two wedding/engagement (???) rings”. I posted the first one last October 20. See my previous post!

    This one from last year’s Los Angeles fan meet (2013). Always two rings! Worn mostly in fan meets!

    Bear with me because I have to post the pictures one at a time otherwise I will get the ‘awaiting moderation’ message! Enjoy!

    • What about the pendant? it looks like a lady’s ring ‘no? Is it because, wherever he goes, she goes with him (be it a personal item that she use)?

    • No, it’s not the same but it has the same style…My gut feeling is true I believe. Why? because of the ring. He wears it every time, wherever he goes. And she wore a ring in MHIYD, until the last episode, the same ring. I don’t know, maybe I’m just too much fascinated by this couple. Hope gut feeling is correct.

  668. Hi guys! its good to be back..feels like am back home..hope everyone’s doing well..nice to see old names and new names as well..

    I’d like to share these two photos of KJH & YEH both wearing two accessories which i believe a couple’s hehe.. pls let me know if you concur..thanks..

    KJH left ring finger -taken during US FM 2013

    YEH left middle finger – taken very recent

  669. Ooh its still awaiting moderation..anyway, hello guys, great to see old and new names as well, hope you’re all doing okay..i’ve posted earlier photos of HwanHye but unfortunately its still I asked LJ a big favor to make me a collage for those photos and here it is..thanks a bunch LJ for making the collage for me^_^ pls let me know if you concur..thanks much. good to be home again.. ^_^

    • Dredz, sooooo glad to see you here again! How are you chingu?
      We have to ask Eileen if it is a match coz she have seen it up close!

  670. Oohh btw can we do HwanHye a big favor should you concur with the photo i posted above to please keep it first to our ship ^^ Am sure they dont want to pre-empt anything should they have any plans in the near future lets say better yet let the dispatch do the talking later ^___^ what ya think guys? could we say this ship already docked??? could we do now the happy dance??? ^___^

  671. you’re welcome Dredz ^_^
    i’ve just collage it, its your sharp eyes that we should thank for 😉
    good job, a great find i am much agree that its really a match 😀
    another collection of their couple stuff! Fighting! <3

  672. Eileen

    Just read your comments abouut the caption ‘with you ♥’. Now that you mentioned it, could be that she was doing the collage! I never thought about that! Aja Aja fighting!

  673. This is Ji Hwan’s invitation to his fan meeting. I know red is the color for christmas not pink! kekeke . Pink because he is in LOVE not pink because it is christmas!!!

    There is a reason why I’m wearing a pink knit to greet you this way.
    Everybody knows it right?

    On Dec. 13 (sat), we will hold a Fan Meeting in Tokyo, at the Hibiya Public Hall.
    It’s been a year since I visited Japan for a Fan Meeting Event.

  674. From what I read, it seems like ‘some news’ is coming out soon! Whew, it is like waiting for the ending of a korean drama! No idea what it is!

  675. Credit baidu

    Hats off to you! You are good! I would be smiling the whole day and the whole night today! My OTP, what are you doing? Are you coming out now?
    Look at the picture frame background (same design for Ji Hwan’s tweet and YEH’s tweet! And the caption for both is the same ‘BEAUTIFUL DAY JUST SMILE’! Beautiful day indeed! Just when I am about to give up! YAY!


    You are right, YEH made the collage for KJH tweet picture and she made sure she included the coke bottle!

    Can it be a coincidence this time??? too much for coincidence!

    • yeh has been changing oppa’s twitter profile picture! she really likes pink and oppa is so good looking in the picture. yay!


      she must be the one tweeting also for him. aaaaahhhhh she knows the password! i am happy! could not ask for anything more except the news that i have been waiting for so looooonggggg!

  676. Girls hi !
    LOL, every time I say to myself .Thats it, no more waiting for the great news..I come here and you all girls with Amazed as the captain you give me new courage to continue shipping with you.
    Fighting !

