
Mary Stayed Out All Night Episode 8 Recap — 75 Comments

  1. thank you soooo much. i too want jung in and seo jun to end up together, not only because it’s convenient to the plot, but because they look like they would help each other heal.

  2. Thanks Koala for posting this and I appreciate it though you haven’t posted other screencaps yet. 🙂

    It’s true that this is not the best drama out there but the actors are so effective that I get carried away with their presence. I’m so happy about the declaration of feelings! ^^ I’m sooo looking forward for the next episode! <3

    Again, thanks Koala for the recaps. ^^ I'll be checking back again to see the updates.

  3. That was another simply perfect recap of yours!!!
    The last paragraph completely mirrors my thoughts of korean dramas.
    I’ve of seen probably last five dramas of JGS and as you said he finally delivered. Squeel!!!!
    And those gems again:
    “Did you all survive the last 6 days? You know we have four more weeks of this torture, right?”
    “At this point, Jung In needs to star in his own drama – Sympathy for Mr. Lonely.”

  4. thanks for then recaps..OH I can’t wait to see the episode…I do sense that MG and MR will go through rough relationshil before they can have a happy ever after love life because the evil and loser daddy will not sit well watching MG trying to get MR. yeah I do hope that JI and SJ will be together, they seems can heal each other broken heart wound. I love the secenary where JI take MR, it’s so beautifull,GOOD WORK for the film team for searching/making the scene so beautifull. Oh I can’t wait to see episode 9 because I’m dying to see what face/act will both MG and MR show after their hot kiss…hmmm I do sense that there will be steamy seasion near the end of this drama because their kiss happen early..but I don’t know if they will make it like coffee prince…
    I love how you wrap the recap, my heart burst watching this episode…I don’t how I will survive until the end of month, until this drama finished but for sure I will have rerun at the whole episode hundreds times.

  5. Many thanks for the fast (very fast!) recap!!! haven’t seen the raw yet… and all i can say, i have to see that kiss!!!

  6. love it love it love it…and here i tot I beat to the chase…but there was already 9 comments….LOL! you guys are super fast! Love this ep…

  7. Omo, I saw a clip of Mary dancing, it is really epic!!! I nearly died laughing… okay, it’s not the kiss that defines this episode for me, its the dance!! It’s both funny and cute and embarrassing and that tiny little grin, it’s hot!

    • LOL, one second into seeing Mae Ri’s dance, I screamed, covered my ears and stopped the video clip, for fear that I’ll either die of laughter or acute embarrassment.
      I’ll save it for tonight when i watch the Ep in full. OMG, i can’t stand her “dance”!

  8. looooooove your recaps ^^ not complete, you said? i don’t think so. the beat beat beating boom boom KISS makes it peeerfect. gomawoooooo

  9. “Seriously, the kiss in the alley was like Mu Gyul reminding all of us – you think my first kiss to Mae Ri was weaksauce and Jung In brung it during their kiss in the rain, well, how’s THIS for a kiss, kiddos? Kang Mu Gyul-shhi, THAT was indeed how you kiss a girl. Thank you, sir. I have been duly chastened.” —–> i’m raising my hand in agreeance!!! i too have been left speechless!!! the guy sure knows how to kiss a girl!!! no awkwardness about it!!! just plain awesome!!! hahahaha!!! Mu Gyul, you have suceeded in Man-ning up this time!!! kudos!!!

    and the audition scene with Mae Ri dancing was just plain hilarious!!

    anyways, i do love how things are moving forward in this drama.. and i also admire Mae Ri, what a lovely character. there is really something sweet and innocent about her that just sucks you right in. and it’s her small caring gestures that are really memorable for me.. giving Jung in the soft socks, taking care of Mu gyul when he was sick, the kale bouquet ( hahahaha!! that was a good one! ) , and even shampooing our Mu Gyul’s very lovely mane.. ( i’m actually having “mane-envy here” ).. she is just sweet and ever enduring. 🙂 (despite the fact that she has loser daddy for a father and evil daddy trying his evil best to have her as his daughter in law. )

