
A Picture Homage to Jang Geun Seok and Moon Geun Young in Summer’s Desire — 85 Comments

  1. Funny thing, I’ve seen all the episodes to Summer’s Desire. For sure, Lee Min Ho’s role definitely will be somewhat similar to his role in Boys Before Flowers as Gun Jun Pyo.

    • For sure, Ou Chen is a mentally f-ed up version of Gu Jun Pyo. Does the drama get less dramatically over-indulgent and maybe settles into a more mellow vibe? I’m curious. 🙂

      And I just want you to know that your superb photoshopping skillz are on par with lei’s, IMHO.

      • Haha, thanks!

        Anyhow, imo the drama kinda of remind me of Mars just a bit. Well some parts. I think overall the drama is crazy. Revenge and obsession is clearly portray throughout the drama. With that, I would say that it continues to be more dramatic throughout until the end from what I’ve watched.

  2. skdfhjslkfadlasa fdjhgkajdhfjkasd

    The Geun2 love hotel/happy loony bin? Friend, I’ll be there with you.

    I SO love the pic with LMH! Why do you guys keep having these awesome ideas?

    • I want to replace MGY as the center of that hot boy sandwich. It would be wrong though to cast Minho and JKS in one series. My heart couldn’t take it…who would I root for?!

  3. Oh my definately will be in geun2 love hotel.
    summer desire is sure a strange drama,I don’t understand their character.psycho..if geun2 play it with the add of lee min ho,I bet it would be juicy,adorable,sweet with great chemistry.Ah thanx so much for sharing this love.this is why my love for them never die.

  4. What?! First there’s a Holy Geun-ness Church, now there’s a Geun x Geun Hotel too?? This is bad, very bad. How will I ever get my life back??

    • LizzyD, sorry to tell you if you would never get it back.
      Actually i also losing my soul at the time i look at them.

      Even people around me start avoiding me since whenever i open my mouth ..the words i said would be .

      1. Geun Couple
      2. MR & KMG
      3. M3
      4. Back to no 1-3

      • SAME SAME here. people i live with think I am crazy. It’s always JGS or MGY or JGS&MGY. they think I am a broken recorder… ha ha ha..

      • Violette dear
        You’ve just got me in stitches yet again!!! gomawoo… me grinning from ear to ear… my day has been good so far… Thanks to all of you blogging wacky stuff..

        Well, only birds of a feather flock together, they say. SO TRUE , SO TRUE..
        Have good day…

  5. Wow, wouldn’t be great if they all can do a drama together. Having Moon & Jang Geun Suk is already a dream plus Lee Min Ho, I think the universe is going to explode. But hey you never know, we can always wish and hope.

    • you know what im always think of this drama where MGY&JGS and also LMH in it. You know what it just come true when someone photoshop them together!!! And it will definitely come true if is the REAL DRAMA of three of them 🙂

  6. oh my God, Ockoala!!! MORE to-die-for pictures of the Geun-Geun couple???!!
    PLUS LEE MIN HO????!!!!

    oh, my poor heart!!! it can’t take it anymore….I. AM. DYING. GASSSPP!!!

    and i think i did DIE laughing with what you said below, Ockoala :

    “to help recovering Geun-Geun addicts kick their habit. Yeah, good luck with your twelve-step program. Someone let me know when you check out of the Geun2 love hotel/happy loony bin. I’ll probably still be in there.”

    ROFLaughing my head off!!! LOL!!! you are NOT ALONE, Ockoala…
    as you can see, LizzyD, Sere, Erika, Twinklefan, wiggles and yours truly are in the same loony bin with you…so never fear…you never walk alone…in this blissful walk…in the loony bin-world-for-Geun2-lovers…

    LizzyD : you need not have to root for either JGS or LMH – just GRAB them both!!! LOL!!! as for getting your life back – well, good luck with that…maybe in the next millenium?? LOL!!