  677. Hello to all!

    After taking some rest a few weeks ago and now checking some good news if there is any news for our beloved OTP… well i can say im happy for some messages bout them even if its not yet confirm but still we heading to a very good news sooooon??? Hoping….nice to read all your post specially for the olders/regular shippers here…love to read and looks all your news about HwanHye couple..lets keep on fighting! Godbless to all..

    • Wiwin

      for me it looks like them! am i just imagining things? even without the picture the photo frame used in both their tweets are more than enough for me to believe they are together!

    • Is ji hwan looking at her direction?

      I got the picture from Baidu but I don’t understand chinese. Is Baidu saying that the picture was sent to them by yeh?

      There are eight people in that room including the one taking the shot. Who would send the picture?

  678. found this mv both in dc kjh and baidu. Baidu is excited about this, there are maps posted also in baidu and they are talking about an address that is the same. Must be some locator map from iphone? taken while dining out? so many foods ji hwan is not eating by himself! who is taking the video?

  679. Is it really true Kang Ji Hwan and Yoon Eun Hye real couple ?? Why do I feel this way ?? See Baidu obvious their analysis of the status of the relationship Kang and Yo

  680. Got this news from Baidu: KJH agency has moved or is moving to a new place! How come no word from him? I know of someone who has her own agency who recently moved to a new address also but it was in the news! Let us wait and see! What is going on, oppa?

  681. Haiii Amazed, let’s keep the spirit.
    Yesterday I told my friend to visit the Koala Forum & Baidu China, asking him about the analysis of our partner (Yoon Eun Hye & Kang Ji Hwan) ..
    He did not talk much because he is very confident of their special relationship.
    I ask again, do you believe? He said yes I’m sure.
    Evidence many rings, bracelets and body language post Lie To Me.
    My friend is the sender of Lee Seung Gi and Yoona, he knows some who used to use the same accecories (special relationship Artist Korea).
    And He visited China Baidu, he just said “please wait for their big announcement”

  682. Hi Guys!!!! Though not active on this forum. I have been sending out positive affirmations to our couple. I spot the shore. Land AHOY! Hope you all are doing good.. Missed you guys. Hi Amazed…. Hugs to you, my dear. You have been on the ship rain or shine. Your enthusiasm gave us all hope and strength. I live in Melbourne. My husband recently had a business opportunity to visit Seoul and I was over the moon. My hubby joked saying “If I happen to meet Kang Ji Hwan I’ll make sure I tell him that my wife is crazy about you and drools when she sees you smile.. ” and then…the visit got cancelled

    • Hi shway! You are most welcome. Thanks for the hugs! Too bad your husband’s trip was cancelled. Glad to see you all here. As wiwin said, let us keep the spirit!

  683. Hay Shway, would you join this forum? Being shipper them? Since 2011 I’ve been on this forum.
    I still have faith that they do have a special relationship.

  684. Amazed,, Thank you for posting your pictures.
    I asked back to you, if you know their current relationship ?? I lost track. I visited Baidu but I could not open the forum.
    Please help me.

    • hi wiwin

      strongly believe that they are together! why? because of the twitter frame that i posted a few days ago! please backtrack on my posts. twitter or facebook is a sacred thing for me meaning i don’t allow anybody access to it! judging from the posted twitter frames from ji hwan’s twitter and yeh’s twitter, it is a give away! when ji hwan’s agency deleted kjh twitter account, somebody hinted that it was yeh who created the new twitter i.d for him and now i do believe that it is true! she is posting on his twitter account and has access to it!

      second clue, the group picture where they are dining with choeun staff!

      third clue, this was in 2012 where yeh posted on twitter a fireworks video a few days after her birthday, i think oct 8, 2012, the view from her fireworks video is the same view from ji hwan’s apartment window when kjh is showing his apartment before his fan meet last dec 2013! i should have believe back then!

      fourth clue, the rings dredz posted, it was recent. yeh posted that twitter picture when she was in china and she intentionally held her finger in front of the camera. the tweet must be intended for someone special….

      you want more clues?

