
Reign of Assassins 劍雨 – Movie Preview — 2 Comments

  1. it’s the jarring bkgd music…. sigh…. not that i’m expecting anything, but this is so rendezvous of my RC experience. I cringed less w/ the C trailer, that’s not saying much. The only up side i can see fr this is, I may appreciate Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon more watching the intl preview, some scenes r dead ringers…

    John Woo cant do subtlety, his older works have tonnes of heart and sincerity and that hid a lot of missing layers but when he’s venturing out to other genres (and doing it for the box office) that’s not in his blood…he’s lost focus and just swarming us w/ meaningless BIG.SCENES.

  2. The trailer reminds of 13 Blades, the horror that has become of Donnie Yen in that movie. I hope it won’t turn out as crappy… but I’m not holding hopes high.

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