    Twinklefan : I died laughing with your words : ”
    “Having Moon & Jang Geun Suk is already a dream plus Lee Min Ho, I think the universe is going to explode.” ROFL!!! LOL!!!

    thanks gals, for making my day always when i come here and died laughing at all your precious morsels of mooning and looning over the Geun-Geun couple… (”,)

    • Dearest KDL
      thanks gals, for making my day always when i come here and died laughing at all your precious morsels of mooning and looning over the Geun-Geun couple… (”,)

      I am totally in sync with you on that!!! LOL….

  7. Love! And i was *rofl** with this –>” Someone let me know when you check out of the Geun2 love hotel/happy loony bin. I’ll probably still be in there.”

    I’m still there and I don’t think I’ll ever get out.

    • It is totally OK not to ever get out. As for me, I intend to do just that!!!…
      Welcome to the GEUN2 WITHDRAWAL CLUB ….

      • My dear
        We already have a doctor here, why of course, it is non other than our Captain Koala who feeds us consistently with spoonfuls of Geun2…
        Got a feeling she luv us heaps!!!… ha ha ha…

      • i do think so chingu… our captain luv to see us heaps here ha ha ha
        we must thank to our dearest ockoala.

        geungeun news is rare nowdays since they’ll attend to school this year. it’s such a short time but they had made us so so so in love. I wonder if MMM succesful , they’ll have more job together for promotion, talkshow, Fm, CF maybe.Unfortunately, it’s not.

        Just leave us behind here >,< , i really appreciate ur love put in MV, blogging n keeping them alive.really.. really.. appreciate
        i want more BTS please KBS!!!

  8. Yeepee! Another goodies about Geun2 couple! Thanks much ockoala!
    Gosh, with this constant dose of goodies, I don’t think I’ll ever get rid of MSOAN withdrawal symptoms. Which is fine by meeh! 🙂

    But I wish our fav Geun2 couple would team up again soon –like next month if possible! 😉 They can add anyone in this new project: Lee Min Ho (as zitalei’s fine pictures hinted above), or Won Bin (since MGY is already teaming up with him on Basic House), or even Lee Songki (since he appears to be already friendly with MGY as per @deyaa’s and @Violette’s analyses of JGS’s and MGY’s body languages during the KBS Drama Awards Ending.) Still, I don’t care who the additional casts are, just as long JGS and MGY are in it. I waant mooorre of Geun-Geun couple! Please…

    Thanks again ockoala! 🙂

    • Aw with sungki?that would be heaven.Imagine go young ha fighting with JGS to get MGY as both have that free soul but when they aim their affection to one person their heart will forever with MGY

      • Hi Erika,

        I agree, it will be so awesome to have LSK, MGY and JGS in a drama. What type of drama would suit them best? A saeguk or modern drama?
        I love all the saeguk dramas that these 3 kids had worked on so I would not mind them doing another saeguk.
        If it is modern, what will be the main plot? Oh, oh, oh (waving my hand like a student in a class…) I know, I know, can they do a remake of “Hoshi no Kinka” (or Heaven’s coins)? It is a 1990s Japanese drama that starred Noriko Sakai, Takenouchi Yutaka and Takao Osawa. Noriko played as a mute girl who is a nurse while the 2 guys played doctors. One of them suffered amnesia the love triangle story begins…

        Oh, this void left by MSOAN is just making me think these crazy drama ideas! 🙂

    • I love Min Ho an awful lot, but honestly, do we even need 2nd leads in our fantasy Geun-Geun series? I don’t think so. It’s not like we’re going to pay attention to the others anyway! Why waste their time (filming) and ours (fastforwarding)? 123 eps of straight Geun2 time, please!!!