    As for Jung In, hmmmnn… i still think this guy is going to give Mu Gyul a run for his money, and with this episode, we also see a side of him that makes him more human.. ( learning that he tried to kill himself..) that he can be capable of emotion after all.. he just needs to be able to stand up to his evil daddy so that he can grow and be the man the he really is.

    oh my.. this is really turning out to be one helluva ride!!! and from the looks of it.. we are at the bumpy part of the road now!!!! but i’m looking forward to the ride!!!

    • oh and P.S.:

      about the camera panning out on the kiss, i think it’s not so bad because you can still see Mu Gyul’s jaw moving.. hehehehe.. so that was quite a long kiss on the lips.. bwahahahha. ( goes back to replay it again.. )

      • hey kitty I want you to know that beocs of that awesome kiss, I’m now suspended in mid-air (or should I say mid-water LOL) between JI’s ship and MG’s ship; my hands are clinging onto JI’s very very slippery deck while my feet are already hoisted on top of MG’s slip-proof and ultra-shiny deck . Very tiring position-my head keeps spinning cos I don’t know which way to turn….

      • maysengger!! bwahahahaha!! be careful sweetie!! hang in there!!! hahahaha!!

        the guy can sure kiss is all i can say!! hahaha!! but don’t lose hope yet, i’m pretty sure that Jung In will try to one-up Mu Gyul next time. hehehehe. sheesh… Mae Ri sure is lucky! 🙂

      • whoa!!! that sure is one hell of a kiss!!! lucky you… oh mae ri!!!

        to JI: GAMBATTE!!! (in a sad mode 🙁 )

      • Allenif!! Maybe we should start singing ” nobody, nobody” already… What ya think? Hehehehe.

      • kittykat…. i think i have to go on hibernation *sigh* i’ll do some soul searching first then i’ll get back to you. lol

      • hey allenif, don’t be sad chingu! Miracles can happen, after all Xmas is coming! See, I’ve analysed the story so far and it’s always been Jung In copying every romantic gesture that MG makes towards Mae Ri….which means in the next few eps, Jung In is going to handcuff Mae Ri, they’re going to go running into an even narrower alley, he’s going to kiss her just like MG, except slower and breathier….so cheer up, it’s all going to come true, trust me. So you stop hibernating and come out of that cave right now, you hear?

      • and I forgot to mention the mouth thingy…. Jung In’s going to copy MG’s open-mouthed kissy too…except Jung In’s mouth is going to be way open like stretched BIGGGG, giganomous, like until his eyeballs.

      • @ maysengger: bwahahaha!! you are pretty perceptive and you just might have brilliant ideas there!! hahahaha!!! Jung In will try to do it on a bigger scale!! hehehehe.

        @ allenif: don’t be sad my friend!! and don’t hibernate on a cave!! we are here to comfort you!!! 🙂 maybe maysengger’s predictions might come true!! you’ll never know!!!

      • @mayssenger nyahahhahahahah!!! how can i hibernate when i’m hearing your voice loud and clear!!! and that widely open mouthed kiss …. kampaii LOLOLOLOLOL that’s so freakin’ funny … that’s the spirit… that’s my chingu!!! 😀

        @kittykat am no longer hibernating… me is on strike. hahahah! me has no plan yet of watching ep 8 and so forth unless predictions of the mayssenger of drama gods come true. nyahahahahahah!!! meanwhile, i’ll be happy and contented just lurking here and reading all your comments. 😀 hasta la vista!!!

  10. wow, so fast! thanks very much for being my Lifeline for this drama. since i cant wait for the sub, i read your recap and watch the raw uploads. thanks again. you’re the best!!

