
More BTS Videos for Mary Stayed Out All Night — 8 Comments

  1. This looks fun (and the cast seems having lots of it!) but I couldn’t understand anything though. They’re all cute actually heh. MGY and KJW seem to be very comfortable with each other too as he playfully pulls her clothes to face the camera. Loved KJW since Coffee Prince as Waffle Sung Ki. Can’t wait for the next episode. Really appreciate this Ockoala. I know you’re on a holiday (or is it business?) but you still manage to feed us these (plus the recaps) – as we, your followers/ fans, await for the next, and the next, and the next…=). Have a safe and fun trip!

  2. Thanks for the BTS and thanks for working on a long weekend! I love KJW and hope he gets more dramas after this drama is finished.

  3. omo!!! thank u so much ockoala! seeing how comfortable too is MGY with KWJ just made my day. i so so love this guy and been hoping to see him in a lead role.

  4. Surprisingly, KJW & MGY actually look closer behind-the-scenes than MGY & JGS. Love KJW, I think he’s a stellar actor. Can’t wait for more M3 episodes!

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