    • shway

      hehehe my wish! i know somebody knows something but it is so hard to decode from dc kjh!

      baidu i think is expecting something!

      here is a recent post from baidu re mnet asian music awards dec 3, 2014.
      yeh in pink and look at the big stone on her ring finger ( is it a stone? ). she really loves pink eh? i just thought of something, let us see if yeh will return right away from hongkong! i know of someone who will be in japan next week! if no news of her coming back ….. i suddenly remember the thailand and the japan trip!

      yeh has a different glow on her pictures on the way to hongkong just like the glow on her face on her way last year to thailand! hmmmmmm.

  685. credit : baidu

    latest high cut magazine photo of yeh! something caught my attention!
    the ring in front with the figure of a snake! kekeke is it intentional? somebody was born on the year of the snake and why put it on a ring that looks like a wedding ring??? i must be imagining things! at any rate, it makes my spirit soar ! enjoy you guys… why are all these things showing up ???

  686. oh oh oh , just wait a minute! are those earrings shown the same earrings that she is wearing? and the ring shown is the ring that she has on her finger? there is a korean article, too bad, the print is so small and we don’t understand korean waaaahhhh.

    we have to buy the magazine to know what is being discussed in the article!

    • Sorry to disappoint you amazed, but this article is talking abt YEH’s fashion style during the Cartier 100th anniversary event in October, all these jewelleries are from Cartier and it’s the classic leopard design collection but not a snake.

  687. Amazed, Thanks for your explanation. I am very happy, because I became shipper them long enough and was watching when it sailed beautifully.
    BDW, please your information whether the second clue, the group picture where they are dining with choeun staff is Kang Ji Hwan and Yoon Eun Hye?
    Can I see a picture of them ??

  688. Amazed , I ‘ve just been to Baidu OMG ,,,, I re-open after a long time ( LOL ) ,, Kang Ji Hwan with YEH ,
    ooooo ,, the strength of my heart to say them together …
    Is Kang Ji Hwan get involved in a new project YEH a producer VC ? Please info you @Amazed

    • Wiwin

      What did you see in Baidu?

      Yes, i think kjh has a new project but if you are asking if kjh is involved with VC (? you mean the group yeh is directing in an mv?), well i don’t know about that. Maybe…

  689. Merry Christmas girls,enjoy this holiday season with your family and I hope by next Christmas we will have an official announcement.

  690. merry christmas everyone & a blessed new year, miss you all guys. been busy lately… but still a believer & a shipper…
    waiting for our ship to dock sometime soon…

    aja! aja! HWANHYE FIGHTING!!!!

  691. hi marthoula. After reading the english translation of kjh japan fan meet interview, i was kind of disheartened. He said he has no girlfriend ( ??? of course the fans knew that he is lying) and that he won’t get married until after he is over 40???? So i am not waiting for that announcement anymore. maybe kjh is gettting married when he turns 50! (omo omo omo).

    For those who have not read that interview he said he has moved to a new house already and that he would publish a picture of him & his doggy luxury beside a christmas tree! I kind of waited for that picture and nothing was posted. i felt sorry for him when i read that yeh spent christmas in beijing shooting her movie! That explains why he has no christmas tree and no picture! I maybe wrong but i maybe right!

    Funny thing is everytime i check the posts, i keep saying ‘please let this be the day , hehehe.

  692. amazed,
    you are a good captain.And we are here with you.He said 50?
    13 more years to go chingu.LOL time flies fast!
    hahaha, by that time I will have probably grandchildren and I will teach them how to ship them!
    Fighting !

    • Marthoula

      With the way things are going, it could very well be that your grandchildren will shipped them hehehe!