      • Dear LizzyD…

        you’re awesome, i like ur post that’s make laugh alot.
        i totally agree with u, count me in kekeke…
        we only need geungeun, no the other please…
        actually, i had watched summer desire.Not so good…
        do u mean LMH replace Peter Ho role? no no no……
        i want happy ending drama for geungeun.please…

      • I would be happy if they did a full year of geun geun…off course with different drama plot..hehehe never get bored with them

    • it was song jong ki basful, not lee seung ki. they’re two different person..
      but i do like lee seung ki too..he’s very hillarious in 2 days and 1 night, and not bad at my gf is gumiho…not as cute as JKS..but very humourous as well

      • Deyaa.. i’m sleeping while watching My gf is Gumiho n not only once but always ha ha.. it’s good drama? i’ll continue if it’s good drama.thank u before he he he

      • “””not as cute as JKS”””
        JGS is way above some of 20+ guys in terms of acting chops and fashion sense too and above all, 200% charisma!!!… He’s also constantly into self improvement. It would be tough act to follow.
        OMG!! There I go again, am I being bias?? The cutie boy has successfully embedded his charm deeply in my heart, what can I say?? luv ya heaps and tonnes, JGS!!

      • Thanks deyaa for clarifying! Yes indeed I was referring to Song Jong Ki. Sorry I got those 2 confused. And yes of course, JGS is way more cuter than LSK. 😉

        I agree with you all that we really just need our fav Geun-Geun couple in a drama…Additional cast members just take away precious squeee, I mean, screen time from JGS and MGY.
        Have a good day everyone! 🙂

      • ahahah yeah nothing can compare JKS but idk if it will be compare with Won oppa really have great charm..hehehehe (excuse me for having weak heart at WB)

  9. I really don’t know what i enjoy more: reading the news and watching the goodies our captain koala always give us (Thanks a lot koala!!! :)) or reading all your funny comments and agreeing with them. i’m so thankful for them all!!!! I’m laughing till it hurt… 😀 and my eyes are just having a feast (love the lee min hoo’s plus), what more can I wish??? I know: another geun-geun drama!!!!! And seriously I don’t need anyone more, just give me geun-geun and I can see them for hours….

    • “””seriously I don’t need anyone more, just give me geun-geun and I can see them for hours….”””
      Wow, dear antonia
      You’re a mind reader! You do too know what we all want!!! BINGO…

  10. I actually watched the drama Summer’s Desire recently (because it is a Taiwan/China production and not Kdrama. Kdrama is now reserved only for the GeunGeuns).

    While watching Summer’s Desire, I was thinking what would it be like if MGY and JGS were to act in it? (I do that to almost every drama that I happen to be watching now. Why can’t our GeunGeuns get a great script like that?!!) In this show, I would DEFINITELY cast JGS as the RICH guy – ie Ow Cheng (Peter Ho’s role switch to JGS) because that guy really, really, really LOVE the lead actress Xia Mo (Barbie Hsu’s role switch to MGY) very much. He loved her since he first met her at 13 years old and have been taking care of her and her family eversince. Even after suffering from amnesia for 5 years, his heart still beat for her the instant he saw her albeit having no recollection of the past and whilst maintaining a uber cool, distant exterior all the time ( he just couldn’t stop himself from loving her despite all her efforts in pushing him away.). JGS would have been a heart stealer in such a devoted role. Plus we will get to see him in exquisite suits and elegant designer wear because the character is wealthy. The best part is, Ow Cheng CARRIED Xia Mo a lot (he scoops her up in his arms everytime when she was about to fall. Its like he would never allow his princess’s head or feet to touch the floor), there is a WEDDING and there is a BED SCENE! Just imagine MGY and JGS in those roles!!! Wouldn’t we be DELIRIOUS with happiness??!!!!! In the end, Xia Mo found that she was really in love with Ow Cheng and they lived happily ever after. Therefore JGS would still end up with MGY.

    BTW, Huang Xiaoming as Luo Xi came across to me as a self absorbed, self centred and cunning man who would not hesitate to exploit his own good looks to achieve his aims. His character was nothing like MG in M3. It was not a warm, free spirited, loving and loyal character who viewed financial gains lightly. So putting MG/JGS in the persona of Luo Xi is inappropriate… I disapprove. JGS in this case most definitely must be Ow Cheng!

