
Playful Kiss Episode 11 Recap — 49 Comments

  1. Thanks for the recap! ^^

    Yay second kiss! XD I also feel a little impatient now waiting for Seung Jo to finally admit the truth to himself: that he loves her already. We only have like 5 episodes left and from the looks of it, I think we won’t be seeing any of the after-wedding part. 🙁

  2. Many thanks for the recap!! Really enjoy your recaps and insights (i’m glad that i found this site). I’ve also refreshed this page I don’t know how many times tonight =P Although I don’t understand Korean at all (except for a couple of words), I can make good guesses of what they are saying. But somehow, I crave for confirmation, and reading about what exactly happened (with side notes) in your recaps makes it just more real and exciting =D

    Btw, although Seung Jo initially turns down Ha Ni’s choice of clothing for him…. he did wear the shirt a few days later… maybe he’s a little considerate after all, hehehe I love his sneaky I-actually-do-like-Ha-Ni-a-lot character!

    LOVE PK@!!

    • I don’t think it’s the same red checked shirt in ep 11. He’s going to wear it in ep 12 from the pics i saw online. This one is thicker, furrier, like a jacket. That pink shirt she picked for him is thin and smooth; he’s going to wear it with a white jacket.

      • He wore it earlier underneath a white jacket when Ha Ni’s friends told him he’s got a rival 🙂

  3. I really enjoyed the episode. It had too many cute moments for me not to enjoy it. I did feel this episode was rushed a little. One thing after another kept happening without me having time to digest what just happened. I will watch it again and I am sure I will catch everything the second time around.

    Loved the bed scene! Made me laugh out loud several times. Sadly I didn’t really “feel” the other rival scenario. The only scenes I liked out of that were the restaurant and library scene. Well thinking about it that was pretty much all there was to that scenario. Lol! So I guess I did enjoy it. Just if I blinked I would have missed it!

    Loved the entire set of at the resort scenes. Of course especially the last scene. Can’t wait for tonight’s episode to see how BEJ handles the situation. Poor thing looked traumatized!

    I agree about the actors and actresses looking a bit worn in this episode. Not in every scene but in several of them. This is the first time I thought Jung So Min actually looked tired. In my opinion she looked more tired than Hyun Joong in this episode. The only episode I thought Hyun Joong might actually not make it through was episode 9. He looked like he was about to drop in that one. They are still doing a great job and are still working hard to give their best performances (and I think successfully doing so) but hopefully they will get some much needed rest soon.

  4. thank you for the recap…we have the same thoughts not only for this episode but for the whole drama as well…till your next recap 🙂

  5. thanks thank thanks for the recap…
    have got to say that somehow i felt something was “off” with this episode but nevertheless I loved the entire episode. my No.1 favorite part would have to be the eating the chocolate: his expression from disgust to smiling was just so funny and quite telling. I was really happy about the chocolates part (as far as i know, in Japan the giving of chocolate by a girl to a boy is like an event, and korea is the same right, they seem to have a special day where the Girl gives the guy they like chocolates)
    its the same BoF. but in Bof i kinda felt bad for HJL when he handed the chocolates GJD made and gave them to GJP, I so wanted jihoo sunbae to receive some also.
    IN PK my wish finally came true, okay given that what Hani made wasnt as like that of Jandi or well let admit it Hani’s chocolate were BADLY made but then again it was really made out of Hani’s Labor of love…
    and as all chocolates, there is nothing sweeter that that, albeit Hani’s was not edible. the smile in SJ face after the disgust was telling that chocolates out of LABOR of LOVE is really the sweetest… love love love SeungJo’s expression after eating the chocolates…..

    • yes I consider that scene is one of my fav in yesterday’s epi too , loved how he smiled even afterbeing disgusted by the bad taste of the chocolate , he loved OHN’s gift and that’s enough for me 🙂
      PS can someone temme what was written in that little paper OHN put with the chocolate Box ; BSJ was smiling when he read it so I’m curious to know what was written .

      • I read somewhere that she wrote that those chocs were made by her for thinking about him and hope he likes it.
        Something like that.

  6. Thanks for the recap, had to log into your blog 1st thing morning. This will satisfy my PK appetite for now, had to wait till I get off work before I watch this episode. Arrgh what a long day this will be………..

  7. Don’t know how many times I checked here for the recap. Finally decided a watched pot never boils and waited awhile before checking. It worked because here is the recap and I liked it again. Don’t really agree with the lethargic opinion but I do agree some of the scenes did kind of jump too quick from one to the other. All in all it was a great episode if for nothing other than the very beginning and the ending!

  8. Your recaps are like the morning coffee to start the day! On the way to work, I was so unsettled, couldn’t wait to read your recap and start the day right. I did check at 6am but it wasn’t up yet. Thanks for feeding my PK needs. Can’t wait for epi 12 – need to see more of BSJ’s revelations of his feelings for Ha Ni.