  11. Koala, you never cease to amaze me! I knew I could count on you to give me a recap of what I am waiting madly for and I wasn’t disappointed! Thank you! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I woke up extra early today so I could watch the raw version of ep 8…while I sorta got the gist of it…I always relied on you recaps to clear any confusion…love it cause I don’t have to wait until the whole ep is subbed to know the important bits….
    Sigh, you start talking about the end and I start feeling really sad…I know this drama has to end at some point..but I’m just not ready for it yet! Aigoo…I feel the heartache starting…

  12. “Mae Ri cocks her head and asks Mu Gyul what his real identity is? He lives a leisurely life just making music – is he the secret bastard child of a chaebol?”

    Hmmmm…. could this be foreshadowing of MG being JI’s father’s son? LOL

  13. Ooh… maybe SJ’s family can fund the drama, JI gives MR and MG raises, who in turn pay off daddy’s debt, they all are successful and devil dad has no say in who marries whom. Yeah.

  14. Your recapping is one of the best. And your insights into the characters personalities are precise. Sometimes when I’m reading what you wrote, I’m processing and thinking how I feel matters are developing, then the next lines you write…say what I was thinking. It’s too funny. I’m not for the JI/SJ pairing, although I understand the reasoning behind some of the comments regarding it. The girl can’t end up with two guys. Someone gets the girl in the end and my guess is MG. But I like the JI character and which he’d end up happy somehow.

  15. Thanks Ockoala for your fannnnnnnntastic blog! i love it as much as i love M3! it makes enjoying this drama much much better when i know i have this blog to seek solace and always find myself nodding and smiling at what u’ve written. Keep it up! *MUACK*

  16. Thank you so much for doing these recaps!! Like you, this adorable drama has sucked me in, but since I don’t speak Korean, I would be at the mercy of waiting for the subs if not for you. You are so awesome, please keep it up! 🙂

  17. Omg! I can’t wait for the next episode (wink wink tomorrow!!)~! xD
    My life-saver, thank you very much for the recap! I totally would not survive those days without your recap telling me what happened in M3!

  18. hello… I read the BTS of Bloggers at TP and saw the amount of work that you put into your posts. I love you, you know? So go enjoy your major snozzling session! You deserve it!

    anyways, i went to wiki Beautiful Days in the middle of reading your recap…. I’m not sure how much I want to watch it though. It sounds intimidating, and sorta boring. Plus, it has Choi Ji Woo, of whom I have this irrational fear of, for all the weepy dramas she’s done. BUT, I’m hugely curious – did they really rewrite the ending to change the OTP? So did CJW end up with RSW or LBH?

    but there were so many pretty caps in this post.. I just wanna say that your capping skills are pretty amazing for someone who’s new to this! I specially love the ones where Maeri’s with Jungin at the mountains, cuz the mountains are so pretty, and that hand in hand shot, and the one where KJW looks sooooooo tall next to Maeri.

    But I think the prettiest thing of all was that engagement gift… if ever a guy knows to propose to me with a library, I’d say yes in a second, because that is a man who truly knows the way to my heart!

    ps.. stop spazzing about KJW’s awesome good looks. your JWS-lub might get jealous!!
    pps. doesn’t it feel great now that Geunies are living up to their potential and promise that M3 is gonna be a great drama, because they’re just that GOOD! I really felt that at the cemetary scene…

    anyways, I’m halfway thru the recap, but I’ve gotta go out for an appointment so i’ll be back later!

    • she ended up with LBH… But was she supposed to be OTP with RSW ??? It was one of the most mis-matched couples. It was a great drama nonetheless. Got a happy ending (if memory serves me correctly)

      • thanx for the heads-up lynx, but I have no idea who she was s’posed to be OTP with, and I’m not sure if I wanna find out, cuz it would entail me actually WATCHING the drama…. not even a happy ending would make me watch it (maybe a semi-nekkid Go Soo would do the trick though)

        anyways, back to the recap, ockoala pointed out something at the end that I’d never thought possible – wuz the writers planning a second OTP with Jungin and Seojun?? Hmmm… I’m totally not ready for this, even though I’ve yet to find a secondary OTP I adore this year (the last was the SoEul combo from BOF. say what you will about the drama, the secondary OTP was just jjang!)

