
Lee Min Ho As The City Hunter — 10 Comments

  1. If the manga is the way you say it is, I cannot imagine it ever making it even halfway intact onto Korean TV, unless it’s a cable channel, and even then.

    Also, Lee Min Ho makes me instantly wary. He’s one of those actors whom I really like but who has the WORST taste in projects (both BOF and PT were disasters). He makes me tink of Kim Rae Won – an actor I adore but most of whose dramas I cannot stand.

    • Honestly, the protagonist, Ryo, can be soooooo crass, which is why the manga was hilarious and very suitable for young hot-blooded teeange boys. Let me put it this way, a running gag is a hot woman thinking Ryo has a gun to her back, only to notice his hands are both in his trenchcoat pocket…….

      Another running gag is his massive erection being used for utilitarian purposes, bc it’s so very handy! Like I said, works in a manga, in a K-drama, with LMH……my mind has a hard time computing.

  2. Does Ryo Saeba end up with Kaori? I read the manga only in the first few years.

    LMHMG, I’ll follow you everywhere. Including your reincarnation as City Hunter. It may be awkward, it may be great, it may be the most cringe-worthy show of the year, I will just follow.

  3. knowing k dramas, i doubt if they would follow the manga having some kind of r rating scenes, but if LMH is in it, i don’t care if they follow the manga or not.

  4. ah a bit late at this piece, but the new post of CH got me curious about your synopsis…

    i have to say i only saw the anime when i was little.. and although it was apparent that this animation is not suitable for young children… kekeke i don’t remember seeing the running gags ockoala explained to dangermoussie… hehe maybe the anime was a bit censored…

    or maybe i was tooo young to even get the joke buahahahha.

    I might give this drama a try, but unless LMH is really up in his game… i don’t think i’ll be really following this one…

  5. Totally truthful. But hey, if he’s a manwhore, he better go the hard way. You know, the female might get the lead part in this story.

  6. Plus, Ryo has several serious flirtations that could have derailed the OTP (and I so wish it did, as this was one story where I actively hated the OTP and couldn’t stand the holier-than-thou female lead).

    wait I’m a little confused here. Are you saying you did not like Kaori in the manga? That is a first because I don’t think I’ve ever come across anyone that couldn’t stand Kaori or found her personality “holier-than-thou” like. That suprises me most of all because I know Kaori could be violent and tempermental (which did get tired after awhile) but I never saw her in that light.

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