
Upcoming K-dramas You From the Stars and Prime Minister and I Start Filming — 16 Comments

  1. Interestingly I’m more excited for Prime Minister and I as the set up of older man -younger woman is refreshing….and yes…I’ve overcome the initial disappointment of the casting… 🙂

    Ohho…Yoon Shi Yoon with glasses…I like guys with glasses 😉

  2. uhm, not really a fan of yoona but yes, everyone else in the cast are my fave, start that with lee bum soo and to top that yoon si yoon. 🙂

    and woot! finally, my kim soo hyun is gonna be up and about our screens this december!

    so happy, it’s high time that i’d be able to watch dramas. the last i laid eyes on is I hear your voice. 🙂 i do skim on secret and on the look out for all woobin scenes on heirs but that’s it. woob is what’s keeping the drama a-live. 🙂

  3. I’m excited to see the Joseon parts of You from the Stars. Alien adapting to life on Earth could be filled with hijinks.

  4. Wow loving Yoonas style, and Yoon Shi Yoon looks adorable in glasses.I`m more exited for Prime Minister and I because feel i already watched You From the Stars, the story sounds so familiar i can`t put my finger on it.

    That said, i`ll be watching both dramas the moment The Heirs and Future Choice end.

  5. I actually can’t wait for Prime Minister and I! I really like the premise, and LOVE the male cast. I think it will be quite cute!

  6. Ooo.. I don’t know.pmai sounds interesting but i really2 didn’t like yoonas acting..
    + i think ratings for this drama will be bad based on the leads last projects.
    For yfas i think they will do just fine..the leads are strong!

    • Well Prime Minster and I will have tough competition from Empress Ki that already has solid ratings and also that Han Hye Jin drama.

      Can you imagine if the idol actress has better ratings than two top actresses in same time slot? The reaction would be priceless.

  7. I’ve never watch any of the main leads drama before but I like the storyline so I’ll definitely tune in. I’m quite surprise that Lee Bum Soo is quite short, but it’s okay! 😀 lol

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