  9. I agree about the pacing. It seemed odd. And damn BSJ for being too smart to be jealous for long.

    My fave moment was when he stared a bit right when she sat up in bed. What I like about his looks, is that it’s totally believable that Ha Ni might miss them.

    and ooh ooh, was that just a slight puckering of the lips on Ha Ni’s part. Holy crap. I’m new to this stuff, what is up with the lame kissing in youth dramas? And I have to admit I was a bit disappointed it happened in dream world. I’d much rather have seen real BSJ succumbing to the sleeping beauty.

  10. I’ve never seen the TW version or read the mangas so everything that happens in PK is unexpected and new to me. However, I was actually kind of confused a couple of times throughout this episode. The directing was a bit jarring and almost schizophrenic to me. This episode didn’t go so smoothly for me and it was pretty obvious that the whole live-in shooting is taking a toll on the production team. Editing was pretty poor too. Hmm, as far as excitement goes, despite more love triangles, squares, pentagons or whatever you call it forming in this wee drama, I don’t feel any tension or that dramatic angst between the other love interests. All my attention is focused upon SJ and HN, so I can’t really help but yawn a teeny bit (I swear, my mouth is just dry and thirsty) when the other characters come onto the screen. Don’t get me wrong, I love the family and I love the little side conversations, but there’s only 5 more episodes to go and I want more SJ & HN interactions! I’m kind of tired of being teased here and there. I want things to get a little spicy. Please, drama gods, I beg you to satisfy my little request!

    ….Or not.

    Then, at least gimme more of those cute, lovely scenes with HN & SJ. Okay? You guys can do that…can’t you?

    • Aha! I felt the same way!
      I care for the family and thought it was cute and stuff and BJG is funny but i was just waiting for them to get together really!

      Ugh it was a hasel getting through the teasing and the Almost marriage between YHR and BSJ killed me in side…. slowly.
      Honestly that was evil!
      But im glad they got together in the end

  11. I’ve been waiting all day for the recap!!

    I’ve been a fan of the show eversince I’ve heard about it. So I started watching and then escalated to stalking blogs for recaps even before I get to watch the english subbed episodes!!

    The recaps are heaven sent for somebody like me who needs to wait a few days before I get to watch it. It doesn’t spoil the episodes! Not at all!!

    Love the sweet story..and the actors too!!

  12. yay! thank you for the recap!! i’ve just woken up and it’s already night here… my sleeping schedule is all messed up thanks to PK. thankfully, i don’t have class today…
    anyways, i agree that there was something a bit off in today’s episode. as always, there’s some serious problems with the editing ever since ep 1 and JSM seemed a tad too tired. however, when she delivered, it was awesome so at the end of the day, i still loved this episode. the appeal of PK are all those small moments that makes your heart squeal from the sweetness.
    the new guy is hot… too bad BSJ is too confident to be jealous for long. and i thought joongu was seriously hot when he first came into the friend’s barber shop… he looked seriously dashing. if i was almighty, i would have cloned hani…
    anyways, i heard a lot of complaints about the lack of passion in the kiss and usually, im the first one to get frustrated at k-drama typical lame kisses. however, i was actually satisfied with this one… i actually thought it was more than their first kiss, a feat considering that the girl was sleeping… you can’t expect the ever sneaky seungjo to do major lip motion in that situation.
    overall, even though the ep was far from perfect, i actually came out of this episode more satisfied than i expected and i’m majorly anticipating ep 12.

  13. hi morning! I stayed up late last night, watching episode 8, which totally cemented my love for this version of Itakiss over all others (manga, anime and two other live-action versions combined!) if for nothing else but my love for the relationship between Hani-Mom-Seungjo and how they’ve tied it in altogether! It’s just great how Hani might not have much along the lines of brains, but when she told Seungjo that he must use his brains to help people, it just shows that she has heart enough for ten… sigh, so sweet. And episode 8 has finally illuminated for me WHY Seungjo’s mom has such a liking for Hani! The bit where she was talking with Hani’s dad about how in her home, she was the only one talking and making mistakes, but when Hani was there, she was not alone in her imperfection and alone in her family, and how Hani made her home so happy! And of course, also when she said that she thought Hani might make her son happy, ahhh… it was just such a moment of maternal affection! Her love with Hani is all entangled with her love of her son, and the chance for her son to be happy…. but enough ranting about the past!

    cuz it’s all about episode 11!!!!!!!!!!! now… is not that Ki Tae boy cute?! but does he remind anyone else of some chinese actor? I can’t place it! it’s been irritating me since the preview…..

    but for some odd reason, because I’ve seen so many permutations of this story, I know exactly what I want and what I wish was that rather than creating this love square story (which I didn’t enjoy in the second season of the Taiwanese version either), that they’d settle the Joongu-Hani-Seungjo triangle, cuz we’re pretty invested in Joongu having a happy ending too, the sweetum that he is! although I did have a laugh at how Hani’s friends commented that there’s a man finally competing with Seungjo for Hani’s affections. I don’t think they’d forgotten Joongu, but that they didn’t really consider him a MAN!