      I was hoping that kjh would admit that he has a girlfriend, you know like a treat for his loyal followers! He doesn’t have to reveal the name! Why is it so hard to do??? Paging oppa kjh, how about that? Can we stop the lie, please! I just hope somebody would translate this message to him…

  693. Why do I believe that he together with Yoon Eun Hye ??
    Since He followed YEH on twitter, I am feeling the same as Ms. Koala (They were together).
    Do you see a photo that is posted Kang Ji Hwan (Late post) Ms. Amazed, she looks (Yoon Eun Hye).
    I continued to visit Baidu, Koala and see the photos they use the same ring,, whether it is a coincidence ??
    Not just one ring that they use, but several pairs of rings.
    I know the life of Korean artists are very closed, I personally think he hides he.

  694. Amazed Thank you
    I Was amazed and happy to be a shipper HwanHye, even in my twitter continue to upload their photos
    Bdw, i read an article that KJK invite YEH dinner ?
    what’s wrong with he ??

    I Also look at Baidu, YEH has begun to appear along with KJH. she invites KJH hangout together personnel “dear me”.
    is this correct ??

  695. @win win

    I also read lately all those articles about that guy and the show and how YEH’s name gets involved and I do not like it.

  696. @Marthoula
    Yes, i really do not like that person !!! Hehehe
    YEH possibilities apperar to RM almost 80%,, I hope Oppa Ji Hwan fine.
    i am still waiting for information about HwanHye, I hope Ms. Koala give us Information about them. hehehe

  697. The last time I mentioned a name of another guy, somebody reacted violently, please avoid mentioning the names of other guys.
    I thought it was just us hwanhye shippers here but I was mistaken. Let us play it safe. Thanks.

  698. @Amazed
    I do not say anything about somebody else .I made a comment regarding the show he is in and how lately they drag YEH name.(more than other times in the past).
    When I said “I do not like it’I mean how I do not like how her name is brought up many times.To make it clear I never said ANYthing negative for the person as a person.
    Let’s move on now.

    • you got it wrong, i don’t have anything against you that is not what i meant. I was talking about last year when i mentioned yeh’s partner in another drama and someone outside our group who is a fan of that actor commented violently. I am not depending that guy on that show, i don’t like him. you did not say anything bad forgive me if i offended you but it was never my intention.

  699. @amazed
    chingu , do not worry I did not take anything wrong and you did not offend me.
    With my comment to you ( I should not addressed you that was my mistake)
    I wanted to make clear what it bothers me.

    chingu you know I love you.: )

    • It is clear that he is trying to get an audience for the show. What is it with Kpop websites always reporting on his every move! He must be part owner of those sites. I will now stop going to those websites.

  700. Hi guys! How are you all doing ? Cupid willing, our ship will be docked this year..

    What do you mean by YEH is inviting KJH for dinner ? And them being seen in public ? Can someone please translate what is written on Baidu ?
    And.. I read something about them written somewhere.. Could be a joke also.. Wait .. I am looking for it. Will post it soon..

    • You are right, it is not her. It is a photo of kjh and sung yurt attending the 2008 baeksang awards in for hong gil dong where they won!

    • There is that line again ” be careful not to catch a cold”! Who will catch a cold, oppa? I wish this year you reveal her to us! Right, chingus???

      • And also the line ” the wind from elsewhere gently returns home”..? Is the Samonim home after a tour ?

      • I love those hidden meanings in oppa’s tweet. Shway, like your interpretation of ‘the wind from somewhere gently returns home!’. Love it so much.

    • Ltmfan, glad you are still with us. I know most of us are still here waiting!

      Thanks for making us feel we are not alone!

  701. Hi guys! I want to attach 2 pics here. How do I do that ? YEH at the airport & KJH at the Shoot the Sun trailer launch. Their hair colour is exactly the same. As if they got it dyed together.

    • Shway, I noticed that too! Same blonde hair. I want to post their pictures also. I will do it in a little while.

      You have to upload your pictures to a website like imgur. Just get the file name , copy the link and post it here. To combine the two pictures, you will need to download a photo editor. It is better you combine the pictures first and then upload it to imgur.

      • Shway.

        I chose this picture of YEH because it shows all her accessories.

        Look at those three watches on Yeh’s right hand!