        Back to the drama and more importantly, the main OTP and their kiss.

        I write (or try to, most days) and sometimes, I write towards a specific scene in mind, a particular breakout moment, and sometimes magic happens in getting there. I wonder which the kiss will be… the magic of the moment the writer was trying to create, or does it just get better from here….. I’m just gonna go see if I can youtube that kiss scene in the alley, cuz I haven’t started watching M3 yet.. its just that delicious turning point for the Geunies, isn’t it? We don’t know whats gonna happen from here on, but anything is better than nothing right?

      • oops! I take that back about the secondary OTP this year that I adore… there is Minwoo and Miju from Giant. However… I haven’t actually watched them, just enjoyed their delicious angstiness voyeuristically and vicariously from a certain dangermousie’s blog, so that mitigates the untruthfulness of my earlier statement.

      • Well, I can’t reply to a reply, so I guess, this makes sense if it falls behind your posting.

        To your comment on OTP:
        – wuz the writers planning a second OTP with Jungin and Seojun?? Hmmm… I’m totally not ready for this, even though I’ve yet to find a secondary OTP I adore this year (the last was the SoEul combo from BOF. say what you will about the drama, the secondary OTP was just jjang!)

        — I’ve no idea but little signs seem to point to it. Like what’s up with the – rescue her from drowning under the shower faucet scene or the serenading of the girl when its his engagement day??? I have to say that Seojun fails to grab my attention. I think I have but fleeting sympathy for her ways…. semi-stalking someone she broke up with a year ago… reads psycho therapy needed. JI on the other hand – delish! Why cant MR see past her locks that he needs some proper lurving is beyond me. :p (Stellar kisses from both MG & JI. Way well done)

        Hmm. SoEul – were so cute! I dunno but I thought YAB – 2nd lead did a great job. 🙂 I almost jumped ship on that one.

        Well… to be frank.. what I sometimes want to see is believability in the 2nd leads in fighting the OTP model. Rather than the chipped-shoulder for a 2nd lead syndrome.

        Anyways… I digress. sighs. my poor JI..

  19. This episode felt quieter than episode seven. At first I was a little disappointed, but on further reflection, I really love that it is. We’ve had an exciting and emotional buildup to the climax at the end of last episode with Mae-ri’s revelation; like Mae-ri, Mu-gyul, Jung-in, and Seo Jun, we need a moment to sit back, think about all this, and reassess the situation, and this episode gives it to us.

    May I just say, that while I am unequivocally on the Mae-ri/Mu-gyul ship, I was an eensy, weensy bit swayed at the top of the episode when we got to see Jung-in and Mae-ri spend some time together? The scene with the socks was heartrending (and KJW does an amazing job acting out the spectrum of emotions Jung-in is feeling, all without saying a word), and when JI gave MR the library as an engagement gift, I almost jumped ship right then and there (I have a decided weakness for libraries — my sole ambition as a little girl was to own the library the Beast gives Belle in Beauty and the Beast). Thank goodness for that well-timed flashback to MR’s conversation with MG! Still, I think that a lot of credit should go KJW’s way for breathing life into what has been, to this point, a mostly two-dimensional cardboard cutout of a character. Add in the fact that he has managed to set this incarnation of the rich chaebol’s son apart from his last (awesomely fantastic!) role as Hong Tae-sung, and the man deserves some kudos. Plus, he’s just gorgeous. Mmmmmm. ^^