    I did adore how this episode and the ones leading up to them, gradually showed Seungjo’s adoration of Hani, muted as it maybe, hidden as it maybe. There was this dialogue in the Taiwanese version that I loved – how the Zishu described his love for Xiangqin – his love for her was like a simmering pot, he was not and never would be like boiling water, where the water came to a roiling boil and the fire would go out soon enough, instead he’d watch over his pot and make sure that the fire would last a long time and never go out. (i’m waxing lyrical today aren’t I? and being really long-winded..)

    like you, I think that Lee Si Young is quite a likeable other-woman. most adorable second leads are like So-eun in BOF, where they’re NOT in the relationship. but Hyera is so upfront about her intentions and actions here that… she kinda reminds me of myself (except the smarty-pants bit. and the long skinny legs bit. and the plays tennis bit.) i think that earlier on she spills her own beans when she said to Hani that her chasing Seungjo is a bit like taking candy from a baby. She regards Hani as this defenceless babe who’s like as not gonna face lots of problems and obstacles even without someone like her in the way, and it doesn’t jibe with her own view of herself that she’s a nice person (or maybe I’m just projecting…). but oh if only i could add a screencap in the comments… her doleful look as she glared at the tennis sunbae after he and Hani interrupted her confession in episode 8. so funny! Plsplspls everyone go watch the descendants of Hong Gil Dong where Lee Shi Young is so cute and funny and adorable! extra incentive to Ockoala – the male lead in HGD is Lee Bum Soo, who has surprising rapport with Lee Shi Young, despite the 12year age gap~ and the whole cast appeared in Happy Together for a really hilarious episode! if i find the link, i’ll share it here!

    but what is with that kiss right at the end? what brought that about? how could they end there!!!!!

    ps… what is with that G-Dragon look that Seungjo is imitating in that screencap above, where he wears a green polo??????

    pps. thanks for continuing the title renaming! you should just start with it rather than saving it for the end!

  14. Love you all to bits, thanks for reading and squeeing with me over PK Love!

    @ Carol – the actor who plays Ki Tae reminds me a lot like…..Chen Kun. One of my obsessions, of course. Painted Skin, rawr.

    Completely random, but Jung So Min in the morning after scene look sooooo much like Keiko Kitagawa. And since Kim Hyun Joong already looks like my Pi, even more so after he got the perm, he’s rocking the Pi in Buzzer Beat look. I seriously did a double take, wondering why Naoki and Riko were suddenly on my screen. Total woah moment for me there.

    • i haven’t seen buzzer beat….. i totally intended to, cause i used to find Pi cute, but it got old cuz there wasn’t any show by him that i loved, as in capital L-O-V-E. he was adorable in Lunch Queen, but I somehow didn’t get the Nobuta virus. so i dunno the Pi look, but i found an example of the GD look that I likened him to, headband and all @ . And although I couldn’t find a screencap, you might try the Bigbang MV for Haru Haru. I distinctly remember a headband look too.

      • its just hit me who that boy reminds me of!! it looks like that guy from goong – the one who was shin’s best friend in school!! right right??

        he looks like a younger version of Chen Kun, rather than Chen Kun personally, I think….

    • haha that’s what I thought too! Somehow they really looked alike I had to double check it…but the similarity didn’t hurt as I love Buzzer Beat and Pi and Keiko…so cute.
      Back to Playful Kiss: I loved this episode but somehow the editing & cutting was a bit distracting. It feels like they are trying to put in as much story as possible in the episodes to come. Spoiler: At this pace with Dad collapsing in Ep 12 and Seung Jo working at the firm it’s possible that THE Kissing in Rain scene is going to show up in Ep 13 or 14.

  15. Thanks for the recap. I’ve been stalking this site all day.

    I agree with you that some of the editing was a bit off in this episode. One particular scene that I was confused was how BJG arrived at the resort in the first place. How did he found out that OHN was going to be there?

    But overall, I really enjoyed it this episode especially the continuation of the bed scene. That was so hilarious.