        She is also wearing a ring ( that looks like a wedding ring, hehehe) on her right ring finger! She seldom wears a ring on her ring finger. This is one of those exceptions. There is another ring on her left index finger.

      • Pardon me. She doesn’t have the ring on her ring finger. It is on her pinkie! Never on her ring finger.

      • Aside from the silver necklace, she has a gold necklace. So many jewelries. They could open a jewelry store.

    • It doesn’t mean that if he is not wearing a ring that something happened! Maybe he forgot to wear it!

      Well, you need not worry. This picture from his advance birthday party celebration March 15, 2015 will erase all the doubts and worries from your mind!

  702. Hello, fellow HwanHye shippers! Glad to have found this discussion forum exclusively for our favorite LTM (and possibly shipping real hard as a real-life) couple. I too loved YEH & KJH on LTM and also had hope for them to hook up in real-life (after all, it’s been almost 4 years since their LTM drama and looks like both are still single and not married to anyone…so why not, right? Besides, they look great together, both on-screen and off…LTM and their BTS videos were proof of that…). Anyway, I want to see them reunite and do another drama or a movie together. If not anytime soon in a movie or in dramaland, just reunite and get together as a couple in real-life, lol. 😀

  703. I like it when he wears his ring on his ring finger! Most of the times he does! Advance happy birthday, oppa. Happiness always and lots of blessings to come. Stay healthy. Be careful not to catch a cold. Hehehe just borrowing your favorite tweet line!

  704. Hi jeane welcome to the playground, glad you found us. This is our second one, after so many postings, the old playground just went down. Stay tuned.

  705. Anybody here who understands Chinese? It looks like someone attended kjh birthday party and from what I understood from the translation kjh new house was shown? See baidu posts. Thanks in advance!

  706. Here is what I understand from what I read. Oppa’s new house is in a small town called gapyeong 55.3 km from Seoul. A pink mansion?

    Balloons decorating kjh birthday party are pink and white. Last year balloons are pink and lavender. Who likes pink?

  707. My visit to Baidu,but i don’t understand language China. What do they mean ? do you guys see YEH use rings ? I see she when at the Airport.


    A Guy named John dodges Hardship and arrives in LA to Find HIS Father. There’s also his friend named Chen, who’s an illegal immigrant. One day, John and Chen save a Korean, who’s the boss of a crime organization. In the end, the two begin working for him. One day, John meets a vocalist named sarah, who works at a jazz bar which is the hideout of the boss. And thus, an ill-fated encounter begins! The two friends begin their inexorable chase towards money and love. Where’s the end to John and Sarah’s dangerous love and Chen’s desires for money? It’s the noir movie “Shoot the Sun”.

  709. Happy birthday cho tae kyo!

    Look at the following tweets, the first one twitted by YEH March 20, 2011.
    ‘Bless your year 2011…’ This is before ltm, I think! Who is she blessing?

    2nd one, YEH’s birthday October 3 2010. Her happiest birthday ! Hmmm, what happened in 2010?

  710. Me, I am still here chon. I only follow them, nobody else. I guess everybody knows he moved to his new house already. Oppa also has a new dog, brother to xury as announced by kjh himself. It looks like his house is near ananti golf course. So that is why he keeps talking about a golf course. I will post another picture since I cannot have two.

    This is his new dog and his new Twitter profile picture!

  711. Credit baidu

    These pictures were shown in kjh birthday fan meet. What a view and if this is his house, wow, I like it! So, with the addition of another dog, that makes 4 family members, he said he has to work like a cow with growing family, right oppa?

  712. I will definitely go to Korea once the news that I have been waiting for is announced! Hope to see you there chingus. I am getting ready, just in case!


    Kangjihwan has anew puppy. So cute.

    Kang Ji Hwan’s latest tweet via his official twitter BIG MAN @Kangjihwan_
    April 8, 2015
    translated by Pechumori

    Well, how are you doing? Finally, Luxury has a brother that’s starting to harass him. Ha! Recently cherry blossoms and forsythia are so pretty, right? It’s already April…Let’s work like a cow!! I’ll greet you with a new image soon. Severe change in temperature, be careful not to catch a cold.