    I liked how Mae-ri and Mu-gyul got to this point. Their development, both as a couple and individually, over the last seven episodes makes me believe their confessions. I can see why they love each other, and why they need each other so much. But yet, at the same time, just knowing that they care for each other does not a smooth road to happily ever after make. (Hence the never-more-true statement by Shakespeare: “Ay me! for aught that I could ever read, / Could ever hear by tale or history, / The course of true love never did run smooth” from A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act 1 Scene 1.) Even if somehow Jung-in decides to throw in the towel (not likely, with devil/demon daddy prodding him with the emotional equivalent of a cattle prod), even if somehow the pathetic excuses for parental units that all three are forced to suffer don’t involve themselves (ha! not if I know anything about kdramas), Mu-gyul and Mae-ri have their own natures to figure out or overcome, as the case may be. To quote the All-Wise Koala, “Both are exceedingly young in age and immature in love for different reasons. As such, knowing that they may love each other doesn’t mean it’s smooth sailing for Mae Ri and Mu Gyul at all. I mean, my money is one Mu Gyul bailing at least once (maybe) when he can’t handle the pressure. Or devil daddy abducting him for his split-the-lovers-up scheme. Either way, this couple is in for a rough ride.”

    On a completely unrelated note, does anyone get a little shivery every time Mu-gyul and Jung-in have a stare-down? Holy cow. Sometimes it feels like a little more than jealousy is crackling in their stares. ^^

  20. Nice, nice, nice!!! Thank you so much for this wonderful recap, and for always giving recaps on the dot for that matter! I’m so very grateful Ockoala!

    Because of Mu Gyul’s awesome kiss, I’ve jumped ship back to Mu Gyul team. I was slowly moving towards Jung In team lately but because of the confession and, oh boy, wonderful, amazing kiss, I’m back to Mu Gyul’s side it’s crazy! Mu Gyul really scored huge this time!

  21. You never failed me !!!!, I cracked into laughter each time reading your recap.

    Well, we all know that as per the manga our MM will be together so no worry about it. Hope our Jung In can be the lead male in his next project.

  22. First of all, JI & SJ, you just get married and leave MG & MR alone!!! please!!!
    second: this dancing scene of maeri is just crazy, i love it 😀
    last: the kiss omg, i guess i would dream about it tonight, first time i saw jgs kissing for real, and i love it (i was really worried he was a bad kisser, i wonder why, not that i have the chance to get kissed by him, but a girl can dream 😉
    koala is wonderful how everything you said is just what i felt, seriously, you’re awesome
    this is the last: i found out why i don’t like ji spite his good looks, too robot like for my taste!!!!

  23. thank you so much for the wonderful recap..I love your screencaps by the way..
    I’m falling in love with this show more and more as the show continues to progress (and not stagnant). (also the reason why I love the show so much

    Now for the show:
    There is no doubt that MG and MR are made by heaven. Need I say more about how effortlessly they interact with one another. They came from similar background. They understood what each other went through. But as much as all the emotional roller coaster that their parents put them through, what I love about them was their perseverance. No matter what happened, both always stood up to the challenges and faced them with the brave face.

    MR was relentless in helping her Dad. I don’t know how a girl did it (probably only in K-drama but still the effort is noted). MG on the other hand grew up in an unstable environment. He didn’t let other dictate what they wanted from him. He lead his life with a purpose and continued to do so. ^_^

    For JI: I feel bad for the guy but…at the same time I think he might need a psychiatrist or psychologist to help ease his past. It is also about time for him to lead his own life. He’s an adult (probably well-educated as well). I wish he could venture out and start living his life as he wished instead of relying on his Dad for funding. (There are so many ways: if he’s capable, the drama could have shown him being more proactive about his passion, working to get funding from other companies?). His character has a lot of potential to be different from other rich dad’s son story.

    As for SJ: she is yet to leave an impression on me….

    Overall: the antagonist in this drama so far is JI’s Dad. I think MR’s Dad is harmless but he could have done better as a Daddy.

  24. WTF am I doing is what I keep asking myself because I have never blogged until you and Rebel Souls.
    Thank you for making me laugh every time I read your recaps.
    I hate the two dads and the two “friends” but rather than get sick, I walk away from my computer.
    Thanks for being.