  16. thanks for the recaps! you are sure fast!
    i watched the episode raw so i might miss a thing or two so reading recaps helped to understand the episode more.

    ki-tae is a cutie and a good rival for seung jo in hani’s heart so i wished they used his character more coz even though we know hani is so loyal to seung jo it would be fun to see if hani could have a slight change of heart or seung jo would be more jealous perhaps.
    the editing for this episode is off key. somes of the scenes looks choppy. and the actors seem tired from shooting the drama.

    joon gu, *sigh what should i do to you? you are so nice and caring and stuff but you know for a fact that in the end you will not get the girl.
    eun jo! you little seung jo! you are like your big bro! you like hani to be your noona yet like your big bro your not gonna admit that! but your so adorable in this episode by the fact you act so chivalrous to hani when you got lost in the forest. awww so cute of you!

    and the kiss? others who dont read/watched the other version or the manga may not know if its a dream or not so i will leave you guessing. but to those you did its a big yay!

    based on the preview of ep. 12 excited for the back hug scene of hani to seung jo!
    cant wait for more complexities in the next episodes!
    see you later in episode 12!


    • choi sung joon… in goong, he was prince shin’s friend, the one in love with hyo rin (i think that was her name… she was the 2nd female lead)
      he was also in can we refill the love where KHJ also was in it

  17. Thanks for the great funny update 🙂
    I’m not able to decide if I feel happy or disappointed about this epi , like u already said the editing took the sharm of many scenes and also the non-developpment of kim ki hae-OHN-BSJ love story made feel disappointed a bit but still many cute scenes were there too : the cutest one is OHN-ESJ while lost in the jungle and how ESJ was so caring to his Noona ( was so happy when he called her noona , that was so cute ) , then the chocolate Box scene , I think one of the most adorable things in BSJ/KHJ is his cute smile and he was smiling all the way during that scene and eventhough the chocolates were awfull but he enjoyed the whole gesture and the meaning of it .
    Loved also how he smiled when he told OHN that she’s staring @ him when he is about to change his clothes 🙂
    and the last scene is that arm aound OHN’s shoulders and declaring that she only loves him so no need to fight over her to the other two rivales , that was very revealling and eventhough he told OHN that he knows that his mum and her did that to make him jealous but he wasn’t , he surely was jealous and didn’t want anyone to even think that he can take his OHN from him ( especially with the new comer who is , in addition of being hot and intelligent , he has a good heart and he really loves OHN and is able to show her his love which is not the case of the Cold Robot BSJ )
    eagerly waiting for today’s epi to see the hug and some other cute moments maybe , what I’m really waiting for is when BSJ decides to get married to that banker’s ( or dad’s buisness partner ) daughter , even though I hate watching OHN crying and sad but I know ( if the editing crew make some effort to give us a good editing ) we will enjoy this whole track I’m sure 🙂

  18. I am so waiting for ep 12 recap later… Enjoy this recaps better than the other website… Keep up the good work!

  19. As I’ve wondered on why people kept calling PK a high school romance drama.. I’ve also wondered why people keep insisting that it’s full of teh fluffy. It was high school romance when it was in high school and it’s fluffy when they’re all so young and Hani + Seung Jo can play cat and mice all day long. Now that they’re adults, Seung Jo will have to decide a lot of grown-up stuff and I doubt there’d be much fluff in the coming episodes. If you insist on expecting it, you’re setting yourself up for a disappointment.. 😛

    About the editing problems, once I’ve realized that focusing on them deprives me of the enjoyment of my favourite story (I’m an INK anime fan), I just zoom out whenever any of them happen.

    The pacing, according to the anime, is actually quite even.. not too slow, not too fast. In fact, I was pretty disappointed they don’t go any faster coz with the way it’s moving, I’m pretty convinced now that we’ll never get to the (SPOILER SPOILER) post-marriage stage. *pouts* ..hmmm, maybe they’ll explore it in the youtube episodes?? One can hope.

    Thanks so much for your recap! Your blog is the first place I go to right after every episode. Love eeet ~

  20. Do you know the song that played when Ki Tae & Ha Ni dating? What’s that song called? I love that song so so much! <333

  21. is it true that after this khj will have a new drama straight away? with 2 other idols?
    JYJ’s JaeJoong and CNBlue’s Jung YongHwa ? the drama’s title is ‘Cinderella’?
    any information on this?

  22. agree the editing in episode 11 is bad, i thought BSJ answers the test paper of Hani and only by reading the recap that i found out that is only an imagination

    and the immediate cut on the 2nd kiss, that almost look like Eun Jo is the one who kissed Hani

    thank God, episode 12 is better and well edited

    and thanks for the recap

  23. Hi! Recently, I’ve gotten completely addicted to Korean dramas (It started with Personal Taste, moved through the deliciously over-the-top Boys Before Flowers, and now onto Playful Kiss) and stumbled onto your blog after searching for this episode. You write good recaps! Thanks for feeding my addiction 😀

  24. HELLO! Please can someone tell me what is the name of the 2nd shose that oh ha ni gave him? is black with brown with wedge . Please let me know whats the name of it . THANKS

  25. HELLO! Please can someone tell me what is the name of the 2nd shose that oh ha ni gave him? is black with brown with wedge IN EPISODE 11 . Please let me know whats the name of it . THANKS

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