  714. Yoon Eun Hye Ranks Her Top Three Most Memorable Kiss Scenes
    ddangha April 19, 2015
    Actress Yoon Eun Hye ranked her own top three most memorable kiss scenes in an interview with “Section TV.”

    During the interview with the entertainment news program, the actress talked about how she came to debut, as well as her past dramas.

    When asked to pick her best three kiss scenes, Yoon Eun Hye gave three somewhat surprising answers.

    For third place, she picked her cola kiss scene with Kang Ji Hwan from “Lie to Me.” She added, “It’s memorable not because it was nice, but because we were covered in cola when we had to kiss.”

    She chose the first kiss scene with Joo Ji Hoon from “Princess Hours” as her second pick.

    Yoon Eun Hye ultimately chose a kiss scene from “Coffee Prince” with Gong Yoo as the best kiss scene she has done so far. She picked the kiss scene that happened shortly after Gong Yoo’s character finds out that her character was a girl. She commented, “Even when I watch it now, it’s so romantic.”

    Watch the full interview below!

      • like her much in these interview she’s so lovely & so beautiful, i wonder what makes her glow these days 🙂

    • hi chinggus long time, it’s nice to be back again, can’t control myself giggling after finding out that YEH, rank her 3 most memorable kisses with her leading men, i find it safe that he placed KJH on her last but memorable, & placed Gong Yoo as her most memorable since he considers him as her best male friend, after years of not having talks about KJH & YEH, finally she’s talking about him again, is it just me or i was just wondering of this leading into something…

      the ship is finally docking soon…

      HWANHYE Fighting!!!

      • Hi Evelyn! Nice to see a post from you again!

        I hope so! I don’t want to be disappointed again this year! Keep our fingers and toes crossed!

  715. @win win

    I hope at the end we will having the news we are expecting for so many years.But if not we have two incredibly warm heart people that we enjoy seeing them.

  716. Hello everyone! I saw this new Twitter profile picture. I wonder who took the picture! There is a tablet or a mini iPad just in front of the person who is sitting with him. I am pathetic. Trying to find the image through his glasses hehe


    hello everyone,

    please check this out chingu, i accidentally open our old playground and im thankful it’s working again… i hope i gave you the right link

    • tried the link 🙁

      Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1463753 bytes) in /home/content/p3pewpnas02pod02_data05/16/2683916/html/wp-includes/comment-template.php on line 1811

  718. Nice to see you my friends.
    I read the article about KJH ‘s new movie in china and I saw that they have a very good pic of him where we can see clearly his rings.What do you think @Amazed ? Have we seen them to anybody else’s fingers? lol.
    Miss you amazed .How annoying it is when you are in a hurry to go thru all comments from 2012 until you can post and read the most recent.

  719. It takes so long to open the playground. Yes, I noticed the rings but I can’t zoom it clearly! Looks like the silver rings that they both have. Kjh is being considered for a new Kbs drama with mgy. I can hardly post.

  720. thank you @amazed for answering me.I read the news . Happy for him but I m not crazy about his co star .Anw I hope he confirms .

  721. Hi guys!!! Glad to see KJH doing a
    Chinese romantic comedy. Hopefully we will get to see him in a new drama too. Anyone know about when Shoot in the sun is releasing? How did the movie do? I saw the trailer.

  722. Kjh is in dalian China. I did not know that it is near Beijing. Someone was in Beijing for the loreal affair. Now she is a part of a reality show in China. Both are working in china? How convenient.

  723. Hi shippers! Newbie here. I’m became a fan of the two after watching LTM two times! Wanted them to be a couple in real life. They are really great! Based on their BTS, they’re really obvious. Maybe they just want to hide their relationship since YEH don’t want the relationship known to public and she don’t want to go out with a guy. Maybe they are waiting for the right time to reveal their relationship in public since both are busy. Hmmm. YEH is in China and KJH also, who knows they are dating secretly.