  25. One thing I love about your writing is that you can use words like “schmoopy” and “ameliorating” in the same article. You’re goofy and smart and fun to read.

  26. Dear Ockoala,
    Firstly, thanks so much for your excellent recap for epi 8. As usual I love it so much.
    I am wondering for JI now how will he be handling for engagement party….
    I feel sorry for him but after I read your thoughts (solution) of JI&SJ to get alone at the end or up coming epis, that will be great.
    Because I don’t want him to see lonely and alos to SJ.

    Beautiful Day is one of my favourite Kdramas too. The story was quiet good. One of the reasons I like because that drama was happy ending although the story was a bit heavy emotion (I cried a lot when I was watching it). Zero was not lonely at least at the end, because someone who love him will be always by his side.

  27. Thanks for posting a very detailed recap. Been watching this episode and I’m dying to decipher the conversations. I’m soooo glad I found your site/blog. Now I know the gist of it. This filled my void today…..Can’t wait for the next one. Kudos!!!

  28. i soooo love your recaps especially this episode.
    i was smiling the whole time.
    i usually read your recaps then watch the episode in korean.
    thanks alot!
    you made my day especially today *crappy mood*

  29. I loved this episode !! so many great scenes….

    1. The kiss gave me goosebumps. To me, it conveyed a mixture of passion and tenderness.. JKS, you are fantastic !!! but anyone alse wishes that MGY would also kiss back? I guess that being MR’s ‘first proper kiss’, she would be less ‘passionate’

    2. The dance scene is bloody hilarious!! i have not laughed this hard in a long time… MGY is so absolutely adorable.. i’m beginning to love this actress.. she is really brilliant…

    3. I also love the MG confession scene; JKS really nailed the ‘awkward, shy, trying to keep his pride’ look and the bus scene.. these 2 are so natural and effortless… they ARE their characters MR and MG..

    I guess that is what I love abt Mary….even though the story so far, is not terribly exciting and interesting in terms of plot twists etc.. The more I watch this.. the more I’m drawn in…the little sweet scenes and the amazing acting and chemistry of the leads really makes me want to re-watch every episode at least twice.. I am sooo addicted, it’s crazy 😛 Hence, I am so grateful that you, koala are also equally addicted and keep coming up with all these wonderful frequent updates of Mary..

    thanks Koala again.. you’re Daebak 😀

  30. I think they use the same cameraman in PK for the kiss in M3.. but instead of a meaningless umbrella, they showed the handcuff.. what is it? Like an artsy fartsy excuse not to show the kiss to us for more than 5 seconds by giving it a deep meaning? …meh, I can’t believe JGS’s fans fell for it… *grumble grumble*

    My rant aside, this is my fave OTP after Seung Jo-Hani.. maybe because they exist completely in their carefree world where evil stepbrothers, siblings separated at birth or terminal diseases don’t exist. The moment any one of those make an appearance, I’ma throw my pillow at my TV monitor and leave the indie band scene..

    ..unless the OTP gets cuter and cuter though. I think out of all JGS’s incarnations, I love this one the best. Like Mae Ri said.. he’s so ‘gay’ LOL. Every time he leans on a table, crosses his legs and tosses that mane about, I have this urge to do …ermmm, unspeakable things to him.. *cough*

    Thanks so much for the recap!! I guess I’ll suffer along with you every week for this drama.. 😛

    • Oh, and despite liking the MR-MG couple.. I think in terms of intensity and suitability, JI and MG totally pwns it. When those two are in the same room esp with their hands at each other’s collars, even Mae Ri can’t break them apart. She tried and got bruised in the process, remember?