    • Dear Staying Up Late,

      OMG… how wonderful u figure it out. I love it ya ha ha ha…
      may i suggest the second lead role to be rewrite or review.
      second lead role look weird , n i still can’t see MGY have that much kiss scene with second lead role.

  11. Thanks koala for constantly spoiling us ^^

    Oh my, JGS looks delicious in that second black & white picture…does anybody have the original picture? My Mugyul love is making me crush on JGS amid my severe MSOAN withdrawal. I can’t imagine how JGS and MGY can go on with their normal lives considering they WERE Mary and Mugyul for 2+ months…

  12. Basful dear.. yeah with joong ki,the one in SKKS.another saeguk would be good since they good at it…for the modern type…MGY as mute girl,thats new and she will show more expression.
    for LizzyD dear,we next 2nd male no 2nd female,why?we need JGS to be jealous over and over and fight for MGY because face it,jealouse JGS is hot..they would go to their love bickering and end with make up kiss or make up … you know what I mean.we all seen that usually 2nd male always the better part,wearing suit,rich etc but what if 2nd lead had character GYH in SKKS?wont that be awesome?how do you think chingus?

    • Thanks Erika for clarifying. Yes, he is the one in SKKS. He was also one of the hosts in the KBS Drama awards. Do you remember he said “Wow!” after MGY and JGS were announced as one of the Best Couples? I wondered then why he said that when he did not for the other Best Couple winners. He must know something… 😉

      • Huh?when did he said that!beside at the end of award.he talks to MGY and seems don’t want to end it no matter JGS walking pass them..being polite and in public our dear sleeping can hold his urge to snatch MGY away and drag her to somewhere that reminds me of ep in MSOAN.hehe

      • Hi Erika,

        Sorry for the late reply…It was during the presentation of the Best Couple winners. The hosts which included SJK were on stage to present the flowers to the winners. The first winners announced were from Chuno. Then the next winners were JGS and MGY. When their names were read, SJK said on the microphone “Wow!”. Then when then next winners were named from Kim Tagku followed by the winners from SKKS, he did not say anything like “Wow!”, although I think he said something when he and Yoo Ah In were called. 😉 Didn’t understand though what he said…Maybe he said “Wow!” when JGS and MGY were announced to encourage the fans to applaud JGS and MGY…I just find it cute he said “Wow!” as if he could not believe JGS and MGY won as Best Couple.

        LOL on your description of JGS “hold his urge to snatch MGY away…” For me though, what I saw there was JGS trying hard not to show his jealousy over MGY talking to SJK. 🙂

      • ahaha…the greatness of imagination is all…

        aww if she ever had that, i would say it will be a hard choice because those were hot guys…I would say she will be having hard time choosing between WB and JKS, WB is her charming oppa, JKS is her charming darling..hehehe

      • ahh damn net again…I put wrong replay..

        ah that time??hmmm probably because he know how bad the rating for MSOAN so he didn’t expect them to win anything or perhaps that SJK is rooting of fanboying over MGY and JKS so that he express is out loud how proud he is, but it’s probably over MGY since he took the liberty to have a chit chat with her…
        yeah JKS trying to well behave I guess, he wants to keep it secret for now..hhehe

  13. Dear all.we need 2nd role to fire up JGS to hot its LSK,SJK,LMH they all hot.I would be having hard time if its WB.Dun want my oppa again don’t get the girl but JGS only for MGY.ah I think having twin MGY would solved it.