    YEH said: I’m not good at playing/fooling around. Relationship? I’d rather not say (laugh). Actually there’s not that many chance to meet someone new. I’m not the type who play around well outside the house. Two years ago I was determined to go out and play so I made the decision to go to a club. But then, there was nothing fun in it. Truthfully no matter how comfortable my relationship is with a guy, to go out just the two of us,I can’t do that. Even if I told myself “who would ever misunderstand?” and go out and eat,my heart is uncomfortable. What if I became a topic of gossip, it became a worry. I hate being misunderstood.

    KJH-YEH Fighting! 🙂

    • I wonder who else is here. Hi Janneth, it has been quiet in th playground for a long time. Nothing to post & I find it hard to open the playground! HI to all who are still hanging around…

  724. I just finished AGAIN the LTM. I always love this feeling whenever Ive completed this show already. For me, there’s no boring episodes. I enjoyed each episode. The chemistry between KJW ans YEH is palpable. its 2016 already but Im still shipping them SOOOOOOO BAD. I really want them to end up in real life. KJH gets more handsome as he gets older. And YEH is still my favorite actress along with PSH up to date. How about a show for them together wherein they can play sisters, right? Oh well, Im still waiting for another series of these two together. Any news about the development of our ship? LONG LIVE HWAN HYE LOVERSSSSS!

  725. Hi, chinggus! I still visit from time to time cos I’m still fond of this group! Hope everyone’s fine. I ‘m still enamored of KJH & YEH, and still wish that they’ll end up together! Hopeless romantic!

  726. ok, I think I’m in trouble. I was on pinterest aimlessly browsing it when I saw a screencap of the cola kiss. And now I feel the sudden burning need to rewatch the whole drama! Because it’s been ages and omg, I don’t actually remember what happened! laksjfklaghkgt

    I’m not emotionally ready for this! XD

    • Sere, it is too late for you. You are one of us. Hehehe! We are all still pining for our ship to dock. It is always nice to rewatch and get those feelings back, doesn’t it? I still love hwanhye and always hoping.

  727. helloooooooooooo HwanHye shippers and of course Captain Koala! I have missed this site too much and most especially our wuri OTP! I have started to watch it again, no, actually I have been watching LTM repeatedly now since last week. Yes I have started to sleep at 12am again but I have no regrets at all 🙂 I am still as devoted and addicted just like I was when LTM started airing.

    I wonder how is our OTP these days. I have been watching Oppa with his Monster but no news on Unnie. I hope she is well.

    I hope every HwanHye shipper are all good wherever you all are!

    My heart is still full of HwanHye!!!

    take care!!!!

    • Minchinmuch, I know exactly how you feel. I think I will be a hwan hye fan forever. Their passionate kisses still makes me smile and feel in love. ?

  728. Hello Chinggus! I missed this site so much. I miss hwanhye. I re-watched it again and the good feelings came back. I am still hoping for our ship to dock. They are both still single so I am still hoping. ?

    • Hello Hwan Hye Shippers,

      Any updates on our favorite OTP? I have read all comments and like you, I am still waiting that in the end, our ship will dock. As you wrote above, they are both still single. I am hoping that they will pair up again. I just started watching Korean dramas last June 2016 and fell in love with these two after watching LIE TO ME. I am a true Hwan Yye fan forever.


      THANK YOU.

  729. I am watching again this drama and it is 6 years for our shipping life. Feeling sad because no updates from them. Not sure if our ship come to dock 🙁

  730. It is not just which indicated that Kang Ji Hwan is married to Yoon Eun Hye. also wrote that Kang Ji Hwan is married to Yoon Eun Hye and have a child. Can we rely on these articles of and I sure hope this information is true although Wikipedia has not written anything about them being married.

    It made me smile as well to read about it. To date, nothing has been said about either one dating.

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