      I want JI and MG to end up together! *hyper* …Can’t the writers do a 180deg turn and change the story midway ala Beautiful Days for the JI-MG pairing?? Maybe they should have their own movie spin-off.. or at least a 30-minute fantasy sequence where they have a full blown courtship, get married in Vegas, adopt a baby girl and live happily ever after in Rome.. or sumthg. That’ll totally ensure my complete devotion and loyalty to M3.. *nod nod*

    • Hi Ami,

      In my opinion, I believe this kissing cut after only a few seconds are not exclusive only to M3. Not every drama has a kissing scene like “personal taste” – as I would say a real kissing scene. The great majority of Kdrama I saw has this type of thing, the characters give each other a rub lip, which make them look like pigeons kissing, and then the camara cut. I dont know if korean society is like India, that people should restrain kissing, or in this case kissing with passion. No ofense, I LOVE kdrama, kpop and k etc. : )

      • hi lucy~ ..I’m quite a novice to k-dramas and k-ent in general but I say anything with Gong Yoo in it will satisfy my ‘onscreen kiss’ craving. That guy never dissapoints.. even his chaste kiss in One Fine Day is hot enough to burn a hole in my monitor. And after watching quite a few dramas targeted at young viewers, I realized that Playful Kiss has a record number of kisses in it.. if we include the YouTube version. Usually there’re two chaste pecks tops in any drama.. and Beethoven Virus is certainly an exception, being a very popular drama with two hot actors in it (one being Jang Geun Suk himself) and absolutely no kissing scene at all.

        Re-reading what I wrote.. am thinking to myself now.. have I been categorizing drama kisses all along?? I’m not a perv.. swear I’m not! *cough*

  31. thank u soooo much!!! U have made my day with this recap!! Way to go Jang Geun Seok!! now that’s how you really kiss a girl! Can’t wait for episode 9 <3 !!

  32. =^.^= Koalaaaaa dearest,

    Can’t help saying it again, but I love your blog, the discussion over the drama and the comments, everything is as addicting as the drama itself. I noticed how thoughtful and kind you are in placing answers to some of our questions in your recap’s comments, I make a special mention to “MG’s hair” (one of my questions – I honestly believe he will cut his hair as a love token for Mary) and “JGS kissing skills” (one of my comments). Thank you for answering!!!! 🙂

    “A special shout-out to Jang Geun Seok for finally showing me that you can kiss your co-star on screen. I’m sure all your previous lip-presses were at the behest of the PDs who refused to let you do some steamy kissing, but I’ve sat though pretty much every one of your dramas waiting for the goods, and you finally delivered.”

    Totally agree!!!! For the first JGS isnt giving a “pigeon kiss” and I’m glad that he made that breakthrough in a lovely drama such as M3. Hope that he continuous that in future works, specially “kimi wa petto” since is not shoujo but josei, it should require mature kissing. Now, talking about the drama plot, I also agree with you that the screenwriter did not push it at that scene, it was something natural.

    Mary’s dancing with kale bouquet….LOL…loved that scene!!! I also liked JI gesture in giving Mary a bookshelf, he definetly got his name in my book now.

    Hope everything goes well at your conference and I’ll be waiting patiently for your recap number 9. Have a nice week!!!! : )

  33. i gotta admit, this is the first time i have read anything in your blog and i am VERY impressed!! I have never laughed so much at what you had to say but very appreciative by your writing!!! you tell things as they are and give your own thoughts without be too biased…….great blogging!!!

  34. i love your recaps!! and just for doing such an awesome job…i’ll make you the gif for MG’s dance just let me know where to send it!

  35. LUCKY GIRL!!! awwwww. I really want to kiss Jang Geun Suk. That was one real hot kiss that I’ve been dying to see from my Geun Suk. You’re really lucky Mary-ah hihi. I really love this drama. Hands down to my love. mwahh Thanks Koala! =)

  36. Moon geun and Jang <3
    but…. I really hope he will cut his long hair… I prefer his short hair better…
    this drama is ok I guess, but I love acting in "Cinderella sister" : D I her there better than her character here
    but I love watching those two together : Dlucky her : D

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