      • Yep,didn’t they put 2nd lead for that?I hate 2nd female so lets erase that one.yep main duty is to spark jealousy,afraid to loose&fall deep with the girl.
        btw I got my suspicion.when MGY said she wants to hiatus to study and then not long after that JGS said that too?are they plan it out so that media wont nagging at them 24/7 and they can have more privacy to blossom their love?
        haha now thats what I call crazy mind of mine to love geun2 so much

  14. Dear Erika,

    I would like to respectfully veto your request for a 2nd lead MALE. If jealous moments are required (and I do love me some make-up…erm… “business”), then we’ll buy them a dog. Yes, that way, JKS can be jealous that Mary spends too much time with their new puppy. The beauty of this arrangement is that we can shut the puppy in a yard or another room when the makeup “business” is going on. We can’t exactly lock Min Ho up in a closet, now can we? (No, Ladies, you can’t volunteer your closets for that purpose. The man is too gorgeous to be contained.)

    Yours truly,


    • Dear LizzyD

      a puppy??that would be LMAO if JKS gets really Jealouse over a puppy but that so can be happening since MGY will treat it like their baby..I can so Imagine when JKS demand a hug session with her, she runs to her baby that is barking asking for attention then he goes sulking and pout and pout..but wont be more fun if we had our 2nd male that want to win MGY too..oh JKS would be boiling and fuming whenever he spot MGY talking with lets say LMH or SJK aw…that would make them lots arguing mainly because JKS jealousy…aww it will full of crack..
      I want they do more of cheezy thing that couple do like MR mention in one of ep, I believe it’s in ep 10?? I want them to go to amusement park…wonder who will be clingging to who when they ride those scary roller coster..hehehe….

      • Lol…. this’ crazy… i second lizzyd, as much as i like a jealous jgs (super extra hot) i dont want a second lead (always hate them: except yoo ah in in skks). of course if there’s a puppy there will be jealousy and some fights… cause you know jgs is a Cat!!!!

    • LizzyD Dear, Erika Dear… you’re rock. lol ha…ha…ha…

      Min Ho is too good to be that puppy, better find the other one.
      aw…aw… JKS jealousy, he’ll become hot .
      yeah.. i want to see him become hot. water please…. wkkkk

      I wanna say something is out from the topic
      I wonder if MGY attend to Ideal type world cup, n i want JGS,Yesung,CJM,KJW n Won bin as the selection. who’ll be she choice?
      n what’s her comment for the ideal type ?

      i wanna know her comment about JGS as her ideal type not as friend.

      • ahhaha it’s all the power of imagination.. will be hot seeing JKS rage with jealousie..

        aw..if she ever attented it, probably going to choose JKS because he’s her mung mung..but it will be having a hard time to make a choice because WB definatelly a hot babe….have those Oppa charming.

      • I remember reading an article where MGY said that dating-wise, she likes the “bad boy” type. I guess she likes taming wild boys *cough*JGS*cough* down.

      • Aw hachimitsu now thats what I call good info.our dear MGY finally find one *laugh*JKS*caugh*she must work had because JKS is one wild cat!

      • ooo…. really??? it’s good news . Hachimitsu Dear, u’re my best
        so, what our dear MGY is waiting for??? could grab n tame him to be good cat mung mung e o…

      • Violette dear,I’m sure MGY have something under her sleeve,secret way to tame wild cat like JKS.look how MR can tame MG and make him head over heels for her.

      • is Park Myung So bad guy? i remember that she said Park Myung So is caring n funny so she like.
        Her Ideal type this year will be JGS ( funny n caring right??) ha ha..ha..
        what a coincidence ? Our JGS love noona n Our MGY love to be leader…

      • I think she chose Park Myung Soo to avoid scandals, but I’m sure she admires him as a fan ^^

        But yeah, she did say (at the M3 PressCon I think) that JGS is caring and fun/funny and *insert every other adjective there is to describe how perfect JGS is for her*. So JGS is a wild boy who is sweet to her and someone who she is comfortable with – if she is not digging him at all, then the Apocalypse is very much imminent.

  15. oh girls you must be right!!!!! i’m sure you are!!! why don’t they just shout it to the world and make all of us happy???? they like each other and want to mung mung to each other forever and ever 😀

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