
Marry Him If You Dare Episode 8 Recap — 33 Comments

  1. From Heirs to Marry Him. Both high profile shows but not light entertainment. Nothing is straight forward and the male stars are really no easy to warm up to. Is this the direction Kdrama is moving towards? Are the writer all trying something more complex and new-age?

    • I don’t consider “Marry Him If You Dare” as a high-profile show though. In fact, it was barely promoted by KBS until now and is nowhere near the promotions and pre-airing publicity done for Heirs by SBS. Gotta credit the international attention for having hallyu stars in its cast.

  2. yay !! so happy for the recap ..thks s million …. It pays of to check yr site so often … coz early this morning Sydney time it wasn’t thr n now it is … off to reading. …

  3. The only character with any semblance of real characterization, plot, and nuance is Yoo-kyung. I’ve never fathomed that I would see a drama where the second female lead is more interesting than everyone else.

    Sigh. Maybe things would be better if the other Hong Sister was around. TK2H was able to take a whimsical and unrealistic story premise and give it an emotional and thrilling core. You’re right, Ms. Koala, MHIYD is sorely lacking movement.

    • Exactly. It sucks, I really like EunHye but I’m very bothered by her character both personality and style wise there’s nothing to really love about her..

  4. After watch the drama, one of the biggest victim in Future Mirae’s selfish and very unkind actions is Yoo- Kyung. She cannot be with the person she loves and destined to be with. Poor girl. She clearly is good for Se Joo, She loves him before she knew about his status and she is not afraid to teach him how to be a better person.

  5. Same here: I liked the beginning of this drama but now I’m losing interest & getting bored. In ep 8 we had no highlight whatsoever & I used the FF button a lot. What are we supposed to care for?
    That new trend of “cliffhanger kiss of ep 8” has to stop immediately: It’s cheap and ridiculous & worst of all, already utterly predictable.

  6. I still don’t understand why FMR is toying with everyone, apart from wanting to change her future at the rate it’s going what will she gain from this? Still confused about her role because it seems like it is going no where. Both MR are totally different but what the heck, I am going to enjoy this as much as I can.

  7. I think that maybe this drama would have benefited from having a cold opening with what exactly happened that made future Mi-Rae go back to the past in the first place. I don’t think that it would have detracted from the plot or suspense, instead it would’ve raised the stakes because then we actually know what the stakes are.

    Here we just have future Mi Rae running around trying to control everybody… but we still have no idea why. A cold open would have had us rooting for her (maybe – I’m still not convinced that the reason was good enough to warrant going back in time to change it) and maybe would have us going through the same thing as it seems like future Mi Rae is going through, watching her past self falling in love with Shin / showing that she’s also weak towards him / still cares about him even though she knows that it’s the thing that she shouldn’t do. Sure she’s still working to get present Mi Rae and Se Joo together but there are moments where she’s showed that she cares probably more than she would like to admit.

    • Yeah, I also think having YEH be the one going back in the past (like in Peggy Sue got Married) making her own choices would have worked better.

      FMR is so infuriating to watch and I just don’t think any reason she gives right now will satisfy me for being so annoying. Someone on Viki said I find it hard to believe it’s all Shin’s fault since FMR’s character leaves so much to be desired. I can’t help but agree.

      And Mirae is too immature for a 32 year old woman.

  8. I absolutely agree with you on this one. Now it feels like I’m swimming with fishes with no clear direction or understanding of the past and present actions.
    Us knowing what happened – it would make Future Mi Rae a character with so much more sense. I would understand keeping it a secret for 2-3 episodes to build up the mystery… but it’s really time to be revealed.
    I do miss the tension and anticipating the next episode…
    I don’t know why but Yoo-Kyung id growing on me and turning into the character I’m most interested in. I look forward for her love life development…

  9. The only reason I’m still watching is to see how Se-joo and Yukyung will finally get together. I could care less anymore about Future Mirae’s plans and sadly I’m losing interest even with the main OTP. It’s like we’re just going on a cycle with the both of them.

  10. How is it possible that I’m more interested in the second leads otp than the main otp? I have lost all interest in both Kim Shin and Mirae and that makes me sad. I was really rooting for Mirae at first but now I keep getting annoyed at her and I don’t even understand why, which frustrates me more. I think I was assuming that as the show would progress so would she, but she just seems as immature to me. And Shin… Do they want us to like him? Because right now I’m really not. SeJoo has his flaws but I find myself cheering more for him than for Shin, maybe because we can at least see more his vulnerabilities where as with Kim Shin, he just seems like an ass just to be an ass.. I don’t know.

    I’m still watching this for the second leads, “Oppa” because he is pretty funny and for writer Bae because she just seems like a cool ass writer. Aside from those 4 characters I’m not liking everyone else too much right now.

  11. It’s a shame that my enthusiasm for this drama has waned to such an extent that I’ve become easily distracted by the visual warts that I was willing to give a pass to beforehand. For me, it’s the unflattering styling given to Yoon Eun Hye that’s been magnified even more. She’s been so ‘fuglified’ with grossly fried permed hair in a fecal shade that washes out her already pale complexion, and then there’s the clothes, is this suppose to be frumpty dumpty chic… I like YEH, but was her character suppose to be so damn fugly. I lament over a storyline that’s flat-lining for me, therefore I rant…sorry.

  12. Every time I see future Mirae, I really can’t stand present Mirae. How could someone like Mirae turned out to be such a “b…tch.” It’s just wrong wrong all around, especially what she’s doing to both the second leads and telling lies. Seriously, how can Mirae turned into such a horrible person.I’m not connecting well with both Mirae’s character (they both are so different). It’s one thing trying to fixed your life but it’s another when you are shifting others’ life around just so you could get what you want.

  13. I have honestly been bored by this drama several episodes ago and hence I stopped posting on it. The plot just isn’t doing it for Me. I stopped watching it regularly too. It is a mess in my opinion and I am starting to think that the actors are getting wasted here.

  14. future Mirae being a bitch and blaming this on ”shin” bullshit. You could always divorce, be happy, grew strong, not need to go and do this shit in the past, overall she is doing all the same but with other guy: marry someone happy, no don’t try to be a writer, try to marry the chaebol!! WTF she thinks she’ll be happy? SJ and MR relationship will turn sour anyway, because she doesn’t really loves him, because she doesn’t fit to be a chaebol daughter in law and wouldn’ be doing stuff she likes so… yeah

  15. Seems like everyone is starting to feel frustrated after this episode….well……ME TOO. If by next week, nothing gets revealed and still leave us doing guessing games and/or Seju is still not moving onto Yookyung, I am gonna be TOTALLY frustrated. I don’t want to drop this drama, I really don’t…so please writer-nim. I couldn’t care less about the ratings anymore, where this story goes is what I’m way more concerned about.

  16. Oh my.. I wasn’t the only one annoyed at Mirae (present and future) Second female lead is becoming way more interesting than the protagonist. I’m so done with Mirae’s “clumsy” character, she is not 12 so why does she keep acting like a kid pretending no to realize how much she is hurting SeJoo and Yoo specially since she is aware that SeJoo and Yoo Kyung were supposed to be together originally. And can they plese change her style already xD Everytime I see her in a new outfit I’m just like… Really?

  17. i totally agree with you koala for your last statement. “give the audience well-deserved emotional pay-off for sticking to this story” ep 6 seals the deal for me. another same-old drama story i see everyday. and im totally not liking the main otp. i still watch this to see the second otp how they fall in love, somehow i see its starting to come in this ep where sejoo looks gently to yokyung when reporting inside the apartment. the rest i fast forward. sadly this show is becoming frustrating.

  18. I think it is overly criticized. Why don’t we put ourselves in the shoes of the writer and see how we can come up with a more interesting plot. Over criticism will only lead to change or disruption in the plot or cause disruption in the audience who have no opinions other than enjoying the drama. Lots of Hollywood movie even with exciting plot still not get well rated cause audience may simply like action type or something extreme and they dont expect light movie.End of the day we are not the judge of the Drama critic award do we?

    • We, the viewers are the consumers of these dramas so I do think we have all the right to criticize it and express our opinion or thoughts about the drama. Is there a rule that only those who hands out “awards” can make a critic? NO. There are audience with no opinions, the same way there are those with opinions. Should one be preferred over the other? NO. If you don’t have any opinion about the drama because you don’t want any “disruption”, why would you even go to sites like these, which are obviously, for exchange of opinions.

  19. Correct me if I am wrong but didn’t Future Mirae tell Present Mirae that Se Joo and Yoo Kyung was supposed to end up together. Like soulmates, married couple and all ?
    If it’s correct, I find it so selfish that even though she began having feelings for Shin, she keeps thinking about Se Joo as an option. I mean, if I were her, no matter if I disliked the girl, I could never break apart a couple destined to be together.
    Anyway, this is one of the few dislikes that I have with the show. Or maybe because I love YK too much and so, seeing her sad face breaks my heart ? Gosh’ …

    Seriously, what’s up with 2013. Never in my dramaland life, I saw so many dramas with lackluster ratings. I read an article about how nowadays, even a drama in 15%-20% is considered big success whereas before, the most lowest drama would get 20%. It’s weird ? Or maybe it’s because I didn’t have the habitude to check dramas’ ratings ? Anyway, I hope MHIYD recovers. At the moment, it’s full competion between the different network –‘

    • Yup, at this point the only victims seem to be Yoo Kyung and SeJoo.. I don’t know if the writer really thought through how Mirae and Shin’s character would come off as, because like someone else mentioned they are not really likable :s Everyone is cheering more for the second leads.

      • i read that comments too. some says the second otp have more established characteristics/story, are more well-written than the main otp

      • “everyone is cheering more for the second leads”

        Exactly ! I like the fact they are flawed and all but it’s just … frustating, y’know.

      • I really love this drama. I love all characters and all relationships but kinda agree with you about that. I feel sorry for yoo kyung and se joo, I love them! but in the other hand, we know that they will end up together. So it’s just another way to fall in love. But I agree it’s not really nice!

  20. Future Mirae is in my sh*t-list now, after being totally remorseless even after seeing Yookyung sad and drunk.

    On a side note, I find myself enjoying the character development more than the plot itself. The interactions and dialogue are subtle but meaningful.

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